Traffic police official checking the car for an accident. VIN decoding section. How to punch a car for arrests and restrictions

Sometimes when buying a car, it becomes necessary to check the car for registered traffic accidents. This is done in order not to fall for fraudsters and acquire nice car, instead of a beautifully restored, battered wreck.

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And here the main question becomes: how to do this, and which method will be more reliable? In this article you can find a detailed and detailed answer to this question.

Verification methods

There are actually not so many ways to check, they are not particularly difficult.

So, there are 2 methods of checking for accidents:

  1. Checking on the base of traffic police.
  2. Insurance company database check.

The only disadvantage of these checks is that only the facts recorded by the employees of the offices get into the database. That is, if the seller had situations when they resolved the issue without "cops" or "insurers", then this is already more difficult to identify.

Through the traffic police

Today, before buying a car, our government agencies provide such a service as checking the “cleanliness” of the car. That is, if you wish, you can find out all the official information and history of the subject of purchase.

More specifically, using this method, you can find out:

  1. Debts and unpaid fines that are imposed on the car.
  2. Number of previous owners and data about them.
  3. External and technical characteristics of the machine
  4. The number of technical inspections, the date of their conduct and the final conclusions
  5. Participation in traffic accidents. The severity of the damage.

Also, an online service has been developed for checking through the traffic police database. Here you can carry out exactly the same diagnostics, only without leaving your home and using your home computer. This is great option for the buyer. Before a personal inspection, you can understand whether it is worth going to it at all.

Through an insurance company

Not so long ago, insurers created a common base for PCA OSAGO. It includes cars that have ever used insurance services. Since, according to the law, these conditions are mandatory for the owner of the car, we can say that 85% of Russian cars are listed there.

But here everything is a little more complicated. Due to the fact that access to this registry is open only to insurers, you can find out the necessary information only by contacting them. In principle, there is nothing unrealistic in this. Typically, insurance companies treat every request of their client with trepidation.

Other verification methods

There are many online services that can be used to determine whether a car has been involved in accidents or not.

Resources are allocated from them: Autocode, Vincar, Carfax and Vinonline.


A resource of Russian origin, with which you can check the car for brokenness. You can do this in two ways:

  1. By state number.
  2. By vin number.

The result should be full information, which is available on the Internet in general. This includes: credit information, car accident data, repairs after accidents, customs information and other information about the car.

Vincar Service

Data search through the service occurs only on the basis of the VIN code of the vehicle. The main block of information for Vincara are the registers of traffic police and insurance services.

Cars fall into this register within two weeks after the incident is fixed by specialists.

There were times when the site went astray and gave incorrect information.

The easiest and most convenient Carfax online service

All detailed instructions are on the website. accessible form. Here, even the information found is formed into a separate report for printing. As well as on Autocode, the car is checked according to state signs and the VIN number of the body.
But the app sometimes doesn't work properly.


As the name implies, the check on the site is carried out according to the VIN code of the vehicle. By the way, if this option does not work, you can check by the body number or by the assigned chassis number of the car. In addition to the fact of causing damage, the service shows the degree of its complexity.

The site has detailed guide for the user.

Testing a new car can take place not only in such ways. For example, every experienced or even novice driver should have his own mechanic or a person whom he trusts to repair his car. Also, it can be just a friend who is well versed in vehicle repair and will help with the inspection.

Many drivers take a potential purchase to a trusted service station, where experts do an independent inspection.

In extreme cases, you can do the inspection yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with all the subtleties on the Internet. For example, there is such a rule that is worth remembering: it is very difficult to choose a paint identical to the native one when repainting damaged elements of the car body.

This moment is quite realistic to determine by eye: you need to pay attention to the gaps of the body, chips, cracks and other irregularities. First of all, they appear on the painted parts.

For such cases, a device was invented - a thickness gauge. Thanks to him, you can accurately determine whether the car was involved in an accident and which element was painted. Also, with certain knowledge, one can conclude how badly it was broken, whether the geometry was damaged and how much the body was deformed.


Among all the methods, the most optimal and most reliable is checking through the traffic police. They provide the most accurate and verified information from the bowels of the state register.

We advise you to approach the issue of checking the vehicle with all caution and care. It is better to fully study the car, carefully inspect every millimeter of the body, check for serviceability, and only then conclude a sale and purchase transaction, so as not to regret your choice later.

The ProAvto portal offers visitors a wonderful opportunity to find out all the “insider things” about the car being purchased, where to start the check it is enough to enter the state number in the appropriate line. An automated system for searching information from trusted sources will allow you to get verified and up-to-date data, avoiding a number of troubles:

  • fraudulent schemes;
  • hidden damage;
  • the presence of restrictions on the transaction with this vehicle;
  • the fact of theft or use in the activities of a taxi service;
  • false information about technical specifications;
  • unjustifiably high price cars.

Both in material terms and in terms of practicality, a preliminary check by license plate seems to be extremely relevant for potential vehicle owners. Firstly, you know exactly what kind of car you are buying - the year of manufacture, brand, body type, etc., and secondly, you can count on establishing a fair value. It has become a common practice in our country to overprice used cars, while not all buyers know that there is a great way to reduce their costs, namely, to conduct an audit and, based on the report, offer the seller their terms of the transaction.

In addition, the collection of information about the car will avoid litigation with representatives of law enforcement agencies. If the car is stolen or is listed among the participants in the investigated traffic accident, the owner can come to the owner at any time for explanations, and under certain circumstances, even confiscate the car. Another important reason to use our portal is to clarify the technical condition of the vehicle. After all, even if outwardly everything is in order with the car, this does not mean at all that it was not damaged and subsequently repaired.

When purchasing a personal vehicle, a person hopes that it will last at least a couple of years without breakdowns, but if there were defects before, then there is a risk of malfunctions. In some situations, it even makes sense to refuse to sign a sales contract when the costs of the purchase and subsequent repairs are comparable to the purchase of a new car. Naturally, you can find out that the car is “problematic” only after checking, which can be done anonymously and at a moderate cost on our website. We will make sure that the data you need is up-to-date at the time of the request and there are no delays in generating the report. Based on your financial capabilities and the goals of the audit, you can order a short or full report on our website. In the first case, your attention will be presented with basic information, including the model, brand and VIN number, while the full one will provide an opportunity to get answers to the following questions:

  • whether the car is misappropriated property;
  • whether the car was used as a taxi;
  • whether the vehicle has the status of a long-term lease object;
  • who were the previous owners;
  • Is the car listed as collateral for a loan?
  • in which traffic accidents the car was involved;
  • what is the customs value at the time of importation into the territory of Russia.

To become the owner of invaluable information on the purchased car, you do not need to make any effort at all. Just enter the state number you know in the search bar and follow the link to read the summary report. If more detailed information is required, we are always happy to provide it in electronic form upon additional request.

Buying a car for secondary market associated with some risk: the car may be pledged or be restored after an accident. In this article I will tell you how not to buy a pig in a poke and check vehicle for legal cleanliness and accidents before drawing up a sales contract. Moreover, this can be done both for free and quickly, but for a small fee.

We only need access to the Internet and state. car number (you can get it from the seller by phone or look at the photos of the car). If you want to feel like a super agent and know everything in advance, then you need to get another full name and date of birth of a potential seller.

1. Checking the car for an accident according to the state. number

In fact, the traffic police took care of motorists for a long time and developed a convenient car check service https://traffic police.rf/check/auto/. Here you can get full and reliable information about registration actions, traffic accidents, prohibitions and restrictions related to the car for free.

The only problem is that the VIN code is needed to run the check. Therefore, if you choose a car remotely, for example, through Avito, or the seller does not have documents with a VIN, the traffic police website will be useless. But there is one “trick” that will help us a lot - knowing the state number of the car, we can easily get the VIN code!

The traffic police will tell us a lot of interesting things. For example, registration history:

What can be learned from this example. Firstly, the car has been traveling around Russia since 2003. Secondly, she changed many owners. Frequent “re-registration” at short intervals may indicate that there is a “jamb” in the car, revealing which, each subsequent owner tries to get rid of the car as quickly as possible. This, at least, should alert, but it is better to serve as a reason to leave this option “on the shelf”.

In our example, the car is not wanted, but restrictions are imposed on it - a ban registration actions. Until this entry disappears, you can not even talk about buying this car with the seller. The seller has a debt recognized by the court and being executed by the bailiffs. It could be a mortgage debt, or it could be a car loan.

Remember, at the beginning of the article, I talked about super agents? I hope you already know the name of the seller ...

3. We break the seller into debts

Everything is simple here, we go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service and drive the seller's data into the form:

Click the "Find" button and enjoy your mighty result:

In the example, issuance by full name without date of birth. The more data, the more accurate the result. What is worth paying attention to here. First, look at the presence of writ of execution against the seller - if there are a lot of them, then restrictions may be imposed on the car. It will be difficult to register such a car with the traffic police. Secondly, pay attention to the number of traffic police fines.

4. Checking the car for fines

If you have the number of the registration certificate and the state number of the car, you can find out all the "inside and out" about the fines of its owner using the resource https://traffic police.rf/check/fines/.

Perhaps our seller is a fan of “drive”, and this implies an assumption about how the car was operated. In addition, with a large number of unpaid fines (depending on the traffic police department and the subject of the Russian Federation), a problem may arise when deregistering a car.

5. Check if the car is in collateral

In order to check whether the car is pledged, you need to open the website of the registry of pledges of the Federal Notary Chamber:

On this site, we will be interested in the item “Find in the registry”. Next, select the search tab "By information about the subject of collateral", enter the VIN of the vehicle in the input field and click the "Find" button. If the search returns an empty result, then everything is fine and the car is not pledged.

Comprehensive check through a paid service

You can also get detailed information about the history of ownership and operation of a particular car through the paid service Autocode.

This official service can provide a complete and accurate report on any car operated in the territory of the Russian Federation, by VIN, chassis number or state registration plate. In addition to information from the traffic police databases, there you can find out:

  • Number of owners
  • Mileage
  • Checking the bases for theft and accidents
  • Use as a taxi
  • customs history

Currently, the cost of preparing a report in this service is 349 rubles.

We told you about all the ways to pierce the car. We hope you get caught only legally clean cars and honest sellers.

Increasingly, there are cases of selling used cars that have been in an accident.

Therefore, before purchasing a vehicle, you need to make sure whether the vehicle really could have been involved in a traffic accident. The article will tell you how to check the car for an accident.

How to check a car for an accident yourself?

There are several methods to check a car for an accident will be reliable. If the future owner wants to buy a used car, then he should do some research. To do this, you need to get information about the product.

For example, if the transport was found via the Internet, then you can find out how long the ad hangs: a long time can be an indicator of a low-quality product. But it is better to keep in mind more effective methods of checking a car for an accident.

First, you need to visually analyze the transport, because most of the damage is very visible even when you first get acquainted with the car.

But to facilitate this process, it is worth remembering for yourself some recommendations of experts:

  1. The inspection should take place in good light, because many owners will make an appointment in the evening to hide any defects.
  2. The car is better to be cleaned, as dirt can mask the damage perfectly.
  3. It is worth paying attention to painting: it should be applied evenly.
  4. Color Mismatch: A damaged car is usually repainted, but sometimes even a slight mismatch between the old and new colors can be a sign of a low-quality car.
  5. Textured finish.

Checking through the website of the traffic police

An accident check is provided on the official website of the traffic police. This is a fairly popular database that stores all information about all vehicles that are registered in the country.

Some may not trust Internet resources, so these owners prefer to come to the traffic police department. However, the final result will still be the same as it was presented through the site, because the branch employee will work through the same resource.

How to check for an accident by VIN code on the Internet?

It is possible to obtain data on an accident by VIN-code. Several Internet sources have been developed, through which you can get the necessary information.


This site cooperates with the traffic police and insurance companies. It will be easy enough to break through the car by the number of accidents by vin. Vin (to be specified) is the special number of the car.

The database is updated very often, as adjustments are made there. This is done by employees who are provided with all the data of insurance organizations. After fifteen days after an accident, hijacking, declaring a vehicle wanted, all this information is added to the database.


This resource is much higher than other resources, because it is he who has many advantages in organizing work:

  • convenient interface, because it is enough to drive a number or wine number into the designated column to check;
  • all entered information is processed fairly quickly due to the automation of the system;
  • the result is a report that the user receives, and the report is compiled correctly, in detail;
  • an option to make a copy of the report in electronic format.


This is a specialized service created on the basis of a state program for informing about cars for the presence of an accident by numbers or by VIN. At the moment, the service stores more than thirty-five million reports. You can also get photos from the scene of accidents.

In order for the car to be checked for an accident, it is enough to enter the minimum data about the car. But this process is not free, because if there is information about a particular transport, the owner must buy it, but at a meager price.

Data is always compiled in detail, from which information can be obtained about:

  • characteristics of the vehicle;
  • run;
  • accidents in which the car could be involved;
  • operating the car as a taxi;
  • about possible searches;
  • possible purchase of goods on credit;
  • repair procedures that concerned the facility;
  • customs control data can also be provided.

AutoCAD is best used because it provides information not only about incidents, but also gives complete description one vehicle or another.

Vin online

Checking the car on vin-online. During the registration of a purchased car, the vin number is read from it. If there is information about this, then the owner selling the car is decent. In addition, this indicates that the car did not get into an accident.

If the future owner of a used car cannot find information by number via the Internet, then he can enter chassis numbers or body registration data to obtain information. With the help of this manipulation, you can also find out about fines and that the future property was not stolen.

Through insurance companies

Insurance companies also have special databases that provide an opportunity to obtain the necessary information.

An insurance agent can help with this, but there are a few things to consider:

  • if there was an accident, then the previous owner probably applied to the company for damages, then this moment is entered into the database and subsequently displayed in it.

Through the website of the State Services

If a future car user wants to know about possible prohibitions that have ever been imposed on a vehicle, then the State Services website will become his assistant. You can check the state data by VIN.

The site provides quite extensive data:

  • about fines;
  • about prohibitions;
  • about past owners;
  • about an accident;
  • about damage.

But it is worth remembering that all information can be presented only after it is fixed by traffic police officers. If some kind of accident was registered without the state traffic inspectorate and insurance organizations, then information about this car will not be indicated on the website. So check it out and keep that in mind.

What to remember when checking for participation in an accident?

So for safe traffic on a used car, it is worth punching it in the database to get all the information about it and, if necessary, about the previous owner. Only on proven cars will the real owner feel comfortable behind the wheel, knowing for sure that the vehicle was not registered in participation in road accidents and what was not stolen.

To check, just go to one of the above sites (if someone does not trust the Internet, then he can contact the traffic police department), drive in the VIN or number and thereby check. The result will be instant, as the sites are equipped with automation that allows you to get information in a matter of minutes.

Video review - how to break through an accident

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