Is there insurance for credit cards? How to refuse card insurance. What to do if the insurance risk occurred abroad

Sberbank is a leader in issuing bank cards. Payment instruments have a high degree of protection against hacking and information theft. However, the loss or theft of plastic can lead to the cardholder losing not only his money, but also remaining a debtor (if the credit card is stolen). Bank card insurance will help protect you from financial losses.

Insurance of bank cards is not a mandatory procedure, so the bank does not impose it on clients.

Bank card insurance service is required:

  1. For persons making transactions via the Internet (paying for goods in online stores, replenishing electronic wallets, etc.). Kaspersky Lab annually detects about 1,000 new hacker programs that aim to steal personal data on client payment instruments. Intercepting the card number and secret code located on back side plastic, can lead to a complete loss of your own funds.
  2. If there are large amounts on plastic. At Sberbank, the price for plastic insurance services is quite affordable. In addition, the insurance premium may be included in the cost of card servicing (applies to VISA Gold and MasterCard Gold).

What risks does the plastic protection program cover?

  • obtaining personal information on the card and the payment instrument itself, withdrawing money from an ATM;
  • theft or loss of plastic;
  • accidental damage to the card;
  • damage to the plastic caused by a malfunction of the ATM;
  • theft of cash withdrawn from an ATM by threatening a person’s physical health;
  • receiving money from a bank card by an outsider using fake documents, etc.

Important! The insurance program at Sberbank provides for the policyholder to contact the insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event within 2 days. Otherwise, the insurer does not consider the incident and the money is not returned to the cardholder. In addition, the plastic holder must collect supporting information (account statement, copy of the police report about the theft of the card, etc.).

Advantages of the money insurance program on cards at Sberbank

The insurance policy provides 24-hour protection regardless of when the insured event occurred. It operates not only in Russia, but also abroad. This allows you to pay with Sberbank bank cards in all countries of the world, including those dangerous for fraud (Turkey, Thailand, Bulgaria, Spain, etc.).

The client can independently choose the set of risks that he wants to insure. As a rule, they are determined based on the specific use of plastic. It is possible to use one policy to insure all of a client’s debit and credit cards if their issuer is Sberbank. Comprehensive insurance is not only convenient, but also economical.

How to get a policy?

You can apply for insurance services directly at the Sberbank office. Its cost depends on the set of risks chosen by the client and the amount of bank plastic to be protected.

Having selected the desired program, the client deposits money to pay for the service and receives a package of documents. Insurance is valid for 1 calendar year. Upon expiration of the main payment instrument, the agreement continues to cover risks for the remaining cards. If they are not there, the policyholder may return the insurance premiums, paid for the period in which the service was not provided.

After registration of the service, the client has a month to activate the policy. It can be carried out independently on the Sberbank Insurance website. To do this, the policyholder needs to enter the contract number, full name, date of receipt of the service, email address, code received with the policy, and contact phone number. On average it takes 4-5 minutes to activate.

The second activation method is to call the contact center. In this case, the policyholder must provide the specialist with his personal data (full name, residential address, year of birth), control word, bank card number and insurance information (contract number, date of service, control identifier, etc.).

What to do if an insured situation occurs?

First of all, you need to block the plastic. This must be done immediately as soon as the loss (theft) of a payment instrument is detected. The card is blocked in several ways: through mobile bank, through the Sberbank Online system, through a call to the contact center or when visiting a bank office. The blocking option must be chosen taking into account the urgency of the operation.

The next step is to call Sberbank Insurance. It is advisable to do it immediately after blocking the plastic. Specialists will provide detailed advice on further actions the policyholder.

If the plastic was stolen, then you should not hesitate to report it to law enforcement agencies. A copy of it will confirm the occurrence of the insured event.

3 days are allotted for collecting and submitting documents to Sberbank Insurance from the moment the incident with the payment instrument occurs. The insurer must provide: a statement of bank card, a service agreement and a copy of the statement about the theft of plastic or money from it. The decision is made within 10 days from the date of submission complete package documents.

Timely blocking of the plastic and contacting the insurer is the key to refunding the selected risks. Ignoring bank rules for using payment instruments may result in refusal to provide a refund.

Insurance services are becoming the most popular; the insurance company Sberbank offers its clients various financial protection programs, including insurance of bank cards. Such protection allows you to safely use plastic, protect yourself from the possible risk of fraud and receive compensation in the event of an insured event. But most clients do not know about this service and its main advantages. Therefore, in this article we will answer the question of what Sberbank card insurance is, why the service is needed and whether it is possible to refuse it.

What is card insurance protection?

Sberbank Insurance is a subsidiary, a company of the same name, of the largest bank in our country. It offers protection of funds on a plastic card account. AND this program, it is worth noting, has some advantages:

  • absolutely every interested client of Sberbank can issue an insurance policy in any way convenient for them, namely directly at a bank branch or through its remote online resource;
  • You can partially pay for the cost of the policy with bonuses Thank you, but not more than 15%;
  • the policy protects against fraud; such insurance protection is available for any credit or debit plastic.

Accordingly, bank card insurance allows you to receive financial compensation when an insured event occurs. Moreover, here the client can determine the amount of compensation for loss of funds; the amount of the insurance premium will directly depend on this. Such a policy is provided for one calendar year and begins to operate 15 days after its payment. Financial protection applies to the following cases:

  • theft of funds stored on a plastic card account by criminals;
  • loss of bank plastic.

It is worth explaining in more detail what theft of funds means and what cases are covered by insurance:

  • funds were stolen by fraudsters from the card account as a result of theft;
  • the attackers used violent methods to obtain plastic media and data to access the client’s personal funds;
  • funds were stolen as a result of fraudulent activities when attackers forged documents and signatures of clients;
  • robbery of a client and theft of a plastic card.

In general, if, as a result of unforeseen circumstances, the card was stolen by criminals and they criminally obtained funds from it, then the client can count on financial compensation from the insurance company.

Tariffs for the service

As mentioned earlier, the cost of the insurance policy will depend directly on the client, namely on the amount of insurance protection. Therefore, it will be calculated individually for each client. It is worth saying that the cost of an insurance policy is also affected by the method of concluding an agreement; we recall that the client has the opportunity to do this through Sberbank or through the official website of the insurance company.

For its clients, the bank offers three service tariffs; here is a table to compare them. So, how much does it cost to protect funds? Consider:

Registration online

Registration through a bank branch
Amount of compensation, rubles Amount of insurance premium, rubles

Amount of compensation, rubles


700 120000 1900
120000 1710 250000



3510 350000


Please note that the cost of the policy is indicated for one year of its validity.

From the presented table it can be seen that the cost of the policy will directly depend on the amount of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event, and when purchasing insurance online, there is an opportunity to save a little on the purchase of the policy. By the way, it is also worth considering that the amount of compensation cannot exceed the amount that was lost by the owner of the plastic as a result of fraudulent actions.

Features of credit card insurance

Insurance of Sberbank credit cards is the most relevant, because the plastic account does not store own funds client, but borrowed, respectively, in the event of theft of funds, the borrower will not be released from loan obligations. But if you take out a policy from an insurance company, then the obligation to repay the bank loan will fall on the shoulders of the insurer.

Please note that in cases with credit cards, the amount of insurance protection must be equal to the credit limit, because if the stolen funds exceed the amount of insurance coverage, the borrower will pay the difference independently.

And one more important nuance: the insurance company will not pay the debt of the borrower himself, that is, the amount that he disposed of before the theft of funds. Otherwise, the registration method and procedure remains standard, but we will look at it a little later.

List of insurance cases

Debit card insurance

Debit card holders can also use the insurance company's service. After all, even if there are no borrowed bank funds on the plastic account, in the event of theft or fraud, the client suffers losses. In this option, compensation within the framework of insurance protection is received directly by the insured person.

When applying for a policy for a debit card, the rates remain unchanged, that is, the client has the right to independently determine his own risks and, based on them, purchase an insurance policy. That is, the amount of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event will be equal to the amount stolen as a result of fraudulent actions, but not more than the amount for which the card was insured.

How to purchase a policy, list of documents

The client can purchase a policy at a bank branch and receive a paper document, or enter into an agreement with an insurance company online and become the owner of an electronic document. Both of them have equal legal force. Accordingly, remote issuance of a policy only provides an opportunity to save your own time and money.

As for documents, you only need to have your passport with you; no additional certificates are required. Next, you will need to go to a bank branch and declare your desire to insure bank plastic. After this, the bank operator will carry out the entire procedure independently and will allow you to sign contracts with the insurance company. In another option, you can do the same thing yourself on the official website of the insurance company; for this, we provide a step-by-step user guide:

  • open the official website of the insurance company;
  • in the main menu find the link “Insure yourself and your property”;
  • Select “Bank card insurance” from the list provided;
  • click the “Apply online” button;
  • fill in the required information, indicate your passport details and other information;
  • Confirm your actions by pressing the appropriate button.

The document will be sent to your email address in electronic form. Then you will need to pay it by debiting your bank card account.

Please note that after paying for the policy, its validity begins only 15 days after payment for the service.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

Most clients know little about card insurance. Therefore, most people easily agree to purchase a policy, especially when an employee of a banking organization persistently recommends purchasing financial protection and describes all the benefits of the insurance policy. But for most clients, this is simply a waste of money. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase insurance, and the other part does not see any particular need for it, which raises the question of whether it is possible to refuse it.

Registration of a policy online

In order to answer the question, let us turn to the current legislation; according to the law, this is not a mandatory type of insurance; accordingly, the client can purchase a policy or refuse it. Moreover, according to the latest decree of the Central Bank, you can return the policy and receive the full amount of its cost within two weeks after signing an agreement with the insurance company. And she, in turn, returns the full amount of the insurance premium.

But clients may encounter some difficulties if the return period has already expired, but the need to return the policy still remains. In this case, of course, there is no 100% money back guarantee. But nevertheless, you can try to get back at least part of the money spent.

To do this, you must appear in person at a Sberbank branch with an insurance policy and your personal documents. You need to inform the bank employee about your intention to refuse insurance protection services, then fill out the appropriate application and submit it for consideration. By the way, a bank employee has no right not to accept an application, since he is not a representative of the insurance company, he only plays an intermediary role.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, insurance company employees must contact the client and clarify all the details of the return of the policy and funds. By the way, if the return period has already expired, the client can still receive a partially paid amount of the insurance premium; as a rule, in this case the insurance company has every right to charge a penalty.

Insuring funds on a Sberbank card, especially when it comes to a credit limit, is primarily a guarantee for the bank. That is why, when applying for a credit card, the manager will definitely offer financial risk insurance, but the client may well refuse such protection without explaining the reasons. Banks, although this happens quite rarely, can tighten the terms of cooperation with the client, increase annual interest or lower your credit limit.

As a result, it must be said that Sberbank card insurance is a personal matter for each client; the bank does not have the right to impose an additional service. But at the same time, if there is even a small probability of fraud, then you should not refuse the service, at least if protection is needed for a credit card. And when applying for such a policy, you will need to correctly compare the size of the credit limit with the amount of insurance protection in order to receive full compensation in the event of an insured event.

With the help of certain banking programs, you can ensure reliable protection of your own funds. One of them is bank card insurance at Sberbank. Its effect extends to plastic cards, which were received specifically at Sberbank.

Insuring your funds on a Sberbank card is especially recommended for those who often use remote resources, make payments via the Internet, receive cash at self-service machines, etc.

List of risks covered by insurance:

Occurrence of an insured event

According to the terms of the insurance policy, you must report the incident by phone no later than 12 hours, and you should contact Sberbank within several days after the insurance risk occurs. Insurance company will review the situation and make payment only under these conditions. To confirm this case, you will need to present the relevant documents to the bank.

Application form

Among the advantages of this insurance, it is necessary to note confidence when making financial transactions on the Internet, in the case of using self-service machines of other financial organizations and when receiving cash from ATMs.

Insurance of funds on the card

When using Sberbank card insurance, the policy fee is set depending on the amount of coverage. Its amount is determined independently, based on the status of the card used, activity in performing financial transactions and personal priorities.

Available insurance rates:

  • for insurance 30 thousand rubles. – policy price 700 rubles;
  • for insurance 120 thousand rubles. – policy price 1710 rubles;
  • for insurance 250 thousand rubles. – policy price 3510 rub.

How to apply for an insurance policy

Bank card insurance at Sberbank is possible at a bank branch. Insurance is connected to bank account. This means that all cards linked to this account will participate in the program: both main and additional. It is also possible to draw up a general agreement, which will apply to all Sberbank cards.

Online registration

Protecting funds on the card

Bank card holders will be able to receive important information about possible fraudulent actions in order to steal funds from cards from the video story. To avoid such situations, it is better to use bank card insurance from Sberbank.

Today Sberbank is one of the most reliable banks operating in the territory Russian Federation. It employs the most qualified specialists to protect information. Despite this, it is still recommended to insure cards issued by this institution.

Is it necessary

Every day, more and more citizens are choosing electronic payment systems. That's why bank cards are becoming more and more common.

But along with the advent of a new payment method, various previously unknown methods of fraud have emerged.

And no one is safe from theft of funds from a card account. Even clients of such a powerful financial structure as Sberbank.

Especially in case of fraud or unauthorized use of funds, many insurance companies offer special programs for holders of plastic bank cards.

This service is not mandatory according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. That is why Sberbank does not insist on its use.

Many less honest commercial structures, which also sell bank cards, impose the service in question on their client - this is illegal.

A previously concluded insurance contract can be terminated by contacting specialized authorities. The cost of card insurance is usually low. In addition, the entire amount of the insurance premium is already included in the cost of card servicing.

This applies to elite varieties of this means of payment:

  • MasterCard Gold;
  • Visa Gold and others.

Despite the fact that this type of insurance is not mandatory, it is still advisable to purchase a special policy.

This is especially true for those bank clients who have very large sums of money in their accounts. An insurance policy will help prevent property damage in the event of money theft.

Features of the policy

The insurance policy of this type for clients who are Sberbank card holders has a large number of different features.

The most important are the following:

  • protection is provided around the clock;
  • the policy covers the whole world;
  • protection against all existing risks is possible;
  • With one policy you can insure all your cards.

The most important advantage of this type of policy is its 24-hour coverage. It does not matter at what time the insured event occurred (day or night).

Monetary compensation will be paid in any case. Also, Sberbank’s bank card insurance policy protects the client’s property interests throughout the world.

That is why you can pay with a card in any country without fear. If an insurance risk specified in the contract occurs, the client is compensated for the damage incurred.

Insurance of funds on a bank card implies protection against a variety of risks. A client can choose the optimal program for himself directly at a Sberbank branch.

Moreover, he can choose a set of risks independently. Which is very convenient, first of all, for the card holder. Since only the owner knows all the specifics of its use.

If necessary, you can insure all available cards at once with one policy. What is very convenient is that there is no need to conclude several insurance contracts. You only need to fulfill one condition: all cards must be from the same bank.

What risks might there be?

The list of insurance risks that can be included in a contract of this type is very extensive.

It can be divided into three main sections:

  • withdrawing funds from a card through fraud;
  • loss of a bank card;
  • theft of funds in any other way.

Payment of monetary compensation is provided for when fraudsters withdraw cash from the card:

  • by stealing the card itself, as well as its access code (PIN code), through the use of violence or threats;
  • by forging the signature of the card holder and then cashing it out at a bank branch;
  • by making a counterfeit card;
  • using various prohibited methods: skimming, phishing and others;
  • through an ATM using a duplicate card.

The contract also provides for the loss of the card as a result of:

  • robbery, assault;
  • ATM malfunction.

This item is made of easily damaged material (plastic), which is why it is very easy to break. Sometimes the loss of a card can also occur as a result of its demagnetization.

Moreover, this case can come at the most unexpected moment. at the moment. All identified risks are included in the insurance contract of the type in question.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sberbank cardholders often have various questions regarding insurance.

Is it possible to purchase insurance for a regular VisaClassic card with the maximum insured amount and all possible risks?

The type of card the client has does not matter. Regardless of the type, the holder can purchase an insurance policy, while independently selecting the risks he is interested in, as well as maximum size insurance compensation.

An additional card has been ordered for the child of a Sberbank client. An insurance policy was purchased using an existing card. Is it possible to include another card in the insurance coverage?

The concluded agreement is tied to one specific card. That is why, if it is necessary to insure another means of payment, the client will need to conclude a new contract. However, the client has the right not to purchase an insurance policy for the newly issued card. A Sberbank client always has a choice.

What is the point of concluding an insurance contract directly with Sberbank itself? There are quite a large number of insurance companies offering services of this type.

It is best to purchase an insurance policy directly from Sberbank for many reasons:

  • the bank offers the most favorable insurance conditions - to verify this, simply compare the cost with offers from other insurance companies;
  • all offered products are deprived of a franchise - that is why, in the event of an insured event, the loss will be fully compensated;
  • The list of insurance risks taken into account is very extensive.

The most important advantage of purchasing a policy from a bank is that the protection does not apply

Is it possible to issue a special insurance policy for a credit card?

If the card holder is a client of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, then he has the right to conclude an insurance contract of any type from the entire list offered by this bank. This is not only a policy for the card, but also life, health, and accident insurance.

What to do if the insurance risk occurred abroad?

You must immediately call the special telephone number indicated on the insurance policy. The operator will explain in the client’s native language what needs to be done in this case.

How to activate a bank card insurance policy in Sberbank

In order for the policy to take effect, you must first activate it. To do this, you need to provide certain information to the insurance company.

It is necessary to fill in the following fields in a special form on the official website:

  • place of purchase of the policy;
  • cost of the policy;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the policyholder;
  • gender of the policyholder;
  • date of birth of the policyholder;
  • contact details: phone number, email address;
  • policy number.

It is very important to transfer all data as quickly as possible. Since if an insured event occurs before the policy is activated, the company may refuse to pay insurance compensation on completely legal grounds.


The cost of bank card insurance depends on a large number of different factors. This is the amount of insurance coverage, the duration of the policy, as well as the region of use, and the type of card.

Currently, Sberbank offers the following insurance programs for a period of 1 year:

Bank card insurance is a necessity today. Since every year scammers steal details in more and more sophisticated ways. Therefore, you should not skimp, an insurance policy will protect you from serious financial losses.

Video: What to do if money is stolen from a bank card

Your feedback

On the same topic

Discussion: 3 comments left.

    I use mine all the time salary card to pay for purchases in various stores - regular and online. That is why I decided to purchase an insurance policy for this means of payment. Since the card rarely contains amounts of more than 200 thousand rubles, I entered into an agreement, the amount of insurance coverage for which was 250 thousand rubles. This service cost me 3.9 thousand rubles for 12 months. During a visit to Chelyabinsk, I lost my card, and I didn’t find out about it right away. It was only when I received an SMS message that money had been withdrawn from her that I discovered it was missing. I immediately blocked her by calling Sberbank by phone. About 23 thousand rubles were withdrawn. The insurance company paid for all damage. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the services provided.

    I received a credit card from Sberbank. The limit on it is 350 thousand rubles. Accordingly, such a large amount of money may become the subject of close attention of scammers. That is why I decided to purchase a special insurance policy. As it turned out, not in vain. One of the ATMs I used to top up had a pirated reader. The CVV code of my card was stolen. Fraudsters began paying her in various online stores. The card was blocked, and all damage received was compensated by the insurance company. I am very glad that I purchased the insurance policy. It cost me only 5.9 thousand rubles.

    When concluding an agreement, you choose one of the proposed programs for protecting funds on your Bank cards and pay for the insurance policy.

Social networks are full of complaints from victims of Sberbank clients, from whose accounts scammers are withdrawing money using the most sophisticated methods. Many are indignant why such a serious bank has not yet taken serious measures to protect its clients. Today I visited Sberbank and understood why. A bank representative suggested that I take out insurance that would protect my accounts from fraudulent activity. The cost of the policy is annual and it depends on how much money is kept in the account.

The minimum tariff, as I was assured by the bank, is 1900 rubles. This amount will have to be paid if the amount that fraudsters can steal from accounts does not exceed 120 thousand rubles. “If you lose money from your account, you will be reimbursed,” comments a bank representative. “But the bank already has to refund the money if it is proven that it was lost due to the fault of fraudsters. This means that the bank did not take measures to preserve the entrusted money,” I am indignant. “Yes, but in the case of insurance, your accounts will be guaranteed to be protected,” the consultant continues. – Take the minimum insurance, if you divide this amount by 12 months, you will get only 160 rubles approximately. This is one taxi ride. It’s inexpensive, but you insure your safety.”

On the Sberbank website, however, other figures appear. They will also mention a tariff of 700 rubles for those whose accounts have no more than 30 thousand rubles... In Tyumen they didn’t tell me about this option - apparently, our population is richer than the national average, so they offer more expensive tariffs... Here is the information about insurance for cardholders is posted on the Sberbank website:

In general, I have a philosophical attitude towards insurance. It's good if it exists. But experience shows that when an insured event occurs, “scratch” compensation payments It's not always easy.

I think that in this case, too, they only willingly collect insurance premiums.

It is clear that the “insurance against fraudsters” offered by Sberbank is unlikely to make the lives of victims easier and is unlikely to eliminate the need to prove one’s non-involvement in the process.

On the other hand, today, by law, banks are required to inform clients about transactions that are carried out on their accounts and give time for “ feedback" And if the client proves that the operation was carried out without his knowledge, the bank - without any additional insurances, but because this is prescribed by law, he is obliged to return the money to the client.

Then what are we “insuring”? A conscientious client is already protected by law. And they are unlikely to agree to return the stolen money to an unscrupulous person even under “insurance”...

It seems to me that this insurance service is a “fashionable” fee that is unlikely to actually make life easier, but it guarantees the bank-insurer a stable profit, the presence of which does not particularly stimulate the introduction of additional methods of protecting client accounts.

The logic is: “Have you had money stolen from your account again? Get insurance and live in peace!” Marketing move- great. At the same time, the number of clients to whom the bank will eventually return the “stolen money” is unlikely to increase, but there will always be a reason to collect additional funds in the form of insurance premiums.

Meanwhile, banks must protect their clients from fraudsters without any insurance... Let us recall that on January 1, 2014, regulations came into force that are supposed to protect bank clients from fraudulent activities. We are talking about Article 9 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” (current version dated July 23, 2013). Firstly, an unconditional obligation was introduced for banks: to inform the client about every transaction made using his card. This increases the chances of saving money if you block the card immediately (since in some cases the funds are reserved first and transferred later). True, the law does not say that the bank is obliged to do this for free via SMS. So SMS notifications can be paid (about 30-60 rubles per month), and free notifications can be sent, say, by email. In addition, Part 15 of Article 9 of the law states that the bank is obliged to reimburse the amount of a transaction performed without the client’s consent before the client sent notification of such a transaction, unless it proves that the victim himself violated the procedure for using “ electronic means payment."

The client must notify the bank about the emergency no later than the day following the day when the bank sent a notification about the transaction performed without the consent of the affected cardholder. If the client hesitates and does not meet the deadline, the bank releases him from the obligation to compensate for losses. At the same time, if the bank itself has not fulfilled its obligation to inform the client about all card transactions, then it is liable for its offense in rubles. According to Part 13 of Article 9, the bank is obliged to reimburse the amount of a transaction about which the client was not informed and which was carried out without the client’s consent.

As lawyers explain, in practice, banks often delay in reimbursing the money “stolen” by scammers and sometimes, in order to hurry them up, you have to complain to the Central Bank and even go to court...

Have you purchased “fraud insurance” from Sberbank yet?


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