How to save money on Renault Duster maintenance. How to save on maintenance Renault Duster 2 then on Renault Duster when

Every car needs timely maintenance. The manufacturer of the Renault Duster car has developed a maintenance program. This program specifies the frequency of repair work, as well as exactly what operations should be carried out during the first and subsequent maintenance. The article will be useful to those who bought a Duster and want to learn about maintenance of their crossover. About how to save up to 30% on each maintenance.

Renault has indicated the time intervals or vehicle mileage after which maintenance should be carried out. At the end of the article you can find a summary table for the maintenance program Renault Duster, and now let’s look at the features of each periodic maintenance. For a gasoline engine, the mileage to TO-1 is 15 thousand kilometers. For diesel, this figure is only 10 thousand kilometers. This is due to the fact that a diesel engine is more sensitive to the quality of engine oil and fuel.

If during the first year of operation the car does not pass the specified mileage, then maintenance is still carried out. The same applies to subsequent technical inspections - they are carried out upon reaching the specified mileage of 15,000 km or every 12 months.

What is done during the first maintenance

Here is a list of work performed during the first maintenance on a Renault Duster.

Gasoline engine

  • Carried out with the obligatory change of the oil filter
  • Changes air filter engine (how to replace it yourself)
  • must be replaced (it is recommended to change 2 times a year)
  • Diagnostics of the ECU (engine control unit) is carried out using special equipment
  • The tightness of the engine systems - cooling, power supply, exhaust - is checked.
  • The integrity of hoses, connections and pipelines is checked.

Diesel engine

The list of works on the engine corresponds to the gasoline engine with some additions. Additionally, the fuel filter is replaced (on some models every 10 thousand km). Price fuel filter is approximately 2-3 thousand rubles. Coolant is added.

Advice! Choose a reliable gas station with quality fuel to avoid costly repairs fuel equipment diesels.

Other works and their frequency

  • Timing and auxiliary belts are replaced on a gasoline engine at the 4th maintenance or after a mileage of 60,000 km.
  • The fuel filter of a gasoline engine has a service life of 120,000 km and is replaced at the 8th maintenance.
  • Spark plugs are changed every 30,000 km on a gasoline engine.
  • After a run of 90 thousand kilometers, the coolant should be replaced. At the same stage, the car's brake fluid is also replaced.
  • Every 60 thousand km, the rear brakes are diagnosed and cleaned.

Operations carried out every maintenance

  • The clutch and the condition of the axle shaft boots are checked.
  • The condition of the tires and their pressure are monitored.
  • The condition of the stabilizer hinges, as well as the silent blocks in the suspension arms, is checked.
  • Replaced if necessary ball joints, shock absorbers (front and rear).
  • In the steering system, the condition of the steering rod boots, the tightness of the power steering system and the fluid level are monitored.
  • Unlike the rear brakes, the front brakes are checked every maintenance, since they are more heavily loaded during braking than the rear ones.
  • The integrity of the brake hydraulic drive, pipes, hoses, as well as the fluid level in brake system.
  • Checking is mandatory battery, lamps for interior and exterior vehicle lighting. The operation of control and measuring instruments is checked.
  • Rear view mirrors and windshield checked for integrity, the condition of the front and rear wipers is also monitored.
  • The integrity is checked and the hood lock is lubricated.
  • Be sure to change the cabin filter, which purifies the air entering the car interior.

After 2 years of operation, the refrigerant in the air conditioning system is replenished, and after 4 years.

General maintenance program for Renault Duster

Renault recommends that throughout the warranty period and post-warranty period you follow the maintenance program at the intervals indicated in this table (whichever comes first):

Maintenance schedule

Type of operationMileage, km1 year2 years3 years4 years5 years6 years7 years8 years9 years old10 years11 years old12 years old
Changing the engine oil15000 + + + + + + + + + + + +
Replacing the oil filter15000 + + + + + + + + + + + +
Replacing the cabin ventilation filter15000 + + + + + + + + + + + +
Replacing the air filter15000 + + + + + +
Replacing spark plugs30000 + + + + + +
Replacing the timing belt and rollers60000 + + +
Replacing the auxiliary drive belt equipment and rollers60000 + + +
Checking brake drum pads60000 + + +
Coolant replacement90000 + + + +
Replacement brake fluid 90000 + + + +
Replacing the external fuel filter (if equipped)- + + + + + + + + + + + +
Cleaning the air conditioner- + + + + + +
Checking the refrigerant level in the air conditioner- + + +
Maintenance frequency for Renault Duster
  1. 50% of the time, the vehicle is operated at low speeds (moving short distances, working at idling etc.)
  2. more than 50% of the distance traveled, the average speed did not exceed 30 km/h (operation in the city, taxis, training vehicles, delivery vehicles, etc.)
  3. At least 30% of the distance traveled was towed by a trailer or van weighing more than 500 kg
  4. long-term operation in a dusty atmosphere (at construction sites, with a mileage of more than 1000 km per year on unpaved roads, etc.)
  5. long-term operation (more than 5000 km per year) at a constant air temperature below -15 degrees
  6. use of fuel that does not comply with Renault regulations
  7. for 4x4 models: long-term operation in harsh weather conditions ( heavy rain etc.), in regions with high humidity or regular driving on wet and muddy roads.

For the specified operating conditions, replacement of operating fluids and filters occurs twice as often as under normal conditions.

Maintenance procedure (video)

We invite you to watch a video about how maintenance is carried out and what work is performed:


Buying new car dealer, do not forget about undergoing the necessary maintenance. The first maintenance is the most important, but it is imperative to monitor the condition of the vehicle’s components and assemblies as prescribed by the manufacturer. It is recommended to carry out maintenance so that the car remains under warranty for as long as possible.

Do not forget about the operating conditions of the car. Under intense loads, maintenance intervals can be reduced by 2 times, and vice versa - careful use will allow you to delay the replacement of some parts!

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The mileage of our all-wheel drive Renault Duster 1.6, which is at long test, is very close to the first scheduled maintenance. Pah-pah, nothing yet technical problems the car has not been detected: the engine runs smoothly and quietly, the suspension is silent, even in the cabin not a single “cricket” started up from driving over domestic potholes. In addition to the cost of gasoline, which, by the way, Duster consumes with an enviable appetite (at the moment average consumption fuel lasts about 12 liters per 100 km in city mode), we only spent money on seasonal re-shoes of tires.

And yet, planning the editorial budget forced us not only to find out the cost of the first maintenance, but also to wonder how much money a French crossover might require for its service during the warranty and post-warranty periods.

According to the regulations, service calls are required every 15,000 km or once a year from the date of purchase of the car, depending on which limit is reached first. In addition to changing the ELF Evolution SRX 5W30 oil and, accordingly, the oil filter, maintenance includes:

1) Replacement of spark plugs;
2) Replacement of air and cabin filters;
3) If necessary, add working fluids (usually antifreeze);
4) Comprehensive diagnostics of vehicle components and assemblies.

Total cost of consumables and work performed will be 8,400 rubles.

Moreover, depending on the region of operation, the cost of maintenance may vary, since the Russian representative office of Renault decided to divide our country into two tariff zones. The first category includes Renault car owners living in large cities (maintenance is more expensive for them), and the second category includes everyone else. One could be outraged by such discrimination, but comparing the prices of services for both categories, it turns out that the difference on average is only 5%.

A visit to the dealership for the second and third time will cost the same amount as the first maintenance. But for TO-4 (60,000 km) you will have to fork out more money. It is at this mileage that the Renault Duster will require replacement of the timing belt and its tension rollers, as well as the belt of additional attachments. Naturally, we must add to this the cost of all routine scheduled maintenance operations. As a result, he runs in amount of 22,850 rubles. And the total costs for 60,000 kilometers are only routine maintenance will amount to about 48,000 rubles.

This should also include the replacement of the front brake pads, which will most likely have to be replaced twice during the specified period. The one-time cost of this procedure is 4,580 rubles. And if you manage to erase the rear drums, then replacing them will cost 8,850 rubles.

The omnivorous suspension can also play a cruel joke on the owner of a Renault Duster, which over time weans the owner from slowing down in front of various types of irregularities. From our own experience, we notice that rails and potholes no longer cause the urge to slow down. But such driving does not increase the life of the shock absorbers in any way. Replacing Renault Duster struts will cost 13,160 rubles for the front pair and 11,240 rubles for the back two.

During the 60,000-year period, the air conditioning system (if equipped) may also require attention. Its diagnosis at a dealer station will cost 1,700 rubles. And together with refueling - in 4,700 rubles.

But for the operation of the system all-wheel drive there is no need to worry - Duster’s is still maintenance-free, but strong. with a long but effective attempt to get out of the snow field, he showed that the clutch can withstand with honor increased loads without overheating prematurely. However, if the coupling still fails beyond repair, its replacement will cost exorbitant amounts. 75,140 rubles.

As a result, with intensive and careless use, the total costs of Renault Duster during the warranty period may jump up to 85,000 rubles, which is a lot.

The warranty itself for the French-Romanian crossover is quite ordinary: 3 years or 100,000 km. Naturally, all “consumables” and operating fluids are not included in the warranty. It will not be possible to replace under warranty those components that are referred to in the service book as “subject to natural wear.” We do not know a specific list of such units, but it is clear that any moving mechanisms, one way or another, wear out. For example, the same shock absorbers are included in the warranty up to 25,000 km - after that you will have to change them at your own expense. The situation is similar with other suspension elements, the maximum warranty mileage for which is set at 50,000 km.

It is worth noting that for those who do not cover 100,000 kilometers in three years, Renault has a warranty extension program, but only by time, not by mileage. For Renault Duster, the period can be increased by a year or two for 9,500 or 14,500 rubles respectively. True, yours annual mileage you need to figure it out already at the stage of purchasing a car: to be on the safe side, Renault allows you to conclude an additional warranty contract only in the first 90 days from the date of purchasing the car.

For those who are already planning to cover more than just the warranty period for the Renault Duster, we found out how much the most popular spare parts cost at dealers, along with the work to replace them. Let’s say in advance that those who still consider the French crossover to be “budget” with an equally unburdensome cost of service may be disappointed.

From the point of view of additional expenses for further maintenance of the car, we are a full-fledged European car. With all the financial consequences...

Renault Duster 1.6MT 4WD
Cost of original spare parts (RUB)
Cost of replacement work (RUB)
Oil filter 320 180
Air filter 820 360
Cabin filter 885 360
Front brake pads 2 960 1 620
Rear brake pads 5 790 3 060
Front brake discs (pair) 6 730 1 944
Brake drums 8 540 1 944
Front shock absorbers (pair) 9 920 1 620
Rear shock absorbers (pair) 8 000 1 620
Ball joint (assembled with lever) 5 310 1 944
Wheel bearing 3 970 3 240
Engine mounts (right, left, rear) 4 060, 2 790, 4 350 1 260, 1 800, 864
Engine cooling radiator 9 600 3 240
Steering end (1 piece) 3 700 864
Steering rod (1 pc.) 3 540 1 512
Clutch assembly (disc, basket, bearing) 12 350 15 336
Some body parts of Renault Duster
Headlight 5 620 1 440
Front fog lamp 3 600 1 260
Tail light 4 260 360
Front bumper 12 250 900 + 8000 painting
Rear bumper 10 380 1 080 + 8000 painting
Windshield 8 415 3 240

The editors of the portal site thanks the Renault dealership "Laura-Ozerki" and personally Andrei Ivanov for their assistance in preparing the material.

The article also uses photographs from the site

All cars, regardless of body type and brand, require regular technical inspection. The manufacturer has developed a maintenance service for Renault Duster, which establishes the frequency of crossover maintenance and types of operations. Moreover, this schedule takes into account the peculiarities of vehicle operation in Russian conditions. To avoid unexpected problems with Renault Duster, the list of maintenance work established by the manufacturer must be followed exactly.

Why is this so important

A car consists of components that, during operation, vehicle gradually wear out. A number of parts (body, chassis and others) are made of durable materials. Therefore, the components do not require regular replacement. However, the Renault Duster design contains quickly wearing parts:

  • fuel system filters;
  • various gaskets;
  • brake system components and others.

It is recommended to check the brake fluid and engine oil levels regularly. If you do not follow the Duster maintenance regulations, then over time the properties of the latter will change. Brake fluid absorbs moisture as the vehicle is used. As a result, a chain reaction is started during which:

  • the brake fluid heats up;
  • due to moisture evaporation, bubbles appear in the brake fluid;
  • the pressure created by the liquid changes.

The result of the described chain reaction the brake system fails. Therefore, it is important to follow the Renault Duster maintenance schedule.

The Duster maintenance regulations are developed by the vehicle manufacturer, taking into account the characteristics of the materials and operating conditions of the crossover. For example, the service life of motor oil is 10 thousand kilometers. If the driver continues to use the old fluid, then in the future, due to the friction between the elements, the engine will fail.

Maintenance regulations may change. The rules established by the manufacturer are advisory in nature. If the car follows an aggressive driving style, then some of the components of the brake system will have to be changed more often.

It is also important to take into account that the Renault Duster diesel engine requires replacing the oil filter and other consumables as part of its maintenance after 10 thousand km. Regarding the crossover with gasoline engine this procedure is carried out less frequently (every 15 thousand kilometers).

List of mandatory work after 15 thousand km - TO1

As part of the first maintenance, Renault Duster must be replaced motor oil. Suitable for French model lubricants, meeting the following standards:

  • ACEA A2 or A3, SAE viscosity level (0W30/40, 5W30/40/50, 15W40/50, 5W40, 10W40);
  • API (SL, SM, SJ).

For diesel engine RN0720 5W30 engine oil will do. If the crossover is not equipped with a particulate filter, then you can use 5W40 lubricant.

As part of Duster, TO 1 must be replaced oil filter. In models with a 1.6-liter engine, an original component with article number 7700274177 is installed. In versions with a 2-liter engine - 8200768913.

During the first maintenance of the Renault Duster, the air and cabin filters. The type of the first component is selected taking into account the type of motor. In addition, Renault Duster with climate control system and air conditioning is equipped with various cabin filters.

Car maintenance involves more than just replacing consumables. The list of works during maintenance 1 involves checking many components and node connections. These procedures are recommended to be carried out during subsequent technical inspections.

As part of the maintenance, it is necessary to check the condition of the control unit that regulates the operation of the motor and the diagnostic computer. During the inspection, the tightness of the elements is assessed:

  • cooling systems;
  • exhaust systems;
  • hoses;
  • power systems;
  • pipelines.

Additionally, as part of the maintenance for Renault Duster, the condition is assessed:

  • clutch drive;
  • covers that protect wheel drive joints;
  • tires (including pressure);
  • anti-roll bar elements;
  • silent blocks of suspension arms;
  • all shock absorbers;
  • ball joints;
  • steering wheel and rod covers;
  • hydraulic brake drive (including tubes and hoses);
  • pads and brake mechanisms.

When performing a technical inspection of a Renault Duster, the technician checks the brake fluid level and voltage in the battery. The latter is done using a special tester. The fluid level in the power steering reservoir is assessed.

To ensure that the car complies with the rules technical operation established by the state, during maintenance the technician checks the condition of the Renault Duster windshield, rear view mirror, warning lamps for dashboard, lamps for external and internal lighting. Also cleaned from dust brake pads mounted on the rear wheels.

Necessary measures include checking the anti-corrosion coating and hood lubrication.

Mandatory work as part of the second maintenance

During the second maintenance, the list of work after 30,000 km includes similar measures as described above. For Renault Duster, it is necessary to replace the engine oil (and filter) and install new air and cabin filters.

In addition, after 30 thousand kilometers, the performance of the spark plugs decreases. Therefore, as part of the second maintenance, new elements are installed on the Renault Duster. Moreover, 1.6- and 2-liter gasoline engines require the same spark plugs.

At the second maintenance, the oil level is checked again automatic transmission. If necessary, add material. In all-wheel drive models, the technician checks the lubricant level in the transfer case and rear axle gearbox.

As part of maintenance 2 of Renault Duster, the condition of the fuel injectors of the throttle body is assessed. It is also recommended to clean the air conditioning system elements from dirt.

Main activities during maintenance 3 (45,000 km)

The list of works during maintenance 3 does not differ from the list of activities carried out as part of the previous technical inspection. New oil is poured into the Renault Duster engine and filters are replaced.

List of works after 60 thousand km - TO4

As part of TO 4, the same activities are carried out as during previous technical inspections. Also, new spark plugs are installed on Renault Duster.

After 60 thousand km, the car requires replacing the drive belt. Typically a new tensioner is installed at this stage. If the car follows an aggressive driving style, or the crossover has been used in difficult conditions, the belt should be changed earlier.

Similar requirements apply to the timing belt. After 60 thousand kilometers, Renault Duster. For 1.6- and 2-liter petrol and 1.5-liter diesel engines are installed various elements Timing belt

List of works during maintenance 5 (mileage 75 and 105 thousand km)

The list of works for maintenance 5 does not differ from the previous lists. However, after 75 and 105 thousand km, it is recommended to carry out a full maintenance of the Renault Duster. It is necessary not only to change the oil and filters, but also to check the condition of the timing belts and drive. In addition, the brake system and other components that affect the vehicle's performance should be assessed.

List of works after 95 thousand km

The maintenance schedule after 95 thousand km does not differ from the list of work carried out as part of Maintenance 1. At this stage it is also necessary. The manufacturer declares the need to use a fuel oil that complies with the DOT4 standard (Elf Freelub 650 is suitable for Renault Duster).

At the same time as the brake fluid, the hydraulic fluid in the clutch and brakes is changed. Procedures cannot be performed on different days.

After 95 thousand km, it is recommended to fill in new coolant. Renault (Glaceol RX) or Nissan brand refrigerants are suitable for Duster. The coolant should be checked and replaced every 4 years of operation, regardless of the number of kilometers traveled.

List of works after 120 thousand km

The regulations established by the manufacturer for the Renault Duster provide for the next maintenance after 120 thousand km. This maintenance includes adding oil to the engine compartment and installing new filters. You will also need to replace the spark plugs, timing belt and accessory drive belt. If necessary, new oil is poured into the gearbox in models with an automatic transmission.

Replacement of worn parts before maintenance

When performing Duster maintenance, you need to remember that some parts wear out before the specified time. The manufacturer has established a certain frequency for replacing vehicle components depending on operating conditions:

  • More than half of the time, Renault Duster moves at low speeds or idles.
  • More than half the time the average speed was 30 km/h. This rhythm of movement is typical for operation in urban environments.
  • More than 30% of the time, Renault Duster traveled with a trailer whose weight exceeded 500 kg.
  • Renault Duster is constantly operated in dusty conditions (for example, on construction sites).
  • A car travels more than 5 thousand km a year at temperatures environment below -15 degrees.
  • The Duster owner uses fuel that does not meet the manufacturer's requirements.
  • Long-term operation of Renault Duster in all-wheel drive version in conditions of high humidity, driving on dirty roads.

If one or more of the above circumstances is present, it is necessary to change consumables more often than prescribed by regulations.

Renault has not determined the frequency of filling new gearbox oil for models equipped with manual transmission transmission In this case, the fluid level must be checked every 15 thousand km. An oil change may be required when a Renault Duster gearbox is being repaired. It is also recommended to check for fluid leaks from the gearbox at certain intervals. .

According to the instructions for the crossover, at the end of its service life, the fluid in the transfer case is changed. This will require a hypoid gear oil volume of 0.9 liters, which complies with the API standard (GL5 SAE 75W90 Shell brand is suitable).

In addition to the above materials, it is also necessary to regularly check the level and condition of the fluid in the rear axle gearbox. In this case, the same hypoid oil is used as when pouring into the transfer case.

The last on the list of replaced materials is hydraulic power steering fluid. The Renault Duster power steering is filled with 1.1 liter ELF “RenaultMatic D3 SYN” oil.

Renault Duster maintenance cost

The final amount of maintenance costs for Renault Duster is determined depending on the order of maintenance and the type of components and materials being replaced. Maintenance is considered the most expensive after 60 thousand kilometers. In this case, it is necessary to replace not only oils and filters, but also timing belts, drive belts and a number of other components. Maintenance 8 will require similar expenses.

During the sixth maintenance procedure, it is necessary to carry out the measures provided for in the first two stages, as well as replace the coolant, hydraulic fluid of the clutch and brake system. These costs are comparable to the costs of maintenance 4.

If we consider only original products as replacement materials and components, then the first maintenance procedure for Renault Duster will cost the owner approximately 3.56 thousand rubles. This amount includes motor oil (600 rubles per 1 liter), oil (250 rubles), air (480 and 570 rubles for a diesel engine) and cabin (660 and 700 rubles for a car with air conditioning) filters.

The costs of the second maintenance increase due to the need to replace spark plugs (160 rubles per unit). The cost of maintenance after 30 thousand kilometers will be approximately 4.2 thousand rubles.

The third maintenance will cost the same amount as the first. The cost of the fourth Renault Duster maintenance procedure reaches 9.36 thousand rubles. Such a high price is explained by the fact that the car owner will have to pay 3.56 thousand rubles for inspecting the car and replacing consumables (oil, filters). This amount includes the cost of the drive belt (670 and 2.7 thousand rubles for the tensioner), timing belt (approximately 4.6 thousand rubles, but the price varies depending on the type of engine) and automatic transmission oil (530 rubles).

During the sixth maintenance procedure, costs increase to replace the brake fluid (800 rubles). Otherwise, the cost of maintenance corresponds to the costs of the first two.

In addition to the indicated costs associated with mandatory (according to the regulations) procedures, it is necessary to regularly replace other materials: oil manual transmission(1.9 thousand rubles), working fluid power steering (540 rubles) and lubricant transfer case and rear axle gearbox (800 rubles).


If you regularly perform maintenance, Renault Duster will work without failures for several tens of thousands of kilometers. In cases where the crossover warranty has not expired, it is recommended that maintenance be carried out at specialized stations.

It is also important to monitor the condition of your own car, paying attention to leaks and checking the fluid level in engine compartment and brake system. Maintenance of Renault Duster is a continuous process that requires the owner to comply with certain rules.

Do not forget that the frequency of replacing consumables directly depends on operating conditions. If the car is used in a humid climate or often travels on rough roads, new engine oil is filled in twice as often as required by regulations. When used in such conditions, timing and drive belts wear out faster. Therefore, it is recommended to replace these elements in advance (before reaching 60 thousand km).

To maintain the car in good condition, it is necessary to perform routine maintenance at service stations after the end of the warranty period. It is impossible to assess the condition of some components and assemblies without specialized equipment.


Since this unpretentious but extremely durable crossover is available in two versions - with gasoline engine and diesel - Renault Duster also undergoes maintenance at two different times for each internal combustion engine. In the Garage Technical Center, in case of misunderstanding, specialists will definitely advise when to undergo maintenance, what consumables will be required, and calculate the cost.


Work, according to the manufacturer’s regulations, is carried out every 15 thousand kilometers for Renault Duster with a gasoline engine. Cars with a diesel engine undergo maintenance procedures more often: after every 10 thousand km traveled.

Even if the car is not used actively and covers less than the specified mileage per year, owners of Duster modifications, classics and restyled models will still have to visit a car service station every year.

Types of work

Maintenance has different costs and directly depends on the sequence number of the procedure and the number of tasks performed in the process. Of course, a lot also depends on the condition of the car. Our experts are convinced: with preventive service There are always many benefits – both financial and practical.

  • Do not let the condition of Renault Duster components reach critical breakdowns; undergo fault diagnosis in a timely manner. This will significantly simplify the operation of the car itself and will affect the cost of routine maintenance.

The price also depends on the serial number of the procedure. The first maintenance, for example, from the eighth, will differ both in terms of the formation of the total cost and in the list of works that are carried out according to the established regulations. There is no need to replace the timing belt or fuel filter before the TO-4 (60 thousand km), but you will need to fill in new oil at each service.

Replacing consumables is a separate issue for car owners. Alas, such actions are not included in the list of warranty work, so you will have to carry them out at your own expense in any case.

Renault Duster maintenance cost

On our website, for the convenience of calculating the cost of services, you can use a calculator program. Choose step by step the modification of your car and the number of the upcoming maintenance.

After the first calculation, a significant, up to 50% difference between the prices for servicing Renault Duster and official dealer and in the Garage Technical Center.

Yes. But the car is under warranty, which means that all work must be carried out only at the dealer.

Not at all. There are at least three articles of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, refuting the ultimatum and untenable demands of the ML to carry out any repair, preventive and regulatory procedures only at their place. By changing, for example, the oil at a specialized service station, and not at a dealer, the owner of a Renault Duster car will not lose the warranty.

The high praise from owners of Duster cars to the employees of the Garage service center is well deserved. The availability of a complex of modern high-quality diagnostic equipment also plays a decisive role.

The experience of the craftsmen and a powerful technical base allow us to carry out preventive, repair, routine and any other additional work with the most worthy result, and each client receives the expected, high level quality.

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