Change in traffic rules for car tuning. Elements of illegal tuning - what can not be done with a car in Russia? Quiet violators

21 July. State traffic inspectorate Russian Federation intensified the fight against the identification of cars with illegal tuning. What is illegal tuning? What should car owners do, whose cars are modernized? The editors of the "Political Class" have prepared for you an article containing answers to these and others related to the installation of various additional equipment on a car, from gas equipment to a roof rack.

What is illegal tuning according to the traffic police

According to the current legislation, non-certified and not properly designed automotive equipment is considered non-standard. Read on for how to certify changes.

Thus, a car that has been modified (even slightly) cannot travel on public roads, as this is prohibited by applicable law. As a result, traffic police officers can prohibit the operation of a tuned car, obliging the owner to formalize the changes made to the design of the vehicle in accordance with applicable law, or to dismantle non-factory elements. Otherwise, the registration of the car threatens to be canceled, the design of which has been modified that is not provided for by the manufacturer.

The list of vehicle components, for tuning of which the operation of the vehicle on public roads may be prohibited

  • driver and passenger seats;
  • suspension and its components;
  • bumper;
  • steering and wheel;
  • exhaust system and its components;
  • fenders;
  • external light optics;
  • xenon lamps;
  • aerodynamic spoilers on the vehicle body;
  • additional external lighting;
  • wheel spacers;
  • roof rack;
  • halogen lamps of non-standard light;
  • not standard thresholds;
  • gas equipment;
  • non-standard wheel arches;
  • kenguryatniki;
  • fins;
  • light boxes on the roof;
  • monitors for broadcasting advertisements.

This is only part of the list of non-standard equipment, for the installation of which any owner can be held liable and lose the registration of his vehicle with the traffic police.

In general, the concept of "illegal tuning" includes any equipment that is not provided for by the design of the car. It follows that virtually any vehicle on the road is subject to this law. In addition, the changes apply to all drivers who have installed gas equipment that is not properly registered in the traffic police.

Unfortunately, the tuning ban actually puts 70% of the country's drivers outlaws. That is, most drivers who have installed any non-factory component on their car run the risk of being left without a car that can be sent to a fine parking lot.

For example, SUV owners often install a non-factory trunk on the roof of their car. According to the current legislation, such changes in the design of the vehicle must be certified by specialized organizations and properly executed in the traffic police. After all, in order to understand whether this or that non-factory component is safe, you need to take measurements.

Wheel tuning is also common in Russia. Many car owners like to install wide wheels and tires instead of regular wheels. As a rule, for this, car owners install special spacers on the wheel hubs. In addition, spacers like to install under the suspension springs. This is done in order to increase ground clearance auto. However, according to current legislation, such changes in the design of the car are unsafe.

Owners of off-road vehicles have suffered the most from the new law. This especially affected the Far East and Central Siberia, where owners are forced to do car tuning. And if in Central Russia tuning is done more for beauty, then in Siberia and the Far East tuning is necessary in order not to be in trouble on broken roads or off-road away from home.

Unfortunately, at Russian motorists no funds to purchase additional factory equipment to upgrade their vehicles. Therefore, changes in the design of vehicles are made at the expense of non-certified equipment.

But the law is the same for the entire territory of the Russian Federation, therefore it must be observed everywhere. This means that all owners of vehicles that have received even minor modifications are required to file all modifications in accordance with the new law.

What to do for those whose cars have been tuned

According to Section 4 of Chapter V of the Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", in the event of changes in the design of the car, its owner must conduct a preliminary technical examination and check the safety of the car structure after making changes to it.

These checks and examinations have the right to be carried out only by accredited laboratories that are included in the Unified Register of Organizations Carrying out Certification and Testing Based on Laboratories in the Customs Union.

The list of organizations included in this Unified Register can be viewed on the official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission in the section of the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Registration of tuning or other changes in the design of the vehicle

According to the current legislation, any changes made to the design of the vehicle must be certified and registered with the traffic police. To do this, you will need to pass 2 checks in specialized organizations and, then, in the case of a positive decision of the examination, draw up the appropriate changes in the traffic police.

Important! The traffic police do not certify tuning and any other changes made to the design of the car. According to the current legislation, the traffic police authorities are only entitled to issue permits for the installation of additional equipment in a car.

Where to apply for the legalization of tuning

To begin with, the driver whose car is planned to be modified must contact a testing laboratory accredited by the Customs Union. To do this, the owner of the vehicle or his representative (under a notarized power of attorney) submits an application to this organization.

An accredited organization accepts an application and conducts a preliminary technical examination of the car. If the changes made are safe, the authorized organization issues a positive opinion on the possibility of installing additional equipment on this vehicle.

Having received a positive opinion, the owner or his legal representative must apply to the traffic police with an appropriate application to obtain prior permission to make changes to the design of the car.

The traffic police authority accepts the application, considers it and issues its resolution. Having received prior permission from the traffic police to make changes to the design of the car, you need to install additional equipment. This can be done in two ways:

  • independently (if such a method is provided for in the conclusion on the possibility of making changes to the design of the vehicle);
  • having resorted to the help of specialized organizations that have the appropriate certificate for the performance of these works.

Important! On hand, you need to have documents certified by the original seal (certificates of conformity) for the installed or installed components.

After the installation of additional equipment is completed, you will need to undergo an inspection at the station Maintenance for compliance of the vehicle with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of safety traffic.

After the inspection has been passed and a decision has been made on compliance with road safety requirements, you will be issued a technical inspection diagnostic card.

That's not all. After receiving a diagnostic card, you need to undergo a technical examination, in which a specialist from an accredited organization checks the car for structural safety after the changes have been made.

In the case of a positive conclusion, the owner of the car (or his legal representative) will receive an expert opinion on the safety of non-factory equipment installed on the car.

In conclusion, you will need to contact the traffic police with all the documents. The traffic police will enter the relevant information into the database, make changes to the Vehicle Passport and issue a new registration certificate, in which the “Special Marks” column will contain information about the changes made to the vehicle design.

Liability for illegal tuning

According to article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation and duties officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited. For violation of this article, liability is provided in the form of a fine of 500 rubles and the prohibition of the operation of the car on public roads.

Most often, traffic police officers for this violation write out decisions on violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and instructions to eliminate the violation or give time to process changes to the design of the car in accordance with the regulations of the Customs Union and Russian law.

You, most likely, have a question, why Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation applies, because there is not a word about tuning in it. Everything is pretty simple. According to the list of vehicle malfunctions, on which the movement of the vehicle on public roads is prohibited, changes made to the design of the car without the permission of the authorities ensuring road safety entail a ban on the movement of the vehicle on public roads.

The new law means that henceforth any changes in the design of the vehicle must be executed in accordance with the law. Otherwise, the car owner may be held administratively liable with a ban on the operation of the car on public roads.

Not so long ago, all owners of modified and converted cars were horrified by the news, which spoke of the intention of the traffic police to fight illegal tuning. There is a need to figure out what an illegal alteration of a car is. The question is quite complex and should be accompanied by citations from the laws, but the problem is that the legislation in this area is too vague. Some experts and lawyers can prove that certain alterations are absolutely legal, even if the law says otherwise. Let's start with the fact that many began to remove the factory xenon and install conventional halogens on cars that had improved light from the factory. You do not have to change anything from the factory, you are not required to do so. Such conversion can only be carried out at your request.

That is, if xenon is installed in the car from the factory, calmly operate the car with this type of optics. It is best to carry proof that xenon lamps are installed at the factory. This could be a brochure or a printout of your vehicle's equipment. Similarly, you do not need to install rear seat belts or Isofix child seat anchors if you did not originally have this in the car. You are under no obligation to add or modify the factory equipment, and there are specific references to this in the law. But there is another side of the coin. On the roads, traffic police officers can very strongly grapple with the driver of a car on which prohibited xenon is installed. And then you will have to go through a living hell, proving your case. Let's figure out what is better to remove from the car today.

Lighting fixtures - starting a war with xenon

For the first time in the new amendments to the rules of the road, it was prescribed that the use of gas-discharge lamps for working optics is unacceptable in Russia. So now it will not be possible to drive with illegally installed xenon and prove to the traffic police that they are wrong. But this is not all, now it is worth considering the following features:

  • you can not install the light on the roof of the car, any lighting devices and equipment for special purposes must be dismantled from the wrong places;
  • too bright light is unacceptable, there are also requirements for headlight adjustment, which are clearly spelled out in the traffic rules - failure to comply with them can cause serious consequences;
  • additional lighting equipment in the form of DRL or PTF, which is not provided for by the design of the car, must be dismantled, the cover will not work;
  • a change in the technical characteristics of lighting equipment may be banned, the brightness and beams of light from powerful lamps will attract the attention of the traffic police on the roads of Russia.

It must be admitted that some features and interpretations of the proposals in the SDA are not entirely clear. So drivers will have to consult with lawyers to get the necessary answers. However, as always in court it will be very difficult to prove your case. Therefore, it is better to follow technical equipment lighting equipment such as it was at the factory.

Additional mufflers, body kits and kenguryatniks - in the furnace

If you need additional options equipment for an SUV, buy a ready-made factory version with all winches and other things. Put a bumper made of chrome-plated metal pipes on the car, at the very first post of the traffic police they can send the car to a car impound. More specifically, the following additions are prohibited:

  • mufflers of a different design, different from the factory ones, as well as muffler linings that increase sound effects or change the sound of the unit;
  • metal bumpers and kenguryatniki, which cause increased injury risk when traveling by car, in the event of an accident, other cars suffer;
  • add-on boards on pickups is a very controversial issue, but this point is also prohibited if the design from the factory does not provide for any special solutions;
  • structures for lengthening the body, lifting the car, increasing ground clearance and changing other technical characteristics - all this becomes prohibited.

Interestingly, these provisions of the SDA are far from new, they have existed for a long time. Today they simply put the legislation in order and began to observe the truths written long ago. So do not take risks, because the consequences and various problems from non-compliance with laws will be very severe. Let's not forget the rule of 5 fines per year for disqualification.

LPG equipment and refrigeration units

This is another very controversial and unpleasant point that will make many motorists take money and documents and go to the traffic police. HBO today is in many cars, almost no one draws up this modification. Yes, the process is quite complicated. And if it is really not worth installing refrigeration equipment, then there may be various issues with HBO. The main problems are:

  • indeed, incorrectly installed gas equipment becomes a hazard, so it really needs to be banned or legalized;
  • good service stations offer you a professional installation in compliance with all the qualities and requirements for reliable operation, so there should be no problems;
  • change during refurbishment specifications, the environmental friendliness of the car is changing, so the traffic police should be aware of such changes, the government believes;
  • the installation of uneconomical and unreliable HBO installations, such as the second generation, for example, should be banned, they should be completely removed from use.

Given such initiatives, every tenth driver in Russia may be hit by traffic police. At the same time, they can not only write out a protocol on violation of traffic rules with a considerable amount, but also take the car to the penalty area, and additionally remove it from registration. The reasons for these dramatic changes are still unknown.

Seats and steering wheel - a surprise for drivers

One of the most unexpected points that not a single driver was aware of, despite studying traffic rules in a driving school, is a ban on the installation of non-standard steering wheels, seats and other significant interior elements. The interior cannot be re-planned, trucks convert to passenger. The main issues with this item are:

  • many cars are already converted, owners will have to spend very significant amounts of money to buy original interior parts;
  • sometimes it is impossible to find original parts at all, since the car is old, what to do in such cases, the law does not yet give any answers to such questions;
  • non-native seats are also sometimes safer than original ones, so the issue of changing interior elements should be reconsidered, many drivers believe;
  • it is not necessary to equalize all cars, it is necessary to differentiate the rules and give more freedom in these points to the owners of old cars.

The government is shrugging off such initiatives, as it is necessary to withdraw old cars from the used equipment market. This is an important moment for the state, but terrible news for half of the car owners in the country. So such drastic moves could greatly increase resistance to the new rules. However, they have a grain of rationality, as many alterations are truly surprising and shocking.

How to register and legalize all changes in the car?

Due to the fact that the traffic police began to actively stop cars with converted parts on the roads of Russia, it is worth clarifying how to legalize. If you want to install gas-discharge xenon lamps or a kenguryatnik, then you will not be able to legalize it. If the issue of conversion concerns other details, it is worth carrying out the following procedure:

  • before carrying out the conversion, bring the car to the traffic police, put it on the site for inspection and write an application with a request to allow the conversion;
  • then you are issued (or not issued) a permit, inspect the car or accept documents from reputable service stations certified for maintenance;
  • then you carry out the re-equipment necessarily at the station with official documents, you receive all the necessary papers and expert opinions;
  • with the conclusions received, you again come to the traffic police, put the car on the site for inspection, provide a package of papers at the registration window.

You will also have to spend money on replacing the registration certificate if necessary or on making changes to the data about the car. In any case, such a procedure will take a lot of money and time. So not every motorist will decide on such actions. However, many simply will not have another choice. We offer a short video about HBO and the reasons for the need to modernize its installation system:

Summing up

Like all changes in our state, the fight against illegally converted cars begins far from where it should have begun. The traffic police is actively catching "violators", some cars have even lost their registration, they are on the penalty area. Experts and drivers believe that in this situation there should be a warning first, information about new requirements, and then a trial period in which the owners will have time to eliminate illegal elements. This is very important for any normal society.

The state is still choosing a way to fine everyone who did not have time to do anything and does not know at all about the novelties in the legislation. This is a profitable method for the government, but not at all acceptable to every person. So after reading this article, go to your car with a list of prohibited items of equipment. It is better to remove all unnecessary devices and return the factory equipment so as not to provoke any unpleasant situations. What do you think about the innovations regarding the ban on a number of equipment on cars?

Oil was added to the fire by the fact that no one explained to tuning lovers how exactly they should act now. The whole of 2016 for ordinary motorists and various car clubs passed under the sign of the struggle for their rights - as a result of the active actions of the traffic police, businessmen installing HBO on Gazelle, street racers, and jeepers became "violators" ... It is possible to legalize the modifications of your car, but those those who have undergone this procedure often describe it in terms like "seven circles of hell." The Internet was once again flooded with videos about communicating with the traffic police: this time their main topic was the “hunt” for tuning enthusiasts - and comments like this:

“This law has two goals. The first is to get a whole network of bureaucratic and business feeders through the legalization of tuning and customization. Second - and this is vital - modern cars are made for two or three years, after which they completely fall apart ... Well, or to such an extent that it is cheaper to buy a new one than to repair the old one. To do this, the manufacturer introduces changes that are frankly sabotage into the generally normal design. As a rule, such flaws can be eliminated, but now they are trying to ban it! This is actually a declaration of war on car owners: "this is no longer your car, you just rented it for three years and have no right to make changes to it." Do you get it? This law is a noose for the “Kulibins”, of whom there are many in Russia, and who not only change the design, but also independently make cars better than professional manufacturers.”.

How are things now in 2017? We began to unfold this tangle with one of the largest groups - it is also one of the most affected by recent changes in the regulations. Today we will talk about tuning SUVs.

From tuning companies

To begin with, we went to the company F design(Tolyatti), which has been improving domestic and foreign SUVs for more than a decade - these guys have several of their own tuning packages for Lada 4x4 and Chevrolet Niva, and participation in the creation of various factory special versions of these cars, as well as a whole range of tuning elements for Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Jeep, Subaru and cars of other brands. Director of the company Ruslan Fedik and Deputy Director for Development Oleg Fedik answered our questions.

K .: On the Internet, you can find videos where people show traffic police inspectors certificates from tuning companies that allow the installation of specific non-standard equipment on a specific car model. Is the presentation of such a certificate legally valid? And does F-Design have similar certificates?

Ruslan Fedik: When these changes in the technical regulations came into force, we turned to the traffic police for clarification - we asked what the client needs to officially register the changes? We were told that we needed a certificate of the enterprise, a certificate for the product and a certificate for the installation itself. If there are three certificates, a person goes to the traffic police, presents them and reports what exactly he wants to change in the car. They tell him a formal “yes”, he comes to us, installs the parts and goes to register the car back to the traffic police.

Sergei Rodin and his team tried to go through this procedure - we made them a whole folder of documents for the traffic police. There they were told that everything was really so, there was an order, but the procedure was not fully spelled out, so they recommended to go simply with a package of certificates. We have certified the plant, equipment, installation works, and all customers to whom we install or sell parts, we provide our certificates. So far, there has been no such thing that someone has shown our certificates, and the traffic police have questions.

K .: What if a person independently modified his SUV - installed, say, a bumper or thresholds of his own design?

Oleg Fedik: If you "invented" some part that is subject to certification, you must contact the certification body - NAMI or another government organization with an accredited laboratory. There, guided by the technical regulations, they give permission to use the part and issue a certificate valid on the territory of the Customs Union. Next, you need to register the changes with the traffic police: the procedure, in general, is well known, but few people manage to go through it - apparently, private traders have about the same problems as we do.

R.F.: The list of additional equipment is large and is constantly updated with new products, so it is sometimes difficult for technical supervision employees to determine the degree of compliance with their regulations - hence, obviously, the problems that arise during registration.

O.F.: When we started working on the updated regulations, we received many certificates again or updated the existing ones. Now almost all products that we produce have valid certificates of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union or rejection letters indicating that the part does not need certification.

Q: What is covered by the certification? How about the notorious "kenguryatniks", for example?

R.F.: Anything that goes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle requires certification. For example, on Lada 4x4 we install a winch without going beyond the dimensions of the car. There is no such mounting option on the Chevrolet Niva, so we offer options for a removable winch.

K .: It turns out that it is the same with the winch - it should not protrude beyond the bumper?

R.F.: In the variant of a removable winch, it can, but only outside public roads.

O.F.: And everything that protrudes beyond the permissible dimensions is simply not certified. These kenguryatniks, which were previously mounted on top of the bumper, you will not legalize in any way now. Absolutely forbidden.

K .: And luggage racks, snorkels ...

R.F.: The regulations spell out all the permissible heights, lengths and other parameters that describe, in particular, the safety of pedestrians. All products, in order to be certified, must fall within the established tolerance fields.

K .: Perhaps one of the most popular off-road modifications is a body lift ...

O.F.: We received a rejection letter from the certification body for our design of the lift kit.

K .: And non-standard tires are probably the most painful issue, people on the Internet just panic ...

R.F.: Yes, they panic because allowable size wheels must be specified in the type approval of the vehicle. At one time, Bronto (another company engaged in off-road tuning and the construction of special vehicles - ed.) received approval for the Lada 4x4, which indicates the size of the wheels with a larger diameter. They tested on braking distances, rollover, noise level. For Lada 4x4 and Chevrolet Niva, we recommend a 29-inch wheel, it is optimal for prepared cars - with appropriate reinforcements and body modifications. For vehicles prepared by us, installation of larger wheels is at the discretion of the owner.

K .: And yet, what should private traders do in such a situation? If a person who is friends with his own hands and head has independently modified his SUV, where should he go?

O.F.: Go to US. Send a request and get permission - not for a series, not for production, but for a specific car, for changes in the composition of the car.

R.F.: Or they won’t give it to him - they will send it for revision. But the scheme, in theory, looks exactly like this, because I know: seriously modified off-road vehicles, the so-called “squatters”, are really being driven to Moscow and they are testing there ... When the changes to the technical regulations came out, this situation was very clearly observed in Moscow and even on Far East - everyone was stopped in a row and obliged to remove improvements. Muscovites say that now the attention of traffic police officers to power bumpers, emergency lighting equipment and other things has somewhat weakened, and motorists have again begun to retrofit their cars.

It was at that moment that one of the Moscow clubs of amateurs hover cars there was an interest in plastic power bumpers, which are not inferior in functionality to metal ones, and they turned to us. We have developed for them front and rear bumpers with the possibility of installing winches. This kind of bumpers are now gaining popularity, as they are very similar to regular ones, which favorably affects appearance car. At the same time, due to the material from which they are made, they are slightly inferior in strength to metal ones, and they are significantly superior in corrosion resistance. Well, not so striking.

K .: It turns out that the changes in the regulations even gave rise to a new direction of off-road tuning - as always, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped?

R.F.: Well, yes, we have been planning to do this for a very long time, for four years already, but everything did not reach our hands - and here it so happened that the “turnover” became smaller, and the moment was right. Now we are planning the same for other cars - in particular, the Chevrolet Niva.


So, if you decide to modify your SUV on your own, you need to contact the state certification body to obtain the appropriate permission, and then file the changes with the traffic police. In theory your action plan looks like this:

But in practice, people often encounter difficulties - they need to visit US and the traffic police several times, and each time the next permission signature may be refused. In addition, what about those who are not going to make improvements, but have already made them? In what cases can a person count on the approval of the authority conducting the examination, and in what cases - definitely not? We sent these and other questions to the Center for Technical Expertise of FSUE "NAMI", with the specialists of which a separate interview will be organized. Now you can draw up a scheme of actions, which is based on the above.

How to act

If you are going to modify your SUV yourself:

  1. Study carefully Technical regulation of the Customs Union in the most recent edition (at the moment - with changes in 2016) - to represent what can and cannot be done.
  2. Contact the traffic police for a referral for an initial examination.
  3. Apply to FSUE "NAMI" for a primary examination.
  4. Refine the car.
  5. Apply to FSUE "NAMI" for a final examination.
  6. Contact the traffic police and then - to the MREO.

If you have already modified your car:

The beginning of the action is the same, and if at the first point you find that your “kenguryatnik” does not climb into any gates, shoot it. Contact the traffic police for a referral for examination at FSUE "NAMI". Further - 4 and 5 points from the list, which is higher.

If you are not going to do the modifications yourself:

  1. Make sure that the company where you are going to modify your car has state certificates - for the enterprise itself, for the products and for its installation.
  2. Refine the car.
  3. Obtain all necessary certificates from the company.
  4. If necessary, present certificates to traffic police officers.

It is likely that the ending of the last scenario will change over time and develop into several understandable steps - when the “modified according to certificates” car can be registered without any problems by making the appropriate marks in the documents. However, for now, everything is as it is.

Not only SUVs

It is clear that as a result of the changes that we talked about today, there should be less outright handicraft on and off the roads, which is great. But for experienced off-road fans, life has definitely not become easier lately - and the reason for this is a lot of white spots and bureaucracy in the registration procedure. By the way, no less controversy now arises around the refinement of cars "for sports", as well as around the seemingly harmless installation of HBO. Therefore, we will definitely return to the topic of car tuning and the compliance of tuning results with the law.

Appeal of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by proxy) to our testing laboratory for preliminary technical expertise on the possibility of this car tuning.

Required documents:

  • A simple application with a description of the planned tuning (download the application form);
  • A copy of the vehicle passport (PTS) and vehicle registration certificate (COP);
  • Any additional materials (if any). For example - photo similar vehicle or similar installable components/parts.

Result: Conclusion of preliminary technical expertise.

Stage 2

Appeal of an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by proxy) to the territorial subdivision of the traffic police, which performs the functions of technical supervision, regardless of the place of registration (in the traffic police).

Required documents:

  • Application for changes in the design of the vehicle (download the application form);
  • Identification document of the owner, or, for legal entities- a certificate of state registration and a certificate of registration with the tax authority, as well as a power of attorney, contract or other document certifying the applicant's authority;
  • Registration documents of the vehicle (PTS and COP);
  • The conclusion of the preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design;
  • Providing a vehicle for inspection.

Result: Resolution of the traffic police on the application for changes to the design of the vehicle.

Stage 3

Carrying out work on tuning the car in accordance with the "Conclusion". In this case, if it is planned to make changes to the design of the vehicle in the conditions of a certified enterprise, the applicant receives from the manufacturer of works an “Application-declaration on the scope and quality of work performed” (download the form) (hereinafter referred to as the application-declaration) and duly certified certificates for the services rendered . If the "Conclusion" allowed independent production works, the execution of the "Application-Declaration" is performed by the owner. It is also necessary to collect duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark).

Result: Statement-declaration of the scope and quality of work performed.

Stage 4

Checking the technical condition and design of the vehicle after tuning the car. At the same time, the vehicle is checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety at the STS or PTO.

Result: Diagnostic card.

Stage 5

Checking the safety of the design and issuing a technical expertise protocol after making changes to the design (car tuning) in our accredited testing laboratory (“Protocol”).

Required documents:

  1. Statement from the traffic police;
  2. Vehicle passport (PTS) on both sides (not required if provided upon receipt of a preliminary conclusion);
  3. Documents certifying the ownership of spare parts; interior layout (before / after re-equipment); etc. depending on the type of conversion;
  4. Duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a mark of conformity;
  5. diagnostic card;
  6. Statement-declaration on the scope and quality of work performed;
  7. A copy of the service certificate with the decoding of service codes;
  8. Photos of the vehicle after making changes to the design. ( Engine compartment before and after, all plates and general view)

Result: A protocol for checking the safety of a vehicle structure after changes have been made to it.

Stage 6

Obtaining SKTS by the owner of the vehicle in the traffic police department. To do this, a vehicle is provided for inspection and the following documents, which are the basis for registering a change in the design of the vehicle:

  1. Declaration statement;
  2. Duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a mark of conformity);
  3. Protocol;
  4. diagnostic card;
  5. Confirmation of payment of the state fee.

Result: Certificate of conformity of the vehicle with the changes made to its design to safety requirements.

Stage 7

Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents and inspection of the vehicle, the traffic police division draws up, registers and issues a certificate to the applicant and a note is made in the TCP about the changes made and, if necessary, a new certificate of registration of the vehicle is issued.

Result: The owner has the SKTS in his hands, in the PTS and SOR, the necessary entries have been made in special marks and he can operate

Of course, street racers across the throat are not only for the traffic police, but also for normal drivers. All sane people are well aware that there should be no anarchy on the roads. And it is obvious that the cheerful morning trip of the "wunderkind" Ruslan Shamsuarov and his company around Moscow and the games of catch-up with the traffic police were the last straw that overflowed the patience of the traffic police. Everything is clear and seems to be correct. However, the speed with which the drivers began to discipline is completely confusing, brings confusion, confusion.

Nut tightening

In May, the government decided to introduce the term "dangerous driving" into the traffic rules, but the punishment for it has not yet been determined. On the other hand, the Public Chamber advocated the introduction of criminal liability for repeated disobedience to traffic police officers. And this seems to be correct - the “racers” are completely unbelted. But will unscrupulous traffic cops (and they still exist) abuse such power? And right there, the PCA began to prepare a new coefficient for adherents of dangerous driving, that is, those who are fined five times a year or more often. According to insurers, this is only 5% of drivers, so law-abiding citizens seem to have nothing to fear. Although a neat driver can pick up five fines in a year.

At the same time - and this is the most important - recently a message appeared on the Web that the traffic police has increased attention to cars with non-standard equipment. Such cars are stopped, protocols and fines are issued (the size depends on the equipment), cars are sent to impounds, canceling the registration ... In extreme cases, they can even incriminate disobedience to police officers.

Now let's see what is meant by such non-standard equipment. These are mufflers, bumpers, spoilers, steering wheels, seats, suspension elements, gas-discharge light sources, additional external lighting devices, also not provided for by the design, "kenguryatniki", metal bumpers, "working light" headlights on the roof, "lightboxes" and monitors for advertising broadcasts, "fins" and "dummies", a modified interior layout, gas-balloon equipment, refrigeration units, body lengthening, superstructure of the sides on trucks that are not provided for by the vehicle design. The list is such that it allows you to slow down almost every third person - at least for additional external lighting devices. For gas equipment or non-standard steering wheel and seats - every fifth. And send it to the impound. In law.

Hold on, street racers! And others

Interestingly, this tightening affects not only street racers, of which there are many, but also law-abiding citizens who drive quite safely, but ... not on asphalt. Or on the so-called asphalt.

We have entire regions where there are almost more tuned cars than standard (“stock”) ones. For example, the entire Russian Far East, Sakhalin, Kamchatka. Have you forgotten that this is also Russia? What a stock! If at least sometimes you get out into nature (and everyone does this), equip the off-road vehicle with a lifted suspension, large wheels, a snorkel, power bumpers, an additional tank and winches. And not for the sake of beauty, but in order not to be helpless in front of nature hundreds of kilometers from home. However, in many regions of our country, you can’t even drive from the threshold of the house in an unprepared car. But there is no money for a standard one with the same cross-country parameters and never will be. I won’t reveal a secret if I say that even decent off-road wheels cannot be put on a car without changing the suspension. And no one ever turns on the “chandeliers” on public roads in a sober mind, but they help a lot in the dark on rough terrain.

Volunteers engaged in search and rescue operations are now outlawed. Those who take tourists to remote and hard-to-reach places (there are many, for example, in the same Crimea) ... You can still feel sorry for the sellers of additional equipment and mechanics who specialize in installing them. Partly, amateur motorsport can suffer - first of all, the same off-roaders. Well, you can simply forget about such events as the Moscow tuning show or Unlim 500+.

These are just particular examples - toughening in one way or another affects the interests of very many people. Not surprisingly, Internet users immediately filed a petition to Rostekhnadzor, the Ministry of Transport and the President of the Russian Federation to cancel the registration of non-prohibited changes in the design of cars. In a few days, she collected 24,300 signatures.

What are the people signing the petition guided by? Here are a few sayings:

“Special services and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are turning for help first of all to the owners of prepared cars, and with such laws there will be no one to help them,” - Veniamin Ilyin, Kazan.

“I strongly doubt that larger wheels and a walkie-talkie increase the accident rate on the roads and interfere with other road users, but meter-by-meter pits scattered all over the road with a step of 6–9 meters do not. Start with yourself!” - Dmitry Misharin, Nizhny Novgorod.

“We are encouraged to actively travel around Russia ... But it is simply impossible to get to many places without making changes to the design of the car. Do not deprive us of the opportunity to see Russia with our own eyes!” - Svetlana Menshova, Moscow.

“I am signing, because otherwise the traffic cops on the road will have an extra reason to extort money, which is already lacking,” Vladimir Yasyrev, Yekaterinburg.

“I don’t have extra money for ill-conceived laws,” Sergey Khrupakov, Moscow.

"Another reason for the gay people to fill their pockets," - Dmitry Kadochnikov, Petrozavodsk.

Unfortunately, obviously, this decision literally pushes people to crime, makes drivers offer bribes, and traffic cops (that's right) take them. And the sums will be considerable. After all, the offense is considered serious, and the punishment is quite severe.

And what has changed?

They say that such strictness is temporary, and that one of its reasons is the upcoming reform of the technical inspection institute. Another reform. We'll find out, we'll see. In the meantime, if you don’t want problems, it’s better to remove everything non-standard and try to legalize the alterations. But I warn you, it will be unbearably hard.

I would like to advise the officials who make such decisions to listen to a reasonable public, and not just to those who yell “Atu!” on any occasion, as well as consult with experts who look at the issue not one-sidedly, but from different points of view. It would not hurt to simplify the procedure for legalizing a converted car by instructing accredited organizations to make decisions about the safety of a particular tuning, and not traffic police officers who do not trust experts and endlessly recheck the legality of their actions and conclusions. Believe me, this process has nothing to do with road safety.

What you need to do to formalize the conversion of the car

  1. Submit an application from an interested person (owner or representative of the owner by proxy) to an accredited testing laboratory with the provision of documents. For example, NAMI-PTIA.
  2. Carry out a preliminary technical examination of the vehicle design in an accredited organization. With a positive result, get a conclusion.
  3. Contact the territorial department of the traffic police, which performs the functions of technical supervision with the provision of documents.
  4. Obtain a traffic police resolution (required!).
  5. Carry out refurbishment works in accordance with the conclusion. At the same time, if it is envisaged to make changes to the design of the vehicle in the conditions of a certified enterprise, the applicant receives from the manufacturer of works an “Application-declaration on the scope and quality of work performed” and duly certified certificates for the services rendered. If the conclusion allows for independent work, the execution of the "Application-Declaration" is carried out by the owner. It is also necessary to collect duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and items of equipment used for re-equipment, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark). The technical condition and design of the vehicle after the changes made are checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring road safety at the STS or PTO. Based on the results of the check, a diagnostic card is issued for the vehicle, which is issued to the owner of the vehicle.
  6. Contact an accredited organization to check the safety of the design and issue a technical expertise protocol after making changes.
  7. Provide the traffic police with a vehicle and documents that are the basis for registering changes in the design of the vehicle.
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