How to properly raise a three-year-old girl. Raising a teenage girl. Duo of mother and daughter: proper work on the image of the father

You will learn the main psychological characteristics that are inherent in girls aged 6-9 years in emotional development, communication with parents, studies, games and behavior.

Your baby's brain guides and programs the growth of the entire body. This growth means that the brain structures involved in learning, memory, motor control and every other brain function have been established by age 5. These connections, called synapses, are the basis of all human movements, thoughts, memories and feelings.

Children find it easy to learn and accept new information between the ages of 6 and 9, so during this period you should work on your child's beliefs and worldview.

Features of psychological development at 6-9 years old in girls

Let us consider point by point the main features of psychological development in girls aged 6-9 years.

Peculiarities of behavior of girls 6-9 years old

By this period, the girl had formed a clear understanding of who she is and the image she wants to be like. Very often, cartoon or TV series characters become role models.

At this moment, it is important for parents to maintain their child’s self-esteem and instill confidence in their own abilities in every possible way, celebrating his uniqueness and individuality.

There are some behavioral features of girls 6-9 years old that are typical at this age:

  • low self-esteem;
  • shyness;
  • excessive imitation of idols;
  • refusal to speak in public;
  • isolation.

Also, girls are paying more and more attention to their appearance, trying to be like their mother, trying on her clothes and borrowing cosmetics. At the age of 6-9 years, the first hobbies appear.

If parents notice an interest in a particular sport or activity, it is worth starting to develop in this direction and helping the child make a choice. Perhaps in the future, the hobby will develop into a profession and will bear great fruit.

During this period, it is important for parents to show their child strengths. This will help develop self-confidence and bond with family. The girl will understand that her parents and loved ones are a reliable support system and can be trusted.

Communication in girls 6-9 years old

At the stage of 6-9 years, the child’s socialization is in full swing, so this age is characterized by a significant turn in friendships.

The girl already has full-fledged communication, often not related to dolls and toys. This age allows you to gather in groups of 2-3 people, thereby showing your preference.

Child psychology claims that the age of 6-9 years goes through the stage of the next crisis. Features of communication in girls 6-9 years old may include:

  • the assessment of one’s place in society changes;
  • new environment - school;
  • new social connections;
  • social life.

During this period, parents should be attentive to the girl’s emotional state and pay attention to how she interacts with peers, whether she has friends, and whether she has social anxiety when communicating due to fear of evaluation.

Parents should not devalue the child’s feelings and experiences at these moments. Tell us how it was for you, how you found your first friends, where you started.

It is important to make it clear to the child that everyone does not need to like him; his value does not lie in what others think of him, but in the fact that he simply is. Communicate, advise and participate in your child’s life to always suggest the right direction for the development of events.

Emotional development in girls 6-9 years old

On the one hand, the age of 6-9 years is the easiest for parents, and on the other hand, it is associated with the inevitable beginning of the formation of a personal “I” in the child, absolutely independent of mom and dad.

Helping your child cope with separation now will make separation easier in the future. This is especially helpful if your girl has a shy, anxious or timid personality, as she may be more sensitive to separations.

The emotional development of a 6-9 year old girl has the following characteristic features:

  • Adaptation to school life, regular academic loads, accustomed to the teacher, feels confident in the team.
  • Girls aged 6-9 years are inquisitive, committed to active cognitive activity and have mastered some self-development skills.
  • A certain “status” of the child in the surrounding society has already been determined. There is active public and social development.
  • Children's priorities change, and people appear in a child's life whose opinions can outweigh the opinions of their parents. These may be leaders among peers, older children, or other adults.

Relationships with parents in girls 6-9 years old

Encourage your child's growing independence. California family therapist Jane Nelsen, author of Positive Discipline, believes that the challenge of parenting is to find a balance between nurturing, protecting and controlling your child.

We need to give him the opportunity to explore, experiment and become an independent, unique person. So let your child try new things, such as trying a different food, making a new friend, or riding a horse, and resist the urge to intervene.

Saying, "I'll do it," can increase dependency and decrease your child's trust.

When building a relationship between parents and a 6-9 year old daughter, you need to:

  • Recognize the importance of your child's more independent relationships with others and loosen your grip;
  • encourage your child to invite their school friends home to try to connect with someone other than family;
  • Treating your child with deep respect and without criticism in front of other children will also help build healthy self-esteem.

Games for girls 6-9 years old

One of the most important needs for a girl between the ages of 6 and 9 is communication and acceptance. Any collective children's game serves the function of developing the child's communication skills with peers.

The main task of an adult is to organize the game process so that the child learns how to properly use means of communication, as well as interact with others without showing aggression.

Great importance in the development of communication skills is given to story-based games, in which the child acquires and develops communication skills and gains social experience.

In addition, many story-based games contribute to the formation of the child’s moral and strong-willed qualities. So, there are a number of games that will help develop a child’s good attitude towards others, teach him empathy, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Games that contain elements of competition contribute to the formation of a child’s strong-willed qualities. Games for girls 6-9 years old based on basic psychological characteristics:

  • sports games;
  • team games;
  • role-playing games;
  • story games.

Education for girls 6-9 years old

The leading activity of a girl aged 6-9 years is study. It is during the educational process that new psychological functions and qualities arise and develop. During this period, profound changes also occur in the area of ​​experience.

The individual emotions and feelings that the girl of about four experienced were fleeting and situational. At the age of 6-9 years, experiences acquire a new meaning, their complication leads to the emergence of the child’s inner life.

A crisis manifestation of the separation of the external and internal life of children usually becomes antics, mannerisms, and artificial tension of behavior.

Features of studying for girls 6-9 years old:

  • appears new system child-teacher relationships;
  • learning patience and cooperation through experience;
  • language - as a means of communication and thinking;
  • The memory of a 6-9 year old child develops in two directions - arbitrariness and meaningfulness.

Anxiety in girls 6-9 years old

Childhood neuroses are not a rare phenomenon. There can be many factors: type nervous system, genetics, destructive beliefs of parents, black and white thinking of the family and so on. The child, like a sponge, absorbs the entire atmosphere in the house and gets used to the constant feeling of danger. The result is high anxiety from an early age with all that it entails.

Psychologists identify two basic threats that cause a feeling of fear - threats to a person’s life and life values. The specificity of children's fears is that, as a rule, they are not directly related to an actual threat.

Children's fears are based on information that children receive from nearby adults and pass through the prism of their vivid fantasy and imagination.

What should parents do if they detect anxiety in a 6-9 year old girl:

  • confidential conversation with the child about fears and anxieties;
  • a calm reaction to the child’s answer about fears, without criticism or blame;
  • ask the child to describe fear, tell what it looks like, what he feels, in what situations the feeling of fear comes to him;
  • draw fear or dramatize it in a game, live through an imaginary experience.

First menstruation in girls 6-9 years old

A girl aged 6-9 years may begin to ask questions about her growing up, about how her figure will change in the future, where children come from. These are normal questions and natural interest, but it happens that questions alone are not enough and a child at the age of 6-9 begins menstruation.

The very first period in medicine is called menarche. On average, they begin in a girl at 12-13 years old, but the norm is also considered to be between 9 and 15 years old. There are cases when menstruation begins at 7 years old.

It is worth talking about menstruation before it begins; when a child suddenly discovers blood from the genitals, he often thinks that he is dying and is afraid to tell his parents.

What are the signs that indicate that a 6-9 year old girl will soon start menstruating:

  • the first white vaginal discharge about half a year before the start of menstruation;
  • breast and hip enlargement, waist shaping;
  • the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • cases of fainting a couple of weeks before the first menstruation;
  • heavy sweating.

Now you know the psychology of girls and the characteristics of their development at the age of 6-9 years, you can use our advice and help your child survive difficult periods.


How to properly raise a girl from birth, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years. Advice for good parents.

The most difficult but interesting process in life is raising a child. When a little baby is born, at that moment it is difficult to imagine what kind of teenager, girl, or mother she will be. But in order to raise a girl to be a true keeper of the hearth, one must go through a difficult path of education. After all, a born child is already a person with his own “I” and one must learn to understand him from the first minutes. If there is such an understanding, then you can be calm about the future fate of the child.

All parents really want everything in their child’s life to be good, successful and happy. So that he has a lot of luck in the future, good job, friendly and loving family. To do this, parents must try very hard and make every effort. Part of the moral education of a child is sex education. In the future, it will help to form a personality and master the role of a mother and wife.

Raising a girl from birth

Your little one is growing up. How much joy you get from this, how much you discover for yourself. The first smile, the first tooth, the first long-awaited word! All this is great joy! And the first steps are steps into a bright, happy life. What a child learns and receives in the first years of his life, he uses for the rest of his life. He went and said that he can do something – these are already the first steps towards independence.

The first arguments and discontent begin, the girl tries with all her might to defend her opinion. And if she succeeded, then how happy she is, feeling her victory, even if it’s a small one. But here you need to be wary and think, and begin to slowly look for a method of your upbringing. Under no circumstances should you suppress a child; you need to learn to listen to him.

Until the age of three, a girl must be taught to help her mother. You should try to do everything with her together: tidy up and help in the kitchen. Give her some simple, but interesting work, provide it all in the form of a game. Then you definitely need to praise your daughter, not skimping on kisses and hugs. Tell her how important her help was to you and how nice it was to do everything together. This is a very important and integral part of education. Raising your voice and punishing a young child is unacceptable, especially physically, especially a girl! A child should not be afraid of anything. From a young age, a girl should be given as much freedom as possible.

To avoid problems in the future, you need to build correct scheme education. Only then can you raise a successful, loving keeper of the family hearth. After all, girls are more flexible, friendly, serious, and it’s easy to get along with them. But for complete harmony of mutual understanding, you need to choose the right key that is suitable for any age. Love and perseverance are an integral part of parenting.

From 3 to 5 years

From the first days of life until the age of three, the girl is just beginning to explore the world, and in this she needs a special approach. But in raising children from 3 to 5 years old, the relationship with your daughter will become more interesting. She had already learned to manipulate her parents, and especially her grandparents, and was able to recognize all of them weak points. And you need to treat this with understanding and find your own parenting tactics. A girl at this age needs to be accustomed to everything beautiful, taught to take care of her hair, clothes, accustom her to order in her room, and keep her toys collected. After all, if you instill all this in a girl from this age, then in the future she will be grateful. And of course, don’t forget to praise her, hug her and kiss her, because all this can be compared to air, without which you cannot live; there cannot be too much love. If a girl sees your relationship with your husband, dad, brother, your love for them, this will become more important for her in the future. good example, and in her family she will build the same line of relationships with all her near and dear ones. Under no circumstances should you scare a girl; you need to be able to prepare her for the real world. To make your daughter a good housewife, you don’t need to dump a lot of housework on her. She should like the work, not be boring and uninteresting. Try to remember what you were like at her age, and then it will be easier for you to solve your mistakes and support your daughter in her desires.

From 6 to 9 years

When she reaches the age of six to nine years, the girl will become more careful and patient. At school, he gets along well with teachers, and he enthusiastically tells his parents everything that happened during the whole day, and gets great pleasure from this, seeing their reaction. They make real friends with whom they share their secrets and value this friendship very much. Friendship at this age is very great value, and this should not be prevented under any circumstances. Parents just need to find out as much as possible about their daughter's friends. A girl must understand what true friendship is, understand how to strengthen this friendship and what can be expected from her in the future.

From 9 to 10 years

Now we have come to that period of life when girls begin to be interested in boys. If you saw that your daughter brought a gift, or by chance a note of interesting content caught your eye. In this case, you need to take control of yourself, not panic, but, on the contrary, talk to her and tell her how to behave correctly with boys at her age.

Of course, you need to diversify your daughter's life. Enroll her in the section for girls, there is a wide choice: swimming, dancing, tennis. This will instill in her good qualities, and perhaps in the future will even bring a certain result.

10 years

At ten years old, girls want to be on par with their peers, not to lag behind in anything. She wants to have good phone, dress nicely. They begin to look more closely at their appearance, and they find more and more flaws in themselves. You need to put in a lot of effort and patience to help her cope with all this. At this age, girls have great authority from their parents. Most importantly, find time to talk with your child and share your secrets with her. And then you will be able to maintain true friendship with your daughter.


Parents think that adolescence is difficult only for them, but it is not so. For teenagers themselves, it is also very difficult and complex. After all, at this moment, children form their views on life, they want to prove themselves in many ways. A reassessment of values ​​occurs and the teenager tries to present himself the way he knows how.

Sometimes we don’t notice how our children grow; for us they remain small for a very long time. But in fact, no matter how much we would like it, they have already grown up, become adults and have their own lives. From eleven to eighteen years of age, children become adults, and if the relationship between parents and children remains friendly, then this will continue until adulthood. Patience and love for a child is the path to mutual understanding between you, because the period of adolescence is one of the most interesting and difficult periods in the education of a person. But for some reason it seems to parents that this period will never end. This is a very erroneous opinion; this period will fly by instantly, as quickly as childhood. Parents will see that their ugly duckling, a stubborn donkey, turned into a white swan and an easy-going little kitten. They straightened their wings and flew out of their warm, cozy and dear nest. They already have their own family, their own problems, which they learned to solve correctly thanks to you. They know how to love, appreciate, forgive, and become good parents themselves. And you were fathers and mothers, and you will become grandfathers and grandmothers. Now your children are taking up the baton of raising their children. You went through all the difficulties together, and you also came out of them together. After all, education is a very difficult, but interesting job.

Parents have a great responsibility for how well their children understand their gender identity and role positions in society. After all, boys and girls eventually grow into men and women who will have to be attracted to procreate. And here the education of each gender becomes important.

Every mother who gives birth to a girl needs to remember that she will become a woman in the future. Thus, her upbringing will be slightly different from raising a boy, who needs to be instilled with different qualities and outlook on life. The mother is primarily involved in raising a girl and shows by her own example what she should be like.

How to raise a girl?

When a daughter appears in a family, the question arises of how to raise her. There is no way to raise a girl in the first year of her life, since she is still developing at the physical level. Here, the development of boys and girls occurs at the physiological level almost identically. However, how to raise a girl in subsequent years?

When the baby begins to grow up, this is where you definitely need to take charge of her upbringing. To understand exactly how to educate, you need to understand the essence of education itself.

Many parents sometimes have the question: “How to raise your child?” All parents want their children to grow up to be strong, self-confident, successful and happy people. But for some reason, many children from such families grow up weak, unsuccessful, unloved and unsure of themselves. Why is this so? Because parents misunderstand the essence of raising a child.

What is education? Many people think that education means passing on to children your beliefs, outlook on life, accustoming them to the rules of society, etc. In fact, in this way you are passing on to your children only your own fears, limiting beliefs, the rules by which you yourself live in society . As a result, the child often repeats the fate of his parents.

What is the essence of education? How to raise a child so that he really lives better than his parents? He needs to be given tools that he will then use when he becomes an adult.

Understand that your child will soon grow up, become an adult, leave your family and begin to build his own life. What beliefs will he use? What morals will he adhere to? What skills will he use? What will he believe? Only in what you, dear parents, gave and raised in him. How useful is the knowledge and skills that you give him? You use them yourself. Do they help you become happy, loved and rich? If not, then the knowledge and skills you are passing on to your child are useless.

The essence of education is to convey to the child that information, teach those skills, develop those skills that will become useful to him when he grows up. How useful is everything that you teach your child? Do you want him to be obedient? Then, even as an adult, he will obey everyone. Do you want your daughter to be a skilled housewife? Then men will love her only for her thriftiness. Are you teaching your son to gain respect through grades? Then he will feel respected when he has a lot of money. And the rest of the time, your children will be unhappy, especially if they don’t succeed. So, what are you raising them for and what will they enter into adulthood with?

Raising a girl will be easy if you just stick to the understanding of what she will eventually become. Depending on what you want her to be, base your upbringing. Understand that in the future your daughter will begin to become a woman. She must have relevant views on:

  1. What is the beauty of a woman's body? What do you need to be to attract men?
  2. What is love and when does it arise?
  3. What qualities should she have to be happy?
  4. What is inherent in women? What is femininity?
  5. What duties should a woman perform?
  6. What values ​​and morals should you be guided by?
  7. What is a man and how to deal with him?

Many issues are not considered as much early age. Although it is worth understanding that children learn the differences between boys and girls at an early age.

How to raise a girl correctly?

A girl differs from a boy in that in the future they will become men and women who fulfill certain roles in this life. How to raise a girl correctly? This applies to both dads and moms.

  • Developing self-care skills.

Your daughter should be treated like a princess who should always look beautiful. First, the mother does this, decorating her daughter while she is little, then the daughter trains herself to make herself beautiful. Treat your daughter as if she is beautiful, beautiful, and admired for her appearance. And this really should be the case.

All girls are different. Even if your daughter is far from the ideal of beauty, you should not focus on this. Any girl should feel beautiful, even if she does not meet the standards in some way. Dad and mom should help their daughter make herself beautiful. To do this, you can buy children's cosmetics so that your daughter can learn the art of makeup, hairstyles, etc.

Buy the girl beautiful dresses. Many parents make the mistake of dressing their daughters in clothes left over from their previous children. Often daughters wear the pants and suits of their older brothers. There is nothing wrong with this, only the girl loses her femininity, she begins to become a “tomboy”.

To raise a real lady, you need to remember from childhood that you are growing a future woman, and not just a second or third child who bears what is left after her older brothers. Pay a lot of attention to your daughter’s wardrobe.

  • Fewer restrictions and deprivations.

A girl needs not just to be pampered, but simply to please more often. It is better for a daughter to grow up happy and receive everything, than for her to constantly suffer and get used to the role of a victim. If you constantly punish your daughter, forbid everything, and don’t listen, then she will grow up to be an unhappy woman who will eventually choose the same tyrant as her parents, who will order her, humiliate her and forbid everything.

  • Show male model.

The older the daughter gets, the more acute the father’s need for her upbringing becomes. It is the father who will become the model of the man whom the daughter will look for in her chosen ones in the future. It’s good if a father treats his daughter in such a way that she understands how a man should behave. Of course, intimate relationships and serious kissing are not needed here. A father simply must love his daughter, give her gifts, carry her in his arms, listen and hear, that is, accustom her to a normal relationship with a man.

If a mother is raising her daughter herself, then she must make sure that at least they are surrounded by men whose example the daughter will follow.

  • Getting to know the real world.

When a girl becomes independent, she will more than once encounter various unpleasant situations. Girls are more defenseless in front of the real world. However, she should not be protected from him. It’s better to introduce the girl to the fact that there are various troubles in the world. Tell us how to behave in a given situation.

Many girls become victims of rapists or other villains because they simply do not know how to behave in a dangerous situation. Parents did not take care of this at an earlier age.

  • Development of farming skills.

In the future, the daughter will be faced with the need to be the keeper of the hearth, so she must be good at doing all women’s housework. These skills should be developed from childhood.

  • Development of kindness.

Undoubtedly, every girl should have kindness. At the same time, parents should not overdo it so that their daughter does not direct her kindness even to unworthy people.

  • Individuality.

Every woman should have a highlight. And it lies in the fact that the girl will simply be herself, unlike the others. Allow your daughter to be unique and unusual.

  • Leadership qualities.

Not only boys should have strong character traits. Modern woman must also be able to be successful in social life. Therefore, parents should allow their daughter to show her strengths and develop all the necessary character traits.

After the first year of life, parents should think about raising their daughter. Now she can be instilled with various qualities that will make her feminine. However, many parents adhere to the principle of the feminist spirit in the weaker sex. This ultimately leads to the inability of girls to build normal relationships with guys in the future.

It’s better to raise not a feminist who will constantly break up with guys and remain unhappy, but a feminine lady – balanced, caring and gentle.

Mothers should include their daughters in their daily activities. Let the daughter be present during all the activities that the mother does. Children are happy to copy the behavior of their parents, so remember that your daughter takes her example from you first and foremost.

Also, your daughter may already begin to prefer a certain style of clothing. She should be indulged in this by buying what she likes.

After reaching 2 years old, my daughter shows interest in creativity. It is through drawings, modeling, dancing, singing, etc. that my daughter expresses her emotions. Here she should only be helped in developing her skills, and not interfered with or taught to do other work.

Each daughter is individual. Each girl has her own interests and desires. Don't stop her from playing with what she likes, even if she prefers to play with soldiers and a ball rather than with dolls. Let your daughter play what interests her, it will soon pass.

Also, do not forget to praise the baby and give compliments. All children need words of encouragement that will tell them that they are doing something right.

If you suddenly notice some wrong actions in your daughter’s behavior, then understand that she copied them from someone and did not come up with them herself. This could be a mother, grandmother, neighbor or favorite cartoon character. Explain to your daughter why she shouldn’t do this, and don’t scold her.

Parents must tell their daughters the truth and keep their promises. Psychologists also advise hugging and kissing daughters more often, especially if they themselves reach out and show their tender feelings.

Both parents should take part in raising the baby. Mom should become a friend with whom the daughter can talk about everything, and dad should become the standard of the man whom the daughter will look for when she grows up.

The baby takes her mother’s example, so often at this age she begins to try on her mother’s clothes, put on her makeup, and use other feminine items. You should not interfere with your daughter, but only encourage her desires.

Since daughters do not always behave well, here we need to learn to punish girls. You don't need to do it too rudely, but you shouldn't indulge either.

The age of four is marked by a shift in interests from active activities towards mental pursuits. Here your daughter needs to answer all her questions “why?” and also be assigned to some section. Creativity continues to be a relevant activity, so all your daughter’s hobbies should be encouraged.

At this age, you should continue to involve your daughter in all women’s affairs, in particular housekeeping, and teach her various skills.

At the age of 5, a daughter can become unbearable as she begins to try her hand and strives to gain power over her parents. Here adults must correctly show their daughter that power remains with them.

Also, at the age of 5, my daughter begins to understand the difference between boys and girls, so she constantly asks various questions of an intimate nature. Here parents must be ready to answer them.

The daughter also becomes jealous of her dad. She gets jealous if he spends time with his mother and not with his daughter. Here the dad needs to not always indulge his daughter’s whims, showing that the mother remains the only woman in his life. Also at this stage, the daughter carefully monitors the relationship between dad and mom, remembering what model of relationship she will build when she grows up.

How to raise a teenage girl?

Adolescence is the most difficult. However, even here it is possible to determine the correct line of behavior for parents with a teenage girl.

The daughter is gradually moving away from her parents, getting closer to her peers, which is normal. Parents should not interfere with this, nor with the fact that their daughter already wants to be treated like an adult. Here we need to help her grow up, and not show in various ways why she is still small.

Understand that your daughter will begin to try all the “forbidden fruits” at her age. Therefore, if it is not her parents who tell her what to do, she will try everything herself and make mistakes. Don’t protect yourself from adult life, but introduce your daughter to it.

Also, do not forget that it is during adolescence that the main emphasis is on appearance. If a girl wants to be beautiful, then she needs help with this, because otherwise she will not be able to raise her self-esteem and be confident.

Bottom line

Raising a daughter is a long process that parents engage in until she comes of age. Therefore, many of the results that the daughter will reap as an adult will be the consequences of parental upbringing.

Do you often wonder how competently you are raising your daughter? How to raise a baby so that she is successful, happy, loved, self-sufficient, and feels confident? Psychologists answer this question by sharing some recommendations that will help raise a harmonious adult woman from a little girl. Let's look at them.

For a teenage girl, doubt about her attractiveness is an inexhaustible source of complexes and failures in her personal life. Parents should raise their daughter from a very young age in the belief that she is a beauty, no matter what external characteristics nature bestows upon her. Emphasize the baby’s merits and in no case make fun of her shortcomings: freckles, a snub nose, plumpness - all these are individual traits of her personal charm.

Don’t make fun of the purely female desire to look in the mirror - by studying her appearance, the baby learns to love herself! Don’t resist your first, perhaps unsuccessful, experiences with cosmetics - let him try mascara, eye shadow, and lipstick. The sooner experiments begin, the more successful it will be. end result. The girl needs to be instilled with the understanding that beauty requires sacrifice. Therefore, when the baby watches beautiful women with admiration, she should be explained that even the most beautiful of them carefully take care of their appearance.

Unfortunately, not many people know that raising a daughter strictly has its serious drawbacks. In particular, a generation of girls raised by overly demanding parents are convinced that love must be earned. Hence the victim complex, excessive diligence, as well as the inability to recognize oneself as desired and loved.

Only those who are truly loved will learn to recognize love. The girl will instinctively avoid an atmosphere of unlove, which is the key to her personal future happiness.

A woman is first and foremost the guardian of life. It is extremely important for parents to instill safety rules in their daughter - to teach them to understand situations and people. Do not scare the baby, but warn against excessive naivety and gullibility. Tell the girl about dangerous incidents from your life and the lives of your friends. A child must be able to avoid situations and people that can cause harm to health, life, or reputation.

If a girl does not learn to show mercy and care for others, then she will not grow into a real woman. Teach your daughter to notice other people’s pain and help those in need. Don’t be afraid to sharply pull the baby back if she starts making fun of other people’s shortcomings in front of you.

Encourage the girl's desire to help older people. Do not scold your child if he brings a stray animal into the house. Caring for pets is wonderful compassion training. However, at the same time, try to raise your daughter so that she does not direct her desire to help towards unworthy people. The balance of prudence and mercy is the recipe for true femininity.

Teach the girl rational management techniques household. However, in order for the young creature to take care of the house without strain and complaints, not only she, but also other family members must have their own responsibilities and tasks, discussed in advance.

So that in adult life your daughter’s destiny is not to have a secondary role in the form of an appendage to a strong man, you should not suppress the initiative and leadership inclinations of the child. On the contrary, encourage her success in every possible way - let your positive assessment be an incentive for her further development.

You passionately dreamed of raising your daughter to be an athlete, but the girl took after her aunt - she loves solitude and draws pictures? Or you wanted to raise an actress, but your baby took after her grandfather: she loves trains and is preparing herself for a modest career as a conductor, don’t insist on your vision of her life! Remember - your daughter has every right to choose her own path. Don't break the girl's individuality. Just contribute to the development of her personality!

Sergey Vasilenkov for Women's magazine "Prelest"

The long-awaited day has come - the day of the birth of a little man. Parents often ponder the question of who will be: a boy or a girl? For some, this is a matter of principle, while others are absolutely happy with anyone. But as soon as it turns out that a girl was born, several questions immediately arise: what to name the child and how to raise her correctly, so that the girl grows up to be a real lady and feels like a princess. There will always be quality answers to these questions.

Family is the key to a child’s full development

Psychology experts offer various methods for raising girls. We will present some of the most effective and efficient ones that will help parents fully develop feminine traits in their child.

My light is a mirror...

So how to raise a girl? Every girl literally from the age of four begins to pay attention to her appearance. Looking at her mother, she literally imitates her manners, tries to paint her nails and lips, and loves her mother’s perfume. Some parents try to tone down such activity in their appearance. But this is not correct, if you always point out to a child only his shortcomings and do not mention his merits, then your child will grow into a complex person, and for girls this is a particularly problematic situation.

Contact with mom and dad

There is an opinion that if a girl often hugs and kisses her parents, constantly sleeps next to them, this can somehow negatively affect her orientation or relationships with the opposite sex. Yes, a child acquires sexuality at a young age, but this does not mean that the girl should be limited in attention and not touched.

All parents should know that a girl’s communication and contact should be in harmony with both parents, as nature ordered. And then the child will grow up full-fledged and strong man. Fathers should be especially attentive and tender to girls, because everyone knows that every princess, growing up, looks for a prince very similar to her dad. This is our psychology. In most cases, a girl chooses a family that resembles the one in which she grew up. Therefore, parents who are thinking how to raise a girl, it is worth paying close attention to this fact.

Young hostess

Some fathers and mothers believe that the sooner you instill in your child cleaning and ironing, the better. Parents believe that this is how they can raise an excellent housewife, but we hasten to assure you that you shouldn’t overdo it. The thing is that if you force your baby to do adult things every time, this can lead to a completely opposite effect and instead of happily helping you around the house, the child will do everything with dissatisfaction and annoyance, and the girl will be disgusted by such work.

Many parents believe that the calmer and quieter the child is, the better. But this is also a myth. Do not raise a girl by constantly yelling at her, otherwise she may grow up knowing that the one who raises his voice is more authoritative, because this is what her future husband may do to her. Set up your child so that the baby grows up to be self-confident, able to express her own point of view, and able to defend herself. And then your girl will be truly happy.

Protect your little one from stories about a handsome prince who will marry her and they will live happily ever after. The girl will immediately program herself to search for just such an ideal man. Psychologists have long found out that precisely because there are parents who teach this way, girls become very trusting and are simply taken advantage of by gallant men who look more like a gray wolf than a prince. Therefore it is important to know how to raise a girl Right.

Raising a girl without a dad

If a mother is raising her daughter without a father, then there are still many options for the girl to grow up without fear of men and be able to find a common language with them.

Remember one thing, but the most important rule, never talk badly about men in the presence of a child, this will negatively affect her perception of the opposite sex. Mom should be a role model in everything, because the baby will completely copy her behavior and words. The mother’s personal life should not be accessible to the child until your man becomes a real dad and becomes friends with the child. A large number of strangers in the house can have a negative impact on the child’s perception, know this.

Difficult age for girls

This question is perhaps one of the most difficult for parents. In general, to be frank, no. ideal model parents' behavior when their child is a teenager. But some signs are noticeable to the naked eye - rudeness, hanging out with boys, a huge amount of mascara on the eyelashes, parties and parties, gaps in studies and more. Here, only iron restraint and discipline will help parents understand how to raise a girl already grown up.

At this age, all girls react very sharply to comments about appearance, so try not to express dissatisfaction. You shouldn’t forbid your child to wear his favorite, perhaps not very beautiful, things; let him express himself and look for his own style. Now the teenager already has his own opinion and the opinions of others, yours, for now, comes in second place.

Praise your child for his talents, even the most ridiculous first steps, be it playing the piano or dancing. This negativity between you will decrease significantly, try to understand your child and remember yourself in your youth. Of course, everything should be within reason, no bad habits or bad company.

Be sure to have a conversation between your parents about the relationship. This is not easy for everyone, especially with girls. The main thing is that she understands that honor is a valuable thing that is not thrown away.

Be sure to instill in your girl the rules of personal hygiene, this will help her in the future take care of herself and be a healthy and beautiful girl.

And most importantly, don't be too strict. If you want to find contact with a girl, then become her faithful companion and adviser, and then she will not have any secrets from you, and this is better than finding out secrets by rummaging through the child’s computer and phone.

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