Where is the best place to fill up with gasoline? Which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline: ratings, reviews. Where does low quality gasoline come from?

High-quality fuel is one of important elements longevity of the car. Drivers know: not every gas station offers good gasoline. Car enthusiasts have their own preferences, often based on personal experience trial and error. To tell you which Russian gas stations sell the most best fuel, the article contains a rating based on reviews from car owners for 2016.

Finding good fuel often becomes a headache for car enthusiasts. Trading gasoline and diesel fuel is a profitable business, which is why today in the Russian Federation there are a great many large, medium and small gas stations. Each gas station, to the best of its ability, participates in global competition and attracts customers with price or various promotions. But behind the tempting price or bonus there may be a product that does not meet quality standards.

Often instead diesel fuel Stove diesel fuel is sold, and under the AI ​​95 gasoline brand, AI 92 with harmful additives will be poured into the tank. The state inspection system is ineffective, because by law the inspection must warn the company selling gasoline 3 days in advance. Of course, gas stations will have time to get rid of bad fuel in that amount of time. But public organizations involved in monitoring in this area claim that there is up to 30% of counterfeit gasoline at domestic gas stations (in some regions – up to 50%!).

Poor quality fuel can cause car damage

Stereotypes about gasoline quality

Fuel testing is a complex chemical process that is only available in laboratories. Experts measure components:

  • octane number;
  • the number of foreign substances: alkalis, acids, etc.;
  • factional indicators.

This is the only way to reliably determine whether the gasoline sold at a specific gas station can harm your car. There are also test strips that change color when in contact with gasoline. With their help, you can calculate the presence of impurities with a certain degree of accuracy, although you should not rely entirely on this method.

For example, it is a common belief that well-known brand gas stations are guaranteed to have good fuel. This is partly true: experts advise dealing with large companies that produce gasoline themselves. But status, advertising, and certificates do not always provide a 100% guarantee that employees at a particular gas station do not underfill or dilute fuel.

What are the dangers of low-quality fuel for cars?

How soon you will have to take your car to the service center for serious repairs depends on what kind of fuel you put in the tank. Even one-time use of counterfeit fuel can cause:

It is better to buy fuel only at proven gas stations

  1. Starting difficulties or breakdowns.
  2. Malfunctions of fuel system elements.
  3. Problems with work.

Attention! Counterfeit fuel may not make itself known immediately. Therefore, experienced car enthusiasts recommend keeping the receipt after refueling.

The best gas stations for the quality of AI 92 gasoline

According to activists who check the quality of gasoline on a voluntary basis, most gas stations bottle fuel with an octane number of 80 to 87 under the brand name 92 gasoline. Sometimes it is not possible to accurately determine the real brand: due to the use of additives, testing shows an overestimation of the octane number by up to 95-99. For example, monitoring in the Togliatti region showed the first option at gas stations "Tatneft", "Avtodorstroy", "Lukoil", "Rosneft", and the second - at gas stations "Prompriogen", "Vis-service" and "Gazprom". It is debatable what the motorist's best choice is in this situation.

Attention! Among motorists there is the concept of “stability” of gas stations. Even a “targeted” gas station with high-quality gasoline may at some point start selling bad fuel.

Gasoline quality AI 95. Best gas stations

  1. Lukoil. It is considered a producer of the highest quality gasoline. However, the high price compared to competitors deters some motorists.
  2. Gazpromneft.
  3. SHell.
  4. TNK. It has fairly affordable prices, plus it attracts customers with a variety of bonuses.
  5. British Petroleum (BP). A foreign player in the market, a representative of the world's largest oil-producing corporation.

Among the leaders are Rosneft, Trassa, MTK, Sibneft, Tatneft, Phaeton Aero.

Gas station Lukoil

How to protect your car from low-quality fuel

To avoid getting into trouble when choosing gasoline for your car, use proven methods. They are quite likely to allow you to protect yourself from counterfeit goods. The best way- experience. Take an interest in the preferences of fellow car enthusiasts. If you are far from home, pay attention to how many gas stations have cars with license plates from this region. Locals, as a rule, are better oriented in their territory.

A good hint at an unfamiliar gas station is the list of fuel offered. It may raise suspicion if:

  1. A separate product is labeled “premium”, “luxury”, etc. Probably, the company wants to “award” its fuel with an increased status without having certificates.
  2. Lack of supplier brand.
  3. The price is too low.

Be sure to read the fuel certificate, which is usually located on a separate stand. The document may turn out to be fake. This will be indicated by the absence of a list of fuel category properties. The document must also contain all the output data and the date of manufacture of gasoline (expiration date - no more than 10 days). Paying attention to what you put into your own car will help you avoid wasting money, time and stress.

Gasoline quality test: video

How attentive are you to the quality of the gasoline you fill? And what main criteria do you use when choosing a gas station? Today, the article will review the rating of the TOP 10 best gas stations in the country, where you can refill your tank without worrying about the quality of the fuel.

How does the quality of gasoline differ at different gas stations?

First you need to understand what high-quality and low-quality gasoline is.

Of course, you won’t be able to determine high-quality gasoline by eye, since this is done by a special laboratory that determines the main characteristics of the fuel:

  1. Factional composition.
  2. Octane number.
  3. Amount of impurities.

Although experienced drivers can tell about the quality of gasoline by listening to their car (the main indicators, according to driver reviews, will be the sound and thrust of the engine, as well as the smell of exhaust gas). If you are not accustomed to such methods for determining the quality of gasoline, an employee of the Express-Novosti news agency suggests using the following methods:

  1. Look at the color, it should be a light golden hue (according to experts, the color of 92 gasoline is orange-red, and 95 gasoline is yellow-green).
  2. Check the gasoline for oil content: if you drop a little on the skin or paper and a greasy trace remains, it means that diesel fuel has been added. High-quality gasoline on a sheet of paper will evaporate and dry out the skin.
  3. If gasoline contains a large amount of impurities, a strong sulfur smell will be felt.

What influences the low quality of gasoline?

  • This may be failure to comply with basic standards for storing and transporting fuel.
  • Dirty fuel. There are often cases when engine breakdowns are associated precisely with this point.
  • Gasoline labeling does not correspond to actual quality.
  • Low quality additives in fuel. Although it will be sold at the same price as regular gasoline, it will be much more harmful.

Rating of gas stations by gasoline quality in 2018

Now let’s move directly to the rating of the 10 best gas stations, which were selected based on the results of surveys and laboratory experiments.

The quality of gasoline complies with Euro-5 standards, and this is not the first time the company has received the Ecological Label award. There is an additional advantage for gas station customers: quite affordable prices and more than a wide choice of fuel. Whatever fuel you use for your vehicle, you will most likely find it at this gas station.

2. Gazpromneft

One of the largest gas station networks in Russia. The fuel at the gas station complies with the Euro-4 standard, justifying the name and the presence of gas filling stations at the stations. The indicated octane numbers are written without additional increases. In addition, gas stations have reasonable prices, competent staff, and there is an additional bonus in the form of coffee and corners for the driver to relax.

According to many drivers, Shell gas stations are only slightly inferior to Gazprom Neft gas stations. This company is a major global fuel producer. Its gas stations are well known not only to Russians, but also to residents of different countries around the world.

Around the globe, Shell is rightfully winning the hearts of its consumers. One of the main directions of the company is to work on the environmental friendliness of the fuel produced. Although for Russian drivers this criterion is still not the main one.

4. Rosneft

This company on the Russian market can boast not only of the quality of gasoline, but also a license to sell British Petroleum fuel. By the way, BP is the world's largest oil production and refining concern.

This fuel consistently meets all major regulations and standards in Europe. As for Rosneft’s own production, maintaining its existing status as one of the most important state-owned oil refining companies adds certain obligations to Rosneft to maintain high quality gasoline at its gas stations.

This company can be recognized as one of the leaders in terms of the number of gas stations in Russia. TNK traditionally tries to support guaranteed high quality fuel, thanks to which it was included in the ranking of the best gas stations in Russia. The fuel produced by the company complies with the Euro-5 standard, prices and quality are in the best ratio.

TNK gasoline contains additional additives that allow the engine to consume fuel economically. Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but also in the CIS.

Most opinions say that the fuel here is of more than satisfactory quality. Although the company itself does not supply fuel at the federal level, but has focused on Moscow and the Moscow region. In addition to high-quality gasoline, customers also note highly qualified personnel and well-equipped rest areas for the driver.

7. Sibneft

These gas stations differ from others mainly in that they have placed maximum emphasis on the profile side of their stations. The company itself uses very powerful equipment, thanks to which it is possible to obtain raw materials at a greater depth than its main competitors.

There are no associated services here, which are so often developed at the expense of gas stations. Quite the contrary, here you can find an exclusive line of products that was created back in 2013, and since then has been the conqueror of many drivers. The choice of fuel here is usually wide, and the prices are quite affordable.

8. Phaeton Aero

At Phaeton gas stations, fuel is supplied by several factories at once. Basically, these are the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries. This network of gas stations is one of the oldest in the country, and is most often found in the northern capital of Russia, as well as its region.

In addition to a wide range of gasoline, these gas stations also provide additional service: 24-hour supermarkets, cafes and pharmacies, as well as a car wash and tire service at most stations. However, despite the company’s constant assurances of maintaining high quality, there are several reviews of sad refueling experiences where cars simply stalled.

9. Tatneft

The main supplier of fuel for the Tatneft gas station network is the Moscow Oil Refinery. And this should already guarantee the quality of the fuel. However, it is noteworthy that reviews of this gas station are either very good or very bad. There is no golden mean yet.

Admittedly, the company does not hide the addition of certain additives to the fuel. It’s just that what these additives are, and how they affect the car is no longer specified. But the prices here can be found below average, plus good additional service: competent staff, the presence of shops and cafeterias.

MTK is the first, and so far the only network of gas stations that is controlled by the Moscow Government. That is why these gas stations are subject to the most stringent quality control of gasoline and diesel. The fuel here meets the Euro 4 standard and is kept environmentally friendly. Drivers of these gas stations will be pleased with fairly low prices, compared to other competitors in Moscow and the Moscow region.

And yet, despite the quality and advantage of fuel marked 95 and 98, it is worth understanding that the engine was initially created for a specific fuel.

Therefore, if the manual recommends 92nd grade of gasoline, there is absolutely no need to overpay for 95th or 98th. Although they will of course show separately best characteristics. But this will not mean that gasoline with the number 92 is of poor quality. But in cases where the fuel recommendation indicates a range from 95 to 98, it is really worth choosing the latest brand of gasoline.

As a decent man, I adore cars, and I can’t live in peace, I decided to check the quality of gasoline at gas stations in Moscow. Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom, BP and others tremble!

Automotive stores sell various test strips to check the quality of gasoline. But, it is clear that they cannot provide complete data on the composition of gasoline and determine its compliance with all standards. I did this test not too long ago macos . The experiment seemed interesting to me, but I decided to play it safe and went to a real testing laboratory for fuels and lubricants.

The first surprise was finding a laboratory that could test gasoline. It turned out that there are not many of these in Moscow. I Googled only two (Shell and Neftmagistral) suitable laboratories to which a private individual can submit gasoline for analysis without any problems. Other laboratories either analyze oils, or are not close, or the analysis is unreasonably expensive, or cooperation with private individuals is problematic. By the way, maybe someone knows why such laboratories do not like private individuals?

The choice fell on Neftmagistral. In fact, I chose them because of the price (the pleasure turned out to be not the cheapest), and they are located quite close to Moscow (Vnukovo).

Having driven along the Moscow Ring Road from Yaroslavka to the Kievskoye Highway, I stopped at the following gas stations: Rosneft, Lukoil, BP, Neftmagistral, Gazpromneft. I poured gasoline into plastic cans specially designed for gasoline. For testing we used standard 95 gasoline.

I am posting receipts for gasoline for comparison - (price per liter/rubles): Neftmagistral - 33.20, Gazpromneft - 34.05, Rosneft - 34.10, Lukoil - 34.52, BP - 34.59. I couldn't resist buying mineral water from BP. The main question– what is the difference and is there any difference between cheaper gasoline and more expensive one, is it healthier to feed cars, and is there any difference in general what to feed?

To make everything as independent as possible, I handed over gasoline samples anonymously - under numbers. Although, looking ahead, I will say that after the analysis we got into a conversation with the person who works there and, looking at the composition, he himself compared and named the brands of three samples. At that moment I felt real respect for a person who knows the market so well and knows the compositions and differences of different brands of gasoline.

The laboratory is equipped with the latest technology. I wouldn't call it big, but the equipment is amazing. Subjected to analysis following parameters fuel: octane number, fractional composition, content of sulfur and aromatic compounds. Whatever one may say, gasoline test strips cannot reveal this data in any way. And good gasoline means not only excellent running and overclocking characteristics car, but also the key to its uninterrupted operation and serviceability. I think that those who are under warranty and call for maintenance have heard many times from the mechanics sighs about dirty spark plugs and bad gasoline.

Let's take a closer look at several devices. Below is UIT-85M. The device was made in Russia at the Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant. This installation is used to determine the octane number. The device simulates engine operation using only one cylinder, then the unit compares the standard with the gasoline supplied for testing.

The octane number of all brands was in order. Everything is within normal limits.
Let's test further. A spectrometer helps determine the sulfur content in gasoline. Active sulfur compounds contained in gasoline cause severe corrosion of the fuel system and transport tanks. Inactive sulfur compounds do not lead to corrosion, but the gases formed during their combustion cause rapid abrasive wear of engine parts, reduce power and worsen the environmental situation.

And this device is for determining the chemical composition. In a few seconds it provides a detailed analysis of the composition.

A device that determines the fractional composition of gasoline.

Apparatus for determining the density of petroleum products

Apparatus for determining saturated vapor pressure

Diesel fuel analysis equipment differs significantly. But I didn’t have diesel fuel with me, so I couldn’t see exactly how the device worked, but I managed to capture it:

Apparatus for determining actual resins

But the most important thing is the final results, which is what I came to the laboratory for. In fact, the results were unexpected. I was sure that at least half of the brands would be unusable, but... almost all of the gasoline turned out to be within the standards, the only thing was that Lukoil “failed.”

Lukoil AI-95 gasoline does not comply with GOST R 51866-2002 for a number of fractional composition indicators. The first discrepancy: the end of the boil (this indicator should not be higher than 210C, for Lukoil it is 215.7C). Consequences: increased fuel consumption and carbon formation in the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder. The second discrepancy: the share of aromatic hydrocarbons. Consequences: carbon deposits on the spark plugs during the next maintenance. All this can be seen in the test report. That is, this gasoline will not only increase fuel consumption, but also significantly increase engine wear.

Indicators of the fractional composition and the compliance of these parameters with the norm are among the main ones, since they can be used to determine the engine warm-up speed, its throttle response, starting qualities, and the uniformity of engine operation. idle speed. To decipher all the indicators, you can use this “dictionary”.

By the way, Gazprom stood out in terms of sulfur content, but in terms of this indicator everything is within the normal range for all brands.
Lukoil and Gazprom had the lowest indicators in terms of ROI (octane number, the higher it is, the better the gasoline resists detonation) - 95.4, BP had a little higher - 95.5, but still not the maximum, although I repeat that everything is in within normal limits, but without much effort.

Other protocols can be found here



In general, I am surprised, I still expected more violations-) Perhaps the fact is that the gasoline was taken in Moscow, we apparently undergo constant checks. It would be interesting if someone living in the region would take up the baton and conduct similar analyzes.

Question for the studio: is it worth overpaying for a brand, if in the end the quality is the same for everyone, and some expensive brands are also a little cheating? Have you personally encountered low-quality gasoline? Did you try to somehow prove the manufacturer’s guilt? Have you contacted such laboratories? And, in fact, what guides you when choosing a gas station, because, as it turns out, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality...

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