Zero filter: pros and cons. Zero resistance air filter (nulevik), its pros and cons What a zero resistance filter looks like

Air filter zero resistance, installed instead of a standard filter, can increase power vehicle. It does not require any major modifications to the car engine.

Zero resistance air filter - why is it needed?

The main task of a conventional air filter is to effectively clean the air entering the piston-cylinder mechanism of a car engine. The purified stream does not carry with it the smallest dust, which means it is not polluted. The need for such an element in the design of a vehicle, taking this into account, of course, is not in dispute.

But the problem is that engine power is reduced when using an air filter mounted on the car at the manufacturing plant.

This unit is usually made of very thick paper that “resists” the air flow. Because of this, there is a loss of power from the “heart” of the machine, which will be greater the higher the resistance. And over time, the filter also begins to clog, which leads to a further decrease in engine power.

The described problem is easily solved by a zero-filter air filter, which has a well-thought-out design. It provides the ability to reduce the level of air flow resistance at the inlet. At the same time, what is important, the filtering potential of such a product is not reduced. It is clear that fans of fast driving do not deny themselves the pleasure of adding a few extra boosts to their car’s engine. horsepower.

What does a zero air filter provide - the real advantages and disadvantages of its installation

The benefits that car enthusiasts receive when installing a zero-resistance air filter:

  • effective protection against wear of the piston system;
  • protection against clogging of the intake system;
  • increase at low and medium speeds;
  • no need to regularly replace the standard filter element, which, according to the recommendations of automakers, should be changed after 15,000 kilometers of the vehicle;
  • restoration of the initial characteristics of the zero air filter after it is washed and treated with a special solution;
  • ease of installation (the standard air filter is dismantled along with the insert part, and a new one, suitable in size for the seating area, is placed on the air flow indicator pipe or directly on the indicator).

At the same time real increase The car's power when installing the zero gear is, as a rule, about 5 horsepower. It is clear that the driver is unlikely to be able to feel such a difference. In addition, the zero filter requires careful care.

How to care for a zero filter air filter?

Every 10,000 kilometers it needs to be washed using a regular soap composition, and then impregnated with a product with special properties, which is necessary for the filter to effectively attract dust. Maintenance of the “nulevik” is performed as follows:

The car gives rise to in many drivers an insatiable desire for experimentation and modernization. Every car enthusiast begins to imagine himself as at least Kulibin capable of changing the dynamic and driving characteristics of a vehicle.

Often, the desire to increase the power and dynamics of a car by any means leads to completely the opposite result. The car begins to literally become “dull” and other indicators deteriorate significantly.

In any matter, and especially in such a delicate matter as the modernization of individual car systems, a balance must be maintained. There is no need to blindly follow harmful recommendations, performing work at your own peril and risk.

There are quite reliable ways to increase the speed and dynamic characteristics of a vehicle by replacing standard elements. The use of a zero resistance filter deserves special attention. Today we can highlight the pros and cons of a zero-resistance filter.

What is a zero resistance filter?

The standard one provides purified air to the engine to form a fuel-air mixture. It traps dust particles and other substances contained in the surrounding air.

Due to the high density of the filter element, the incoming air experiences significant resistance and due to this, it enters the motor in a limited volume. All this has a negative impact on the power of the power unit.

In order to reduce air resistance to a minimum during engine operation, zero-resistance filters are used. Its design ensures unhindered flow of air into the vehicle engine with necessary level cleaning.

Zero resistance filters were originally used on racing cars. Replacing the standard filter element made it possible to increase engine power to 5 horsepower.

To produce a zero-resistance filter, lightweight cotton fabric is used. The material is treated with a special chemical solution. It is this that allows air masses to freely penetrate into the engine.

Rules for caring for a zero-resistance air filter

Like a traditional air filter, the zerovik requires careful care and respect. The safety margin of the product is much greater than that of a traditional filter element.

The following rules for caring for a zero-resistance filter are distinguished:

  1. Removal of the filter is carried out carefully and carefully to prevent damage;
  2. Dust must be cleaned using a soft brush;
  3. After removing contaminants, treat the filter with a special impregnation;
  4. The filter should be dried only naturally without heating devices;
  5. There should be no white spaces on the surface of the filter, otherwise the impregnation treatment is repeated.

In principle, there is nothing complicated, the most important thing is not to start cleaning and perform regular maintenance. If you do not follow the rules, it may need to be replaced very quickly.

To date, there is no clear opinion regarding the use of a zero-resistance filter. Very often, fierce debates on this topic flare up on automobile forums.

The use of a filter element of this type made it possible to highlight the following pros and cons:

Pros of a zero resistance filter:

  • increase in engine power;
  • reduction of engine noise;
  • possibility of self-production;

Disadvantages of a zero resistance filter:

  • requires constant maintenance;
  • low safety margin;
  • high cost;
  • low quality of air purification.


There is no clear opinion on the use of a zero-resistance filter, even among specialists. Many of them believe that it is advisable to use it only on racing cars, where every horsepower of the engine counts.

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When tuning an engine, a large amount of incoming air is required and a zero filter is required. Let's tell you what it is and what it offers compared to a filter element.

What is it for?

The main function of a standard air filter is to clean the air and protect against dust getting into the engine. But while we gain effective filtration, we lose power. Paper elements offer a lot of resistance to air flow because the material is dense. The greater the resistance, the greater the power loss. It is especially noticeable when the filter gets clogged.

Zero resistance filter - a replacement for the standard one, which allows you to reduce the inlet resistance without reducing the filtering capacity and increase engine power. This is due to a special material that has less air resistance. Accordingly, more air enters the engine, and the power is higher. This way you can add “several horses”.

In most cases, the “nulevik” gives a power increase of about 3-5%. A person physically cannot feel a difference in power of less than 5 hp, but dynamic characteristics almost invisible. So, numbers on paper can amuse your vanity more than reality.

Is there any point?

It is a misconception that if you remove the air filter and its housing, the power will increase significantly. This is wrong. The fact is that engineers calculate the operation of the motor taking into account filter losses. From a practical point of view, an engine that gets caught in dust will not last long. A barrier in the form of an air filter is necessary. Flow resistance can be reduced by increasing the passage holes, that is, slightly deteriorating the quality of filtration.

Remember: if the car does not have a sports engine, it is not advisable to spend several thousand rubles on a “nulevik”. Installation on a stock engine is just a beautiful thing under the hood.

It’s another matter if you comprehensively modify the engine by installing sports camshafts and boring the cylinders. Then a zero filter is appropriate. Also, together with it, an enlarged throttle valve is installed, which will have the greatest effect in increasing the efficiency of the machine’s intake system.


Firstly, increasing power without reducing air purity. The filter has a complex configuration that provides low resistance, but at the same time effective filtration, protecting the intake system from clogging and the engine from wear.

Secondly, eliminate the need to replace the filter every 10,000 km. It is easy to clean, washed with a special composition and restores its original properties.

Thirdly, after installation, a little more unique noise and a few additional “horses” will appear, and torque will also increase at medium and low speeds.

To obtain a real increase in power and torque, it is necessary to dismantle the standard housing assembly with the filter insert element. Next put it on the sensor mass flow air or on its pipe a cone filter of zero resistance, which is selected according to the diameter of the seat.

How to follow?

With the purchase of a zero filter the car enthusiast is obliged to regularly wash and impregnate it with a special solution. Moreover, it must be processed using a certain technology, which is difficult to compare with the simplicity of the “remove and install” operation. You cannot forget about periodic maintenance, otherwise the machine will become “dumb” and “gluttonous”.

Remove the filter and clean it from large dirt particles using a soft bristle brush. Then washed with water. There is no need to dry it, but you need to shake it several times to remove any remaining water. Then a cleaning agent is applied to the filter element on both sides and the “zero” is installed in place.

Personal experience

WITH zero filter need to be more careful. The increase in power is small, but it is due to better cross-country ability, which means dust particles can get into the motor, especially if you forget to soak it. Another thing is installing the zero in a standard place. A huge plus is that the standard air intake system will be preserved. If the nulevik “takes” air under the hood, this will not lead to anything good. The air there is hot; it is imperative to move the air intake system away from the hot engine.

It has been proven experimentally that the lower the inlet air temperature, the greater the power. During the day, in the heat, the nulevik only causes harm, but in the evening you can feel the difference. It is advisable to install with increased throttle valve and a cold air system. It is installed for the summer, but in winter it is useless, if not harmful.

Buy a good zero, for example from K&N. He's different good quality, but it's not cheap. The damage to the motor will be minimal. But I would be wary of buying Chinese analogues. It is not known how they filter the incoming air and whether they will cause harm.

Every car owner wants to modify his car so that it is perfect in every way. But perfect car should be not only externally, but also internally. The engine also requires improvements. If you tune the engine, then there is no way to do it without a zero-resistance filter.

It is absolutely impossible to do without installing such a device, since a new injection and a reworked intake and exhaust system significantly increase the power indicators of the power plant, which requires more air to operate as smoothly as possible.

If in such a situation you do not install a zero resistance filter, then the motor will simply “suffocate”. It will shake and twitch, since the mixture will not be enriched at all. In addition, such filters can be bought at any store. car parts. The so-called “nulevik” very easily replaces the standard one. The fasteners are interchangeable. It is also necessary to note the aesthetic side of the new filter. It will give the engine a sporty look.

Why install a zero resistance filter?

It is important to understand the essence of the question: is it possible to use a zero-speed car on a regular car, and, if so, then which one to choose? In order to fully and understandingly understand this issue, you need to understand how a zero-resistance filter works.

As everyone knows, any air filter must filter the incoming air from unwanted influences environment, as this air is mixed with fuel to achieve a rich mixture. It’s not for nothing that designers came up with the idea of ​​installing air purification products on engines, since they reduce the wear rate of parts and components of the power plant. In particular, they protect piston group. If you remove the filter, then microparticles that have abrasive properties, entering the air, wear out the engine parts in a very short period of time.

But we also need to consider the other side of air filters: they are very dense, so it is difficult not only for particles, but also for air to pass through such material. Because of this, the motor loses its power. It cannot produce full horsepower, as it simply “suffocates.” And, in addition, the more resistance the air receives, the less power will be output. Very often this phenomenon can be observed in summer time when the air filter becomes clogged with all sorts of impurities and dust, interfering with the passage of air. But, after dismantling the old filter and installing a new filter, it’s as if something is moving into the engine. The power increases, the dips disappear.

In order to minimize the resistance to incoming air and allow the engine to work at full horsepower, they came up with such special air purification products.

“Nulevik” is specially created in such a way that the motor can consume as much air as possible. Air filters installed on racing cars, increase engine power by several horsepower.

The main advantages highlighted by tuning fans

Many people wonder, but not everyone knows what a zero will do with a conventional motor.

  • The power of the power plant increases to 10%. This is despite the fact that there is still a filter, and particles will not get into the cylinders along with the combustible mixture.
  • Nulevik does not require frequent replacement, unlike a conventional filter.

Such an air purifier, as it becomes dirty, is simply washed with a special aerosol. After treatment, the unit can be reused. Install modern filter It can be placed in a regular place, depending on the shape, but you can simply put it on and clamp it with a clamp on the air supply line.

How to properly care for the filter?

In order to service the zero car, it must be removed from the car. After which it is cleaned with a special brush. The cleaning has been completed, now a special filter cleaning agent is applied to the entire filter. Now you should wait 10 minutes until the product saturates the filter. Then, after this time, the filter is washed in some container with water. And after that you need to rinse the element under running water.

Once the filter has been cleaned, there is no need to dry it at all. The best thing to do is simply remove the remaining water with regular shaking. There are cases when the product has poorly saturated the filter and light spots appear on it. In this case, you will have to use the product again. After completing the entire procedure for cleaning the zero-resistance filter, it can be mounted back. According to factory data, the zeros are designed for 20 washes. Further washing is useless, and replacement is impossible.

It should be noted important information: zero resistance filters perform well on power plants with large volumes. Weak and small engines will not notice the increase in horsepower from such a device.

People's opinions that if the air filter is completely removed, then the engine will become much more powerful are completely mythical. In reality, nothing like that happens. When the designers invented the engine, they calculated all valve timing, taking into account the resistance of the air filter. So, besides the fact that the motor will become unusable very quickly, due to the entry of a large number of “extra” particles into it, removing the filter will not increase power.

Whether to use a standard accessory or try to tune your car is up to the owner to decide.


One way to increase engine power internal combustion car is to reduce the resistance in the air intake-exhaust system exhaust gases. It is known that removing the muffler and catalyst can increase engine power by up to 10%.

Likewise, completely removing the air filter can increase power by up to 8 – 10%. This is why many racing cars in the 20th century simply did not have air filters installed. However, the entry of dust particles into the intake system significantly reduced engine life.

Considering that modern engines racing cars cost incredible amounts of money, the designers were given the task of developing air filters with zero resistance to intake air, and it was solved. Now such filters (car enthusiasts often call them “nulevik”) are affordable to ordinary car owners and their popularity is increasing.

Why do you need a nulevik and how does it work?

When operating an internal combustion engine, it is necessary to protect the air inlet channel from dust, small particles, fluff, insects and other substances that are not in a gaseous state. In principle, even gaseous water (steam) also destroys the piston group.

To protect the engine, an air filter is installed in all cars equipped with internal combustion engines. Without such a filter, engine life can be reduced by up to 10 times.

On most cars, standard filters are made of a special, usually paper, composition. This material has tiny pores (holes - micropores) that prevent the smallest particles from passing through the filter.

The more such pores, the less resistance the filter will provide to the passage of air. Therefore, most air filters are made in the form of an “accordion” to increase the area and number of pores.

Video - what problems may arise when using the nulevik in various modes:

During the operation of the car, such air filters quickly become clogged, as their resistance increases.

The idea behind zero-resistance filters is that the pore size in them is increased to slightly impede the flow of air. The filter material itself (usually a fabric base made of a special material) seems to attract dust and small particles to itself, where they settle. This “attraction” is based on the physical and chemical processes of electrification and adsorption.

There are two main types of filtration:

  1. Dry filtration. These types of filters are less effective. Research shows that the maximum increase in engine power is less than 5%.
  2. Soaked filters. Their efficiency is higher (up to 7% increase in power). Dust and particles settle on the oily impregnation.

Where to install a zero in a passenger car

There are three possible options here:

1. In a non-standard place, that is, separately from standard system air intake.

This option allows you to install a filter of any design that will fit under the hood of your existing car.

There is a big disadvantage to this installation method. Air will enter the engine from the engine compartment, and not from the external intake.

In addition, the air will be heated by a running engine, that is, of lower density, therefore, with less oxygen content. This minus eats up almost all the advantages of a zero-resistance air filter.

2. In a regular place.

In this case, it is necessary to select a filter of a compatible design. In modern cars, air filters generally have a rectangular (trapezoidal) configuration.

The maximum efficiency of rectangular filters with zero resistance does not exceed 5% (cylindrical filters - about 7%).

3. Installation on a modified intake system design.

The most effective installation method, however, requires certain skills and additional costs for re-equipping the standard system of air ducts and intakes.

Pros and cons of zero resistance air filters

First about the poles:

  • increase in engine power. The power increase factor can only be judged specifically on the basis of testing for each installation option. You shouldn't trust advertising. Efficiency can be from 1 to 8%;
  • reduction in fuel consumption. For owners passenger cars this characteristic can be decisive when installing a non-standard zero;
  • for dry filters, the procedures for installing and servicing the filter practically do not change (it should be remembered that they are less effective than serviced zero filters);
  • change in the “sound” of the engine. This plus is more suitable for the younger generation of car enthusiasts.
  • price. The price can be up to 10,000 rubles. An average zero car will cost about 2,000 rubles, but this is also more than the cost of a regular consumable.
  • an abnormal installation of a zero-resistance filter may have negative efficiency if heated engine compartment air enters it;
  • the need for maintenance (impregnation) of the zero-resistance filter after 2 - 3 thousand kilometers simultaneously with cleaning. The procedure requires time and additional costs;
  • its installation is effective only in a complex of car tuning works. Without increasing the efficiency of the exhaust system, installing such a filter often makes no sense at all (especially if the catalyst is clogged);
  • it is not a fact that the engine management system will adequately perceive the increase in air flow. In the air intake system of each modern car there is a flow meter (). It will instantly “calculate” changes in mass air consumption and adjust engine operation. That is, when installing a nulevik, it is rational to perform chip tuning of the car’s engine control unit. This operation is expensive;
  • There is no absolute evidence of the effectiveness of installing zero-resistance filters in ordinary cars. For racing cars, everything is clear: every additional horse is valuable there, regardless of the costs. The installers there are professionals. Control and adjustment are carried out using professional equipment. Ordinary car enthusiasts have only advertising at their disposal;
  • at abnormal installation The Federal Tax Service may have questions when passing a technical inspection.

Video - does it make sense to install a nulevik if no additional tuning work is carried out:

How to properly maintain

Zero resistance filter maintenance sequence:

  • cleaning with a special brush (you can use a soft clothing brush, you can additionally use a vacuum cleaner);
  • washing the filter (you can use special compounds, even household “Laska” is suitable);
  • drying for 12 hours (not close to the battery);
  • application of special impregnation for FNS on the air inlet side - twice.

Do not exceed the amount of impregnation, as excess may enter the engine. The packaging of the Federal Tax Service and care products must contain instructions for use and operation. For some filter models, the maintenance sequence may be different.

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