Bent valves on a 16 valve engine. Valve bending: causes and consequences, on which engines it can happen. bent valve repair cost

Sometimes cars give owners a lot of problems. One of the worst breakdowns bent valves. This happens when the timing belt breaks. After a break, the valves completely fail. Let's look at the causes, as well as learn how to prevent and repair.

Why are valves needed in an engine?

First you need to study the theory. Probably, every motorist knows the number of cylinders in the engine of his car, but not everyone can answer the question about the number of valves. Most modern internal combustion engines can be from 8 to 16 valves. There are such power units, where there can be 24 or more. The valve is an important part of the engine. He is responsible for supplying the fuel mixture to the combustion chamber and for the exit of exhaust gases into the exhaust system. Each cylinder has two valves: one inlet, the second - exhaust. In 16-valve engines, there are four valves for each cylinder if the engine is four-cylinder. There are also engines where there are more intake elements than exhaust ones. These are three- and five-cylinder engines.

The valve consists of two parts - a plate and a rod. It is the rod that gets hit when the timing belt breaks. The valves are driven by the action of the camshaft on them. He, rotating around his axis in the cylinder head, can raise and lower the valves.

It is driven from the crankshaft - these two elements in any internal combustion engine are interconnected by a belt, gear or chain drive. The camshaft rotates through the gear train inside the cylinder block. This gear rotates the camshaft in the cylinder head. Today, internal combustion engines are more common, where belts are used.

The latter have a simple design, such a mechanism is cheaper to manufacture. However, their reliability is much lower than in the case of a chain drive. The latter is more complicated - there are additional elements here. These are chain guides and tension rollers.

Why do they bend?

The situation when the valves are bent can happen in any engine of any design. It does not matter how many cylinders in the engine and how many valves it has. The reason for the breakdown is simple, and it is one. This is a broken belt in the drive or chain. The latter are torn much less frequently compared to belts. In the case of a chain, it stretches and the stars jump.

The camshaft stops abruptly after a broken timing belt. The crankshaft will continue to move. So, valves that are recessed into the cylinders will collide with the pistons when they reach top dead center. And since pistons have a lot of impact energy, they can easily bend or break open valves.

Eliminating the consequences of this breakdown is very expensive. It is necessary to pull out all the damaged valves from the engine. The entire cylinder head also suffers. It is far from always possible to restore the cylinder head, and then only replacement with a new or contract one will help.

Causes of a broken timing belt

The most common causes that lead to breaks drive belt, - this is a non-compliance by the owners with the manufacturer's instructions for replacement. When the car is new and under warranty, the owners very rarely look under the hood - the official dealer will do all the maintenance work. When the warranty ends, many try to save money on replacing the belt.

Often the pump can fail. In many car models, it is driven by the timing belt. If the pump fails, the system will jam, and the belt will wear out in a few hours. Also one of the most popular reasons is poor quality belts. Therefore, it is better to purchase high-quality and original consumables.

Camshafts may also fail, as well as the latter fall off or may jam - the belt either flies off the gears or breaks. That's why the valves on the VAZ were bent.

With a belt, not only a break can happen. Often the teeth are cut off, and it is not so easy to find them. The teeth can slip if the tension roller spring is broken. On some motors, the camshaft gear has a special gear. Only a tightened bolt serves as insurance against turning the gear. If it is not held out, then there is a risk that the gear will turn, and as a result, the valves will bend. Replacement is the only way out.

How to avoid trouble?

There is only one way. It is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for replacing consumables. Not only the timing belt is subject to replacement, but also the tension rollers, as well as other elements that are engaged with the belt and are indicated by the manufacturer in the regulations.

All accessories should be purchased only in trusted automotive stores.

Can the starter be bent?

The starter bends the valves, and easily. This happens if it is incorrect to install the stars or gears of the gas distribution mechanism according to the corresponding marks. Then it is enough to turn the starter. If the engine starts, the driver will immediately learn how to recognize that the valves are bent. But if you miss the marks slightly, then damage can be avoided. In order to solve the problem completely, it remains to assemble the drive according to the rules.

How to identify bent valves?

It is impossible to determine by eye what bent the valves. To do this, you need to carry out simple, uncomplicated actions. First you need to install the timing belt according to the marks, and then turn the crankshaft manually. It usually takes two to five turns to find out if the valves are actually bent. If the crankshaft rotates easily and calmly, then the timing elements are intact. When rotation is difficult, the valves are damaged.

It also happens that with free and easy rotation of the crankshaft, the valves are still bent. In this case, you can identify the problem by measuring the compression. If the compression is at zero, then the timing elements are damaged. Many do not know how to check if the valves are bent. It will be heard. The engine will run unevenly. It feels good even big engines, where there are six or more cylinders.

Which engines don't bend valves?

Such motors exist. Some engines were even produced by AvtoVAZ. The whole secret is in pistons with special recesses on the working part of the piston. These recesses are made specifically for the valve. If the timing belt breaks, the element will simply go into these holes, and the structure will remain intact. It will only be necessary to set the gears according to the marks and install a new belt.

How to know if the engine bends the valves?

But this will not work. There are no tricks or signs here. Visually identifying whether the motor is safe will not work.

There are also no inscriptions or any references. Information can be found in the instruction manual or official dealer.


In order not to engage in the replacement of valves, it is recommended to change the timing belt in time. If this is an AvtoVAZ car, then special protected pistons can be installed. But they eat up some of the power and increase fuel consumption. It must be remembered that when the timing belt breaks, not only the valves fail - the entire head may break. This makes repairs even more expensive. Don't skimp on the timing belt.

Of course, for many experienced car owners, the question of whether the valve bends on the Priore has long been studied. But there are many newcomers among drivers who do not have information about this. It is for such motorists that this post will be written.

It is worth noting that several engine modifications were installed on Lada Priora cars. And of course, the answer to the question about bent valves will depend on what powertrain is installed on your car.

On which Priory engines does the valve bend?

  1. VAZ 21126 is a classic prior engine, which was the first on these machines. Due to changes in the design, namely, the lightening of the connecting rod and piston group, there was no room left for valve recesses in the pistons. As a result, when the timing belt breaks, which sometimes happens on the Prior, the valves are bent, and sometimes even the pistons are damaged.
  2. The VAZ 21116 engine is a simpler 8-valve engine that Priore got from Grants. By appearance practically no different from a conventional 8-valve injector, but inside, again, lightweight pistons, which leads to already familiar consequences in the event of a timing belt break - valve bending. But it is worth noting that the load on the timing of 8-valve engines is slightly lower than that of 16-cell engines, and such problems are less common on such power units.
  3. VAZ 21127 is an improved 126 engine that develops not 98, but as much as 106 hp. Of course, here, too, the valves bend when they meet with the pistons, because by increasing the power, it was impossible to increase the pistons at the same time in order to make the necessary recesses. In fact, the piston remained the same, and the changes affected only the intake receiver.

On which engines does the valve not bend when the timing belt breaks?

It so happened that only one engine was available for Priora, which did not suffer from a problem with valve bending. This is model 21114, which was mainly installed only on the “standard” package, that is, the cheapest versions. But in recent years it is simply impossible to find Priora with such engines, since this reliable unit was replaced by the 116th from Grants.

In general, everything leads to the fact that piston group constantly lighten, refine, making engines more powerful and at the same time economical. And of course, this happens to the detriment of the reliability and reliability of the motor when the timing belt breaks. Well, to make sure that the valve bends on the Priore, you can watch a special video review below, which even shows an example with a belt that simply jumped a few teeth.

As you can see, even when the belt jumped a few teeth, all the intake valves were already bent. I think that the answer to questions on this topic has been received, and if you have something to add on the merits, you can unsubscribe below in the comments.

When buying a car, not all motorists are interested in whether the power plant installed on the car is “plug-in”, i.e. does the valve bend on it when the timing breaks. And this question is quite important and the answer to it depends on how laborious and how much it will cost to repair the engine in the event of such a breakdown.

What is a "plug-in motor"?

This concept characterizes the likelihood of pistons colliding with valves, as a result of which the latter are damaged - they bend.

This situation occurs when the timing drive breaks, when the gas distribution mechanism stops, and the crank continues to operate by inertia.

"Plug-in" and "non-plug-in" power units are in the lineup of almost all automakers, including VAZ. In this case, the second version of the motors, of course, is a priority when choosing a car.

If we consider AvtoVAZ products, then this manufacturer’s line of power plants is quite extensive, and for some engines, when the timing drive breaks, the valve bends, while in others such a breakdown does not occur.

The problem when choosing to purchase a VAZ car is the fact that both “plug-in” and “non-plug-in” units can be installed on the same model, which can confuse the buyer.

What engines are on some VAZ models, see below.

It is worth noting that the type of timing drive affects the likelihood of valve bending. For example, on the VAZ of the classic family (VAZ-2101-2107) as well as the Niva, only plug-in engines were installed. But on the motors of these cars, a timing chain drive is used, which is highly reliable. Therefore, on the classic VAZ and Niva, the problem with valve bending due to a collision with the piston is, in fact, not relevant due to the low probability of its occurrence.

Starting from the VAZ-2108 and ending with the latest models - Priora, Grant, Kalina, etc., only a timing belt drive is used. Here it can break off and the damage that the motor will receive depends on whether it is “plug-in” or not.

Why do engines bend valves?

One way is to ensure the most efficient filling of the combustion chambers with an air-fuel mixture and exhaust gases. And this is done in two ways - by increasing the number of valves per cylinder and by increasing the throughput of the intake and exhaust windows.

The second method is implemented by increasing the distance the valve leaves the seat, and this is what causes it to collide with the piston, followed by bending.

Thanks to the drive of the gas distribution mechanism from the crankshaft, the synchronous operation of the timing and crankshaft is ensured. During normal operation of the power unit, on the approach of the piston to TDC, the valves are in the closed position, which excludes their contact.

If the drive of the gas distribution mechanism is cut off, the connection between the mechanisms is lost, and the timing stops immediately, and the crankshaft continues to function (due to the inertia of the flywheel). In this case, the return valve springs set the camshaft in a position in which most of the cams of the shaft do not press on the valves (they are closed), but some of them still turn so that they act on the valves and the latter are open.

In “non-plugged” engines, it is structurally provided for maintaining the distance between the valve disc and the piston head located at TDC, therefore, even when the valves are open, there is no contact.

On these power plants, a break in the drive of the gas distribution mechanism does not lead to any internal damage to components and parts, and to restore the performance of the power unit, it is enough to install a new belt and perform adjustment work (set everything according to the marks).

But if the power plant is “plug-in”, strongly protruding valves collide with the piston, which leads to their bending. On such motors, a break in the timing drive is usually accompanied by a strong single knock. Repair of the engine in this case is time-consuming and expensive, since it is necessary to change damaged parts and restore the cylinder head.

On VAZ power units subject to valve bending when the drive breaks, timely and periodic diagnostics of its condition, checking and adjusting the tension are especially relevant. Such measures are practically the only ones to prevent valve failure.

VAZ engines - "non-plug" and "risk"

Since several power plants are installed on each of the VAZ models, it is important to know which of them are "plug-in".

As already noted, on the classic VAZ (2101-2107) and VAZ Niva, power units were installed in which the valves bend. But since the timing drive on these motors is chain driven, “plugging” can be ignored.


On cars of the Samara family (VAZ 2108-21099) were installed:

  1. Units marked VAZ 21081, 2108 (carburetor and injection);
  2. Motors 21083, 21091;
  3. 8-valve VAZ-2111 (models of later years of production).

Of these, units 21083 and 2111 did not bend the valves when the timing belt broke, but versions 21081 and 2108 were “risk”.

VAZ 2110-2112

On models of the 10th family (VAZ-2110-2112), the range of power plants is even more extensive. Some of the units were installed on all cars of this family, and some were offered only for certain models.

Common to all models were engines with indices VAZ-2110, 2111 (8-valve), 2112, 21114, 21124. Of these, the VAZ-2112 and 21114 engines are “plug-in”, and the rest of the valves do not bend.

Additionally, the VAZ-2112 model car was equipped with the VAZ-21128 power unit, which is also “risk” and bends the valves when the timing belt breaks.


Cars of the Samara-2 family, which includes the VAZ 2113-2115 models, are equipped with units of the VAZ-2111, 21114, 21124 and 21126 brands. Of these, only VAZ-2111 and 21124 engines are “risk-free”.

Also, for the VAZ-2113 and 2115 versions, a motor with the index 11183 was offered, in which a broken belt does not lead to valve bending.

"Grant", "Kalina", "Priora"

Lada "Granta" is equipped with a line of installations of the following brands: 11183, 11186, 21126 and 21128. The last two of them are also equipped with the Granta Sport version. Of all the motors, only version 11183 is "non-plugged", the rest are bent valves.

For Lada Kalina, engines of the VAZ 11183, 11186, 11194, 21126 and 21127 brands are offered. The last two units are also installed on the Kalina Sport model, and the Cross version is equipped with engines 21127 and 11186. Of the entire line, only the VAZ-11183 engine does not bend the valves when the timing belt breaks.

Lada Priora is equipped with installations with indexes 21114, 21116, 21126 and 21127. All these motors are plug-in.

Note that the above are only the main brands of power plants that are equipped with certain models. But AvtoVAZ almost always “sins” with experimental small-scale production, when units are installed on some cars that are not typical for it.

For example, a motor with an identical index was installed on the VAZ-2109, which differed from the 2108 version in a lightweight design, and a small VAZ-2108 series was completely equipped with a rotary unit marked VAZ-415.

READ ON THE TOPIC: Other characteristic and other models of the series.

Foreign cars

Let's touch on the topic of foreign cars a little. Below is shown on which engines from Toyota, Suzuki, Daewoo, Chevrolet, Citroen, Hyundai, Renault, Volvo, Kia, Fiat, Mercedes, Peugeot, Honda, Ford, Geely, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Opel, Lifan, Chery, Mazda, Subaru valve bending.

Determine which engine is risky

A large number of power units VAZ and the probability of hitting the experimental model makes it difficult to determine whether the engine on a particular car is “plug-in”. At the same time, even studying those. documentation does not always give a reliable answer.

To determine whether the valve on the engine is bent, only its physical check allows. This operation is not entirely simple, especially for 16-valve units, but it allows you to accurately determine their susceptibility to valve bending.

This method is suitable for checking cars from other manufacturers.

The verification algorithm is very simple:

  • Remove the timing belt from the engine;
  • Set the piston of the first cylinder to TDC;
  • We turn the camshaft (16-valve version - two) two turns;
  • We set the TDC on the second cylinder and again make two turns.

If during the check the camshafts rotated without stopping, the engine does not bend the valves.

This verification method, although laborious - you need to disassemble the timing drive, then assemble it again, put it on the marks, but it gives an accurate answer.

Ways to solve the problem

Since the collision of pistons with valves has quite serious negative consequences, many motorists are interested in whether this situation can be influenced.

There are several methods that allow you to make a valve-bending motor into a “plugless” one.

The simplest of them is the installation of pistons with grooves. By the way, on some VAZ engines, this is how the problem with "plugging" is solved.

On the bottom of such pistons there are special recesses for valve plates. Due to this, the latter in the open position do not come into contact with the pistons installed at TDC.

But not all motors can be upgraded in this way, for the reason that it is not always possible to find factory-made pistons with grooves to replace the “relatives”.

The second method is the independent production of grooves on the piston. This method is suitable for those who have not found “non-plugged” pistons to replace. But this method has a significant drawback - it is very difficult to make the same recesses on all pistons. As a result, an imbalance of pistons by weight may occur, which will affect the resource of the crankshaft. Also, grooves of different sizes can cause, and this problem cannot be eliminated.

The third method is to increase the height of the combustion chamber. This is done by installing 2-3 gaskets under the block head. This method has a negative side - an increase in the volume of the combustion chamber, which entails a drop, and as a result, a decrease in power and an increase in fuel consumption.

Tuning and its influence on "plugging"

VAZ is a great option for what many owners use. One of the main types is to increase its power, and this is done in the same way that designers use - by ensuring better filling of the cylinders with an air-fuel mixture. To do this, it is enough just to install a tuning camshaft instead of a standard camshaft - with a higher cam height.

But increasing power with a tuning shaft also has negative side- the valves go out of the saddles to a greater distance, which means that the likelihood of their collision with the pistons increases when the timing drive breaks. Therefore, such tuning even makes a “risk-free” motor “plug-in”.

In order not to make the engine “risk”, when tuning it is better not to make adjustments to the design of the timing, but if it is decided to upgrade, then you should be ready to constantly monitor the state of the drive.

Finally, we note that if the engine is “plug-in”, then this does not mean that it is very problematic. With timely maintenance of the timing drive, the likelihood of such a breakdown as valve bending is very low and it may not occur throughout the entire period of vehicle operation.

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One of the scary topics in the conversations of motorists is why valves bend, on which cars this breakdown is possible, and how to prevent it. Today we will talk in detail about the reasons why the engine valves fail and the measures to prevent this malfunction.

What are the valves in the engine responsible for?

Let's start with a little theory. Surely every motorist knows how many cylinders are in the engine of his car, but how many valves are in it - not everyone will answer this question. Most modern engines have eight to sixteen valves (two or four per cylinder), there are power plants(eight or twelve-cylinder), in which the number of valves is from 24 to 32.

Valve - important detail the gas distribution mechanism (timing) of the engine of the machine, which is located in the cylinder head, is responsible for the timely supply of air to the cylinder and the expulsion of exhaust gas from it.

Moreover, the same valve cannot perform these functions, and therefore each cylinder is equipped with two types of valves - inlet valves, which supply air to the combustion chamber, and exhaust valves, which squeeze out the products of combustion of the air-fuel mixture from this chamber.

There are engines that have two exhaust and intake valves per cylinder, and there are those where intake valves more than exhaust (three and five-valve cylinders). In the structure of the valve, two parts are distinguished: a plate and a rod. It is the valve stem that gets hit when one of the elements of the gas distribution mechanism fails.

The valves are put into operation by a camshaft, which, rotating around its axis in the cylinder head, raises some and lowers other valves into the cylinders - these are the so-called gas distribution phases. In turn, the camshaft drives the crankshaft - both of these timing elements are interconnected by a drive, which can be gear, belt or chain. The gear drive rotates the camshaft in the cylinder block, while the belt or chain drive rotates in the cylinder head.

Currently, the most widely used engines are used in the gas distribution mechanism. The belt drive type is simpler in design, but less reliable than the chain drive. The chain type of drive, in turn, is more complicated - its mechanism includes tension rollers and dampers. It is no coincidence that we paid so much attention to the details of the gas distribution mechanism - understanding the principle of its operation will help us further determine the reasons why the valve bends.

Why valves bend

Both the belt-driven gas distribution mechanism and the chain-driven timing may come to a point when the belt or chain drive fails. A broken timing belt or stretching of the timing chain links that are not able to catch on the teeth of the camshaft gears (slippage) causes the camshaft to stop abruptly, and the crankshaft continues its movement.

At this moment, the valves are recessed into the cylinder, and the piston rises towards them. The lifting force of the piston is much greater than that of the descending valves, so the piston hits the valve disc, and the stem, unable to withstand this impact, bends or even breaks. There is a complete stop of the engine, which is not recommended to start again, so as not to provoke a more serious breakdown - failure of the pistons, which is fraught with costly repairs of the cylinder head.

How to tell if the valves are bent

It is impossible to establish by eye that when the belt breaks or the timing chain slips, the valves are bent. To do this, you need to carry out two simple operations.

To begin with, we will install a new timing belt on the rollers according to the marks and slowly scroll the crankshaft. Two to five turns are enough to determine that the valves are bent: if the rotation is free, then the valve stems are intact, if it is difficult, the valves are bent.

It happens that the crankshaft scrolls, but the valves are still bent. How to determine the failure in this case? It is necessary to measure by first unscrewing the spark plugs. If there is no compression in the cylinder, the valves are bent.

How to prevent broken valves

Let's analyze the reasons why the belt could break in order to understand how to prevent such a breakdown.

Cause 1. The timing belt has expired. Like any other consumable, the timing belt has its own service life. The car manufacturer in the instruction manual indicates the timing for replacing the timing belt - for most engines it occurs at a range of 100-120 thousand kilometers. Of course, it is possible to hope that until this moment the belt will serve faithfully, but for greater fidelity, we recommend inspecting the condition of the belt at each scheduled maintenance and, if necessary, replacing it. In this case, we will not allow it to break, and, as a result, we will not deal with problems with bent valves.

Reason 2. Using a counterfeit timing belt. Some motorists, wanting to save money, buy non-original, cheap timing belts that break at low runs - 5-7 thousand kilometers. Advice - be responsible when buying a timing belt, it is better to pay more for this consumable than to fork out later on an expensive repair of the cylinder head.

Reason 3. Breakage of the timing pump. In the design of the gas distribution mechanism of some engines, the pump comes into contact with the belt, and if this assembly fails, it jams, as a result of which the belt rubs against the pump and frays, which leads to its breakage. The pump wears out on the same runs as the timing belt, so when replacing the belt, we recommend installing a new pump.

Reason 4. Camshaft wear. This breakdown occurs at high engine mileages (from 150 thousand km or more), and therefore is not so common. A jammed camshaft can cause the timing belt to break. That is why when buying a used car with high mileage, we strongly advise you to take a look at the condition of the camshaft.

Cause 5. Faulty attachments of the timing drive. The timing belt moves on rollers, which can also wear out, jam, which leads to a break in the belt and bending of the valves.

Although timing chain engines are considered more reliable, it happens that they bend the valve too. This happens for two reasons: the chain links are stretched or the drive attachments (tension rollers and dampers) fail. The main reason why the timing chain links are stretched is the poor-quality material from which it is made. Such a misfortune happened to Volkswagen engines in the mid-2000s: a German automaker ordered chains from an unscrupulous contractor, and they began to fail at 20-40 thousand mileage, provoking valve bending. To prevent the valves from bent on such motors, it is necessary to periodically diagnose the timing chain and attachments and, if necessary, change them to new ones.

In addition to these methods, it is possible to prevent valve bending by making special recesses on the piston heads, which in their dimensions will correspond to the valve stems. If the belt breaks or the chain slips, then when the camshaft stops, the valve stems will not bump into the piston heads, but will enter the recesses and stop there. True, this method also has its drawbacks: an engine with such “tuned” pistons loses up to seven percent of its power. Are you ready to deforce the engine of your "iron horse" for the sake of the safety of the valves in case of failure of the timing drive?

Valves are an integral part of the gas distribution mechanism vehicle. It should be noted that these devices are quite important, since it is they that ensure the release of exhaust gases, create compression during ignition and injection of fuel in the engine cylinders. Modern engines provide different options for their installation.

1. How valves work

Valves are a fairly simple device, so the principle of their operation will not be difficult even for a beginner. They are driven by a camshaft located at the top of the block head. With this device, the valves open and close. The camshaft spins up and presses the valve with special ovals, which eventually opens. When the shaft stops pressing, the valve closes. The camshaft runs on a chain or belt drive, which is guided by the operation of the car's crankshaft.

The crankshaft and camshaft go through a mandatory stage of synchronization. This is done so that the movement of the piston and the opening of the valves coincide in the same sequence: when the piston goes down, the valves open, and when the piston rises, the valves close. Thus, pressure is created in the combustion chamber. After that, the air-fuel mixture is ignited, and the piston, under the influence of pressure, goes down. This cycle is repeated many times.

2. The reason why the valves are bent

It is important to note that the situation when the valves are bent does not depend on how many valves there are in the engine. The cause of the malfunction is quite simple: an open circuit or timing belt occurs. The chain itself breaks quite rarely, since in most cases it stretches, and the hook sprockets simply jump.

The camshaft will stop abruptly when a break occurs. the same will continue to push the pistons. Thus, those valves that burn in the combustion chamber and those pistons that go up will meet at the top point, and pistons with enough energy will break and bend the valves. Eliminating this breakdown will be quite expensive, since it will be necessary to pull out all the bent elements from the motor. In addition, the block head itself may suffer, in which case it will be necessary to replace it.

3. Why the belt breaks, and how to protect yourself from it

The most common cause is a simple non-compliance with the instructions in accordance with the replacement of the belt from the manufacturer of the device. Often, when the vehicle is under warranty, the replacement will be successful, but when a motorist wants to independently ensure the performance of his car, big trouble can arise if you save on replacing this device.

The pump may also fail. Some car models provide for the engagement of the device in the belt, and when it fails, the system simply jams, as a result of which the belt is worn out in a matter of hours. A poor-quality belt is also the root cause of a malfunction. That is why it is necessary to take high-quality, albeit expensive parts. The camshaft may also become unusable. If it is made of metal, you can immediately say that such an element will be faulty after a certain period of time, which, of course, is almost impossible to predict. Plus, the tension rollers of the gas distribution system can also fail. They simply fall off or jam, as a result of which the belt comes off or breaks, and the valves bend.

There is only one way to avoid this. You simply need to follow the instructions and change the belt, tension rollers and other elements of this system in time, which manufacturers prescribe according to the regulations. All parts must be purchased only in high-quality automotive stores and services that are official dealers.

4. Are there valves that cannot bend?

Such options exist in modern automotive world but they are very rare. Previously, there were domestic devices that did not know such a disaster before. Unfortunately, there are practically none now. However, you can resort to solving the problem by tuning powertrains. The gist is quite simple: instead of conventional pistons, options with notches on top are installed. The method is quite effective, since in the event of a break, the valves will fall into these holes, and a breakdown will be prevented. The motorist only needs to install a new belt, as well as synchronize the camshaft and crankshaft of the car.

However, this method is not always effective. The thing is that such pistons will contribute to the loss of part of the power of the internal combustion engine, because such a piston will be heavier than an ordinary piston, which will affect the compression force. That is why not all motorists recognize and resort to using this method.

5. How to know if the valves on the engine are bent

Many motorists are wondering how to distinguish a bending valve from a non-bending one, or how to determine the valve's performance. Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question, since valves are not subject to visual identification of a malfunction. Nowhere are there any mentions and inscriptions, notes that would lead to the comprehended truth. Of course, you can stop by the official workshop, where the masters will check the equipment, which, of course, will be quite expensive. It is advisable to do diagnostics of your vehicle every 20-30 thousand kilometers, where the inoperability of such elements will be determined.

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