Photos of a pretty blonde. Blondes are the most beautiful and desirable girls. Eyes and their makeup for blondes

Lately, a lot has been written about blondes. A huge number of anecdotes, gags and theories. Some argue that blondes are obviously more attractive, others are of the opinion that brunettes are more passionate and intelligent, and blondes at the same time they are cold and have less intelligence. Which one, blonde or brunette?

The concept of beauty is very complex. Each historical era gave birth to its own idea of ​​beauty. True, blonde hair became popular and fashionable back in ancient times. Why did blondes turn out to be more attractive and desirable? The answer is probably simple - what kind of hair should a goddess of beauty have, no matter how golden. And so, the very first blonde is the mythical goddess Aphrodite. Ancient Greece– in fashion, beauty is strict and noble. First of all, golden-haired blondes with blue eyes and white skin were valued.

In Ancient Rome, the cult of blondes, blond hair and fair skin also flourished. The wives of Roman patricians used whitewash to whiten their skin, skin care products, and milk. During their travels, in addition to their retinue, they were accompanied by herds of donkeys, in whose milk they bathed. The hair was rubbed with oil from goat milk and beech tree ash. And then we sat in the sun for a long time, uncovering only our heads, to bleach our hair. At the same time, they put a special hat with a brim on the head so that the hair was open and the face was covered. Light blonde hair was considered the ideal of beauty.

During the Renaissance, a different understanding of beauty emerged. A special hair color, beloved by Venetians, is coming into fashion - golden-red. The value of hair was so great that if a beauty had dressed up in the most luxurious dress, adorned herself with gold and other jewelry, but had not put her hair in order, no one would have thought about her beauty. “A woman’s hair should be thick, wavy and long, its color should be like gold, or the burning rays of the sun,” as it is said in the treatise “On the Beauty of Women.”

Empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleon III, was blonde, and the ladies of the court tried to imitate her in everything, even in hair color. It was then that the Parisian hairdresser Hugo found a means to bleach hair - hydrogen peroxide. And soon there was not a single dark-haired lady left at court. And even now this drug continues to turn women into blondes.

Where are blondes most often found? Of course, among residents of northern countries.

What determines the color of our hair? Hair color depends on the amount of pigments: eumelanin (black or brown) and pheomelanin (yellow-red), found in the hair. Their percentage ratio, as well as their density, gives a wide variety of color shades.

Light blonde hair can be divided into shades as follows:

1. very light, almost white blondes
2. linen
3. platinum blondes
4. golden
5. bright yellow
6. light brown (gray and yellow shades)
7. light brown blondes - (light brown color.)

The popularity of blondes became the reason for the creation of a whole series of hair dyes.

To bleach the pigment, a mixture containing alkali and hydrogen peroxide is applied to the hair. The alkali opens the hair scales and, combining with peroxide, provides an oxygen release reaction - the pigment is partially destroyed, and voids are formed in the hair. Now the hair is bleached, but at the same time weakened. Now they need to be filled with pigment again, otherwise they will be lifeless and dry, like tow. Next, the hair is tinted in the appropriate shade that the lady desired. When highlighting, the hair also needs to be tinted. This must be taken into account so as not to be left with lifeless hair in the future.

Nowadays there are many hair products and dyes that can help you become blonde. Besides the fact that there are preparations that not only lighten hair, but also fill it with new pigment, i.e. lighten and tone at the same time.

It is better to entrust hair coloring to a hairdresser. And after visiting the hairdresser, listening to the advice of the master.

After all, you can harm your hair yourself. Burnt hair is the result of a violation of dyeing technology. Unfortunately, not only you yourself, but also an ignorant hairdresser can burn your hair. Therefore, if you come to the master and he does not ask the question - when and what was your hair dyed in last time, and also does not warn about the possible consequences and results of coloring your hair, then you may have problems.

Even if everything is taken into account and the artist turns out to be the best, the coloring result may not be what the client would like. It is possible that your own pigment is too stable, or maybe the day before you were alarmed by something, and your physical condition is not the best at the moment, and taking medications can also affect the result, etc.

So, if you want to have hair color like Marilyn Monroe, you will have to try. It should be noted here that Marilyn Monroe's hair color is the merit of cameramen rather than hairdressers. And Marilyn Monroe's own hair was brown.

It is possible to become an absolute, perfect blonde without ruining your hair, but it will take time, patience and money. There is no way you can become blonde overnight.

As far as we know, texts and knowledge are very good, because knowledge is potential power, but the Internet is the Internet, and here you can’t live without photos and pictures, so in addition to the text, we will periodically add photos of blondes - the most beautiful blondes!

The most beautiful Blondes with perfect appearance

And these are the most glamorous blondes you can ever meet)))

Blue-eyed blondes should use gray, blue, violet and light blue colors in their makeup

Following the laws of fashion trends, many blond beauties forget about moderation when creating makeup, making it vulgar or boring. Therefore, before creating a stunning image, you need to determine the tone of the blonde. Cool shades of hair do not go well with bright colors of shadows, but warm shades do the opposite.

The correct hairline is the first step to perfect makeup. Shadows can be selected depending on the shade of the hair. Ash blonde and other cool tones go well with purple, blue and pink. Owners of wheat color are recommended to experiment with brown.

Minimalist makeup is welcome for girls with golden, honey, or brown hair. Shadows in the pale orange spectrum are ideal for blondes with blue eyes and warm hair color. Stylists especially highlight brick, copper, ocher and sand tones of shadows. Bright accents should be avoided because they are not tolerated by the color of the iris.

Blue eyes and blond curls are a truly gentle, seductive and incredibly beautiful combination. Young ladies with such an appearance only need to competently emphasize their beauty, and properly executed makeup can be a faithful assistant in this.

Choosing makeup shades for blondes with blue eyes

When choosing the optimal tones for your makeup, you need to familiarize yourself with the main rules for applying make up for blue-eyed seductresses, which will help you study. Blondes should opt for diluted watercolor shades: pearl, light blue, gray, soft purple, silver, lilac, pastel pink. For daytime make-up, you don’t need to get carried away with pearlescent glosses, while for an evening out they will be an excellent choice. It should be borne in mind that delicate blue-eyed beauties rarely suit turquoise and bright blue colors.

Blondes should not use black eyeliner, as well as black pencil for their eyebrows. It is best for such young ladies to use gray pencils, and for the eyebrows to select gray shadows or pencils. It happens that brown pencils also suit blondes with blue eyes, although many makeup artists do not recommend using them for everyone.

Blondes often have light, barely noticeable eyelashes. Black mascara will help solve this problem. However, in order to avoid an overly vulgar look, it is better to paint over only the tips of the eyelashes with black mascara. You should also be wary of blue mascara, so popular among blondes. She is certainly good, but only on young girls who have planned to go to a party. Older women are better off purchasing the classic version.

Choosing makeup according to your appearance type

When choosing the optimal make up, it is extremely important to take into account your type of appearance. Thus, blondes are usually divided into four main types. Each type has its own specific foundation, shadows, eyeliners, lipsticks and mascaras. So, there are blue-eyed blondes:

- With blonde curls from Mother Nature and pale skin; - With light skin tones, as well as with all known tones of light brown hair; - With ashy strands and pale skin; - With dark skin tone and different variations of blonde hair.

Based on this division, the following rules must be observed: if you are light-eyed, fair-haired and also light-skinned, then dark tones should not be used in your makeup. You should use only muted and calm shade options. This rule applies to both eyes and lips. Young ladies with warm notes in their image (brown hair, dark skin) are a little more fortunate, since they are not forbidden to use brighter, more noticeable, warm tones.

It should also be taken into account that blond strands can make the skin tone even lighter than it is. It would be nice to emphasize this golden glow of the skin with cosmetics in warm, slightly shiny tones. In this case, an excellent solution could be a liquid transparent foundation for future makeup with reflective particles, which will “illuminate” the skin.

Daytime makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Blonde-haired “blue eyes” will love the barely noticeable, natural Nude Look. It is he who is able to adequately emphasize all the grace and elegance of the image, and he will also give appearance freshness and innocence. The main requirement of Nude makeup is a little makeup and no flashy heavy colors. Before you “put on” this look, make sure that your skin is perfect - without acne, rashes, unevenness, etc.

After the foundation is applied to the skin, it will become a little porcelain and doll-like. A light shade of blush can give a healthy glow. A darker shade of eyebrow pencil will make your look more expressive. For the eyes it is better to use one mascara, otherwise the image may turn out too bright and unsuitable for a daytime appearance. When choosing mascara, do not forget about the color type. Dark brown mascara suits the cold type, and black mascara suits the warm type.

If shadows are still involved in makeup, then the following tones are suitable: amber, peach or champagne shades. All of the listed tones will highlight not only the eyes, but also the radiant curls, as if visually illuminating the face.

Evening make up for blue-eyed blondes

Evening make-up requires your special attention. Girls with such an appearance can instantly turn into a plain-looking person who will be associated with a gray mouse. Also, do not forget about caution in using bright colors so that the image does not smack of vulgarity.

If you nevertheless decide to use bright colors, then you will only need to use mascara; in this case, it is better to forget about eyeliner. If we talk about the shadow palette, it may include the following tones: brown, dark burgundy, gold, light pink, dark blue, light blue. If shadows are not used, then you can draw graceful arrows.

Skin tone must be simply flawless. Blush in evening makeup should be barely noticeable. Well, the final touch will be the sponges. If arrows are chosen for going out, then you can apply juicy, bright lipstick, for example, red.

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes: photo

The concept of “Blonde” has become a household word. The Internet is full of jokes about blondes; this theme is played out on the stage, and anywhere. Without going into the derogatory characteristics that appear in these sketches, we note that all the authors cannot deny the attractiveness of blondes. And even the thought creeps in that these ridicule are a kind of revenge for beauty and a bright, catchy image.
Women are jealous and men are hurt. Well, God bless them, let all insinuations remain on the conscience of those who inspire them. Blondes are neither cold nor hot because of this, their charm will not suffer.

But what place blondes have in fashion 2018 is really important. stand out in the crowd, the hair on their head seems to be larger because it is light. The eyes of others are drawn to blond hair, so increased demands are placed on the quality and condition of the hair. Because any defects are more noticeable. And they can be, since the vast majority of blondes are artificial, having their magic due to regular dyeing. No matter how advertised modern means coloring, but overdrying still occurs, and brittleness, dullness and dehydration of hair must be constantly combated.

In order for a hairstyle to look good, the hair must have a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance, without this there is no way.

As for the tones that are fashionable in 2018, they should be close to natural, but lean towards cool shades. Ashy colors and Nordic blonde – this is what we will go through this season with, and not at all with the honey and wheat shades characteristic of last year.

The ashy shade must be handled with care if you do not want to inadvertently acquire gray hair in your youth. But those whose gray hair has already touched their temples are lucky. They don’t have to go through the hassle of constantly covering up or stubborn gray hair – they can simply dye all their hair in fashionable ash, blond and silver. Or you can add a tint or platinum.

Young blondes will certainly like the light pinkish shade, which is called “strawberry blonde.” But not just one such shade is in fashion now; there are other colors of berry nature, for example, frosty cherry, which set off whitish hair.
At the same time, there is no redness, only a pale pinkish tint. It is acceptable to use pearls with a barely visible purple glow, platinum or regular blonde. There is no yellow in any of these shades, and this is good, because this season it is not in favor.

Natural blondes find themselves in the best position: they don’t need to do anything, they are already in trend. Even if their natural hair color is an unfashionable golden or warm shade, the advantage remains on the side of naturalness.

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