Ready crossword puzzle on philosophy - on the topic "ancient philosophy". Crossword puzzle for the Moscow Art Culture "artistic culture of antiquity" Crossword puzzle "Ancient Greek gods"

Methodological development

in the discipline "Culturology"

"Thematic Crosswords"

for 2nd year students, OSSE.06-12,

students in specialty 101101 Hotel service

Developed by a teacher


St. Petersburg 2012

The manual corresponds to the work program in the discipline “Cultural Studies” for 2nd year students studying in specialty 101101 Hotel service.

It presents the basic concepts of cultural studies as theoretical knowledge: the subject of cultural studies, the concept and structure of culture and its basic values, the main stages of cultural genesis, unique historical ethno-regional phenomena of culture, typology of cultures, the main trends in the development of Russian culture and its place in the system of world culture, outstanding personalities representatives of domestic and world culture.

The material is presented in the form of tasks for thematic educational crossword puzzles.

The manual is intended for students studying the discipline “Cultural Studies” and teachers in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process and improve teaching methods.


The emerging system of humanities education in a technical college requires new non-standard forms of education and increasing its effectiveness in various specialties and areas. The idea of ​​publishing this manual arose quite a long time ago - in the process of giving lectures, conducting practical classes and seminars over the past 10 years. The manual was determined by various forms of motivation: first of all, the game and creative component, which undoubtedly increases the effectiveness of classes, an operational, visual form of control over the implementation of each lesson, and finally, variability, that is, the breadth of use of the crossword form of tasks. All these and other circumstances determined the present form of the textbook.

The results of the methodological “crossword” experiment indicate a significant increase in attention to cultural studies and its problems, as well as such an important point as attention and careful attitude to reference and methodological literature not only on cultural studies, but also on all subjects of the humanities cycle. It should be noted that the advantage of this publication is the formation of ideological and cultural orientations, creative abilities of students, independent culture of thinking and speech.

The manual includes 12 educational crossword puzzles on all topics of the “Cultural Studies” course. The total number of terms is more than 200.

This manual may be of interest to all those who want to increase their intelligence and cultural potential in the field of the humanities.

Liliya Anatolyevna Tercero,

teacher at SPbTC

Crossword No. 1 on the topic “Culture as a subject of scientific analysis”


3. these are phenomena, norms, values, rules, traditions, properties that are inherent in all cultures

7. (yy) British ethnologist, cultural scientist, author of a 12-volume study of primitive culture

10. German philosopher and historian, one of the supporters of the rationalist model of culture

12. origin of cultures, social and historical dynamics of culture

14. method of cultural research, a supporter of which was Franz Boas (gg)


1. (gg) British philosopher, sociologist and cultural scientist, one of the developers of civilization theory

2. a culture that synthesizes the best achievements of all national cultures

4. (gg) German sociologist, historian, economist, author of the book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”

6. in culture, this is a geographical area within which different cultures show similarities in the main features

8. material or spiritual embodiment of the creative potential of a particular culture

gg) Russian-American sociologist and cultural scientist

13. American anthropologist, supporter of the empirical method of cultural research

Crossword No. 2 on the topic “Primitive culture”


1. the name of a cave in France where rock paintings from the Paleolithic period are preserved

3. world famous stone megalithic structure in Wiltshire, England

9. Old Stone Age

10. time of transition from an “appropriating type” economy to a producing type economy

11. endowing natural phenomena with human qualities, i.e. their animation

12. period of history from 7-10 to 8 thousand years BC. e., when a man domesticates a dog, invents a bow and arrow


2. organic fusion of dissimilar elements into a single whole

4. a gorge in Western Germany that gave its name to an ancient human species

5. worship of inanimate objects that were endowed with supernatural properties

6. belief in a person’s ability to influence the world around him using spells

7. American ethnographer (gg.), who called the primitive period “savagery”

8. a person’s belief in a family relationship with any type of animal or plant

13. religious ban

Crossword No. 3 for the topic “Ancient Eastern culture: Ancient Egypt”


2. king in Egypt, "living deity"

8. a square in the city center where the market, the place of public meetings and the Senate were located

9. the first of the inhabited Roman hills

12. outstanding statesman of the republican period, brilliant orator, lawyer and expert in philosophy

13. more prominent statesman and political figure, dictator, commander, writer, killed by conspirators at a Senate meeting

17. size of property


3. the most famous master of the Moscow school of icon painting

5. social portrait

7. supreme deity, source of fire and light

10. national assembly

Crossword No. 12 on the topic “St. Petersburg period of Russian culture”

(“Golden” and “Silver” ages of Russian culture)


16. brilliant Russian writer and thinker, author of the concept of “non-resistance to evil through violence”


2. artist-painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes ("Barge Haulers on the Volga", "Meeting of the State Council", "Cossacks")

4. theater and artistic figure, one of the founders of the “World of Art” group, organizer of the “Russian Seasons in Paris”

7. poet, novelist, playwright, artist, served in the Caucasus

9. one of the largest trends in art, manifested in creativity,

10. prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, one of the classics of Russian literature (born in the Poltava region)

11. Russian and Soviet naturalist, one of the representatives of Russian cosmism


This manual deliberately violates one of the main requirements for composing crossword puzzles: the verifiability of each word in two or three words. According to the author's intention, some terms and definitions included in crossword puzzles are tested with only one word, which makes them difficult to solve.

The teacher is offered the following rating scale depending on the number of correct answers:

80 – 100% - “excellent”;

70 – 80% - “good”;

50 – 70% - “satisfactory”;

Less than 50% is “unsatisfactory”.

The average time to solve one task is 45 minutes. Crosswords can be used as homework, or as a test during independent work.

The main advantage of the crossword form is the operational control of the results immediately after completing the task.

List of used literature

1. , Korolev. – SPb.: PETER, 2010.

2. Emokhonova artistic culture. –M.: Academy, 2009.

3. Kravchenko. –M.: Academic project, 2010.

4. Moiseeva. History of world culture. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.

5. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Cultural Studies, ed. A. Radugina. –M.: Center, 2009.

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Semester work:

Philosophy crossword

Completed by student

Groups RS0302 Smirnov Kirill

Checked by: Denisova A.B.

Moscow, 2004


2. (for Hegel, identical to the absolute spirit) - the bearer of objective-practical activity and knowledge (individual or social group), the source of activity aimed at an object.. 3. section of philosophy, the doctrine of being, in which the universal foundations, principles of being are explored, its structure and patterns. 5. historically diverse forms of denial, refutation of religious ideas and cults and affirmation of the intrinsic value of the existence of the world and man. 7. philosophical doctrine about the nature of values, their place in reality, about the structure of values ​​in the world (that is, about the connection of various values ​​among themselves, with social and cultural factors) and about the structure of personality. . 9. a direction in the theory of knowledge that recognizes sensory experience as a source of knowledge and believes that the content of knowledge can be presented either as a description of this experience or reduced to it.. 10. theology, a set of religious doctrines about the essence and action of God (the system of dogmas of the Christian faith ).. 11. meaningless, absurdity. 14. philosophical doctrine, according to which the question of the truth of knowledge of the reality surrounding a person cannot be finally resolved.. 16. the process of obtaining and updating knowledge, the activity of people to create concepts, schemes, images, concepts that ensure the reproduction and change of their existence, their orientation in the surrounding world.. 17. section of philosophy, the doctrine of knowledge, in which the laws and possibilities of knowledge are studied. 18. direction in philosophy; considers idea, consciousness, spirit to be primary, and nature, being, matter to be secondary...


1. philosophical teaching based on the recognition of two principles as equal and not reducible to each other: spirit and matter, ideal and material. 4. (adj.) a term denoting such aspects of existence that go beyond the sphere of limited existence, the finite, empirical world, characterizes the highest and universal objects of metaphysical knowledge (one, true, good, etc.). 6. a worldview that considers every event and every human act as an inevitable realization of primordial predestination, excluding free choice and chance. 8. special spiritual activity, similar to science and culture. This is the doctrine of existence and its reflection in human consciousness. This is a study of the limits of man's relationship to the world. These are unintelligible answers to unsolvable questions.. 12. a thought process full of doubts and hesitations. This is an analysis of your own thoughts and ideas. 13. philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality. 15. a set of views, assessments, principles that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world, a person’s place in it and, at the same time, life positions, programs of behavior, actions of people...

Crossword answers:


2. Subject.

3. Ontology.

5. Atheism.

7. Axiology.

9. Empiricism.

10. Theology.

11. Absurd.

14. Agnosticism.

16. Cognition.

17. Epistemology.

18. Idealism.


1. Dualism.

4. Transcendental.

6. Fatalism.

8. Philosophy.

12. Reflection.

15. Worldview.

Oneself, manifesting itself in the form of direct experience. 14 True, correct reflection of reality in thought, the criterion of which is ultimately practice. 15 Science that studies the laws and forms of thinking, ways of developing knowledge. 16 In the teachings of the Stoics, this word was understood as dispassion, mental equanimity. ANSWERS TO THE CROSSWORD. HORIZONTALLY: 1 Equality.2 Carnap. 3

Zelon from Kitin around 300. BC e.; moral principle 19. A concept introduced by neopositivism to designate a philosophical theory of morality, taken in contrast to normative ethics, abstracted from moral problems 20. The concept of moral consciousness, which serves as a generalized characteristic of positive stable moral qualities of an individual Answers to questions for a crossword puzzle on ethics.

... (“Stages of the organic and man”, 1928), A. Gehlen (“Man. His nature and his position in the world”, 1940), M. Landman, carrying out mainly organic, bioanthropological approaches to the problem of man, came to leading to a significant limitation of the horizon of philosophical anthropological thinking. They elevated biological,...

Crossword on the topic “Ancient culture”

Horizontal: 5. Ancient Roman water supply. 8. Goddess of fertility in ancient Greek mythology. 9. Prometheus stole ... from Zeus, for which he was chained to a rock. 10. Muse of love lyrics in ancient Greek mythology. 13. Muse of history in Ancient Greece. 14. An ancient Greek hero who was never able to reach the sun. 15. One of the mythological animals defeated by Hercules. 16. Ancient Greek god of the underworld. 17. An ancient city that died as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius, depicted by Karl Bryullov in his famous painting. 19. Part of the frieze. 23. An ancient Greek poet, according to legend, thrown into the sea and saved by dolphins.24. Mountain in Ancient Greece, abode of the gods. 26. The famous ancient Roman amphitheater. 27. Ancient Greek playwright, author of the tragedy “Medea”. 28. Winged goddess of victory in Ancient Greece. 30. Ancient Greek goddess of femininity, wife of Zeus. 33. Ancient Roman playwright, author of the tragedy “Medea”. 35. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the sculpture “Bacchante”. 38. Goddess of the dawn in Ancient Rome. 35. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the sculpture “Bacchante”. 38. Goddess of the dawn in Ancient Rome. 39. Ancient Greek playwright, author of the tragedy “Oedipus the King.” 40. The largest temple in the Acropolis of Athens. 45. Song of praise in honor of gods and heroes in Ancient Greece. 48. Trojan hero, a character in Virgil’s poem. 49. God of the sea in Ancient Greece. 50. Ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty. 51. River of oblivion in the kingdom of Hades. 54. Goddess of youth in Ancient Greece.

56. Island, center of early ancient Greek culture. 57. The heroine of Greek mythology, to whom the loving Zeus appeared in the form of golden rain. 58. Wall for decorations in an ancient Greek theater. 61. The first domed temple in history. 63. A monster that devoured young men and women in the Labyrinth until the hero Theseus killed him. 64. Hero of Homer's poem. 67. The deity of love in ancient Roman mythology. 68. Emperor of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, under whom the Church of Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople. 69. Scene in an ancient Greek theater. 70. Antique clothing.71. Ancient Roman festivals during which slaves and masters swapped places. 75. Muse of dance in Ancient Greece. 78. The front part of an architectural structure. 79. The king whose stables were cleaned by Hercules. 80. Wife of Hercules. 81. Part of the facade of a building, limited by a gable roof.

Vertical : 1. Temple complex in Ancient Greece. 2. Architectural structure of the ancient Romans. 3. Construction material, invention of the ancient Romans. 4. Ancient Greek goddess, patroness of hunting. 6. Faithful wife of Odysseus. 7. In Rome - Venus, in Greece - .... 11. The first Roman emperor to receive the title of Augustus. 12. In Rome - Diana, in Greece - ....

17. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the “golden ratio”. 18. One of the authors of the Parthenon.

19. Ancient Greek sculptor who created the Discobolus. 20. The main part of the entablature.

21. Ancient Greek fabulist. 22. Hero of Sophocles' tragedy. 23. Row of arches. 25. The ruler of Athens, under whom the development of art reached its greatest flowering. 29. Persian king who won the victory at Thermopylae and destroyed Athens. 31. The daughter of the Phoenician king, kidnapped by Zeus, who turned into a bull. 32. Ancient Greek scientist from Syracuse, great mathematician. 34. The famous sculpture of Polykleitos. 36. Roman emperor, under whom Christianity received the status of an official religion. 37. Architectural support consisting of a base, trunk and capital.

41. Legendary founder of Rome. 42. Ancient Greek heroine, whose children became victims of the envy and malice of Latona, mother of Apollo and Artemis. 43. Author of the statue of Athena in the Parthenon.

44. One of the most cruel Roman emperors, on whose orders his mother was killed and his teacher Seneca, philosopher and playwright, committed suicide. 46. ​​Soul in the form of a girl, lover of Cupid in ancient Greek mythology. 47. Ancient Greek god, from the rite of worship of which theater arose. 52. Friend and mentor of Odysseus and his children, whose name has become synonymous with a teacher, an educator who strictly adheres to the instructions. 53. Virgil's poem.

55. Resident of Athens. 56. An underground gallery or hall where the first Christians in Ancient Rome hid from persecution. 59. The hero of the Iliad, a venerable old man, reminiscing and giving advice to the young. 60. The lower part of the underworld, the bottom of the underground kingdom in Ancient Greece.

61. Ancient Greek comedy writer. 62. Ancient Greek bath. 65. In ancient Greek mythology, a forest deity with horns and goat legs. 66. Island, homeland of Odysseus. 72. Roman emperor, in whose honor a triumphal arch and column were erected. 73. Ancient Greek spirits of nature in the form of girls, goddesses of trees, springs and caves. 74. An ancient Egyptian goddess, whose cult was widespread in Ancient Rome. 75. One of the pre-Olympic gods, children of Uranus and Gaia.

76. The hero of the Greek myth, doomed to endlessly roll a heavy stone up a mountain.

77. Lover of Artemis, killed by her out of jealousy and placed by the gods in the sky in the form of a constellation.

3. An ancient Greek Stoic term meaning
4. Following the classical Greco-Roman stage in the development of ancient philosophy and culture, covering the period from the conquests of Alexander the Great (356 - 3230 BC)
5. The doctrine of nature, the essence of knowledge
7. The eldest of the sophists, author of the idea Man is the measure of all things
8. A set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person’s attitude to the world and to himself
9. What is the name of the second period in the history of ancient philosophy (occupies the period of time from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD)
11. A type of ancient philosophical worldview, which is based on ideas about the unity of man, nature and the Universe
13. The doctrine of being, its fundamental principles
14. Disciple of Plato, father of logic
15. Doctrine that denies the knowability of the essence of the objective world
16. Ancient Greek philosopher, representative of the Milesian school of natural philosophy, student of Thales of Miletus
17. Ancient Indian treatises of a religious and philosophical nature. are part of the Vedas and belong to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in the category of shruti
18. The concept of Plato’s philosophy, denoting the process of a person’s cognition of the world through the immortal soul’s recollection of what it saw while being in the world of ideas
19. The art of arguing and conversation
22. Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher. his only work, from which only a few dozen fragments of quotations have survived, is a book “about nature”, which consisted of three parts (“about nature”, “about the state”, “about God”)
23. Ancient Greek teaching, according to which the world consists of atoms (existence) and emptiness (non-existence), in which atoms move
24. Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and mystic, creator of the religious and philosophical school of the Pythagoreans

1. Disciple of Socrates, creator of the philosophical system
2. Follower of Pythagoras, the first to draw the system of the world and place the central fire at the center of the universe
4. What is the name of the first period in ancient philosophy (VII–IV centuries BC) associated with the formation and development of Greek classical slavery
6. Philosophy of nature, speculative teaching about nature and its integrity
10. What is the name of the most characteristic feature of the philosophical thought of the Hellenistic period (the desire to understand the essence of nature, the cosmos, the world as a whole)
12. Section of philosophy dealing with research into the original nature of reality, the world and existence as such
20. The term is based on the statement about the primacy of consciousness in relation to matter
21. Poetic work of Hesiod (vii - eighth century BC), one of the first ancient Greek mythological poems to become famous in European literature

Collection of crossword puzzles for grade 5 “Ancient Greece”

Mamaev Oleg Vladimirovich, teacher of history and social studies MCOU "Batkovskaya Basic School", Ryazan region, Sasovsky district, Batki village

Description and purpose:
The collection consists of seventeen crossword puzzles compiled based on materials from the “Ancient Greece” section of the textbook “History of the Ancient World, Grade 5” (A. A. Vigasin, G. I. Goder, I. S. Sventsitskaya). The eleven crossword puzzles correspond to the nineteen paragraphs of the Ancient Greece section and each consist of 12 words. The four crossword puzzles correspond to the four chapters of the Ancient Greece section and each consist of 16 words. The sixteenth crossword puzzle is the final one for the topic “Ancient Greece” and consists of 20 words. The last seventeenth crossword puzzle, consisting of 12 words, is special: the questions proposed in it are distinguished not only by increased complexity, but also by unusual wording. This crossword puzzle is addressed to talented and inquisitive children who have mastered the topic well and are able to think logically and creatively. Crosswords are intended for history teachers and 5th grade students and can be used in various forms in the classroom: to consolidate material learned in class, for individual or collective checking of homework, for conducting tests and intellectual-cognitive activities.
1. Test students’ knowledge of the material studied;
2. Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
3. Contribute to the creation of a relaxed, creative atmosphere in the classroom.
§ 24-25. Crossword “Crete, Mycenae and the Trojan War”

1. God of the sky, thunder and lightning.
2. One of the oldest Greek cities.
3. Leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
4. The peninsula where the Greeks lived.
5. She inspired Elena to love Prince Paris.
6. This word was written on the golden “apple of discord.”
1. Dwelling of the Minotaur.
2. The legendary ruler of Crete.
3. His awakening caused the death of the Cretan kingdom.
4. City on the island of Crete.
5. Self-name of Greece.
6. The sea that washes Greece in the west is named after this mythical hero.
Horizontal: 1. Zeus; 2. Mycenae; 3. Agamemnon; 4. Balkan; 5. Aphrodite; 6. The most beautiful.
Vertical: 1. Labyrinth; 2. Minos; 3. Volcano; 4. Knossos; 5. Hellas; 6. Aegean.

§ 26-27. Crossword “Iliad and Odyssey”

1. With the help of this weapon, Odysseus dealt with the suitors.
2. The Greeks believed that Homer portrayed himself in the image of this blind storyteller.
3. The Iliad ends with his funeral.
4. Hero of the Trojan War, killed by the arrow of Paris.
5. The Iliad and Odyssey were supposedly written in this century.
1. Another name for Troy.
2. Wife of Odysseus.
3. Half-birds, half-women, who lured sailors with their singing.
4. A huge snake with six dog-like heads.
5. Father of the Cyclops Polyphemus.
6. Odysseus was the ruler of this island.
7. King of Troy.
Horizontal: 1. Onion; 2. Demodocus; 3. Hector; 4. Achilles; 5. Eighth.
Vertical: 1. Ilion; 2. Penelope; 3. Sirens; 4. Scylla; 5. Poseidon; 6. Ithaca; 7. Priam.

§ 28. Crossword “Religion of the ancient Greeks”

1. This god forged armor for Achilles.
2. He saved people from death and taught them to use fire.
3. God of winemaking.
4. The goddess Demeter was the patroness of this activity.
5. One of the most revered ancient Greek goddesses.
1. Lower deities in ancient Greek mythology.
2. Brother of Zeus.
3. A giant holding the vault of heaven on his shoulders.
4. Three-headed guard at the entrance to the kingdom of the dead.
5. God of treacherous and cruel war.
6. The most famous hero of ancient Greek myths.
7. Abode of the ancient Greek gods.
Horizontal: 1. Hephaestus; 2. Prometheus; 3. Dionysus; 4. Agriculture; 5. Athena.
Vertical: 1. Nymphs; 2. Poseidon; 3. Atlant; 4. Cerberus; 5. Ares; 6. Hercules; 7. Olympus.

§ 24-28. Crossword “Ancient Greece”

1. His awakening caused the death of the Cretan kingdom.
2. Self-name of Greece.
3. Another name for Troy.
4. Scylla's sinister friend.
5. The great poet of Ancient Greece.
6. Messenger of the gods.
7. The legendary ruler of the island of Ithaca.
8. Achilles' weak spot.
9. Three-headed guard at the entrance to the kingdom of the dead.
1. He held the vault of heaven on his shoulders.
2. One of the most revered ancient Greek goddesses.
3. Brother of Zeus.
4. The oldest of the Greek cities.
5. A ferocious labyrinth dweller.
6. The sea washing the Balkan Peninsula in the south is named after him.
7. Lower deities in ancient Greek mythology.
Horizontal: 1. Volcano; 2. Hellas; 3. Ilion; 4. Charybdis; 5. Homer; 6. Hermes; 7. Odysseus; 8. Heel; 9. Cerberus.
Vertical: 1. Atlant; 2. Athena; 3. Hades; 4. Mycenae; 5. Minotaur; 6. Aegean; 7. Satires.

§ 29. Crossword “Farmers of Attica are losing freedom”

1. The main city of Attica.
2. The Phoenicians invented it, and the Greeks improved it.
3. The main problem of the farmers of Attica.
4. The Greeks diluted this drink with water.
5. For all crimes, this ruler established one punishment - death.
1. Evergreen tree with oily fruits.
2. It threatened the poor man who could not repay the debt.
4. She owned the best lands in Attica.
5. An essential product that the growing population of Attica lacked.
6. Common people in Ancient Greece.
7. This body of power annually elected archons.
Horizontal: 1. Athens; 2. Alphabet; 3. Land shortage; 4. Wine; 5. Dragon.
Vertical: 1. Olive; 2. Slavery; 3. Policy; 4. Know; 5. Bread; 6. Demos; 7. Areopagus.

§ 30. Crossword “The Birth of Democracy in Athens”

1. In his poems, Solon called her “a slave who received freedom.”
2. "Power of the people."
3. Having received power, Solon first of all abolished the most cruel laws of this Athenian ruler.
4. They took part in the work of the People's Assembly.
5. According to Herodotus, Solon met with this Lydian king.
1. The gift that Athena gave to the Athenians.
2. After the abolition of debt slavery, only they could be slaves in the Athenian state.
3. Mythical founder of Athens.
4. In 594 BC, Solon was elected to this position.
5. Solon was involved in this business in his youth.
6. Indicate the missing word: “As (...) I will not accept gifts, and no one will accept them on my behalf.”
7. During court hearings they were used to vote.
Horizontal: 1. Earth; 2. Democracy; 3. Dragon; 4. Citizens; 5. Croesus.
Vertical: 1. Olive; 2. Foreigners; 3. Kekrop; 4. Archon; 5. Trade; 6. Judge; 7. Pebbles.

§ 31. Crossword “Ancient Sparta”

1. “Children’s” method of voting in Sparta.
2. The peninsula on which Southern Greece is located.
3. The river in the valley of which Sparta was located.
4. Losing him in battle was considered a great shame for a Spartan warrior.
5. In the Spartan state they made up the majority of the population.
6. Only they took part in the work of the People's Assembly.
1. The area conquered by the Spartans.
2. Concise and clear speech.
3. To get food for themselves, Spartan boys were forced to resort to this means.
4. They had enormous power in Sparta.
5. This quality was valued most by the Spartans.
6. Leaders of the Spartan army.
Horizontal: 1. Scream; 2. Peloponnese; 3. Euro; 4. Shield; 5. Helots; 6. Men.
Vertical: 1. Messinia; 2. Laconic; 3. Theft; 4. Elders; 5. Courage; 6. Kings.

§ 33. Crossword “Olympic Games”

1. The pentathlon began with him.
2. Greek athlete who repeated the feat of Hercules.
3. Reward for the winner of the games.
4. God, to whom the Olympic Games were dedicated.
5. The last pentathlon competition.
6. The city in which the games took place.
1. A treat that was provided to the winner of the games by his hometown for the rest of his life.
2. Place for holding equestrian competitions.
3. Indicate the missing word: during the Olympic Games (...) between policies was prohibited.
4. They could not participate in the Olympic Games.
5. Participant in Olympic competitions.
6. Famous fighter, six-time Olympic winner.
Horizontal: 1. Running; 2. Polydam; 3. Wreath; 4. Zeus; 5. Fight; 6. Olympia.
Vertical: 1. Lunch; 2. Hippodrome; 3. War; 4. Women; 5. Athlete; 6. Milo.

§ 34-35. Crossword "Greco-Persian Wars"

1. Thanks to his efforts, thirty Greek city states united to fight the Persians.
2. The sea between Greece and Asia Minor.
3. A contemporary of the Greco-Persian wars, who described them in a historical work.
4. A rich Greek city destroyed by the Persians.
5. Combat formation of the Greek infantry.
6. In the Battle of Marathon, warriors from this city fought in alliance with the Athenians.
1. Movable Greek ship with three rows of oars.
2. Strategist who led the Athenians in the Battle of Marathon.
3. He ordered the sea to be carved out.
4. Heroes of the Battle of Thermopylae.
5. Decisive battle of the Greco-Persian wars.
6. The ruler of Persia who started the war with Greece.
Horizontal: 1. Themistocles; 2. Aegean; 3. Herodotus; 4. Athens; 5. Phalanx; 6. Plataea.
Vertical: 1. Trier; 2. Miltiades; 3. Xerxes; 4. Spartans; 5. Salamiskoe; 6. Darius.

§ 29-35. Crossword “Polices of Greece and their struggle with the Persians”

1. The sea between Greece and Asia Minor.
2. In 594 BC he was elected to the position of archon in Athens.
3. The Persian king who ordered the carving of the sea.
4. Settlement of Greeks in another country.
5. "Power of the people."
6. Losing him in battle was considered a great shame for a Spartan warrior.
7. Strategist who led the Athenians in the Battle of Marathon.
8. The main city of Attica.
1. The peninsula on which Southern Greece is located.
2. “Children’s” method of voting in Sparta.
3. Award for the winner of the Olympic Games.
5. God, in whose honor the Olympic Games were held.
6. Evergreen tree with oily fruits.
7. In the Spartan state they made up the majority of the population.
8. Movable Greek ship with three rows of oars.
Horizontal: 1. Aegean; 2. Solon; 3. Xerxes; 4. Colony; 5. Democracy; 6. Shield; 7. Miltiades; 8. Athens.
Vertical: 1. Peloponnese; 2. Scream; 3. Wreath; 4. Alphabet; 5. Zeus; 6. Olive; 7. Helots; 8. Trier.

§ 36-37. Crossword “In the city of the goddess Athena”

1. The material from which the Greeks created sculptures.
2. Temple of the goddess Athena.
3. A hill with steep and steep slopes.
4. Father of the goddess Athena.
5. Full residents of Athens.
6. Goddess of victory.
1. The main port of the Athenian state.
2. Place of construction and repair of ships.
3. The main square of the city.
4. They paid a tax for the right to live in Athens.
5. District of pottery workshops.
6. The great Athenian sculptor.
Horizontal: 1. Marble; 2. Parthenon; 3. Acropolis; 4. Zeus; 5. Citizens; 6. Nika.
Vertical: 1. Piraeus; 2. Shipyard; 3. Agora; 4. Migrants; 5. Ceramics; 6. Phidias.

§ 38-39. Crossword “In the Athenian school and in the theater”

1. Athenian schoolchildren learned excerpts from the works of this author by heart.
2. Boys began to attend this school at the age of twelve.
3. The part of the theater where the actors performed.
4. The famous sculpture of Myron.
5. There were two main performances in the theater: tragedy and (...) Indicate the missing word.
6. Writing rod on a wax tablet.
1. God is the patron of theatrical art.
2. He took the Athenian boys to school and looked after them.
3. Translated from Greek, this word means “spectacle.”
4. At this time of year, Athenian schoolchildren had vacations.
5. They could not be actors in the theater.
6. Author of the tragedy "Antigone".
Horizontal: 1. Homer; 2. Palaestra; 3. Orchestra; 4. Disco thrower; 5. Comedy; 6. Style.
Vertical: 1. Dionysus; 2. Teacher; 3. Theater; 4. Spring; 5. Women; 6. Sophocles.

§ 40. Crossword “Athenian democracy under Pericles”

1. Ancient Greek scientist, friend of Pericles.
2. “Father of History”, who knew Pericles well.
3. Beloved of Pericles.
4. He laid the foundations of Athenian democracy.
5. Punishment for a person who illegally usurped civil rights.
6. The method of election to certain offices in Athens.
1. The People's Assembly declared war and accepted (...) Indicate the missing word.
2. The decision was considered adopted if (...) Athenian citizens voted for it. Indicate the missing word.
3. He owned power in Athens.
4. Only they could take part in the work of the People's Assembly.
5. Remuneration for the performance of elective offices in Athens.
6. The position held by Pericles.
Horizontal: 1. Anaxagoras; 2. Herodotus; 3. Aspasia; 4. Solon; 5. Slavery; 6. Lot.
Vertical: 1. Laws; 2. Majority; 3. Demos; 4. Men; 5. Fee; 6. Strategist.

§ 36-40. Crossword puzzle “The Rise of Athenian Democracy”

1. A serious theatrical work.
2. The population of Athens was divided into three groups: (...), immigrants and slaves. Please indicate the missing group.
3. The great ancient Greek historian, friend of Pericles.
4. One of the highest positions in the Athenian state.
5. Only they could take part in the work of the People's Assembly.
6. Translated from Greek, this word means “accompanying the child.”
1. Writing rod on a wax tablet.
2. The main Athenian temple.
3. Father of the goddess Athena.
4. The material from which the Greeks created sculptures.
5. Author of the famous sculpture “Discobolus”.
6. Main square in Athens.
7. Large Athens port.
8. Athenian schoolchildren learned excerpts from their works by this author by heart.
9. He owned power in Athens.
10. Translated from Greek, this word means “spectacle.”
Horizontal: 1. Tragedy; 2. Citizens; 3. Herodotus; 4. Strategist; 5. Men; 6. Teacher.
Vertical: 1. Style; 2. Parthenon; 3. Zeus; 4. Marble; 5. Miron; 6. Agora; 7. Piraeus; 8. Homer; 9. Demos; 10. Theater.

§ 41-43. Crossword "Macedonian conquests"

1. Battle order of the Macedonian infantry.
2. Athenian orator who rallied the Greeks to fight Macedonia.
3. One of the kingdoms formed after the collapse of the power of Alexander the Great.
4. In a battle near this city, the Macedonians captured not only the camp, but also the family of the Persian king.
5. The campaign of Alexander the Great ended in this city.
6. A Greek city whose inhabitants rebelled after the murder of the Macedonian king.
7. Friend of Alexander the Great, who saved him from death in the Battle of Granicus.
8. He defeated the Greeks at the Battle of Chaeronea.
1. Alexandria Cultural Center.
2. Teacher of young Alexander.
3. Macedonian warriors encountered these animals in the Indus Valley.
4. One of the seven wonders of the world.
5. Favorite book of Alexander the Great.
6. In this country, the Macedonian king was proclaimed a god.
7. Six-meter weapon of a Macedonian warrior.
8. Persian ruler who lost his power and his life in the fight with Alexander.
Horizontal: 1. Phalanx; 2. Demosthenes; 3. Syrian; 4. Iss; 5. Babylon; 6. Thebes; 7. Cleitus; 8. Philip.
Vertical: 1. Museum; 2. Aristotle; 3. Elephants; 4. Lighthouse; 5. Iliad; 6. Egypt; 7. Spear; 8. Darius.

Final crossword “Ancient Greece”

1. Abode of the Greek gods.
2. The origin of the popular expression “Trojan horse” is associated with his name.
3. City-state in Ancient Greece.
4. The Phoenicians invented it, and the Greeks improved it.
5. One of the groups of the Athenian population.
6. Decisive battle of the Greco-Persian wars.
7. Evergreen tree with oily fruits.
8. He abolished debt slavery in Athens.
9. The peninsula on which Greece is located.
10. Ancient Greek philosopher, sentenced to death by an Athenian court.
1. Athenian strategist, who was re-elected to his position fifteen times in a row.
2. Movable Greek ship with three rows of oars.
3. Marble Temple in Athens.
4. The sea between Greece and Asia Minor.
5. Award for the winner of the Olympic Games.
6. Battle order of the Macedonian infantry.
7. "Power of the people."
8. Dwelling of the Minotaur.
9. The most famous hero of ancient Greek myths.
10. The majority of the population in the Spartan state.
Horizontal: 1. Olympus; 2. Odysseus; 3. Policy; 4. Alphabet; 5. Slaves; 6. Salamiskoe; 7. Olive; 8. Solon; 9. Balkan; 10. Socrates.
Vertical: 1. Pericles; 2. Trier; 3. Parthenon; 4. Aegean; 5. Wreath; 6. Phalanx; 7. Democracy; 8. Labyrinth; 9. Hercules; 10. Helots.

Crossword special “Ancient Greece”

1. “Living goods” that the citizens of Athens received from other countries.
2. According to one version, Alexander the Great died from this tropical disease.
3. The most brave and noble hero of ancient Greek myths.
4. The name of the Athens district “Keramik” translated into Russian.
5. “Upper City” in Athens.
6. During the era of the Macedonian conquests, they played the role of “tanks” and caused a lot of problems for Alexander’s army.
1. In Ancient Greece it was called a “school for adults.”
2. A terrible mythical creature that gave its name to a sea animal.
3. Today this word sounds very offensive, but in Ancient Greece it was used to describe a person who is not interested in public affairs and leads a reclusive lifestyle.
4. The Greeks considered him “wiser than all the Hellenes combined.”
5. “When you look at me, I also look at you, but I don’t see, because I don’t have eyes” (Aristophanes’ riddle).
6. An ancient Greek religious center where fortunes were told.
Horizontal: 1. Slaves; 2. Malaria; 3. Prometheus; 4. Clay; 5. Acropolis; 6. Elephants.
Vertical: 1. Theater; 2. Medusa; 3. Idiot; 4. Homer; 5. Mirror; 6. Delphi. History crosswords with answers for grades 5-9. History of the Russian Navy
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