Induction generator. Car generator Presentation on the topic generator

Purpose: 1) Study the generator, its structure,
the principle of its operation.
2) Detailed consideration of the principles
work and device of automobile
3) Complete written
examination paper in connection with
completion of a car mechanic course.

Generator history:
Inventor of the automobile generator in
the form in which it is established and in
our days, there was a German engineer Robert Bosch.
In 1887 he developed a low-voltage magneto
for stationary engines, and by 1902 -
magneto high voltage which became
prototype of the one he showed in 1906
"light machine", that is, the first
car generator DC.
Abbreviation "AGS"
"Car Generators and

Generator is a device that converts
mechanical energy received from
engine, into electric

(not used on
(used in
present time)

On vehicles produced before
1960s (for example GAZ51, GAZ-69, GAZ-M-20
"Victory" and many others)
generators were installed
First generator design
AC was
presented by the company "Neville",
USA in 1946.
Used on cars
GAZ-53, VAZ-2101, Moskvich-2140
The alternator is more powerful
more durable, cheaper than
DC generators

Main parts of car generator:
Assembly with rectifier diodes
Voltage regulator
Brush unit
Diode module protective cover

The principle of operation of a car
When in the ignition
turn the key onto the winding
excitation current flows through
brush assembly and slip rings. IN
a magnetic field is induced in the winding.
The generator rotor begins to move
with rotation of the crankshaft.
The stator windings are threaded
magnetic field of the rotor. On conclusions
stator windings occurs
alternating voltage. WITH
reaching a certain frequency
rotation, field winding
powered directly from
generator, that is, generator
goes into self-excitation mode.

Generator faults:

Electrical faults:
Brush wear;
Breakage or violations
electrical contact
Short circuits between
turns of the rotor winding;
Failure, although not
often, diode bridge or
voltage regulator.
Mechanical faults:
Bearing wear;
Vibrating rotor;
Belt stretching and breaking
generator drive.


A generator is a very complex device, so it is important to treat it with care
to him. Constantly monitor the condition of all its parts, as well as
degree of tension drive belt. Then the car generator
can last as long as possible.

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A DC generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Depending on the methods of connecting the excitation windings to the armature, generators are divided into: independent excitation generators; self-excited generators; parallel excitation generators; series excitation generators; mixed excitation generators; Low power generators are sometimes made with permanent magnets. The properties of such generators are close to the properties of generators with independent excitation.

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DC Generators

DC generators are sources of direct current that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The generator armature is driven into rotation by any engine, which can be used as electric motors internal combustion etc. DC generators are used in those industries where, according to production conditions, direct current is necessary or preferable (in the metallurgical and electrolysis industries, in transport, on ships, etc.). They are also used in power plants as exciters of synchronous generators and direct current sources. Recently, in connection with the development of semiconductor technology, rectifier units are often used to produce direct current, but despite this, direct current generators continue to be widely used. DC generators are produced with powers ranging from several kilowatts to 10,000 kW.

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DC generators are ordinary induction generators equipped with a special device - the so-called commutator - which makes it possible to convert the alternating voltage on the clamps (brushes) of the machine into a constant one. Rice. 329. DC generator circuit: 1 - commutator half-rings, 2 - rotating armature (frame), 3 - brushes for collecting induction current

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The principle of the collector is clear from Fig. 329, which shows the diagram the simplest model DC generator with collector. This model differs from the model of an alternating current generator discussed above (Fig. 288) only in that here the ends of the armature (winding) are connected not to separate rings, but to two half rings 1, separated by insulating material and put on a common cylinder, which rotates on one axis with frame 2. Spring contacts (brushes) 3 are pressed against the rotating half-rings, with the help of which the induction current is diverted to the external network. With each half-turn of the frame, its ends, soldered to the half-rings, move from one brush to another. But the direction of the induction current in the frame, as explained in § 151, also changes with each half-turn of the frame. Therefore, if switching in the commutator occurs at the same time when the direction of the current in the frame changes, then one of the brushes will always be positive pole generator, and the other - negative, i.e. in the external circuit there will be a current that does not change its direction. We can say that with the help of a collector we rectify the alternating current induced in the armature of the machine.

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The voltage graph at the terminals of such a generator, the armature of which has one frame, and the collector consists of two half rings, is shown in Fig. 330. As we see, in this case the voltage at the generator terminals, although it is direct, i.e. does not change its direction, but all the time Fig. 330. The dependence of the voltage at the terminals of the DC generator on time varies from zero to the maximum value. This voltage and its corresponding current are often called direct pulsating current. It is not difficult to realize that voltage or current goes through the entire cycle of its changes during one half-cycle of the variable e. d.s. in the generator windings. In other words, the ripple frequency is twice the frequency of alternating current.

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To smooth out these pulsations and make the voltage not only direct, but also constant, the generator armature is made up of a large number of individual coils, or sections, shifted at a certain angle relative to each other, and the collector is made up not of two half rings, but of a corresponding number of plates lying on the surface of a cylinder rotating on a common shaft with an armature. The ends of each armature section are soldered to a corresponding pair of plates separated by insulating material. Such an anchor is called a drum-type anchor (Fig. 331). In Fig. 332 shows a disassembled DC generator, and Fig. 333 - diagram of the design of such a generator with four armature sections and two pairs of plates on the collector. A general view of the PN brand DC generator is shown in Fig. 334. Generators of this type are manufactured with power from 0.37 to 130 kW and voltages of 115, 115/160, 230/320 and 460 V at rotor speeds from 970 to 2860 rpm.

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From Fig. 332 and 333 we see that, unlike alternating current generators, in direct current generators the rotating part of the machine - its rotor - is the armature of the machine (drum type), and the inductor is placed in the stationary part of the machine - its stator. The stator (generator frame) is made of cast steel or cast iron, and protrusions are fixed on its inner surface, onto which windings are placed, creating a magnetic field in the machine. 331. Drum-type armature of a direct current generator: 1 - drum on which the turns of four windings are located, 2 - collector consisting of two pairs of plates

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Rice. 332. Disassembled DC generator: 1 - frame, 2 - armature, 3 - bearing shields, 4 - brushes with brush holders mounted on the beam, 5 - pole core

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field (Fig. 335, a). In Fig. 333 only one pair of poles N and S is shown; in practice, several pairs of such poles are usually placed in the stator. All their windings are connected Fig. 333. Scheme of a direct current generator with four armature sections and four plates on the commutator

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in series, and the ends are brought out to terminals m and n, through which a current is supplied to them, creating a magnetic field in the machine. Rice. 334. Appearance DC generator

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Since rectification occurs only on the collector of the machine, and in each section it is induced AC, then in order to avoid strong heating by Foucault currents, the armature core is not made solid, but is assembled from separate steel sheets, on the edge of which recesses for the active conductors of the armature are stamped, and in the center there is a hole for the shaft with a key (Fig. 335, b). These sheets are insulated from each other with paper or varnish. Fig. 335. Parts of a direct current generator: a) pole core with field winding; b) armature steel sheet with a hole in the center;

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168.1. Why is the stator of an alternating current generator assembled from separate steel sheets, and the stator of a direct current generator is a massive steel or cast iron casting? The connection diagram of individual sections of the armature winding with the commutator plates can be understood from Fig. 333. Here the circle with cutouts represents the rear end of the iron core, in the grooves of which long wires of individual sections are laid, parallel to the axis of the cylinder. These wires, usually called active in electrical engineering, are numbered 1-8 in the figure. On the rear end side of the armature, these wires are connected in pairs by so-called connecting wires, which are shown in the figure with dashed lines and marked with the letters a, b, c, d. As you can see, every two active wires and one connecting wire form a separate frame - an armature section, the free ends of which are soldered to a pair of collector plates.

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The first section consists of active wires 1 and 4 and connecting wire a; its ends are soldered to collector plates I and II. The free end of the active wire 3 is soldered to the same plate II, which, together with the active wire 6 and the connecting wire b, forms the second section; the free end of this section is soldered to collector plate III, and the end of the third section, consisting of active wires 5 and 8 and connecting wire c, is soldered to the same plate. The other free end of the third section is soldered to collector plate IV. Finally, the fourth section consists of active wires 7 and 2 and connecting wire d. The ends of this section are soldered respectively to the collector plates IV and I. We see, therefore, that all sections of the drum-type armature are connected to each other so that they form one closed circuit. Such an armature is therefore called short-circuited. The commutator plates I-IV and brushes P and Q are shown in Fig. 333 in the same plane, but in fact they, just like the wires connecting them to the ends of the sections and shown in the figure solid lines, are located on the opposite side of the cylinder. Let us examine this diagram in more detail to identify the main fundamental features of the design and operation of a drum-type armature.

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Brushes P and Q are pressed against a pair of opposite commutator plates. In Fig. 336, and shows the moment when brush P touches plate I, and brush Q touches plate III. It is easy to see that, leaving, for example, brush P, we can arrive at brush Q along two parallel lines Fig. 336. Scheme for connecting the armature sections to the brushes at two points in time, separated by a quarter of a period: a) one branch contains sections 1 and 2, and the other - sections 3 and 4; b) the first branch contains sections 4 and 1, and the second - sections 2 and 3. In the external circuit (load), the current always flows from P to Q to the branches connected between them: either through sections 1 and 2, or through sections 4 and 3, as shown schematically in Fig. 336, a. After a quarter turn, the brushes will touch plates II and IV, but again between them there will be two parallel branches with sections 4 and 1 in one branch and 2 and 3 in the other (Fig. 336, b). The same will take place at other moments of rotation of the armature.

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Thus, the short-circuited armature circuit at any time breaks up between the brushes into two parallel branches, each of which includes half of the armature sections in series. When the armature rotates in the field of the inductor, a variable e is induced in each section. d.s. The directions of currents induced at some point in time in different sections are marked in Fig. 336 arrows. After half the period, all directions of induced e. d.s. and the currents will change to the opposite, but since at the moment their sign changes the brushes change places, then in the external circuit the current will always have the same direction; brush P is always the positive and brush Q the negative pole of the generator. Thus, the collector rectifies the variable e. d. s, arising in individual sections of the armature. From Fig. 336 we see that e. d. s, acting in both branches into which the armature chain breaks up, are directed “towards” each other. Therefore, if there was no current in the external circuit, i.e., no load was connected to the generator terminals, then the total e. d.s. acting in a short-circuited armature circuit would be equal to zero, i.e. there would be no current in this circuit. The situation would be the same as

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Rice. 337. a) In a circuit made up of two elements connected “towards”, there is no current in the absence of load. b) If there is a load, the elements are connected in parallel to it. The load current branches out and half of it passes through each branch when two galvanic elements are turned on “toward” each other without an external load (Fig. 337, a). If we connect a load to these two elements (Fig. 337, b), then in relation to the external network both elements will be connected in parallel, that is, the voltage at the network terminals (M and N) will be equal to the voltage of each element. The same, obviously, will take place in our generator, if we connect some load (lamps, motors, etc.) to its terminals (M and N in Fig. 333): the voltage at the generator terminals will be equal to the voltage , created in each of the two parallel branches into which the generator armature breaks up.

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The e.m.f. induced in each of these branches are composed of e.m.f. d.s. each of the series-connected sections included in this branch. Therefore, the instantaneous value of the resulting e. d.s. will be equal to the sum of the instantaneous values ​​of the individual e. d.s. But when determining the shape of the resulting voltage at the generator terminals, two circumstances must be taken into account: a) due to the presence of a collector, each of the added voltages is rectified, i.e., has the shape depicted by curves 1 or 2 in Fig. 338; b) these voltages are shifted in phase by a quarter of a period, since the sections included in each branch are shifted relative to each other by p/2. Curve 3 in Fig. 338, obtained by adding the corresponding ordinates of curves 1 and 2, depicts the voltage shape at the generator terminals. As we can see, the pulsations on this curve have double the frequency and are significantly less than the pulsations in each section. The voltage and current in the circuit are no longer only direct (not changing directions), but also almost constant.

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To further smooth out the pulsations and make the current almost completely constant, in practice they place not 4 separate sections on the armature of the machine, but a much larger number of them: 8, 16, 24, ... The same number of separate plates is available on the commutator. In this case, the connection diagrams, of course, become much more complicated, but in principle this anchor is no different from the one described. All its sections form one short-circuited circuit, which breaks up in relation to the brushes of the machine into two parallel branches, in each of which there are elements connected in series and shifted in phase relative to each other. d.s. half the number of sections. When adding these e. d.s. it turns out almost constant e. d.s. with very small pulsations.

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Class: 11

Lesson objectives:

  • continue studying the topic alternating current;
  • explain the structure and principle of operation of a three-electrode lamp, types and types of alternating current generators;
  • continue the formation of natural scientific ideas on the topic under study;
  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest and activity of students;
  • promote the development of convergent thinking;
  • formation of communicative communication.

Equipment: interactive complex SMART Board Notebook, on each table there is “Collection of Physics” by G.N. Stepanova.

Lesson teaching method: conversation using the interactive SMART Board Notebook complex.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment
  2. Testing knowledge, updating it (by frontal survey method)
  3. Studying new material (the framework of the new material is the presentation)
  4. Consolidation
  5. Reflection

Lesson progress

Tube generator

The use of a three-electrode lamp in an electronic amplifier was discussed above. However, triodes are also widely used in tube generators, which are used to create alternating currents of various frequencies.

The simplest circuit of a tube generator is shown in Fig. 192. Its main elements are a triode and an oscillatory circuit. A BN incandescent battery is used to power the lamp filament. The anode circuit includes an anode battery Ba and an oscillatory circuit consisting of an inductor Lk and a capacitor Ck. The Lc coil is included in the grid circuit and is inductively connected to the Lk coil of the oscillatory circuit. If you charge a capacitor and then short-circuit it to an inductor, the capacitor will periodically discharge and charge, and damped electrical oscillations of current and voltage will appear in the oscillatory circuit circuit. The damping of oscillations is caused by energy losses in the circuit. To obtain undamped alternating current oscillations, it is necessary to periodically add energy to the oscillatory circuit at a certain frequency using a high-speed device. Such a device is a triode. If you heat the cathode of the lamp (see Fig. 192) and close the anode circuit, then a electric current, which will charge the capacitor Sk of the oscillatory circuit. The capacitor, discharging onto the inductor Lk, will cause damped oscillations in the circuit. The alternating current passing through the Lk coil induces an alternating voltage in the Lc coil, acting on the lamp grid and controlling the current strength in the anode circuit.

When a negative voltage is applied to the lamp grid, the anode current in it decreases. When the voltage on the lamp grid is positive, the current in the anode circuit increases. If at this moment there is a negative charge on the upper plate of the capacitor C of the oscillating circuit, then the anode current (electron flow) will charge the capacitor and thereby compensate for energy losses in the circuit.

The process of decreasing and increasing the current in the anode circuit of the lamp will be repeated during each period of electrical oscillations in the circuit.

If, with a positive voltage on the lamp grid, the upper plate of the capacitor Ck is charged with a positive charge, then the anode current (electron flow) does not increase the charge of the capacitor, but, on the contrary, reduces it. In this situation, oscillations in the circuit will not be maintained, but will fade. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to correctly turn on the ends of the coils Lk and Lc and thereby ensure timely charging of the capacitor. If oscillations do not occur in the generator, then it is necessary to swap the ends of one of the coils.

A tube generator is a converter of direct current energy from the anode battery into alternating current energy, the frequency of which depends on the inductance of the coil and the capacitance of the capacitor, forming an oscillatory circuit. It is easy to understand that this transformation in the generator circuit is performed by a triode. The emf, induced in the coil Lc by the current of the oscillatory circuit, periodically acts on the lamp grid and controls the anode current, which in turn recharges the capacitor at a certain frequency, thus compensating for energy losses in the circuit. This process is repeated many times during the entire operating time of the generator.

The considered process of excitation of undamped oscillations in the circuit is called self-excitation of the generator, since the oscillations in the generator support themselves.


Electric current is generated in generators - devices that convert energy of one kind or another into electrical energy. Generators include galvanic cells, electrostatic machines, thermopiles, solar panels, etc. The scope of application of each of the listed types of electricity generators is determined by their characteristics. Thus, electrostatic machines create a high potential difference, but are unable to create any significant current in the circuit. Galvanic cells can produce a large current, but their duration of action is short. The predominant role in our time is played by electromechanical induction alternating current generators. In these generators, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. Their action is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Such generators have a relatively simple design and make it possible to obtain large currents at a sufficiently high voltage.

There are many types of induction generators available today. But they all consist of the same basic parts. This is, firstly, an electromagnet or permanent magnet that creates a magnetic field, and, secondly, a winding in which an alternating emf is induced (in the model considered, this is a rotating frame). Since the EMF induced in series-connected turns add up, the amplitude of the induced EMF in the frame is proportional to the number of turns in it. It is also proportional to the amplitude of the alternating magnetic flux Ф = BS through each turn. To obtain a large magnetic flux, generators use a special magnetic system consisting of two cores made of electrical steel. The windings that create the magnetic field are placed in the slots of one of the cores, and the windings in which the EMF is induced are in the slots of the other. One of the cores (usually internal) together with its winding rotates around a horizontal or vertical axis. That's why it's called a rotor. The stationary core with its winding is called a stator. The gap between the stator and rotor cores is made as small as possible. This ensures highest value flux of magnetic induction. In large industrial generators, an electromagnet rotates, which is the rotor, while the windings in which the EMF is induced are placed in the stator slots and remain stationary. The fact is that current must be supplied to the rotor or removed from the rotor winding to the external circuit using sliding contacts. To do this, the rotor is equipped with slip rings attached to the ends of its winding. Fixed plates - brushes - are pressed against the rings and connect the rotor winding with the external circuit. The current strength in the windings of the electromagnet that creates the magnetic field is significantly less than the current strength given by the generator to the external circuit. Therefore, it is more convenient to remove the generated current from the stationary windings, and through the sliding contacts to supply a relatively weak current to the rotating electromagnet. This current is generated by a separate DC generator (exciter) located on the same shaft. In low-power generators, the magnetic field is created by a rotating permanent magnet. In this case, rings and brushes are not needed at all. The appearance of EMF in stationary stator windings is explained by the appearance of a vortex electric field in them, generated by a change in the magnetic flux when the rotor rotates.

A modern electric current generator is an impressive structure made of copper wires, insulating materials and steel structures. With dimensions of several meters, the most important parts of the generators are manufactured with millimeter precision. Nowhere in nature is there such a combination of moving parts that can generate electrical energy so continuously and economically.

Basic characteristics of electrical materials lesson development presentation. Alternator transformer production transmission and use. Receiving and transmitting alternating electric current Transformer. Devices with permanent magnets for generating electricity. Producing electricity using an alternating current generator. Report on the discipline of physics on the topic of using a transformer. Producing alternating current using an induction generator. Producing alternating current using induction generators. Alternators role in electricity production. Area of ​​application of industrial alternating current generators. Alternating current generators and generating alternating current emf. Calculation of EMF in an alternating magnetic field.

It will not be surprising to anyone that these days the popularity, demand and demand for devices such as power plants and alternating current generators are quite high. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that modern generating equipment is of great importance for our population. In addition to this, it is necessary to add that alternating current generators have found their wide application in a wide variety of fields and areas. Industrial generators can be installed in places such as clinics and kindergartens, hospitals and catering establishments, freezer warehouses and many other places that require a continuous supply of electric current. Please note that a lack of electricity in a hospital can directly lead to the death of a person. That is why generators must be installed in such places. Also quite common is the use of alternators and power plants in construction sites. This allows builders to use the equipment they need even in areas where there is no electrification at all. However, the matter did not stop there. Power plants and generator sets have been further improved. As a result of this, we were offered household alternating current generators, which could be quite successfully installed for electrifying cottages and country houses. Thus, we can conclude that modern alternating current generators have a fairly wide range of applications. In addition, they are able to solve a large number of important issues associated with incorrect operation of the electrical network or its absence.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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DEVICE AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF THE GENERATOR The housing (5) and the front cover of the generator (2) serve as supports for the bearings (9 and 10), in which the armature (4) rotates. Voltage from the battery is supplied to the armature field winding through brushes (7) and slip rings (11). The anchor is driven by a V-belt through a pulley (1). When starting the engine, as soon as the armature begins to rotate, the electromagnetic field it creates induces an alternating electric current in the stator winding (3). In the rectifier block (6) this current becomes constant. Next, the current through a voltage regulator combined with a rectifier unit enters the vehicle’s electrical network to power the ignition system, lighting and alarm systems, instrumentation, etc.

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General view of the automobile alternator 1 and 19 – aluminum covers; 2 – rectifier diode block; 3 – rectifier block valve; 4 – screw for fastening the rectifier unit; 5 – slip rings; 6 and 18 – rear and front ball bearings; 7 – capacitor; 8 – rotor shaft; 9 and 10 – conclusions; 11 – voltage regulator output; 12 – voltage regulator; 13 – brush; 14 – hairpin; 15 – pulley with fan; 16 – rotor pole piece; 17 – spacer sleeve; 20 – rotor winding; 21- stator; 22 – stator winding; 23 – rotor pole piece; 24 – buffer sleeve; 25 – bushing; 26 – clamping sleeve

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The operation of the generator is based on the effect of electromagnetic induction. Modern cars use three-phase alternating current generators. The generator is the most heavily loaded electrical component. While the car is moving, the generator shaft speed reaches 10-14 thousand revolutions per minute. This is the highest rotation speed among all car components, 2-3 times higher than the engine speed. The service life of the generator is approximately two times less than that of the engine: approximately 160 thousand kilometers. According to their design, generator sets are divided into traditional generators with a fan at the drive pulley and compact generators with two fans in the internal cavity of the generator. There are two types of generators: alternator (used on most passenger cars) direct current generator (used on most vehicles operating in motor vehicles) The alternating current generator consists of two main parts: a stator with a stationary winding in which alternating current is induced, and a rotor that creates a moving magnetic field, as well as covers, a drive pulley with a fan and a built-in rectifier unit.

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Generator stator 1 - core, 2 - winding, 3 - slot wedge, 4 - slot, 5 - terminal for connection to the rectifier

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Generator stator winding diagram. A - distributed loop differs in that its sections (or half-sections) are made in the form of coils with end-to-end connections on both sides of the stator package opposite each other; B - the wave is concentrated, resembles a wave, since its frontal connections between the sides of the section are located alternately on one or the other side of the stator package; B - wave distributed. the section is divided into two half-sections emanating from one groove, with one half-section emanating to the left and the other to the right. 1 phase, 2 phase, 3 phase

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Car generator rotor. A special feature of automobile generators is the type of rotor pole system (Fig. 5). It contains two pole halves with protrusions - beak-shaped poles, six on each half. The pole halves are made by stamping and may have protrusions - half-bushes. If there are no protrusions when pressed onto the shaft, a bushing with an excitation winding wound on the frame is installed between the pole halves, and winding is carried out after installing the bushing inside the frame. a - assembled; b - disassembled pole system; 1,3 - pole halves; 2 - excitation winding; 4 - slip rings; 5 - shaft

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The brush assembly is a plastic structure that houses the brushes i.e. sliding contacts. There are two types of brushes used in automobile generators - copper-graphite and electrographite. The latter have an increased voltage drop in contact with the ring compared to copper-graphite ones, which adversely affects the output characteristics of the generator, but they provide significantly less wear on the slip rings. The brushes are pressed against the rings by spring force. Typically, brushes are installed along the radius of the slip rings, but there are also so-called reactive brush holders, where the axis of the brushes forms an angle with the radius of the ring at the point of contact of the brush. This reduces the friction of the brush in the guides of the brush holder and thereby ensures more reliable contact of the brush with the ring. Often the brush holder and voltage regulator form a non-separable unit.

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Generator cooling system The generator is cooled by one or two fans mounted on its shaft. In this case, in the traditional design of generators (Fig. a), air is sucked by a centrifugal fan into the cover from the side of the slip rings. For generators that have a brush assembly, a voltage regulator and a rectifier outside the internal cavity and are protected by a casing, air is sucked through the slots of this casing, directing the air to the hottest places - to the rectifier and voltage regulator. On cars with a dense engine compartment layout, in which the air temperature is too high, generators with a special casing (Fig. b) are used, attached to the rear cover and equipped with a pipe with a hose through which cold and clean outside air enters the generator. a - generators of conventional design; b - generators for elevated temperatures in the engine compartment; c - generators of compact design.

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Generator drive The generators are driven from the crankshaft pulley by a belt drive. The larger the diameter of the pulley on the crankshaft and the smaller the diameter of the generator pulley (the ratio of the diameters is called the gear ratio), the higher the generator speed, and accordingly, it is able to deliver more current to consumers. V-belt drive is not used for gear ratios greater than 1.7-3. First of all, this is due to the fact that with small pulley diameters, the V-belt wears out more. On modern models As a rule, the drive is carried out by a poly-V-belt. Due to its greater flexibility, it allows the installation of a small diameter pulley on the generator and, therefore, higher gear ratios, i.e. the use of high-speed generators. The tension of the poly V-belt is carried out, as a rule, by tension rollers when the generator is stationary.

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Mounting the generator Generators are mounted at the front of the engine with bolts on special brackets. The mounting feet and tension spring of the generator are located on the covers. If fastening is carried out with two paws, then they are located on both covers; if there is only one paw, it is located on the front cover. In the hole of the rear paw (if there are two mounting paws) there is usually a spacer sleeve that eliminates the gap between the engine bracket and the paw seat.

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Voltage Regulators Regulators maintain generator voltage within certain limits for optimal operation of electrical appliances included in the on-board network car. All voltage regulators have measuring elements, which are voltage sensors, and actuators that regulate it. In vibration controllers, the measuring and actuating element is electromagnetic relay. For contact-transistor regulators, the electromagnetic relay is located in the measuring part, and the electronic elements are in the actuating part. These two types of regulators have now been completely replaced by electronic ones.

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The main malfunctions of the generator and how to eliminate them The generator does not provide charging current (the ammeter shows discharge current at the rated speed of the engine crankshaft) Slipping of the drive belt Tension the belt, making sure that the bearings are in good condition Brush hang-up Clean the brush holder and brushes from dirt, check the force of the brush springs Burning of the slip rings Clean and, if necessary, sharpen the slip rings Broken excitation circuit Repair the broken circuit The rotor is caught on stator poles Check bearings and landing places. Replace damaged parts Malfunction of the voltage regulator Replace the voltage regulator Open circuit in the generator-battery circuit Repair the break The generator gives charging current, but does not provide good charge battery Poor contact of the generator ground with the ground of the voltage regulator Check the integrity of the wire going to ground and the reliability of the contact Triggering of the voltage regulator protection relay due to a short to ground in the generator excitation circuit Find the location of the short circuit and eliminate the fault Wear of the brushes Replace the brushes with new ones Sticking brushes Clean the brush holder and brushes from dirt Contamination and oiling of the contact rings Wipe the rings with a cloth moistened with gasoline Malfunction of the voltage regulator Check and, if necessary, replace the voltage regulator Turn short circuit or open circuit of one of the phases of the stator winding Malfunction (breakdown) of the diodes of the rectifier unit Disassemble generator, check the condition of the stator winding (no open or short circuit). Replace the stator with a faulty winding Weak belt tension Adjust the belt tension Increased noise of the generator Wear or destruction of the bearings Replace the bearings Loosening of the generator pulley nut Tighten the nut Wear of the bearing seat Replace the generator cover Interturn short circuit of the stator winding ("howl" of the generator) Replace the stator

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