How to secure a child restraint. Types and features of the use of child restraint systems. Standard seat belts: instructions

At the beginning of 2020, many media outlets announced a ban on the use of any child restraint devices other than car seats. This was explained by amendments to the traffic rules.

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So is it legal to use the FEST device in 2020? Issues of child safety in traffic are always relevant.

Legislators are considering various options that could reduce the serious consequences of road accidents.

In particular, for this purpose, a rule was approved on the mandatory use of child car seats or other similar devices. Is it possible to use a FEST brand restraint device in 2020?

General points

The driver of any vehicle is obliged to ensure the safe transportation of children to the maximum.

According to the rules applied in Russia, a driver transporting children must use special restraints.

Failure to comply with this rule is punishable by a fine.

At the beginning of 2020, publications appeared in many media about a possible ban on the use of other child restraint systems with the exception of car seats.

Many citizens were more than worried about this prospect, since this would mean the need to purchase expensive car seats.

The specified GOST provides various options for DDU and the procedure for establishing their safety. The standard itself is quite extensive.

The main thing to note is that restraint devices must be certified. In addition, depending on the type of device, the degree of protection may differ.

As for non-compliance with the rules for transporting children, fines can vary from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Restraint device for children in the car FEST

Amendments to the traffic rules dated January 1, 2017 eliminated the possibility of using other traffic regulations, through which the standard seat belt was adapted to hold the baby.

From now on, it is prohibited to place a pillow under the child or fasten the belt so that it is on the baby’s sternum.

Previously, a similar practice existed, and its legality was repeatedly confirmed by court decisions.

According to the new standards, it is allowed to use only child restraint systems certified in the Russian Federation and corresponding to the dimensions of a minor passenger.

Thus, when considering the likelihood of using the FEST adapter, you need to check its compliance with two parameters:

  1. Availability of the appropriate certificate.
  2. Compliance with the child's weight and height.

Regarding FEST certification, it should be mentioned that in Russia this device is certified by specialized government agencies until 2020.

In addition, this DDU is checked annually at the international level. The tests carried out confirm compliance with international regulations and GOST.

That is, the FEST child restraint system is permitted by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate until 2020, and then the possibility of use will depend on certification.

Regarding the child’s size, you need to know that FEST is available in two versions:

  1. For children whose weight is 9-18 kg.
  2. For children weighing 18-36 kg.

The government periodically discusses a complete ban on FEST, allowing the use of only car seats. In the meantime, DDU data is allowed for use.

If a traffic police inspector issues a fine for not having a car seat, you can easily challenge the punishment in court. Of course, subject to the presence of a certificate and the child meeting the necessary parameters.

From what age can it be used?

According to the changed traffic rules, the use of child safety rules is mandatory for children under 7 years of age. Children 7-11 years old can only wear seat belts.

However, there is some caveat. You can only use a standard seat belt if the height of a minor passenger is 150 cm or more.

This is due to the fact that the car safety system is designed for passengers with a height of 150 cm.

So, according to the law, at what age is it allowed to use the FEST restraint device? When using FEST, the age of the child is not particularly important.

The possibility of its use is determined by the weight and height of the child. FEST can be used if the child weighs over 9 kg and his height is 100-110 cm.

The connection to the dimensions is explained by the design of the system. A correctly selected device allows, in the event of a collision or vehicle braking, to reduce the risk of injury to the child by limiting body mobility.

How to install correctly

There should be no difficulties in using the device, since the design is quite simple. When unfolded, it is a trapezoidal overlay with buttons.

Thanks to the buttons, you can adjust the size of the adapter to suit the child’s size. The device is secured with buttons on standard belts in three places. An additional strap covers the child's hips.

The design is made of soft fabric, so there is no discomfort during use. But you need to keep in mind what you cannot do with an adapter:

  • harness two children;
  • fasten a child in the arms of an adult;
  • fix a child who does not correspond to the size of the preschool education.

What is the price

The FEST device is produced in Russia by the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. The plant's product range includes two options.

Based on their children's dimensions:

At official sales points, FEST costs 386 rubles and 497 rubles. During resale, the price may vary depending on the method of purchase - directly from the manufacturer or through intermediaries.

If we compare the cost of FEST with the price of a car seat that meets EU and Customs Union standards, then the latter costs about 10-20 thousand rubles. The savings are more than obvious.

Can it be used instead of a car seat?

But is FEST safe and is it worth using it instead of a car seat? In fact, FEST is an ordinary adapter.

The standard car seat belt is three-point, it consists of a shoulder and lumbar section. If you fasten children under 150 cm tall with it, the strap will lie too close to the child’s neck.

When installing the adapter, the seat belt is moved away from the neck and placed on the chest.

In addition, when attached, the adapter takes the shape of a triangle, which allows the load on the body to be distributed evenly in the event of a collision. That is, such a function as the reliability of FEST fastening is fully ensured.

Regarding safety, it is necessary to mention the tests carried out by AVTOVAZ. Tests have shown that using an adapter reduces the risk of death by 50% and the risk of serious injury by 90%.

Video: The traffic police advertises the dangerous FEST device

Considering the permissibility of using FEST from the standpoint of the law, we can answer affirmatively that this device can be used instead of a car seat.

This DDU meets all regulatory requirements. However, the possible disadvantages of the device should also be taken into account.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of using the FEST restraint device include:

  • low cost of security equipment;
  • availability of use in any car with standard seat belts;
  • compactness, which allows you to carry the remote control with you when traveling by taxi or other people's transport is required.

Of the minuses, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the device will not protect the child from side impacts;
  • the possibility of “diving” under the lumbar strap remains;
  • the child is not fixed in place.

Independent tests show that in the event of an accident, the FEST pad holds the child from falling, but at the same time the pressure increases tenfold on the baby’s stomach.

In Russia, for several years now, various devices have been successfully used to ensure the safety of a child when transported in a car. But car seats are quite expensive! Is there an alternative to a child car seat?

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What is this

A child car seat is a device for transporting children in cars. It is installed on a stationary seat and secured with standard seat belts. Some car seats have additional seat belts. This is the main device for transporting children in accordance with the law.

This device belongs to the category of child restraint devices (RCD). Depending on the weight and height of the child, he needs one or another type of child seat. Infant children ride in cradles in a reclining position, and older children ride in a sitting position.

In addition, depending on the age of the child and the child restraint system, it becomes somewhat easier. For example, children aged 10 – 12 years can ride on boosters or use a triangle.

This is a special seat that does not have a backrest, but is also attached to a stationary seat with seat belts.

"Triangle" is an alternative child seat for older children. This device is completely legal and can be used not only in your own car, but also in someone else’s. With the help of a triangle you can ride on any vehicles without breaking the law.

Important! This device cannot be used alone. It can only be used with standard seat belts, which are three-point.

Legislative regulation

In accordance with current legislation, transportation of children under age 12 years, in the car can only be done with the help of a remote control.

This standard is established by the current road safety rules.


  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation part 1 and part 2;

What does it look like

The “triangle” is a “patch” on the seat belt, which allows you to adapt the standard seat belt to a smaller person.

A standard car seat belt consists of shoulder and lumbar regions, which are designed for the height of the passenger from 150 cm.

Naturally, such belts are not only unsuitable for a child, but also become life-threatening in the event of an emergency.

For this purpose, an adapter was developed, called “triangle”. It distributes standard seat belts so that they do not harm the child in an accident, but, on the contrary, protect him.

But in order for this adapter to become a means of safe movement, you must adhere to the instructions for use, which say:

  • several children cannot be fastened at the same time with one seat belt together with an adapter;
  • the device must not be torn, cut with cutting objects or other negative measures applied to it;
  • If a child is riding in a car in the arms of an adult, then using the “triangle” is prohibited. But the rule allowing children to be carried in their arms has already been abolished. Therefore this rule does not apply.

Video: new rules

Is it possible to use a triangle instead of a child seat?

It says that parents are required to transport children in the car using child restraints. This must be done until the child is 12 years old.

Upon reaching this age, he can already ride in a stationary seat. But he must wear seat belts. In addition, a child who has reached the age 12 years, can already ride in the passenger seat next to the driver.

Does the "triangle" refer to a child restraint system? By law, transporting a child in a car must be safe. But, this article does not contain an exact description of what a child restraint system should look like. Therefore, if the adapter is used in accordance with the instructions and ensures the safety of the child in the car, then it can be used.

The next question arises: at what age can a triangle be used instead of a car seat?

From what age

When choosing a child restraint system, you need to rely not on height and age, but on weight.

You can use the triangle from the moment the child’s weight exceeds for 19 kg. This is the weight of a child about 100 cm and about age 4 years old. But these are approximate figures.

The main condition is that the weight is more than 19 kg. Additionally, you can use a booster if the child already weighs 19 kg and more, and his height is somewhat shorter.

Prices in the Russian Federation

The prices for these adapters are much more affordable than for children's car seats.

In Russia there is 4 leading companies that present these adapters on the child restraint market.


  • Ganen.

    This company offers models that have fairly low prices for Russian market. Child restraint systems are easy to use, made of high-quality and durable material, and fully meet the safety requirements for transporting children. Designed for children 4 – 12 years old. Average cost - 400 rubles;

  • Baby.

    Adapters from this company can be washed in washing machine, they are durable and their material does not wear out for a long time. Age Range – from 4 years old and further. approximate cost near 300 rubles;

  • Antey.

    The most recommended and popular adapters. The fastening is located so that the belts provide the child with safe movement and provide maximum protection in the event of a frontal collision. The triangle from this company can also be washed in a washing machine. Cost approx. 500 rub.;

  • Fest.

    The most popular Russian adapters that have passed all tests of strength and reliability. But there is a significant drawback - they are mainly adapted for use in domestically produced cars. Cost 490 rub.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing an adapter from a particular company, a parent should understand that each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. But they can be combined.

The advantages of the “triangle” include:

  • compactness. Compared to a car seat, this restraint will not take up much space in the car;
  • versatility. Can be used in any vehicle that has standard seat belts;
  • ease of use;
  • price policy. Such adapters cost much less than car seats. The savings are especially visible if there are several children in the family;
  • Can be used in both rear seats and front passenger seats.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • The main pressure is on the baby's stomach. For many this causes some discomfort;
  • the child does not reach the floor, and therefore, if there is a head-on collision, he will simply “dive” up to the belt and can seriously injure his neck;
  • cannot be used in domestic cars of outdated models;
  • there is no additional head protection, as in a car seat;
  • the child’s body is somewhat less protected;
  • You will need to prove your case to the traffic police inspector.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

You can make such a device with your own hands. To do this, you need to make a drawing, then transfer it to high-quality material and cut it out.

Be sure to choose the correct position of the buttons. For a homemade device to be safe, it must be sewn using all recommendations.

Another question is whether it is possible to use an independent invention?

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on child restraint devices and systems that can be used in accordance with traffic regulations in 2019.

Let me remind you that on July 12, 2017, the next edition of the rules came into force traffic, discussed in . The rules exclude the possibility of using other means when transporting children.

In this regard, drivers have questions about how to determine whether their child restraint devices are child restraint devices from the point of view of traffic regulations. This question mainly concerns the so-called fest boosters and adapters.

Let's consider this issue in more detail:

Classification of devices for transporting children

Let's look at the most popular types of devices shown in the figure above:

  • Baby bassinet- designed for transporting children in a lying position.
  • Baby chair- designed for transporting children while sitting. It is a full-fledged chair equipped with seat belts for the child. This design allows you to securely secure the child. The seat also protects the child from the side.
  • Booster- is a seat directly, without a backrest. Raises the child relative to the car seat and allows the child to be fastened with a standard seat belt.
  • Adapter(most often from the FEST company) - is a triangular overlay that is installed on standard seat belts. Allows the top of the belt to be moved away from the child's neck.

In this article we will not go into detail about which devices protect the child better. This topic deserves a separate discussion.

The main question for today is which of the listed devices are child restraints, i.e. Are children allowed? Is it possible to use boosters and triangles when transporting children and will this not entail a fine?

What child restraint devices are allowed by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate?

If in the car each child occupied a separate seat that did not have a seat belt, then there would be no violation.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon, and if a child 1.4 is fastened using an adapter (higher than indicated in the article), will this be a violation? Thank you!

Daria, Hello.

Statistics show that most children suffer from road accidents while they are in the car. The child restraint system is designed to fully protect the child in the most dangerous moments. Externally, it is very similar to an adult car seat, the only difference is in size. When manufacturing child car seats, such indicators as the height and weight of children are taken into account to ensure maximum comfort and safety while driving. Choosing the right device is a very important task as it will ensure the protection of your child.


In accordance with Russian standards, this is a car seat with special fastenings(buckles, straps, etc.). As you can see in the photo, the child restraint system is equipped with special regulatory mechanisms; they are the ones that hold the child during sudden braking or sudden maneuvers. It is unacceptable to use a standard seat belt to protect a small passenger or place him in your arms. And all because even if the car is moving at a speed of about 60 km/h, then upon impact, the person sitting behind the child will crush him with his weight. Thus, you are putting your baby in mortal danger. Only a special child car seat is the most reliable way to protect a child during an accident.

The child restraint system must meet European standards and GOST requirements. It is special devices that can protect all parts of a child’s body during a strong push or load.

In addition, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, transportation of children under 13 years of age in a vehicle must be carried out only with the use of a special car seat. Violation of this law can result in significant fines.


A child restraint system provides maximum protection for young passengers from damage during an impact or sudden braking. By using child car seats, the risk of injury to the driver is reduced. They provide maximum comfort for the child, and, as a result, he is not capricious, which allows the driver not to be distracted from driving. With its help, you can easily and quickly get your baby in and out of the car.

Protection and comfort are what a child restraint system provides. The types of products are as follows:

  • Group 0- for a child up to 12 months weighing 0-11 kg. Ideal for babies who cannot hold their head up or sit up without assistance. The car seat resembles a cradle or a baby stroller, the only difference is that it is equipped with specialized belts that provide protection. Installation location: rear seat of the vehicle. Before riding, the baby must be fastened with a special wide and flexible belt. The car cradle is also equipped with special protection for the head of a newborn.
  • Group 0+. These chairs are intended for a child from 0 to 12 months weighing 0-15 kg. This device looks like a cup. This model incredibly popular as it has many functions: restraint, rocking chair, cradle and chair. And if you install it on wheels, then it is already a stroller. In addition, the car seat is equipped with a very comfortable handle. The seat with the child must be placed backwards, this way you can protect the baby from injury during sudden braking.
  • Group 0+/1. Such devices are intended for a child up to 3.5 years old weighing up to 17 kg. This model is also quite popular, this is explained by the fact that the car seat is suitable for both infants and older children (about 17 kg). For a baby under 1 year old, the seat is installed backwards, and for an older child, the seat can be rotated.
  • Group 1. These chairs are intended for a child from 10 months to 3.5 years weighing 8-17 kg. The device is suitable for children who sit confidently. There is a rigid base, an adjustable backrest, seat belts and a table. Installation location - rear seat.
  • Group 2. These devices are intended for a child from 8 months to 5 years weighing 8-24 kg. A chair with a large reserve of weight. And therefore, when choosing, you must take into account the set of children. This option is good in the cold season, when the child is dressed warmly. It is important that he is comfortable; if the baby sinks in the chair, this can be dangerous. The advantage is that it can be used for quite a long time.
  • Group 2/3- for children from 4 to 13 years old weighing 16-38 kg. This model is already equipped with external rather than internal belts. Back with a slight slope. This is a more adult child restraint. A booster is a special pad to make the child sit higher; it can be installed when the weight exceeds 23 kg. Included in the product package.
  • Group 3. These chairs are intended for a child from 5 to 13 years old weighing 23-38 kg. Suitable for children up to 170 cm tall. This chair looks like a cushion seat, called a booster. It's essentially a car seat that doesn't have a backrest. The product has a solid frame, handles and straps with guides.
  • Group 1/2/3. Products in this category are intended for children from one year to 13 years old weighing 10-38 kg. A multifunctional device that is suitable for different age categories. An ideal option for a child who has grown out of one group and has not yet grown into another. The chair includes belts (internal and standard), a table and much more.


Each car seat model has an instruction manual. When installing the device in a car, you need to strictly follow its instructions.

Let's look at a guide to installing a child car seat using a belt that is in auto-locking mode:

  • Make sure that the backrest of the rear seat of the car is securely secured. You need to press the back of the chair until the locking mechanism works.
  • Then you need to attach the chair with a strap on a standard belt (waist belt). How to remove the belt correctly is indicated on the car seat label.
  • The next point is to switch the standard belt reel to auto-locking mode. To do this, you need to pull the belt out of the reel until it stops.
  • After installing the car seat on back seat Auto check the belt, it should be tensioned in the reel. If the coil is in auto-locking mode, you can hear characteristic clicks. If the child seat does not press against the car seat, then the procedure must be repeated from the very beginning.

The use of a child restraint should begin with the automatic belt locking process. If the reel is in auto-locking mode, the belt should not yield to attempts to pull it out. After removing the car seat, you should set the reel to the automatic belt locking mode. Then you need to check the working condition of the belt.

There are models of car seats that are attached to the seat with a top strap. To do this, you need to lift the seat headrest, pull the strap through a special bracket and tighten it well.

If the car has an airbag function, you must turn it off immediately, as it can cause injury to the child. Otherwise, it is strictly prohibited to place a child car seat rearward facing the vehicle.


After you decide on the model of car seat for children, you need to install it correctly and securely secure it in the vehicle. There are two methods of high-quality fastening of car seats - seat belts and the Isofix system.

The belts, which are fastened in three places, are the Antey brand fastening system. This type of child restraint helps protect the child from injury during sudden braking or impact.

You don't need to be an expert to secure a car seat with straps. Installation using this method is fairly quick and is suitable for vehicles that have seat belts in the rear. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, because the health of your child depends on how you attach the car seat.

To secure a car seat using the Isofix system, your vehicle must be equipped with two special brackets and latching guides at the seat. The advantage of this system is the simple and high-quality fastening of the car seat. The disadvantage is the high price. If there are no brackets, you can attach the chair to the seat using seat belts.

  1. A child's car seat must be suitable for the child's height, weight and build. It is important to choose the chair of the group that is right for your child. It is strictly forbidden to buy a chair of large sizes.
  2. The high quality of child restraints must be confirmed by a safety certificate (ECE R44/04). It looks like a small label. This certificate confirms that the car seat has passed special tests and inspections. It is important that the number “04” is on it.
  3. Multifunctionality is also a very important point when choosing a car seat. When purchasing such a product, pay attention to the presence of chairs with replaceable covers that can be washed. High-quality side protection, seat width and height adjustment are very useful functions.
  4. For children under 4 years old, you need to buy chairs with an adjustable backrest. This is necessary so that the child can rest while traveling by car.
  5. Buy child seats with the Isofix safety system. With its help, installing restraints in a car is greatly simplified. In addition, it prevents the child seat from tilting.
  6. Car seats of groups 0+, 0+/1, 1 and 2 must be equipped with five-point belts or a special table that can hold the child during a collision or sudden braking . A child restraint system with a strap, flexible buckles and other adjustment devices will keep your children safe while riding.

Terms of use

Most drivers neglect the most important rule when transporting children in a car, and this risks fines from the traffic police. A child restraint system is a guarantee of your child's safety. Do not forget that children under 13 years of age must be transported in a car only using special seats.

Let's look at the rules for using child car seats:

  • When installing the car seat in the vehicle, strictly follow all points of the attached instructions.
  • The child must have an individual seat. It is not permissible for two children to use a car seat at the same time.
  • It is important to check each time how well the restraint device is attached to the seat before starting to move.
  • Do not forget to fasten your child with seat belts.
  • When fastening a child over 5 years old with a regular seat belt, make sure that it goes over the shoulder and waist.
  • If the child’s dimensions exceed the permissible limits, the car seat must be replaced with a suitable one. If you are the owner of a universal chair, then simply adjust its dimensions.

A child restraint system is designed to ensure the protection and comfort of your child. The rules regarding the transportation of children must be observed!


Additional safety for a child while driving in a car is ensured with the help of a product such as a child restraint system. Reviews of child car seats reflect the opinions of users, and they vary.

The undoubted advantages of child seats include the fact that the adjusting devices securely hold the child and prevent him from being injured during a collision or sudden braking. According to consumer reviews, the belts securely hold the baby during transportation and do not allow him to move around the car, thereby distracting the driver. However, in order for the seat to protect the child from damage, it must be properly installed on the car seat. A tightly installed and securely fixed chair is a guarantee of safety. There is no need to neglect seat belts, since they are the ones who hold the baby in a dangerous moment. Most parents claim that five-point harnesses are much better than three-point harnesses because they are better at restraining fidgets who are trying to get out of the car seat. In addition, most models are quite compact and take up little space in the back seat. The main thing is to choose a chair that suits the child’s age group, height and weight. And then problems (fines, accidents and injuries) will definitely bypass you.


The main disadvantage of restraint devices, according to users, is the reluctance of children to be in them. According to parents' reviews, kids either don't want to sit in them at all, or stay in them for no longer than 15 minutes (especially in a rear facing position). This problem especially manifests itself in the cold season, when the child is dressed warmly. But as you can see in the bottom photo, a child restraint can also be a pleasant place to spend time in good company.

Many parents are concerned about the quality of control devices; they consider them unreliable and unable to protect the child in a dangerous moment. To solve this problem, you need to choose a car seat with a quality certificate and make sure that it has passed crash tests.


Choosing a child restraint system in Moscow is quite simple. These are mainly products from European and Asian manufacturers. Each brand offers about 6 models to choose from: car seats, infant carriers and child seats for any age category. In order for the child to feel comfortable, the chairs are made orthopedic. The base material of the holding device is metal or impact-resistant plastic. The covering material depends on the price of the product. Many models of car seats for children are equipped with reinforced side protection.

There are brands of cars that are sold with built-in car seats. They are located in the back seat and are suitable for a child from 1.5 years old.

And such a model as a car seat has a chassis included, which is very convenient when traveling by car with a small child.

Belt adapter improves performance standard system vehicle safety. These devices appeared quite recently, but are already deservedly popular. They are suitable for children over 5 years old. As you can see in the photo, the device takes up virtually no space in the car interior; it is simply mounted and dismantled.


Depending on the age category, design, functionality, materials and manufacturer, prices can range from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles. Eg, average price for a European car seat for children under 5 years old ranges from 2,500 to 3,500 rubles, from 5 years and older - from 6,500 to 8,500 rubles, universal models will cost from 9,500 to 14,500 rubles. The minimum cost of Asian car seats is 1,500 rubles.

With a domestic manufacturer everything is much simpler. For example, a child restraint system “FEST” (Novosibirsk) will cost you 850 rubles.

It is considered a rule that the more expensive the product, the better quality it is. And all because they are famous large companies guarantee security at the highest level. In addition, such companies work according to the trade-in system: replacing a car seat as the child grows older, selling in installments, renting any model.

A child restraint system is a guarantee of the safety of your children. The main thing is to choose the right device depending on the child’s parameters and securely install it in the back seat of the car. And only after that you can safely hit the road.

Many parents who use FEST restraints to transport their children were shocked by the news at the beginning of 2017. According to many news publications, amendments to the traffic rules dated January 1 of this year strictly prohibit the use of FEST. However, is the situation really that bad? Let's look at the issue and clarify all the legislative nuances.

Legal requirements for transporting children in a car

Before answering the question - “Is the FEST child restraint device allowed by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in 2017?”, it is important to consider the basic legislative provisions relating to the transportation of children in a car. This aspect of drivers’ life is regulated by several legislative acts:

  • Federal laws on traffic rules (traffic rules) - determine the general principles of transporting children in a car and the devices that are necessary for this.
  • GOST standards regulate all the necessary requirements for child restraint devices (CDUs) that can be used to transport children.
  • The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF) determines the punishment for transporting children without a child restraint system.

Summarizing the information presented in the previously mentioned regulations, we can highlight the main provisions that every parent transporting children in a car should know:

  • A child under 7 years old (at any place) and from 7 to 11 years old (at front seat) must be transported in a vehicle using special child restraint systems.
  • Child restraint systems must fully correspond to the weight and height of the baby, and also be certified in the Russian Federation.
  • “Certification of the child restraint system” means the receipt of appropriate documentation by the child restraint system manufacturers, which fully confirms the fact that the device fully complies with all the standards of GOST of the Russian Federation and international standards for the transportation of children in a car.
  • Ignoring the use of child restraint systems for transporting children or using systems that do not comply with legal requirements is punishable. The punishment is determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine - 3,000 rubles).

Amendments to the traffic rules dated January 1, 2017 excluded the possibility of using “other child restraint systems” that help adapt a standard seat belt to a child. For example, it is now forbidden to place pillows under children and make sure that the seat belt passes over the sternum of the little passenger. Previously, such a practice was carried out and its legality was proven more than once in court.

Important! As you can see, you can use any child restraint system that is certified in the Russian Federation and corresponds to the dimensions of the passenger being transported.

Is FEST allowed?

Having considered the main legislative provisions on child restraint systems necessary for transporting children in vehicles, it is possible to determine whether FEST is permitted for use or not. To do this you will have to answer several questions:

  • Is FEST certified in the Russian Federation?
  • Does it fit your child's size?

So, let's take it in order. First, let's consider the issue of FEST certification. In this regard, the legislation of this type of child care system is completely clear. FEST received certification from specialized government agencies until 2018, and is also annually tested, so to speak, for professional suitability in its class in the international arena. All tests of the device carried out in Hungary ended successfully, so there is no doubt that the device complies with GOST standards and international rules for transporting children in a car.

Secondly, you need to determine whether the device you have is suitable for the child’s size. At the moment, the FEST DUU is available in two variations:

  • For children weighing from 9 to 18 kilograms. Such systems are also equipped with special straps for the hips.
  • For babies weighing from 18 to 36 kilograms. These devices can come with or without the previously mentioned straps.

You can find out about the purpose of the purchased device by looking at its packaging. It must indicate for whom the child restraint system is intended. Summarizing the material presented above, we can state that that FEST is not prohibited by law and can be used to transport children on the roads of the Russian Federation. If a traffic police officer issues a fine for using such a child restraint system, you can safely defend your position in court. Moreover, the manufacturing company of FESTs itself offers its legal assistance in such situations.

Important! Despite the absence of a ban on FEST devices in the legislation of the Russian Federation, not all drivers win in court defending their innocence. This is largely due to some features of specific situations and the low qualifications of motorists’ defenders in court.

Will DUU FEST be banned?

Of course, today there is no ban on the use of FEST DUU, but what is the future for these restraints? To be honest, the prospect is not bright. Many government members are in favor of making fundamental amendments to the traffic rules. Their general essence is a complete refusal to use any child restraint systems, except for specialized car seats.

This issue has been considered for many years when discussing potential amendments to traffic regulations in the government, but so far no one has put it into practice. The first time a ban on FESTs and similar devices was made was back in 2011, but then the changes in legislation were minor. According to preliminary information from the government devices like FEST are planned to be completely banned in 2018, however, before this, you should wait for their certification to be refused. We can only wait to see what the situation will be in the future.

In general, determining whether FEST is prohibited or not is not so difficult. The main thing in this event is to study the legislation of the Russian Federation or the material presented above. We hope the article provided answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

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