How to get a Gemini man to propose to you. Gemini men in marriage zodiac signs The Gemini man is not suitable for family life

Typical Gemini Man always on the move and full of passionate desire; loves people; he has a lot of nervous energy; can sell almost anything to almost anyone; can often change his activities, do two things at once; persuasive and friendly; knows how to behave in society, is diplomatic, dexterous; smart and smart.

Gemini men are pleasant conversationalists, unusually cheerful, and favorites of the public. They are excellent at telling jokes and have excellent manners, and can confidently be called the life of the party. Loneliness is the worst thing for them. They need to feel affection, care, love and attention. In order not to be alone, they will communicate even with the most uninteresting people.

You will be absolutely captivated by a Gemini Man if you happen to meet him at a ball or reception. But don't rush to take the fatal step. At any moment, a Gemini Man can change not only his mood, but even his goal in life. He can take you to the theater or cinema today, give you perfume and flowers, confess his love. He will be attentive and gentle with you all evening, speaking in such words about love that your head will spin slightly, and you will feel like the happiest woman in the world. And the next day he may not show up for a date.

He will appear again in a week, but will be sarcastic and angry. Everything about you will irritate him: from lipstick to literary tastes. In a few days he will become witty, charming and cheerful again, and will repeat his proposal to you if you forgive him and get over it all. This time he will be even more gentle and attentive, you yourself will not understand when you say “yes” to him.

A Gemini is definitely not your type of man if you are romantic and expect comfort, warmth, consistency and harmony from your family life. Changeability is the main character trait of Gemini. But even among Geminis there are ultimately very purposeful, resourceful people who know what they want.

Geminis do not suffer from nostalgia for the past. They often change friends, but not at all because of heartlessness, but because of the fickleness of their interests.

As a rule, Geminis marry more than once, and the later the first marriage is concluded, the more likely it is that it will last for a long time, maybe even forever.

This type of husband is not suitable for a passionate, domineering wife. It is common for such men to choose as a life partner someone who will not be tied to home, will be able to share his spiritual interests with him and, as soon as her husband wishes, will immediately change the environment around him. Such men's wives should be able to tolerate their interest in other women, in other people. Representatives of this sign have a tendency to flirt, but none of their hobbies should be taken seriously.

He loves to be attractive to women and move in society. A lot of gossip always floats around him. So, most likely your life will not be calm.

Gemini men are in fact very sensible, and despite the fact that they like to strive for an elusive dream that adds variety to their lives, they are able to complete their romance with such determination that none of the other men is capable of, especially if they know they have something to lose. Regarding the financial side, the duality of the twin also affects here. Either stingy, or surprisingly generous, and even wasteful. But, perhaps, generosity still outweighs. He is not interested in accumulating capital. His main function is to generate new ideas, while demonstrating his brilliant mental abilities.

He is flexible and kind with children. The relationship with them will be trusting, friendly, and maybe even too free. Children will always trust him with their secrets and innermost thoughts. He will earn this sympathy by never speaking in an edifying tone or lecturing. He is not a supporter of all this, and neither is discipline. He can teach them a lot. Meanwhile, he cannot insist that some obligatory things be done, and as a result of this, his children are sometimes a little disorganized. The twins spoil their children with this.

Gemini fathers have a bad habit - not to physically punish their children, but to make comments in a sarcastic tone, and this can hurt the child. Geminis, being cold by nature, do not like kisses and hugs, and this is necessary for children. The Gemini father often breaks promises, so he should try to refrain from them. If children do not distract him from his numerous activities and hobbies and do not interfere too much, then otherwise he is a good parent.

It’s nice and easy to love a Gemini, as long as you don’t hang around his neck and don’t try to get too close to him. Don’t dramatize or complicate your relationship, don’t bother him, try to treat everything simply and calmly. But you should constantly stimulate his imagination. A woman who can achieve intellectual harmony with Gemini will be truly happy. He will not cheat on her, either morally or physically, under any circumstances. And there are never exceptions to this rule.


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I will be happy to tell you everything that happened to me this morning...

I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but I've changed several times since then.

Love brings with it a feeling of security from the outside world. You stop being lonely. There is a loved one next to you, ready to help always and in everything. But almost every rule has an exception. And this exception is the beloved - Gemini. There is no need to talk about any reliability here. He can go buy bread from a nearby bakery and return three days later. If you try to find out where he was and what he was doing, your affair will most likely end there. Therefore, if your Gemini is very dear to you, pretend that nothing happened and learn to put up with his unpredictability and impermanence.

But in the company of Gemini you will never be bored; when he is with you, you will be with not one, but two, or even three or four men at once.

A Gemini man is a welcome guest in any home. He is extremely cheerful, a pleasant conversationalist, has excellent manners, is a master at telling jokes, and is the life of the party.

If you happen to meet him at any social event, you will be unconditionally fascinated by him.

But don't rush to take the fatal step. Think before you agree to become his wife. A Gemini's thoughts, desires, and moods are as changeable as the wind, and you can sense this even before your honeymoon is over.

While courting you, he may one day appear at your house with flowers, perfume and books (one of which he wrote himself) and invite you to go to the theater or circus. All evening he will give you such attention, smiles, tender words and assurances of love, from which all other men will immediately fade in your eyes, and you will feel like the happiest woman in the world.

But the next day, when you wait with bated breath for his call, he will either cancel the date or not call at all. Thousands of doubts will begin to torment you. Maybe you behaved wrongly? Or was he just joking? Or maybe he was in trouble? Or does he have another woman? Any of these assumptions may turn out to be correct.

A week later, your lover will appear, but with a completely different mood. He will be maliciously sarcastic and irritated. He will not like everything about you: from lipstick to literary tastes. In another day he will be gloomy and silent, and you will not receive any intelligible answer to all your questions.

If you manage to survive such a change in your lover, he will again appear before you cheerful, charming and witty, and you will again go to theaters and art galleries, museums and concerts and will be amazed again and again by the breadth of interests and erudition of your Gemini. This time he will be even more tender and attentive to you, and you yourself will not notice how you say “yes” to him.

If you are the type of woman who expects consistency, warmth and comfort from family life, then you are making the wrong choice. In the palette of Gemini's moods, there are all shades - from sunny yellow and cloudless blue to hopeless gray, and it cannot be said that there are more joyful shades. Therefore, I will repeat to you again: if you are romantic and seek harmony in life, Gemini is definitely not your type of man.

If the Sun was in the constellation Gemini at the time of his birth, the main trait of his character will be changeability. Therefore, if you are a gambler by nature, you can take a risk. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky. But before you place a bet, you need to know the conditions of the game in advance. Ultimately, even among Geminis there are very persistent and purposeful people who know what they want. A striking example of this is the late US President John Kennedy and Queen Victoria of England. True, these are just two exceptions known to me, whose characters were reflected by their high position and responsibility for the fate of states.

Loving a Gemini is easy and pleasant, unless you give yourself to it with all your passion. Remember, Gemini has a certain spiritual essence unique to him, which he will not share with anyone, not even with you. Don’t complicate or dramatize your relationship, try to treat everything calmly and simply. Don't bore him, but try to stimulate his imagination all the time. Don't protest against his changeability, but change with him. Be a lively, interesting conversationalist, because the most important thing for a Gemini is the intellectual level of their partner. Unlike all the other men who are intimidated by smart women. Gemini will prefer that you sparkle not with your outfits, but with your brilliant, sharp mind.

Geminis often change friends, but this does not happen out of heartlessness, but from constantly changing interests and from the desire to have partners with similar interests. Geminis do not give in to nostalgia for the past, be it memories, things, people and places where they lived. Being very sociable by nature, Gemini hates loneliness and, being alone for a long time, may begin to shed tears, but this is nothing more than a manifestation of sentimentality. In general, if you want to attract the attention of a Gemini for a long time, do not cling to him, do not expect constancy from him and, most importantly, be an interesting person.

Geminis, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later the first marriage is concluded, the more likely it is that it will last for a long time, maybe forever. But even if Gemini is married only once, he will compensate for his desire for duality with two cars, two apartments, two diplomas, two jobs, two hobbies, etc.

In financial matters he is also ambiguous. Either surprisingly generous, even wasteful, or stingy. But if you still compare these two traits, then generosity will probably outweigh.

Will he remain faithful to you? In the form in which he understands it, without a doubt, yes. Women feel extraordinary sympathy for Gemini, and he, for his part, is not indifferent to them. Therefore, most likely your life will not be calm. But if you sincerely believe him, he will never allow himself to destroy your faith, you can be sure. True, I mean precisely real, unconditional and reckless faith. If you secretly do not trust him, he will feel it and will not hesitate to take advantage of it. Geminis have the ability to read your secret thoughts - remember this. Don't think that your Gemini spouse will act around other women as if he doesn't notice them. On the contrary, he will happily chat with them, laugh and even have a drink or two. But this does not mean that he is flirting with them. Gemini needs listeners, and what gender they are is indifferent to him.

The woman who achieves intellectual harmony with Gemini can be calm. He will not cheat on her either physically or morally. This is a rule to which there are practically no exceptions. And his smiles, exuding always and everywhere, are just a manner of behavior. He just can’t help but smile, just like the sun can’t help but shine. Understand and never reprimand him for this. Otherwise, you may ruin his character.

He will most likely develop friendly relations with children. He can teach them a lot. They will be happy to share their problems with him and confide their secrets to him. Gemini does not like to lecture and speak in an edifying tone. He is not a big disciplinarian, which makes the children more sympathetic. But his reluctance to insist on doing certain obligatory things leads to the fact that his children are sometimes a little loose. This is how Geminis spoil their children. Although Geminis almost never physically punish their children, they have a bad habit of making comments to their children in a caustic, sarcastic tone, which can hurt the child. Being cold by nature, Geminis do not like hugs and kisses, but children need it. Otherwise, the Gemini father is a good parent, if, of course, the children do not tie him down too much and do not distract him from his many Hobbies and activities.

With your Gemini husband, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem as jealousy, because Geminis have a very poorly developed sense of property. Even if some rumors reach him, he will most likely simply brush them aside - After all, love for a Gemini is, first of all, not physical, but intellectual intimacy. Therefore, if you are looking for a community of interests in marriage, spiritual unity. Gemini will be a good partner for you.

You just need to get used to his numerous “ifs”, not to pay attention to some coldness and detachment, to his desire to have his head in the clouds. Never try to get anything from him by pushing Gemini to the wall or making a violent scene for him. This will not only not lead to the desired result, but will cause a reaction that is completely undesirable for you. The twin will simply disappear, dissolve, cease to exist for you. Don't forget that his sign is Air.

It is often said about Geminis that they must have two loves at the same time. Let me explain this statement. It does not mean at all that two loves are two different women. Most often this is not the case. If you are connected to him not just by marriage, but by a spiritual and emotional connection, then you understand what I mean and what such a statement means.

Gemini Man from Sergei Vronsky

Gemini men are, of course, an equation with two unknowns. They always have at least “forty bags of ideas” with them and the same amount in stock. Some of them may turn out to be, if not brilliant in everything, then, in extreme cases, very remarkable or close to it.

With their countless ideas they gift not only friends, comrades and like-minded people, not only their employees, superiors, subordinates, but also numerous friends and their own family. In addition, they know how to present one idea in different versions, depending on who it is intended for. And this is very natural, because they try to make a profitable turn everywhere, even in the sphere of love and marriage, being sincerely convinced that all this is done exclusively for altruistic purposes, for the benefit of society. However, note that the search the best option can and often does linger for many years or even forever. For this reason, they sometimes have to search and try, compare, lose and discard, and search again for the rest of their lives.

But, despite all this, for them ideas and intentions, plans and undertakings are their daily bread, without which they can neither breathe, nor live, nor exist. One idea, dying, immediately gives birth to two others - newer and shiny, more progressive and attractive. And these new will-o'-the-wisps, sometimes really sparkling like sparklers, in turn give rise to the next series of brilliant ideas, and this can continue endlessly and without limit until the end of life.

During their lives, “twins” can change not only their views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews, but also their houses and apartments, property and belongings, girls and women, as well as their own wives. Although, in the end, over the years and decades, that necessary and necessary “salt of the earth”, without which white light simply cannot exist, is already very noticeably crystallizing in them, when they hastily realize which option is for them “the light in the window” "

In their connections and contacts, conversations and discussions, witty speeches and debates at meetings, meetings, conferences, as well as in their mediation services, in friendship, the “twins” are tireless and unsurpassed. Here they have complete priority. Let’s say openly: whoever is friends with them or cooperates with them confidently meets them halfway and contributes to their own spiritual development. And those who have had business cooperation with them for decades have, as they say, outgrown themselves.

In relation to love and marriage, “twins” - both men and women, belong to the genus of “comets” and “meteors”, and remain “forever young” until old age, until their supply of brilliant ideas, plans, and undertakings runs out . True, sometimes this can end in very harmful consequences. This is when over the years they nervous system cannot withstand such a load and wears out to the limit, causing not only nervous disorders, but often mental illnesses of a more serious nature.

Gemini Man in Love from J. Martin

Always in motion from one place to another, from one person to another, from one profession to another. Restless, nervous, he is not content with living one day a day, and not a week or a month, and even on several different levels at the same time.

Whatever he does in at the moment, is eager to do something else. The Gemini man thrives on contradictions. You can't be sure at what time he likes you. If he doesn't even seem to know if you're alive, he's probably intuitively aware of your existence. When he's super caring and attentive, you think no one could love you less. Whatever his feelings, his first instinctive reaction is to disguise them.

He can't stand schedules. Don't ask him to eat and sleep at set hours: he won't be a prisoner of time.

A man born under the sign of Gemini is unusually intelligent, smart, and has a good tongue. And how he loves to talk! He will juggle multiple topics, keeping them all in the air at the same time. Don't try to win a verbal battle with him. He has excellent diction and words are weapons that he wields to stunning effect.

An incomprehensible anxiety is manifested even in his manner of conversation - he jumps from topic to topic, like a frog from hummock to hummock. His behavior is characterized by ease, he is a highly changeable person. This variability gives the impression of an excess of nervous energy rather than a lack of self-control, because what he says is full of special brilliance and radiance. The Gemini man is a fascinating, versatile, intelligent person, constantly and almost painfully aware of other people's reactions to him.

His enthusiasm leads him to energetically take on many things at once and become overextended. Will show great initiative in any endeavor. However, the question is to keep it on course. And very often, the quick-thinking Gemini finds himself behind his unimaginative but hardworking rivals.

Reacts painfully to failure. He blames himself too quickly and easily becomes depressed. Failure confirms his hidden fears about not meeting certain requirements. However, these sentiments do not last long. Some new interests appear that intrigue him and lift his spirits again.

He is interested in games and all types of entertainment. Loves to travel. One Gemini man said, “I want to see places my eyes have never seen before.” He is a hard worker, but only for a short time. And he will cope well with any work that challenges his intellect. He needs frequent breaks, vacations, pauses in the routine monotony. Most men of this sign are more interested in having fun than in any kind of work.

Loves the state of being in love and tries to find love wherever possible. But he also seeks freedom and does not give his ego into slavery to a woman. In his relationship with her, he quickly becomes bored with routine and, when forced to submit to it, becomes hostile and seeks quarrels. He needs to assert his intellectual superiority all the time. If a woman admits this too easily, he will be upset: after all, there must be some resistance, some protest or struggle in order for him to feel satisfied with his victory.

The most big problem for him - to make decisions, since it is difficult for him to stick to one course and bring things to the end; he is accused of inconstancy and contradiction. As soon as something is decided, he immediately begins to look for something new over the horizon.

He behaves exactly the same way in the business sphere. Usually, at first he is treated as the most capable employee, a person with truly brilliant ideas, quite suitable for a leadership position. But he does not stay in his job long enough to achieve a high position commensurate with his talents. He will solve the problem with lightning speed, using all his resources and all the skills of his colleagues. Traditional practices and dogmas of business life will not withstand his pressure - he does not have the patience to work with the old methods.

However, after a short time it will become clear that he does not have the patience to work with new methods. He will start looking for something more advanced. Eventually he will face serious opposition, quit and move on. He is best suited to be a crisis expert or business consultant, as a never-ending stream of new problems will keep him busy without having to worry about making sure his orders are followed. The Gemini man likes to plan the strategy and leave the day-to-day practice to others.

He finds it difficult to keep money. Property slips through his fingers. When he has too much money, he feels uncomfortable and looks for an excuse to get rid of it. He finds confidence only in uncertainty.

Many people, noticing his love for entertainment, company and cinema, believe that he has the secret of eternal youth, inexhaustible vital forces and curiosity.

Women are the most main part his life, although he receives in this respect even more than should be his share. He is often considered a redneck, not because he is oversexed, but because he likes to try new things. At the beginning of a love affair, Gemini is amazing, he has everything a woman could want, but his emotional charge quickly runs out - and he will likely need to be recharged by someone else. His emotions are often shallow. The future with him is uncertain, the present is undoubtedly funny.

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Geminis are distinguished by their duality of character and perception of life. These are sociable and inquisitive individuals who need a constant change of impressions. Why is a Gemini man attractive to a woman, and what should she be wary of in a relationship with him? Let's consider the character of Gemini men, behavioral characteristics in family and love relationships.

Restless extrovert

This is not the person who agrees to go with the flow of life and hide from problems in a deep pool. Geminis have a fairly strong-willed character and are not afraid of difficulties. This intellectual is able to cope with any life problem and find a way out of a dead end.

This guy is always a welcome guest at his friends' house. A cheerful joker, a witty joker and a ringleader - with him any party will go with a bang. The bright temperament of Gemini attracts the opposite sex, and girls think that this is the dream of love. In addition, the Gemini guy easily finds a common language with any representative of the zodiac circle. It seems to everyone that they have known Gemini for more than a couple of years!

Positive qualities:

  • condescension to other people's shortcomings;
  • the ability to come to an agreement with everyone;
  • the ability not to complicate life;
  • the ability to win people over;
  • ability to quickly navigate in any situation;
  • the ability to instantly make the right decisions.

Gemini's quick mind demonstrates genius in seemingly hopeless situations. This person is able to find the only right solution that can change circumstances instantly. At the same time, Geminis always act decisively, but never cross the line of the unacceptable. That is, they cannot be called frivolous adventurers - everything is clearly thought out.


  • take on several things at once;
  • do not finish what they start;
  • quickly lose interest in difficult matters;
  • tend to make empty promises;
  • overestimate their capabilities.

You cannot trust Gemini's communications, because a sincere desire to help is not always supported by the opportunity to do so. The hectic activity of Gemini gives the impression of being constantly busy, however, there is no need to be shy about reminding them of yourself once again. Geminis can forget a lot on the fly - that’s their nature.

In love

A Gemini man is always the initiator of a romantic relationship if he likes a girl. He takes the fortress by storm, which is very difficult to resist. But do not think that the Gemini man is capable of putting pressure on someone, he is too gallant and well-mannered and does not allow rudeness in a relationship with a woman. Geminis instantly calculate the prospects of relationships and rarely make mistakes. However, if the fortress does not want to give up, the Gemini guy may suddenly lose interest in his idea - there are a lot of pretty girls.

What kind of girls do Geminis like? They will be very interested in a developed, intellectually pleasant person, around whom a flock of admirers is hovering. This excites the imagination of Gemini and forces them to show interest in the object of much male attention.

Gemini's fickleness creates problems in long-term relationships: they cannot be trusted. The desire for a change in sensations leads Gemini through life and throws them into a whirlpool of romantic adventures. Today a man swears his love to the grave to one representative of the fair sex, and tomorrow he is already at the feet of another. The duality of nature does not tolerate any restrictions, as well as constancy.

Compatibility in love - with Aquarius, Leo, Libra. There can be a business relationship with Taurus, and a service relationship with Aries.

These people prefer spontaneity in their actions and do not recognize patterns and limiting frameworks. No one knows what motivates a Gemini man when he meets his next passion. It seems to him that he has met the love of his life. But this impression is deceptive: as soon as the restless heartthrob gets to know the woman better, she loses all attractiveness and interest.

A Gemini man cannot be called deceitful, because he is always sincere in his expression of feelings. However, for girls this type of guy poses a certain problem - they cannot be trusted at all. This is a red tape and a ladies' man, a sensualist and a heartthrob. It is more convenient for him to play the role of a lover for secret meetings than to limit himself to the framework of a legal relationship.

Unsuccessful alliance - with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

Girls prone to jealousy should learn one rule - it is impossible to try to reshape Gemini in your own way. No one managed to change the tendency to change impressions, and consequently, to the constant desire to flirt left and right. The girl must either come to terms with this peculiarity of Gemini’s temperament, or break up.

Family relationships

Does a Gemini guy never get legally married? The hymen also leads him to the altar of family relationships, but on the condition that the woman fully matches the temperament of her loving husband. In addition, the future spouse must be ready to bear the burden of responsibility for the family on her fragile shoulders and have a strong-willed character. But a Gemini husband can become a wonderful father, caring and loving. This quality cannot be taken away from them. Otherwise, everything will depend on the behavior of the spouse.

The characteristics of Gemini will be incomplete without mentioning their frivolous attitude towards finances: they are not able to retain money and are not prone to hoarding. The wife must solve this problem. Also, the wife will make all important decisions in the family. Gemini can suggest a creative way to deal with finances - how to make money quickly. But they are not always able to bring this creativity to life - they lack patience.

Geminis cannot be called ambitious, however, they can take failures hard. At this moment, the spouse needs the moral support of the other half. Fortunately, Geminis do not experience prolonged depression due to mood swings. Don’t be surprised if your husband goes to the nearest store to buy bread and returns a few hours later - after all, he met an old friend on the way! This should be treated with understanding, otherwise life together will turn into one big scandal.

The Gemini spouse is of little interest in everyday life, since the sphere of his main interests is outside the walls of the house. Don't count on help with housework - Geminis don't understand anything about this. With age, a Gemini man can settle down, but not so much as to lose interest in vigorous communication. But the Gemini husband will never complain about a dinner not being prepared on time or a laundry basket full of unwashed laundry: he won’t even notice it.


The Gemini man is sweet, charming, witty, friendly, resourceful, original, restless. He will make big promises and deliver little, because he will forget about you as soon as you disappear from his field of vision. He will make an appointment with you and be an hour and a half late, because he will meet a lot of interesting things along the way.

The Gemini husband is a bright and sociable person; you can guess his bad mood only by the gloomy tone of his eternal jokes. He has many acquaintances and connections, but they are more superficial than deep.

His element is friendly meetings, business contacts, conversations and discussions that do not require excessive seriousness and depth. Here he is like a fish out of water. Deprived of all this, he experiences a constant hunger for communication and is ready to satisfy it in any, sometimes not the most respectable, way. His inner world is known only to close and insightful people; he is not at all inclined to frankness. Communicating with him is easy and pleasant. His true affections are deep, although he rarely talks about his feelings, constantly laughing it off. In love, the main thing for him is the joy of communication, but he will respond to your feelings with all his soul. The Gemini man is very subtle and vulnerable; keep in mind that too violent an expression of your emotions can frighten and push him away.

The Gemini man will give you so many jokes, news and songs that you will forget about your problems for a while. If you become his reliable friend and pleasant conversationalist, your union will be strong. An eternal teenager, he gets along well with children. His games are original and witty.

Geminis often change friends, but this does not happen out of heartlessness, but from constantly changing interests from the desire to have partners with similar interests. Geminis do not suffer from nostalgia for the past, be it memories, things, people, places where they lived. Being very sociable by nature, Geminis hate loneliness and, being alone for a long time, may begin to shed tears, but this is nothing more than a manifestation of sentimentality. In general, if you want to attract the attention of a Gemini man for a long time, do not cling to him, do not expect constancy from him and, most importantly, be an interesting person.

Geminis (women and men) are very youthful: mobility, activity, youthfulness persists until old age: this is not only external, but also mental youthfulness. This sign probably has such a program - a program of intensive training - so there is no need to judge them, since through contacts they undergo an intensive school of life.

He is attracted to everything new, unknown. It seems to outsiders that he is scattered. Loves the changeable, rejects the constant. Loves light flirting and is afraid of deep love. In general, he loves company, he gets bored without friends and colleagues, and they communicate with him willingly - you won’t get bored with him.

The character is boyish; even after marriage he is inclined to lead a boyish lifestyle. He is an incurable romantic. At different periods of his life, he creates various images for himself and nourishes illusions, the common feature of which is their unreality. As a rule, he does not experience violent passions. Any phase of love play can satisfy him, after which he quickly and deeply falls asleep. The madness in sex, which he asks and hears about from time to time, is unfamiliar to him, cheating on his wife is not his favorite pastime, but he loves to receive guests, he has a sociable character, he loves to attract attention to himself, he loves to please everyone, to have fun.

Loving a Gemini man is easy and pleasant, unless you devote yourself to it with all your passion. Remember, the Gemini man has a certain spiritual essence that is unique to him, which he will not share with anyone, not even with you. Don’t complicate or dramatize your relationship, try to treat everything calmly and simply. Don't bore him, but try to awaken his imagination all the time. Don’t protest against its diversity, but change with it. Be a lively, interesting conversationalist, because the most important thing for a Gemini is the intellectual level of their partner. Unlike all other men who are intimidated by smart women, Gemini will prefer that you sparkle not with your clothes, but with your brilliant, sharp mind.

Love flares up very quickly, but ends just as quickly, so marriage with a Gemini is an equation with many unknowns. Often these people woo five people at the same time, choose one, and marry another. It is difficult to trap him, difficult to marry him, but even more difficult to keep him as a husband. And such a talkative husband will never be found again.

Geminis, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later the first marriage is concluded, the more likely it is that it will last for a long time. But even if a Gemini is married only once, he will compensate for his desire for duality with two cars, two apartments, two jobs, two diplomas, two hobbies, etc.

This person is always ready to reconsider his beliefs, changes his views, relationships, emotions. In both love and marriage, he always has the best intentions. He is always looking for the best partner, which is why he tries so many things to compare. Failures in love and marriage discourage him. Many Gemini men have been to the registry office three times, not to mention numerous love affairs. One woman or one worldview is never enough for him.

In financial matters he is also ambiguous. Either surprisingly generous, even wasteful, or stingy. But in the company of a Gemini, you will never be bored. When he is with you, you will be with not one, but two, or even three or four men at once. But there is no need to talk about any reliability. He can go buy bread from a nearby bakery and return three days later. If you try to find out where he was and what he was doing, your affair will most likely end there. Therefore, if your Gemini is very dear to you, pretend that nothing happened and learn to put up with his unpredictability and impermanence.

A Gemini man is a welcome guest in any home. He is extremely cheerful, a pleasant conversationalist, a master at telling jokes, and the life of the party.

If you happen to meet him at any social event, you will be unconditionally fascinated by him. But don't rush to take the fatal step. Think before you agree to become his wife. A Gemini's thoughts, desires, and moods are as changeable as the wind, and you may feel this before your honeymoon is over.

While courting you, he may one day appear at your house with flowers, perfume and books (one of which he wrote himself) and invite you to go to the theater or circus. All evening he will give you such attention, smiles, tender words and assurances of love, from which all other men will immediately fade in your eyes and you will feel like the happiest woman the next day, when you, with bated breath, wait his call, he will either cancel the date or not call at all. Thousands of doubts will begin to torment you. Maybe you behaved wrongly? Or was he just joking? Or maybe he was in trouble? Or does he have another woman? Any of these assumptions may turn out to be correct.

A week later, your lover will appear, but with a completely different mood. He will be maliciously sarcastic and irritated. He will not like everything about you: from lipstick to literary tastes. In another day he will be gloomy and silent and will Gemini man married questions you will not receive any intelligible answer.

If you manage to survive such a change in your lover, he will again appear cheerful, charming and witty, and you will again go to theaters and art galleries, museums and concerts and will be amazed again and again by the breadth of interests and erudition of your Gemini. This time he will be even more tender and attentive to you, and you yourself will not notice how you say “yes” to him.

If you are the type of woman who expects consistency, warmth and comfort from family life, then you are making the wrong choice. There are all shades in the Gemini mood palette - from sunny yellow and cloudless blue to hopeless gray, and it cannot be said that there are more joyful shades. Therefore, I will repeat to you once again: if you are a romantic looking for harmony in life, Gemini is certainly not your type of man.

With a Gemini husband, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem as jealousy. Even if some rumors reach him, he will most likely simply brush it off. After all, love for Gemini is, first of all, not physical, but intellectual intimacy. Therefore, if you are looking for community of interests and spiritual unity in marriage, Gemini will be a good partner for you.

You just need to get used to his numerous “ifs”, not to pay attention to some coldness and detachment, to his desire to have his head in the clouds. Never try to achieve anything from him by pushing Gemini against the wall or making a violent scene for him. This will not only not lead to the desired result, but will cause a reaction that is completely undesirable for you. The twin will simply disappear, dissolve, cease to exist for you. Don't forget that his sign is Air.

Will he remain faithful to you? In the form in which he understands it, without yes. Women feel extraordinary sympathy for Gemini, and he, for his part, is not indifferent to them. Therefore, most likely your life will not be calm. But if you sincerely believe him, he will never allow himself to destroy your faith, you can be sure. True, I mean precisely real, unconditional, reckless faith. If you secretly do not trust him, he will feel it and will not hesitate to take advantage of it. Geminis have the ability to read your secret thoughts - remember this. Don't think that your Gemini spouse will act around other women as if he doesn't notice them. On the contrary, he will happily chat with them, laugh and even have a drink or two. But this does not mean that he is flirting with them. Gemini needs listeners, and what gender they are is indifferent to him.

The woman who achieves intellectual harmony with her can be calm. He will not cheat on her either physically or morally. This is a rule to which there are practically no exceptions. And his smiles, exuding always and everywhere, are just a manner of behavior. He just can’t help but smile, just like the sun can’t help but shine. Understand and never reprimand him for it. Otherwise, you can ruin his character.

He will most likely develop friendly relations with children. He can teach them a lot. They will be happy to share their problems with him and trust him with their secrets. Gemini does not like to lecture and speak in an edifying tone. He is not a big disciplinarian, which makes the children more sympathetic. But his reluctance to insist on doing some obligatory things leads

Gemini (May 21-June 20) is the third sign of the zodiac cycle and the first sign of the element of Air, always depicted as two people, which is the main characteristic of the behavior of this sign. Duality, changeability, versatility, impermanence - characteristic features a person born under the constellation Gemini. On the other hand, joined hands represent the harmonious fusion of two types of energy - male and female, material and spiritual, potential and realization, wisdom and enlightenment.

There is a beautiful legend when the Creator placed 12 children in front of himself, and gave each of them a special gift. When it was Gemini’s turn, the Creator said, “And to you, Gemini, I give questions without answers, so that you can bring everyone an understanding of what a person sees around him. You will never know why people talk or listen, but in your search for answers you will discover my gift of Knowledge.”

Any Gemini is a mystery person, you can endlessly learn about his nature. The Gemini mind is always number one in readiness to perceive new information, and the mind is constantly making plans for new actions. It was this sign that gave the world the largest number of geniuses and madmen, adventurers and explorers. Innate curiosity, thirst for variety, energy and mobility, striving for the ideal - this is all about them, about Gemini, proudly walking through life in search of new horizons. The motto of the sign is “I think!” The key to a Gemini is to engage their mind.

Such talented people as Arthur Conan Doyle, Che Guevara, Joseph Brodsky, Peter I, Paul McCartney, Alexander Pushkin, Carl Faberge, Richard Strauss, Gauguin and many others were born under the sign of Gemini. Each of these men was able to bring something new into the world and forever enter world history.


The personality structure of a Gemini man is formed by the primary manifestation of the element of Air. All air people (Gemini, Aquarius and Libra) are characterized by mobility, activity, cheerfulness, and receptivity.

A man whose horoscope expresses the element of Air knows how to make an impression, easily grasps any information, and instantly adapts to any changes and changes in life. His strong point is spiritual and psychological flexibility, the ability to contact the outside world, his enemy is the lack of thoroughness and depth of thinking, unreliability, superficiality, nervousness. But here’s the paradox - an airy man amazingly knows how to present his shortcomings as advantages.

In Gemini, the Air is changeable, sometimes warm, sometimes cold, sometimes calm, sometimes hurricane, and sometimes both at the same time. The karmic task of the airy Gemini man is to multiply and transfer knowledge, experience, carry information, establish connections and provide support. This person performs his actions thanks to a clear, logical mind and charm, and thanks to them he can successfully evade his duties. Sometimes an airy Gemini man can be two-faced, superficial, deceitful, and emotionally cold.

The best compatibility among air people is observed with a related element - the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), because everyone knows that fire cannot exist without air. Their relationships can be incredibly promising and productive, whether it concerns their personal life or business life. Communication between people of both elements flows easily and naturally, sympathy arises quickly.

Compatibility with signs whose rulers are Earth and Water is also possible, but provided that they are able to come to terms with the love of freedom and independence of the free wind, they are not afraid of constant anxiety and change.

When choosing a place of residence, a Gemini man should pay attention to open areas, where there is a lot of air and space, and the sky is clearly visible. If you have to live in a multi-storey building, then this should be the last or one of the last floors, but in no case the first floor. Workplace It is recommended to choose near a window, next to a balcony or terrace.

Gemini men do not tolerate clutter in the room, so there should be a minimum of furniture in the apartment or office. Any convenient moment should be used to go outside or onto the balcony and breathe fresh air, even in winter.


The ruling planet of the Gemini man is Mercury. The function of this planet is interconnection, interchange, design of thoughts, transmission of information. Mercury, the “winged messenger of the gods,” controls the mental process, so the Gemini man, as a rule, is a great intellectual, a well-rounded personality. Mercury puts a model of curiosity in his brain, which forces a person to analyze everything, split and connect again, and quickly switch to a new task.

Some Gemini men, aware of their intelligence, become prim and arrogant people, take a position of superiority and begin to indulge their desires. A quick change of mood is not at all the depth of feelings, as many people think, but emotional coldness and the inability to worry for a long time. Another unfavorable influence of Mercury is talkativeness, intrigue, a tendency to fraud and theft.

Mercury is the god of luck and trade, which is why almost all Gemini men are great entrepreneurs. Mercury is also considered the patron of lawyers, intellectual workers and... thieves. It is because of the influence of Mercury that Gemini men seek ease, which is where they have a penchant for deception, a taste for gambling and alcoholism.

Talisman stone

Citrine is considered the strongest amulet for a Gemini man. This is a “warm” stone that protects against misfortune and deception, developing intuition and financial sense. The mineral patronizes speakers, politicians and public figures, and brings good luck to entrepreneurs and travelers.

The energy of citrine is like the sun, giving warmth and life. Being a powerful conductor of positive solar energy, it fills its owner with warmth and kindness, and helps normalize relationships in the family and at work. A talisman with citrine worn at night will ensure good sleep and relieve bad dreams and anxiety. The stone will also be useful for chronic fatigue syndrome, as it promotes the rapid restoration of strength and the human energy field.

Another suitable stone for a Gemini man is topaz. This stone develops intuition, teaches you to look for and correctly evaluate signs and signals sent by Providence. It sharpens the mind and gives an optimistic attitude, protects from lies and betrayal. Topaz is considered one of the most powerful amulets for attracting wealth, because a wise and positive person is capable of great things.

A talisman with topaz attracts friendship and love, imparts honesty, objectivity, and liberalism. As an amulet, topaz dispels the evil spells of sorcerers who can influence the element of Air. It treats nervous disorders, liver and asthma attacks by increasing the conductivity of the nervous system. Topaz is also considered a stone of wealth and recognition, so it is recommended to be worn by people with an unstable financial situation or who feel a lack of communication.

Beryl is no less powerful a talisman for a Gemini man than topaz or citrine. How a beryl talisman (especially in a gold frame) promotes philosophical contemplation and scientific research, brings its owner together with interesting people he needs. This stone can make its owner invincible, cure him of laziness and a tendency to deceive, and endow him with patience and insight.

Beryl is also considered the guardian of family happiness. It will be especially useful for couples who have been married for a long time and have lost the intensity of their feelings. In a house where there is beryl, quarrels rarely occur.

When choosing any piece of jewelry, astrologers advise Geminis to be very careful and not to wear several stones at the same time. After all, the action of one magic stone can be suppressed by the action of another. Any stone has a memory, so under no circumstances should it be given or given to another person, even a close relative.


A silver or gold key is perfect for a sociable Gemini man as a talisman - it will help open the doors to many hearts and help establish contact with the interlocutor. It is best to wear such a talisman on a chain around your neck, or in a purse, wrapped in a piece of fabric of any color except black. In a difficult situation, you need to hold the key in your right hand.

Among the entire zodiac circle, it is difficult to find a person who combines so many characters in one personality. However, such changeability can be detrimental to a man’s psyche. Therefore, a mask - real or miniature, painted or engraved - will suit him as excellent protection.

A talisman for Gemini can be a snake, or for the bravest, a real tame reptile. The snake is the personification of strength and pure energy; it brings good luck, success in endeavors, insight and courage to its owner. Wearing a talisman at the level of the solar plexus promotes the development of intelligence, gives the mind soundness and wisdom.

The snake talisman is not recommended to be worn on a sick and weak body, as well as when the nervous system is exhausted and in stressful situations. It may happen that a weak, passive person breaks under the pressure of the powerful energy of the snake talisman and turns into a caricature character. Therefore, before acquiring this powerful talisman, the Gemini man should give himself an objective assessment. The peak activity of the snake talisman is the second half of the day or night, so at night, for a restful sleep, it should be removed.

All twins love and know how to work with papers, so a diary or a paper bill can become a talisman for them. It should be remembered that the bill must be irredeemable. Also, any thing that carries an information flow or is associated with movement is suitable as a talisman - a flash drive, a pen, a favorite pencil, and even a car.

Any talisman, of course, can be bought, but if you make it yourself, it will be much more powerful. In order for the purchased talisman to “earn”, a lot of time must pass so that it has time to be “saturated” with human energy. It is recommended to often take the amulet in your hands and talk to it, ask for help.


Most Gemini men are characterized by small facial features, small but very intelligent eyes with a sly squint, a penetrating, slightly mocking look, a smooth high forehead, a straight, elongated, well-shaped nose and thin, tightly compressed lips. If a man has a snub nose, it means he is prone to frivolity and frivolity. The oval of the face is slightly elongated, the chin is pointed. Hair is rarely curly, most often it is sparse and straight.

Gemini's gaze never lingers long on one object, which is why it seems to be running. Among them you can find brown-eyed men, but most often typical Gemini men, whose patron is Mercury, have very beautiful, crystal-clear blue, green or gray eyes.

Typical Gemini men are not tall and have a thin build, they are very mobile and easy to climb, but at the same time they are not distinguished by great physical strength and endurance. On the contrary, among them there are many rather frail and small people, but their strength lies in their intellect, and not in their muscles.

Often Gemini men have an attractive, charismatic appearance, and even over the years they do not lose their physical attractiveness. But the main secret of their attractiveness lies in the ability to communicate and make an impression, a sense of humor and spontaneity. Any Gemini man can easily charm any person with just words. He often exudes nervous energy, which is easily felt by those around him.

Character Traits

A Gemini man is always a man of mood, diverse, versatile, intelligent, witty and resourceful. These people are excellent opportunists and diplomats, cheerful optimists who know how to show originality and originality.

Finding himself in a difficult life situation, the resourceful and dexterous Gemini man will either get away with it little blood and will relieve himself of all responsibility, or adapt to it. Duplicity is his main character trait, because there are always two people in him, sometimes very different from each other. His personalities range from a fluffy kitten to a lying scoundrel.

Despite his openness and apparent simplicity, this man is a true master at hiding his true intentions and thoughts. He is not attached to the past, does not suffer from nostalgia, and easily changes his place of residence, work and friends. To be completely honest, the Gemini man is a rather superficial person, the depth of feelings and the ability to sincerely empathize are not given to him. Often he deliberately avoids any attachments, preferring to live life without obligations and problems.

Conservatism is not characteristic of Gemini; it is absolutely natural for them to constantly study and be in a state of vigorous activity. They, like no one else, know how to do several things at the same time, and at the same time achieve good results. Gemini's talkativeness can easily develop into talkativeness; he can lie without his own lies causing him the slightest discomfort. Such a person may lie for the sake of lying, and not because it is really necessary. Often, a Gemini man arranges his life so cleverly that he does not have to strain himself either mentally or physically.

Any Gemini man is a favorite of the public and a wonderful conversationalist, for whom there is nothing worse than loneliness. But his sympathies and moods change so quickly that we are not talking about a devoted and long friendship, but rather about acquaintances, of which he always has a great many. The process of adaptation to a new society takes him a minimum amount of time.

Men born under the sign of Gemini are conventionally divided into two types by astrologers:

  • The first type of Gemini lives an active spiritual life, his mind and intellect are aimed at studying higher values. Such a person is seriously interested in art, but the physical side of life worries him little. He will not waste his time on trifles - this is his strength and his weakness.
  • The second type of Gemini man is the complete opposite of the first. He revels in the momentary entertainment of the material world, constantly seeks variety and does not strive to understand the spiritual world. His motto is “Live here and now!”, and the past and future are of little interest to him. All of this person’s affections are shallow and temporary, but he is quite clever and knows how to manipulate people. He often wastes his excellent intellect on trifles.

Psychologically, both types of Gemini men are the coldest signs of the Zodiac. At the same time, they are very observant and even caring, but only to certain limits. You shouldn’t consider them soulless, they just perceive the world completely differently, and this is not their fault. The Gemini man is an actor, philosopher, intellectual and deceiver rolled into one.


The main reason why a Gemini man can get sick is boredom and loneliness, and everything else is secondary. Once a new business or hobby appears, a person changes before our eyes, new strength and enthusiasm appear. Any cognitive process related to professional activity or simply curiosity can play the role of a magical cure.

However, although Gemini is considered a strong sign, their health is not that good. A continuous state of mental movement and the constant accumulation of new information depletes a man’s nervous system, so he needs more time for sleep and rest than other people.

Geminis can rarely be seen doing heavy physical work, but they should not forget that movement is life and devote more time to physical training and spend more time in the fresh air.

The most vulnerabilities in the body of a Gemini man are the nervous system and respiratory organs; they often have migraines, arthritis, and rheumatism. They are well acquainted with insomnia, neurasthenia, psychosis, memory and speech disorders, especially in old age.

And although Geminis are intellectual signs, they tend to believe advertising and swallow pills by the handful, conduct various experiments on their bodies, believe charlatans and pseudo-healers.


Most people born under the sign of Gemini earn their living through mental work. Where Geminis have no equal is in trade, because they are patronized by the god of trade, Mercury. Such a person can easily sell snow in winter, since it is very difficult to resist his pressure and eloquence. A Gemini man can make an excellent manager, traveling salesman, advertising agent, entrepreneur, mediator, businessman.

The second path where Geminis are no less successful is journalism. These are fast-acting and quick-thinking people who know how to receive and sort a large amount of information, as well as present it correctly. They are always happy to be on a trip, and everyday difficulties will be the last thing they worry about. Various parties, press conferences, castings, meetings - they will be at ease everywhere.

Among Geminis there are a lot of real polyglots, philosophers, teachers, professors, diplomats, writers, art critics, and politicians. The main thing is that the profession does not imply routine and monotony, but provides the opportunity to develop, communicate and learn something new.

The Gemini man has wonderful organizational skills, has the gift of persuasion and eloquence. But he's not too keen on leadership positions, because he doesn’t like and tries to avoid responsibility. But if he does become a leader, he will command promptly and intelligently. He perfectly knows how to negotiate with people and correctly use his numerous connections and acquaintances.

The professional fate of a Gemini man is restless, changeable and subject to many changes. Internal restlessness and distraction greatly affect his career; he often tries to “sit on two chairs.” Successful career advancement requires consistency, deep knowledge, and concentration on one goal. If a man has not been accustomed to responsibility and hard work since childhood, then he faces the typical Gemini dissipation of strength, painful indecision and eternal search.

Financial well-being

There are not many people among Geminis who have become truly rich. They have a rather complicated relationship with money, since financial well-being is not a priority for them. And although there are many rational and sober-minded people among those born under the sign of Gemini, they never make a cult out of money.

In financial matters, the Gemini man is as varied and changeable as in life. In some ways he is generous and even wasteful, and in others he is stingy and stingy. Given the tendency to spend money spontaneously, it is usually difficult for him to accumulate significant financial resources. Often he does not know how to wisely distribute his income, constantly borrows money and does not always pay it back on time. Thanks to their intelligence and ingenuity, Geminis know how to earn a lot of money, but they are not focused on savings, so all their money flows like sand through their fingers.

More sensible Gemini men save money, but under the influence of their mood they can spend it all or even lose it in one day. Various financial frauds and money scams are what these people are prone to and what they should refrain from.


For a Gemini man, sex is the area where he completely loses all his lightness, mobility, and even freedom. He becomes dependent on his partner, and fear of loss appears. While the courtship process is underway, it is difficult to find a person more relaxed and charming, but this lasts only until he crosses the threshold of the bedroom. Here his uncertainty and nervousness may manifest itself, and since it is the psycho-emotional state that affects the sexual confidence of any man, various misfires and failures are possible here, especially with an unfamiliar partner. Among Gemini men there are virtuoso lovers, but there are few of them.

A distinctive feature of Gemini sexuality is its spiritual nature. The spiritual qualities of a partner must be emphasized by physical beauty - then the man will have no chance to resist. He should be able to show off his partner like a diamond in a precious setting.

Understanding the sexual preferences of a Gemini man can only be done experimentally - they are all so different. But don’t delude yourself and trust him completely. This man is a subtle psychologist and expert on human souls, therefore, for the sake of seduction, he will, without a twinge of conscience, tell a woman what she wants to hear. The Gemini man is an emotionally cold person, at the same time technical and observant. He is more concerned not with intimacy itself, but with its image in his imagination. Hence his love of having sex with the lights on and many mirrors.

Among Gemini men, more often than among other signs there are fetishists, various perverts, as well as people who take a vow of celibacy. They are not at all against bisexual relationships, group or same-sex sex - this way they have the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity and try “everything in life.”

Love and marriage

Despite the fact that the Gemini man himself rarely experiences deep feelings for anyone, he really needs to be loved. In his soul, he is afraid of being alone, dreams of being loved, of becoming an object of female care and affection. But the trouble is, he has difficulty admitting his sympathy, not to mention stronger feelings, especially if he is truly in love.

Gemini, unlike other signs, are not ardent owners, so they will not create scenes of jealousy, but they will also demand a certain freedom for themselves, which, however, has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity. This man is quite capable of remaining faithful to his beloved, but, as a rule, he tries to assert himself through new connections on the side, to satisfy his natural curiosity. Therefore, a single marriage in the life of a Gemini man is rare. Only over the years, having gained wisdom and appreciating the delights of family values, can he settle down and become an exemplary spouse.

If a woman expects comfort, warmth, constancy and harmony in family life, then a Gemini man will not suit her, since the main trait of his character is changeability. He needs a wife who is not too domineering and passionate, but who will share his interests, easy-going, ready to accept his many friends, and not too attached to the house and household. The man himself is practically indifferent to how comfortable and clean his home is, since his main interests are concentrated outside the home.

The Gemini man will constantly look for a reason to stay away from home and family, and attempts to change him will only escalate the situation. Dramatic, complex relationships, full of passion and madness - this is not for Gemini, who seek ease and tranquility in everything. A woman who can achieve complete intellectual harmony with him can be truly happy.

Children are the weakness of fathers born under the constellation Gemini. For them, he is more of a comrade and friend than a strict teacher. Friendly, trusting relationships are often established between fathers and children; often a father greatly spoils his offspring, which greatly spoils their character, but he can give them a lot in terms of intellectual and spiritual development.

Compatibility Horoscope

Gemini-Aries- they can create a wonderful friendly and creative union, but in a marriage union, the frivolity of Gemini can greatly irritate the hot-tempered Aries. But they can be forever united by a tireless thirst for activity, common interests and goals, as well as general ideas about life. An Aries woman can make her man more confident in himself, since she will have to be the leader in the relationship.

Gemini-Taurus- this will be a very strange couple, since the partners live with different interests and have different ideas about family life. Such a union will be accompanied by crises and trials, jealousy, betrayal and conflicts are possible. However, if they are able to show mutual tolerance and begin to listen to each other, then peaceful coexistence is quite possible.

Gemini the Twins- an unpromising union, since they do not know how and do not want any stability. They feel good together in bed, at a friendly party, at work, but not in marriage. But even good sex will not be able to tie them to each other for a long time; very soon there will be a drop in mutual interest, and then complete cooling. Fortunately, all twins know how to part ways painlessly and even maintain friendly relations.

Gemini-Cancer- this couple has a lot in common, including some inconsistency in behavior. But the Cancer woman is a big owner and is very attached to home, so for a long-term relationship she will have to come to terms with the frivolity of Gemini. Relationships against the backdrop of mutual concessions can be strong and fruitful.

Gemini-Leo- a promising union, especially if the Gemini man agrees to give up the palm to the Lioness. In response, she will readily give him a certain amount of freedom, but on the condition that he does not infringe on her pride and provoke her to jealousy. Gemini, under the influence of Lioness, will become more organized and consistent.

Gemini-Virgo- an unpromising union of two opposites. Deep feelings between them are almost impossible, although of course there are exceptions. Most likely, their life together will be like a war that will end in defeat for both. The frivolity and optionality of Gemini does not in any way combine with the analytical mind and thoroughness of Virgo. They have no emotional compatibility, they are not interested in being together and do not feel the need for communication.

Gemini-Libra- excellent compatibility of two air signs, based on mutual understanding and commonality of behavior. The Libra woman’s ability to arrange a cozy home will be appreciated by the impractical Gemini, and she, in turn, will provide him complete freedom actions, even to the detriment of their interests and desires. One of the important unifying moments can be the intellectual communication of two interesting personalities.

Gemini-Scorpio- a very difficult and even dramatic union for both partners. Scorpio is a great jealous and owner, and Gemini is a flighty and fickle person. The Gemini man will have to suffer from constant criticism from his Scorpio woman, and gradually he will begin to perceive her as a burden. In order for this union to have even the slightest prospect, both partners will have to learn to accept each other as they are and not try to change each other.

Gemini-Sagittarius- a completely successful union of two freedom-loving people. Without creating frameworks and rules, they can feel quite comfortable in marriage. They both value freedom and are overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge; they are able to quickly forget mutual claims and grievances. Both partners can remain young at heart for a long time, regardless of age, both are easy-going and know how to make concessions.

Gemini-Capricorn- a fairly common alliance, but how long will it last? This is exactly the case when it is quite difficult to predict the fate of a relationship. Being representatives of two intellectual signs, a man and a woman will quickly discover common interests, but the differences between them are too great. In this couple, a lot will depend on the Capricorn woman, since it is she who will have to compromise with her nature. She will have to understand that it is impossible to re-educate a Gemini man.

Gemini-Aquarius- this couple has almost perfect compatibility both in life and in bed. Of course, they may also have quarrels and problems, but they are usually easily overcome and rarely lead to separation. The biggest threat to the marriage of Gemini and Aquarius may be the inconstancy of both signs. If an astute Aquarius woman finds out that her husband is cheating on her, then nothing can stop her from getting a divorce.

Gemini-Pisces- a very complex and contradictory alliance that has almost no chance in the future. Pisces live in the past and future, are very attached to their family, while Gemini lives here and now, it is difficult for them to sit within four walls. Each of the partners has a rich inner world, which they carefully protect from strangers, even the closest people. The Pisces woman in this couple will suffer from the inconstancy of her man, but she, like no one else, needs a sense of security.

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