What kind of box is on the Lada Vesta St. Gearbox for Lada Vesta: structural features and repairs. Which gearbox is better

Not long ago the world saw new car from the domestic brand AvtoVAZ. The Lada Vesta SV Cross station wagon turned out to be very interesting, at the same time causing a lot of controversy and discussion about itself. In principle, vehicle It has good technical parameters, stylish design and a very affordable price.

This is why they love the car. At the same time, reviews about the operation of the automatic transmission on the LADA Vesta SW Cross are very mixed. About what it is automatic transmission on this car, we'll talk now.

It is worth noting that on the new domestic car not worth the classic automatic transmission transmission To reduce the cost of the design, the manufacturers decided to use an AMT (or, as it is also called, a robotic transmission). It is worth noting that the automatic comes exclusively with, 1.6-liter engines are currently only equipped with manual transmission.

AMT on the Lada Vesta SV Cross is not something innovative; a similar transmission has already been installed on a number of domestic cars, such as Priora, Kalina, and others. Before the release of the car, many believed that the development of the unit would be entrusted to partners from Nissan, but in this vehicle we will see the original VAZ box.

The robot is made on the basis of the standard AvtoVAZ manual transmission 2180, as well as German ZF electronic actuators, which are designed for clutch operation and gearbox mode selection. In addition, a shaft speed sensor can also be seen in the unit. As a result, we got our AMT, which was assigned the VAZ-2182 index.

Main advantages of robotic transmission

First of all, it is worth noting that such a box has many advantages. According to owner reviews, the main advantages include:

  • low fuel consumption (mechanics require slightly more gasoline);
  • ease of maintenance (the oil does not need to be changed, the clutch disc has a service life corresponding to the total service life of the gearbox);
  • the presence of protection against chaotic gear shifting, which prevents premature wear of the unit;
  • possibility of switching to manual mode;
  • efficient operation of the node (latencies do not exceed 120 ms);
  • the presence of a hard start algorithm and a slope start assistant.

A few words about the shortcomings

But there are also disadvantages:

  • slight loss of traction torque when switching modes;
  • slightly reduced response during aggressive driving (when the accelerator is pressed all the way), which leads to jerking when changing gears;
  • shortened first and too long second gear. As a result, it is impossible to avoid howls and drops in acceleration.

Reviews about the work of AMT Lada Vesta SV Cross

It is worth noting that car owners have mixed opinions about the performance of the robotic transmission on the new domestic station wagon. On the one hand, AMT has quite a lot of advantages, so they outweigh the disadvantages. At the same time, many are prejudiced against Russian assault rifles, so negativity also happens. In general, the choice is up to you.

On the other hand, it is too early to talk about various unit failures. After all, the car went on sale not so long ago. The main problems that car owners complain about are actually the same as in the case of mechanics - not very smooth switching, somewhat harsh and inconvenient operation of the unit. True, this can be forgiven, because even robots on cool foreign cars do not work as efficiently as we would like.

Gear ratio indicators

Although the AMT of the Lada Vesta SV Cross is similar to its counterparts previous cars AvtoVAZ, the manufacturers paid a little more attention to the unit settings. Thus, the gear ratio increased from 3.7 to 3.9. As a result, having reached a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, the tachometer will show 3200 revolutions per minute, whereas on Kalina, Priora and other cars the figure reached 3 thousand revolutions.

Cost of a car with AMT

As already mentioned, only cars with an engine capacity of 1.8 liters and a power of 122 are equipped with such a gearbox. horsepower. The cost of the robot is 25 thousand rubles. In principle, in our time this is not such a large amount. Moreover, you will save on gasoline, oil and maintenance. Thus, this option is very profitable in terms of finances.

Available configurations

You can buy a car with an automatic transmission if you select the following assemblies:

  • LUXE. The cost is just over 820 thousand. The car will turn out to be quite good; we are pleased with its high safety indicators and increased comfort for the driver and passengers;
  • Luxe Multimedia. The price rose to almost 850 thousand. The main difference with the previous version is the improved multimedia system. In a regular suite there is only audio and 4 speakers; 6 speakers are installed here, as well as multimedia;
  • Luxe Prestige. The key difference is enhanced window tinting, rear armrest, heating rear seats, as well as the presence of a built-in power outlet. Multimedia as in the previous version. The issue price is 867 thousand rubles.

Features of acceleration of Lada Vesta SV Cross with AMT

This information will be especially useful for those who like to push the gas pedal to the maximum. According to the manufacturer, the first hundred on such a car is taken in 13.3 seconds. As you can see, the car is far from sports cars and roadsters, but as a station wagon, especially a very budget one, the indicator is not so bad.

Let's sum it up

Thus, on new Lada Vesta SV Cross is installed not with a classic automatic transmission, but with a robotic transmission. However, such a box is available exclusively on models with a 1.8-liter power unit. On at the moment The vast majority of reviews about the work of AMT are positive.

On the other hand, not much time has passed for the main problems with the node to appear. The advantages include the cost-effectiveness and good efficiency of the device. The key drawback is the very abrupt transition between gears. In principle, for now the AMT Lada Vesta SV Cross looks like a pretty good option, but before making a decision, be sure to drive both a car with a manual and a car with an automatic.

To many product lovers domestic auto industry You will probably be curious: what gearbox is on the popular and promising Lada Vesta model? The answer will not be long in coming, because only two boxes are available for the new AvtoVAZ product: a classic “mechanics” and a progressive “robot”. What kind of gearbox a particular car has, its equipment will tell you.

Modifications of the Lada Vesta have been studied in sufficient detail not only by specialists, but also by fans of the Russian model. This allows us to judge with a greater degree of objectivity the merits and negative aspects each of the designated transmissions. Opinions, as always, are divided, so it is quite difficult to determine the “leader” in the transmission race.

Any modern car Lada Vesta has a gearbox, but let’s try to figure out what kind of gearbox it is. If a mechanical unit is installed, then the driver independently decides at what moment and which gear should be engaged. As you know, switching is carried out when the clutch of the flywheel with the input shaft of the box is disengaged. A special unit called the clutch is responsible for this.

Important! The domestic manufacturer sought to equip the Lada Vesta with a mechanical unit of its own production, but did not have time to prepare a worthy option. I had to turn to our partners from Renault-Nissan and borrow a French manual transmission.

With the “robot” it’s a little different - here the design is domestic. Time will tell how she will prove herself.

Features of the Vesta manual transmission

Once we have figured out which gearbox is on this model, we can study the features of the transmission. What beneficial preferences does the “mechanics” have, which was kindly provided by the French-Japanese auto giant?

  • there are no unpleasant noises at the moment when the stages are switched;
  • smoothness in all operating modes of the unit (no jerking);
  • the design is optimized to obtain compact dimensions, reduce weight and reduce the oil filling volume;
  • high reliability, which is confirmed by the small number of owners calling for service.

All of these qualities indicate that the French managed to build an outstanding unit. The box is installed on many models produced by both the alliance itself and its partners. The transmission is commonly known by its acronym "JH".

The use of foreign components in a Russian small car has led to an increase in the cost of the car as a whole, regardless of what gearbox is installed. Note that all Lada Vesta configurations are equipped with “mechanics”.

It is gratifying that AvtoVAZ developers do not sit still, but are constantly improving their version of the box, which is well known from the “2180” modification. This unit was equipped with no less popular models Grant, Kalina and their generations. The designers managed to redesign the second and main gears of the unit, which had a positive effect on reducing noise levels. The cost of a car with a domestic version will not differ significantly from the version with a French gearbox. However, many people are concerned about how to find out what gearbox is worth?

"Robot" (AMT) on Lada Vesta

Although the design of the Lada Vesta robotic unit is the Tolyatti team’s own development, the overall unit is built on advanced technologies and components from French partners and Japanese colleagues. This transmission option has its own advantages, which we will discuss immediately.

So this is:

  • Inside the unit there are German actuators and a French clutch from the Valeo brand;
  • the box is equipped with a system that allows you to partially compensate for the wear of parts and prevent premature failure of the clutch;
  • fuel consumption and oil filling volume are reduced, since the robotic transmission is more compact and weighs less;
  • presence of blocking against unauthorized switching of stages;
  • the presence of a gear selection lever;
  • an option that allows you to “reset” stages;
  • you can start from a standstill without the need to warm up the unit;
  • no risk of damaging the box during slipping in snowy and icy areas;
  • reducing the cost of repairs and maintenance;
  • availability of towing other vehicles without presence negative impact to the “robot” state.

Thanks to its smoothness and low noise operation, AMT was able to displace model range LADA Vesta is a classic automatic car. The developers claim that the robotic unit can last about 10 years if the operating rules are followed. “Mechanics” is not able to boast of such a significant resource, since the design is more complex.

When the “robot” first became widely available, rumors immediately spread among its owners about its unreliability. Some stated that after braking it is necessary to move the lever to the “neutral” position, others complained about the confusion of the electronic unit with gear selection, etc. The manufacturer listened to popular opinion, but rejected all complaints, since they could not develop into a widespread nature.

Which box is better?

For some reason, most drivers were unable to come to terms with the algorithm and specifics of the robotic unit’s operation. Analysts caught this moment and put forward the hypothesis that if LADA Vesta wants to equal Solaris or Rio in terms of sales volumes, it urgently needs a classic “automatic”. An important factor is the consumer’s massive distrust of domestic robotic products.

The president of the Russian concern made statements that an automatic transmission will certainly appear in the LADA Vesta model range, and this will happen no earlier than in 4 years. This is due to the fact that the developers do not want to equip the popular small car with an obsolete 4-stage unit, but expect to design a progressive 6-speed automatic transmission. Who will be entrusted with the development and what gearbox is installed on the new models is still unknown!

Let's sum it up

Which gearbox costs depends on what modification of the car. As we see, each of LADA boxes Vesta has its own characteristics, which include both positive aspects and disadvantages. Making a choice is not easy, because it is important not only to study a lot of reviews, but also to take into account your own preferences and future operating conditions of the car. If the owner is experienced enough in driving, then you can choose a Vesta with a manual transmission; if not, then a robotic version would probably be preferable. As always, it is up to the buyer to choose!

Since the end of 2016, AvtoVAZ has abandoned the use of a French manual transmission in Vesta and Xray cars in favor of a domestic, modernized gearbox with the VAZ 21807 index. Now the domestic unit is installed on the entire model.

Technical parameters of the VAZ 21807 gearbox

Drive type - cable

Number of gears - 5

Main pair - 3.9

Comparison of basic parameters with French mechanics

From the indicators it is clear that installing a shorter main pair than on the Renault gave noticeable dynamics during acceleration, gaining 1 second “to one hundred”. The gear ratios were also adjusted, now the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears are longer.

Box JH3 510 (gear ratios): 3.727; 2.048; 1.393; 1.029; 0.795; main pair - 3.867.
2. Gearbox 21807, respectively: 3.636; 1.950; 1.357; 0.941; 0.784; main pair - 3.938.

What has changed?

The logical question would be, what has changed in contrast to the old 2180 box? Has it become quieter? Has the howling gone?

AvtoVAZ, with the help of foreign partners, did a great job in refining the box. What was done: The production complex was equipped with other equipment in order to create a main pair and a second gear with a different gear tooth structure. The work was carried out in such a way that when braking the engine, when shifting gears down, the hum of the box was not so pronounced and coincided with the hum of the engine. In addition, the gear selection mechanism has also undergone minor modifications: now the gearbox shifts have become much clearer.

Is the new manual transmission of the VAZ 21807 quieter than the previous one?

The answer is YES! Quieter, no hum. Consumers are happy. But it should be noted that whoever is specifically looking for various jambs will find them anywhere

Why did you abandon the French box?

Previously installed on Vesta manual transmission with index jh3 and jr5. Undoubtedly, they were better than the VAZ mechanics of that time, but they still had jambs with hum and gear shifts. But the most important factor in refusing French units was the cost: French mechanics are almost 2 times more expensive than domestic ones. The situation is the same with the Nissan engine; they will not install it on Vesta; they will leave the 179 engines. In addition, box 21807 is capable of withstanding the torque of a 1.8 motor. (In general, the VAZ gearbox holds torque well; as an example, you can use motorsports athletes who install a standard gearbox on turbo VAZs).

Manual transmission service

  • Changing the gearbox oil

Video of manual transmission 21807

Below is a video of the work new box. You can make sure that extraneous noise except for the usual transmission and engine noise.

(The robot clicks the wipers and stabilizer bushings)

It’s not hard to guess that similar changes to the teeth will affect the VAZ 2180 gearbox.

Application of box 21807

This box is installed on Vesta and Xray cars paired with 1.6 106 hp engines. and 122hp

What kind of box do you have?

To determine which box you have, domestic or new, you need to look at vin number of the current car () everything is simple: The values ​​​​from the fourth digit determine the gearbox model (GFL11 - manual transmission VAZ; GFL12 - AMT VAZ; GFL13 ─ manual transmission Renault).

The gearbox is one of the essential elements car devices. The quality and reliability of the transmission determine dynamic characteristics car. The gearbox affects how fast the acceleration will be and what speed the car can accelerate to. The gearbox partially affects fuel consumption at a given speed. Last but not least is the noise level - the less noise the transmission makes, the more comfortable it is for the driver and his passengers.

Main characteristics of standard boxes

Two types of gearboxes are installed on the Lada Vesta: a mechanical one, borrowed from Renault, and a robotic one - a deep modernization of VAZ mechanics. The reason for choosing the first foreign-made option was the increased noise of the VAZ 2180 manual transmission, which was installed on the pilot Vesta models. This was unacceptable for the new flagship of the concern. Then the developers decided to equip the manual transmission with an electronic control unit, the task of which is to turn on the speed and depress the clutch. This is how the robotic box appeared.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanics

As stated by the former general manager AvtoVAZ concern Bo Andersson, the manual transmission from the Lada Grant and Priora - the predecessors of the Vesta - can no longer meet the needs of the fundamentally new VAZ model. As a result, it was decided not to use the standard 5-speed gearbox on the Lada Vesta, but to replace it with a more modern foreign analogue. So Vesta acquired a five-speed manual transmission from the second generation Renault Logan. It is impossible to compare the domestic five-speed manual with the French gearbox of the European standard. The characteristics of the foreign analogue are an order of magnitude superior to the domestic box.

One of the most important advantages considered to be a significant reduction in noise. Owners of Lada Grants and Prioras noted a strong hum from the operating gearbox, which could be heard even if music was playing in the car. The Logan gearbox is quieter, the ride becomes more comfortable, which means the level of so-called “road stress” is reduced.

Important advantages of the Lada Vesta transmission are high quality assembly and reliability. Oil consumption is less and it does not need to be changed as often. With the same mileage, the domestic gearbox is characterized increased consumption oil, the need to replace the oil seal, but such problems are not observed at the Logan gearbox.

The new box also has more precise settings. This means that fuel consumption is lower than Russian analogue– on a car of approximately the same weight and with the same engine characteristics, the transmission shows higher efficiency. Gear shifting is smooth - no jerking. Smooth running, coupled with reliability, quality, and high efficiency became the fundamental reasons for choosing a gearbox from Renault. Despite all the advantages, the mechanics also have disadvantages, the main one being inconvenience in dense city traffic. The Logan checkpoint is an old design and is no longer being modernized.

Advantages and disadvantages of AMT

Bo Andersson initially stated that Lada Vesta will be equipped exclusively with automatic transmission manufactured at the Izhevsk Automobile Plant. This statement was far from the truth. As an alternative to mechanics, an automatic transmission from the same Renault Logan was chosen. To reduce the cost of the machine, it was decided to use a French robot-variator - his technical specifications impressed.

The robot has five speeds, smooth operation, and is convenient, since the driver has the ability to switch speeds independently in manual mode. AMT can also upshift or downshift automatically after reaching a certain number of revolutions - the variator switches to new speed after reaching the specified gear ratio. Box combines best qualities mechanics and convenience of the machine. The robot allows you to reduce fuel consumption when driving on the highway, accelerate faster, and feel more comfortable in city mode.

Gearboxes of this type are not new in the automotive industry; they were installed more than 10 years ago. The advantages are obvious, but there were no less disadvantages, so cars with a robotic variator were not in demand. Domestic designers decided not to take into account the negative experience foreign colleagues, considering robots a promising direction.

They abandoned the Renault AMT and modernized the manual transmission of the VAZ 2180. Equipping it with additional structural elements from the German company ZF, they received their own version of the Lada Vesta robotic gearbox. Owners of this car and some other VAZ models received a computer that independently depresses the clutch and upshifts or downshifts. This turned out to be a good decision - the AMT remained structurally uncomplicated, and the weight increased by only 5 kg. The features of the new robotic box include the following:

  • if you need to accelerate sharply, the robot can switch two gears at once;
  • smooth shifting in city traffic jams;
  • if you press the gas to the floor, the robot will still engage the clutch smoothly;
  • while driving it is impossible to engage reverse gear;
  • service life without repair – up to 10 years;
  • does not make noise unlike mechanics.

The AMT box has advantages that distinguish it from mechanics:

  • combines the capabilities of manual and automated control gearbox;
  • you can start driving immediately after starting (even in severe frost down to -55°C);
  • automatic adjustment to the driving style of the car owner;
  • there is no direct connection between the lever and the gearbox, which means there is no vibration and noise;
  • cheaper to maintain and manufacture, simple and reliable compared to a full-fledged automatic machine;
  • reduced fuel consumption;
  • fast and smooth gear shifting.

One of the shortcomings is the outdated technology, because the basis was taken on a manual transmission created back in the days of the USSR. Of the little things - rolling back when parking on an uphill slope and the fact that without hand brake there's no way around it.

Vesta gearbox malfunctions and methods for eliminating them

Each gearbox installed on the Lada Vesta has a number of typical malfunctions, occurring most often.

Robotic box problems

The weakest link in the robot's design turned out to be the clutch. Most frequent malfunctions– excessively rapid wear of the driven disc, clutch basket, failure release bearing and guides. You can guess about problems with the transmission by slipping of the clutch, sudden jerks or lack of torque while driving. If the wear of the gearbox design parts reaches a critical state, electronic unit control will give beep. A warning light will light up on the instrument panel, indicating that the gearbox is operating in emergency mode.

The second place in the frequency of breakdowns is firmly occupied by the so-called actuator. Malfunction of the electromechanical drive leads to incorrect gear shifting and incorrect clutch operation. Even the most reliable unit cannot last forever - long-term operation inevitably leads to wear of parts. Most often, brushes wear out and power outages occur. Also, in a robotic gearbox, levers and drive teeth fail.

You can learn more about all existing problems after diagnostics in a specialized technician. center, but these will only be external problems. Not good pleasant surprises The robot can prepare the car owner's internal device. Only computer diagnostics can detect hidden faults.

Using special codes, you can identify power failures and detect some mechanical damage. Today, the diagnostic program and codes for it are freely available, so you can carry out testing yourself.

Manual transmission problems

Manual transmission problems are almost always accompanied by a characteristic sound of a breakdown. There are other signs by which you can recognize that the transmission is not in order.


Elimination method

Noise in the box
Release bearing worn Replacing parts
Oil level too low Add oil to the box
Gears are worn Replacing parts
Gears do not engage or are difficult to engage
Clutch won't disengage Clutch diagnostics and repair
The gear shift drive is not adjusted correctly Adjust drive
Transmission control drive plastic parts are broken Replacing parts
Spontaneous gear shutdown
Synchronizer worn out Replacing parts
Failure of supports Replacing parts
Gear shifting is not complete Drive adjustment
Oil leak
Wear of body parts (rod, seals, hinges) Replacement of worn elements
Depressurization of the housing, weak fastening of the crankcase or cover Replacing the gasket or “seating” it with sealant

There are more malfunctions of a manual transmission. However, it is worth considering the fact that, by its design and design features it is simpler than a robot, which means it is cheaper to maintain. Some car owners solve common problems by slightly tuning the box.

If you are wondering what gearbox is on the Lada Vesta, the answer will depend on the configuration of the car itself. The new AvtoVAZ is equipped with two types of gearboxes: manual and AMT (robot). Both of these modifications have been thoroughly studied by specialists and owners, and now we can speak with confidence about the advantages and disadvantages of each. Opinions are divided, and it is difficult to give the palm to either a manual transmission or robotic box Lada Vesta gears.


Any vehicle with an internal combustion engine has a transmission. When working with “mechanics”, the driver makes an individual decision about exactly what gear ratio to set at a certain point in time. The manual transmission operates in tandem with the clutch, which allows you to separate the engine and gearbox and change gears without reducing engine speed.

A number of transmissions of the product of the Russian concern should ideally be supplemented with an “automatic”, as in the model ranges of foreign and reputable manufacturers. At the present time, buyers of new products from AvtoVAZ have a choice: a robot or a manual Lada Vesta, there is no third option.

The designers planned to introduce a manual transmission of their own production, but they were unable to create full-fledged mechanics in a limited period of time. Based on this, the decision to introduce a French transmission on the Lada Vesta was approved. AMT (robot) inside a new product – made in Russia.

Since the manual transmission on the Lada Vesta is developed by specialists from the Renault-Nissan alliance, it is distinguished by its quality and:

  1. Does not create unpleasant noise when changing any gear.
  2. Her work is fluid.
  3. The shift lever was moved to the front of the box, as a result of which the current operation of the Lada Vesta transmission is accompanied by low oil consumption
  4. Mechanics from " Renault Nissan» does not fail and rarely fails.

French developments, the latest equipment and advanced automotive technologies allowed foreign designers to create first-class products. Many other foreign model cars use this manual gearbox, which has the abbreviation JH. Based on this, the price for such a development increased the cost of the sedan, but the Russian concern had no other choice. The foreign manual transmission Lada Vesta is mounted on all existing configurations.

Russian designers seriously intend to produce a Russian version with a box handle. The Lada Vesta manual transmission is being modernized and is already being installed on new sedans. It takes the basis from modification 2180. Noise reduction is achieved by reworking the main element and the second gear. However, manufacturers are in no hurry to reduce the price of a car with its own gearbox.

Brief features of the robot (AMT)

The robotic transmission on the Lada Vesta is domestically produced and widely used, but is created on the basis of foreign components and the extensive experience of French and Japanese colleagues. The advantage of AMT is:

  • Actuators from Germany are mounted inside the robotic gearbox, the clutch is from the French company Valeo;
  • The robot box is equipped with a system for compensating for wear of parts and clutch failure;
  • AMT has less weight than an automatic transmission (automatic transmission), therefore it reduces the cost of gasoline and oil;
  • the Lada Vesta robot system eliminates unauthorized switching;
  • it is possible to use a lever to change gears;
  • built-in option for resetting stages;
  • you can move away without pre-warming;
  • the robot can operate with a low battery and skid for a long time when entering snowy or sandy terrain;
  • repair and operation costs little money;
  • Cars are towed without any visible disruptions.

AMT gradually replaced the automatic from the entire Lada model range, as it operates smoothly and relatively quietly. The developers say that such a transmission can last about ten years. A manual gearbox cannot boast of such durability due to the fact that it has many components, while an AMT is easy to create.


Immediately after the release of the robotic transmission, rumors appeared about big problems in her work. There have been complaints that the lever needs to be put in neutral after every braking. They said that the gearbox was setting the gear incorrectly. These misunderstandings were rejected by headquarters Russian manufacturer and in widespread consumption did not find sufficient evidence.

Which gearbox is better?

Most drivers could not come to terms with the specifics of the robot. Experts note that the lack of complete automatic transmission does not allow Vesta sales to grow to the level of Solaris or Rio. Buyers do not trust domestic AMT and really hope that an automatic transmission, which completely lacks a manual mode, will soon start working.


The president of the Russian concert officially announced that such a transmission will appear and will work in at least 4 years. This period is due to the fact that the creators do not want to introduce a four-speed automatic transmission on the Lada Vesta. Their plans include a six-speed automatic transmission. It is still unknown who and how will develop it.

Lada Vesta gearboxes have their own specifics, a number of features and disadvantages. To make a choice, you need to build on your own experience and preferences. Professionals will benefit from manual transmission, but those who are not so knowledgeable about cars will find it useful robotic gearbox Lada Vesta. A smart and full-fledged machine can be recommended to everyone, but Vesta does not yet have it. A stepless variator from foreign colleagues may in the future compete with any of the announced transmissions that will be available in Lada trim levels.

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