What does a passenger car consist of? Dictionary of automotive terms. Wheel speed sensor

General structure and operating principle of a passenger car according to the block diagram

Composition and operating principle of modern passenger cars, front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive are generally the same.

Structural scheme rear-wheel drive car is shown in Fig. 6.1.1.

The car includes:

  • engine 1;
  • power train or, which includes: clutch 5, gearbox 7, cardan transmission 8, main gear and differential 11, axle shafts 10;

Rice. 6.1.1. Block diagram of a rear-wheel drive car: 1 - engine; 2 - fuel pedal; 3 - generator; 4 - clutch pedal; 5 - clutch; 6 - gear shift lever; 7 - gearbox; 8 - cardan transmission; 9 - wheel; 10 - axle shafts; 11 - main gear and differential; 12 - parking (hand) brake; 13 - main brake system; 14 - starter; 15 - power supply from battery; 16 - suspension; 17 - steering; 18 - hydraulic main

  • chassis, which includes: front and rear suspension 16, wheels and tires 9;
  • governance mechanisms, consisting of steering 17, main 13 and parking 12 braking systems s;
  • electrical equipment, which includes sources of electric current (battery and generator), electrical consumers (ignition system, starting system, lighting and alarm devices, instrumentation, heating and ventilation systems, windshield wiper, windshield washer, etc.);
  • monocoque body.

U front wheel drive cars There is no cardan transmission or driveshaft box in the body, so the interior becomes more spacious and comfortable, and the vehicle weighs less.

Engine 1 (Fig. 6.1.1) - a machine that converts any type of energy (gasoline, gas, diesel fuel, charge of electricity) into the rotational energy of a cranked engine.

On most modern cars mobiles installed piston engines internal combustion(ICE), in which part of the energy released during fuel combustion in the cylinder is converted into mechanical work of rotation of the crankshaft (Fig. 6.1.2).

Displacement is a unit of measurement of engine volume equal to the product of the piston area by the length of its stroke and the number of cylinders. Displacement characterizes the power and size of the engine, expressed in liters or cubic centimeters.

To change the amount of fuel mixture supplied to the cylinder (to change engine power), use the fuel pedal (gas pedal) 2.

Rice. 6.1.2. Appearance modern engine: 1 - valve box cover; 2 - neck plug for filling oil into the engine; 3 - cylinder head; 4 - pulleys; 5 -drive belt; 6 - generator; 7 - crankcase; 8 - pallet; 9 - exhaust manifold

A flywheel with a toothed ring is installed on the crankshaft, which is the drive 5.

Clutch 5 provides a permanent mechanical connection between the engine and the gearbox and is designed to temporarily disable it for the time required to engage or shift gears.

The clutch (Fig. 6.1.3) consists of two friction clutches 1 and 3, pressed against each other by a spring 4. Drive disk 1 is mechanically connected to the engine crankshaft, driven disk 3 is connected to the drive shaft of the gearbox 14.

The clutch is turned on and off by the driver using pedal 8 (when the pedal is pressed, the clutch is disengaged). When you press the pedal, clutch discs 1 and 3 diverge, drive disc 1, connected to engine 13, rotates, but this rotation is not transmitted to driven disc 3 (the clutch is disengaged). The clutch must be disengaged during the period of engaging or shifting gears to ensure a shock-free connection of the gears in the gearbox.

When the pedal is smoothly released, the drive and driven disks engage smoothly. At the same time, due to slipping, the driving disk smoothly imposes rotation on the driven disk. It begins to rotate, transmitting torque to the input shaft of gearbox 14. Thus, the car can start moving smoothly from a standstill or continue moving in a new gear.

The gearbox serves to change the magnitude and direction of torque and transmit it from the engine to the drive wheels, as well as for long-term disconnection of the engine from the drive wheels while the vehicle is parked.

The gearbox can be mechanical (with manual gear shift) or automatic (torque converter, robotic or CVT).

Rice. 6.1.3. Clutch diagram: 1 - flywheel; 2 - clutch driven disc; 3 - pressure disk; 4 - spring; 5 - release levers; 6 - release bearing; 7 - clutch release fork; 8 - clutch pedal; 9 - clutch master cylinder; 10 - hydraulic fluid; 11 - pipeline; 12 - clutch slave cylinder; 13 - engine; 14 - gearbox drive shaft; 15 - gearbox

Manual gearbox (Fig. 6.1.4) is a gearbox with a stepwise variable gear ratio.

It contains:

  • crankcase 12, which contains oil 13 for lubricating rubbing parts;
  • input shaft 2 connected to clutch driven disc 1
  • input shaft gear 3, which is permanently connected to the intermediate shaft gear;
  • intermediate shaft 4 with a set of gears of different diameters;
  • a secondary shaft 9 with a set of gears that can be moved using the gear shift fork 6;
  • gear shift mechanism 8 with shift lever 7;
  • synchronizers are devices that ensure equalization of gear rotation speeds during gear changes.

The driver changes gears using shift lever 7. Since the gearbox of a modern car has a large set of gears, by engaging different pairs of them (when engaging any gear), the driver changes the overall gear ratio(transmission coefficient). The lower the gear, the lower the vehicle speed, but the greater the torque and vice versa.

When the engine is running, before turning on or shifting gears in a manual transmission, in order to shift gears without shock, you need to depress the clutch pedal (disengage the clutch).

Rice. 6.1.4. Manual gearbox: 1 - clutch; 2 - input shaft; 3 - drive gear; 4 - intermediate shaft; 5 - secondary shaft gear; 6 - gear shift fork; 7 - gear shift lever; 8 - switching device; 9 - secondary shaft; 10 - cross; 11 - cardan transmission; 12 - crankcase; 13 - gearbox oil

The most common gear shift patterns in passenger cars are shown in Fig. 6.1.5.

Rice. 6.1.5. The most common gear shift patterns in passenger cars are 1 and 2, 3 and 4 - using the gear lever

In automatic gearbox(Fig. 6.1.6) includes:

  • The torque converter (2, 5, 4, 5, 9), which is directly connected to the engine, is filled with hydraulic fluid 10. The fluid is the medium for transmitting torque from the engine to the manual transmission. The principle of operation is as follows: with increasing engine speed, the revolutions of shaft 2 with blades 3 increase, which cause rotation of the hydraulic fluid 10. The rotating fluid begins to put pressure on the blades of the secondary shaft 4 and causes rotation of the secondary shaft. The torque converter essentially acts as a clutch;
  • manual transmission Gear 7 receives rotation from the torque converter, gear shifting in it is carried out by servo drives according to commands from control unit 6.

Rice. 6.1.6. Automatic gearbox: 1 - engine; 2 - input shaft; 3 - blades of the input shaft; 4 - secondary shaft blades: 5 - secondary shaft; 6 - automatic transmission control unit; 7 - manual gearbox; 8 - output shaft

To control an automatic, robotic or CVT transmission, use the gear selector (Fig. 6.1.7).

Rice. 6.1.7. Typical schemes selectors automatic boxes gear shift:

P - parking, mechanically blocks the gearbox; R- reverse, should only be turned on after the vehicle has come to a complete stop; N - neutral, in this position you can start the engine; D - drive, forward movement; S (D3) - range low gears, turns on on roads with slight inclines. Engine braking is more effective than in position D; L (D2) - second range of low gears. Turns on on difficult road sections. Engine braking is even more effective

Cardan transmission(in rear- and all-wheel drive vehicles) allows you to transmit torque from the gearbox to rear axle(main gear) when the vehicle is driving on an uneven road (Fig. 6.1.8).

Rice. 6.1.8. Cardan transmission: 1 - front shaft; 2 - cross; 3 - support; 4 - cardan shaft; 5 - rear shaft

main gear 5 serves to increase torque and transmit it at right angles to axle shaft 6 of the vehicle (Fig. 6.1.9).

Differential ensures rotation of the drive wheels at different speeds when the car turns and the wheels move on uneven roads.

Half shafts 6 transmit torque to the drive wheels 7.

Chassis ensures movement and smoothness. It includes a subframe, usually combined, to which through the front and rear suspension elements of the front and rear axles with hubs and wheels 7 are attached.

Mechanisms and parts of the chassis connect the wheels to the body, dampen its vibrations, perceive and transmit forces acting on the car.

While inside a passenger car, the driver and passengers experience slow vibrations with large amplitudes and fast vibrations with small amplitudes. Soft seat upholstery, rubber engine mounts, gearboxes, etc. protect against fast vibrations. Elastic suspension elements, wheels and tires protect against slow vibrations.

Rice. 6.1.9. Rear-wheel drive car: 1 - engine; 2 - clutch; 3 - gearbox; 4 - cardan transmission; 5 - main gear; 6 - axle shaft; 7 - wheel; 8 - spring suspension; 9 - spring suspension; 10 - steering

The suspension (Fig. 6.1.10) is designed to soften and dampen vibrations transmitted from road irregularities to the car body. Thanks to the wheel suspension, the body makes vertical, longitudinal, angular and transverse angular vibrations. All these vibrations determine the smoothness of the car. The suspension can be dependent or independent.

Dependent suspension (Fig. 6.1.10), when both wheels of one vehicle axle are connected to each other by a rigid beam (rear wheels). When one of the wheels hits an uneven road, the other one tilts at the same angle. Independent suspension, when the wheels of one axle of the car are not rigidly connected to each other. When hitting an uneven road, one of the wheels may change its position, but the position of the second wheel does not change.

Rice. 6.1.10. Diagram of operation of dependent (a) and independent (b) car wheel suspension

An elastic suspension element (spring or spring) serves to soften shocks and vibrations transmitted from the road to the body.

Rice. 6.1.11. Shock absorber diagram:

1 - car body; 2 - rod; 3 - cylinder; 4 - piston with valves; 5 - lever; 6 - lower eye; 7 - hydraulic fluid; 8 - upper eye

The damping element of the suspension - the shock absorber (Fig. 6.1.11) - is necessary to dampen body vibrations due to the resistance that occurs when fluid 7 flows through calibrated holes from cavity “A” to cavity “B” and back (hydraulic shock absorber). Gas shock absorbers can also be used, in which resistance occurs when gas is compressed. Stabilizer lateral stability The car is designed to improve handling and reduce vehicle roll when cornering. When turning, the car body presses one side of it to the ground, while the other side wants to go “away” from the ground. It’s the anti-roll bar, which, pressing one end to the ground, presses the other side of the car with the other, preventing him from getting away. And when a wheel hits an obstacle, the stabilizer rod twists and tries to return this wheel to its place.

Rice. 6.1.12. Steering diagram of the “gear-rack” type: 1 - wheels; 2 - rotary levers; 3 - steering rods; 4 - steering rack; 5- gear; 6-wheel steering

Steering(Fig. 6.1.12) serves to change the direction of movement of the car using the steering wheel. When the steering wheel 6 rotates, the gear 5 rotates and moves the rack 4 in one direction or another. When moving, the rack changes the position of the rods 3 and the associated rotary levers 2. The wheels turn.

Rice. 6.1.13. Brake system: main - 1-6 and parking (manual) -7-10. Actuating brake devices: A-disc; B - drum type; 1 - main brake cylinder; 2 - piston; 3 - pipelines; 4 - hydraulic brake fluid; 5 - rod; 6 - brake pedal; 7 - lever hand brake; 8 - cable; 9 - equalizer; 10 - cable

Brake system(Fig. 6.1.13) serves to reduce the speed of rotation of the wheels due to friction forces arising between brake pads 11 and brake drums A or discs B, as well as to hold the car stationary in parking lots, on descents and ascents using the manual brake system (7-10). The driver controls the brake system using the brake pedal 6 of the main brake system and the parking-night (hand) brake lever 7.

The main brake system (1-6), as a rule, is multi-circuit, that is, when you press the brake pedal 6, the pistons 2 move, the hydraulic pressure brake fluid 4 through pipelines 3 is transmitted to brake actuators A - for braking the front wheels and brake actuators B - for braking the rear wheels. Systems A and B are independent of each other. If one circuit of the brake system fails, the other will continue to perform the braking function, although less effectively. The multi-circuit braking system increases traffic safety.

Every car enthusiast should definitely know at least the basics of what a car consists of and how it works. This is the only way to become a good driver and understand the principle of why the car drives and controls in a certain way, which is why some elements may fail or begin to work incorrectly.

Basic structure of modern cars

For the first time, a car equipped with a gasoline engine was patented in the distant 1885. And since then, modern models have been produced from almost the same basic components as then. The key elements are:

  • Body;
  • Engine;
  • Chassis;
  • Electrical equipment.

Knowing the basic structure of the car, as well as the specifics of the functioning of components and assemblies, you can significantly reduce service and repair costs. Such knowledge and understanding from practice will give the driver a lot.


Engine, or power unit, acts as the heart of the machine - this is the basis for obtaining energy of a mechanical nature. It sets in motion the entire heavy mechanism. If the car does not “pull”, then the reasons, first of all, you need to look for problems in the engine.

ICEs (i.e., internal combustion engines) have become the most widespread. But lately, electric or hybrid cars have become equally popular.


The body comes with a frame or frameless structural system. Most often in modern models the units are fastened to the body itself (which is load-bearing), that is, there is no frame. What is good about such a solution? The weight of the machine is reduced to a minimum.


Structurally, the chassis is a whole complex of mechanisms, the key tasks of which are to transmit torque from the engine to the drive wheels (hereinafter referred to as MT) to ensure movement, as well as to control the vehicle. The group of mechanisms includes the following elements:


The main purpose of transferring the CM to the drive wheels, in order to change the CM in direction as well as in magnitude, for a two-axle car most often consists of a clutch, gearbox, gears (cardan and main), an axle shaft and, additionally, a differential.

Chassis system

The key components are represented by a frame or, in the second case, a load-bearing body, axles (front and rear), springs and shock absorbers (suspension), tires and wheels.

Control mechanism

Formed from steering and braking systems (disc brakes plus drum brake), is responsible for control, changing speed, holding in place and stopping at the right time.

There are pendants various types and types. This is a very important element that designers and engineers work hard on to provide the car with the best performance.

Electrical equipment

In addition to the specified mechanisms, all cars have electrical equipment that provides the necessary current supply to various automotive systems. With its help, the engine starts and starts running, the interior is heated, and it becomes possible to move around in the dark.

The electrical system of a car is complex and multi-component; it works both when the engine is running and when the engine is not running.

For example, the following operate without problems using a battery:

  • brake lights,
  • car radio, other multimedia systems,
  • acoustics and lighting system (in the cabin, under the hood, in the trunk, outside), etc.

Also, due to electrical equipment, safety for the car from theft is achieved (anti-theft alarm).

Do you know when the first one was patented? gasoline car? This happened more than a hundred years ago - in 1885, and it was invented by the German engineer Karl Benz. Years have passed, but the car still consists of the same components as before, but only slightly modernized.

The main parts of a car are the engine, body and chassis. All modern cars are also equipped with various electrical appliances, the general name of which is electrical equipment. It is impossible to single out what is most important about the car, because without at least one component it simply will not move. The car's engine is its heart - it produces energy that is transmitted to the chassis. If earlier there were only gasoline engines, today they also have diesel, electric, solar-powered and hybrid (a combination of several types).

The body is a metal structure to which all other components of the car are attached. The body, in turn, can have different configurations: framed and frameless. If the structure is frameless, then such a body is called a load-bearing one - it is made more massive than a frame one. And if the body has a supporting frame, then the main physical load falls on it. In addition, the body can be of different shapes - the name of the car depends on this: hatchback, station wagon, sedan, van, coupe, pickup, etc.

The car chassis is a general name, and it consists of three groups of mechanisms, the names of which are: transmission, chassis and control mechanism. In short, the chassis provides mechanical movement car. Let's consider the main groups of mechanisms included in the concept of “chassis”.

Transmission – transmits torque from the engine to the wheels. Consists of a gearbox, clutch, cardan and final drive, differential and axle shaft.

The chassis includes the frame or supporting body, front and rear axles, suspension (springs and shock absorbers), wheels and tires.

The control mechanism is the steering wheel and brake system.

Well, the last thing that every car has is electrical equipment. It is responsible for starting the car, for operating the air conditioner, for heating the interior, for the sound of the speakers, etc.

We tried to very briefly and clearly explain what the car consists of. Naturally, all these components can be of completely different configurations and completely different manufacturing technologies can be used in them - it all depends on the brand of car.

There are drivers who drive their cars, but have absolutely no idea what the car consists of. It may not be necessary to know all the intricacies of the complex operation of the mechanism, but the main points should still be known to everyone. After all, the life of both the driver himself and other people may depend on this. At its core, the simplified consists of three parts:

  • engine;
  • chassis;
  • body

In this article we will take a closer look at what parts a car consists of and how they affect its operation. vehicle generally.

What does a car consist of: diagram

The structure of a car can be represented as follows.

In the vast majority of cases, cars are equipped with internal combustion engines. Since they are not ideal, developments have been and are ongoing to invent new motors. Thus, recently cars with electric motors, for charging which a regular outlet is sufficient. The Tesla electric car has become very famous. However, it is certainly too early to talk about the widespread use of such machines.

The chassis, in turn, consists of:

  • transmission or power train;
  • chassis;
  • vehicle control mechanism.

The body is designed to accommodate passengers in the car and move comfortably. The main body types today are:

  • sedan;
  • hatchback;
  • cabriolet;
  • station wagon;
  • limousine;
  • and others.

ICE: types

Any person understands that engine malfunctions can become dangerous to the health and life of people. Therefore, it is vital to know what it consists of

Translated from Latin, motor means “set in motion.” In a machine, it is understood as a device that is designed to convert one type of energy into mechanical energy.

Gas engines operate on liquefied, generator compressed gas. Such fuel is stored in cylinders, from where it enters the gearbox through an evaporator and loses pressure. The further process is similar to that of an injection engine. Sometimes, however, the evaporator is not used.

Motor operation

To better understand the principle of operation, you need to understand in detail what it consists of.

The body is the cylinder block. Inside there are channels that cool and lubricate the motor.

A piston is nothing more than a hollow metal glass with ring grooves on top.

The piston rings located at the bottom are oil scraper rings, and at the top are compression rings. The latter provide good compression and compression of the air-fuel mixture. They are used both to achieve tightness of the combustion chamber and as seals to prevent oil from entering there.

The crank mechanism is responsible for the reciprocating energy of the pistons to the crankshaft.

So, understanding what a car consists of, in particular its engine, let’s understand the principle of operation. The fuel first enters the combustion chamber, mixes with air there, the spark plug (in gasoline and gas versions) produces a spark, igniting the mixture, or the mixture ignites itself (in the diesel version) under the influence of pressure and temperature. The formed gases force the piston to move downward, transmitting movement to the crankshaft, which is why it begins to rotate the transmission, where the movement is transmitted to the front wheels, rear axle or both at once, depending on the drive. A little later we will touch on what a car wheel consists of. But first things first.


Above, we found out what the car consists of, and we know that the chassis includes a transmission, chassis and control mechanism.

The following elements are distinguished in the transmission:

  • clutch;
  • main and cardan transmissions;
  • differential;
  • drive shafts.

Operation of transmission parts

The clutch serves to separate the gearbox from the engine, then smoothly connect them when changing gears and when starting off.

The gearbox changes the torque transmitted from the crankshaft to the cardan shaft. The gearbox unit disconnects the connection between the motor and the cardan drive to the extent necessary to move the vehicle in reverse.

The main function of the cardan transmission is to transmit torque from the gearbox to the main gear at different angles.

The primary function of the final drive is to transmit torque at a ninety-degree angle from the driveshaft through the differential to the drive shafts of the main wheels.

The differential rotates the drive wheels with different frequency when turning and uneven surfaces.


The chassis of the car consists of a frame, front and rear axles, connected to the frame through the suspension. In most modern passenger cars, the frame serves as the Elements that make up the car suspension are the following:

  • springs;
  • cylinder springs;
  • shock absorbers;
  • pneumatic cylinders.

Control mechanisms

These devices consist of a steering wheel and brakes connected to the front wheels. Most modern cars use on-board computers, who themselves control the management in a number of cases, and even make the necessary changes.

Here we note such an important part as what the car wheel consists of. Without him, the car simply would not have happened. This is truly one of the greatest inventions and consists of two components: a rubber tire, which can be tubed or tubeless, and a metal rim.


In most cars today, the body is load-bearing, which consists of individual elements connected by welding. Body styles today are very diverse. The main type is considered to be a closed type, having one, two, three, and sometimes even four rows of seats. Part or even the entire roof can be removed. It can be hard or soft.

If the roof is removed in the middle, then it is a targa body.

A fully removable soft top is available in the convertible.

If it is not soft, but hard, then it is a hardtop convertible.

On a sedan-like station wagon, there is some extension above the luggage compartment, which is a distinctive feature.

And the van will turn out to be a station wagon if the rear doors and windows are sealed.

With a cargo bed behind the driver's cab, the body is called a pickup truck.

A coupe is a two-door closed body.

The same, but with a soft top, was called a roadster.

A cargo-passenger body with a rear door at the rear is called a combi.

The limousine is a closed type with a rigid partition behind the front seats.

From the article we found out what a car consists of. The proper functioning of all components is important, and it is better understood and felt when there is appropriate knowledge.

Each machine consists of at least three components: engine, transmission mechanism And actuator. For example, drilling the machine consists of an electric motor, a V-belt mechanism for transmitting motion and changing spindle speeds, an actuator - spindle. The spindle performs direct drilling cutting using a drill fixed in a chuck.

Machines may also have other mechanisms: feeds, management, control and regulation, sorting,transportation, packaging.

Motion transmission mechanisms can consist of gears, belt drives with pulleys, gears and racks. In table Figure 3 shows some gear mechanisms and their graphic symbols on kinematic diagrams.

Gear mechanisms can have cylindrical And bevel gears. The smaller diameter of the two meshing gears is usually calledgear.

Belt drives transmit rotation from one pulley to another using flat or V-belts.

You became familiar with the design of such a transmission in grade 5 when studying a drilling machine.

Chain transmissions transmit rotation from one sprocket to another using a chain, for example from a pedal sprocket to a sprocket rear wheel bicycle.

If in belt and chain drives the pulleys and sprockets rotate in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), then in gear drives two wheels connected to each other rotate in different directions.

Gears, pulleys, sprockets are called links mechanisms and machines.

The fixed link of a mechanism or machine is called resistant. These are frames, housings, shaft supports.

One of the links that transmits movement to another is called leading. And the link that receives movement from the leading link is called slave. For example, the sprocket of a bicycle that is rotated by pedals is called the drive sprocket, and the sprocket of the rear wheel is called the driven sprocket.

If gear, belt and chain drives transmit rotational motion from one link to another, then rack and pinion transmission converts the rotational motion of a gear into the translational motion of a rack, or vice versa.

Due to the fact that the diameters of gears, pulleys and sprockets in transmissions are usually unequal, the driven wheel rotates at a different speed than the driving one. The ratio of the speed of rotation of the driving link to the speed of rotation of the driven link (or diameter

driven wheel to the diameter of the driving wheel) is called gear ratio i.

i = n 1/ n 2 = D 2 / D 1 ,

Where n 1- speed of rotation of the drive wheel (revolutions per minute, i.e. min -1); p 2 - speed of rotation of the driven wheel (revolutions per minute); D 1 - drive wheel diameter (mm); D 2 - diameter of the driven wheel (mm).

For example, with a drive pulley diameter of 40 mm and a driven pulley diameter of 80 mm, the gear ratio will be equal to: i = 80: 40 = 2.

The driving and driven wheels, pulleys and sprockets are mounted on the shafts so that they do not rotate on them. To do this, the wheel and shaft are connected using a key or splines (Fig. 28). Keyways are cut out in the wheel and shaft, into which they are insertedkey.

If the wheel is fixed to the shaft by means of a key, then keyed connection called motionless (Fig. 28, a).

If a wheel can move along a shaft with a key or splines and simultaneously transmit rotation, then such a connection is called a keyed or splined connection. sliding(Fig. 28, b, c).

Spline joints are formed by connections of projections and depressions on the shaft and gear (Fig. 28, c).

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