How to properly use a closed caulk gun. Caulking guns. Photo of using a sealant gun

This mechanism is indispensable both when performing indoor repairs and for some external work in the private housing construction segment. The instrument acquired its name because of its operating principle. The composition comes out when the trigger is pressed, which is why the sealant gun is compared to the weapon of the same name.

However, this comparison is conditional, since the sealant is supplied by a piston, which begins to move when the trigger is pressed.

In this case, it would be correct to call the device a syringe :)

Our tool has undeniable advantages - it allows you to fill gaps in hard-to-reach places. At the same time, the work is performed quickly and efficiently; as a rule, there are no special qualification requirements.

Acquiring a device is a whole science. The choice is made based on the work required, but there is no need to rush to purchase the most expensive and branded tools when there are quite affordable work options. The main thing is that the device is light, ergonomic and durable.

What types of sealant guns are there?

Depending on design features sealant guns are:


Tubular products are designed to seal joints using a viscous silicone-based mass or acrylic binders. They are equipped with a rod and a hollow cylinder, which is a cartridge for the product being produced.

The main advantage is the absence of the need for frequent refills.


Skeleton structures are designed to work with sealant in a standard cartridge, the volume of which is up to 310 ml. It has a rod and stiffening ribs.

The main advantage of the product is the possibility of partial use (not the entire cartridge, but a certain amount).

Semi-hulled.(below are instructions using this type of pistol as an example).

Half-barrel guns are suitable for cartridges up to 310 ml. Their design is very similar to skeletal products, but does not have a solid frame, but a stand for installing sealant.

The main advantage of this equipment is its ease of use, since the composition does not flow out due to the mechanism that ensures the reverse stroke of the rod.

Guns are also divided according to the principle of sealant supply:


    Mechanical designs are universal and suitable for both home craftsmen and professionals. Silicone or acrylic compounds are applied after pressing the rod with the necessary force.


    Small-scale work is performed using pneumatic tools. Silicone, polyurethane or acrylic compound is supplied automatically (due to compressed air pressure) after lowering the handle.

    The action of the above tube gun is based on pneumatics.


    Battery products are used by professionals and are suitable for large-volume work. The sealant is supplied automatically after lowering the handle (at the same time the battery is connected to the operation).


Not the most convenient option, but still:

If a gun is not at hand, then the sealant can be “knocked out” of the tube using improvised objects, for example, the handle of a hammer.

How to use a caulk gun

To make everything work, perform the following steps (sorry for the quality, photo is from a phone, but it’s enough to explain the principle).

Following a good habit, we wear protective gloves.

We prepare the surface for application.

Here everyone will have their own option. Read the instructions on the back of the sealant tube. Use a triangular scraper or sharp knife to remove old material. We clean out the crumbs with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Don't forget about degreasing the surface.

We decide on the type of gun (in the photo - half-body) and sealant.

Let's check the mechanism. There are possible options here, the most common one is shown in the photo of our instructions. If necessary, we reduce it to the following form:

While holding the pistol handle, press the trigger mechanism (1) from behind.

Holding it with your finger, pull out the piston (2) - there will be space for the cartridge.

Before inserting the cartridge, you can cut the tip of the tube at 45 degrees (with a stationery knife);

Place the sealant into the tool.

And press the piston all the way.

Ready to go!

By repeatedly pressing the trigger - handle (3), carefully squeeze the contents of the gun onto the seam.

At the end of the work, the cartridge is removed in the reverse order and closed with a tip for reuse.

Tip: Smooth out the applied sealant.

To prevent the sealant from sticking to your finger, you can use soapy water. Dip your finger into the container or apply a soapy solution to the seam first.

It is also very convenient to remove sealant stains with soap and water, incl. using special blades.

Good luck! As you can see, nothing complicated! If you have any questions, watch the video:

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Surprising as it may seem, the question: how to use a sealant gun sometimes still arises; this question especially concerns novice craftsmen. And although this instrument is not particularly complex in design, some people who pick it up for the first time may even be stunned by it.

Sealant gun - what is it?

If you look at the photos provided on how to use a sealant gun, you can generally understand what kind of tool it is and how the sealant should be inserted into it. But the very principle of its operation can present a certain complexity. After all, even its name causes confusion among a non-specialist. In fact, if you watch the video instructions on using a caulk gun, you can understand why this tool is called that. It also has another name - a syringe.

It got this name because of its structure and operating principle. The sealant composition is released from the plastic tube by pressing a kind of trigger, so this association arose with one of the types of firearms. There are several types of such tools and they can be divided into the following categories:

  • by the type of compartments where the cartridge is inserted;
  • according to the features of the device;
  • using the silicone supply method.

If you look at the pictures, you will notice that such a tool can be of several types:

  • battery;
  • pneumatic;
  • electric;
  • mechanical.

Each gun is designed to be able to seal hard-to-reach gaps. The most common are mechanical tools, as they are a budget option.

How to use a syringe to squeeze out silicone?

It’s worth watching a video on how to use a sealant gun, and everything will become clear:

  1. Before inserting the cartridge from the syringe, you must pull out the metal pin. To do this, you will need to use two hands, since the pin itself will not extend, because it is held in place by a special clamp. When you pull the trigger with one hand, the lock releases the piston and it can be pulled out. But you need to pull it out to the very end.
  2. Now you can insert the cartridge into the gun and lock it with a few pulls of the trigger. But do not clamp it too hard, because first you need to prepare the tip of the cartridge.
  3. When the cartridge is fixed, the tip is cut off and a cone is screwed on, through which the silicone will be squeezed out. Cones come with ready-made holes (one for threads, and a second smaller one for sealant outlet) and without one hole. If there is no smaller hole, you need to carefully make a cut on the cone with a knife.
  4. In order to see how the sealant gun works, you should pull the trigger several times until the piston fully stops in the cartridge. The tool is ready and you can start working.

The cartridge cone must be placed at the place that needs sealing. After this, you can pull the trigger, activating the pusher, which will evenly squeeze out a sausage of sealant of the required thickness. When the pusher moves, the latch will also be activated at the same time so that the piston does not weaken its pressure on the bottom of the cartridge. To remove a used cartridge, pull the trigger to loosen the latch, pull out the pusher with the other hand and the cartridge will be released.

A caulking gun is an important tool when carrying out repair work. It is designed to accurately and evenly apply the sealing mixture. The work is easy and fast. Today this tool comes in various types, which allows you to choose best option.


The caulking gun received this name because it has much in common with this type of weapon in appearance. It is equipped with a comfortable handle, as well as a special mechanism with a trigger and a guide that imitates the barrel of this weapon.

Among the variety of guns presented for using hermetic mixtures, silicone options are extremely popular. They are noticeable on the shelves of construction stores because they attract attention with their special packaging.

The sealant gun is presented in a special tube or cylindrical containers. The peculiarity of the instrument is that its bottom is characterized by mobility. It can easily move around the body of the product. You can attach a variety of attachments to the tip of the tube, which allow you to give the squeezed mixture the desired shape. The movement of the bottom of the tube occurs due to the presence of a special piston, which begins to move when the trigger mechanism is pressed. The piston exerts pressure on the bottom of the container with sealant, and the mixture is squeezed out through the spout of the product.

Manufacturers of sealant mixtures use a unified format, so the sealant gun is ideal for various types hermetic mixture.


Modern manufacturers of equipment for construction work provide a huge range of guns for using hermetic mixtures. You can easily get confused in such a variety, so before purchasing you should familiarize yourself with the features of different models.

All guns for hermetic mixtures can be divided into two large groups.


This category includes high quality pistols that are designed for multiple uses. They are distinguished by reliability, practicality and durability, and are also produced in accordance with GOST. Typically, professional tools are purchased for large industries where there is a need to carry out sealing work.

The peculiarity of professional tools is that they are ideal not only for working with tube-shaped sealants. They are suitable for working even with unpackaged hermetic sausage-type mixtures. The undeniable advantage of such tools is the huge number of attachments that are sold complete with them. The nozzle allows you to create seams of the required size. Such models can be used to work with glass sealant.

Professional options include pneumatic and battery-powered models. An air pistol has a slightly different mechanism of action compared to the mechanical version. The sealant is extruded using air pressure, while mechanical pressure does not apply. This feature allows you to increase the duration of work with the tool, since you do not feel tired in your hands.

Many caulk spray guns have pressure regulators. They allow you to adjust the required pressure so that the mixture is squeezed out in the required quantity to conveniently fill a certain joint width. Models for two-component sealant look interesting. Thanks to a well-thought-out design, working with such sealed compounds is quite easy and simple.

Among professional tools, the most expensive are cordless ones. Due to their high cost, they are rarely purchased for domestic construction, since usually sealing seams is a one-time job. The peculiarity of battery models is that they have a pre-set extrusion speed. This allows us to improve the quality of construction work performed.

Battery-powered guns can also be used for bulk or tube formulas.


Amateur models are in demand due to their reasonable price and huge variety. Several varieties of this group can be found on sale. Their peculiarity is that all models are manual. They can be easily assembled even without instructions.

Depending on the type of body, there are several types of amateur guns for hermetic mixtures.

  • Skeleton pistol– an ideal option for one-time sealing work. If you compare it with the semi-hull model, it is more durable and costs a little more. It perfectly holds the tube with sealant due to the presence of rigid ribs of the structure. The piston rod is characterized by a smooth stroke, without distortions. The skeletal model is made of high-quality steel, the thickness of which is only 1.5 mm. For the manufacture of the handle, steel with a width of 2 mm is used, and for the rod, a hexagonal steel rod with a cross section of 6 mm is used.

  • Reinforced skeletal version the design is in no way different from the skeletal one. The difference lies in the use of more reliable and durable materials. This gun is characterized by a long service life. In the manufacture of the body, steel with a thickness of 2 mm is used, the handle is 3 mm and the rod with a cross-section is 8 mm.

  • Half-body view is the most accessible thanks to low cost products. It is characterized by a short period of use. It is enough for about several packages of sealed mixture. Due to the design features, the tube is prone to warping, and when squeezing out the polyurethane foam, a lot of effort must be applied. Such pistols are made from steel with a thickness of only 1 mm, and a rod with a cross-section of only 6 mm. If the tool is abandoned, it may become dented and damaged.

  • Pistol with a cylindrical body is the most sought after among amateur models. Characterized by high cost, it allows you to work even with bulk sealants. The design of the tool guarantees ease of use due to the smooth stroke of the rod. This option is ideal for working with silicone glue, as well as for sausage-shaped tubes.

How to use?

The sealant can be applied even without a gun. This option is not very convenient, since you will need to use a hammer to knock the product out of the cartridge.

To renovation work Do it yourself quickly and easily, you should purchase a gun for spraying sealant. Before using a manual model, you should read the instructions from the manufacturer. Reinforced products are in great demand. They are convenient and simple because they are easier to work with than using a screwdriver.

The instructions for using a gun for hermetic mixtures are simple and include several steps.

  • First you need to think about personal protection. It is recommended to use gloves and safety glasses.
  • The surface needs to be cleaned. To remove the previous coating, you can use a triangular scraper or a sharp knife. If there are crumbs left after cleaning, they can be removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Be sure to degrease the base.

  • All restrictions must be removed. If you use the skeletal or semi-hull version, this stage will not take much time. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a special bottom, since it is used as a limiter. It must be removed before using the tube.
  • You need to pull the rod out. To do this, press the lever to remove the part. You need to place the cartridge in the free space where the rod was located. Apply a few pressures on the hook with a little force, which will strengthen the container.
  • It is necessary to make a special hole in the container through which the substance will be supplied to the cone. The hole determines the creation of a smooth and uniform line. Usually the cones are sealed, in this case the end of the cone should be cut off to create a seam of the required diameter. Please note that the cut must be smaller in diameter than the required extrusion size.

Working with a syringe or tubular gun is done a little differently.

  • First you need to make a hole in the tube. If you use packaged material in the form of a “sausage” for work, then you need to carefully cut off one end, which will allow the sealant to easily come out of the container.

  • The prepared container with sealant should be placed in the gun, and the cut end should fit into the tip of the tool, because it is through it that the mixture will be squeezed out. But before this, be sure to remove the rod, as described in the step-by-step instructions when working with the skeletal version.
  • Typically, guns for hermetic mixtures have several attachments in a set, which allows you to choose the most convenient option. You need to screw the selected attachment onto the tool cylinder.
  • If the tip does not have a hole, then using a stationery knife it is necessary to cut the tip, and the angle should be 45 degrees. Of course, you also need to guess the size of the hole to create a seam of the required diameter. To secure the tool, you should use a clamp.

If you purchased an electric or battery-powered version for working with sealant, then first you need to practice on inconspicuous places. Pulling the trigger is responsible for regulating the flow of material. If you need to fill a gap with sealant or trim existing seams, then it is recommended to lightly moisten the surface with soapy water. It is this solution that prevents the foam from sticking to your hands, which will allow you to quickly remove excess sealant from the surface.

Remember that the caulk gun should be thoroughly cleaned after use. The best solution is to rinse the instrument with warm water.


Today on the construction market you can find huge selection guns for using hermetic mixtures for every taste. If we talk about the ranking of the best manufacturers construction equipment, then you should definitely pay attention to products from German company Kraftool.

Tool Kraftool Super-Max characterized by excellent quality, unique mechanism and durability. Its peculiarity is that the return movement of the piston is carried out without the use of force. This unique development is patented by the company. This version of the gun is equipped with plastic panels to protect against dust. It is an excellent solution among professional models.

Famous brand Hilti is a manufacturer of high-quality equipment and materials for construction work. The company presents huge variety guns for working with sealants for both amateurs and professionals. Long service life is an undeniable advantage of the brand’s products.

Chinese company Hammer is also respected among construction professionals. The manufacturer offers high-quality pistols at affordable prices. They are made of high-quality metal, are easy to use, and will last for many years if used carefully.

German brand Wolfcraft is a popular manufacturer of high-quality construction equipment, among which mechanical and electronic sealant guns are in great demand. The company provides a 5-year warranty on its products. The pistols are distinguished by the presence of an ergonomic handle, have the function of an automatic drip stop system, and are also equipped with a special system for quickly changing cartridges.

Many professional builders prefer to use tools from Japanese company Makita. For example, the DCG180RHE caulking gun is an excellent choice because it is battery-powered. This tool fits perfectly with 300 or 600 ml cartridges, as well as bulk mixtures. It is characterized by lightness, compactness and high efficiency work. Additionally, the device is equipped with an adjustable sealant extrusion speed, as well as an anti-drip function.

Another German manufacturer of construction equipment of excellent quality is the company Stayer. It offers excellent solutions for true professionals. Chinese brand Sparta provides a one-year warranty on all products. The sealant guns have a reinforced body design, which is equipped with four transverse stiffeners.

The sealant gun is used for both interior repairs and exterior work. This tool got its name because of its workflow. The hermetically sealed compound is released when a special trigger is pulled, which is why the tool is compared to a conventional firearm.

In fact, such a comparison is considered conditional. During the process of pulling the trigger chemical composition squeezed out using a long piston. It begins to move only after pressing the trigger mechanism of the structure. Therefore, this method of delivering the substance is most likely similar to a conventional medical syringe.

Types of sealant guns

Several types of construction are known. Each of them differs in the method of supplying the sealed composition and in the structure of the mechanism. Specialized departments present following models tool:

  • manual;
  • pneumatic;
  • electrical;
  • mechanical.

In addition, they differ in their appearance to:

  • Corpus. They represent a single structure inside of which there is a cylinder with sealant. This option is not intended for multiple use. It is classified as a closed sealant gun. After use it is disposed of.
  • Semi-hulled. The model includes a rigid body and replaceable cylinders with a chemical composition.
  • Skeleton pistols. This type is a metal structure in which a cylinder with a hermetic composition is placed. This option is intended for repeated use. In addition to synthetic sealant, it can be used for polyurethane foam. The photo of the sealant gun shows a skeletal model of the tool.
  • Mechanical pistols have a similar structure to that of manual varieties. Here it is enough to press the trigger once, thereby stimulating the flow of the composition. The only drawback of this design is the rapid drying of the contents of the cylinders. This type of sealant is intended for places with high humidity. To prevent the appearance of mold fungi inside the sealed seam, chemical additives are added here that actively act with air. As a result, the hardening time of the composition is 3 minutes.

Which sealant gun is best?

Each model has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, manual types are considered a budget option. They are easy to use. To supply the sealant, you must press the piston using the trigger located on the inside of the housing.

The cardboard cartridge inside the device allows you to regulate the supply of the required amount. As you press, it applies slight pressure to the contents inside the syringe.

Electric models reduce the amount of energy required. Inside the product there is a small electric motor that regulates the supply of the chemical component to the problem area. Such devices operate from an electrical network or batteries.

Pneumatic products have a similar structure to electric models. Cordless guns are considered the best on the construction market. They work in automatic mode. The sealant is supplied using pressure. The weaker it is, the less chemical composition is released.

Design Guide

How to use a caulk gun? For this we offer detailed instructions by use. It includes the following items:

  • The first step is to properly secure the container with the chemical liquid. How to properly insert sealant into the gun? With one hand they move the metal piston towards themselves, and with the other they insert a container with a sealed composition.
  • Next, press the trigger twice, thereby securing the container inside the structure. After this, a small hole is made at the end of the balloon. Now screw on a cone-shaped nozzle, which ensures uniform filling of microcracks.
  • When all the details are met, you can move on to the work process. To do this, a conical nozzle is installed in the problem area. After this, by lightly pressing the trigger, a small amount of sealing compound appears. They fill the joints between metal and wooden parts.
  • After application of the solution is completed, it is left to crystallize. This will take from 1 to 5 minutes. The deeper the defect, the more the composition will dry out.

Photo of using a sealant gun

A caulk gun is used not only for interior repairs, but also for some exterior work in home construction. This tool got its name because of the peculiarities of its action. The sealant comes out when the trigger is pulled, which is why the tool is compared to this firearm. But this comparison, of course, is conditional, since the composition is squeezed out by a piston, which moves after the trigger is pulled. Therefore, it is more of a syringe.

How to use a caulk gun in pictures

Operating principle

We will look at how to use a sealant gun a little later, but now we will find out how it works. Actually, there is nothing complicated about this: under the influence of pressure on the cartridge, the mixture is squeezed out in the form of a strip, the person directs it and achieves the desired effect. The pressure is exerted by the rod, which moves when the trigger is pulled. It is typical that in pneumatic devices the role of the rod is played by air.

Video - how to use a sealant gun

Sealant gun operating instructions

First, a little advice. If in right time suddenly the gun is not at hand, then in order to knock the sealant out of the cartridge, you can use any available tool. For example, a hammer.

To use the gun successfully, follow these steps, which we have illustrated with pictures.

Step 1. First, take care of personal protection - at a minimum, wear gloves.

Step 2. Next, prepare the surface to apply sealant. In this case, we cannot advise anything specific, since everything depends on the instructions of the cartridge manufacturer. Everything must be written in back side the last one. To remove the previous coating, use a sharp knife or triangular scraper. Remove remaining crumbs with a brush or use a vacuum cleaner.

In addition, the working surface must be degreased.

Step 3: Next, remove the limiters. If we are talking about a half-body or skeleton pistol, then this procedure will happen quickly. First, make sure that the tube does not have a special bottom-limiter. And if it is still present, then remove it.

Step 4. Let's figure out further how to use a sealant gun. Then pull out the rod in the device. To do this, press the lever and remove the part. Place the cartridge in the place vacated by the rod and apply a few gentle pressures on the hook to finally strengthen the container.

Installing a cartridge in a skeleton sealant gun (photo)

Pay attention! In most cases, such cones come sealed. And if you also have it sealed, you will have to cut off the end of the cone to form the required seam diameter. It is important that the cut dimensions are smaller than required for the job.

But if you decide to use a tubular or syringe tool for work, then you should use it slightly differently.

Installing a cartridge into a tubular (syringe) gun for sealant

Photo - diagram of a tubular gun

Step 1: First, make a hole in the sealant tube. If you are using packaged material or a “sausage”, then cut off one corner/end with extreme care so that the mixture can easily come out of the bag.

Step 2. Next, place the prepared container with the material into the tool itself, but so that it is the cut end of the container that goes to the tip, through which, in fact, the strip of material will be squeezed out.

Step 3. Of course, before this you need to remove the rod - do this in the same way as with a skeletal-type device.

Step 4. Guns are often equipped with several nozzles with such tips. Choose one of them and screw it onto the cylinder. If you notice that there is no hole on it (the tip), then take a utility knife and cut the tip, but strictly at an angle of 45 degrees. Of course, you also have to guess the size of the future hole in order to get a seam of the required diameter.

Be that as it may, if you have a sealant gun on hand, then you must also have the manufacturer’s instructions. Take the time to familiarize yourself with it, since manufacturers often equip tools with some improvements and developments that are not provided in standard models.

Video - Sealant application technology

As we have already found out, if the tool is properly equipped, then there should be no difficulties with its operation. And if you installed the cartridge as described in the instructions above, then you have already done half the work. Therefore, all that remains is to slowly press the trigger and apply the mixture to the desired seam. If you have a semi-body or skeletal type tool, it may take a couple of initial clicks for the required amount of material to fill the void in the tip. After this, make only smooth movements.

And if the model is battery-powered or electric, then by pressing the trigger you will adjust the intensity of the material supply. Therefore, if you have picked up the tool for the first time, then first practice in inconspicuous places - for example, seal a seam in the far corner of the room. After a little practice, you can move on to more visible places.

If you need to trim something or insert material into a gap, wet your fingers a little and run them along the surface. Use soapy water for this so that the mixture does not stick to your fingers. By the way, it is with this water that it is most convenient to remove the formed drips.

Pay attention! The sealant does not require additional drying - in the fresh air it will acquire the required strength in just two to three hours.

And one more good advice: After you finish sealing, be sure to rinse the instrument with warm water.

Let's move on. To make the seam beautiful, use masking tape - stick it on both sides of the gap and remove it immediately after applying the sealant. To make a beautiful and, more importantly, high-quality corner seam, do the following. First, gently moisten side surfaces using soapy water. First prepare a small stick made of plastic or wood; Cut one side of the stick so that you can use it to set the shape for the seam. Accordingly, the final shape of the upper part of the seam will no longer be formed by the tip of the gun, but by the stick mentioned above.

Pay attention! If you accidentally squeeze out too much sealant, don't worry - there's nothing wrong with it. Simply dry the seam with a hairdryer and remove the remaining material from the side surface using the same stick dipped in soapy water.

Basic classifications

Based on the type of compartments for cartridges (that is, containers with the mixture), the tool is divided into two categories:

  • leafy;
  • frame

The latter are more popular because they fix the cartridge more securely. Depending on the method of squeezing out the mixture, guns are divided into four more categories.

Finally, according to the design features, pistols can be:

  1. skeletal (designed for cartridges with a volume of 310 milliliters);
  2. half-body (the volume is the same, but the mechanism is simpler; designed for several cartridges, but extremely inconvenient to use);
  3. tubular, working with any cartridges.

Pay attention! The best option is a skeleton pistol. It costs a little more, but is more durable.

But how to choose suitable option? Let's see.

Features of choosing a sealant gun

The most important criterion is the amount of future work. If you only need to process a couple of joints, you can safely purchase a skeletal tool. And if you have a more complex task ahead (such as, for example, repairing an entire home), then buy a tubular-type pneumatic tool.

When only accuracy and speed of work are important, the best option is a battery-powered or mains-powered tool. Directly at the time of purchase, see how convenient the gun is for you personally, and whether the elements will interfere with operation.

AND special attention Pay attention to the hook itself: see if it is fixed tightly enough, what it is made of, etc. Finally, if we talk about specific brands, then, of course, give preference only to trusted manufacturers who have already earned trust.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to use a sealant gun. All you need is the right tool, a quality mixture, a little practice and, of course, a good step by step instructions. You have already found the last one - here - so all that remains is to go to the store to buy it.

And finally, another useful video. Good luck with your work!

Video - Using acrylic sealant

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