How to properly roast sunflower seeds. Pumpkin seeds: how to cook and fry

Sunflower seeds, popularly known under the simple and understandable name “seeds”, are a very useful product. But there is one “but”, they are useful in their raw form. They contain amino acids that prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they contain a lot of magnesium and vitamin E. But although they are useful in their raw form, we will not eat them uncooked. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly fry the seeds so that they are tasty and moderately fried.

You need to know how to roast seeds! This is a real art, with many secrets and nuances. To begin with, it is very important to buy good quality seeds. When you come to the store, choose medium-sized and “pot-bellied” sunflower seeds. Then, after frying, they will taste sweet and buttery.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan?

To begin, rinse the seeds thoroughly in a colander under running water. Then they need to be placed on a well-heated, preferably cast-iron frying pan. Moreover, please note that there should be few seeds in the pan so that they can fry evenly. The frying pan can be greased with sunflower oil, or it may not be greased. This is a matter of each person's taste. Now is the time to decide on the temperature at which frying will take place. Initially, the stove should be turned on at full power, then the temperature will need to be reduced to medium. The total roasting time for seeds is on average 5 – 15 minutes. And one more important rule is constant stirring, preferably with a wooden spoon. There are two ways to determine the readiness of seeds: 1 - taste them and make sure that they have reached the desired condition; 2 – look at the color of the fried kernel: if the seeds are ready, the color of the kernel will be creamy.

In fact, there are many ways to fry seeds in a frying pan; as a rule, choosing the appropriate method is done by trial and error. But I would like to draw your attention to another slightly unusual method.

So, first everything is done as usual: the seeds are washed, placed in a heated frying pan and lightly fried. Then, you need to pour about 100 ml of water into the frying pan (if you want the seeds to be salted, then you need to salt the water). This method will help steam the seeds, they will swell a little and make them easier to crack. After all the water has boiled away and the seeds begin to crackle in the pan, they will need to be stirred more often, and the temperature should be reduced and cooked for another 15 minutes.

After the seeds have been fried and reached the desired state, they must be poured out of the frying pan, preferably onto a towel with which to cover them. Once they have cooled, they are ready to eat!

How to roast seeds in the oven?

You can roast the seeds in the oven, either on a baking sheet or in a frying pan. If you fry them in the oven, the taste will be different from those fried on the stove. This is due to the fact that first the seeds will be dried in the oven, and only then fried.

First, you need to rinse the seeds thoroughly. Then place it on a baking sheet or frying pan in a not very thick layer and place it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Remember, if you roast the seeds in the oven, you also need to stir them from time to time and check their readiness.

How to roast seeds in the microwave?

This method of preparing seeds is the most modern. There are a great many ways, we will focus on one of them.

First, the seeds need to be washed as usual. Then lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil and, if desired, sprinkle with salt. Now you need to choose a suitable fireproof dish and pour the seeds into it in an even layer approximately 2–3 cm thick. Then, set the power and time. To begin with, let's set the maximum power and select a time of 1.5 minutes. We put the seeds and wait. After the microwave goes through this cycle, the seeds need to be removed, mixed and leveled. Then select medium power and set the time to 1 minute and warm the seeds in this mode 2 times. In between they need to be mixed.

After cooking, you need to try them; if the seeds have not reached the desired condition, you can repeat 1 cycle.

How to roast pumpkin seeds?

Roasting pumpkin seeds is not fundamentally different from cooking sunflower seeds. They also need to be washed and placed in a heated frying pan with a thick bottom. You need to fry at medium temperature for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. After we make sure that the seeds are ready. They need to be removed from the stove, but left in the pan to cool.

Bon appetit!

There is nothing easier than roasting seeds with salt in the oven if you like such a snack. You can buy raw sunflower seeds at the market or in a special store, shop, or supermarket section. However, you should not think that everything is as simple as it seems: the snack can burn in an instant, and then the seeds will be bitter. To avoid this, follow the step-by-step recommendations in the recipe and trust your sense of smell: as soon as you feel the aroma that they are fried, remove from the oven.


  • 1 cup raw seeds
  • 4 pinches of salt

Frying process

1. At the market, seeds are often sold in glasses, so for convenience, we will focus the recipe on this volume (standard glass, 200 ml). We will go through the seeds to remove damaged ones and any stray debris.

2. Pour the selected mass into a container, add water and mix thoroughly to wash the seeds from dust and dirt. Add water and rinse several more times.

3. Salt the wet seeds and mix. The salt will remain on them and will be absorbed during frying. But you can add salt to the appetizer after frying.

4. Pour the mixture of seeds into a baking dish and place it in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. We will not close the oven door: we need the mass to dry rather than bake, so the air must circulate. We will stir the seeds every 5–10 minutes. Drying will take about 20–30 minutes, depending on the size of the seeds.

The seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon and some other crops have not only a pleasant taste, but also many beneficial properties for the human body. They can be purchased both in stores and prepared independently at home. Not all lovers of these snacks know how to fry the seeds so that they do not burn, but are sufficiently cooked, since even this simple process has its own nuances. Proper preparation of the product also has some secrets, taking into account which you can get aromatic seeds with rich taste.

Selection of seeds

Before frying watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds, you need to know how to choose them so as not to acquire rotten, small or old seeds.

The right choice can be made using the following tips:

    • It is better to make purchases in food markets;
    • it is necessary to carefully examine the appearance of the product, assessing the amount of dirt, debris and damaged grains;
  • try pouring some specimens into your palm and touching them, checking for emptiness;
  • give preference to medium-sized seeds.

Using these rules when choosing a product, you will purchase a quality product that will be easy to prepare and enjoyable to use.


Before baking any seeds in a frying pan, oven or microwave, you need to prepare them well.

Such activities include:

  • the first step is to remove foreign matter;
  • place the raw seeds in a colander;
  • to rinse them thoroughly, stir the mixture under running water;
  • then spread the seeds on a towel and let them dry a little.

On a frying pan

How to properly fry sunflower seeds so that cooking at home does not cause any difficulties? The process is familiar to many housewives and is characterized by its simplicity, although it has some minor features. The classic method is frying in a pan. Snacks become tasty, but do not lose their beneficial properties.

For this method, the seeds do not need to be dried first, but then the first time they need to be cooked covered in a hot frying pan. After two minutes, remove it and reduce the heat. It is recommended to constantly stir the product to avoid burning or undercooking of individual specimens. About ten minutes will be enough to cook a small amount of sunflower grains to cover the bottom of the pan. But you can accurately judge the readiness of the snack when the seeds begin to crackle. Then they should be placed on a flat plate and covered with a towel for a quarter of an hour, after which the seeds are ready for use.

With salt

Many snack lovers prefer to eat them salted. At the same time, the taste of the grains changes and becomes more intense.

Pour the prepared seeds into a hot cast-iron frying pan, distributing them in an even thin layer. Evaporate excess moisture for about three minutes, then add a spoonful of sunflower oil and salt the product. Frying the seeds is carried out at medium heat intensity with constant stirring. The seeds and salt will be ready after 10-15 minutes, after which they are covered with a paper towel so that they can infuse and soak.


You can roast pumpkin seeds in much the same way as sunflower seeds. If you use a recipe for cooking in a frying pan, you first need to heat it with vegetable oil, and then drop the seeds, cleaned of dirt and debris, into it. They should cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Cooking time over low heat is approximately twenty minutes, and the product must be stirred regularly to prevent the seeds from burning. If desired, you can add salt. The golden color of the shell indicates the readiness of the snack. For the taste and aroma to become special, snacks must cool well.

In the microwave

Is it possible to roast seeds in the microwave? Pumpkin or sunflower seeds can be cooked not only in a frying pan, but also in the microwave. The method is quite fast and easy, so it is often used by snack lovers.

For roasting, a special container is used, into which a small batch of beans is placed. The power mark of the device should be about 750 W. After two minutes of cooking, the product is removed, mixed and put back into the microwave. Such procedures are performed about four times. To determine readiness, you can taste the seed.

How long should you fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave so that they are ready, but not dry? Five minutes at maximum power will be enough, but the product should be left to cool in the device itself. It is also recommended to fry pumpkin seeds, first pouring oil and sprinkling them with salt.

In the oven

How to fry seeds in the oven so as not to spoil their taste and not end up with a dry snack? Bake should be at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and scatter the beans in an even layer. It is necessary to rinse the seeds first, but drying is not necessary. Some recipes include soaking in a salt solution, but this recipe is only suitable for amateurs. In order to mix the seeds, just remove the baking sheet, let them cool a little, and then return them back to the oven.

Advice! Frying time in the oven takes about twenty minutes.

Seeds baked in the oven do not acquire a roasted taste, they simply become dried out.

The grains of some crops are used as food and are a source of vitamins and microelements beneficial to humans. But not everyone likes eating them raw, so you can learn how to deliciously fry the seeds to make them enjoyable to eat. There are recipes for cooking using various kitchen appliances, but the tastiest and most fried seeds are obtained in a frying pan. In addition, you can use salt to give the snack even more richness. Another important factor is the correct choice of product, which will determine the quality of the final snack.

We all love to crack seeds, especially on a warm autumn evening, when all the work at the dacha is over. In addition, in addition to pleasure and good taste, the seeds also have beneficial properties. Although many claim that this is a bad habit, in fact it is not so, and today it has already been precisely proven that there are no medical contraindications for consuming seeds.

Not only are they high in calories, they also contain vitamin E and many microelements necessary for the body, as they are protein rich in amino acids. Just 2 glasses of seeds contain 100 g of vegetable oil and 40 g of protein. At the same time, they also have a healing effect, since they are able to influence acidity and, by eating only 15-20 seeds, you can get rid of heartburn syndrome. But all this is true only for seeds that have undergone proper heat treatment. And it doesn’t matter whether they are in white or black shells.

In other words, for the seeds to become not just a tasteless mass, but truly a delicacy, and a healthy one at that, they definitely need to be fried, and done correctly. How to properly roast sunflower seeds?

There are several ways to do this, but we will look at the three most common.

First- traditional, which uses a frying pan, and cast iron is best. Some grease it with sunflower oil, others prefer to use an exceptionally clean frying pan.

Before roasting, the seeds need to be cleaned of small debris that is sometimes found in them - dust and coloring pigment. To do this, they are poured into a colander and washed with running cold water. After this, the seeds, without drying, are immediately placed in a frying pan, which should already be preheated by this point. There is an opinion that it is better to immediately add salt to the washed seeds, which will subsequently give them an unusual taste, but not everyone shares this approach.

It is better not to bring the fire to maximum, but to make it medium, then you don’t have to worry about the seeds burning. Also, to avoid this, the seeds need to be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon, while they will emit a pleasant smell.

You need to keep the frying pan on the fire until the seeds begin to make a characteristic crackling noise. At this point, you need to remove the frying pan from the heat and, continuing to stir, wait until the cracking stops. When it subsides, you need to return the pan to the stove and fry the seeds until they crackle again. The seeds will be ready after 3-4 similar procedures, usually it takes 10-15 minutes.

The seeds must also cool properly. Some people simply remove the pan from the heat and leave the seeds to slowly reach the desired condition. You can do it another way: pour it onto a flat wooden surface, cover with linen or cotton cloth and leave for 10 minutes.

It is also important to know how to properly store roasted seeds so that they do not become damp. To do this, after they have completely cooled, wrap them in a plastic bag, preferably from store-bought seeds, and clamp them with a clothespin.

Second way is based on the use of an oven, due to which the seeds taste slightly different than when fried in a frying pan. This is due to the fact that when they enter the hot air of the oven, they first dry out and only then begin to fry.

Before starting, the seeds are also washed and, without drying, scattered on a baking sheet. Just as in the first case, during the frying process you need to regularly open the oven and stir the seeds.

Third way became known only recently, after microwave ovens became widespread. The features of this type of household appliance require seed-roasting experience and even, one might say, virtuosity. Before putting the seeds in the microwave, they are washed, poured into a special fireproof form, sprinkled with sunflower oil and sprinkled with salt.

The microwave power is set to medium, the time is set to a minute, after which the oven is opened and, without taking out the mold, the seeds are mixed. All this needs to be done very quickly, then turn on the microwave for another minute at medium power. You shouldn’t pull out the seeds right away; it’s better to let them finish cooking in a preheated oven, but after it cools down, you can start “husking.” Bon appetit!!!

To fry the seeds in a frying pan, you don't need any special culinary skills. This is a fairly simple process that anyone can handle. It is only important to know how to do it correctly, and how long the seeds are fried before they are ready. We will tell you about this in detail in our article.

Nowadays, there is not a single person who has never eaten seeds. In some societies, it was considered shameful and unaesthetic to “husk” seeds in public. But now it’s quite common to see a person on the street cracking sunflower seeds in the park, at a tram stop, or even in cinemas and the circus.

The higher the popularity of this product became, the more all sorts of signs they came up with about it. Some particularly superstitious people even managed to find some kind of secret subtext in eating seeds. But these are all relics of the past. Today, seeds are a widely available food product, and once you try it, you can’t stop eating it.

But, would you agree, it’s much more pleasant to eat seeds fried with your own hands at home? They are clean, aromatic, can be salty or even with all kinds of seasonings - it depends only on your imagination. This is especially very beneficial when you have a summer house or your own garden where sunflowers grow. By harvesting these flowers, you can easily provide yourself and your family with a delicious treat.

There are many ways to fry sunflower seeds, but in our article we will talk about the most common and effective: frying the seeds in a frying pan. Additional information can be found in the video, which is also presented in the material.

How to fry?

Properly frying the seeds in a frying pan should take no more than 20 minutes. This takes into account the preparation of seeds.

Before frying the seeds, they must be thoroughly washed. To do this, fill them with water and remember a little with your hands. This will help get rid of dust and dirt, so your hands will remain clean when you eat your homemade roasted seeds.

Let the seeds dry, place a frying pan on the stove and heat it thoroughly. After this, carefully pour the seeds into it and stir regularly using a wooden spatula. When you hear a crackling sound, you need to remove the frying pan from the heat and let the seeds sit for about three minutes. Then return to the stove and fry until they crack again. This procedure should be repeated three to four times so that the seeds are thoroughly fried. Remember to stir them regularly to prevent overcooking.

When the seeds are ready, pour them onto a newspaper spread on the table, then roll it up and let the seeds sit for a while and cool. After this they are ready to eat.

To make it easier to fry the seeds, some advise peeling a few seeds from the shell and throwing them into the general mass. During the frying process, we observe these kernels: when they turn golden brown, it means the seeds are ready and you can remove them from the heat.

Sunflower seeds with salt in a frying pan

Surely many of you have tried sunflower seeds fried in a frying pan with salt. A very original and tasty dish that you can prepare at home. The beauty is that homemade salted seeds will be no different from store-bought ones, only the quality will be better, and you don’t need to spend money.

In order to fry the seeds in a frying pan with salt, you first need to rinse them thoroughly. Then take a pan, pour the seeds into it and fill them with water. Add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 150 grams of seeds. Place on the fire and wait for the water to boil. After boiling, remove the seeds from the pan and pour into the pan. It takes about seven minutes to dry for excess moisture to evaporate. Taste the seeds periodically to avoid overcooking them. After the fried seeds are ready, pour them onto a cloth towel, wrap it and after it has cooled, the seeds are ready to eat.

pumpkin seeds

Here's how to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan:: Fill a wide frying pan with a thin layer of sunflower oil, heat it, then add pumpkin seeds. Fry the seeds for about half an hour, stirring them constantly. Once the shells of the pumpkin seeds begin to brown, you can remove them from the heat, but do not remove them from the pan until they have cooled. This way you will allow them to warm up thoroughly, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the fried pumpkin seeds.

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