Hyundai Solaris hatchback ground clearance. Ground clearance on Hyundai Solaris: measure and increase ground clearance. What we can do

Dimensions of Hyundai Solaris correspond to class “B”. The latest update to the Hyundai Solaris has added 5mm to the overall length of the car. The increase was due to other bumpers. The wheelbase remains the same 2570 mm, as does the height, width and ground clearance. The ground clearance of the restyled Solaris is still 16 centimeters. For obvious reasons, the Hyundai Solaris hatchback is shorter in length.

Hatchback length Hyundai Solaris is 4120 mm. That is, 255 millimeters less than the sedan. Their total height and width are 1470 and 1700 mm, respectively. The luggage compartment of the hatch is approximately 100 liters smaller and amounts to 370 liters. The sedan has a trunk volume of 470 liters. However, if you add rear seats, the hatchback will be more practical, since you can load 1043 liters of volume into the trunk. The ground clearance of both the Solaris hatchback and the sedan is exactly 160 mm.

Internal dimensions of Solaris and the following: the space at shoulder level for front passengers is 1364 mm, for rear passengers - 1356 mm. The legroom for front passengers, depending on the position of the seat, is from 1062 to 1112 mm. For rear passengers from 780 to 846 mm. It is worth noting that the interior of the hatchback and sedan are the same. As for the track size, it directly depends on the installed wheels. On the Hyundai Solaris, the manufacturer offers either 15-inch wheels or R16. Further more detailed Dimensions of Hyundai Solaris(data for the hatchback is indicated in brackets).

Dimensions, weight, volumes, ground clearance Hyundai Solaris restyling

  • Length – 4375 mm (4120 mm)
  • Width – 1700 mm
  • Height – 1470 mm
  • Curb weight – from 1055 kg
  • Gross weight – 1565 kg
  • Base, distance between front and rear axle– 2570 mm
  • Front track and rear wheels– 1495/1502 mm respectively
  • Trunk volume – 470 liters (hatchback 370 liters)
  • Volume fuel tank– 43 liters
  • Tire size – 185/65 R15 or 195/55 R16
  • Ground clearance or clearance of Hyundai Solaris - 160 mm

In terms of size, Solaris is almost a copy of its single-platform

Russia is a multinational country. Most nations can be classified as ours on a territorial basis: Buryats, Tatars, Yakuts, Russians - we are all Russians. But there are also representatives of other nations who have lived in Russia for more than one generation, and have every right to call themselves Russians. For example, Koreans.

Can the same be said about Korean cars? Let's try to understand this issue using the example of the Hyundai Solaris. Even before the car appeared on our market, manufacturers positioned it as a Russian Korean. Thus, they hinted that the model was completely adapted to Russian operating conditions.

Photo: IFCAR (Public domain)

They had every right to say so:

  • Hyundai cars have been present on our market for a long time;
  • the dealer network is well established;
  • the cost of models is focused on our realities;
  • all consumer dissatisfaction was taken into account in the next deliveries of cars to the market.

It was this, and the fact that residents of Russia participated in choosing the name of the model, that became the reason for unshakable faith in the veracity of the company’s statement about a people’s car with Asian roots. How did it really turn out?

In general, the developers of Hyundai Solaris did not lie when they said that they created the car taking into account the quality of our roads. But there was one “but”. “Our” model was equipped with twin-pipe shock absorbers, stiff and elongated springs. Due to this it was possible to increase Hyundai Solaris ground clearance up to 16 cm.

However, the rear shock absorbers were too soft. And as soon as the car picked up speed or drove over a bump, it felt like it was skidding. And the reason for this was a strong vertical swing. But if the problem with shock absorbers was quickly solved by installing stiffer ones, then the situation with ground clearance turned out to be much worse. But it was the clearance of the Hyundai Solaris that was the company’s main trump card.

Sixteen centimeters between the bottom of the car and the road, if you don’t find fault, is a normal distance. However, the vicissitudes that await cars on poor roads force them to use additional protection engine developed by the company. A she steals 2.5 cm. ground clearance. That is, ground clearance will be 13.5 cm.

Add to this the bumpers, towing eyes, which are located below the bottom of the model, as well as air pressure when driving at high speed. So it turns out that the car almost touches the road surface. This means that any bump, hole, etc. will have a significant impact on both the driver and the condition of the body.

It turns out that the company’s main trump card (clearance) is the culprit for the model’s non-compliance with the developers’ words. That is, we have received another model that wants to become ours. But for this, at a minimum, you need registration. Hyundai Solaris has not earned it yet.

Hyundai Solaris ground clearance or ground clearance, just like for any other passenger car is an important factor on our roads. It is the condition of the road surface or its complete absence that makes Russian motorists interested in the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris and the possibility of increasing ground clearance using spacers.

To begin with, it’s worth saying honestly that real ground clearance Hyundai Solaris may differ significantly from what is stated by the manufacturer. The whole secret is in the method of measuring and where to measure ground clearance. Therefore, you can find out the real state of affairs only by arming yourself with a tape measure or ruler. Official clearance of Hyundai Solaris new generation is 160 mm, in the first generation this figure was the same - 16 centimeters. In this regard, little has changed. However, taking into account the protection engine compartment actual ground clearance does not exceed 150 mm.

Some manufacturers use a trick and declare the amount of ground clearance in an “empty” car, but in real life We have a trunk full of all kinds of things, passengers and a driver. That is, in a loaded car the ground clearance will be completely different. Another factor that few people take into account is the age of the car and the wear and tear of the springs—their “sagging” due to age. The issue can be resolved by installing new springs or purchasing spacers for sagging springs Hyundai Solaris. Spacers allow you to compensate for spring subsidence and add a couple of centimeters of ground clearance. Sometimes even an inch of curb parking makes a difference.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with “lifting” the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris, because spacers to increase ground clearance are focused only on springs. If you do not pay attention to the shock absorbers, the travel of which is often very limited, then independently upgrading the suspension can lead to loss of controllability and damage to the shock absorbers. Great in terms of cross-country ability ground clearance Hyundai Solaris in our harsh conditions this is good, but at high speeds on the highway and in turns there is serious sway and additional body roll.

Video measurements real clearance on Solaris.

Detailed video of installing spacers to increase ground clearance on a Hyundai Solaris.

Any car manufacturer, when designing the suspension and choosing the ground clearance, looks for a middle ground between handling and cross-country ability. Perhaps the simplest, safest and most unpretentious way to increase clearance is to install wheels with “high” tires. Changing wheels makes it easy to increase the ground clearance by another centimeter.

Do not forget that a serious change in ground clearance can damage the CV joints. After all, the “grenades” will have to work from a slightly different angle. But this only applies to the front axle. Moreover, a serious change in clearance can lead to uneven wear rubber.

Many people wonder what ground clearance the Hyundai Solaris has, and in this article we will talk about this in detail, because this question is not entirely clear-cut, especially on the territory of the great and multinational Russia, where Russians and Bashkirs, Tatars and Ukrainians, Buryats and Chuvashs live. – and they are all Russians. More than a hundred nationalities inhabit Russia, and their representatives also call themselves Russians with every right...

And if you think about cars? For example, about Koreans. We have this Korean car, Hyundai Solaris. The manufacturer positioned it as a Russian Korean even before the car entered the Russian market.

It is assumed that such a car should feel excellent on domestic roads, that is, the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris will allow the car to drive on country roads. It will be interesting to find out whether this is true.

At first glance, everything is correct: the Hyundai company has been operating for many years Russian market and has a developed dealer network, the cost of the car is adequate to the financial condition of the residents of Russia, it knows what the clearance of the Hyundai Solaris should be, and in general, previous consumer complaints have always been taken into account during subsequent deliveries of cars...

These considerations, as well as the fact that Russians participated in choosing the name of the car, led to the fact that the statements of Hyundai representatives about a new people's car with Asian roots were trustingly accepted by Russian car enthusiasts.

Have Russians' expectations been met? We were assured that the car was developed taking into account the condition of our roads. And one could say that Hyundai representatives did not lie, if not for one small detail.

Front twin-tube shock absorbers and extended stiff springs increased the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris to sixteen centimeters. Quite an acceptable value, only the rear shock absorbers were too soft...

When gaining sufficient speed, or when the car hit a bump, a strong vertical rocking occurred, giving the driver the impression that the car was skidding.

And if the problem of shock absorbers was quickly solved by changing them to stiffer ones, then with the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris everything was not so simple. And the main trump card of Korean marketers in this model was the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris.

If you are not too picky, then the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris (the distance between the bottom of the car and the road) of 16 centimeters is quite acceptable. And in general technical specifications Hyundai Solaris is on the level.

However, the realities of Russian roads forced the manufacturer to use additional engine damage protection. This absolutely necessary part takes away from the road Hyundai clearance Solaris is approximately 2.5 cm. And the actual ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris will be only 13.5 cm, instead of the declared sixteen.

In addition, there are still such parts as a bumper and towing eyes located below the bottom of the Solaris. And if we remember the air pressure when driving at high speed, then we can say that the bottom of the car is very close to the road surface.

As a result, any unevenness in the road will significantly affect the condition of the car body, and the driver himself will not experience the promised comfort.

It turns out that the main trump card of the automotive giant Huyndai is to blame for the discrepancy between the condition of the model and the assurances of the developers - ground clearance. Hyundai Solaris therefore cannot claim to be Russian " people's car“, although perhaps in the future Korean developers will increase the ground clearance, which is so necessary for Russian drivers.

And finally, the video Hyundai Solaris vs.

Today, there is a lot of controversy about the ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris. The first batches of Hyundai Solaris were produced in the Republic of Korea, and before the car was introduced on the Russian market, manufacturers stated that this car designed for unpredictable Russian roads.

Accordingly, it is understood that the ground clearance allows you to drive the car on unpaved areas and on the famous off-road conditions in the Russian outback. Let's take a closer look at whether the statements of Korean automakers are true.

Hyundai has been offering its cars on the Russian market for many years; there are dealerships throughout the country; manufacturers have studied the wishes of customers and are trying to take all measures to satisfy their demand. Moreover, the features of our roads have been studied for a long time, and it is assumed that during the design of the Hyundai Solaris 2014, the manufacturers should have made the clearance appropriate.

It must be added that cars of this brand are in good demand in Russia; consumers have long been convinced of the reliability of the car and the loyalty of the manufacturer. And car enthusiasts willingly believe in declared characteristics of the Hyundai company. However, today it remains controversial what the ground clearance or ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris actually is? Does it allow you to move around areas where there is no asphalt surface, and do the statements of the car dealership representatives correspond to the truth?


If you take a closer look at the Hyundai Solaris, you can understand that the car’s ground clearance has been increased due to stiffer, more elongated springs. Twin-tube shock absorbers are installed in front, which increases the clearance to 16 centimeters.

The 16 centimeters declared by the manufacturer is quite good ground clearance, even for our roads.

But the shock absorbers located in the rear of the car are questionable, as they are softer. During the test drive, the driver had the illusion that the car was skidding; this most often happened due to the car swaying while accelerating or when going over bumps on the road.

The engine protection, which protects the engine from damage, also raised doubts about the declared performance. A detail so important and necessary for Russian roads It is installed at the bottom of the car and has a thickness of two and a half centimeters. That is, you can safely subtract 2.5 centimeters from 16 and you get 13.5 centimeters of ground clearance. Reality no longer matches the claims. Towing rings, which are attached to the bottom of the car, and a bumper, further reduce ground clearance. This can be clearly seen in the video.

Bottom line

Due to these shortcomings, driver comfort is lost and there is a risk of vehicle damage. It turns out that statements about the sufficiently high ground clearance of the Hyundai Solaris are not true. Based on the above, we draw the conclusion that this car cannot be considered a “people's car,” and manufacturers are in vain in claiming this title. Let's hope that in the next generation the shortcomings will be eliminated and the ground clearance will become truly high and suitable for Russian roads.

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