How to find out what kind of accident was with the car. How can you check your car for an accident? Detailed verification instructions. Why is this information needed?

Checking a car for an accident is something that should not be neglected when buying a used vehicle (TC). Thanks to the AutoHistory online service, you can find out if the car was involved in traffic accidents, what damage it received, and also see photos from the scene (not always available). Thanks to photographs, information such as the degree of damage received, damage to the engine, chassis or body becomes available.

Why is such information needed?

If the car was involved in traffic accidents, then this is a direct indicator of a decrease in the value of the sale. Moreover, despite the restoration work carried out, the seller must indicate that the car was broken. This information, of course, will alienate many buyers, but will attract resellers who demand a price reduction.

You need to check the car for an accident before buying, so that later you do not find an unpleasant surprise under the hood. If the traffic accident was minor, then you should not worry, especially if carried out in a timely manner. repair work for recovery.

How do you know if a car has been in an accident?

Check for an accident by VIN code vehicle You can through the State Traffic Inspectorate. And there are two options here:

  • Contact the branch directly and request information on whether the vehicle is registered or in an accident. Information is provided free of charge, but quite a long time due to waiting in queues and wasting time on requests.
  • At an accident according to the state. number, VIN number or chassis, you can check any car on the website of the State traffic inspectorate. But this method also has its drawbacks. First of all, the imperfection of the system, in which there are often failures. Plus, information is provided for a relatively short period of time - since 2015.

How to check?

Checking a car for an accident through AutoHistory is easy and fast. All that is needed for this is Mr. number or VIN of the car to be punched.

How to check the car: the number must be inserted into the form, and then click "Check". A few minutes after payment, you will receive a full report on the desired car by e-mail.

From the report, you can find out the date and exact time when an accident with the checked vehicle was recorded, its type and the region in which the incident occurred.

It also happens when the traffic police database does not contain information about whether any of the cars under investigation took part in the accident. However, this does not mean that the car is not broken. You should not lose vigilance - before buying, it is worth spending a little time on a thorough check of the car for damage.

How it works?

Checking a car for an accident by VIN and license plate number is possible thanks to the interaction of the Autocode online service with databases from the traffic police, ROSSTAT, EAC RF, FSSP, RASA and NBKI, which allow you to find out all the information about the car of interest:

  • car history;
  • legal purity;
  • general information and detailed equipment of the model;
  • technical inspection information;
  • exact mileage;
  • average market price and other information.

The information that can be obtained through the service is more than enough to make the final decision whether to buy a new one or look for another car.

Why is it beneficial?

Checking a car for an accident through our service is quite simple. You get rid of the need for a personal appeal to government agencies. It is beneficial to check the car for an accident with us for several reasons:

  • a few minutes to enter data;
  • 1-15 minutes - waiting for verification;
  • a few minutes to study the report.

The time spent at this stage will save a lot of effort and nerves in the future. If an inattentive buyer purchased a broken car without knowing it, the fault lies not only with the seller, but also with the new owner, who did not bother to check the history of the car. Be more careful and know how to check the car before buying through the AutoHistory online service!

Before buying, you need to check the vehicle for participation in an accident. This is one of the most important and mandatory items, of all possible. Thanks to a modern check of the vehicle, it will be possible to find out not only about the accident itself, but also about the level of complexity of obtaining damage.

It is also necessary to add that quite often, when checking a car for participation in accidents, photographs from the scene of an accident are also provided, so you can personally verify:

  • no damage power unit or running;
  • body damage;
  • the level of damage inflicted.

In the event that accidents involving the car took place, this will be indicated in the inspection report. Thanks to the ability to receive information simultaneously in the traffic police and automobile insurance bases, the most detailed report and description of the accident will be received. You can also get information about the court order with the most complete data on the level of damage to the car and the cause of the accident, which is also necessary to know before purchasing a vehicle.

Now you can check the car within a few minutes. In the event that the car was repaired after an accident at an official car center, then in addition to all available information, you can additionally obtain information about the replaced parts and the cost of the repair performed.

Not beaten, not beautiful?

In modern realities, checking a car for participation in an accident is a necessary measure at the time of purchase. We provide maximum full information about all such incidents. Do not be overly dismissive of the car buying process and trust all the information that the seller provides.

Do not rush and sign documents for the purchase of a car as soon as possible. In this case, you can get a large number of problems, including financial ones. It is very important to “break through” the car in all available databases in order to be sure that the vehicle has not been involved in accidents.

Checking is also necessary because buying a car after a traffic accident is the most common modern problem on the secondary market. All the consequences of an accident can be so carefully disguised that only official verification will give you all the information. Some "professional outbidders" deal with such cars and carry out such high-quality "cosmetic" repairs that even a professional driver with several years of experience cannot find any disguised damage.

Only automotive experts who deal with automotive topics at a professional level can visually or after several test drives determine the presence of technical faults. That is why, such a necessary and easy-to-use service has appeared, like checking cars for accidents by VIN.

Even a well-repaired but broken car is best not to buy, because there is a risk that there will be no end to financial investments. Subsequently, it will also be problematic to resell such a car.

Before selling a car, they usually try to eliminate minor flaws in order to increase its value. Often, for this purpose, the mileage is twisted. However, some motorists resort to even more “dirty” tricks, skillfully hiding serious defects and the fact that the car crashed in accidents, drowned or got into criminal stories. Therefore, checking a car for an accident is a mandatory step when making a transaction in the secondary market.

This is necessary from three points of view:

  • economic;
  • technical;
  • legal.

Checking a car for past accidents is necessary to determine its value. A broken car, even after the highest quality repairs, is a priori much cheaper. It is important to understand that a vehicle that was in an accident requires a particularly thorough diagnosis. Buying vehicles without a deep check is quite risky:

  • even minor accidents sometimes lead to hidden defects in the key components of the car, which may not appear immediately;
  • the previous owner could only carry out surface repairs;
  • after poor-quality service, the car will drive normally for the first time, but then a sudden breakdown may occur, requiring expensive repairs;
  • a body that has been painted is more affected by corrosion;
  • after an accident, the operation of electronic devices and sensors is more often disrupted.

From a legal point of view, the audit is important for identifying fines and other debts related to transport, as well as finding out the criminal history of the car. For example, few buyers will want to purchase a car that has been involved in an accident with victims. When solving all three problems, there is a list of ways to check the number of accidents on a car.

What defects can be identified

Even knowing that the car was struggling, an inexperienced buyer or specialist without tools and outside the car service will not always be able to identify internal defects. However, information about an accident will at least prompt a person to think about the need for diagnostics. But even in the process of a superficial inspection, with a certain amount of experience and attentiveness, almost 100% signs of repair after accidents can be found:

  • traces of non-factory painting;
  • difference in color shades on the door attachment points;
  • the absence of one or more factory glasses;
  • signs of airbag deployment (inside the cabin);
  • large gaps between doors or that they open too tight;
  • fogged headlights from the inside - a characteristic sign of a "drowned man";
  • glass cracks, dents and scratches on the body.

When choosing a used car, do not rush. Those who do not have experience should call a knowledgeable person with them for examination.

Verification methods

There are several options for finding out if a car was involved in an accident. This can be done on the bases of the traffic police. For verification, certain information is required:

  • citizens are provided with information about accidents by VIN number;
  • another identifier is the car numbers;
  • You can check the driver for an accident using his driver's license.

A typical sign of problems with a car is that the owner tries to dissuade from inspections, rushes to make a purchase decision, or interferes in some other way.

Using the website of the traffic police

The database is open to all citizens. Through the traffic police website, an accident check is carried out according to the VIN code. However, information is provided only for the period 2019-2019. Also, the database will not contain information about unregistered incidents. So the traffic police website does not give 100% confidence in the cleanliness of the car.

There are other options for how to find out about an accident online. This is possible by car number and other identifiers. Such services are becoming increasingly popular. After all, it remains troubling.


This identifier allows you to learn a lot about the car. Checking a car for an accident by VIN code is carried out on the official portals of state services and on the websites of intermediaries. Some of them charge money for their work. Other sites are free. The bases are replenished thanks to cooperation with the traffic police and with insurers, as well as customs authorities, the bailiff service and other departments. However a common disadvantage of obtaining information online is that information arrives with a certain delay. Usually it is 15-20 days. By the way, for this reason, broken cars are trying to sell as quickly as possible.

On the State Service website

Official one. It is run by the traffic police. Therefore, there is no unique information on the State Services. In addition, the portal does not have its own verification application. At the request of the user, he is only redirected to the traffic police website. The active link is presented in the corresponding menu.

Before checking a car for an accident through the “Gosuslugi”, you first need to go to the portal and select the instructions for the “Car registration” section. Information is provided by VIN number.

By license plate

This method is used to obtain information, for example, on the Autocode website. Information about the accident by car number also includes:

  • the date of the incident;
  • the address where it happened;
  • the nature and description of the accident;
  • damage list.

The problem of studying the history of an accident by a license plate number is that, unlike the VIN code, this indicator can change several times. It is enough to re-register the transport. Usually, data on accidents by license plate are studied before calling the owner of the car, if the numbers are not retouched in the photographs of the vehicle. Here you can also find out if the owner has paid, and if there are other material obligations on him.

Through an insurance company

Insurers use the PCA database. This is a hard-to-reach option for ordinary citizens of how to find out if a car has been in an accident. Information is only stored if the owner of the machine is at fault. The information is subject to the protection of personal data. Therefore, the PCA base is used only for official purposes when determining the cost of the policy. Outsiders references are provided only with the consent of the owner.

At the service station

After checking according to the documents, diagnostics in a car service usually follow. Why go to the service station? Specialists can:

  • verify undercarriage, brakes and other main components;
  • determine the tightness of the body;
  • identify traces of repainting parts;
  • check electronics;
  • perform other diagnostic procedures.

According to established practice, the listed types of work are paid by the prospective buyer.

Check by experts

On the automotive market there are many agencies that provide intermediary services when choosing a used car. An employee of the company will accompany the client to the meeting with the seller. He will take care of all the legal and technical verification auto.

In general, the same (described) procedures will be done with the machine. But they will be performed at a professional level. Turning to intermediaries makes sense if the customer does not have experience in driving vehicles or wants to receive certain guarantees that the choice will fall on a reliable car.

Technical diagnostics

This stage is a mandatory component of choosing a car with the help of an intermediary. The client will have to pay for the full diagnostics, including:

  • engine check;
  • running gear check;
  • external examination;
  • sea ​​trials;
  • paintwork for traces of repainting.

After the work done, the client may require an act, which will indicate the main shortcomings. This will allow you to estimate the cost of future repairs or give a reason to demand a discount.

legal check

If you turn to specialists, then the car will be studied in all possible bases. The lawyer will give recommendations in case of owning a vehicle by general power of attorney, when providing a duplicate of the TCP instead of the original document and in other non-standard situations.

In general, it is extremely important to check the car for possible accidents. Therefore, the cost of diagnosing or contacting an auto lawyer agency should not be taken as an extra cost. Savings can turn into buying a faulty car.

visual inspection

Consider how to check a car for participation in an accident, and what you should pay attention to.

  1. If during the inspection it is found that the owner of the car thoroughly washed the engine and the space under the hood, this most likely indicates attempts to hide the flow of fluids or other defects and breakdowns.
  2. It is worth inspecting the tires and the space next to them. If it is clear that the machine has been standing in one place for a long time and is not being used, then this may also indicate problems with it.
  3. A repainted roof indicates a vehicle overturning or heavy objects falling on it.
  4. The non-factory paint on the hood and front fenders indicates a frontal impact. Another clear sign is traces of replacement windshield. Such an accident leads to the most serious malfunctions. Although blows to the side and from behind can also have negative consequences in the future.
  5. The replacement may indicate the deployment of airbags dashboard and steering wheel.

You also need to look at the body numbers. If something is wrong with them, the buyer will have problems registering the vehicle with the traffic police.

Body inspection

The most important numbers should be looked for under the hood. Firstly, it will not be difficult to check the car for an accident by body number. Secondly, traces of corrections, incomprehensible rubbing or tinting of numbers indicate theft. The correct body code can be found by the VIN number.

Other verification methods

Consider the most popular applications.


The advantage of the service is the ability to check foreign cars, including the "Japanese" by frame number. Checking is free. A request through "Autocode" may contain information:

  • about an accident;
  • about debts;
  • about the seizure of the car.

The request is usually processed within 5-10 minutes.


The service works on similar principles. Its peculiarity is in close cooperation with insurance companies. Basic information about the car is provided free of charge.


Another example of a shareware application. You can also find out about the accident. However, a subscription is required to generate a detailed report. Its cost is in the range of 500-1000 rubles. The fee is charged once, after which the user receives an extended version with access to all databases.


In 2019, there are a large number of ways to check the car for past accidents. They should not be ignored. Comprehensive car diagnostics will protect you from scammers. Therefore, it is necessary to endure this lengthy procedure, and in the absence of experience, to lay additional costs for contacting an intermediary organization.

The used car market is still very popular among Russians. In some cases, there is not enough money to buy vehicles in a car dealership, in others, the characteristics of a used car are an order of magnitude higher than those of a new vehicle for the same money.

A car is an expensive purchase, but there are no guarantees on the secondary market. To ensure that the purchase does not become a burden in the future, the buyer needs to make sure that the value of the vehicle corresponds to its condition - to make sure that there are no hidden defects, check driver accident, show the car to a specialist. We will tell about the main stages of verification in our material.

Importance of verification

Car services are able to carefully mask the consequences of traffic accidents. But after a short period of time, technical defects and malfunctions come out. Vehicle repairs are expensive. Changed and deformed spare parts do not always fully protect the driver and passengers. Therefore, when choosing a car, it is better to choose an undamaged model.

Sellers interested in a quick sale often hide the real state of affairs, and under the shell of "grandfather's car, which he hardly drove", there may be a car of a reckless driver who has been in several major accidents. Only in the case of selling a damaged car, the owner admits that the vehicle has been in an accident. Information must be obtained from independent sources.

Knowing the real state, you can get a significant discount or refuse to purchase. TS need to punch in an accident before buying a car, and only after that sign the contract and part with the money.

Ways to check a car for an accident

There are two main methods for checking a car for accidents. It:

  • inspection of the car for damage;
  • online research on special resources.

At first, it is better to break through the selected used car via the Internet, and make a decision on the need for an inspection based on the results obtained.

Visual inspection of the machine

Despite the efforts of service workers, even an inexperienced person can see that the car was under repair. Differences in color, slight deformations, different gap thicknesses are signs of a car that has been in an accident.

In order not to miss these signs, check the car for participation in traffic accidents in bright light. You should not rush, enough time should be allocated for verification. Check vehicle clean. Under a layer of dirt, it's easy to miss the difference in color.

Attention should be paid to all parts of the car:

  • most often in traffic accidents fenders and bumpers suffer. The presence of cracks and scuffs on these parts of the body indicates a collision;
  • on new cars, glass is marked according to the VIN code. The discrepancy between the codes indicates their replacement;
  • doors should open and close freely. If as a result of a collision the geometry of the body is broken, the opening and closing of the door will be accompanied by extraneous sounds;
  • joints of parts on the whole car of the same width along the entire length. After repair, the dimensions of the gaps are different;
  • all parts must be uniform in color. Achieve complete color matching when repairing or replacing body parts practically impossible.

The condition of the body is easy to check with a thickness gauge. This device measures the thickness of the paintwork. Significant deviations of the readings indicate the imposition of putty and painting. The thickness of the factory paint coating ranges from 90 to 160 microns (0.09-0.16 millimeters).

In the absence of the device, you can use a magnet. On a thick layer of repair materials, it will fall off the body.

Checking for an accident through an insurance company

Since 2013, they have been maintaining a common database of OSAGO insured events. Organizations that are members of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA) undertake to replenish information on their customers when making payments for road accidents. Information about the car is also entered at the initial conclusion of the contract.

AT database of accident insurance companies contains the following data:

  • a list of all cars registered in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • information about the owners;
  • list of concluded insurance contracts since 2011;
  • information about the accident;
  • statistical indicators.

Search in the PCA database available only to insurers. They can view the history of the vehicle and calculate the cost of the policy for auto insurance based on it. For motorists, the calculation of the cost of the insurance premium and verification of authenticity are available. To find out the history of the car you like, you should contact a familiar insurer.

The insurance company will provide information on the policy number. The data can be taken from the owner of the car or punched by the VIN code on the PCA website. The insurance history bureau stores more complete information than the traffic police, since information on CASCO, OSAGO and DSAGO is entered there.

Checking a car before buying at a service station

Diagnostics in a car service costs money, so you need to contact specialists if the seller has already made a choice and pierced the car in other ways. It is useful to consult with the service station staff in cases where the seller is ready to drop the price of repairs and you need to determine the amount of the discount.

If the buyer has identified certain shortcomings during the inspection, but doubts their reasons, it is necessary to consult professionals. For example, car roll can be caused by suspension problems or changes in body geometry. In the first case, it is enough to change the spare parts, in the second - it is better to refuse the purchase.

Diagnostics will help determine the condition of the hidden components of the car, check the performance of the main units. This is especially important for electronic systems, the state of which is determined without special equipment impossible.

Driving license check

An online check for accidents is carried out by the vehicle or the car owner. In any incident, the driver's data is recorded and entered into the accident database. But checking the owner gives very little information, because:

  • it is not always correct, since other drivers could also drive a car. If another person was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, the data of the owner of the car will not help. At the same time, the owner of the car could drive other vehicles at the time of the accident, and the accident will be reflected in the database;
  • publicly available data does not contain information about the participation of the driver in an accident. The accident rate can be judged by indirect signs - deprivation driving license, low CBM coefficient for calculating OSAGO insurance. However, the withdrawal driving license and low BMR can be caused by other reasons.

Checking the driver for an accident on the rights is considered as an additional to the analysis of the car by VIN and license plate. You can visit the traffic police website. The procedure is absolutely free and does not require registration. Sequencing:

If the driver is deprived of the license, information about this will appear on the screen.

  • number in / at;
  • Date of Birth.

Results less than 1 should be judged based on years of driving. In the first year, KBM = 1 (third grade), then every year it decreases by 0.05 (class rating increases by 1 grade). For an accident, the class is reduced by 2 classes, for several accidents - even more.

If the MBM is different from the value corresponding to accident-free driving, this may indicate that you were involved in an accident as the culprit. However, the changes may also be related to other reasons - interruptions in insurance, incorrect uploading of data by insurers, service interruptions, etc.

How to check a car for an accident by VIN code for free

Checking the car for participation in accidents by VIN code in Russia gives the most correct result. The identification code is individual and does not change. It is assigned at the time of issue, indicates a specific car and is affixed to the documents for the car, including OSAGO insurance. Number Consists of 17 characters, which contain information:

  • about the country of origin;
  • about the manufacturer;
  • about the year of issue;
  • about the model of the machine, its characteristics, etc.

The VIN of the car is indicated on various parts of the car. The easiest way to find it is on the identification plate located on the front panel near the door or at the end of the driver's door.

A single database of accidents by VIN was created by the State traffic inspectorate. All online services use traffic police data. Popular sites provide information on several resources.


On the website, information about cars and traffic accidents from the traffic police web resource is supplemented with data from insurance organizations. Here you can to knowinformation about the presence of an accident by the VIN code of the car. To do this, on the main page, click the "Check by VIN" button.

The generated report will show:

  • registration history;
  • Was the car involved in an accident?;
  • the nature of the damage;
  • the number of accidents.

Information about incidents appears within 15 days after the accident.


Autocode is an additional service of the Moscow public services portal. It provides an opportunity for Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region instantly break through the history of the accident for cars registered in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In addition to police information, you can find out on it:

  • ownership history;
  • car characteristics;
  • number of owners;
  • whether the car is pledged;
  • the number of accidents, etc.

In order to use the service, you need to register on the website. Checking is carried out by VIN (license number) and STS.


The CARFAX service gives buyers the opportunity to check the history of cars imported from America. VIN-number customer can get intelligence:

  • about an accident ;
  • about problems with documents;
  • about the consequences of floods;
  • about the history of registrations;
  • about reviews of the machine by the manufacturer, etc.

Free check with CARFAX service impossible. A full report costs about $35. But there are many sites on the Internet that buy information in bulk. They provide information at cheaper prices.

How to find out if the car was in an accident according to the state. number

The state registration plate is sometimes changed on the car. If a get information by number, accident incidents may refer to a completely different car, and information on the requested car will remain unclaimed. One must carefully use the data obtained in this way. However, searching can be useful when other options fail.

Check by car numbers on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate ordinary user can only unpaid fines. However, in the closed part of the database, open to insurance companies, the same information is available for the registration plate as for the VIN.

Online services that receive all information from the register carry out free accident data check for both indicators and issue them to users. The procedure remains virtually unchanged. You need to switch to the car check service by registration number, enter the data and get the result.

How to check online

In addition to the above resources, the car must be punched through the traffic police website. This is the official source of information. All information on it is correct. Even if the selected site provides more complete information, it may turn out to be false. The data needs to be compared.

Checking for accidents and fines through the official website of the traffic police

Request to the traffic police for information about the accident carried out by VIN-code. The email address of the web resource gibdd.rf or To make an application in the "Services" section, select the item:

  • "Fine check"- to search for unpaid administrative penalties;
  • "Vehicle Check"- to obtain information about participation in an accident.

The traffic police base is looking for unpaid sanctions online by license plate and STS. Request Sample presented below.

After a verification request online traffic police database will give a list of fines outstanding for the current date. The service is updated once every 5 days. Therefore, recent payments may not go through yet.

To check the vehicle for free online on the traffic police website using the "Vehicle Check" service, you need to enter the VIN (body, chassis) at the top of the page, and then go down to the "Check for participation in traffic accidents" section. In this section, click the link "Request verification".

Delete accident data from database only because they are wrong. Therefore, if accidents were registered with the traffic police, they will be displayed in this form.

How to check a car for an accident through the State Services

Service checks for accidents through the State Services currently not implemented. The e-government portal offers to use free websites on the Internet.

Car diagnostics by a technician

Checking the car by a technician depends on his level of professionalism. You should contact people who have knowledge of a wide profile in this area. The services of an independent expert will cost less than diagnostics at a service station. However, the quality of the study may suffer due to the lack of the necessary equipment.

Legal purity check

Important! In addition to checking for accidents, you should track the legal history of the car. Namely, to find out if the car is wanted, under arrest or on bail. The uncleanliness of the seller can lead not only to financial losses, but also to the seizure of the vehicle, as well as lengthy bureaucratic clashes with government agencies.

Best of all on the website of the traffic police. All sections are intended for this except for accidents on the page "Vehicle Check". The service will show:

  • registration history;
  • the fact of being wanted;
  • presence of restrictions.

The verification request must be carried out in stages in all sections.

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