Gazelle user manual. Gazelle cars Business, device, operation, maintenance, diagnostics and repair, detailed manual Gazelle operation manual

About the book: Guide to cars GAZelle Business. Edition 2011.
Book format: pdf file in zip archive
Pages: 306
Language: Russian
Size: 28.9 mb
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Cars of the GAZelle family - cargo, passenger and passenger buses, two-axle with twin wheels rear axle, designs with a half-bonnet type cab. The engine is located in front of the cabin longitudinally. The drive is carried out on the rear or on all wheels of the car.

Cars GAZelle GAZ-3302, GAZ-330202, GAZ-33027 and them have a three-seater cab and an onboard body. GAZ-33023, GAZ-330273 and GAZ-330232 have a six-seater cab and a side shortened body. Cars GAZ-2705 and GAZ-27057 have an all-metal closed body with a three or seven-seat cab. Minibuses on the chassis of GAZelle cars have 8, 12 or 13 passenger seats, depending on the modification.

Since February 2010, the production of a modernized family of GAZelle Business vehicles has begun, which has received more than twenty design changes. These changes are mainly aimed at improving the reliability of components and components, the discrepancy between the quality level of which was revealed to modern requirements based on the experience of operating vehicles of previous modifications. On updated cars there are components and components of leading manufacturers:

– steering mechanism with hydraulic booster – ZF (Germany);
- vacuum booster and main brake cylinder, wiper motor-reducer - Bosch (Germany);
– clutch, its drive, shock absorbers front and rear suspension– Sachs (Germany);
- radiator - T-Rad (JV Japan-Russia);
- supports power unit– Anvis (Germany);
- bearings SKF (Sweden) and synchronizers Hoerbiger (Germany) of the gearbox;
- cardan transmission - Tirsan Kardan (Türkiye);
– bearings and seals of the rear axle – Rubena (Czech Republic);
– bumper – Magna (Canada);
– front panel – developed by EDAG (Germany), manufactured by Avtokomponent (Russia);
– heated mirrors – Avtokomponent (Russia).

GAZelle Business cars are also equipped with:

— Improved front suspension;
- upgraded UMZ-4216 engine to Euro 3 toxicity standards;
accumulator battery increased capacity 66 Ah and new starter and alternator.

In addition, GAZelle Business minibuses use an improved sliding door, new locks, rear door hinges and two-point locks. seat belts. Since GAZelle Business minibuses have a more complex body structure compared to flatbed vehicles and chassis, the basic operations for servicing and repairing a car are given in this manual using their example.

Having a Gazelle instruction manual with you, it will be easy for even an inexperienced driver to cope with any situation, and the operation of the vehicle will be long and easy. Time-tested, unpretentious and inexpensive car has its own merits and demerits. Breakdowns and failures also happen. (the most popular machine of this family) is not difficult to carry out in the field, in addition, spare parts for the machine are not very expensive and can be bought in all specialized stores.

The year of issue of the Gazelle has great importance for service, because for the first time she left the conveyors in 1994. In the earliest versions until 1995, four-speed gearboxes were installed on the cars, all other models have a five-speed gearbox. In addition, until 1996 it had an integral one, and only later an original design was developed.

The most common problems with this model include:

  1. Prolonged use will cause the engine to overheat. Cause: breakdown of cylinder head gaskets. The head is warped, because of this it needs to be changed.
  2. In winter, antifreeze often leaks through pipes. Tightening and replacing pipes, as a rule, do not lead to success.
  3. Breaks down regularly release bearing. Frequent clutch failure is a feature that operates in severe conditions.
  4. Noise when activating 4th gear. A feature of the input shaft, in which noise is always heard when shifting gears.
  5. The motor is the most vulnerable spot. HRN chains need to be changed every 2-3 months.
  6. The engine of the ZMZ 402 model has problems with the supply of oil, which flows from the rear main oil seal. Gazelle engine

Front and rear suspension

Each suspension consists of springs, hydraulic shock absorbers and. Basic fastening methods: nuts and ladders, which can move and loosen under certain circumstances. The repair and maintenance manual calls for regular tightening of these parts. Otherwise, the bridge weakens, and as a result, the central bolt holding the springs breaks.

Rear spring Gazelle

The latter will have to be completely changed. The springs must be replaced according to the following instructions: first loosen the nuts and stepladders, then disconnect the shock absorbers from the lower ends. In order to unload the springs, it is necessary to raise the front or rear of the machine, depending on the location of the breakdown. Nuts, ladders must be carefully unscrewed, if unscrewing is difficult, it is better to use a special copper drift.

The last stage: the car is raised to a sufficient height so that the spring comes out of the bracket with the front edge, and the rear comes out of the earring. Reverse installation must be done according to a similar system. The repair manual contains a complete description of this process. The short end of the spring is turned forward when fully extended.

The spring should enter the front edge into the bracket, and the rear end into the end of the earring. 2 conical washers and 1 flat washers are screwed to the front end. Finally, the bolts are fastened with nuts at the bracket and spring earrings.
In case of emergency, a spring from Volga and UAZ cars can be temporarily installed on a Gazelle. Do this for the shortest possible time until a full repair is made. Breakdowns running gear Gazelles occur if the operation of the facility is not carried out according to the rules. To avoid damage, follow simple but important rules:

  1. Do not overload the vehicle and observe the permissible weight.
  2. Be careful while driving when transporting goods.
  3. Attach heavy loads securely with ropes and straps.

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GAZ Sobol car models

Brake system

The braking system of a GAZ 3302 car consists of the following components: drum-type shoes, brake cylinders, a vacuum brake booster and brake parts, and a fluid supply hose. The GAZ instruction manual will help maintain integrity brake system.

During the first 100 km of running with new pads, the braking distances vehicle, so keep the maximum distance.

During a breakdown, do not press the brake pedal with the bracket removed or retracted. All systems must not be flushed with gasoline, acetone or other solvents. New parts of the brake system must be free of grease. The GAZ 3302 repair manual involves identifying the causes of brake system malfunctions with their subsequent elimination. These reasons can be easily detected by an experienced driver during operation.

Scheme of the Gazelle brake system

Among these, one can single out the drift of the car to the side during braking. Most often this happens when the brake discs are dusty. In such a case, it is necessary to wash the rubber pads with gasoline, then wipe dry and sand.

Some models may experience insufficient braking performance, which requires a lot of effort to depress the brake pedal. Repair manual explains it by wear and tear brake pads or broken vacuum hose. In this case, the damaged parts must be replaced.

One of the causes of breakdowns is noise in brake mechanisms. This problem occurs due to a broken disc brake spring or worn brake pins. front wheel. All of the above items need to be changed. If the mechanisms of the system are tightly released, the pistons in the brake caliper are stuck.

Replacing brake discs on a Gazelle

In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to remove the bracket body, clean the dirt from it and lubricate the surfaces of the parts with castor oil. Also, this malfunction can be caused by clogging of the holes of the brake cylinder. To remove this defect, it is necessary to clean the holes with a copper wire with a diameter of 0.6 mm.

Operation manual Fuel Gasoline engines Unleaded gasoline not worse than AI-95 Diesel engines Diesel fuel with a cetane number of at least 49 Operation of diesel models in winter conditions When using the summer version diesel fuel at temperatures below 0 ° C, interruptions in the operation of the engine may occur, which is due to ...

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Open Joint Stock Company "Ulyanovsk Motor Plant"


Director of Development

G.S. Schweizburg

Operation manual 4216.3902010 RE. Engine 4216 and its modifications

Chief designer

OJSC "Ulyanovsk Motor Plant"

E.B. Berezin



Edition dated 10.01.2008

This Operation Manual 4216.3902010 RE applies to engines 4216 and its versions with gasoline injection, intended for installation on vehicles manufactured by OJSC Gorky Automobile Plant.

The manual contains information about the design, principle of operation, characteristics (properties) of the engine, its components and instructions necessary for the correct and safe operation of the product and assessment of its technical condition, transportation, storage, conservation, factory warranty, as well as information on the disposal of the engine and its constituent parts.

* * *

The engines featured in this manual include the following models:

- 4216.1000400 - petrol with integrated microprocessor control system for fuel injection and ignition;

- 4216.1000400-20 - complete with power steering pump.

The named motors are interchangeable in connection dimensions. The motors are manufactured in climatic version U in accordance with GOST 15150 and are designed for operation at an ambient temperature of minus 45° С to plus 40 ° С, average annual relative air humidity up to 80% at temperatures plus 20° C.

The engines are also designed for operation as part of a car with air dust content up to 0.1 g / m 3 and in areas located at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level, with a corresponding change in power.

* * *

Maintenance personnel must have special training.

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The parameters given in the Manual without tolerances are given for reference.

* * *

OJSC "Ulyanovsk Motor Plant" is constantly improving the design of engine components and parts, so they may differ slightly from those described in this Manual. The description is current as of January 1, 2008.

* * *

Regular maintenance of your engine in accordance with this manual and service book will ensure its reliable operation.

* * *

OJSC "Ulyanovsk Motor Plant" does not set operating standards for fuel consumption.

* * *

Developer and manufacturer of engines OJSC "Ulyanovsk Motor Plant", Ulyanovsk.







2.1 Safety requirements


2.2 Warnings








5.1 Preparing the engine for operation


5.2 Starting the engine


5.3 Stopping the engine


5.4 Engine break-in




6.1 Body parts


6.2 crank mechanism


6.3 Gas distribution mechanism


6.3.1 Maintenance of the timing mechanism


6.4 Cooling system


6.4.1 Servicing the cooling system


6.5 Lubrication system


6.5.1 Servicing the lubrication system


6.6 Crankcase ventilation system


6.6.1 Maintenance of the ventilation system


6.7 Power system


6.8 Ignition system


6.9 Fuel and ignition control


6.10 Engine electrical equipment




7.1 Maintenance intervals


7.2 Scope of maintenance (MS)


7.2.1. Daily Maintenance (EO)


7.2.2 Maintenance after break-in (via 2000 km ) and TO-1 (every 15000 km vehicle mileage).


7.2.3 Second Maintenance(TO-2)




8.1 Typical malfunctions of engines with electronic injection fuel.






10.1 Preservation of engines for a storage period of up to 3 months

About the book: Gazelle management. Edition 2012.
Book format: pdf file in zip archive
Pages: 322
Language: Russian
Size: 38.6 mb
Download: free, without restrictions and passwords

A book from a series of full-color illustrated manuals for repairing GAZelle cars on your own. The manual shows the design features of the components and systems of the GAZelle GAZ-3302 and GAZ-2705 vehicles with UMZ-4215.10, UMZ-4216.10, ZMZ-4025, ZMZ-4026, ZMZ-4061, ZMZ-4063 and ZMZ-40522 engines.

The main malfunctions, their causes and solutions are described in detail. The disassembly and repair processes are illustrated and annotated. A separate section is devoted to the repair of the modernized GAZelle, the brake system and the ZMZ-40522 engine.

Applications provide tools lubricants And operating fluids, lip seals, bearings, tightening torques for threaded connections, lamps, as well as electrical equipment diagrams.

Cars of the GAZelle GAZ-3302 and GAZ-2705 family.

Cars of the GAZelle family are cargo, cargo-passenger and passenger buses, two-axle with twin wheels of the rear axle, frame structure, with a half-bonnet type cab. The engine is located in front of the cabin longitudinally. The drive is carried out on the rear or on all wheels of the car.

Cars GAZ-3302, GAZ-33021 and GAZ-33027 have a three-seat cabin and an onboard body. GAZ-33023 and GAZ-330273 have a six-seater cab and a side shortened body. The basic model GAZ-3302, produced since July 1994, is a car with an all-metal two-door cab and a metal side platform ( inner dimensions 3060x1945x380 mm) with folding side and rear sides.

On the cargo platform, you can place a load weighing up to 1500 kg. The floor height of the platform is only 1 meter, which greatly facilitates loading. From atmospheric precipitation, the cargo is protected by an awning. Based on this model, the GAZ-330202 chassis is manufactured, designed to install an elongated platform for transporting oversized cargo or special equipment.

Cars GAZ-2705 and GAZ-27057 have an all-metal closed body with a three or seven-seat cab. GAZ-2705 produced since December 1995 is the basic model among vans, its load capacity is 1350 kg. The all-metal body of this model is four-door. Loading is even easier compared to cargo models, since the floor height of the cargo compartment is 725 mm, and you can load the van, in addition to hinged rear doors, through a sliding side door.

Buses on the chassis of GAZelle cars have 8–13 passenger seats, depending on the modification. Since January 2003 all the lineup cars are completed with bodies (cabins) with a modified front end.

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