How to drive a manual: Ten simple steps. How to start a car. First driving lessons How to start a car if the switch sensor

It is advised to make sure that parking brake engaged, the clutch, on the contrary, is disengaged, the gear shift lever is in neutral. Next, depress the clutch and turn on the ignition. After 3-4 seconds of starter operation, the characteristic sounds of the engine starting will be heard.

Starting the engine

After the car started, control indicators The battery discharge and oil pressure indicators should go out. Then the starter turns off and the engine continues to run. The next step is to move the gear lever to position I or II, the parking brake is released.

At this time, the driver should look in the left side view mirror and make sure that there are no obstacles on the left in the form of other cars.

If there are none, you can turn on the left turn signal, smoothly release the clutch pedal along with the parking brake and press the gas.

Starting a cold engine

A car, like a person, also freezes in winter, and if it is not new, then in subzero temperatures you will have to try very hard to start the engine. In the cold season carburetor engine Be sure to close the air damper.

The lower the temperature, the more.

One more nuance: it is not recommended to turn on the starter for more than 10 seconds, especially in winter. After each attempt, we advise you to take a short break (one minute will be enough).

This time is enough for the battery to recover and return to normal operating condition.

If you have already made three or four attempts, and the engine still does not work, then you need to look for reasons. Sometimes, when starting, single flashes occur in the cylinders, and it seems that the engine is about to start functioning. The driver is in no hurry to turn off the starter, but time passes and the engine does not start. Such continued attempts are unacceptable, as they have a very negative impact on the battery and it may discharge.

Watch the video tutorial “How to start the engine”:

The engine started

If you do start the car, you should check the operation of the engine by ear and required level maintain the crankshaft speed so that the car does not stall again. This is done using air damper or gas pedal.

The car can stall either because the throttle is too open or because it is too closed.

The driver must learn to sense fluctuations in engine noise and adjust the air damper in time.

So, low speeds are dangerous because the engine can stall. But also high speed do not bring any benefit. After the previous operation of all components of the engine, hot oil flowed from all rubbing surfaces into the pan, including from the cylinders. Lubrication does not return to normal immediately after starting a cold engine; oil mist that lubricates the pistons and cylinders does not form very quickly. This is the reason for the rapid wear of a cold engine.

How long does it take to warm up the car?

If you decide to warm up the car on the spot, you should remember that it will take more time, and the amount of exhaust in the atmosphere will increase, but the wear and tear on the engine will be minimal.

If you warm up the engine while driving, it will take less time. However, the wear of the units involved in heating will increase, especially when operating at high speeds.

There is another way - partial warming up, during which it does not take much time, the engine runs normally, and there is little wear. Fuel consumption here is moderate. Everyone chooses their own option. If the car enthusiast is not in a hurry, he usually warms up the engine on the spot; if there is simply no extra time, this is the last method.

Most often, drivers use the first option: turn on the ignition, start the car and, for example, clear the car of snow.

Have fun warming up and be careful!

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If, when you try to start the engine in your car, you hear a characteristic stringy sound and a clicking sound from the starter, then your battery is discharged. But don’t panic, because even if the battery is dead, the car can be brought back to life - for example, we already know three ways to start a car if the battery is dead.

What to do if your car battery is dead

A dead car battery can cause a lot of inconvenience to the driver - and this situation is especially wary in cold weather. winter time when the temperature drops to -20 and below. The trouble is that even a completely new and fully functional battery can lose about half of its charge overnight in the cold, since the density of the electrolyte increases and the starting current drops, which slows down the flow. chemical reactions and prevents the battery from releasing accumulated energy.

If your battery is dead, but time allows you to wait, then you need to remove it and take it home and warm it up - this way it will increase starting current, and the battery can return to work. But in road conditions you don’t have to think about it - so let’s look at ways that will help you find out how to start your car if the battery dies somewhere on the road.

How to start a car from a pusher or tow

If you have a car with a manual transmission, then the traditional method of how to bring the car to life is suitable for you - it starts the engine by accelerating the car and engaging the gear. However, it should be clarified that this method suitable for cars with an injection engine only if the battery is not completely empty, that is, a certain amount of battery capacity will allow it to pump fuel into the system from the fuel tank.

To do this, check that you have a tow rope and find a nearby person with a working car who will be willing to help you. Or assistants who will push your car.

The procedure is simple:

  1. First, you should connect two cars with a cable if a volunteer driver is found.
  2. Then turn on the ignition, depress the clutch and, without releasing the pedal, shift to 3rd gear.
  3. At this stage, you can give a command to the second driver to start moving - or let strong assistants push the car.
  4. You need to accelerate to about 20 km/h, then release the clutch.
  5. The engine starts - then press the clutch again and give the assistant a signal.

How to light a car

This method is the most popular and good because it is universal and suitable for any car. But to implement it, do not forget to carry with you special starting wires with clamps, which are also called “crocodiles”. In addition, you will again need someone else's working car to help you.

The work progress is as follows:

  1. Drive the donor car as close as possible to your recipient car - they should be bumper to bumper, or at least bumper to fender.
  2. It is imperative to turn off the engine of the donor car, and also turn off the ignition of both cars - this will prevent a power surge when lighting a cigarette and damage to the electronics of the donor car.
  3. Connect one end of the red starting wire to the plus of the charged battery - it will do the same with the recipient’s dead battery.
  4. Now connect the negative black wires: one end to the negative terminal of the donor car battery, and the other to some unpainted element of the recipient body or engine. In this way we prevent the donor battery from being discharged.
  5. Next, you should start the donor engine and let it run for a few minutes. Then stop the engine and turn off all appliances.
  6. Try to start the engine of your recipient vehicle. When it works, leave it in this state for 2 minutes, then disconnect all the wires in the reverse order.
Important: the battery capacities on both cars must be the same or different in favor of the donor car. Don't try to light a car with a large engine from a small car. The same applies to the voltage - it must match, for example, both the donor and the recipient must have a battery voltage of 12 V, or both of them must have 24 V.

How to start a car using a booster

And the third way to start a car if the battery is dead is to use a special device called a booster. This useful and autonomous gadget allows you to quickly charge a discharged battery without the help of other cars, wires or pushers, and is suitable for cars with any type of engine and transmission.

What to do to start the car with a booster is described in the instructions for each such gadget, but in principle, the course of action is often the same:

  1. First, turn on the ignition in the car.
  2. We connect the booster to the battery terminals, not forgetting the polarity.
  3. We start the car. If the engine volume does not exceed two liters, then there will be no problems at all. Voila!

How to start a car using a cable

There is another way to start a car if the battery is dead - for this you will need a cable and a jack. See the following video for execution:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Starting your car correctly can save you from minor troubles and even accidents. There are clear rules for starting the engine that will help your car last for many years. So:

For manual transmission:

  • Check the parking brake. It must be in the on (raised) state.
  • Check the gear shift lever. The gear must be in neutral. (the lever should move freely left and right)

Depressing the clutch pedal will make it easier to start the engine, and in some car models, the engine cannot be started with the key without the clutch being depressed.

  • Insert the key into the ignition and turn it clockwise, thereby turning on the ignition system and preparing the car for starting (the signal that the ignition is on is indicated by the indicators on dashboard eg: oil pressure, fuel level in the gas tank, battery indicator). Wait a little, about 5 seconds, during which time the fuel pump will pump fuel to start the engine - this is typical for injection engine. For a carburetor car, you need to pull the choke towards you. Then further turning the key clockwise and holding it in this position will start the car starter and after 1-5 seconds at working systems the car engine will start. If the engine does not start, it is not recommended to turn the starter for more than 5 seconds; return the key to starting position and try again in a minute. Running the starter for too long can drain the battery and flood the spark plugs with fuel.
  • After the engine has started, it needs to warm up, especially in the cold season. Warming the engine is vital to the life of the car. A warmed-up engine will run more stable, develop power better and gain momentum.

You can start moving

For automatic transmission:

  • Check the position of the transmission mode switching lever; mode “P” (Parking) must be turned on.
  • Depress the brake pedal
  • The engine should only be started with the brake pedal depressed (this is important). Then, insert the key into the ignition, turn it clockwise - this action is necessary to start the ignition (the signal that the car’s ignition is turned on will be the indicators on the dashboard that are on). After which, you need to turn the key clockwise, thereby turning on the starter, which will start the engine in about 1-5 seconds, but provided that all the mechanisms and components of the car are in good working order. If the engine does not start, then you need to proceed according to a scheme similar to manual transmission transmission

After starting the engine, it needs to run a little to warm up, after warming up you can start driving.

Often, car enthusiasts do not think about how the engine works, and many do not even know how the first start of the power unit occurs. This is a rather complex and interesting process. It’s especially interesting how the engine starts to run in the winter.

Basic principles of starting a motor

Anyone who has driver's license. This is what they teach you in driving school. But not everyone knows what scheme for starting an internal combustion engine, much less what processes occur in the engine from the moment the ignition key is turned until the first exhaust gases begin to flow.

So, if you look at it, several important processes take place in the power unit itself in a few seconds. Let's consider the sequence of actions and processes that lead to starting the motor. It is worth noting that depending on the type of engine, the engine starting system may differ, but the principle of operation and operation is similar.

  1. When the driver inserts the key into the ignition and turns it to position II, the gasoline pump starts working, which supplies fuel to the injectors, which in turn supply the first dose of fuel to the combustion chambers.
  2. At the time when the engine receives a batch of fuel, an air-fuel mixture is formed, which is necessary to start the cylinders.
  3. The driver turns the ignition key, which starts the process. The starter, receiving current from the battery, begins to spin the crankshaft until detonation occurs in one of the cylinders and it starts the others. At the same time electronic unit control regulates when the next batch of fuel should be fed into the cylinder and a spark should form.

This engine principle internal combustion, which was painted, applies not only to the injector, but also to the carburetor and even to the diesel engine. In the case of the latter, there is no spark, and the fuel is burned using pressure and glow plugs, which heat the fuel until it detonates.

Starting the engine in the summer

As you know, a car engine starts at summer time year is easiest, since the main parts are already warmed up and no further action is required additional actions to start. Most vehicles start by simply turning the ignition key.

But it happens that in order to start a carburetor car you need to turn on the choke. This is due to overheated air. Just as it is difficult for a person to breathe, it is difficult for a machine to tolerate very hot oxygen.

Starting the engine in winter

But there are problems with starting the engine in the winter season, since cold, sometimes icy, air cools parts and lubricants. It is precisely because the oil becomes thick that starting the engine is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that the starter has to forcefully turn the crankshaft.

Another important factor is charge and condition battery, since in winter the starter draws all the power out of it when starting. Therefore, if on vehicle there is a bad battery - often such cars do not start, because the battery is discharged before the starter can turn the crankshaft. So, let's look at different options for starting the power unit for different types vehicles.

Carburetor engine

Starting a carburetor engine in winter is quite simple. Many car enthusiasts who have owned a car with this type of engine know how the process is carried out. So, let's consider the sequence of actions to start a car engine in winter with a carburetor power unit:

  • Insert the key into the ignition.
  • Pull the choke lever towards you (necessary to close the supply of cold air to the combustion chamber).
  • Press the accelerator pedal several times (to pump fuel into the combustion chamber).
  • We depress the clutch (to facilitate starting and operation of the crankshaft in the first minutes).
  • We turn the key and try to start the engine.

If you were unable to start the first time, then you should repeat the procedure several times until it “seizes” and the motor starts working. After starting, you should not immediately release the clutch pedal, otherwise the power unit may stall.


Perhaps the most difficult starting of an engine is starting a diesel power unit. Start-up is especially difficult when the air temperature drops to −12 degrees Celsius or lower. Thus, it is almost impossible to start the engine without additional components and actions if the temperature drops to −16…-18 degrees Celsius. What should you do to start a diesel engine in the winter season?

The first option is to install an engine preheater, which our people saw in the “nineties” with the arrival of diesel Mercedes and BMWs in the country. On at the moment There is a large assortment of such products that are often installed on minibuses.

The most famous option is Webasto. It can heat the oil. Also, for diesel engine it is necessary to install heating elements for heating diesel fuel, since diesel fuel crystallizes already at −15 degrees Celsius.

The second option, which was quite common for old diesel engines, is lighting a fire under fuel tank and the engine crankcase. This method is not safe, since one spark can lead to irreversible and catastrophic consequences.

Starting a diesel engine is quite simple - turn the ignition key to position 2. Then, after pumping the fuel with high pressure fuel, we try to start it. In case diesel fuel If it has crystallized, then you need to find a way to warm it up, otherwise the power unit will not be able to start.

Also, it is worth noting that the engine will not operate normally at low temperatures if the fuel is not constantly heated. That is why special additional systems are installed.


Starting an injection power unit is the easiest option of all types power units. The driver needs to do virtually nothing other than follow the instructions. What needs to be done to start the injector, even in the deepest frost:

  • Turn the ignition key to position 2. Listen to see if the fuel pump is working. He must pump fuel into the combustion chambers.
  • Turn off the ignition completely and now you can try to start the power unit.

If the procedure was not carried out the first time, it is worth repeating it several times, but as practice shows, the injection engine starts the first time. If the engine still fails to start, then you should think about whether the car has problems?

For example, the reason could be the battery, sensors, fuel supply or lack of spark. Before making repeated attempts to start the engine, it is recommended to eliminate existing problems.


Starting the engine is quite difficult process, in which many parts and elements of the car take part. This process takes place quite easily in the summer. But in winter, most motorists face problems. Especially, problems with batteries come to light.

Automatic transmissions are no longer uncommon, almost half modern cars equipped with this type of transmission. There could be more, but not all motorists choose automatic transmission. And there are reasons for this - the higher price of the car and the expensive replacement of the box if it breaks. Some buyers are also alarmed by the negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to start an automatic car from a pushrod (we will look at this in more detail a little later).

Despite minor flaws, cars with automatic transmission are much more convenient to use in urban areas and on highways, which attracts drivers. It’s much easier to endure a long-hour traffic jam when you don’t have to pull the gear shift lever and don’t have to keep your foot on the clutch pedal until you’re blue in the face. With an automatic transmission, you can relax and unwind by periodically pressing the gas, and sometimes simply releasing the brake pedal.

Types of automatic transmissions

At the moment, there are three types of automatic transmissions:

Automatic hydraulic box. It completely separates the engine and wheels. They are not directly connected to each other, and the torque is transmitted through turbines through special liquid. Modern boxes are equipped with additional electronic devices, allowing you to install various modes operation. It is also possible to simulate manual gear shifting, although it will be generally controlled by the automatic transmission;

Robotic mechanics. This gearbox is not very popular among drivers. It is mainly adapted for a calm and smooth ride, but it is much more difficult to cope with acceleration. In terms of the type of control, this is an ordinary automatic machine that has nothing to do with mechanics. A regular robot is equipped with one clutch, which is not enough for smooth gear changes. There is often a feeling of a “thrown clutch” when accelerating. The car seems to be frantically jumping through the gears and does not have time to work through them to the end, which is why slight “jabs” occur. Recently, a robot with two clutches has been developed (for example, DSG for Volkswagen and DCT for BMW). Here things are much better and the car copes with acceleration, but the service life of such a transmission is so unpredictable and often short that there is even an official petition of many thousands from the owners of such “experiments” demanding free DSG replacement and after the end of the warranty. Moreover, in Europe, a similar complaint was considered and fulfilled, agreeing with the imperfection of the automatic transmission, but in Russia, manufacturers are not yet in a hurry to admit the low reliability of the robot;

CVT(continuously variable transmission, CVT). In essence, these are the same hydraulics, only without fixed gears. A car with this automatic transmission will move smoothly, without changing the sound of the engine, and gradually increase the speed, without losing it due to gear changes, as in the hydraulic version. This is an economical option in terms of fuel, but the working life is short and the main components of the box may need to be replaced before reaching 200 thousand kilometers.

How to start a car using an automatic for dummies

Any actions performed for the first time inspire fear and uncertainty. And even such a simple manipulation as starting an automatic car can be difficult for a beginner.

The specifics of automatic transmission operation require protection from incorrect starting. And such protection was invented immediately, along with the box. Therefore, a person who gets behind the wheel of an automatic machine for the first time and does not know the basic rules of starting may suffer for a long time with ignition.

Let's look at how to start an automatic car step by step:

When starting the engine, the gear shift lever must be in the “P” (park) or “N” (neutral) position - this is the only way the locking system will pass the start signal. In other positions, turning the key will either be completely impossible, or simply nothing will happen when turning it. When choosing between “P” and “N”, it is better to use the P parking mode - in this case the car is protected from rolling down the slope, and the oil inside the transmission is better distributed. As for neutral gear, manufacturers advise turning it on only in case of emergency towing;

When it comes to how to properly start an automatic car, it is not enough to just switch the lever - in most models there is additional protection in the form of a brake pedal. Until it is squeezed out, the engine cannot be started. This is a kind of indicator of the driver’s readiness to move and a talisman against accidental rolling of the car when starting in neutral gear mode. You need to depress the pedal simultaneously with turning the key;

Anytime modern car, be it manual transmission or automatic, there is a steering wheel and lock lock against theft. If the first two steps are completed correctly, but the key does not turn and the steering wheel does not turn, then it worked protective function. To unlock, you need to insert the key into the ignition and try to turn it easily while turning the steering wheel left and right. With synchronized actions, the stupor of the units will subside and everything will work again.

How to start a car automatically using a pushrod

The Internet is filled with a wide variety of information about cars. What you won’t find here - and how dangerous false information can be! Many sites write seriously about the fact that you can start a car automatically using a pushrod. At the same time, they provide a bunch of theoretical knowledge that this is really real. They usually have no practical evidence, only rumors and speculation.

Let's start with the fact that in an automatic transmission there is no direct contact between the engine and the wheels. Torque is transmitted through working fluid and auxiliary computer programs. In order for the car to start moving, it must be started. Otherwise, the systems simply don't work.

The same goes for reverse process"pusher". The engine will not receive a signal when the wheels start spinning. But the box will take the entire blow and will no longer be restored.

Yes, there is a legend that if you accelerate the car in neutral gear to 60 - 70 km/h, after warming up working fluid Automatic transmission up to 50 degrees, and sharply turn on “D”, the car will start. But it’s better not to check it - the result is quite predictable. In general, a car with an automatic transmission cannot be started using a pushrod.

How to start an automatic car with a dead battery

This problem is often encountered in winter. On especially frosty days, many car owners are unable to cope with starting the engine on their own.

Cars equipped with a manual transmission can be started using a pushrod or a flexible hitch. There are many options here.

But what to do if the battery is dead, how to start a car with an automatic transmission? Unfortunately, there is only one option - to bring the battery back to life and try again. Here, “lighting up” from a neighbor, a warm bath for the battery, charging the battery, and if you have a device, replacing it with a new one will do.

If all else fails, you can try to warm up the car itself by transporting it on a tow truck to warm box. It is better not to overhaul while in tow, at least because the brake boosters do not work in an unstarted car, and it becomes almost impossible to press the pedal while driving. How to start a car automatically without a starter The Internet also offers options for fabulous engine starts. Looking at the question realistically, the answer is also quite simple - not at all. You need to take the car to a service center and replace the starter.

Automatic transmission does not require extreme types of engine starting. And the only answer to the question of how to start a car with an automatic transmission will be standard instructions for vehicle operation.

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