How to drink martini correctly: useful tips. Types of Martini - a brief description of the assortment How Martini is diluted: proportions

Martini is rightfully considered the king of nightlife among all available drinks. It's hard to imagine a party where refined alcohol with a sweet aftertaste will not be served. The drink received its nickname from famous bartenders who prepare masterpieces at social events and newfangled parties. Many people prefer to drink martinis neat or in the form of cocktails; these are the methods that allow you to experience the full range of ingredients. In order for your first acquaintance with Martini to be successful, it is important to learn how to use it correctly.

Types of Martinis

  1. Martini is a type of vermouth; as a rule, the strength of the drink varies in proportions of 15-18%. The drink contains wormwood, which is the main component that determines the taste.
  2. The bittersweet taste is achieved by adding grapes and 30 other varieties of plants, which are mixed depending on the type of martini. Leading manufacturing companies do not disclose cooking recipes; only experienced sommeliers are able to name the ingredients.
  3. Martini “Bianko” rightfully occupies a leading position. White vermouth has an exquisite taste of spices; vanilla notes are clearly visible in this type of martini.
  4. Martini "Rosso" has a rich red color, which is achieved by adding caramel. The taste characteristics include a mild bitterness mixed with a sweet aftertaste.
  5. Martini Rosato is a mixture of red and white vermouth, resulting in a pink color. Thanks to this combination, the caramel-vanilla flavor is clearly intertwined with a slight bitterness.
  6. Martini “Extra Dry” is the strongest vermouth of all the listed varieties. Its indicator exceeds 17%, the amount of sugar is kept to a minimum, due to which the drink is considered dry. During consumption, lemon and raspberry notes can be distinguished, which are revealed thanks to the incoming iris.
  7. Martini "Doro" can be distinguished from others by its characteristic citrus aftertaste and caramel notes. The vermouth variety is considered dry, with a color reminiscent of “Bianko” (white martini).
  8. Martini "Bitter" is not popular enough because it is made with alcohol. Vermouth has a high strength, ruby ​​hue is characterized by an equal bitter-sweet aftertaste.

Features of drinking martini

  1. Temperature regime. It's no secret that the majority alcoholic drinks served chilled. For this reason, martinis must be kept in the refrigerator to achieve optimal temperature regime. The ideal indicator ranges from 10-15 degrees, this is the temperature that helps to reveal all the incoming components. If you ignore this recommendation, warm vermouth will be a real disappointment for you and your guests. It will taste like an herbal tincture with a distinct alcoholic taste. If you're short on time, chill your martini with frozen strawberries or ice cubes. This move will make the drink aesthetically beautiful and give it a pleasant aroma.
  2. Glasses. Undoubtedly, main feature drinking a martini is considered right choice glasses. For drinking, special “martins” with a long stem are used. The upper part of the glass has a cone-shaped, flat shape when turned upside down, which is why bartenders call marquis “watering cans.” It is not prohibited to pour martini into champagne or wine glasses, but in this case you will not receive aesthetic pleasure (psychological aspect). Martini symbolizes a beautiful life that flows slowly and luxuriously. You should not drink vermouth in one gulp; you should sip it slowly, savoring the drink on your tongue.
  3. Method of delivery. Martini is considered an aperitif; it perfectly awakens the appetite, so it is served immediately before a meal. For this reason, this type of vermouth can be consumed both before dinner and in the midst of fun. People drink martinis to enjoy a sophisticated taste while enjoying casual conversation. With the help of the drink they do not “go into oblivion”, since Martini requires adherence to a drinking culture. It can be consumed alone, sitting in front of the fireplace and reading a book.
  4. Snack. Many people ask the question: “Should I have a martini?” As such, there is no answer to the question; it all depends on personal preferences. If for certain reasons you cannot consume vermouth without food, give preference to peanuts, pre-peeled pistachios, fruits, and crackers. Hard cheeses, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, black olives and pitted olives are also great.

  1. Martini can be consumed diluted or pure. Depending on the added components, the strength of the drink increases or decreases, and the taste softens or is clearly visible.
  2. If you prefer to drink your martini straight, place 3 pitted olives in the bottom of the glass without cutting them. If desired, you can serve vermouth with olives strung on a sword for appetizers. Many people prefer to put a slice of lime, lemon or orange, kiwi, deboned cherries, strawberries, and pineapple cubes in a martini glass.
  3. If we talk about white varieties of vermouth, they are consumed in their pure form extremely rarely. In this case, the drink can be diluted with water, as is customary in most European countries. In our country, white vermouth is diluted with orange or grapefruit juice without pulp, pomegranate or cherry juice. The ideal option is a martini mixed with freshly squeezed nectar. Martinis of red and pink varieties go well with any berry and citrus juices.
  4. There are no proportions as such, it all depends on personal preferences. If we are talking about common methods, dilute the martini with juice in a 1:2 ratio. If desired, you can mix vermouth, ice and nectar in a 1:1:1 ratio. If you belong to the category of fans of strong drinks, add vodka or gin to the vermouth, and add pitted olives to the bottom.
  5. At parties you can often hear a phrase from a bartender: “What should I use to dilute my martini?” The thing is that some young men and women prefer to drink vermouth with fizzy ingredients, such as Coca-Cola, lemonade, soda, etc. In this case, the main thing is to maintain the proportions, otherwise the sweet carbonated drinks will absorb the exquisite taste of the martini, which is achieved by adding spices and herbs.

The most common varieties for making martini cocktails are Bianko, Rosso, Extra Dry and Doro. Let's look at popular cooking technologies in order.

  1. Martini with Sprite. As mentioned earlier, vermouth can be diluted with carbonated drinks. The Rosato martini is considered an ideal option for consumption. Take 65 ml. alcoholic drink, pour in 35 ml. "Sprite." Place a slice of lime or lemon at the bottom of the glass and insert a straw. If desired, garnish the edge with a slice of fresh cucumber.
  2. Martini with vodka. To prepare a cocktail you will need 10 ml. lemon or lime juice, 15 ml. Martini “Extra Dry”, 40 ml. vodka, 3 pitted olives and 80 gr. ice. Take a shaker, add ice, vodka and citrus juice. Shake for 15 seconds, then add the martini and perform the manipulations again. When the ice breaks into small granules, strain the cocktail through a kitchen sieve. Place olives at the bottom of the glass, pour in the cocktail, and insert a straw. Decorate the edge of the martinka with a piece of citrus or half a strawberry.
  3. Martini with absinthe. To make a cocktail, take 35 ml. vodka or tonic, 30 ml. absinthe, 35 l. Martini “Extra Dry” or “Doro”, 5 ml. mint liqueur. Cool the glass by placing it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Pour in the listed components, insert a straw. If desired, place frozen strawberries or pitted cherries in the bottom.
  4. Martini with Campari. The cocktail is prepared from 45 ml. Martini “Rosso”, 40 ml. gin or tonic, 145 gr. ice, 15 ml. “Campari” (bitter, strength 28 degrees). The mixing technology is quite transparent: place ice cubes at the bottom of the glass (you can crush them in a shaker beforehand), pour in the gin, Campari and martini, stir with a straw and leave the straw in the glass. Garnish the martinka with a slice of lime or grapefruit and start eating immediately.
  5. Martini with gin. One of the most common cocktails, which is prepared from Doro martini (45 ml.), ice cubes (70 g.) and gin (40 ml.). The technology for mixing the ingredients is not particularly difficult: place ice on the bottom, fill with gin and vermouth. Serve without a straw with olives skewered onto an appetizer skewer.
  6. Martini with cranberry juice. To prepare the drink, you will need 160 g. ice, 70 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice, 60 ml. martini “Bianko” and 80 ml. cranberry juice. Place ice in a shaker and shake well for 10 seconds. Strain, pour into a glass, add orange juice, cranberry juice, and vermouth. Stir the drink with a straw, add 3 pitted olives to the glass.

Drinking a martini requires adherence to a drinking culture, so you need to pay attention to all sorts of little things. To begin, prepare special watering glasses and consider cocktail recipes based on vodka, tonic, gin, cranberry juice, and mint syrup. Decorate the glass with citrus slices and add olives to the bottom.

Video: how to drink a martini with juice

Italian vermouth Martini has tens, even hundreds of millions of adherents around the world. But have you ever wondered how to drink a Martini? First, let's look at the drink...

Over more than a century and a half of the history of this drink, a few but firmly established rules for its use have been developed. They can be divided into 3 groups. The first of these is common to any variety of Martini consumed in its pure form. The second relates to the characteristics inherent in one or another variety of this drink, in particular, it contains some recommendations regarding how to drink Martini Bianco or, say, Martini Rosso. The third concerns the use of Martini in mixes and cocktails.

Martini in its purest form

First of all, you need to keep in mind that any Martini is a natural aperitif, so it is advisable to serve it before meals.

Next, it’s worth considering that Martini should be somewhat chilled. Its temperature should not exceed 15°C, but you should not lower the bar below 10°C. The ideal temperature is 12°C, at which the drink reveals the fullness of its flavor bouquet and acquires a light, refined aroma. Of course, it is advisable to cool the entire bottle at once without compromising the pristine purity of the drink. But if in the company there is a person who is in at the moment It is contraindicated to drink cold, then others can meet it halfway by adding a few ice cubes to their glasses of unrefrigerated Martini.

In addition, we should not forget that there are special cone-shaped Martini glasses, also called cocktail glasses. But if you don’t have any on hand, then depending on the type of drink, you can use glasses for white or red wine. In this case, a prerequisite is that they have a high leg. This will allow you to drink your Martini without the heat of your palm warming it up.

This drink is best enjoyed slowly, savoring every sip. Accordingly, if you are served a Martini with a cocktail straw, then it is better to put it aside, as an unnecessary intermediary between you and the drink.

Species nuances and features

As you know, there are 7 varieties of Martini: Rosso, Extra Dry, Bianco, Rosato, Doro, Fiero and Gold. The use of some of them is associated with certain features. First of all, we are talking about the first three (oldest) varieties of the drink, the “youngest” of which, Bianco, has already exceeded 100 years.

For example, Martini Rosso, unlike other types of drink, is perfectly consumed unchilled.

Martini Extra Dry can act not only as an aperitif, but also as a table drink. Serves perfectly as a snack white fish or some light salad.

Martini Bianco goes well with most light aperitifs. In addition to the textbook olives, these include lemons, as well as virtually all sweet and sour fruits and berries. In this case, it is best if you throw olives or pieces of fruit directly into the glass or lower them there, strung on a skewer. There is also a very extravagant way to consume this type of Martini from the “love it or hate it” series: throw a slice of fresh onion or pickled onion into a glass of Bianco. After a few minutes of waiting, you can dare to sip the resulting drink and form an individual impression about it for the rest of your life.

Martini in mixes and cocktails

As an element of youth parties unencumbered by snacks, Martini is widely used in various mixes and cocktails. But even here there are some subtleties.

Martini Rosso and Bianco are best suited for mixes. In this case, the first one is most often mixed with lemon, orange, pineapple or cherry juice (or better yet, fresh juice) in the ratio: two parts Martini to one part juice. The second, as a rule, is mixed with tonic, soda or lemonade in a one-to-one ratio.

Martini is not special kind wine, as many mistakenly believe, but the brand name. The wine itself, which in our country is usually called a martini, is called vermouth.

First, let's talk about the rules of how to drink Martini (vermouth)

Everyone knows that there are special glasses for each drink. And Martini is no exception in this matter. You've probably seen a glass with a long stem more than once, the container itself has the shape of an inverted cone. So, this particular glass is intended for martini. In some cases, it can be replaced with a low rectangular glass, but this is done quite rarely. Nuts, mild cheese, olives, salty crackers, and fruits are suitable as a snack for a martini.

Like most alcoholic beverages, vermouth should be consumed chilled, although there are exceptions. The optimal temperature for a martini is considered to be 10-15 degrees C. But this temperature is not always achieved only by cooling the drink itself; quite often chilled additives are added to it. We will talk about them further.

How can you drink a martini?

They drink martinis both in pure form and in combination with juices, or as part of cocktails. In addition, the drink can be consumed with lemon, orange, ice and other additives to taste. If guests are already on the doorstep, and the martini has not yet cooled down, then it is best to serve it with ice, chilled fruit or juice.

How to drink a martini with juice?

For those who find the taste of a martini too rich, the following cocktail will suit their taste: 100 ml martini, 100 ml juice, a few ice cubes. This cocktail is drunk without a straw. All that remains is to figure out which juice is suitable for this cocktail.

For a martini cocktail, it is better to choose juice with minimal sugar content, and since the martini itself is quite sweet, it is better to take juice with sourness. The most common juices to mix into martinis are orange, pineapple and cherry juices. Lemon, lime and grapefruit juices are also popular.

But peach, apple or multivitamin juice are not suitable for cocktails. However, you should know that if you like the combination of a martini with one of these juices, then drink to your health. The main thing is that you like this combination.

How to drink a red martini (Martini Rosso)?

MartiniRosso is usually consumed with orange or cherry juice. The proportion of mixing juice and martini can be as follows: 160 ml martini and 80 ml juice. But you can take it in a one to one proportion, or any other.

How to drink dry martini?

A dry martini is a cocktail that consists of 1 part white martini and 3 parts gin. It is not customary to add ice to this cocktail. But it is often served with an olive or a slice of lemon.

How to drink extra dry martini?

Martini Extra Dry is one of the varieties of martini. It differs from other types in that it is most often drunk in its pure form and is very rarely mixed with other ingredients. If you nevertheless decide to mix this type of martini with something else, then pear juice is best suited for these purposes.

The combination of martini and vodka is found in this cocktail: 30 ml martini, 75 ml vodka, ice. The cocktail is not shaken, but served immediately with olives or lemon.

How to drink a pink martini?

Martini Rose has a soft pink color. It is quite often used to make cocktails. Best for mixing with pink martinis lemon juice or lime juice. It also goes well in a cocktail with gin and ice.

I don't really like dry wines. But Martini Extra Dry is one of my favorites due to its bright and unusual taste. The distinctive quality of vermouth is the absence of bitterness typical of herbal infusions, a bright fruity aroma with a hint of lemons and a slight hint of raspberries.

  • Strength - 18 degrees.
  • Price - 9 euros
  • Where to buy Martini? In our country, this drink is sold in “alcoholic” supermarkets, but even there it’s easy to run into fakes. This time the vermouth was purchased at a duty-free store.
  • Martini volume is liter, there are also 500 ml bottles.
  • Country of origin - Italy.


Vermouth comes in a classic glass bottle of rich green color. There is information that the drink has been produced in Italy since 1863. This date is engraved on the glass.

Externally, vermouth is transparent and has a yellowish tint. The composition contains a whole set of herbs and roots. The exact quantity and proportion of ingredients are kept in the strictest confidence, so this drink is surrounded by an aura of mystery despite such a long history.

Martini contains about 35 types of plants: mint, yarrow, St. John's wort, coriander, chamomile, ginger, immortelle and others. Their seeds, flowers, leaves and roots are used to make the drink. As for wormwood, it is this that gives martinis that unique taste that lovers of a sophisticated lifestyle value so much.

That is, Martini is, in a sense, a medicinal tincture, which in moderate quantities can have a very beneficial effect on the body. somehow you still have to justify your love for this drink.

How I drink Martini

I like this drink both in its pure form and in cocktails.. Undiluted Martini is best served chilled - when warm, it goes very poorly, and when cold, all the taste qualities of the drink are blurred. You can add ice to the glass, which will maintain the optimal temperature of the drink, diluting it slightly. ABOUT The optimal temperature for the drink is 10 degrees.

Martinis are usually drunk from wide glasses, which are usually used for whiskey. But we are simple people, so we drink vermouth in ordinary glasses, and prepare cocktails in wine glasses.

What do you drink martinis with?

Martini is an aperitif drink; I consider drinking it with food to be blasphemy. In its pure form, this drink seems very concentrated to me; the alcoholic aftertaste overwhelms all the aroma and taste of the ingredients. On the rare occasion that I allow myself an undiluted Martini, I drink it in small sips, very slowly.

I really love Martini cocktails (or rather, that’s what I call diluting this drink with any non-alcoholic substance). I honestly admit, I haven’t tried mixing Martini with whiskey, cognac, rum or vodka - such an explosive mixture will simply destroy me.

I prefer to dilute vermouth with juices - orange is ideal, you can add a slice of lime or lemon to the cocktail, a little mint - citrus fruits help to reveal the rich taste of the drink and make its aroma brighter.

The appetizer is another important touch. The ideal appetizer for me is feta cheese and black olives (or Greek salad, as an option where both of these ingredients are present). You can successfully use nuts, lemon slices, tangerines, and indeed any fruit as a snack.

Bottom line

Martini Extra Dry - great option for an aperitif for a festive feast. Ideal for lovers of dry wines. A high-quality and tasty drink, cocktails with which can be an excellent decoration for a party.

Martini is a famous Italian brand specializing in the production of various alcoholic aperitifs. From the first years of existence to this day, these drinks are considered a relevant, presentable and luxurious accompaniment to any event.

Let's figure out what the drink consists of, what the rules for use are, and what ingredients it is recommended to drink it with.


Martini “Extra Dry” appeared at the dawn of the twentieth century, immediately gaining recognition from connoisseurs of elite alcohol due to its distinctive features.

It includes:

  • white wine;
  • treated drinking water;
  • rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials of the highest purity;
  • sugar;
  • extracts of wormwood Artemisia and cinchona bark;
  • infusions of lemon, orris and raspberry.

The drink also contains antioxidants, vitamins “B”, “P” and “C”, and organic acids. Moderate consumption of dry vermouth has a general strengthening effect on the body and increases appetite.

Calorie content is 110 kcal, and the energy value of the product is 460 kJ per 100 ml. Carbohydrates - 2.4-3 grams. Alcohol content not less than 18%. It is bottled in a rich green color, although it itself has a straw tint, slightly lighter than the classic Bianco.

According to its taste characteristics, it has a pronounced bitterish taste of wormwood, rich in notes of lemon and raspberry.

In our country, the price of the drink varies from 800 to 1200 rubles per liter. Although this is far from the limit, because the bar of one of the famous hotels in New York serves a cocktail that costs $10,000. The price of a martini-based cocktail is so high because of the rare “secret” ingredient - a diamond at the bottom of the glass.

Important! Among the entire Martini line, only Extra Dry contains the least amount of sugar per ml cubic, while having a higher alcohol percentage than normal.

Italians usually drink Extra Dry before lunch, well chilled in its pure form as an aperitif. So its taste is felt much brighter, and the absence of a large amount of sugar does not spoil the appetite, but on the contrary helps to fulfill its function.

A few rules on how to use Martini “Extra Dry”:

  1. Before serving, the drink should be cooled to 13-15 degrees C, this will help the taste to fully develop;
  2. The best option for serving martini in its pure form is considered to be a Lowball (a low glass made of thick glass), and for a cocktail option, choose a Martini glass (a classic triangular-shaped cocktail glass);
  3. To soften the taste, add a few ice cubes or a quarter glass of purified water to vermouth;
  4. It is customary to drink the drink in small sips, prolonging the pleasure.

Fact! In the entire history of the brand, only once, in 1997, the shape of the bottle was changed, adapted to more modern trends.

What to drink Extra Dry with

In addition to the original Italian method of consumption, there are all sorts of options for mixing cocktails, which are based on dry martini. Vermouth is mixed with both soft drinks and other types of alcohol.

You can choose a companion to Extra Dry from the following drinks:

  • Pineapple nectar - shades and smoothes out the bitterness of vermouth;
  • Grapefruit and orange juices will expand the already contained bouquet of violets, raspberries and iris;
  • Natural lemon or lime juices will give the drink a citrus aroma and a light burning taste;
  • Tonic will help dilute the alcoholic component, but will retain the unsweetening taste of a pure martini;
  • Gin goes perfectly with a martini and is one of the ingredients for making a popular cocktail, the recipe for which we will share below;
  • Vodka acts as an analogue to gin;
  • Whiskey is suitable for the most desperate gourmets, because the drink turns out to be very strong and tart.

There are many options with which you can mix a variety of cocktails. In the list of recipes there is a shake to suit everyone's taste. After all, even though the “Extra Dry” martini has an interesting taste, it harmonizes perfectly with other ingredients and always complements them perfectly.

"Gin Martini"

  1. To prepare this cocktail you will need gin, Extra Dry Martini, crushed ice and green olives.
  2. Ice must be placed in a shaker, then gin and martini should be added to it in equal proportions, and stir gently for one minute.
  3. After this, pour the mixture through a filter into a glass and add an olive. Voila, the cocktail is ready!

FACT! Until 1930, vermouth and gin were mixed in a 2:1 ratio, thereby saving a rare and expensive ingredient. This recipe is due to the period of Prohibition.

"Absinthe Martini"

The ingredients of this cocktail are already clear from the name, but this is not yet full list, so let's take absinthe, Extra Dry Martini, gin or vodka.

  1. Mix in equal proportions (each drink in an amount of 30 ml).
  2. After the ingredients are mixed and poured into a glass, add 5 ml. mint syrup. This ingredient will add freshness and piquancy to the taste of the cocktail.

And here is the third, simple, but no less common recipe.

"Martini with Schweppes"

This cocktail consists of Extra Dry Martini, Schweppes Tonic, Lime and Pineapple Nectar.

  1. Mix martini and tonic in equal proportions in a shaker, add one third of the pineapple nectar, and pour.
  2. Now add the juice of half a lime directly into the glass.
  3. The result is a light, refreshing drink that you can sip slowly while at a party or at home with friends.

Finally, we note that the Martini line offers several different vermouth flavors, each of which has a true connoisseur. But it is “Extra Dry” that is rightfully considered a unique, incomparable drink that everyone should try.

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