How to save on compulsory insurance. six simple tips. How to save on car insurance: expert advice How to drive properly on a rut in winter

What do we expect from insurance? First of all, so that the payment takes place - quickly and without unnecessary problems, so that it is closer to home, and even better, so that a representative of the company comes for all the formalities directly to our office or home at a time convenient for us, and of course the price of the service is important, because We don’t get anything tangible—tangible, except for a beautiful policy form—in return. How can we save money on purchasing insurance that we all hope we won’t need at all? There are several ways, knowing which, you can reduce your expenses.

1 . Having a good insurance history. Keep policies and contracts for all periods of insurance, because having an insurance history, especially a break-even one, entitles you to a discount of 3% to 10%, for example, the legislation includes a discount for break-even driving in the tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance - 5% for the first year of insurance and 10 % for 2 years of insurance without an accident.

2. Application of a franchise. Franchise is that part of the loss that is not paid insurance company. When taking out a policy using a franchise, the discount on insurance will range from 5% to 40%. And the larger the established franchise value, the more significant the discount you can get. However, do not rush - you need to carefully weigh everything: you should save insurance costs in this way - after all, it turns out that with minor losses you will not be able to contact the insurance company for payment, but will bear these costs yourself. On the other hand, this is very convenient, because in case of minor losses, you can avoid a bunch of formalities associated with paperwork for an insured event, and deal with the problem that has arisen yourself, and in case of a large loss, which the family budget cannot cope with on its own, you can ask for help from the insurance company.

3. Installment plan. Many insurance companies provide a discount of 2% to 5% when paying for the policy in full when concluding an insurance contract. This is understandable: after all, there is a risk - the client will ask for an installment plan and will not pay the next installment, the insurance company will lose the expected contribution, and here - everything at once! Standard types of installments are either two payments of 50% each, or quarterly installments of four equal payments of 25% of the total policy cost. Installment plans allow you, if not to save money, then to distribute expenses over time, which is important and sometimes necessary for the family budget. Some insurance companies provide their clients with the opportunity to pay the premium in installments without charging an additional premium, but in this case it is important for the client not to forget to make the next payment on time, otherwise the policy will be canceled by the insurance company.

4. Installation of protective equipment. Additional protection never hurts, and if the insurance company is confident that you value your property and intend to take care of it, they will certainly provide you with an additional discount. You can convince the insurance company of your careful attitude towards property only by showing care for valuable things, for example, installing a modern anti-theft system, purchase high-quality winter tires, install a reliable iron door and a video surveillance system in the apartment. When inspecting the insurance object, a representative of the insurance company will definitely pay attention to these nuances and offer the thrifty owner a well-deserved discount.

5 . Experience and age of drivers with car insurance. When insuring a car, driving experience plays an important role. If among the drivers who will be driving the insured car, all are over 22 years old and have more than 2 years of driving experience, you can safely expect that the policy will cost less than for beginners.

6 . Selecting a list of risks. You can highlight those risks that you are especially afraid of and insure them. For example, do not insure car theft, but only protect against road accidents. But in this case the discount will be no more than 20%, and worry about possible losses will not let you sleep peacefully at night, so this method savings may not be the most reasonable, because none of us can know for sure what risks threaten our property.

7 . Search for a corporate program. If you are an employee of a large company, be sure to ask your administration - probably among the long-term partners of your company there is an insurance company that will not only protect the interests of the employing organization, but also offer favorable tariff plans for its employees. And this is not only a profitable way to save money, but also a reasonable approach to choosing an insurance company, because if the insurer has a good relationship with your company, the company’s employees should not have problems making payments, and if something happens, you can always complain to management!

8. Comprehensive insurance. If you have set yourself the goal of reducing insurance costs, but at the same time you need a policy not only for a car, but also a home insurance policy or accident insurance, be faithful to your insurance company, and it will reciprocate your feelings - a discount for comprehensive insurance and gifts for regular customers will not keep you waiting! In addition, large companies, in order to maintain long-term friendship with their customers, include them in the mailing list and notify them of seasonal discounts, special promotions and prize draws. You can not only save money, but also get nice gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

9. Insurance via the Internet. Modern technologies could not ignore insurance - some large insurance companies have opened online stores on their official websites, where you can independently study the catalog of insurance products and select the desired policy. A potential client can fill out an online form - provide the information necessary to calculate the tariff, after which the insurance company consultant will send a commercial proposal. When ordering a policy via the Internet, the client has the opportunity to save 5-15% of the cost of the policy, depending on the type of insurance, and can also save time on a trip to the insurer, because usually when ordering insurance via the Internet, the service of free delivery of the policy to the client’s home or office is offered. Keep in mind that it is necessary to prepare the required amount of cash in advance to pay for the policy, since credit cards are usually not accepted by insurance company representatives when visiting the client.

10 . Receiving additional services. Sometimes, with the same cost of an insurance policy in different companies, the client receives completely different lists of services for the same money. In some places there is only basic service, in others there is a whole range of pleasures. To attract customers, some companies offer additional services to the car insurance policy - evacuation of damaged cars, emergency dispatch to the scene of the accident, discount cards for other types of insurance, discounts on repairs and maintenance at the insurance company's partner technical centers. Many clients, especially novice drivers, attach great value emergency dispatch service. Undoubtedly, the presence of such a service will give us confidence that in case of trouble, knowledgeable people will help us. Be prepared for the fact that emergency commissioners - like emergency doctors - have seen a lot and do not show too much sympathy, although they always know what to do in a traffic situation and actually provide real help. Caring insurers temptingly offer a simplified procedure for settling a car insurance claim, which includes obtaining certificates from the traffic police for the client, independently driving the car to a technical center, and sometimes even providing a replacement car, which is especially important in winter.

Our advice

Keep in mind that there are also some mythical ways to save on insurance. Such methods will not only not help you preserve your property, but will also fray your nerves, so be more careful and be sure to take our advice into account.

  • Incredible discounts on everything. Unfortunately, there are still unscrupulous insurance companies on the market that can offer policies at a 50% discount - this is similar to selling policies due to liquidation. But what is good for a boutique retail chain is by no means suitable for the insurance business. You should not take advantage of such offers, because in this case, apart from a beautiful policy and promises, you will definitely receive nothing. Be careful when saving on insurance - this is exactly the case when the stingy pays twice!
  • Discounts for MTPL. An insurance company can only provide discounts provided for by current legislation, so if you are offered an MTPL policy at a noticeably lower price, you should be more careful about such an offer. However, if at the offices of an insurance company you were offered a gift with your policy, do not be afraid of a catch; in order to attract clients, many insurance companies include such expenses in their budget.
  • Cheap voluntary health insurance policy. There are clinics where making an appointment with a doctor is carried out only during a personal visit, there is no telephone dispatcher - you understand, this was done in order to reduce the number of visits to the doctor - who will go to the reception just to make an appointment, and the likelihood of getting an appointment with the right one doctor on the same day is extremely small. Doctors at paid clinics - like technicians at car repair centers - will offer various diagnostics that are not related to the type of disease, but they will not do any harm, but you will have to pay money for them, since in most cases a limited list of services is included in the insurance. A medical policy offered as a social package in large companies, as a rule, is just a formality - it does not cover most of the main reasons for visiting a doctor. And this is understandable - with extended coverage, the employing company risks losing a valuable employee who regularly leaves the office for a set of free procedures.
  • Cheap car insurance policy against theft and damage. An insurance company may offer a very low rate for car theft insurance, but the contract may stipulate that insurance compensation will be paid only if the car is stolen from a guarded parking lot. Obviously, if you look into it, such a policy is unlikely to protect your interests. The reason for the low cost of a car insurance policy against damage may be the condition that the car is repaired in a garage service, and even with the installation of old spare parts. For a new luxury car that needs to be serviced at a workshop official dealer- such repairs are like death. At the same time, the promises of unqualified insurance agents have no legal force and in the event of an insured event, you will be left alone with an insidious insurance company, which will certainly use its right to reduce the payment, or even refuse to pay compensation at all.

The dynamics of prices for “motor insurance” has shown an increase for several years now; the cost of the policy increased in 2014 and 2015. Insurers are demanding market liberalization and a complete departure from government regulation of tariffs. In accordance with current Russian legislation, a driver cannot drive a car without an MTPL insurance policy. Therefore, the contract will have to be drawn up in any case; the only question is whether to pay the full price or whether you will manage to pay at least a little less.

Car owners, when preparing to draw up an MTPL agreement, should pay attention to the nuances that provide certain opportunities. If you have enough information, you can reduce the price of the policy, sometimes quite significantly.

Careful driving

Most effective way savings - do not become the culprit of road accidents. An important point in car insurance was the introduction in 2013 of AIS RSA (a unified automated database of drivers’ insurance histories), which made it possible for insurance companies to calculate “bonus-malus”, which makes it possible for careful drivers to receive a discount.

The essence of the methodology is that when the contract is first concluded, each driver receives a coefficient of 1.0, which decreases by 0.05 for each year without accidents. Thus, in 10 years of accident-free driving, you can reduce the cost of a “citizen car” by half. At the same time, it should be noted that for those at fault in an accident, the price of insurance can become several times more expensive: one accident during the year increases the coefficient to 1.55, and two - to 2.45. It will be possible to return to the original desired unit only after 5 years of impeccable driving.

The conclusion suggests itself - do not break the rules traffic, do not drive in drunk, do not overestimate your own strength on the road.

List of potential drivers

Need to pay special attention on the list of citizens who are included in the policy and have the right to drive vehicle. Often, car owners, without much thought, take the so-called “unlimited”, i.e. Anyone can get the right to drive a car. However, there are pitfalls here.

With unlimited insurance, the cost coefficient is 1.8. The same indicator if a young (under 22 years old) inexperienced (up to 2 years of experience) driver is included in the policy. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is worth including your son or daughter in the document. At the same time, the above “bonus-malus” for unlimited use of the car is awarded exclusively to its owner. General rule– the fewer people in the policy, the cheaper. The most inexpensive policy is for a driver over 22 years of age with at least 3 years of driving experience.

Accounting for regional coefficients.

The cost of compulsory motor insurance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, due to the saturation of vehicles and, accordingly, the increased risk of accidents, is multiplied by a factor of 2.0, in the Moscow region - by 1.7. However, in a number of regions it is significantly lower - from 1.1 to 1.4 (Arzamas, Pskov, Kaluga, Penza, Smolensk, Volgograd), and in Chechnya - only 0.6.

And although the coefficient is determined not by the place of registration of the car, but by the registration of the car owner, if you have relatives or housing in the province, you can consider the issue of registration there. The situation is similar if the owner of the car lives near the border between regions with different coefficients. In this case, he should explore the possibility of registration in a cheaper region.

Vehicle power limitation.

More powerful engine, according to insurers, promises the car owner more dangers, and therefore you need to pay noticeably more for it. Machine with power up to 50 horsepower is calculated by a coefficient of 0.6, a little higher - already 0.9, and a 150-horsepower and higher car - 1.6.

Considering the constant increase in the price of a "citizen car", the next time you change a car, you should think not only about the reaction of your friends to the purchase, but also about more practical things, for example, the cost of insurance. Most best option- a medium power machine. With this option, the user, among other things, will be surprised to find that he begins to spend less money on gasoline.

Careful selection of insurance company.

Previously, there was no point in giving such advice due to the uniform cost of the MTPL policy. Now the base coefficient is floating and each company can set it independently. Of course, this difference is very insignificant, within a few hundred rubles, but it’s still nice to pay less.

However, some regional companies, wanting to attract buyers, are conducting quite aggressive pricing policy. There are serious risks here: it is difficult to understand whether the company wants to gain a foothold in the market through dumping, or whether it is going to exist for a short time, dissolving with clients’ money. Recently, the Central Bank has been increasingly conducting inspections of such organizations and revoking their licenses.

You need to carefully study the reputation, history and financial condition of the insurer.

Duration of the contract and installment plan

It is advisable to enter into an insurance agreement for 10 months or more, since when renewing the policy every three or six months, you have to overpay the insurer. The same market principle applies here - “cheaper in bulk”. Best option- contract for a year.

Take a closer look at the installment payment option. Nothing is said directly about this, but this possibility is veiled by the phrase “period of use of the vehicle” in the OSAGO calculator. For example, you can take out a policy for 3 months and pay half of the annual insurance. For the remaining 9 months you will have to pay the second half later. Or pay 70% for a six-month contract, and the remaining 30% for the second half of the year. Whatever you call it, it’s still an installment plan.

As you can see, there are a number of options on how to save on compulsory motor liability insurance. You just need to study them and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

A person who has dreamed about his car for so long and saved money for it, when buying, does not always think about the fact that the insurance he purchases may be useful to him in life. However, as in any other business, there are some subtleties here - you can and should save on car insurance.

Main types of insurance

Today in Russia there are several types of insurance for vehicle owners.

Car insurance is not only the responsibility of every driver, but also increasingly a conscious choice of a person who understands that it is better to share responsibility than to take all the risks upon himself.

The most famous types of insurance are:

  • OSAGO (compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance, or simply “motor insurance”) has been in effect since 2003, its mandatory nature is established at the legislative level. This is an agreement between the car owner and the insurance company for compensation in the event of an insured event. OSAGO also insures third party liability.
  • DSAGO is a voluntary addition to the MTPL policy for events in which the amount of damage is not covered by the mandatory “motor insurance” and can be increased.
  • The “Green Card” is actually an international version of the MTPL agreement, which is valid in most of Europe. Required for traveling abroad.
  • CASCO is voluntary insurance against theft and damage to a car or any other vehicle. The victim contacts the company with which he has a CASCO agreement, and it establishes the amount of the insured amount.

There is always an opportunity to save money when taking out an insurance policy, but not everyone has the necessary information, and agents do not always consider it necessary to talk about it. Key points on which you can reduce payments:

  • Carefully select the size of the deductible (non-covered loss) - the higher the deductible, the greater the discount awaits you. If you don’t want to contact the insurance office for every little detail, when it’s easier to resolve the issue yourself, then you can increase the deductible amount.
  • Explore the possibility of paying for the policy in installments. If you have free money, you can pay immediately and get a 2-5% discount; if not, then installment payment will come to the rescue (two parts of 50% or four parts of 25%). It is only important to clarify whether the company requires an additional contribution when paying in installments.
  • Maintaining a clean "insurance history". A client's insurance history that breaks even for the company often provides an opportunity to receive a discount of 3 to 10%. For example, the compulsory motor insurance policy sets the norms of 5% for a year without accidents and 10% for two years.
  • Installation modern means. When completing the contract, the company representative will draw attention (or you will draw his attention) to the modern anti-theft system you have installed or quality tires For winter conditions. The chance of getting a discount is quite high.
  • Selecting a list of risks that will be included in the contract. You can omit certain risks that you consider less real from your policy and save up to 20% of money. But at the same time, you will not be afraid that exactly the misfortune that you did not insure against will happen to you.
  • Option with comprehensive insurance. If you insure not only your “iron horse”, but also your home or your life with one company, this will be appreciated by a discount, sometimes quite significant, and various bonuses.
  • Registration of a policy via the Internet. Large companies have online stores in which the client can independently study all the services offered by the company, fill out a form and send the necessary information to the insurer. Then it's up to the company consultant. Benefit – from 5 to 15%.
  • Possibility of having a corporate program. Relevant for employees large companies who, by virtue of their activities, cooperate with insurers. Due to established contacts, it is likely that employees of the company will be provided with preferential rates.
  • Receiving indirect benefits in the form of additional services. Even if you buy a policy at full price, you can get something in return. Thus, many insurers provide free assistance to clients, such as issuing certificates from the traffic police, dispatch of an emergency commissioner to an accident, tow truck services, discounts on services at partner technical centers, etc.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for saving the family budget; you just need to make some effort. On the other hand, a policy that is too cheap should alert you; this indicates that you are not informed about everything or that the contract contains nuances that in some cases will cause a lot of inconvenience to the client. Therefore, we advise you to be patient and carefully read the entire text of the contract, including clauses and footnotes in small print.

Are you planning to insure your car? Did you know that when purchasing an auto insurance policy, you can save a lot of money if you are aware of little tricks.

It is no secret that the cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance is constantly growing. Some generally believe that OSAGO has become a kind of tax on motorists, and it would be better to abolish it...

We urge all drivers: do not panic! Firstly, along with the increase in the basic tariff for compulsory motor liability insurance, the limit of payments has also increased. From April 1, 2014, the maximum compensation for car repairs is 400,000 rubles, and everyone can receive them road accident participants(except the culprit). And from April 1, 2015, compensation for harm to life and health has also increased - now it is 500,000 rubles. Secondly, these days you can buy compulsory motor insurance through the Internet, although it is worth recognizing that, of course, this service does not work flawlessly for all companies. Finally, thirdly, the payment limit was expanded in case of registration of road accidents without traffic police officers (Europrotocol). For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions it is 400,000 rubles, in other regions – 50,000 rubles.

However, the most important thing is that OSAGO at least works and protects car owners from road showdowns in the style of the 90s. You can also save money when purchasing compulsory motor insurance if you follow some rules, and today we will tell you how to do this.

1. Find a good insurance company

The basic rate of compulsory motor liability insurance is currently 3432-4118 rubles, and it seems that the cost of insurance is clearly fixed. But in fact, this is not entirely true, since it is clear above that the government has not set a specific rate, but a small tariff corridor within which the base value is set. And it may vary depending on the insurance company. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of insurer responsibly. You may not win very much this way, but you can still save some money. However, the base rate is not everything. Much more on final price The policy is affected by various coefficients. Therefore, we also recommend…

2. Choose the right car

Since we are now talking about saving on compulsory motor liability insurance, by the “right” car we mean not a car of a specific brand, but a vehicle with a motor of a certain power. The lower it is, the cheaper the cost of insurance will be for you. For example, a factor of 1 will apply if your car is equipped with an engine with a power of 50 to 70 hp. If the engine produces from 70 to 100 hp, the coefficient will already be 1.1, from 100 to 120 hp. – coefficient 1.2, from 120 to 150 hp. – coefficient 1.4. And if you have a car with an engine more powerful than 150 hp, then the coefficient will already be 1.6.

But if you have a low-power vehicle that develops less than 50 hp, then the coefficient will be only 0.6. True, let’s be honest, this point applies mainly to old cars.

However, the situation is clear: owners of small cars pay less for insurance, owners powerful cars- more. The conclusion is also obvious: if you do not want to overpay for compulsory motor insurance, perhaps it makes sense to change the vehicle to another, less powerful one?

3. Drive carefully

The most well-known way to save on compulsory motor insurance is to avoid getting into accidents. Each driver who purchases a policy for the first time receives a coefficient of 1. This is the so-called “bonus-malus” coefficient, which is determined depending on whether the driver was involved in an accident during the reporting insurance period or not. If a driver drives for a year without an accident, his coefficient gradually decreases. Moreover, in such a simple way it is possible to reduce the cost of an MTPL policy by as much as 50%! True, for this the driver will have to drive for at least 10 years without an accident.

And yet, due to the bonus-malus coefficient, you can and should save on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. However, for this discount to work effectively, it is important to know the feature, which we will explain below.

4. Properly include drivers in the policy

Your car is constantly used by a large number of people, you never know who will get behind the wheel, or do you often use the sober driver service? Then it makes sense to issue an “unlimited” MTPL. In all other cases, it is better to list the persons authorized to drive the vehicle. That is, enter them into OSAGO.

Why? It's very simple. If you have a “limited” compulsory motor liability insurance (that is, certain persons are allowed to manage it), then the bonus-malus coefficient will be tied to specific people. If you change your vehicle, it will remain, and if the driver gets into an accident, then next year it will apply only to him, and not to all people included in the policy.

But if you choose “unlimited” MTPL, then only the owner of the car will receive a discount for accident-free driving. Moreover, the insurance itself will also be tied to the car. And if there is an accident on it, then for the owner this will automatically mean an increased coefficient. Therefore, you should immediately decide whether you really need insurance without restrictions?

Have you decided not to? Then look carefully who you include in your policy. The most expensive insurance policy will be for drivers under 22 years of age and with up to 3 years of experience - they will automatically be assigned a coefficient of 1.8. Experienced drivers over 22 years of age and with more than 3 years of experience, on the contrary, will be assigned a coefficient of 1. Thus, additional savings can be made on compulsory motor liability insurance if a limited number of people over 22 years of age with good driving experience are allowed to drive. and have not previously been involved in an accident.

5. Select registration

Surprised by this advice? But in fact, it has a direct bearing on the cost of compulsory motor insurance! Did you know that, among other things, drivers are subject to a so-called “territorial coefficient”, which depends on the place of primary use of the vehicle? For example, it is highest in Moscow - 2. But, say, in Buryatia (with the exception of Ulan-Ude), Crimea, the Chechen Republic and Tyva, the coefficient is only 0.6.

Of course, this does not mean that compulsory motor liability insurance in the Russian capital costs twice as much as, say, in Simferopol. And yet, residents of certain regions can save on a car insurance policy precisely due to a lower territorial coefficient. By the way, often in the regions it is even lower transport tax. Therefore, if you are registered in a province, such payments will be lower for you. Of course, you can drive a car anywhere – including in Moscow.

6. Comply with insurance rules

Finally, another simple piece of advice is to adhere to the concluded MTPL agreement. This means that the information you provide to the insurer must be reliable, and in the event of an insured event (that is, an accident), you must clearly and truthfully report all the circumstances of the incident. Well, and, of course, causing an accident on your own in order to receive payment is prohibited in Russia just as in other countries of the world.

Don’t expect magic from the article, this information will not allow you to save 90% tomorrow, such discounts do not exist, but you can definitely buy a policy tomorrow a little cheaper, 1,000 - 2,000 rubles, it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s still nice.

Save 50%.

The most effective but longest way to save on compulsory motor liability insurance is - trouble-free driving, the so-called KBM - bonus-malus coefficient.

After 10 years without accidents, you will save 50% on the cost of policies and pay 6,000 rubles instead of 12,000 rubles.

It is also necessary to mention this feature: the length of ownership of the MTPL policy must be continuous, i.e. Every year for 10 years you must purchase a policy. In this case, the company you insure with does not matter. The discount increases gradually for 10 years, every year by 5%. Detailed calculations are given in the table below.

Year of insuranceKBM discount
1 0
2 5%
3 10%
4 15%
5 20%
6 25%
7 30%
8 35%
9 40%
10 45%
11 50%

Method No. 2, savings of 10-15%.

The method described below will allow you to save about 10-15%. You need to find a regional company with a discount in your area. Almost every region or large city has an insurance company that sells policies a little cheaper than others.

The law on compulsory motor liability insurance for insurance companies provides for base rate, usually all companies keep it at the maximum level, but in 2-3 regions they make it a little lower.

These are the very companies you need to find.

For example, the table below shows a number of regions and companies where you can buy cheaper.

The table shows calculations for category B cars of private individuals.

Where to look for such companies?

Everything is simple here, use our calculator to compare prices for MTPL policies in different insurance companies, and we have more than 40 of them.

Enter the details of your car and select the city or region of insurance you need, and choose the cheapest offers from the offers.

Total, how to save.

  1. Trouble-free driving for 10 years (for the patient). Check what your current KBM discount is.
  2. Find a discount company in your area. Find
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