How to drive an automatic transmission. Automatic transmission control (automatic transmission) How to operate an automatic transmission

Every year, cars with automatic transmission are gaining more and more popularity. This is due, of course, to the ease of operation, as well as undeniable convenience in the crush of big cities and traffic jams, when the constant switching of steps in a manual transmission and depressing the clutch can unbalance even the most stress-resistant car driver.

However, driving an automatic transmission is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and therefore the question of how to drive an automatic transmission is far from idle. Therefore, it is worth considering the entire list of actions when driving an automatic transmission. In particular, you should not get under way on the car at once. Even at positive air temperatures, it is worth waiting a minute or two for the automatic transmission to enter the operating mode with the correct distribution of oil inside the transmission.

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At sub-zero temperatures, the warm-up time should be increased, which will avoid the premature "death" of the automatic transmission.

In this case, the engine should be started in the selector positions “P” or “N”. In other positions, the car simply will not start. Before driving, on the box, the automatic selector is transferred to any of the positions to start moving. It must be remembered that the switching time takes about a second. In this case, it is necessary to hold the car by pressing the brake pedal.

Video - how to use the automatic transmission

By the way, driving a car with automatic transmission requires only one foot! The fact is that if you press the brake with the second foot, the car will begin to slow down sharply, which can lead to repeated pressing of the gas. And this is, at a minimum, a transmission failure, and as a maximum, a sharp acceleration instead of braking and, as a result, a traffic accident.

Recently, automatic transmissions with manual gear shifting have become increasingly popular. When wondering how to drive a tiptronic automatic transmission (it has such a name), you need to remember that when choosing the appropriate transmission mode, you will have to switch by swinging the lever or pressing the paddle shifters.

To enable this mode, it is enough to move the selector to the “M” position or to a separate sector, where there are “+” and “-” symbols. The first position is responsible for upshifting, and the second for downshifting. It should be noted that before driving a machine, it is required, so to speak, to “study the materiel”. Specifically, the designations on the transmission selector, which are often incomprehensible to a person who previously drove a “mechanics”.

Mode "P" - parking. The inclusion of this mode blocks the shaft and drive wheels, and therefore is used when the car is stopped for a long time. Here you need to remember that you can turn it on only after the car has completely stopped, but in no case while driving, even the lightest one. In this case, to exit the mode, it is necessary, as already mentioned, to press the brake. Otherwise, the transmission simply will not allow switching. It should be noted that this mode can replace the handbrake when parking on a flat area. However, if the surface has a slope, the use of a "handbrake" is mandatory. This is due to the fact that the automatic transmission elements will be subjected to additional stress, which can significantly reduce their service life.

"R" mode - reverse. Here the name of the mode speaks for itself - it serves to carry out the movement of the car in reverse. In order to turn on the reverse, you must also completely stop the car and press the brake pedal.

Mode "N" - neutral gear. It is used, as a rule, for technical needs, when it is necessary to move a car with a running engine. Most often, they resort to it in a car service or during other similar actions. Before driving an automatic transmission, you should exit this mode in the way already described above. By the way, you should not try to save fuel by moving from the slope "coasting" by turning on this mode. When reconnected, the load in the transmission nodes will negate the savings. By the way, there is no reason to use this mode in a traffic jam or at a traffic light due to the fact that it is simply more convenient to hold the car with a brake.

Mode "D" - movement. This is the main mode for driving a car, and it is better to learn the basics of how to drive an automatic gearbox from it. When driving in this selector position, the box itself “selects” the required gear from the first to the last according to the driving rhythm, the driver’s manner, and also the road conditions. It is in it that the automatic transmission is in fully automatic mode, without requiring any action from the driver.

Mode "2" - the first two gears available. In it, the gearbox blocks the choice of gears, limited to first and second gears. It makes sense to use this mode when towing, as well as on mountain roads with a winding profile. The inclusion of the mode is also available while driving, but this should only be done if the vehicle speed is below 80 kilometers per hour. Otherwise, high speeds may adversely affect the car engine.

Mode "L" - only first gear is available. This mode is designed for driving in particularly difficult conditions and off-road. On crossovers and SUVs with this mode, a downshift is also activated. At the same time, the inclusion of this mode is possible only at a car speed below 15 kilometers per hour. Before driving an automatic transmission off-road, it is better to turn on the mode in advance. In addition to these modes, there are other types of modes on automatic transmissions.

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OverDrive (O/D) This mode is used on transmissions that have more than three steps and is intended for overtaking or in other situations where fast acceleration of the car is required. It is activated, as a rule, by pressing a button on the transmission lever. Before driving an automatic transmission using this mode, it should be remembered that it forcibly does not allow the automatic transmission to switch higher than to third gear. Thanks to this, a greater, in comparison with normal operation, vehicle dynamics is achieved. You can also use this mode when driving on a long slope. The fact is that the normal mode can in this case “fluctuate”, switching either to third or fourth gear. When using the "overdrive" the problem disappears.

Kickdown. Very often in car reviews you can read about the use of this mode, but not all car owners are aware of its essence. Activation of this mode occurs when you sharply press the gas pedal. At the same time, the "automatic" throws off "down" one or two gears, which ensures confident acceleration. At the same time, upshifts occur at much higher revs than usual. At the same time, manufacturers do not recommend using kick-down to start from a standstill due to the heavy load on the transmission, which leads to a decrease in its resource.

PWR/SPORT. This mode is software and is designed for active driving. When it is activated, the stages in the box switch at higher speeds, due to which maximum dynamics is achieved (fuel consumption also becomes maximum). In order to understand how to drive an automatic transmission in sport mode, you first need to master the basic skills of driving an automatic transmission due to the fact that the car subjectively becomes noticeably sharper in response to the gas pedal.

SNOW - snow. The name of this mode speaks for itself. It is designed to be safe to drive in the winter season. How to drive an automatic in winter is not difficult to understand - just turn on this mode. In this case, the automatic transmission will “start off” from second gear, and the shifts will occur at lower speeds. On asphalt, the car becomes less dynamic, but this is done for safety on snow. Many are also wondering how to drive an automatic transmission in ice.

Here, too, difficulties, as a rule, do not arise, and the actions of the driver in this case do not differ much from driving a “mechanics”. However, the “snow” transmission mode is mandatory in this case as well. It will greatly simplify and secure the movement of the car.

Video tutorials on how to drive a car

It should also be noted that the "winter" mode should not be used in the summer to save fuel. This is due to the fact that the car starts from second gear, which results in an increased load on the gearbox torque converter. And this is a direct path to overheating and subsequent costly repairs.

Having considered the main driving modes “on the machine”, it is worth paying attention to common prejudices regarding automatic transmissions.

The first and most established stereotype is the poor reliability of automatic transmissions relative to manual transmissions. Of course, the first "machines" in the middle of the twentieth century did not shine with high reliability. However, today such gearboxes are often superior in reliability to their "mechanical" counterparts. It is enough to recall the sensational story with TaGAZ Tiger cars, where a factory defect in a manual transmission led to an early breakdown of the assembly. At the same time, versions with an “automatic” regularly served their owners. At the same time, automatic transmissions require a much more careful attitude and everything, for the most part, depends on how you drive an automatic transmission.

In case of ignorance of the basics of controlling this unit, failures and breakdowns are quite possible, which are initiated by the owner himself. However, if there are not so many questions about the reliability of classic “automatic machines” with a torque converter, then there are much more questions with robotic boxes.

The same applies to CVT transmissions, where the “weak link” is the CVT belt. However, manufacturers are trying to solve design flaws and CVTs with a lamellar chain instead of a V-belt are already appearing. There are also a number of other prejudices.

In particular, many motorists are sure that it is impossible to perform engine braking on an automatic box. A similar legend arose from the fact that in the standard “drive” mode, the car really does not slow down due to the power unit.

However, on a long descent, it is enough to press the "O / D" button, and the car, throwing off several gears "down", will begin a smooth deceleration. However, this opportunity should not be used at speeds above 120 kilometers per hour, since a sharp jerk will cause an increased load on the transmission elements.

By the way, on a steep descent at low speed, you can use the "2" mode. Thanks to him, the car will not accelerate, and the movement will be smooth and safe. Another very popular opinion among car lovers is that it is impossible to tow a car with automatic transmission. This statement is also false. However, towing should always be done with the engine running, locking the gearbox selector in the “N” position.

In addition, the towing speed should not exceed 50 kilometers per hour, and it can be carried out no further than 50 kilometers. Another thing is that towing is mainly resorted to if the power unit is not working. And in this case, towing is strictly prohibited, since it will lead to a breakdown of an expensive transmission. Before you start driving an automatic transmission, you should definitely remember this and stock up on a tow truck call phone in advance. However, even with the engine running, towing is an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only in hopeless situations. An important aspect when driving a "machine" is the undesirability of working as a "tug" for another car.

If such a role cannot be avoided, you can only tow a car with a mass less than or equal to your car, using transmission modes "2" or "L". At the same time, the speed of movement should not exceed forty kilometers per hour. There is another aspect, the opinion about which in the “near-automobile” environment varies greatly. It concerns starting a car using towing. In principle, those who oppose such actions are most right, since any mistake can be extremely costly. However, in life there are situations when such an option is the only one.

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In this case, the automatic transmission selector must be set to the “N” position and the ignition turned on. After that, you need to press the “gas” pedal once to enrich the mixture and allow the tug to accelerate your car to at least 30 kilometers per hour. After that, you need to turn on the "2" mode and press the gas. After the motor has started, it is required to return the selector to the neutral position. At the same time, if the engine does not start, you need to disable the "2" mode in order to avoid overheating of the transmission. However, it should, again, be remembered that this method is highly undesirable.

Thus, before you start driving an automatic transmission, you should study and understand the principles of operation of this transmission. Without this understanding, it is very easy to disable a complex device, and this should always be remembered. If you learn these simple principles, then the "machine" will become an excellent assistant, which will only please and not cause much trouble.

The vast majority of cars today have an automatic transmission. The usual lever for those who have previously used mechanics, with this type of design, is replaced by a selector to select the automatic transmission mode. Many motorists who previously used only a manual transmission have a lot of questions about the features of driving on an “automatic”. Let's figure out how to drive a car with an automatic transmission.

How to drive an automatic car

Before you start using an unusual gearbox, you need to learn its functions. The user is offered several modes:

  • "P" or "Parking". Used while parked. This position is equivalent to using the handbrake, as the drive wheels are completely blocked. It is in this mode that you need to turn off and start the engine.

Important! In no case should you set the "P" mode while the car is moving, your automatic transmission will not survive such an error.

Almost every automatic transmission has two or three additional work programs. We will talk about the most popular of them separately, just below.

"Winter" and other special modes

After buying a new car, you may find additional provisions on the transmission. Most often it is "Sport" or "Winter". Let's talk about the latter, since it is on almost all cars in Russia. It can be designated in several ways:

  • snowflake (*);
  • "HOLD";
  • "Winter";
  • "Snow";
  • or the letter "W".

This program for your car is designed to start moving without slipping on a snowy road. At the same time, the automation does not use the first gear, but the car starts immediately from the second. To avoid sudden changes in acceleration and skidding, subsequent gear changes occur at lower engine speeds.

It is not recommended to try this mode in the summer, as it heats up the box more and experiences a heavier load. In winter, heating is not so terrible due to the cooling of the transmission oil. Also, do not turn on "Snow" if you are driving on a cleared city highway with relatively good coverage. For residents of settlements with predominantly dirt roads, it is more acceptable for winter conditions.

Nevertheless, you should refrain from driving on difficult tracks with no asphalt. The automatic transmission does not like this at all. Slipping is especially terrible for her. In winter or summer (when driving on a wet dirt road), try to avoid areas where you risk getting stuck. If you do fall into a trap, do not try to get out of it in the "Drive" mode. Almost all boxes have the “L” or “1” mode for this, which correspond to the first gear on the “mechanics”. You can also go to "Neutral" and gently push the car, after placing boards or rugs from the passenger compartment under the wheels.

Before you start exploring the special modes of your automatic transmission, you need to learn how to use the basic ones correctly. In additional modes, the selector is set much less frequently. The position of this "lever" can only be selected when the engine is running. If you are just starting to move, do it during warm-up. If you need to reverse, then first you need to stop, select a new mode and start moving.

Remember the procedure for choosing the desired method of movement:

  1. Sink the brake pedal to the floor.
  2. After that, press the button on the selector. Depending on the model and year of manufacture of the car, it can be located on the handle from above, below or on the side.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. It is usually difficult for beginners to switch from "Park" to "Drive". To do this, you need to bypass the "R" and "N". This should be done by smoothly moving the lever and not stopping at inappropriate positions. The sound of the engine will announce the change in gear. He will become more deaf. This usually happens after a couple of seconds.

How to start moving in the selected mode?

How to start moving in the selected mode?

One of the important nuances of using a car with an automatic transmission is that you should not take your foot off the brake pedal ahead of time. As long as you hold it, the car will not budge. Immediately after you release the brake pedal, then in the "D" position, the car will go forward, in "R" back, and in "Neutral" it remains in the same position. The exception is when the car is on a slope. Then on "D" she will remain motionless, and on "N" she will roll downhill.

A feature of a car with an automatic gearbox is that the motor pushes them in the "R" and "D" modes. This must be taken into account when driving a car equipped with this device. Also remember that the first thing the gearbox responds to is the use of the accelerator pedal. A few smooth clicks on it will lead to the fact that slow acceleration will begin. If you are making a maneuver, then do not be afraid to give "gas" sharply, sinking the pedal to the floor. The “machine” will react to this by turning on the “kick-down” mode, that is, it will first start working in a lower gear, and then begin a sharp acceleration.

Important! Remember that from the moment you press the "gas" to acceleration, a couple of seconds will definitely pass. When overtaking, you need to take into account this feature of automation.

A number of features has the control of a car with an automatic transmission. With this design, the car is easier to coordinate. The right foot alternately presses on two pedals - brake and gas, while the left foot remains idle. In all lever positions except "P", make it a rule to keep the brake pedal depressed. Many people switch to "Neutral" when driving downhill, thus trying to reduce gasoline consumption. The "N" mode should not be switched while driving. Due to the fact that you have to constantly slow down, the pads will heat up. It will be more beneficial to use engine braking in "Drive".

If you still decide to coast a section of the track, do not hold down the selector button when switching from Drive to Neutral. Before slowing down, return to "D" mode. Thanks to this simple method, you will bypass the inclusion of "Reverse" and "Park" by mistake, which can lead to the failure of the box.

How to stop driving with automatic transmission?

The termination of the movement of the car with automatic equipment also has its own characteristics. There are rules here too. If you do not take into account the nuances, everything is simple - if you want to stop, just press the brake pedal. There is no need to switch transmission modes while driving.

If you need to stop for a few moments in front of a traffic light or a zebra, stay in "D" mode. This will help keep your box intact. In this case, the brake pedal must be depressed.

In difficult traffic conditions (long traffic jams), it is possible to reduce the consumption of gasoline by the car. If you understand that you will stand for more than half a minute, then you can switch to "Neutral". Just do not release the brake pedal so as not to accidentally hit other cars. If traffic on the highway has stopped for a long time, you can let your right leg relax a little - switch to "P".

Many motorists do not use the parking brake because they trust the automation of their car. However, in the instructions that come with the documents of each car, there is a point that the handbrake should still be used at every long stop. Those who studied "mechanics" remember that before starting to move, it is necessary to check the condition of the "handbrake". They install it without thinking, but over time they also forget about the additional brake.

There are cases when owners of a car with an “automatic” cannot do without a handbrake:

  • stop with running engine;
  • wheel replacement;
  • stopping on a slope, if you do not apply the "handbrake" the lever will go to the "Parking" position with reluctance.

Do not neglect the use of the handbrake, because it was not in vain that auto manufacturers left this knot. If you stopped for a short time without turning off the engine and left the passenger compartment, only the handbrake can save you from force majeure situations. If you were trained on the "mechanics" and always use this node, look at the dashboard before starting the movement. When the handbrake is applied, the indicator will light up there.

The main mistakes when using an automatic transmission

The main mistakes when using an automatic transmission

To drive a car with an installed "automatic" you need to acquire certain skills. The best way to do this is to study at a driving school or get some practical lessons from experienced drivers.

Important! Before the first trip on a new car, check the modification of the box. If this is a traditional automatic transmission, you need to start smoothly. Robotic modifications with DSG or PowerShift nodes, on the contrary, like a more aggressive start of movement. In the latter case, after reaching a certain speed, you do not need to press the gas pedal harder.

Many drivers while driving pay attention only to fuel consumption, but with an automatic transmission, you need to think about the safety of its components. If you do not take into account the features of the "smart" transmission, then the cost of gasoline will seem insignificant to you. Repairing this node can seriously drain your budget, so avoid these common rookie mistakes:

  • aggressive driving style;
  • sharp acceleration;
  • careless driving on slopes and mountain roads;
  • towing too heavy cars;
  • attempts to start the car "from the pusher";
  • untimely replacement of transmission oil.

Remember that the "machine" requires an extremely careful attitude. Keep this in mind when using the car. A car with him should not be started in the traditional Russian way (pushing it). If you are used to a fairly aggressive driving style, you should abandon it.

Automatic transmission requires extremely careful attitude

This type of transmission does not like cold starts at all. If you start driving in winter, make it a rule to move the lever several times to different positions before starting to move. During this procedure, you must apply the brake. This will help disperse the oil in the box and make it a little warmer. In summer, this problem is not present, but still try not to accelerate in the first kilometers of movement, smooth movement will help the transmission warm up.

Also car from installed automatic transmission requires more careful attention in terms of maintenance. It must be regularly driven for technical inspection and change the oil in the box, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Important! Gearboxes with a stepless variator cannot be repaired. If they fail, a complete replacement of the assembly is necessary. Minor breakdowns can be eliminated by experienced craftsmen, but be prepared for the fact that in the near future you will still have to replace this part of the car.

Every year, automatic transmissions become more and more complex in their design. Almost every manufacturer has a car with a robotic transmission in its lineup. At the slightest malfunction in their work, you must contact an authorized service point. Only there you will be able to fix the breakdown and not make it worse.


If you want to avoid premature wear of the box, try to refrain from moving heavy trailers or other vehicles with your car. When towing, for the operation of the “machine”, rather difficult conditions are created, leading to its overheating. This is especially dangerous in the summer, as there is no additional cooling provided by weather conditions. In winter, towing other cars is undesirable and cannot be carried out after a long stop and the transmission has cooled down.

Another situation is the case when your car can no longer continue to move. There is only one way out - you need to tow it to the nearest service station. Remember that the speed of movement on the cable should not exceed 50 kilometers per hour. You can only move in "Neutral", constantly monitoring the tension of the cable and the position of the car on the track. If you don't have enough driving experience, it's best to drop the idea of ​​towing.

You can move only in "Neutral", constantly monitoring the tension of the cable and the position of the car on the track

Before deciding how to transport your car, take a look at its instructions. With some modifications of the boxes, transport must not be moved on a rigid hitch or cable. If you notice such a prohibition in the instructions for your car model, use the services of a tow truck. It will cost much less than changing the transmission.

In the end, I would like to say that despite all these nuances, the control of an automatic transmission remains one of the most convenient for the driver. After gaining the necessary experience, with its help you can learn how to save gasoline. If you have purchased a car with automatic transmission, do not rush to write out the addresses of the nearest service stations.

With proper use, it will be as durable as classical mechanics. Remember the main rule - you need to move smoothly. Some cars are equipped with robotic gearboxes, they love dynamic driving, but you can’t make sharp jerks. Every time you press the pedal or the selector, remember that the durability of the car's transmission depends on your actions. Overtake other road users without much recklessness. It is not difficult to adjust the driving style; for this, only desire is enough.

Once you get used to this type of transmission, driving a car will give you a feeling of complete freedom. You will not need to think about engine speed and gear ratios.

The presence of automatic gear shifting greatly simplifies driving. It is much more convenient to drive a car equipped with automatic transmission, especially with frequent stops and speed changes. Mistakes in the use of the machine lead to its accelerated wear, and in some cases can completely disable the unit. Particular attention should be paid to the instructions "How to use the automatic transmission correctly" for drivers whose driving lessons were held in mechanics.

Benefits of automatic transmissions

Driving a car with an automatic transmission has its own characteristics. The most automatic machine is suitable for a measured, calm ride, without dynamic acceleration, extreme external conditions and other overloads. It is convenient to use a car with an automatic transmission in a metropolis. The main benefits that owners of cars with automatic transmission receive include:

  • the beginner begins to feel confident behind the wheel much faster, since there is no need to choose the right gears;
  • ease of control during the ride;
  • simplification of starting off both on a straight section of the road, and if the start of movement occurs on a slope;
  • the load on the engine is automatically regulated, which has a good effect on its resource;
  • errors with the wrong choice of gear are impossible, which excludes the operation of the engine at too high or low speeds;
  • due to the less frequent impact on the lever, its surface remains intact for a long time.

At the dawn of their mass appearance, automata had a much smaller resource than mechanics. In modern cars, the service life is almost equal, but only if you use the automatic transmission correctly. Driving errors and improper maintenance can cause breakdowns, after which the operation of the automatic transmission becomes impossible without a major overhaul.

Automatic transmission operating modes

The main positions of the gearbox handle, as well as the automatic transmission operating modes, are described in the image below.

The "Parking" mode corresponds to the position of the "P" lever. The vehicle's wheels are in the locked position. This mode is somewhat similar to the operation of a handbrake. It is forbidden to move the selector to the “P” position while the car is moving, as this will lead to mechanical damage and costly repairs. "Parking" is applied in the following cases:

  • if necessary, start the car;
  • while the car is parked.

The "Reverse" mode is responsible for the movement of the car in reverse. It usually has the designation "R". The operating rules allow you to turn on the reverse motion only on a stationary vehicle. If the machine is moving even at low speed, moving the lever to the "R" position will lead to costly repairs.

To disconnect the engine from the gearbox, the neutral mode is used, which corresponds to the location of the selector opposite the letter "N". The wheels in this mode rotate freely and engine braking is impossible. It is not recommended to switch the automatic transmission to neutral mode while driving, as skidding may occur.

The mode that indicates forward movement and tells the car owner to “drive” is called “Drive”. It corresponds to position "D". Depending on the force applied to the fuel control pedal, the gears are selected automatically. When the accelerator force is reduced, the automatic transmission applies engine braking. A feature of the "Drive" mode is the absence of the need to use the handbrake when starting off with a slight inclination. On a steep slope, the vehicle in "D" mode will slowly roll back, which may cause an accident.

Gear range selection

To limit the number of gears used, there are several sub-modes, usually denoted by numbers. For example, on the automatic transmission shown in the figure below, it is possible to limit gear ratios 2, 3 and 4 to speed. There are boxes that allow you to move in first gear. This mode is designated 1 or "L".

It is recommended to move using only 3 speeds in areas requiring increased attention. When operating an automatic transmission in this mode, you should carefully monitor the readings of the tachometer. If the arrow of the device enters the red zone, it indicates the need to reduce engine speed or switch the automatic transmission.

Using only two gears may be caused by driving the machine on a steep slope. Driving instructors for cars with automatic transmission recommend that you also overcome slippery roads when the selector is set to position "2". In this case, the car drives more smoothly, and the chance of getting into a skid is reduced.

The recommendations on how to properly use a car with automatic transmission indicate that driving such a car off-road can damage the gearbox. In real life, there are various situations, therefore, for driving in difficult conditions, automakers have provided for the possibility of working only in first gear. This allows you to drive both over bumps and climb a steep slope. The maximum speed that a car with a selector in the "L" position is capable of developing reaches 40 km / h.

Selecting to limit the range of gears used when driving at speed leads to engine braking. If the deceleration rate is too high, the car may skid. The automatic transmission in this case will experience increased wear.

Additional Modes

To improve traffic safety in winter, the mode denoted by "*", "WINTER", "SNOW" is used. At the same time, wheel slippage is eliminated as much as possible both when changing speeds and when starting off. In some boxes, the start of movement occurs in second gear, which significantly reduces acceleration. Switching between steps occurs with minimization of acceleration drops, which reduces the possibility of skidding. Driving instructors for cars with automatic transmission do not recommend using the winter mode in summer, as this can lead to overheating of the oil in the box.

To be able to control an automatic transmission like mechanics, a selective gearbox is used. The driver independently increases or decreases the gear ratio depending on road conditions. Automation insures the driver against mistakes, so he can independently raise or lower the gear. An example of a selective automatic transmission is shown in the figure below.

The problem with how to drive economically is solved by the special "E" mode. In this case, the gears are switched in such a way that the engine consumes as little fuel as possible. The dynamic characteristics of the car are deteriorating.

Despite the fact that most machines are not designed for sports driving, the presence of the "S" mode allows you to add agility to the car. The crankshaft speed before changing the gear ratio reaches its maximum. In this case, an increased load is placed on the transmission. There is no need to talk about the economy of the “S” mode.

Vehicle traffic control

Before you start moving, you need to do the following:

  1. Before starting the car, you need to check the position of the handle, and if necessary, move it to the "P" mode;
  2. Start the engine;
  3. Press the brake pedal and hold it;
  4. Press the button that prevents accidental switching of the selector;
  5. Select "D" or "R" depending on the direction of travel. Switching should be done quickly, without stopping at intermediate positions. This will prevent unnecessary operation of the automatic transmission mechanism. The average turn-on time of the selected mode is 1-2 seconds.

Since the brake pedal is pressed, the car will stand still. After releasing it, the machine will begin to move slowly. The direction depends on the selected mode "D" or "R". In this case, the slope may impede movement. In this case, you will need to act on the accelerator pedal.

The automatic transmission is controlled indirectly through the intensity of the pedal. Smooth action results in leisurely shifting and smooth acceleration. A car with automatic transmission will reveal its maximum dynamic characteristics only when the accelerator is pressed to the floor. As a result of driving a car in this mode, there is an increased wear of all its components.

Autoinstructors, teaching driving with automatic transmission, pay attention to kick-down. This effect appears as a result of the features of the automatic transmission algorithm. Receiving a command for the most intense acceleration, an initial downshift occurs. This results in a one-second delay before overclocking. Overtaking techniques account for this failure by pointing out the kickdown in instructions on how to drive safely.

Stopping the car

The vehicle is brought to a stop by pressing the brake pedal. After stopping the automatic transmission instructor, it is recommended to follow the following instructions “how to operate an automatic transmission”:

  • during a long stop, you should move the lever from position "D" to "P" or "N";
  • With frequent and short-term braking, for example, when driving through a traffic jam, it is advisable to leave the selector in front of "D".

Continuous operation of a braked vehicle without switching to "P" or "N" leads to increased wear on the engine, gearbox and brake system. The need to constantly keep the brake pedal depressed causes driver fatigue. In turn, too frequent change of lever positions leads to increased wear of automatic transmission mechanisms. The decision on how to drive is made personally by the motorist, based on his preferences and driving experience.

Features of operating a car with automatic transmission

Driving with a high dynamic load or at high speed on a cold gearbox leads to rapid wear. When leaving by car, the first 5-10 minutes should be driven in a moderate, smooth mode. The decision on how to drive a car with warm oil lies with the owner; automatic transmission instructors recommend a gentle mode at all stages when operating an automatic transmission.

In cold weather, before driving, you should switch gears, which will additionally warm up the automatic transmission. Experienced automatic transmission instructors start moving with the winter mode on. This helps to quickly warm up the box even in cold weather. The instruction “how to use an automatic transmission correctly” prohibits using the “*” position in summer, so it is not worth accelerating the heating of the oil on hot days. They warm up quickly even in normal driving.

Towing a machine with an automatic transmission should be done with great care. The speed of movement should not exceed 30-50 km / h. If possible, start the engine, as this will improve lubrication and reduce automatic transmission heat. The distance that the car can be moved is often limited to 30-50 km. Structurally, in an automatic transmission, the towing mode may be generally unacceptable. Some manufacturers allow you to move the car on the hitch only when the engine is running.

Slip has a negative effect on the automatic transmission. A driving instructor with an automatic transmission, teaching “how to drive on uneven surfaces”, recommends that you work the accelerator pedal as smoothly as possible. It is advisable to set the lever to position "2".

The design features inherent in the machine do not allow towing a vehicle or trailer without harm to the car. Even small distances covered with additional load deal a blow to the resource of the box. If it is necessary to tow additional cargo by the machine, overheating of the gearbox should be avoided. Before you start driving, you need to consider whether towing is worth the excessive wear on the transmission, which cannot be avoided in any case.

Situations when you need to use the handbrake

The presence of the "Parking" mode has led to the fact that car owners do not use the handbrake. Looking at the recommendations on how to properly drive a car with automatic transmission or a traffic manual, you can see the requirement to always use the handbrake, not relying on the selector. The step-by-step start guide also mentions the need to use the parking brake.

Motorists who previously drove a mechanic and used the handbrake extremely rarely forget about it when driving. Beginners, on the other hand, can forget to remove the car from the handbrake after driving more than one kilometer. With the onset of frost, a new problem begins in the form of freezing of the pads, so everyone makes the decision on the need to use the parking brake during daily operation.

The advent of automatic transmission has made driving a car more comfortable. Now there is no need to depress the clutch and select a gear yourself, and knowledge of the features of the box and the correct choice of the driving mode allow you to extend the service life to the level of mechanics.

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By following simple rules when operating an automatic transmission, you will significantly extend its maintenance-free life. At the end of the article is a video on the topic.
Here are some tips:

1 When you try to start off and change the direction of movement to the opposite, the switching of the lever of the scenes must be carried out with the brake pedal depressed and the car completely braked.
It is widely believed that when the lever is moved from the mode D in R, and vice versa, you should make a delay in the position N. Experts argue that this judgment is erroneous, because with such actions, the automatic transmission is forced to operate "once" again, which leads to an accelerated development of its resource.

2 After turning on the automatic transmission selector, you should start moving (take your foot off the brake pedal and press the gas pedal) only after a characteristic push, indicating that the gear is fully engaged.

3 During stops at traffic lights, short stops, stops in traffic jams, do not set the selector lever to the position N.(As for traffic jams, a controversial statement, because with a long hold on the brake (more than a minute), the oil in the box may overheat. (Editor's note).
Also, it is not recommended to do this on long descents to ensure the movement of the "coasting". Violation of this rule can lead to a breakdown of the automatic transmission mechanism.

If the car has stalled, then pressing the gas pedal is not only useless, but also harmful for both the automatic transmission and the final drive. (Absolutely true, also for mechanical boxes. A stalled car must be driven out using the swing method. Of course, if it has not sat on its belly).

In such cases, you can try to get out of an unpleasant situation by turning on the downshift mode, and acting as a clutch on the brake pedal, to ensure that the wheels rotate slowly.

The presence of an automatic transmission forces, when the car is “rocking”, not just to switch the selector “forward - backward”, but to stop the movement at the point of “hanging” with the brake. If you do not use the brake, the automatic transmission will suffer greatly.

The design of modern automatic transmissions has been worked out over a long period of time and is quite reliable. Constant care can extend the life of an automatic transmission for many years.


For the driver, the only visible automatic transmission control is the manual shift lever (selector). As a rule, the mode switch lever in an automatic transmission has several positions:

P - "parking".
The parking position of the shift lever, blocking the drive wheels of the car from rotation, however, in the gearbox itself, “neutral” is turned on.

R - "reverse".
Vehicle driving in reverse.

N - "neutral".
There is no transmission of engine torque to the drive wheels, which are not blocked. Used for towing a car.

D - "drive".
The movement of the car forward, with automatic gear shifting from first to maximum and vice versa.

2 - "two".
Vehicle forward range with automatic shifting only from first to second gear and vice versa.

1 - "unit".
The forward range of the car is only in first gear without any shifts.

S - "sport"
Sport mode, in which gear shifting occurs in a longer range.

The shift lever has a range lock that does not allow you to accidentally move the lever from one range to another. This latch is made in the form of a button on the lever handle or in some other way. Without release from the lock, the shift lever can only be moved from the range N in the range D or from D in 2 , depending on the design of the vehicle.

Driving with an automatic transmission makes life easier for the driver. However, the operation of "automatic" will require certain skills.

On vehicles with automatic transmission, starting the engine with a starter is possible only in position R or N and only when the brake pedal is depressed.

Before starting off, press the brake pedal and move the lever to the desired range. After the characteristic engagement of the automatic transmission clutch (a slight push and a decrease in engine idle speed), you need to remove your foot from the brake and start moving, adjusting the speed with the gas pedal.

So, I emphasize that all transfers of the gearbox control lever before starting to move should be carried out with the car braked, and you can start moving only after the characteristic switching on of the automatic transmission.

Moving the lever out of range D in the range R and vice versa is allowed subject to the foregoing.

It is forbidden to engage reverse when moving forward and forward when moving backward without a complete stop.

On position D in the gearbox there are automatic shifts. This range is the main one when moving forward. If there is an overdrive in the box, then it is recommended not to use it in urban conditions, i.e. turn off the button (O/D).

When driving in mountainous and other difficult conditions, it is recommended to use a range 2 .

On long descents and on icy conditions, engine braking should be applied by switching ranges 2 or even 1 , depending on the speed:

  • range 2 turn on at a speed not exceeding 80 km / h;
  • range 1 – no more than 50 km/h.

When moving forward, it is allowed to move the lever from the range D up to range 1 and back. However, before these manipulations, the gas pedal must be released.

When parking, the gear lever must be set to the position R and fix the car with a handbrake, because. the locking mechanism included at the same time does not hold the machine securely enough on significant slopes.

Setting the lever to the range R carried out only with the vehicle at a complete stop!

The blocking mechanism cannot be used as a means of slowing down or stopping. Its inclusion in motion can lead to breakage of automatic transmission parts.

Range N used for towing a car. In addition, you should avoid towing the car for distances exceeding 50 km - the help of a tow truck will be required.

When the vehicle is moving within the range D gear shifting occurs automatically, depending on the speed and position of the accelerator.

If, while driving, you sharply press the gas, then, depending on the speed of the car, a forced downshift will occur, which will significantly improve the dynamics of acceleration. But it is important to remember that the frequent use of forced downshifts reduces the durability of the automatic transmission.

Driving at or near full throttle also reduces transmission durability. That is, a calm driving style will ensure maximum durability of the automatic transmission.

To ensure the reliability of an automatic transmission, of course, its competent maintenance is necessary. It mainly consists in timely (at least once a week) checking the oil level.

The principle of operation of an automatic transmission is a torque converter instead of the usual clutch and electronic (logical, intelligent, whatever you want to call it) gear selection control (there are already ordinary gears, as in any mechanics).

So, the torque converter is responsible for transmitting torque from the engine shaft to the wheel drive. The principle of operation of the torque converter is quite simple - the rotor (like a fan propeller) is supplied with oil pressure under pressure, this pressure naturally depends on the engine speed.
Take a small fan (rotor) and blow on it (oil flow) - it will start to rotate, but if you blow lightly and hold it with your hand (brake) - you will be able to find a balance between the force with which you hold the fan with your hand (pressed brake) and air pressure (oil flow at idle). Further, everything is like in a manual box - changing the gear ratios by changing the row of gears.

It is impossible to accelerate at the same time as the brake on the machine and there is no need for this (except for entering the test mode, which is achieved by simultaneously pressing the brake and outputting revolutions to certain values).

Driving on an unheated automatic box or switching from neutral to drive at high speeds (in this case, a water hammer occurs, which can disable the box) will inevitably lead to the repair or replacement of the box. And then you or your friends will talk about the unsuitability of the automatic transmission for operation in our conditions, about unreliability and fragility.

As for the handbrake, it blocks the rear wheels, and if you don’t hit the floor with a slipper, then there will be no water hammer, you just drag the blocked wheels behind you, the box will be loaded, but you will remove the handbrake and that’s it OK.
In general, read the manual for the automatic transmission for your car and remember how not to do it (and there is no need for this).

What not to do:

  • simultaneously press the gas and brake,
  • rev hard in neutral
  • switch the position of the selector with the gas pedal pressed,
  • switch from R on the D(and back) to a complete stop of the car,
  • turn on kickdown on an unheated box. Changes are very clearly felt with the overdrive turned off.

Winter. The snow is falling, the roads are being cleared, the snow is covering them again. Clean asphalt has not been seen for a long time. And you have to travel, every day.

How to drive an automatic transmission in the winter season? Automatic in winter - is it a plus or a minus? If it’s a plus, then how to fully use it, if a minus, then how to compensate for it?

Let's look into all these issues.

Advantages of automatic transmission

The automatic transmission, when the car is moving, independently shifts gears, without distracting the driver from the process of driving the machine, especially under difficult road conditions. It saves him from constantly depressing the clutch pedal, switching on the desired gear, which for some inexperienced motorists is a real torment. The automatic machine is especially convenient when driving in a traffic jam, you press the brake pedal, the car stops, releases it, the car drives smoothly, you don’t have to endlessly pull the gear lever, simultaneously work the accelerator and clutch pedals. When starting uphill, the machine moves the car without the risk of turning off the engine.

All this makes driving a car with a machine gun a comfortable and safe activity, but only in summer, on smooth, good roads. In winter, the situation changes dramatically. There is snow on the road, there is frost under the snow, pieces of pure asphalt are visible somewhere, the grip of the car's wheels with the road is unstable. Slips, skids, loss of control are possible. All this complicates the operation of the hydromechanical transmission, and requires the driver to have additional knowledge and skills in driving a car with automatic transmission in the winter.

How to properly warm up the automatic transmission in winter

After overnight parking, the car should start, despite the noticeable cold. Modern engines with fuel injection systems allow you to start the car immediately, with little or no warm-up, but do not rush. It is required to let the engine run a little without load , dilute the engine oil, fill the lubrication system with it, let the pistons and cylinders warm up. It will take only 3 - 4 minutes for this, and the engine will repay the owner for this with long-term reliable work.

An automatic transmission is a very complex and rather capricious unit that requires even more careful attention to itself. The machine must be prepared before driving, which goes well with warming up the engine.

Two to three minutes after starting the engine, it is recommended to press the brake pedal and move the automatic transmission selector to position "D" (driving). Without releasing the brake, it is necessary to let the box work in this mode for 20 - 30 seconds, and then switch to the "R" mode (reverse). Then wait another 30 s. Repeat the entire procedure "D" - "R" a couple of times, while you can lightly press the "gas" pedal, after tightening the "handbrake".

Before driving in winter, the automatic transmission must be prepared: put the selector in the "D" mode, then in the "R" mode and wait half a minute, then repeat these steps a couple of times.

The initial warm-up of the power unit and automatic transmission is over, now you can get under way.

How to start driving on the machine in winter

One of the main advantages of a hydromechanical transmission is a smooth, jerk-free start of movement. On a car with "mechanics" a comfortable start depends on the skill and experience of the driver, the state of the clutch. The machine itself will gently move the car.

If the automatic transmission allows you to force the first gear (for example, boxes with the "Tiptronic" function or in the presence of modes "1", "2"), then you should use this.

Automatic transmission with "Tiptronic" function - T-shaped branch on the right side of the box for manual control.

The beginning of the journey - the first 400-600 meters - drive in first, then second gear, maintaining engine speed of about 2000 rpm. After turning on the automatic mode and continue driving in a calm style, not zealous when pressing the accelerator pedal. After 8 - 10 km of the way, the automatic transmission is ready to work in the normal mode, switching from gear to gear smoothly, without bumps and jerks. This is another plus of the automatic transmission.

Warming up the automatic transmission and the engine is not a complicated operation. They do not take much time, but they greatly facilitate and lengthen the life of the power unit and hydromechanical automatic transmission. But if engine repair is a well-established operation, and is carried out by many repair shops, then automatic transmission repair is a very, very expensive procedure, carried out only by specialized enterprises, and the result is not always positive.

How to drive an automatic in winter

The rules listed below are valid for cars with any gearbox, but for the "automatic" they are especially relevant.

Automatic transmission problems in winter and their solutions

The following lists the disadvantages inherent in automatic machines, which must be remembered during the winter operation of hydromechanical transmissions, as well as options for their elimination.

Control of the machine during steep ascents and long descents

When driving in difficult conditions, when overcoming a steep slope or when driving on loose snow, the hydromechanical transmission can slip - this is its feature, since there is no rigid connection between the automatic transmission and the engine. In this situation, the driver must help the car by forcing a downshift in advance.

When driving on a long downhill slope, such as on mountain roads, to prevent dangerous acceleration of the vehicle, using only the brake system will cause the pads, discs or drums to overheat. It is necessary to force the second or even first gear of the automatic transmission to effectively slow down the car.

Automatic transmission control when parking in winter

When parking, especially on a slope, you should fix the car with the brake pedal, move the automatic transmission selector to the "N" position, tighten the "handbrake", and only then set the "P" mode - parking. This will protect the automatic transmission parking lock system from overloading.

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