Why do you dream about a hole? Why do you dream about graves, and should you be afraid of such dreams?

Seeing a hole in a night dream is often a bad sign, especially if you carelessly fell into it. But by listening to your intuition and using decryptions, you can find the right solution to avoid troubles and problems in real life.

A hole in the ground in a dream

A very common question is why you dream about a hole in the ground. Such a symbol in most cases is interpreted as an unkind omen associated with an impending disaster. But at the same time, you should know that the pit symbolizes things in real life that the dreamer constantly thinks about. For example, this could be work or relationships with loved ones. For an accurate interpretation, you need to remember the appearance of the hole in your night dreams, understand where it was, and what actions were taken in the dream.

Why do you dream of digging a hole?

Many dreamers are interested in why they dream of digging a hole. Such a dream is always alarming, because it is mistakenly interpreted as a symbol of a decline in living standards. But it’s unlikely that digging a hole should be associated with regression in real life. It all depends on the storyline and on the many nuances that exist in night dreams. Thus, in Miller’s dream book, all land work is considered favorable symbols.

With what feelings did you dig the hole?

When interpreting dreams with a pit, you need to pay attention to the following:

    If the dreamer in his night dreams had to dig a hole with a shovel with his own hands and voluntarily, this means that in real life the person will experience a period of stability and prosperity; If he had to dig a hole under duress, this means that in reality the dreamer is quite happy with the role of a subordinate; When you dream If you force someone to dig a hole in your night dreams, then soon in real life you will have to be disappointed in your loved one or partner; When you had to dig a hole with your hands in a dream, this means that all problems in real life will have to be solved on your own, rely on no one's help is needed. In addition, such a dream warns that at work the dreamer should be wary of intrigues from colleagues and expect dissatisfaction from his superiors.

If the ground in night dreams is loose, so there were no difficulties with digging a hole, then this means that vital problems should soon be positively resolved in reality. In this case, the dreamer will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

If in a dream you had to dig a hole with a shovel, then in real life a strong patron will appear who will help solve all existing problems. Such a dream can also signal that the dreamer may have some minor troubles at work; you should not dwell on them, as they can be overcome very quickly. Burying a hole with earth in a dream means committing an act in reality that will radically change the opinions of people around you about you.

Watch the hole being dug

When in a dream the dreamer observes that another person is digging a hole, this means that the sleeping person may soon become seriously ill. Sometimes such a dream can predict the illness of loved ones.

Fall into a hole

A dream in which the dreamer had to fall into a hole is not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will have to face great difficulties. Most likely, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a difficult life situation with dignity. This means that this can negatively affect the entire future life.

If you happen to fall into a toilet pit in your night dreams, this can be interpreted in different ways:

    If, according to the plot, you fell into a garbage pit, but after that you managed to quickly get out of the pit, then this indicates that the gossip that ill-wishers will spread about you will not harm you. But if you had to sit in a toilet pit for a long time, it means that in reality your reputation will suffer. Falling into a toilet pit indicates that in real life you will have to endure shame. But if, after getting out of it, you find that the pockets of your clothes are filled with feces, then in reality you will very soon get rich.

Falling into a hole - dream book

When in your night dreams you have to fall into a hole, then there is a high probability that in the real world you will commit an unseemly act. For family people, such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal.

Fall into a pit with animals

To fall into a hole in a dream, at the bottom of which there are animals, means to find yourself in a difficult situation in real life. Moreover, the reason for this will be the negligence and stupidity of the dreamer. In such a situation, it is unlikely that anything can be changed. You need to go through all the difficulties with your head held high and try not to commit rash acts in the future.

Fall into a pit with an aggressive animal

Falling into a pit containing very aggressive animals is very bad. Such a dream indicates that in real life you will have to communicate with powerful and unkind people. Your well-being in life will entirely depend on them.

When a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a large pit in a dream, this predicts loneliness for her in reality. For a man, a similar dream predicts receiving a very lucrative offer in real life. After such nightly dreams, wonderful prospects open up before the dreamer.

Pit with water

A pit with water in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. But in any case, the interpretation of night dreams largely depends on the quality of the water and where it was located.


    A deep hole with dirty water, seen from the outside in a dream, predicts that in real life you will have to make a difficult decision or a difficult choice. A dirty hole filled with water, which is located directly in front of the threshold of your own home, foreshadows the illness of one of the household members.

If a pit filled with clean water appears in night sins, then this symbolizes the uncontrollable course of affairs in real life. This means that no matter what efforts you make, you will not be able to take control of everything.

Pit in the sand - interpretation of sleep

A hole dug in the sand is a warning about the precariousness of the dreamer’s position in real life. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer does not have reliable support in reality.

Pit with flowers

Some dream books have an interpretation of a hole with flowers. Such a symbol smoothes out the entire unpleasant nature of the dream with a pit. Night dreams, in which a vision of a pit with flowers appeared, promise the onset of a pleasant life period filled with surprises and joyful events.

Fresh pit

A good omen is a snow hole. After such a dream, you should expect a love adventure in reality. Also, such a dream foreshadows a very prosperous life.

Pothole in the road

If there is a hole in the road, then this is a sign that the planned trip will be unsuccessful. Such a dream can predict that in reality it will not be possible to complete the work started. In addition, such a dream warns that the dreamer is surrounded by insincere people whose support should not be counted on.

See a hole in the house

A hole in the house is an unfavorable sign. This is a sign of the onset of very difficult times, which will be associated with need and poverty. For a woman, such a plot of night dreams is associated with alienation from her chosen one. Another interpretation of such a dream is related to the fact that the dreamer will have to experience disappointment in love.

A hole in the yard, behind the gate or in the garden

A hole in the yard of your own house predicts the emergence of dangers in real life for the whole family. If a hole is dug in front of the gate, then this portends that one of the things the dreamer has started will not work out. A hole in the garden portends troubles in the work sphere.

Dreamed of a cesspool

If you dream of a full cesspool, then in the near future the dreamer will receive important news.

When you dreamed of a pit with mud, you should analyze the storyline very carefully:

    If you dream that you are crawling out of a hole, then this is a positive dream, which indicates that in real life you will be able to cope with any difficulties, no matter how difficult they may seem. When you dream that you are burying a hole, then this symbolizes that you will always and strive to be honest in everything, even to your own detriment. When you managed to step over a hole in your night dreams, this foreshadows a conflict with management.

See a pit with shit

A pit of shit seen in a dream symbolizes prosperity in real life. This sign is positive for entrepreneurs and businessmen. This indicates that the business will develop successfully and in reality it will be possible to make a good profit.

Dreaming of a deep hole

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream of a deep hole. And this is understandable, because such a symbol always looks scary in real life. A bottomless, black pit dug in an unknown place warns the dreamer that his actions in reality are wrong. You need to stop in time and analyze your actions so as not to confuse the situation even more. The sooner you can correct the mistakes made, the better.

Huge pit - the meaning of sleep

A huge hole in a dream can also be a warning that the dreamer will soon experience health problems. It is especially dangerous if the dug hole is of unknown origin. If after such a dream you feel slightly unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Empty pit

When a deep empty hole in a dream is dug by you with your own hands, this indicates that difficult times are coming in the business sphere. You should be prepared to simply survive the difficulties. During this period, you should behave very carefully and not make rash decisions.

If you have to descend to the bottom of an empty pit using a rope, then this foreshadows the reality of doing empty work that will not be useful. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to refuse such work. If you push yourself, you can undermine your mental and physical strength.

Many dreamers are very interested in the question of why they dream of a grave pit. This is a bad sign, which, in general, foreshadows serious misfortunes and problems in life.

Digging a grave in your night dreams means that in reality you will meet with opponents who will try to defeat you. If you just happen to see a grave pit from the side in your night dreams, then this foreshadows troubles at work. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal of friends. If you see yourself standing over a grave pit, this means that in reality you need to be wary of an accident.

Pit in the cemetery

A dug hole in a cemetery symbolizes the end of a black streak of life. After such a dream, the dreamer’s financial situation will gradually begin to recover in real life and his personal life will improve. A particularly good omen is a freshly dug hole in a cemetery. She indicates that positive changes will soon come in life.

Why do you dream of a man in a hole?

If in night dreams the dreamer sees that another person is in a hole, then this is an unpleasant sign. It indicates that the sleeping person will have to become a victim of intrigue in reality.

Standing on the edge of a hole

If, according to the plot of the dream, a person is standing on the edge of a pit, then this indicates that the dreamer needs to assess the situation in real life. After this, you will need to make a decision to change your life direction.

deep hole

If you dug a deep hole in the ground, and according to the plot of the dream, you descended into it voluntarily and independently, but cannot get out of it, then this indicates that you are fully aware of your mistakes. The time has come to correct them, but, unfortunately, this will not be easy. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you still manage to get out of the hole on your own, then this is a sign that everything will end well.

A child falls into a hole in a dream

When you dream that a child falls into a hole, this symbolizes inner fear for your child. Also, such a dream may foretell that a grown-up child will soon leave his parents’ nest. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to pull him out of the hole, then this symbolizes the close spiritual connection between parents and children. In dream books there is another interpretation of a dream in which the child is in a hole. When a child falls into a hole, one should expect betrayal from loved ones. Moreover, this will be completely unexpected for the dreamer. Betrayal will cause so much pain that you will have a strong desire to take revenge yourself. But it is better not to do this, otherwise many problems will arise. The optimal way out of such a situation is to break off all relations with the traitor and sever all contacts with him.

Why do you dream about a grave? It is believed that with such a dream, deceased relatives remind us of the need to visit their last resting place in the cemetery and remember them. But many compilers of dream books do not agree with this interpretation and offer their own:

Intelligent dream book

Digging up someone else's grave means death. Seeing a graveyard where loved ones are buried is a sign of litigation.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If the dream concerns the burial of a loved one, for example, you dreamed of the grave of a deceased mother or grandmother, it means that you are developing a chronic disease. Seeing the grave of a loved one suffering from illnesses is a bad sign. Such a dream may even hint at death.


Finding yourself buried alive in a dream means wealth and abundance.

Maly Velesov

According to this dream book, a grave in a dream foreshadows news from distant places. Found in it is a good sign; it predicts sudden enrichment. Digging a hole yourself means incurring financial damage through your own fault. A plundered last shelter in a dream brings bad news. Visiting a friend’s grave is a sign of marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

If you dreamed that you worked as a gravedigger, this is a great sign. Seize the moment of luck. Walking through a cemetery and falling into a recently dug hole means learning something new and very important about your neighbors and friends. An old crumbling graveyard dreams of reconciliation with an enemy. Dreaming of a mass grave symbolizes rumors and deception.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

This interpreter explains why the grave is dreamed of. If she is well-groomed and wearing flowers, this means success with the opposite sex. Only a looted, empty pit symbolizes illness and failure. Even seeing yourself buried is a profit, and it will be greater the higher the mound is built. And the graves on the war memorial are to unfading glory.

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream you discover a half-filled grave, and in it a familiar person. This dream foretells danger for your friend. Looking at your monument means revealing a conspiracy being prepared against you. Digging a burial hole in a dream means that in reality you have a tough opponent. But if you manage to complete your work without waking up, you will defeat your competitor.

A loved one will turn away from you if you see in a dream an empty grave with a corpse disappearing from it. It is a very bad sign to see a wedding in a cemetery near graves in your sleep. This means that one of the newlyweds will die as a result of the disaster.


Usually, dreams about graves speak of possible misfortunes and illnesses. For a girl to walk through a cemetery - to an unhappy marriage. Do you read the names and surnames of those buried, epitaphs in your dreams? You will be worried about troubles.

In a dream, seeing your grave means a fatal change in fate. Dream warning: someone has just been buried. This portends danger and speaks of possible suffering. An overgrown churchyard - to search for the direction of life's path. A wise new acquaintance will help you discover it.


This dream book tells why you dream about the grave of a deceased relative or friend. Visiting such burials is a sign of marriage. Being in a hole yourself means problems in business, at work.


If you bury someone, it means you are burying your abilities in the ground. If you are in the pit yourself - to inheritance.


If a dream takes you to a cemetery, it warns of possible financial troubles. It's not a good sign to dig a burial hole or throw yourself into it. This is usually a sign of possible jail time.


Graves in a dream foreshadow the imminent death of a loved one. This is a particularly bad symbol for a patient.

Muslim dream book

Is your dream about preparing a burial site? Soon you will start building a new house.

Interpreter Vanga

If night visions showed you your own grave, this dream is unfavorable. He talks about changes in life for the worse. Several burials lead to a whole chain of unfortunate accidents.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Digging a hole for burial in a cemetery means that you will soon find your soulmate. And burying a coffin means getting rid of a chronic disease forever. The dream book interprets walking between graves as a sign of a break in relationships, divorce.

So, the fourth obligatory action that must be performed in relation to a deceased believer is his burial. This is a collective responsibility for Muslims.

In a hadith narrated by al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi, it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Whoever dugs the grave of a Muslim and, having laid him in it, falls asleep, the Almighty will give him the same reward for this as for building a house for a needy person, in which he would live until the Day of Judgment ».

Burial rules according to Sharia are as follows. It is recommended to bury the deceased as soon as possible. A Muslim should only be buried in a Muslim cemetery. You can bury the deceased after sunset. In the event of an epidemic or war, it is permissible to bury several dead in one grave, installing barriers between their bodies.

The smallest and most necessary grave is a hole that, after burying the deceased in it, prevents the spread of odor from his body and protects his body from wild animals, that is, protects him from predators digging up his grave and eating his body.

If, without digging a hole and laying the body of the deceased directly on the surface of the soil, you build some kind of structure over it or cover it with a lot of stones and earth, this will not be enough, even if this prevents the spread of smell and protects against wild animals. Because it is not called burial, and for the action to be called burial, it is necessary to dig a hole (grave).

You cannot bury in the same way in houses built underground, because even if this protects from animals, it does not prevent the spread of smell. This is what it says in the book “Tuhfat”.

Ibn Salah and Subuki say that burying the deceased in such (underground) houses is sinful (haram).

Ibn Qasim writes that if this house is built in a hole (underground) and protects the deceased from wild animals and smell, then it is enough to bury it there, and if it does not meet these requirements, then the deceased is not buried in it. This is what it says in the book “I’anat”.

The book “Bushra al-Karim” gives three reasons in favor of the prohibition of burying the deceased in such houses:

1) mixing dead men and women in them;

2) there is a need to bury the next deceased there, until the body of the person buried there has completely decomposed;

3) and this does not prevent the spread of the smell emanating from the dead.

Construction of the grave

A grave (kabr) can be built in different ways - it depends on the composition, moisture and density of the soil, as well as on the topography of the area where the cemetery is located.

The grave of a Muslim is a pit, in one of the walls of which there is a niche (lyahd). The hole is dug in such a way that its dimensions correspond to the size of the deceased, i.e. the length of the grave will be slightly greater than the height of the deceased, the width will be half the length of the grave (about 60–80 cm), the depth will be at least 150 cm, but it is better (sunna) to dig the grave is deeper (usually up to 190–230 cm).

In the book “Bushra al-Karim” it is written that it is sunnah for the niche in the grave to be wide and free, in particular those sides where the head and legs of the deceased rest, so that this allows the deceased to be laid a little in the position in which the person is when bowing from the waist in prayer (ruku'). This is also stated in an authentic hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). It was reported from Hashim ibn Amir that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Dig a grave, make it big and do it well "(Ibn Majah).

The optimal size of the grave is such that its width allows both the person burying the deceased and the deceased himself to freely descend there. And it is better for the depth to be such that if a person of average height, going down into the grave, raises his hands up, then they would not come out of the grave, that is, higher (approximately 225 cm).

It is also advisable that the ceiling on both sides be high, in case the body of the deceased swells, so that it does not touch the ceiling. It is even necessary to make the ceiling so high.

If the soil is dense, then it is better to make a niche at the bottom of the grave for the body of the deceased, in which the deceased could freely fit. The niche is placed in the wall of the grave that is located on the side of the Qibla, and is of such a height that it is possible to sit in it (i.e., approximately 80–100 cm), and slightly wider than the width of the shoulders of the deceased (minimum 50 cm).

Sometimes, if the soil is moist and soft, a thin slab is placed in this niche to the right of the body, and a thicker slab to the left and the ceiling is strengthened. And in some cases, at the bottom of the grave, leaving a space in the middle sufficient to place the body of the deceased in it, a wall is erected on both sides.

Then the body of the deceased is placed there, with the face directed towards the Qibla, the ceiling is covered with stone or wooden slabs and the grave is completely filled up.

It is not customary for Muslims to be buried in a coffin (tabut) - this is undesirable (makrooh), although it is not prohibited. In exceptional cases, the dead are buried in a coffin, and this will not be makruh, for example, if a Muslim died and his body was dismembered or when the corpse had already decomposed, etc.

It is forbidden to bury a Muslim in a wall, as well as cremate his body, even if he bequeathed this during his lifetime or gave his consent to this.

Dreams have always played a big role in human life. Get answers to long-standing questions, find out a hint, or see something unusual - everything is available in dreams to absolutely every person. It should not be ruled out that dreams have a great influence on a person’s subsequent decisions. However, not everything can be so colorful. People can also have scary dreams that remain in their memory for a long period. For example, why do you dream about graves? To figure out whether this dream really contains a bad signal to the dreamer, you should turn to the main dream books and analyze the information.

To figure out whether this dream really contains a bad signal to the dreamer, you should refer to the main dream books

In life, the grave carries a negative sign, since it is a symbol of death and the dead. The other world often frightens people. This frightening picture, relative to dream books, is not very bad, since there are also positive aspects here. They may be as follows:

  1. Astromeridian's dream book connects relatives with the grave. For example, the dreamer saw in a dream the grave of one of his relatives - in this case he should be more careful, since an accident and the appearance of a chronic illness are possible. If the dreamer saw the grave of a person who is currently ill, then this may become a sign of his future death.
  2. The Psychoanalytic Dream Book has quite an interesting meaning. It says that an unconscious transformation of the body will occur. Also, it has a female symbol.
  3. The lunar dream book interprets this differently. If a person buries a grave, then he is literally burying his talent and thereby harming himself.

Grave in the dream book (video)

Seeing an empty grave pit in a dream

The grave pit is an unpleasant symbol for many, as it is directly associated with death and the dead. Dream books say that seeing an empty grave pit is not a pleasant sign, on the contrary, it is a bad sign.

The grave pit is an unpleasant symbol for many

This is a clear example that the dreamer will be hurt through a dishonest and unpleasant act. Often this can be a warning of a future serious illness. The general meaning is the appearance of ill-wishers in the near future. This can cause certain problems at work.

Why do you dream about a cemetery?

The very appearance of a cemetery in dreams can have both positive and negative meanings. The exact meaning can be obtained by identifying additional aspects of the dream, because they play a big role in this. However, if you dreamed of a cemetery without various actions with it, this is not a bad thing.

  1. Vanga's dream book says that in this dream one should consider various images, such as monuments or crosses. If a person did not experience fear or other unpleasant emotions, successful moments will come into his life.
  2. With the image of a clean and well-kept cemetery, one should expect a complete recovery of a relative if he is sick.
  3. On the other hand, if an old, neglected and dirty cemetery appears, the dreamer can live a long and happy life.

Lying in a grave in a dream

For every person, a terrible moment can be when he lies in the grave. It is clear that this only causes bad emotions. The appearance of this dream is also not excluded and has different interpretations. They may be as follows:

  • on the one hand, this is a sign of obstacles in actions due to which a person will not be able to achieve the desired result;
  • on the other hand, the esoteric dream book says that this will lead to receiving an inheritance or successful moments in life.

This is a sign of obstacles in actions due to which a person will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Obviously, the variety of meanings affects a person's expectations. To have a more accurate interpretation, you should pay attention to additional aspects of the dream, because they can greatly help in finding the final meaning.

Fall, fall into the grave in a dream

Another terrible event for a person can be that he falls into the grave by accident. Often negative values ​​are tied to this. This may also have an impact on the interpretation of this dream.

He considers this point in sufficient detail in his dream book. White Mage Yu Longuo. It says that falling into a freshly dug grave will symbolize meeting people whom the dreamer does not know well. Most likely, these people could be colleagues from work, neighbors, co-workers, or ordinary acquaintances. After this meeting, strangers will show themselves on the good side, which is why they will be remembered by the dreamer for a long time. This may prompt continued communication with them.

Why do you dream of a fresh grave?

A fresh grave can appear in a dream as a result of various reasons. It may belong to someone close or a stranger, or be located near a person’s house.

A fresh grave may appear in a dream as a result of various reasons.

This changes the meaning of this dream, which can be as follows:

  • V Idiomatic dream book there is an interpretation that a fresh grave is a sign of a bad deed, because of which the dreamer will suffer for a long time; it also acts as a clear warning of impending troubles;
  • in Miller's dream book it is said that the appearance of a fresh grave is a warning sign of danger that could harm the dreamer;

From this we can understand that after this dream a person must be extremely careful, since he may have various problems in life. To overcome them you need to make enough efforts. However, after this the person’s life situation will improve significantly.

Digging a grave in a dream or walking on it

An equally terrible event for every person: after all, everyone is afraid of this activity. Most likely, no one would want to act as a gravedigger. Excavated graves can have a variety of meanings. The appearance of this dream may initially frighten the dreamer, but there are no bad points in the interpretations.

Most likely, no one would want to act as a gravedigger.

In Longo's dream book There is an explanation that when dug up graves appear, a person will soon end with a black streak and all the bad moments. After this, the person will begin to live happily ever after, all material difficulties will disappear, and complete well-being will reappear in life.

On the other hand, there is another interpretation here. A person will have to spend a lot of time searching for important information. It may be needed to obtain the truth from some person. However, all the effort spent will be in vain, since it will bring no results.

Why do you dream about a child’s grave?

The most unpleasant moment, both in a dream and in life, for any person will be the image of a child’s grave. This always causes negative emotions, despite the additional moments of sleep. However, it should be understood that this dream has a positive interpretation.

For example, if parents have already experienced the bitterness of losing their child, they will again become happy parents after the birth of the child. If this dream was seen in a married couple without a child, then in the near future they will become happy parents for the first time.

On the other hand, some dream books give a negative meaning. The person will experience the resolution of his plans and ideas, as he will experience failure for a long time.

Why do you dream about a grave (video)

A dream of this kind can have both negative and positive meanings. You should not take all the meanings at face value, since one dream can have two or more interpretations.

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"Pit" could simply mean a depression in the ground, but usually the concept was associated with a reservoir or well, several meters deep, cut into the rock to collect and store water. The construction of such reservoirs required considerable work (). Reservoirs usually had a small inlet at the top into which groundwater flowed. In such a dark, damp, rocky and isolated place, a feeling close to death was experienced by anyone who had the misfortune of falling there or being found there. Following the realization of the hopelessness of the person’s situation, despair quickly engulfed him.

The pit is like a dungeon. The metaphor of the pit as a prison is based on its actual use as such. A reservoir freed from water could serve as a place of imprisonment available at hand (). Hebrew name for prison bet habbor, literally means "house in a ditch" (). Joseph () and Jeremiah () are, without a doubt, only the most famous among the many prisoners who were kept in the dark ditches (;). The water in the ditch could make the stay there even more terrible (). The psalmist draws an analogy between the apparent silence of God and the unheard cries of one going into the grave (cf.). Extraction from a dirty ditch is a vivid image of saving the helpless (). Getting rid of enemies is tantamount to being lifted out of the underworld (like lifting a bucket from a well). Only God (; ; ) can free you from the grave. Isaiah assures that the humiliated will not die in the “pit” ().

Pit like a trap. The pits served as traps for wild animals (;), similar to those that the wicked dig for the righteous (). Just as an unwary pet can fall into a pit (;), so the dissolute (), the wicked (;) or the spiritually blind (;) cannot avoid a pit that they cannot see. The wicked falls into his own pit () or into the trap he has prepared for the righteous (;). Israel fell into a pit dug by the surrounding nations (), but in the end, Israel's enemies themselves will fall into the pit (;).

The pit as an image of despair. As an image of inevitable doom, the pit serves as a metaphor for despondency and despair. In the form of “those who go down into the grave” (Heb. bor, as in ; ; ; , or sahat, ), “to hell” () or “to the underworld” () expresses the hopelessness of a dying person or the pitiful repentance of a sinner.

Pit like a grave. "The pit" serves as a common metaphor for death, and it is often used to refer to a grave. Bodies were sometimes simply thrown into open graves or ditches (; ; ; cf.). (Seventy people were thrown into the ditch.) The fact that the dead are “lowered into stone ditches” reflects the Palestinian custom of burying the dead in stone graves (). The words “they cast my life into a pit and threw stones at me” () refer to another custom of covering the body with stones ().

The pit as an entrance to the underworld. The pit, like the grave, serves as a door to the afterlife. The pit has symbolized the entrance to the underworld in literature since ancient times. The epic song of Gilgamesh relates that Gilgamesh, at the command of the gods, dug a hole for the spirit of his dead friend to emerge from the underworld (Tablet 12.78; ANET, 98). Homer says that Odysseus dug a ditch to gain access to the spirits and question the dead seer (Odyssey 11:23). (Virgil writes that Aeneas used the cave to meet with underground spirits: Aeneid, 6.237.) The belief that the spirits of the dead had wisdom and the ability to penetrate into the future, and this could be exploited through necromancy, was a widespread cultural phenomenon in the Mediterranean. In nightly necromantic rituals, the pits were believed to allow subterranean deities to quickly come to the surface and give revelations. A woman from Endor, who undertook to receive a prophecy for Saul from the deceased seer Samuel, saw “spirits” ( ʾelohim) and an “elderly man” coming out of the ground (; cf.). Saul talked to the spirit. In such cases, only a faint sound was heard, like “from under the dust” ().

The custom of questioning the dead was considered a disgusting imitation of the pagans (), nevertheless it was a fact of Israeli life from the pre-monarchic to the post-prophetic period. For this Manasseh was condemned (). Isaiah writes about idolaters sitting in tombs and spending the night in hidden places (), and asks the question: “Do the dead ask about the living?” (). According to ancient ideas, “breaths” from caves, the murmur of springs and whistles from vents eloquently testified to the spirits living underground, not to mention those who emerge from the graves. Despite the power they now wield, these underground chthonic forces ( katachthonioi, "underground powers") will ultimately bow before the name of Jesus ().

Pit. In some cases, "Pit" (the NRSV capitalizes the word more than 25 times) serves as an expressive image that combines several of the above categories. These images are based on the literal concepts of Sheol or the grave, but take on the additional meaning of hell in a literal and metaphorical sense. “Going to the grave” means not only experiencing physical death, but also sinking to the moral and psychological bottom. In , for example, the poet celebrates the fact that God “delivereth life from the grave.” Although this may refer primarily to the preservation of physical life, the soul of the delivered can testify to the many spiritual and moral pitfalls from which the Christian faith has preserved it.



N. A. Hoffner Jr, “Second Millennium Antecedents to the Hebrew ʾob,” JBL 86 (1967) 385–401;

A. Jeffers, Magic and Divination in Ancient Palestine and Syria (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996) 167–181;

N. J. Tromp, Primitive Conceptions of Death and the Nether World in the Old Testament (Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1969) 66–71.

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