How to get chewing gum out of clothes. How to remove chewing gum from clothes. Proven methods. For fabrics and clothing

Chewing gum can ruin your favorite clothes not only at home, but also in public transport, cafe, educational institution. Inattention can lead to serious consequences, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of, but still possible. To remove chewing gum from clothes, you can take the item to the dry cleaner or do this work at home yourself, using traditional methods.

Methods for removing chewing gum from clothes

Today, there are a large number of methods thanks to which you can easily remove traces of chewing gum from fabric, but it is worth remembering the following:

  • It is not recommended to use the boiling water method for delicate fabrics, as there is a high probability that the clothes will be hopelessly damaged;
  • The area of ​​contamination should not be rubbed too hard, as the chewing gum will penetrate even deeper and will be more difficult to remove;
  • It is recommended to remove traces of chewing gum with a hairdryer from those products that can be washed and ironed at high temperatures;
  • When using oil, you should understand that a greasy stain may remain on your clothes.

In addition, you should be as careful as possible when using chemicals.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using traditional methods

Once chewing gum has gotten on an item and dried, it seems that the easiest way is to tear it off or remove it using a sharp object. It is important to understand that this is quite problematic. This is primarily due to the fact that this product penetrates deep into the fibers and in order to remove chewing gum from clothes at home, additional manipulations will be required. In this case, it is not necessary to dry-clean the product or purchase special products; it is enough to use traditional methods, as a result of which it will be quite easy to remove chewing gum from any type of material.

How to Freeze Chewing Gum from Clothes

The most effective way to quickly remove chewing gum from fabric is to apply cold to the product. As a rule, in the process of downgrading temperature regime The chewing gum hardens and its adhesive properties are reduced, making it quite easy to remove.

In this case, the product should be placed in the freezer so that the chewing gum is on top, and leave it all for 3 hours. If it is not possible to use a freezer, then you should use dry ice, which is pressed to the site of contamination.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with a hairdryer

In order to soften the chewing gum, it is recommended to expose it to warm air. And a hairdryer, which every home has, is perfect for these purposes. Before you start working, you need to put a crevice nozzle on the hair dryer, turn it on at maximum power and direct a warm stream of air to the area with the stain, from the inside out.

The moment the chewing gum begins to melt, it is recommended to immediately remove it using tweezers or a knife. This method is only suitable for fabrics that can be washed and ironed at high temperatures.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with vinegar

You can remove chewing gum from fabric using improvised means at home, using vinegar for this purpose.

This option is great for clothes made of durable material. The inference algorithm looks like this:

  1. Take a small amount of vinegar and heat it.
  2. Moisten a toothbrush with vinegar.
  3. Gently rub the dirty area until it is clean.
  4. This procedure can be repeated again.

Attention! Vinegar should not be used on corduroy, silk, satin, chiffon and other similar fabrics.

How to remove chewing gum from fabric with boiling water

You can also remove chewing gum stains from clothes using hot water - boiling water. In this case, the algorithm will look like this:

  1. Place contaminated clothing over a sink or in a bathtub.
  2. Boil water and prepare your toothbrush.
  3. When everything is ready, you will need to simultaneously pour boiling water onto the chewing gum and rub it with a toothbrush.
  4. Then you should lower the contaminated product into a deep container filled with hot water.
  5. Wait about 20-25 minutes.
  6. After 25 minutes, you need to take a sharp object and remove the remaining chewing gum.

Important! Boiling water is only suitable for removing chewing gum from dense natural fabrics, such as cotton. It is important to understand that boiling water can ruin delicate fabrics and synthetics.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with alcohol

Alcohol is used when it was possible to remove chewing gum from clothes at home, but after the work was done, a trace remained on the product.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. A small amount of alcohol should be applied to a cotton pad or a small piece of clean cloth.
  2. Wipe the stain until it disappears completely.

If there is no alcohol at home, it can be easily replaced with vodka, nail polish remover or acetone. With the help of these products, you can quickly deal with existing contamination, as a result of which not a single trace will remain.

How to remove chewing gum from fabric with liquid soap

In the case where chewing gum was successfully removed from the product at home, but an unsightly white trace remains, you can use liquid soap or ordinary detergent, which everyone has in their household.

The step-by-step process for completing the work is as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid soap or detergent to the remaining trace of contamination and leave in this state for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After 5-10 minutes have passed, it is recommended to rinse the product and wash it.

In addition, it is worth considering that liquid soap, if necessary, can not only be applied to the dirt itself, but also used for hand washing.

How to remove chewing gum from a jacket with oil

You can remove chewing gum from a jacket made of leather or fabric using vegetable oil. It is important to consider that vegetable oil reduces the adhesion of chewing gum to the fibers.

The oil is applied to the product using a cotton swab. You should act as carefully as possible so as not to stain the fabric even more. After the oil has been applied, carefully remove the chewing gum with a sharp object.

Attention! After this method of removal, as a rule, a greasy stain remains. To remove it, you should use a stain remover.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with an iron

If you need to remove chewing gum stains at home as quickly as possible, you can use an iron. The essence of this method is to simultaneously heat the gum and transfer it to another surface.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You should put a sheet of paper, cardboard or a napkin in place of the contamination.
  2. After this, you need to heat the iron and touch the material applied on top several times.
  3. Once the paper or cardboard is removed, there should be a stain left on it.

How to steam remove chewing gum from fabric

Another method that can be used to quite easily and quickly remove chewing gum marks from fabric is to expose the product to steam. In this case, you can use a steam generator or, in the absence of one, an iron that has a steaming function. A boiling kettle will also work.

Initially, you should use any of the above methods and remove the main part of the gum, then heat the area of ​​contamination with steam and carefully remove any remaining residue - a toothbrush is perfect for this.

Important! This method is great for those types of fabrics that are not recommended to be ironed.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using chemicals

If necessary, chewing gum can be removed from fabric and skin not only using folk methods, but also using chemicals. In this case, the following are perfect:

  • refined gasoline;
  • toluene;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • alcohol or vodka.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. First, contaminated clothing will need to be held over steam for some time to soften the chewing gum.
  2. Then, using a sharp object, remove the main part.
  3. After this, the residues are moistened with one of the above preparations.
  4. After 10 minutes, wipe the stain with a brush.
  5. Finally, the clothes should be washed thoroughly.

It is important to understand that gasoline, acetone and other aggressive chemicals cannot be used for corduroy, velvet and other types of delicate fabrics.

Attention! Before you begin removing stains using chemicals, you should test their effects on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.


Removing chewing gum from clothes at home is difficult, but quite possible. If such a need arises, it is recommended to use traditional methods. In this case, it is worth taking into account all the nuances, since there is a high probability that after the work the product will be hopelessly damaged, and the stain will remain in place.

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Ecology of life: Life hack. An accidental encounter between your item and vile chewing gum is not so scary, because in addition to special means and sprays, you can try a lot of folk methods.

Chewing gum can freshen your breath in seconds, but it can damage your favorite item even faster.

One second is enough for the sticky substance to penetrate deep into the depths of the fabric fiber and firmly settle there. If you or a member of your family has encountered such a problem, be sure to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes without going to the dry cleaner.

Over the years, people have learned many reliable and quick ways to save things at home.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes

If you urgently need to remove the remains of chewing gum from your clothes, then you should not be afraid and try all the methods you can think of. Remember thatThe choice of this procedure depends on the color and type of material.

If you stuck an elastic band to something made of fadeable fabric, then not all methods will work. All hot methods of washing gum are contraindicated for you. The same can be said about woolen fabric and any delicate materials (satin, silk, chiffon).

All methods invented by wise housewives to get rid of chewing gum on clothes can be divided into three categories.

The first is cold methods. These include placing the spoiled item in the freezer or treating the chewing gum mark with a piece of ice.

The second category is hot methods. They are more varied, but are not suitable for every item. These include using hot air, ironing, or rubbing the affected area with an iron.

The third category is processing by various means. You should be as careful as possible with such methods, since you can remove chewing gum from clothes, but in return leave a faded stain. These include treatment with acetone or alcohol, chemical sprays or natural oils.


This is the most popular way to remove chewing gum from jeans if you suddenly did not notice and sat on it in transport or other public place.

Jeans need to be folded, wrapped in a regular disposable bag and placed in the freezer for 1 hour.

This time is enough for it to freeze completely and be easy to remove from the fabric fibers. Most The rubber bands should fall off on their own, and the most stubborn particles should be scraped off with a sharp object. Do this carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Ice cube

If the soiled item is too large to fit into the freezer compartment. You can simply treat stuck gum with an ice cube. It is enough to hold the ice on the gum for a minute so that it freezes completely.

Then you need to remove it from the fabric using a brush with stiff bristles.

This method is especially good for drape or woolen coats, fur coats, sheepskin coats and fur clothing. However, if you want to remove chewing gum from your pants, but the freezer didn’t help you, try the “ice procedure.”

Boiling water

If the first two procedures showed zero results, it’s time to turn to boiling water. You will not be able to carry out this operation on your own. you definitely need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water, and the other should hold the item and try to scrub the elastic with a small brush (a toothbrush is ideal).

If you do not notice an immediate result, you need to bring water to a boil in a saucepan, lower the stained area of ​​your trousers or other item into it and boil for about a minute.

While in the water, try to remove the gum from your clothing using a brush or some sharp object. After completing the operation, you need to wash the item in the washing machine.

This method is not suitable for any fabric. You cannot boil bright synthetic items because the colors will fade. Woolen and delicate fabrics should not be subjected to heat treatment.


Many housewives prefer this method to all others. It helps remove gum from your child's school uniform pants or your husband's expensive suit pants.

Take an unnecessary piece of any natural fabric or blotting paper, place it on top of the stubborn chewing gum and iron it thoroughly. When the chewing gum moves from clothes to paper, the troubles will not end.

A stain will remain in place of the chewing gum, as if from grease. It can be washed with dishwashing liquid.

Some housewives advise using only newspaper. Place the contaminated area of ​​fabric face down on it and iron it with reverse side. The iron should be set to the “Wool” setting and ironed until the chewing gum is completely dissolved. It should remain on the newspaper.


Turn the hair dryer on high and blow on the stain. Once the heat is at maximum, scrub the dirty area with a scrap toothbrush. Such hot way the most gentle, so you can use it for wool sweaters and trousers made of silk or viscose.


This is an ideal method for removing gum from bright, colored items. In a water bath you need to heat a little vinegar to 40 degrees. While it's still hot, dip an old, unwanted toothbrush into it and work the sticky gum in a circular motion. This operation can be carried out without risk to remove stains from blue jeans.

Chewing gum

The old proverb “knocks out fire with fire” does not lose its relevance. Indeed, some housewives are in no hurry to put something in the freezer or run for an iron. You can try chewing two gum pads, kneading it with your hand and using sharp movements, try to remove the pieces that have become embedded in the fabric. This method shows good results if the contamination is fresh. Agree, this is much easier to do than fiddling with cold and boiling water.


Take 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil and treat the stuck gum. Sunflower, peanut or olive oils will do. Processing vegetable oil shows excellent results, but in such work the main thing is not to stain clean areas of the fabric. If this happens, immediately apply dishwashing detergent to the greasy stain and only then put the item in the washing machine.

Nail polish remover

Previously, this method was practiced because of the acetone contained in this liquid, which helps to clean many serious contaminants. It can only be used with natural and non-fading items. We recommend using nail polish removers without acetone, because this way you will reduce the risk of damaging the item itself.

As you can see, the accidental encounter of your item with vile chewing gum is not so scary, because in addition to special means and sprays, you can try a lot of folk methods. Folk tricks often help to remove any stain quickly and easily. A little trick, a little effort, and the thing looks brand new even after you were going to throw it in the trash. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Do you urgently need to remove chewing gum from your pants or other clothes, but you don’t know how to do it? Simple recipes from improvised means, tested by many housewives, will help you.

Hot methods for removing chewing gum from fabric

The main opponent of chewing gum tightly stuck to fabric is high temperature. You can remove old chewing gum this way from things that are not afraid of boiling or exposure to steam.

The first thing you can do is simple. Simply put the thing in boiling water and cook for literally a few minutes. Then the items are left to soak a little in hot water. All that remains is to use a knife or other sharp object to pick up the elastic band and remove it from the material. When the laundry is dry, you can check the result. If boiling does not help, you should try other methods of removing the gum.

Many housewives often clean their clothes with steam. This method also helps in the fight against stuck chewing gum. Doesn't have to be used special devices, a simple kettle of boiling water will do just fine. Simply put the kettle on to boil, and hold the stained area over the steam. Once the gum gets wet, it can be easily brushed off with a toothbrush.

You can remove chewing gum from a wardrobe item by washing it in hot water with powder. The clothes are soaked in very hot water for literally 5 minutes, and then the chewing gum is scrubbed off with a brush.

You can also try to remove the elastic using an iron. Clothes with the soiled area are laid out in one layer on cardboard with the gum down, and then ironed with a hot iron. All the elastic will transfer to the cardboard, and all that remains is to wash the laundry.

Good results can also be achieved by cleaning chewing gum from fabric with a hairdryer. The gum is simply heated with a stream of hot air, and then all dirt is removed with a toothbrush.

Cold ways to remove chewing gum

Cold methods for removing gum from materials give the same excellent results as hot methods.

The first thing you can do is put the item in a bag and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. When folding clothes, you need to make sure that the chewing gum does not stick to the clean fabric. When the dirt freezes, scrape it off with a knife. If the gum melts, it is frozen again.

If the contamination is small, you can remove it with ice cubes. The chewing gum is covered with polyethylene, and ice is poured on top. After a few minutes, when the gum freezes, scrape it off with a sharp object.

You can also clean the gum with cold water. The area with the stuck gum is soaked in ice water. When the dirt hardens, it is scraped off.

Handy means for washing off chewing gum

The means at hand that can be found in every home cope no worse with sticky bubble gum.

For example, regular hairspray will help quickly remove this kind of dirt. Simply spray the elastic with varnish and leave the item for just a few minutes. After contact with hairspray, the elastic band will lose its stickiness and can be easily lifted and removed. The varnish washes off well and does not damage the fabric in any way.

Alcohol-containing solutions also give excellent results in cleaning chewing gum. You can use cologne, vodka, rubbing alcohol and other liquids with alcohol.

You should soak a piece of cotton wool with an alcohol-containing liquid and apply it to the stain for a few minutes. After this procedure, the elastic band will very easily separate from the fabric, and all that remains is to wash the clothes.

If the elastic is firmly stuck to the fabric and has penetrated deep into the fibers, then solvents will help remove the dirt. The solvent is applied directly to the stain, and the item is left for literally 5 minutes. Then the chewing gum is collected with a rag. But it is important to collect dirt with a rag from the edges to the center, otherwise you can smear the softened gum even more on the material. White spirit or household gasoline are excellent for removing such contaminants.

Attention! Before using solvents, you should test their effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item, for example, on an internal seam or under a collar. The fact is that solvents can ruin the material, and the item will be hopelessly damaged.

You can try to get rid of dirt using stationery tape. The tape is glued to the gum and then abruptly torn off. Then the tape is again glued to the remaining dirt, and again sharply torn off. This is repeated until the fabric is clean. This way you can quickly remove chewing gum from jeans, since the gum does not penetrate too deeply into the thick cotton. You can also clean school pants this way.

Vegetable oils will help wash off chewing gum and remove traces of it. Olive or sunflower will do just fine. But another problem may arise - an oily mark on the fabric, which can be removed by washing in dishwashing gel.

Chewing gum is generously soaked in vegetable oil. A tampon soaked in oil is pressed firmly on top of the stain and the item is left for 10 minutes. Once in contact with the oil, the gum will become soft and can be cleaned off with a toothbrush.

Ordinary table vinegar is also perfect for such purposes. Although this method is not suitable for capricious materials, it can still be used to wash coarse fabrics, such as cotton or thick cotton.

About 200 ml of vinegar should be heated over low heat, and then dipped into it with a brush and brushed over the dirt. You need to work very quickly, not allowing the vinegar to cool. All that remains is to wash the clothes in the powder.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to stain chewing gum from a material. Don’t be upset if such a nuisance happens to you, but try to save good things with your own hands.

Chewing gum is very popular now, it helps freshen breath and restore whiteness to teeth, but some ill-mannered people leave it under bus and cafe seats, on park benches, and in other places. That is why the question of how to remove chewing gum from clothes becomes very acute. It is a pity for any person to throw away an expensive suit or favorite jeans because of the pranks of hooligans, but, fortunately, there are several effective ways to solve the problem.

To successfully remove gum from clothing, you need to heed the following tips.

  • Do not clean off the stuck mass with your fingernails or sharp objects - it is difficult to mechanically influence, and the fabric, especially soft and delicate ones, can be damaged.
  • It is better to solve the problem as soon as possible, therefore, if the item is damaged, you should not put off removing the chewing gum “for later.” It is recommended to do this on the same day.
  • Consider the material from which the clothing is made. So, solvents cannot be used for synthetics.

After removing the elastic, the clothes should be washed - by hand or in a machine - to finally get rid of the problem and return the suit to a fresh look.

Removal by cold

A very simple method will help you save a damaged item and peel off the nasty mass.

  • Lightly wet the area affected by the gum with cold water. You can simply spray the area generously with a spray bottle.
  • Place the item of clothing in a bag and tie it.
  • Place the bag in the freezer for 6-7 hours.
  • Remove the bag, take the item out of it and tear off the frozen mass using pliers or carefully cut it with a knife.

If there are small marks left, you can clean them with an old toothbrush.

This method is very simple and effective - the chewing gum will come off, the fabric will not be damaged, and no stain will remain. However, if the gum is smeared, then freezing, alas, will not help.

Cleaning big things

Outerwear, such as a down jacket or coat, can also be ruined. They will not fit in the freezer, so another method is suitable - removing the sticky mass with ice.

If there is no ice, you can use any frozen product - it will not be damaged and can later be used for its intended purpose.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. the damaged item is placed on a horizontal surface;
  2. Ice or freezing is placed on the “affected” area;
  3. leave for 30-40 minutes;
  4. Now you can scrape off the frozen gum with a knife.

If it was not possible to wash it off the first time, you can repeat the procedure, but leave the ice product for a longer time - 1-1.5 hours.

Express methods

If you urgently need to remove chewing gum from clothes, you can use another simple but effective method:

  1. place the damaged item under running cold water;
  2. Use a toothbrush to clean off any stuck-on material.

After 10 minutes, the chewing gum will be completely removed, all that remains is to dry the item.

At home, you can save a damaged wardrobe item using a stream of hot water; the method is similar to the previously described cold express cleaning method, but you should open a hot tap.

Hot steam

You can remove chewing gum from clothes using steam. Having chosen this method, you need to act according to the following algorithm.

  1. Place a pan of water on the gas and let the liquid boil.
  2. Place the damaged item above the dish so that steam reaches the damaged area.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes viscous, quickly peel it off with a knife.

Instead of a saucepan, you can use a boiling kettle, then the steam can be directed to the affected area of ​​​​the fabric. You need to work quickly, otherwise the steamed chewing gum may spread throughout the material and complicate the task.

An iron will come to the rescue

All of the methods described above are suitable for removing elastic that has not smeared on clothes. If this does happen, an iron will help.

  1. You need to take two small pieces of white paper (notebook or stationery sheets will do) and place them on both sides of the damaged area of ​​fabric.
  2. Next, the iron is connected to the network.
  3. You need to wait until it warms up.
  4. Iron the fabric over the paper from the front side.
  5. Change the paper on both sides and repeat the procedure until the stain is completely removed.

You can even use napkins as a paper layer, but newsprint will not work - printing ink will leave a dark mark on the item. Most often, this method is used to clean ingrained gum from jeans.

Working with thin fabrics: hairspray

You can also plant chewing gum on delicate material, which is unacceptable to work with using the above methods - rough impact can ruin a suit or dress. Regular hairspray will help.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. place the clothing damaged by chewing gum on a horizontal surface;
  2. properly spray the damaged area with varnish;
  3. wait 5 minutes;
  4. clean off the mass with a knife.

If you have to act outside the home and there is no knife at hand, a nail file will replace it.

Alcohol and other solvents

You can also wipe off chewing gum using alcohol-containing substances:

  • vodka;
  • cologne;
  • spirits;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • medical alcohol itself.

You should proceed like this:

  1. pour a little liquid onto a cotton pad;
  2. soak the damaged area with it;
  3. leave for 5-7 minutes to act;
  4. when the sticky mass begins to peel off, peel it off with a knife;
  5. clean the surface with a toothbrush.

All that remains is to dry the item. If a characteristic stain remains from an alcohol-containing liquid, it is easy to wash the clothes in the usual way.

To remove chewing gum if it is very stuck, you will have to use a powerful tool, for example one of the solvents:

  • acetone;
  • gasoline;
  • "White spirit."

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a test: apply a small amount of the selected substance to an inconspicuous area and observe: if no changes have occurred in the material, then work can be safely continued.

How to proceed?

  1. Apply solvent to a cotton pad.
  2. Press the disc onto the damaged area and hold for 5 minutes.
  3. Scrape off the gum with a knife.

The first attempt may not remove all the sticky mass, so the procedure may have to be repeated.

Cleaning the wool

Let's look at how to remove chewing gum from woolen items. The following methods are suitable for them:

  • freezing in the freezer or exposure to ice;
  • Spray the damaged fragment with antistatic agent or hairspray and clean off the elastic using a non-sharp knife.

It is better not to use solvents and alcohol-containing substances for wool. If there is no other option, you should protect the fabric as much as possible - tape it around the chewing gum with tape or adhesive tape.

Available means

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using improvised means?

  • Vinegar, slightly heated in the microwave, will remove stuck mass well, but you should not use it on delicate fabrics.
  • Adhesive tape. It is glued to the affected area, after which it is torn off with a sharp movement. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The tape is not suitable for removing old chewing gum, but it will successfully help you quickly get rid of newly stuck gum.
  • Liquid washing powder. Easy to use and effective: pour a small amount onto a cloth, then rub in with a brush. Chewing gum residue can be removed with a nail file.

Another very original way to remove chewing gum from clothes is using peanut butter. The procedure is simple.

  1. The oil is carefully applied to the elastic band itself (it is very important to ensure that the material is not damaged).
  2. Then you need to wait 5 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove the mass using a mild knife.
  4. You can remove the remnants of a fatty product using alcohol or lemon juice.
  5. The processing is completed by washing the item.

Another rather unusual method that helps to reduce gum is by using other chewing gum. To do this, take an ordinary gum, chew it and “stick” it on top of the old one. Then both of them are carefully peeled off. It may not be possible to completely peel off the mass the first time, but after several attempts the result will be noticeable.

Sticky gum is not a pleasant situation, so every person wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. There won’t be a trace left on your clothes if you react quickly and use one of the proven methods.

An invention like chewing gum can cause a lot of trouble. Irresponsible citizens who like to chew gum often spit it out in the most inappropriate places. Therefore, no one is immune from the situation when chewing gum sticks to clothes. This can happen in the office, in public transport, or on a bench in the park. Most often, children bring chewing gum on their clothes. They love to put them under desks, on chairs and other surfaces. Parents get very upset in this case and believe that the item is hopelessly damaged. But you shouldn’t let her go to waste; it’s better to try to “reanimate” her. It will be useful for housewives to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes and give things a new life.

Cleansing with cold

The effectiveness of any method depends on how quickly the problem is discovered. The faster you react, the easier it will be to clean the item.

Cold helps a lot. Soiled clothing should be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer. It is important that the chewing gum does not come into contact with any surfaces. If this is not possible, then the contaminated area must be placed on top of the bag. You need to cool it for about a day to achieve good result. After this, the gum will harden and can be easily removed.

In cases where it is not possible to put the item in the freezer, you can apply a piece of ice to the chewing gum. It needs to be put in a bag so that there is no liquid. It is necessary to keep it on the soiled area until the chewing gum freezes. Then it can be separated from the fabric.

If chewing gum is stuck to a sofa or other bulky item, apply dry ice to the stained area and then separate the gum. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to wash the sofa, so you can treat the area that has been contaminated with ammonia. After this, it will be like new again, and not a trace of chewing gum will remain.

Wedge with wedge

No matter how funny it may sound, there is a way to remove chewing gum from clothes at home using chewing gum. It must be chewed until it becomes tasteless. Then you need to knead the gum in your hands so that it begins to stick to them. The stained area needs to be treated with this rubber band; it will collect all the dirt.

Hot iron

This method is more suitable for fabric that can withstand temperatures of about 100 degrees. Therefore, before getting started, you need to carefully study the label on the product. Using a heated iron, iron the contaminated area through the paper. The gum should melt and stick to the sheet. After this, the clothes will be clean.


When using this method, you need to be careful when deciding how to remove gum from clothes. Not every tissue can remain intact after such an aggressive impact. To clean things from chewing gum, you can use acetone, gasoline or the liquid that girls use to remove nail polish. After wetting the cotton wool, you need to apply it to the dirty area and hold it for a while. The gum may be difficult to separate, so be patient. After complete removal, the item must be washed. First, the fabric can be kept in bleach, which is suitable for this type of product.

Special means

Now large selection freezing sprays that give a freezing effect. They are used for injuries, so you can buy them at the pharmacy. After applying this drug, the chewing gum will freeze and can be separated from the tissue.


Experienced housewives know how to remove chewing gum from clothes by boiling. The damaged area on the fabric should be placed in boiling water and the chewing gum should be separated directly from the pan with a sharp object. If traces of chewing gum remain after drying, the procedure must be repeated.

Peanut butter and vinegar - useful things in the household

Not everyone knows how to remove chewing gum from clothes using peanut butter. This must be done with extreme caution, since if oil gets on the fabric, a greasy stain will remain. After applying it to the chewing gum with a sponge or cotton swab, you need to wait a little. The oil and gum should react with each other. After this, it can be easily removed with a knife.

To remove stains with vinegar, it must be preheated. After soaking your toothbrush in it, you need to thoroughly rub the gum. Gradually it will be cleaned off, but there is one condition - the vinegar should not cool down. To remove a specific smell, the item must be washed with the addition of balms.

Liquid soap

If you notice chewing gum on your clothes right away, you can try to remove it using liquid soap. It must be rubbed into the chewing gum and carefully pry it off with a sharp object, such as a knife.

Gas canister

Chewing gum stuck to clothes is not the best accessory. Sometimes it is not so easy to tear it off, and besides, this process takes time. If you need to clean an item in a short time, it is best to use a gas can. You need to spray it onto the chewing gum, after which it will freeze. The advantage of this method is that dirt can be removed quickly and without removing the item. It's quite convenient and practical.

How to remove chewing gum using tape?

If the stain is fresh, you can try cleaning the product with tape. But you should not use it if the fabric is fleecy. A piece of tape needs to be glued to the chewing gum and sharply torn off. The procedure must be repeated until the stained area becomes clean.

If all else fails...

When not a single method has brought the expected result and the item is still dirty, you need to move on to drastic measures. How to remove chewing gum from clothes if nothing helps? If it is impossible to solve the problem at home, you should turn to professionals. The dry cleaner will carefully and accurately remove the chewing gum from the item and return it to its owner in a clean condition.

Before you remove chewing gum from your clothes, it is useful to remember the basic rules. Aggressive substances such as vinegar or solvents can damage the fabric. Therefore, they must be handled with great care without losing vigilance. When using explosive materials, you must make sure that there is no fire or devices nearby that can generate sparks. You should also avoid direct contact of products with the skin.

When thinking about how to remove chewing gum from clothes, do not forget that you need to work with sharp objects with caution so as not to damage the fabric. Also, do not rub the product too much, otherwise it will lose its original appearance.

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