How to make peace with Gemini and get them back: advice from astropsychologists. How to make peace with a Gemini man. How to get a Gemini back after a breakup, quarrel, separation and resentment? Is it possible to quarrel with a Gemini man?

Women whose lover was born under the constellation Gemini are well aware that a representative of this sign is subject to frequent mood swings. Opinions on one issue or another can change dramatically several times a day with amazing speed. It is not surprising that many call him a chameleon. And there are countless debates about how to keep a Gemini man close.

A man manifests himself similarly in relationships with members of the opposite sex. It becomes even more difficult to understand the character of the beloved when relationships are complicated by quarrels, scandals, and breakups. You won’t envy the companions of these men! They can rack their brains for a long time over the question of how to get their Gemini man back, preventing the looming threat of a complete break in the relationship.

Competent astrologers and psychologists are sure that even though the characters of this zodiac sign have a contradictory temperament, it is possible to understand it and learn to manage it. Ladies should carefully study all facets of the character of this multifaceted zodiac sign.

A woman who wants to make peace with her beloved twin is sure that she knows everything about him. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. If you take exactly this approach to resolving the issue of reconciliation, it will most likely be difficult to achieve a positive result. We advise you to listen to the opinions of the stars, who can tell all the secrets about a Gemini man and tell you how to behave so that your sweetheart does not have the desire to end the relationship.

Finding the key to a Gemini man's heart

1. Don't persuade

You should not “put pressure” on your loved one, tearfully beg to return and promise “mountains of gold” in order to make peace. This is unlikely to make the right impression, but it can easily aggravate the situation. There is no need to behave too intrusively, this irritates men.

And under no circumstances set categorical conditions. To make peace with him, use cunning, turn on your charm, and temporarily become a “tempter serpent.” Make it clear that you will live well without him, but together you will be much better, that separation is not an option.

2. Find out the reason

The second thing to do is to find out the true reason for your lover’s departure. Try to win him over. Talk kindly, carefully finding out what caused such a decision. Say that you were wrong and are ready to change. List your strengths. Convince that you are an ideal couple and there is no point in throwing away your relationship. Conduct the conversation correctly, then there will be a chance to return the Gemini man.

3. Think about the structure of the conversation

Gemini loves to have detailed conversations. Decide in advance what kind of opening speech you will give. She should “catch” attention and make her listen to you. Be sure to determine what arguments you will give in favor of your reconciliation, and at what exact moment you will pronounce them.

Support each argument with facts and logical explanations. You need to end the monologue with “high” words. For example, that you will terribly miss intimate conversations, that you will madly miss his witty jokes, that you will no longer have anyone to admire. Speak confidently, looking straight into the eyes, as holding a Gemini man without eye contact is difficult.

4. Take a wait-and-see approach

After a serious conversation, try not to disturb your loved one. Give it time to think. Don't call, don't email, don't communicate on social networks. In general, don’t remind yourself in any way. For some time, it is advisable not to even keep in touch with mutual friends.

If you neglect this advice, you may not only not return your Gemini man, but also turn him against you. Then the issue of reconciliation will never be resolved. After the quarrel, you talked to him seriously and made him understand what you wanted. Now wait.

Let the chosen one think about why his beloved does not bother him with phone calls, does not bombard him with love letters, does not attack the front door, begging for forgiveness. This will definitely surprise a Gemini man, which will lead to slight curiosity. This is already 50% success. Now it will be much easier to make peace with your loved one.

5. Show detachment

When the beloved begins to be “bursting” with curiosity, he, for sure, will look for a meeting himself and will begin to entertain the possibility of making peace in his thoughts. Just don’t try to hide from him, your behavior will be misunderstood. On the contrary, show that you are not suffering, that you are not going to throw yourself out of the window or drown yourself. Yes, you are a little sad, but life goes on! Soon everything will fall into place.

By choosing this line of behavior, you “hurt” your beloved to the very heart. He is unlikely to come to terms with the fact that you are fine without him. He is firmly convinced that it is impossible to live without him! After all, he is so charming, handsome, gentle, smart, the most, the most... The honest truth: a Gemini can charm any interlocutor. As a result of much thought, a quarrel will seem like a trifle to your sweetheart compared to your tactics of behavior. He won't survive this!

Ultimately, the chosen one will definitely return to be adored again, “bathe” in your compliments, demonstrate his oratory abilities, etc. As a result, you will not only be able to make peace with your Gemini man, but also prepare a springboard for future strong relationships. You will understand each other even more, which will only be beneficial.

Study your lover gradually, notice character traits. Look for the pros in the cons, appreciate gallantry, charm and unpredictability. Despite his inconsistency, he is capable of creation and will definitely admit his mistake if he was wrong. These tricks will help you keep a Gemini man for life, even if he has made the final decision to end the relationship

On the one hand, Geminis are people with good character, good adaptability, and sociable people, so conflicts with them are rare. On the other hand, if Gemini’s partner still doesn’t understand who she’s dealing with, then quarrels can happen every now and then, because such men tend to say one thing and do another. However, if you want to make peace with a Gemini man, then you need to take into account several nuances.

Geminis can simply throw loud words, therefore, if such a man threatens to leave you, the sentence will not necessarily be carried out. He will not persist in his decision if he sees that you are trying to take into account the peculiarities of his character and stop annoying you with nagging and showdowns.

If you are thinking about how to make peace with a Gemini man, the main thing is not to think about it for too long. People of this zodiac sign are not characterized by depressive moods or deep feelings about separation. While you think that a man is suffering, he may get a taste and come to the conclusion about the benefits of a new way of life, of which you are no longer a part. Therefore, if you are interested in maintaining a relationship, be sure to take the first steps yourself. It is not necessary to look for opportunities for a personal meeting; in the case of Gemini, it is quite suitable telephone conversation. Moreover, you need to start it not with finding out who is right and who is wrong, but with nice chatter on unrelated topics, behaving as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, you shouldn’t expect that making peace with Gemini couldn’t be easier. They are easy-going, but if they are disappointed in a person, they will not trust him too much, so you should not be deluded by their willingness to make contact. In addition, external circumstances can help or, conversely, hinder Gemini’s return, because many factors influence his decisions. For example, if at the time of a telephone or face-to-face conversation the atmosphere around is cheerful and cheerful, then Gemini, being in a good mood, will more easily come to a positive decision.

It is somewhat easier to resolve the situation if the Gemini man himself is to blame for the breakup, although he will not beg you to come back. If you left, he needs to make it clear that you do not intend to cut off all paths to rapprochement, because... You understand that all people are different and find themselves in different circumstances. An effective tool in reconciling with Gemini is a properly structured conversation, because such people like to talk and find out something. If you find a competent approach, you can come to an agreement with Gemini.

How to make peace with a Gemini man if he doesn’t make contact?

“How to make peace with a Gemini man if he doesn’t make contact?” - you ask.

We answer: it’s not difficult to make peace with him. Gemini is not inclined to hold a grudge for long. But even if he says that he has forgiven you, it is not a fact that he actually did it. Gemini is a sign that constantly changes its decisions, depending on the situation or the feelings that it experiences. Therefore, he may really want to go to peace with you tonight, and wake up tomorrow morning and realize that the resentment in his soul is still alive. And this will be the reason that Gemini will begin to take revenge on you, take revenge and, as a result, provoke a new conflict.
Therefore, the only one good advice The way to make peace with this zodiac sign is to give it time. And the more time, the better.

As you know, emotions are a very bad advisor. In the heat of anger, we can say a lot of nasty things to each other, but meanwhile, on the contrary, it would be worth keeping our mouths shut at this very moment. In addition, do not forget that Gemini is a very emotional sign, regardless of gender. Both women and men - Geminis explode instantly, and even more, after a quarrel they move away from it for a very long time. Therefore, we repeat once again: Geminis need to be given time to cool down, analyze everything, and most importantly: RECOGNIZE that they want reconciliation.
Leave your man alone for a few days. Just allow him a little freedom, let there be silence in your house. Let everyone live their own lives. Let him realize what happened and decide for himself: is he ready to continue the relationship, take steps towards you and date you? By the way, it would be nice for you to make a similar decision for yourself too.

Before continuing reading, we recommend watching the following video:

After the decision has been made and you both have cooled down a bit, you can start a conversation with him, first. For example, in the morning, over a cup of coffee, or when he came home, turned on the TV, relaxed a little and drank a bottle of beer. That is, choose the moment that seemed most convenient to you. Talk to him openly and frankly, do not under any circumstances blame him for what happened and do not try to impose a feeling of guilt.
Men perceive such things EXTREMELY NEGATIVELY. What happened has already passed. Your task is simply to establish friendly communication, discuss the problem and ways to solve it. There is no need to pretend to be a victim or expect him to start begging you and begging for forgiveness. No. Just. Decide. Question.

You can also try to make peace with him through mutual friends: if he really doesn’t want to talk to you at all. For example, invite him to a group of friends and relax a little. Perhaps some close friend of yours will be ready to act as an “angel of reconciliation,” but we still do not recommend involving strangers in your conflict. But going out into a common company where atmosphere and comfort reigns is just the thing. This will relax your man, give him a charge of positive emotions and the desire to improve everything in his life, including

Once the problem is solved, all that remains for you is to learn how to create harmony in your relationships.

If you quarreled so much, this is the first sign that you have problems with mutual understanding. In order for this not to happen, you must understand what he is like, your Gemini man.

Gemini is emotional.
And we already talked about this, but did not mention that he lives in pursuit of emotions. New places, new people and constant new experiences are very important to him. That's the way he's built. If you are the woman who appears before him every day in a new role and in a new image, he will love and appreciate you always.

Gemini is open to the world.
Yes, it’s true, his best friends know almost everything about him, and in general, they have long become his second family. He has nothing to hide from his loved ones. And he demands the same from them in return.

Gemini is not greedy.
This is probably the most generous zodiac sign of all. He is always ready to give his last shirt to his friends. He sacredly remembers and takes care of his parents, he never shares common property with relatives, and most importantly, he is not used to saving on his woman. Gemini firmly believes that money is not the greatest value on earth, therefore, he earns it easily and parts with it no less easily.

Understanding all these qualities of your man, you can realize that it is still worth putting up with him, because there are much more positive traits in any Gemini than negative ones. And also, you can very successfully avoid unpleasant situations and conflicts in your relationships in the future. In general, of course, it would be ideal to avoid the conflict at the very beginning of the conversation, so that later you don’t have to deal with its consequences, as happened to you now.

So, let's take a quick look at our article again.
How to make peace with a Gemini man if he doesn’t make contact?

Give him time. He must be ripe for reconciliation with you, this is very important. And yet, it is equally important to find the right moment to reconcile with him. Don't overdo it, and don't approach it too early. In 1.5 – 2 days it will be just right.
Once reconciliation has taken place, simply forget the topic that brought you to conflict. Once and for all. There is no need to go back to the past. And do everything possible so that you don’t have conflicts in the future. To do this, once again realize who you are dating.

Gemini is very:

  1. Emotional. Therefore, emotions are often strong and destructive on his part.
  2. Open to the world. Therefore, if you don’t keep secrets from him, much less lie to him, he will definitely appreciate it.
  3. Greedy for sensations. The more personalities and images that coexist in you as a woman, the better.
  4. Generous. His generosity sometimes knows no bounds, but for a woman, a non-greedy man is always a plus.

Many people, having met a person, are primarily interested in their zodiac sign. The fact is that this sign can give practically full description personality and help another person communicate with him.

How to make peace with a Gemini

Sometimes we do not understand the behavior of a particular person and do not know how to hinder or help him. That is why we turn to the horoscope.

One of the most unknown characters has such a zodiac sign as Gemini. In this article you will learn what the main character traits of this person are in the event of a quarrel and how to make peace with him.

The character of a person born under the sign of Gemini is very uncertain. Judging by the name of the sign, you can see a certain duality in it.

Geminis are very smart, have many hobbies and can adapt to any situation.

A person of this sign seems to have two personalities, who in unforeseen situations can show a reaction that is insignificant to them.

By nature, Geminis are somewhat nervous and irritable. Often they are not confident in themselves and therefore can suddenly change their place of residence, clothing style, place of work, or their outlook on life.

How to make peace after a quarrel with a Gemini

Geminis are very versatile people and because of this they can be easily vulnerable. What’s most interesting is that Geminis are usually quite difficult to recognize, since each of them has a different character type.

Typically, people who are born under the sign of Gemini are characterized as inquisitive, resourceful, irresponsible, changeable, intelligent and fun-loving individuals. Such people are very capable in debating.

That is why nervous energy constantly hovers around Gemini. One of the negative traits of this sign is that they simply cannot imagine their life without chatter, and they do not know how to listen.

Geminis do not like conservative people. In general, representatives of this sign are quite friendly, and, despite their agility, they will always be able to wriggle out of a difficult situation.

If you want to know how to make peace with representatives of an air sign, contact an astrologer. He will tell you that under no circumstances should reconciliation be postponed. This especially should not be done during meetings.

You had a fight with your loved one and don’t know how best to make peace with your Gemini man, don’t be upset or despair, first you just have to understand his character and understand what he loves.

What kind of Gemini man is he?

The Gemini man loves variety and is accompanied through life by inconsistency. He is used to being in constant dreams, plans and goals, but his interest in this passes very quickly. He loves to talk about what he will have, and he himself believes in it, although this faith of his helps him to be in constant good shape, and gives him strength and energy. Often the Gemini man’s laziness and the recognition that it exists, as well as the fight against it, ruins all his plans and dreams, as soon as the Gemini begins to understand what he needs to do to achieve what he dreams of. However, if Gemini nevertheless overcomes themselves and sets out on the path to achieving their goal, then they will definitely succeed.

Also, men born under the sign of Gemini also relate to girls. They love them very much, but not for long at all; their interest in them quickly passes. They change them constantly and are in constant search for their “special” one, although they themselves cannot explain what this may manifest itself and consist of. Such men generally cannot clearly answer the question of what they want in a certain situation, but he knows exactly what he doesn’t want, based on his life experience and the experience of his friends.

Character traits

  1. Forever changing. This is the character trait of your beloved man. If you match him and become different, you change with him, then he will be very interested in you. But don’t try to change him and try to make him a serious and respectable man, this is not for him.
  2. Independence. He values ​​freedom very much, and does not like it when someone tries to manipulate him or puts pressure on him, gives advice and teaches him how to live. You must respect his opinion and his wishes.
  3. Surrounded by friends. He is a very sociable man, and sometimes his love of communication confuses girls. He just needs attention to himself, he likes to be the center of attention. He is surrounded by friends, both male and female, so you must humble yourself and not be jealous of him.
  4. Trust in everything. You can make peace with anyone only when you can allow him to retain his freedom and do not control him. It just infuriates him when you constantly call him and write SMS with questions about where he is, with whom and what he is doing. For him, there is an ideal relationship, this is when the girl completely trusts him and is faithful herself.
  5. Intellectual conversations. Geminis love to talk about various topics, and you should be able to carry on a conversation with him. Your man loves to spend his free time this way, and if you can’t have high-level conversations with him, you’ll just quickly get bored with him.

How to make peace with him

Remember the main rule that will help you make peace with the man you love; you must be able to convince him that you think that he is an independent and very decisive man to make decisions that will help you resolve the current conflict situation. He needs to feel like he's in charge at all times.

If you have already quarreled, then don’t even think about apologizing, and don’t expect it from him. Just try to talk and understand what is the cause of your conflict. The Gemini man does not have an aggressive or hot-tempered character, that is, your conversation will be productive, but the main thing is not to put off this conversation, and then everything will be as before. Remember that he needs your support and faith in him. Try to guide him in the necessary direction without being noticeable, this will only help him, because if he is satisfied with his career. With earnings and family, you will always support him, and there will be no quarrels or disagreements.

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