How to make a car in Minecraft - step by step instructions. How to make a car in Minecraft - step by step instructions How to drive a car in Minecraft

Then, we make the bottom and frame of the main parts of any car using Stone brick Slab - half-blocks, install them in the free space between Black Wool, within the boundaries of our rectangle.
On the left, rear side of the future car there will be a Hopper, with a cone at the bottom and in the same row with it a Cobbestone Slab.

The body will be made of Quartz Block, four at the corners of the frame and two more on each of its long sides, and between them we install four Quartz Stairs, the so-called quartz steps, with the “window” directed towards the frame.
In the back part, between the Quartz Block, we place Cobblestone Stairs and two on them, on the one in the middle there is another Quartz Stairs, this will be the base for the seat, and the second opposite is a torpedo under the dashboard.

As a steering column and the steering wheel itself, we use the Item Frame picture frame and install a Music Disc on it - a music disc, in addition we install a Rail and a trolley. Which will replace the seat, at this point the driver's seat can be considered complete.

We install a Dispenser in front of the steering column, then, as a hood, a Quartz Stairs step and around the entire perimeter of the resulting cabin - Black Stained Glass - black transparent blocks, with the exception of the driver's seat on the left and right sides, leaving space for future doors. We install two rear view mirrors from Glass Pane and under each Lever, as a retractable handrail.

The roof is made from the same half-blocks as the frame, we place four in the center along and two on the side, not closed Quartz Block, Dispenser and close the hood with Carpet.

For the headlights we use four Item Frames, on the two rear ones we add Red Wool - red wool, and on the front ones we add Glowstone Block, which will glow in the dark.
The numbers will be replaced by two Edit sign message; if desired, you can make the necessary inscription on them.
For each Black Wool that we use as wheels, we install rims made of Buttons to give a more finished and aesthetic appearance.
We find doors using the minecraft search engine by typing in the word “Door” and select any one you like, suitable in size, appearance and color, we install, check for opening and closing. At this point, the car assembly process can be considered completely completed.
With the same success and using the same principle, it is possible to assemble any other car model you like, as well as make your own additions and changes.

In simple Minecraft it is impossible to make your own car without mods. But there is one bug thanks to which such an experiment can be performed. True, such a machine will be made of trolleys and will look more like a polygonal trough; it will not be controlled, but you can quickly ride it with the breeze until the first obstacle, after which it, unfortunately, will fall apart. That is, it is more like a trolley that does not need rails.

The bug is that when the trolleys are close to each other, they push each other away. If you place the trolleys as close to each other as possible, even within each other the repulsion process will not stop. And the single structure will move in a jerky manner. The main thing is to launch such a transport directly.

How to make a car in Minecraft without mods

So, how to make a car in minecraft without mods. First you need to take any hard blocks, let them be stones, and from them you need to build a small slide with a stepped slope, the maximum height of three blocks will be enough. You need to put rails on the slope so you can slide off them. At the bottom of the slope you need to put rails in the shape of a ring with a minimum diameter of 4 blocks. You can make a larger circle, for example 8 blocks. The task of the circle is to disperse the trolleys as quickly as possible.

Then from the top of the mountain we launch 5-6 trolleys into this circle, where they begin to spin very quickly, almost one into the other. When the sound begins to resemble the roar of an airplane, it means they have already accelerated enough. Now you can make a straight road from the circle on 4-5 rails and install a lever at the junction with the circle. When you press the lever, the trolleys will travel one into the other in a straight line and when you reach the surface, you will get something like a car that you can sit in. She will drive all the time until she bumps into some object. No one has really checked how endlessly the car will go, but it travels 3,000 blocks.

Such a car can drive almost endlessly. This method of creating a car without mods is based on a bug in the game itself. With the help of various mods you can create quite a lot of different models of cars, tanks, and other equipment.

The world is huge and in order not to run around on foot, it is best to make a car in Minecraft. How? I'll tell you further.

Unfortunately, you can’t make a car in regular Minecraft, so we install the mod, but just like for tanks, such as world of tanks or airplanes, we need it. So, download The Car Mod, install it and start craft a car in minecraft.

Wheel for a car in MineCraft.

First you need to make a wheel for the car. Just don't be surprised that they are square. After all, we are making a car in Kubache. To do this you will need leather and iron, put them in order, as in the recipe on the left.

Engine for a car in MineCraft.

But nothing will run on its own on wheels alone, so you need to make an engine for a car in Minecraft. So, for this you will need 2 torches, red dust, 2 pistons and a furnace. We put them as in the recipe and, voila, the engine for a minecraft car is ready.

Car in MineCraft.

Now we will assemble the car itself in Minecraft. To do this, we take 2 pairs of wheels (the recipe above gives a pair of wheels), an engine, 2 pieces of iron and a chest. We place it in the crafting grid in the order as in the recipe picture and we have a car (if only everything were so simple in life :)

Controlling a car in Minecraft.

So, like all other cars, we need to refuel it - we put coal in the car's inventory to make it go. We get behind the wheel and drive.

  • The controls are standard WAD (the car does not go backwards).
  • You can use shift to slow down.
  • Oh yes, to open the car's inventory, you need to press C.

That's it! Everything is simple and banal! Make cars in Minecraft and drive around your property much faster!

The ability to use a special vehicle will significantly increase your speed of movement, as well as save your own vital resources. In addition, having your own car in the game adds prestige to the player and allows you to solve various problems.

How to make a car in Minecraft video

Unfortunately, the game does not provide for the creation of a real car with a motor. Elementary trolleys only vaguely resemble a car. How to craft a car without using additional mods can be seen in the video:

To craft a car you will need:

  • 6 cobblestones;
  • 1 saddle;
  • 2 torches;
  • 1 rail.

First, we install a wall of cobblestones laid out in two rows. The wall will prevent the car from moving in an unknown direction. Then we lay the rails in such a way that they go straight into the wall. We install torches on both sides of them. The trolley is placed on rails. Then you need to find the pig, put a saddle on it and lure it into the trolley. The car is ready. Remember to feed your pig regularly. Her role, by the way, can be performed by any other animal, with the exception of the dragon.

Read also:

How to make a car in Minecraft

To do a real car The game requires you to download an application such as TheCarMod. It is best to choose version 2.2, which has the most extensive options and capabilities. Don't forget to download the Mod Loader first, without which the application cannot be installed. When installing a modification on single cards, difficulties may arise, since this modification was developed for installation on a server. This mod allows you to use a trolley car in the game, which does not need rails, roads, etc. to move. With its help you can travel even across expanses of water. To do this, just register the necessary settings inside the program itself. The fuel for the machine is coke coal. Transport control is quite easy to implement using a combination of letters W,A,S,D. A hand brake turned on by pressing Shift.

Everyone should have a personal means of transportation, and the characters in the game are no exception. Cars help you move faster, increase your luggage, and much more. Let's find out how to build a car that will make the game easier for you.

Making a machine

You should download the mod called “the car mod”. Only with its help can you build vehicle Materials used:

Red dust
two pistons
two torches
four pieces of iron
bake sixteen pieces of leather

1. Naturally, the most important part of the car is the engine. To craft it we need to: place 2 pistons on the edges and red dust in the center. There are torches in the corners of the bottom row, and a stove in the center.

2. Second on the list, but not least, are wheels. Without them, your car won't go far. Place a piece of iron in the center of the crafting window and place the leather around it. We repeat this operation twice.

3. Last step. Combine the wheels, engine, chest and two pieces of iron together.

You can control the machine using the keys – W, ​​A, D, C, SHIFT. They are responsible for the following actions:

W – forward movement;
A – movement to the left;
D – movement to the right;
C – luggage opening;
SHIFT – braking.

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