How to light a battery from another car correctly. Is it possible to “light” modern cars? Lighting a car battery

Every second car enthusiast has encountered the problem of a dead battery. It’s good if the problem with the battery appeared before you went on the road. In this case, you can use public transport to solve problems. But there are times when you find out that the battery is dead on the road, or you urgently need to drive a car. In such a situation, there are two solutions: jump start the car or light it.

“Lighting up” a car is a method of starting the engine that involves connecting it to the battery of another car.

When might you need to light up your car?

The process of “lighting up” becomes relevant at the first frost and in winter time year. This is due to the fact that as a result of the cold, the flow rate slows down. chemical reactions and the battery provides the necessary current to start the car engine. This situation applies to old batteries and batteries with low electrolyte density.

You will need to “light” the car from another battery if, after parking the car and turning off the engine, you forgot to turn off the headlights or side lights and left them running for a long time.

The battery is constantly undergoing a process of self-discharge, and when parked like this, it is discharged.

If your battery drains quickly, the following reasons are possible:

  • it is faulty;
  • generator is faulty;
  • There is a short circuit in the electrical system.

What is needed to start a car from another car?

To “light up” you will need a car with a working battery and starting wires.

While finding a car from which you can “light a cigarette” is not a problem, not every car enthusiast has a set of wires. Therefore, let’s look at what requirements apply to starting wires and how to choose them correctly.

Starting wire requirements

Starting wires are purchased at a car dealership or prepared yourself. When choosing, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Cross-section, length and material of wires. The cross-section of the starting wires is 70 square meters. mm (corresponds to a wire diameter of 9.5 mm). The length of the wires is within 3 - 5 m. If the wire is less than 3 meters, its length is not enough to connect two batteries. It is better to choose wires from copper, since the resistance of copper is lower than that of other materials.
  2. Workmanship. When choosing starting wires in a store, be sure to pay attention to the quality of their manufacture. The crocodiles are securely connected to the wire and have reliable insulation made of frost-resistant rubber or silicone. For safety and convenience when connecting, they are made in different colors (red for the positive terminal, black for the negative terminal). Sharp teeth and powerful springs on the crocodile will improve contact with the terminal.

Video: How to properly “light” a car

Safety rules when lighting up

Failure to follow safety precautions to start a car with a faulty battery will lead to expensive repairs and damage. electric shock.

Rules that must be followed to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Before using starting wires, inspect them for the integrity of the insulation and the condition of the connection of the terminal clamps with the wires, and if necessary, repair them (insulation failure and poor-quality connection of the lead with the clamps will lead to electric shock, short circuit and fire);
  2. To avoid electric shock, do not touch bare or damaged parts of the jumper wires;
  3. Select the donor car correctly (trying to start an SUV engine from a small car battery will lead to the discharge of the second battery);
  4. Observe the polarity of the wires when connecting batteries (failure to observe the polarity will lead to failure of a working battery or a fire);
  5. To prevent on-board electronics from burning out, turn off the engine of the donor car and turn off the ignition (when starting a car with a faulty battery, a voltage surge will occur, which will lead to burnout of the electronics of the second car);
  6. When connecting the starting wire from the negative terminal of the donor car battery, secure the other end to a bare area of ​​the body or the engine of the car with a faulty battery away from the battery (when connected to the negative terminal of the battery, a spark will appear, and inside the battery the speed of the chemical processes of charging the battery will increase with a large release of hydrogen , as a result an explosion will occur);
  7. You can “light up” vehicles with the same voltage (the current power from a network with a voltage of 12 V is not enough to start a car with a network voltage of 24 V, and if you “light up” from a car with a higher network power, then the electrical equipment of the car with a lower voltage will have to be repaired).

Consequences of errors

Many car owners refuse to “light up” their car due to possible breakdown of their car. But if everything is done correctly, following the rules and sequence of actions, then the process of “lighting up” will not affect the serviceability of the car in any way.

Errors when trying to start the engine from another car lead to the following consequences:

  • discharge of a working battery;
  • failure of electrical equipment and vehicle electronics;
  • car fire;
  • electric shock to a person.

Instructions for properly “lighting up” a car

To start a car with a faulty battery from another car, strictly, correctly and consistently follow these steps.

  1. Place the car hoods as close as possible, avoiding their contact.
  2. Turn off the donor vehicle.
  3. Turn off electrical appliances and the ignition of both vehicles.
  4. Connect one end of the wire to the positive terminal of the battery of the car with a discharged battery, and the other end to the positive terminal of the battery of the second car.
  5. Taking the second wire, first connect it to the negative terminal of the donor car's battery, and then connect the other end to the ground of the recipient car.
  6. Start the donor engine and let it run for at least 5 minutes, then turn it off and turn off the ignition.
  7. Try starting your car engine.
  8. If the engine starts, do not immediately disconnect the wires and drive. Let it run for 5-10 minutes, then disconnect the wires in the reverse order of the above.
  9. If the engine does not start, then pay attention to how the starter works. If the starter sluggishly spins the engine, then repeat the starting procedure from step 6. If the starter turns the engine vigorously, but it does not start, then in addition to a dead battery, there is another malfunction in the car.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the process of proper “lighting up” is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. By studying this information and applying it in practice, you will forever solve the problem of starting a car with a dead battery.

Video: How to light a battery from another car? And is it possible to do this? Just something complicated

In this article we will look at what to do if the battery is unable to start the engine.
Many who have a car have one way or another encountered the fact that one fine morning, after turning the key in the ignition, the car refused to start, and the dashboard faded. If a similar situation happened to you, then you can be sure that the battery is dead. There can be many reasons for this - this is low temperatures air, and wear and tear of the battery, which can no longer perform its duties due to long term service, and banal human factor in the form of forgotten headlights. Be that as it may, the battery requires charging (by the way, this also needs to be done correctly). If the discharge occurs away from home, there is a way out of the current situation - to light the car from someone else. Below we will look at how to properly light a cigarette from another car.

Let's light a cigarette

To carry out the procedure, you will need the help of a second car, as well as crocodiles (wires for lighting cigarettes)
First, you should make sure that the cause of the startup failure is power unit It is the battery that serves. If all the on-board electronics are functioning properly, but the starter cannot be rotated, then the problem may be something else. If the reason is in the battery, then we move on.

Establishing a connection with the donor car battery

So, we find a donor car. This could be a neighbor in the garage or in the yard. Once the donor has been found, the cars should be placed correctly - so that the crocodiles can connect to the batteries of both cars. We park cars on hand brake and turn off the donor engine, turn off the ignition and all on-board electronics to avoid their failure, which could cause a power surge.
Before you begin the process of connecting the wires, you need to make sure that both batteries have identical power. If they match, we proceed to the next stage.

So, how to light a battery correctly:

  • unwind the crocodiles and connect them to the terminals with which the battery is equipped. At the same time, we observe a certain order of actions and polarity;
  • The positive terminal can be recognized by its larger size relative to the negative one, moreover, it is red and has a “+” sign. We connect it to a similar “+” sign on the battery. We connect the second end of the crocodiles to the “plus” as well, but to the machine that has a working battery;
  • the black wire is first connected to the negative of the donor car battery;

Attention! The second end of the black wire should not be connected to the negative of the discharged battery. The best solution would be to connect the negative terminal to the unpainted part of the motor of the receiving machine - this is correct. Otherwise, the battery of the charging machine will run out.

  • We start the engine of the car, which has a charged battery, and wait for some time. The recommended operating speed of the engine at the time of “charging” is around two thousand;
  • we turn off the donor car and turn off the ignition;
  • We try to start the engine of a car with a discharged battery. If the battery charge is insufficient, pause for a few minutes (but not less than a minute and a half). We start the donor car again and wait about 10 minutes;
  • if the lighting process is successful, we warm up the charged car, but avoid pressing the accelerator pedal, because increasing the rotation of the generator is fraught with a voltage surge and electronic malfunction;
  • then we disconnect the crocodiles in the same way as we connected them (reverse procedure), with the black wire disconnected from the machine first;
  • We dismantle the “crocodiles” with a charged battery. At the same time, before disconnecting the wires, it is recommended to activate the heating on cars rear window, as well as cabin fans - this way you can make the power surge less sharp. However, you cannot turn on the headlights because the bulbs may fail.

Lighting a cigarette from a running car

There is a risk of undesirable consequences here. For example, the generator may be overloaded or the on-board electronics may fail.
You can also light a cigarette from another battery, but only in cases where there are no “crocodiles”, the motor is equipped carburetor system injection. How the process works: connect a charged battery to a discharged one. After the engine starts, replace the battery in the car with a charged one. However, this method contraindicated in cars with injection system injection, because this is fraught with electronic problems.

After charging
If everything was done correctly and was successful, you need to travel a long distance in order to recharge the battery with a generator. At the same time, while driving, we keep the engine speed in the range of more than two thousand, and we do not turn on unnecessary electrical equipment unnecessarily.


You need to understand that charging the battery must occur correctly, because the battery itself is explosive. If an explosion occurs, sulfuric acid will splash out, which can cause damage to both the car and people. Therefore, you need to follow these simple instructions:

  1. First, you need to make sure that the electrolyte level of a discharged battery is normal (not frozen): you need to unscrew the plugs and look inside. Normally, the electrolyte has a consistency similar to ordinary water. If the liquid is frozen, then you can observe something similar to jelly. Moreover, battery jars with frozen electrolyte have slight swelling. Do not rush to touch the battery without wearing gloves and goggles, because the sulfuric acid inside can corrode the skin. Also, there is hydrogen around the battery, and it is explosive.
  2. You should not light a large engine from a small or diesel power unit. The main point is more energy, which is required by a large volume. If you do not follow this advice, then there is a high risk of discharging the donor battery without recharging the dead one.
  3. Avoid contact between the black and red wires during the charging process.
  4. Follow the order of connecting the “crocodiles”, because the hydrogen that is produced by a discharged battery can lead to an explosion from a possible spark.

Attention! If there is a crack or damage to a discharged battery, due to which depressurization may occur and electrolyte may leak out, under no circumstances should you light it. Replace the damaged battery.

Bottom line
Now you know how to properly light a car from someone else. And remember that in order to avoid such “surprises” you must always keep the car in good condition. Because the battery can also be discharged from a faulty generator. Also, if you often have to light your car’s battery, then you should think: is it time to change the battery?

Many experienced drivers who have repeatedly carried out this procedure with their own hands know how to properly light a car from another car. But beginners who are faced with this issue for the first time often have difficulties associated with basic ignorance of safety measures and the correct sequence of actions. Well, in order to avoid such difficulties, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with step by step instructions on lighting a car, outlined in the article below.

Step-by-step instructions for lighting a car

In order to properly light a car from another battery, you must follow the generally accepted instructions, consisting of 7 basic steps:

For those motorists who do not know how to light a car correctly, the reminder above will definitely become an excellent assistant. But it should only be used in cases where the engine does not start solely due to a dead battery. Well, in other situations, the above actions will not give any result.

Common mistakes when lighting a cigarette

We have already reviewed brief instructions on how to properly light a car with wires. And now, it's time to get acquainted with the most frequent mistakes that beginners make during the lighting process. Namely:

  • Connect the wires to the donor car with the engine running;
  • Do not turn off the ignition completely, leaving electrical appliances powered from the battery;
  • They try to light a cigarette using a battery with less power;
  • Do not observe the correct order of connecting the batteries to each other;
  • They use wires of the wrong cross-section for lighting;
  • They ignore fire safety measures.

Well, all of the above errors, at best, can lead to breakdown of the battery (the battery begins to boil quickly, and electrolyte oozes from under the caps), or other electrical equipment in the car. But more serious consequences can become if a spark from the negative wire hits a flammable surface. Therefore, before lighting a battery from another car, read the instructions attached above in advance.

Which wire to choose

Earlier in the article it was already mentioned that choosing the wrong wire for the cigarette lighter can cause failure of the electrical equipment in the car or even a fire. Well, choosing which wires are best for lighting a car should be based on several criteria at once, such as:

  • Cable section. Since we are talking exclusively about car batteries, the power of which does not exceed 12 volts, then a wire with a cross-section of 16 mm will be sufficient for lighting. However, a cable of this length will become very hot during prolonged use, which may cause its insulation to melt. And to eliminate this phenomenon, it is recommended to choose wires with a cross-section of 20-22 mm;
  • Length of wires. At first glance, this criterion is not particularly important, since it is more responsible for the convenience of lighting. However, if the wire is too short, there is a possibility that it will become disconnected when lighting the cigarette. And this, in turn, can cause short circuit with the above consequences;
  • Insulation quality. Today, there are two types of insulation for wires intended for lighting: rigid braid and PVC. But it is better to choose exclusively the second option, since rigid insulation can deteriorate significantly due to temperature changes, as a result of which further use of the entire wire will be unacceptable. But PVC insulation withstands sudden temperature changes quite well;
  • Quality of clamps. For the best possible contact, it is better to choose exclusively copper clamps, since their conductivity is several times better than that of their aluminum counterparts. Also, make sure that there is a spring on the clamps to prevent the “crocodiles” from flying off the terminals when starting the engine. Well, you shouldn’t choose clamps with poorly sealed contacts, since high temperature they can easily break off.

In a word, do not buy cheap wire options that even look very poor quality. After all, having saved on such a purchase, you can easily lose money on repairing burnt electrical equipment in a car, buying a new battery, or, even worse, eliminating the consequences of a fire.

Good afternoon. In today's post, I will tell you how to properly light a car from another car.

Traditionally for our site, the article contains a large number of photos and video materials.

Many car owners are familiar with the situation when, on a cool morning, you go out to your car with the intention of going to work, but when you turn the ignition key, the engine barely rotates and cannot start. It looks something like this:

Agree, it’s not very pleasant!

What is the reason?

It's very simple - the starter does not have enough power to turn the engine. As a rule, this occurs due to a lack of starting current (discharge and/or wear of the battery).

According to the mind, if such a malfunction occurs, you need to remove the battery, charge it and check the density, but, as a rule, you need to drive urgently and therefore the car is pushed or lit (voltage is supplied from another car)….

How to light a cigarette from another car?

In order to “light a cigarette”, one of the motorists must have special wires for lighting. They look like this:

You can buy them at any auto store, but everywhere they sell the cheapest ones from China. Therefore, it is better to buy only “crocodiles”, and purchase a wire (with a cross-section of at least 16 mm) at a hardware store. goods and make the wires yourself.

Here's a simple and detailed video instructions, about how to light a car:

Step-by-step instructions (for those who like to read):

  • We position the cars so that the wires are long enough to connect the batteries.
  • we turn off the donor car (the one from which we light).
  • We connect the wires - first the plus of the donor's car, then the plus of the recipient's car, then the minus of the donor's car and the minus of the recipient's car. It is better to connect terminal to terminal. There are instructions on the Internet that the positive terminals are connected to the batteries, and the negative terminals are connected to the car body. But, in fact, this is problematic - firstly, the body is painted almost everywhere, and secondly, the “crocodile” is made in such a way that it is most convenient to attach it to the battery.
  • We start the engine of the donor car and let it run for 2-3-5 minutes at high speeds of 2000-2500. This is necessary in order to recharge its battery.
  • We turn off the donor car and take the keys out of the lock! Attention! Starting the recipient's car while the engine of the donor's car is running is fraught with electrical problems for the donor.
  • We try to start the engine of the recipient's car.
  • if we did everything correctly, and the recipient’s battery is not very discharged, with a high degree of probability, the car will start.
  • disconnect the wires.
  • We say thank you and leave

If possible, don't forget If the battery is older than 5 years, it may need to be replaced.

Typical mistakes when lighting a car.

Lighting a car is a procedure that requires special care; even the slightest mistakes can lead to serious consequences.

Typical mistakes:

  • A polarity error is when the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of another and vice versa. This is an extremely dangerous situation; with this error, the electronics are guaranteed to fail and the wires may melt.
  • A short circuit is when the positive terminal touches the negative terminal, and the connecting wires heat up. Their insulation may recover and catch fire, as well as the electronics may fail.
  • starting the engine of the recipient's car with the ignition of the donor's car turned on. If you light a cigarette this way, problems may arise for the donor's car; be sure to turn off the ignition when you let someone light a cigarette.
  • Lighting a cigarette from a car with the wrong type of battery. To understand, it is impossible to light a large one from a small car since its battery capacity is not enough to reliably start a car with a large engine.

Why do many car owners refuse to help and don’t let you light a cigarette?

Modern cars are stuffed with electronics and trimmed with plastic. Imagine a situation - a stranger comes up to you, asks you to open the hood, remove plastic covers, attach wires, and at the same time you risk getting problems with electronics if you make a mistake. Do you need this? The answer is obvious to me.

It is important to understand that giving a light is not an obligation, it is a right, no one owes anyone anything!

If we consider the “safe” option of lighting a cigarette (with removing the battery), then this is all the more unnecessary, because then you will have to set up the clock, alarm system, and the like.

If you cannot find someone who will give you a light, call a taxi and give them 200 rubles - they will be happy and will not refuse.


It is not always possible to find someone who will give you a light from their car. Therefore, if you have old car, and for some reason you don’t want to change the battery, it makes sense to purchase a Power Bank.

Here's a short video example of charging a car using a Power Bank:

Nothing complicated - Connect the terminals, wait 3 minutes and start it up.

You can purchase a similar powerbank at AliExpress at this link. Only no need to buy cheap devices, since they will disappoint you, normal ones start from 45-50 dollars.

That's all for today, I hope that after reading the article, you understand how to properly light a car from another car. If you have any questions, or if you want to add to the article, write comments.

Probably, in the practice of every second domestic car enthusiast, a situation has arisen when the battery suddenly runs out. And as usual, this happens at the most inopportune moment, when you need to drive urgently, but the car won’t start. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, you can call a tow truck or, leaving the car, go on business to public transport. But this will not change the situation - sooner or later we will have to return to this problem. The most best solution– try to start the car from another power source, as if lighting a cigarette. This is not very difficult to do - the main thing you need to do is follow the basic rules for carrying out this operation. This article will describe in detail how to properly light a car.

Where to start

  1. The first thing you need to do is match the cars to each other. If this happened not in a courtyard area, but on a busy highway, then it is necessary to put up a sign emergency stop. And if it’s dark outside, it’s better to wear a reflective vest (unless, of course, you take it with you). Cars must be placed so that this distance is enough for the crocodile wires, and so that they can freely reach from one battery to another and be able to light a cigarette. One important point must be taken into account here. Make sure that the cars do not touch. Otherwise, when you light a cigarette, undesirable consequences may occur.
  2. Keep the car doors closed and don't forget to put the keys in your pocket. Since when lighting a car, voltage surges are possible. Therefore, at such moments the alarm may go off and the doors will be locked.
  3. It is highly undesirable to use ordinary wires for home use to light a cigarette. The cross-section of such wires will be insufficient. Therefore, when transferring the required charge, they can quickly burn out. For such an operation, it would be correct to use special wires to start the car. Among car enthusiasts they are known as "crocodiles" (due to the shape of the contacts). They are made of thick copper wire and hidden behind special insulation. Therefore, such wires can be used even in severe frost. Of course this is ideal. The right thing to do is to check the wires for cracks in the insulating material before lighting the car. If they are, then such wiring CANNOT be used under any circumstances!
  4. If the length of the wires is not enough to light a cigarette, then they can be extended using another such kit. The contacts must not touch anything. And especially with each other! This is very dangerous, so it is better to insulate them or make sure that two different wires do not touch. If you do not take care of this, the wires may short out, and this, in turn, will lead to expensive repairs.

There are two ways to light a car

The first way to light a cigarette

It can be used if it is not very cold outside and there is still some charge left in the battery - you can turn on the light in the cabin (but it is dim), and the starter turns, but very weakly. This method is completely safe for the machine from which the cigarette is lit.

You must proceed as follows:

  1. Turn off the engine of the car. The battery terminals must be removed. Don’t be upset - in a few minutes, nothing will happen to the car without a battery.
  2. Connect the red wire (+) to the battery terminal, and then the same wire to the battery of the car you want to light.
  3. Connect the black wire (-) to the removed battery. Next, be careful! You cannot connect the negative wire to the negative terminal of a car standing nearby!!! First, this is not true. The second is dangerous. In an attempt to light a cigarette, the battery may run out of charge and then you will have to light a cigarette. Or, if the battery is in a faulty state, then hydrogen will hover above it, and when it mixes with oxygen, a flammable mixture appears, which is very explosive. A small spark is enough (and it will definitely appear when you connect all the contacts) for the battery to explode. Therefore, the negative wire must be secured to any unpainted metal surface of the car body. And place them correctly - as far as possible from the battery. In most cases, it is better to use ground for this - the place where the negative wire from the battery is connected. There is a metal plate there, which is screwed on with a bolt. The bolt is not painted - so connect the negative wire to it. If you have doubts, you can find a convenient place on the cylinder block. But make sure that the wire does not touch moving parts: belt or fan.
  4. Wait a bit. Without removing the terminals from the car whose battery has “died”, try to start it. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, you need to wait a little longer. Do not try to start the car more than 2-3 times in a row. If this fails, then the problem is most likely not with the battery.
  5. If the engine starts, do not immediately disconnect the terminals. Let the engine come into operating mode and warm up. The terminals can only be removed after 3-5 minutes of engine operation. This must be done in reverse order. The next point should not be forgotten. In a car, when you disconnect the terminals, voltage drops may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on all permissible energy consumers. Don't worry about your battery running out. If your car's generator is in good condition, then everything will be fine. But it is better to turn off the exterior and interior lighting, otherwise for the same reason it may simply burn out.

How to “light” a car correctly, video

The second way to light a cigarette

The situation is much worse than with the first option. The interior lighting does not come on at all, the starter practically does not crank the crankshaft. It would be correct if in such a situation you try to start the car from a tow, but if this is not possible or the conditions are unsuitable for this, you need to light it from another car, but in a slightly different way.

  1. Turn off the engine. Disconnect the terminals from the battery.
  2. Connect the red (+) wire to the positive terminal of the battery, and then the other end of the same wire to the positive terminal of the battery of the car you are trying to start.
  3. Remove the negative terminals from both batteries. Connect the black wire with one end to the negative terminal of your car's battery, and the other end to the negative terminal of the second car. In this case, all the energy from your battery will be directly sent to the starter of the car that needs to be started.

4. There is no need to wait - when using this method, everything will depend only on your battery. And the battery of another car does not participate in this process at all.

  1. Without disconnecting the terminals, try to start the engine. If the first attempt was not successful, wait a little and try to start again. You don't have to turn the starter for a long time. If the car does not start, then the problem is not with the battery.
  2. But if the engine starts, do not immediately disconnect the terminals. Let the engine run for a while and warm up. After 5 minutes of operation, the terminals can be removed. This must be done in reverse order. IMPORTANT!!! Only after you have disconnected all the contacts can you put the negative terminal on the battery of the car that you have so successfully started. Do not forget that voltage drops may occur when the terminals are disconnected. Therefore, turn on all possible consumers that are in your car. But the lighting, on the contrary, must be turned off. They may burn out due to power surges.

And in conclusion...

Whether to light someone else's car or not is a matter for each motorist to decide individually. Don't forget that you too may find yourself in a similar situation. If you think about it, there is nothing complicated in the process of lighting a cigarette. You just need to follow some rules described above and do everything correctly. And don’t forget - after you start your car, figure out why your battery died so unexpectedly. Maybe you forgot to turn off the outside lights or maybe your alarm system is getting stuck somewhere and sucking up all the energy. This needs to be fixed. But it will be right if you buy charger, remove the battery and charge it at home. Then, if all of its “banks” are in good condition, then it will restore its capacity. Otherwise, the next morning you may again find yourself in a similar situation.

Good luck on the roads!!!

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