Jensen Ackles explained the reason for living together with Jared Padalecki. Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles Slash Jared Padalecki Jensen Ackles the best

Like an angel you came Every time when I pray Guiding me in my dreams Watching me when I sleep Like an angel you came Every time when I scream. The Rasmus. Night after night. (Translation: Like an angel, you come Always when I pray. Accompany me in my dreams, Watch over me in my dreams. Like an angel, you come Always when I feel like screaming) Once upon a time, when the trees were big and Eric Kripke stood at the helm of Supernatural, something amazing and beautiful happened. It didn’t happen suddenly, but very gradually, so that no one noticed how an unusually touching story was emerging, one of the most tender and truthful since the world began. Do you see this too? Boundaries of personal space that do not exist. Why communicate like all normal people, when you can come close, lean into each other and keep secrets, hiding even from the walls. This constant, eternal, like the series itself, maddening tactile contact will last until the sun goes out. And even after that, there is a good chance that the guys will cling to each other and cannot be broken. If there is an opportunity to touch Jensen, Jared uses it ten times. If there is no such possibility, Jared will come up with it on the fly: rearrange the chairs, move Misha away, and then - according to the given algorithm. “What is love?” Stanislavsky was once asked. “A constant desire to touch this person,” answered the master. Konstantin Sergeevich, do you believe now? How much, it turns out, looks and hands can tell. Especially the hands. In those moments when the boys look in different directions, supposedly each in their own little world, their fingers constantly collide, intertwine, even if just a centimeter, but touch each other - I’m here, I’m nearby, everything is fine. And for some reason, this reverence for a friend and brother manifests itself most clearly at photo sessions with fans after conventions. Not one, not two, not three, but an endless number of photographs where Jared covers Jensen’s hands with his palms, where Jensen, hugging a fan, bows his head not to her, but to Jared. Where you can simply erase everyone present except the Jays with Photoshop, and the meaning of the photo will not change one bit. Whether that photo in Dallas in 2014 happened by chance or not, it very well conveys Jared’s priorities: with the hand that is closer to Jensen, he hugs his friend, clutching his shoulder, and the other, the one that is closer to Misha, squeezes into a fist. We're all used to seeing Jensen with a poker face when Jared hugs him. Feigned indifference in response to attempts to hug with everything possible - both arms and legs. But he is also capable of the most touching actions in the world when it comes to a friend. At the press conference, take away the sign with his name and put it in your inner pocket, closer to your heart. I wiped his nose with the sleeve of my shirt because I didn’t have a handkerchief at hand. Shine with unshed tears, singing a song about Alabama, and insert Jared's name into someone else's lyrics. He can roll his eyes and feign anger all he wants, but take his friend away from him and he will go crazy. Do you hear it too? Jared isn't afraid of anything at all. Without knowing him, you might think that he is like a teenage boy stuck in puberty - he boldly challenges the whole world, deliberately dropping provocative phrases. “We speak our own love language,” he tells the interviewer, who doesn’t ask who he’s talking about. “I can’t say anything and I just squeeze Jensen’s hand tighter,” he slips, accidentally or intentionally calling his wife by his best friend’s name. And on all continents he screams about his love, from the very beginning, from the first seasons - I love Jensen, I love, I love... Provokes, teases the imagination of fans? No. Is he spurring attention to his person, allowing the media to warm their eyes and ears on a scandalous topic? No. Why does he need this? He is happy and he shares this happiness with people. How many people smile, turning on videos on YouTube and replaying their favorite moments from the cons over and over again and repeating to themselves in Bobby’s voice: “What fools!” And it’s unclear why they feel happier. “If I can see Jensen's smile, then I'm okay,” Jared says. And we believe him. Both of them say a lot of things that an indifferent listener could find fault with, suspect something, or run away with hysterical homophobic screams. But the indifferent will not come here, and the loyal will not suspect. And when Jensen, all on edge, calls out to Jared as he leaves the convention: “I need you! I NEED YOU HERE! Sit down! or, left alone, mutters into the microphone: “Oh God, Jared, I can’t, come back” - is anyone surprised that he always gets what he demands? Do you feel it too? Fans say Jensen "turns on" when Jared is around. Affectionate and shy, Jensen is not a big fan of communicating with other people - he instantly perks up as soon as Jared appears on the horizon. Although what kind of horizon is there? “When I need something, I don’t even call him, I just call him. Because he’s always somewhere a couple of meters away from me.” If even on the set, in response to the question “Where is Jensen?”, they answer: “Jared is over there.” He calms down so visibly at the sight of Jared that it seems that this two-meter panacea was invented for him alone. He starts to glow, joke, he feels good, he feels comfortable, Jared is nearby, he can hold him close to him at any time or tell him a funny joke - everything is right, as it should be, everything is perfect. That unique case when the chemistry between two people can almost be touched with your hands, it is so tangible. Looks, gestures, thoughts. Dozens of cases of absolute synchrony of words and gestures - how do they do it? A riddle of riddles. How do they do this, managing not to look at each other at this moment? Unanswered question. “We spend nine months of the year on set, and the rest of the time we just want to be together.” Friends and brothers drowning in each other, once meeting and never parting, two suns charging each other, Jared and Jensen... “I swear I see God every time I look into his eyes.”

The idea to create the Supernatural series came from American producer Eric Kripke. He brought his plan to life thanks to film actors D. Eccles and D. Padalecki. In 2005, the premiere of the film took place, which was about two brothers struggling with all sorts of devilry. Viewers from many countries liked the script so much that the series is still popular, and the film crew is already actively working on the ninth season.

The Supernatural series influenced not only the worldview of its loyal fans, but also the cast itself. Over the eight years of filming, many actors developed good relationships. Love broke out between some of them, and real strong friendship between others.

Everyone who watches the series regularly could not help but pay attention to the 15th episode of season 6. In it, Dean and Sam Winchester found themselves in an alternate reality where they were actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. They were surprised that in that world there were no angels, no demons, no ghosts, no vampires, or other evil spirits. But the most surprising thing was that Jared and Jensen did not communicate with each other, or rather the opposite - they did not like each other and clashed exclusively in the professional sphere.

Apparently, the plot of this episode was quite realistic and many aspects were true. That’s when the viewer started thinking about the relationship between the main characters. Are they really working together while gritting their teeth?

But no! Fans should not be disappointed in their idols. They are actually very friendly and spend quite a lot of time together. Jensen and Jared call themselves best friends and claim that their relationship is much better than that of their "supernatural" characters. Unlike Sam and Dean, they never quarreled and could always find a common language. Ackles and Padalecki often tease each other, but they never take offense at friendly jokes. The guys became so close that sometimes during filming they call each other not by their stage names, but by their real names. It is known that both actors got married in 2010. At such an important event, they were each other's best men.

Such is the relationship between the “supernatural” boys! Their friendship also had a fruitful influence on the acting in the Supernatural series itself. Most of the time the actors spend together is devoted to work: they discuss the script and rehearse scenes.

Alternative worlds in which Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are completely different people;)04/14/2014 J2 - RPS
Stories about the actors of the TV series Supernatural


15.11.2016 Whiskey with ice
Pairing: J2; Rating: PG-13 Genres: AU; everyday life; Status: completed
A guy comes into Jared's bar every night to drink a glass of whiskey on ice.
They said thank you: 37

10.09.2015 After the beach
Pairing: J2; Rating: NC-17 Genres: non-AU; romance; fluff; Status: completed
So, a trip to a deserted beach turned out to be more than just tanning and swimming. So what should we do about it now?
They said thank you: 110

31.07.2014 Beach
Pairing: J2; Rating: R Genres: non-AU; romance; fluff; Status: completed
What could a trip to a deserted beach mean for two friends...
They said thank you: 158

20.03.2014 Game for two
Pairing: J2; Rating: NC-17 Genres: AU; dirty talk; detective; drama; adventures; romance; action; just; Status: in progress
The world of art is not only beautiful paintings, sculptures and other masterpieces, but also a profitable business in which a lot of money is circulating. This means there will always be someone who wants to take them for themselves. The criminals are smart and cunning, but will they be able to outwit the federal agents, who, in general, are also not cut out for it...
They said thank you: 318
Reviews: 7

07.03.2014 I will still...
Pairing: J2; Rating: R Genres: angst; non-AU; first person; just; Status: completed
Jensen's thoughts and torment before Jared's wedding tomorrow, based on these two photos and
They said thank you: 126

17.02.2014 What do you want?
Pairing: Jared/Jensen; Rating: R Genres: non-AU; romance; fluff; just; Status: completed
Jensen Ackles is in love with his co-star Jared Padalecki, who treats him only as a friend.
They said thank you: 270

11.02.2014 53 minutes
Pairing: J2; Rating: NC-17 Genres: AU; PVP; College-AU; romance; Status: completed
Jensen Ackles was a very capricious and intractable guy. Jared knew this because for a couple of months, almost from the first day of the semester, he had been running circles, trying to captivate him... Cover by Lina berezneva
They said thank you: 247

16.06.2013 Whiskey-flavored candies
Pairing: Jensen/Jared; Rating: NC-17 Genres: dub-con; kink; non-AU; Status: completed
Jensen-top Kink-fest: Not ay, first time, dub-con. A tipsy Jensen begins to pester Jared. He doesn’t mind, the foreplay goes great, but when it comes to penetration, Jared’s mood changes... He suddenly understands that he doesn’t want to, but Jensen is so turned on that he can’t stop. As a result, painful sex, Jensen cannot cum for a long time due to alcohol, Jared tries to endure the pain, but it turns out badly... A happy ending is desirable, so that in the morning they talk and repeat it more successfully.
They said thank you: 207

10.05.2013 Better than caffeine
Pairing: J2; Rating: PG-13 Genres: AU; pre-slash; fluff; Status: completed
One sunny morning, Jensen came across a great alternative to caffeine.
They said thank you: 197

The morning greeted Jensen with another hysterical and disgusting ringing of an alarm clock in his ear... Damn, how he hated it! Ackles sleepily groped with his hand for the equipment that was ringing in every way and, with all his strength, threw it into the far corner of the room. It didn't help. The alarm clock continued to scream hysterically, only now even louder, because it fell with the microphone up. Jens had to stand up and bend over to turn it off normally. But now he didn’t want to go to bed again - he was already awake anyway.
Jensen ruffled his hair with his fingers and sank into the bathroom, examining his sleep-deprived face in the mirror. Still, filming 16 hours a day did not add to his vigor. Even though he loved them very much.
Shaking his head so as not to fall asleep again, Jens washed his face and, having a snack on the go, got to his car, already expecting that Jared would call him and report with horror that he again did not hear the alarm clock, and that he was a little late, and that, Perhaps picking him up is a cool idea. Ackles even doubted this, so the ringing of his cell phone caught him on the way to Padalecki’s house.
- Jens...Good morning...
Eccles smiled, hearing his friend's hoarse and sleepy voice.
- Well, good, if you're not joking. Should I go to you again?
A chuckle was heard on the line.
- Listen, you speak just like some of your girlfriends. Or is it just me who gets the honor of seeing Jensen Ross Ackles every morning?
Jens snorted as he entered the next turn.
- Imagine, this is practically true. And in general, that’s it, it’s good to chat, otherwise I’m not going to wait for you for long. Get ready immediately and go ahead.
Ackles could still hear the indignant muttering that his, Jared’s, rights were being infringed upon, and that all sorts of people were bossing around here, but after a couple of seconds the receiver started beeping with short beeps, and Jens put it aside, smiling. His friend could be such a funny kid sometimes.
They were practically not late for the start of filming, perhaps only about 5 minutes. And with Padalecki this was not late at all. Jens parked the car away so that it wouldn’t accidentally get caught in one of the movie stunts, otherwise you never know – Eric knows how to depict large-scale scenes.
- Oh, brother rabbits! – Sera was in her repertoire. Jenson sometimes got the impression that she never slept at all. Coffee alone apparently saves her. Now she stood with another dose of strong caffeine in one hand and a script in the other. – I see we will have a busy schedule today. Eric insists that the fight scene with the demon is worth practicing. And be sure to film the car stunt, Jens, this is for you.
Ackles looked up at the sky with a quiet sigh. Crap! Only Kripke knows how to squeeze all the juice out of it! Jared was already laughing next to him, seeing the expression on his friend's face.
- No matter, it’s good for you. Who was eating Gummi Bears at night yesterday? You don’t want the same tummy, so go ahead!
Jens gave Padalecki a look that didn't promise anything good, but he laughed so infectiously that Ackles couldn't resist slapping him on the shoulder either.
- But girls love me more.
Jared was about to be indignant about this, but Sera grabbed him by the arm with a firm hand and dragged him into the dressing room - to create illusions of wounds, cuts and blood - a battle with a demon, after all. Jensen snorted, looking at Padalecki in the scriptwriter's arms, who now looked more like a naughty puppy. And you can’t say that he is 2 meters tall, and that he can easily twist the same girl into a pretzel.
However, Ackles did not long admire the film “the screenwriter makes the actor work.” Eric was already hurrying towards him, with a special sparkle in his eyes. At times it even seemed to Jens that Kripke experienced a special sadistic pleasure in filming dangerous stunts.
- Good morning, Jens.
Eccles greeted, already expecting instructions and valuable instructions on where, how and why. He was not mistaken, because Eric started with the most important things, leaving out unnecessary details. Jensen was carefully explained where to choose the direction, where and how to slow down, and where, on the contrary, to pick up speed. In general, of course, all this is usually done by professional stuntmen, but Jens flatly refused their participation - he loved to do everything himself.
The painfully familiar black Impala met him like family. Jens sat behind the wheel as usual, waited for the camera to turn on, and pressed the gas pedal. The car obediently began to pick up speed, and Jensen mentally gave himself the command to pull himself together. His task was to drive through the iron gate into the wall of the building in which, according to the plot, Sam fights the demon. To be honest, the wall was cardboard, so it didn’t pose any particular danger, so Ackles wasn’t even particularly worried when the Impala’s speed went slightly beyond what he was initially advised to do. The iron gates spectacularly scattered in different directions when hit by the bumper of a black car, and the wall now remained the last obstacle. Jens even allowed himself to relax a little. Oh, how many times afterward he scolded himself for this! It is not clear how Jared ended up on the set. He appeared from behind the wall and either did not see the Impala rushing towards him, or he saw it, but did not have time to react. The dull thud of the blow echoed in Jens’s heart like a ringing, no, even an alarm bell! A loud and disgusting squeal of car brakes was heard above the platform. The Impala, throwing Padalecki far forward, finally crashed into the wall, as planned. However, the silence that followed turned out to be much more ringing and disgusting. Jensen jumped out of the car, rushing towards his friend, who, to his horror, lay motionless. From a distance, everything looked disgustingly scary, because it was not clear whether it was made up blood or real. Ackles was at Jared's side in a hundredth of a second, dropping to his knees. He felt that people were already fussing around them, someone was calling a doctor, someone was offering to finally turn off the camera, but Jensen didn’t care about all of them, because he saw a real trickle of blood flowing down Padalecki’s temple over the painted wounds...

It was one of the most terrible days of his life. Jens couldn't find a place for himself. He even remembered it vaguely, remembering not the words and images, but the emotions that overwhelmed him.
“How could he?!” - Did Jared really not know that a stunt with a car was being filmed on set now?! Why didn't anyone warn him?!
“What the hell was this relaxation?!” - Jensen knew that the speed should not have been higher, that under no circumstances should you let go of your attention! And still broke all the rules...
“What now?!” - The most terrible thoughts persistently crept into my head, although Jens did not want to allow even a shadow of them. And yet they beat insistently in his chest, rolling in suffocating waves with every heartbeat.
Then there was an ambulance, snow-white, disgusting boiling-white gowns were fussing before his eyes, which for some reason reminded Jens of either the ghosts that the Winchester brothers loved so much, or of hospital melancholy. Ackles knew what it was like to be in an endless white world, where there is nothing but you and soulless cold walls. Nowhere else, except in the hospital, did Jens feel the color white so disgustingly. There he was especially disgusting.
And now, through his fault, Jared will be there too... And the worst thing is, he didn’t even know whether everything would be all right, or whether the white color would change to a white light for his friend...
Jens even shuddered, as if from an electric shock, and this partly returned him to the real world. As it turned out, Padalecki had already been taken to the hospital, and Sera and Eric managed to talk to the police. Of course, there were no plans to open any criminal case against Eccles. It was just an accident. But this didn’t make it any easier for Jens. He chaoticly said goodbye to the film troupe, since work, of course, was out of the question, and went home.
The car now repulsed him as a given. Surely he won’t be able to get behind the wheel any time soon...
Jens walked. My head was full and empty at the same time. My thoughts were in a tangle. And only one was now blazing with a fiery pulsating thread - “if only HE was alive”!
Jens had never thought about how Jared made him feel before. He was simply always there, and Ackles got used to him almost as if he were part of himself. He loved his jokes, even Harley and Sadie fell in love with him. It is difficult to divide a person into feelings, attitudes towards him and anything else. Jared had always just been his best friend. And now Jens remembered every day and every minute, or a funny joke. It was all stupid and cruel in equal measure.
Probably, the thoughts would have driven Ackles crazy if it weren’t for the thin squeak of his mobile phone in his jeans pocket. Jensen quickly pulled out his phone and listened to the voice with tension.
- Jens? This is Sandy. Jared is fine. He has a broken leg and a couple of ribs, plus a slight concussion, but he is no longer in danger. Can you hear me?
Jensen breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye to Jared's girlfriend and realized that friendship was more important to him than anything else. More important than filming, fame, fans. Perhaps even more important than love...
When he got home, he suddenly realized that he was afraid to go to the hospital. He was ashamed. And in front of Sandy, Jared’s girlfriend, and in front of his parents, and in front of Megan and Jeff... But most of all, of course, in front of Padalecki himself. The feeling of guilt gnawed at him, tormented him, and did not let go. But Jens couldn’t not come... He had to personally not make sure that Padalecki was okay.
While he was riding in a taxi, he had to urgently look for a way out... To cover himself with something. Before, he always hid behind a smile. Great... But you also need to close your eyes, which were now talking. They were better than any words, Jensen knew that for sure. He didn’t even immediately realize that the idea had already taken shape and matured when the car drove past the flower shop. He asked to go back.
This will be an excellent reason to look away, hide it. Jens entered the store and froze in bewilderment. His eyes simply ran wide from the abundance of flowers of all colors and shapes.
- Excuse me, can I help you with something?
Jens turned around and was surprised to find a fairy behind the counter. More precisely, of course, an ordinary girl stood there, but she very much resembled a fairy-tale creature. Small, thin, fragile. Even her skin was somehow transparent, a soft olive shade. And the strange man's eyes are closer to purple.
- Hmm... Yes... I would like... to pick up a bouquet for my friend at the hospital.
The girl smiled back at him and looked into Jens's eyes. For a moment it even seemed to him that she read something special in them. He shook his head, and the saleswoman had already run somewhere inside her flower kingdom. Soon she returned with a very unusual, but surprisingly harmonious bouquet - against the background of huge dark green lily of the valley leaves, several lotus flowers were freely arranged, mixed with bright crimson fluffy bursts of petals. Jensen had never even seen the latter ones. To be honest, this choice surprised him. Now he would like ordinary yellow roses, or chrysanthemums, which is preferable to the hospital.
- What is this? – there were obvious notes of distrust in the green-eyed actor’s voice.
This,” the girl smiled at him, wrapping the bouquet in the same dark green paper as the leaves of the lily of the valley, “is the language of flowers. Just trust me, you can't go wrong.
Jensen shrugged. In principle, the bouquet was very unusual, and attracted the eye with a combination of bright crimson and soft pinkish, closer to the color of flamingos and rich emerald. Anything is better than something standard. Jensen thanked the nice saleswoman and returned to the car. His anxiety was running high again, but he began to perfect his perfect smile so as not to look out of place and feel even more uncomfortable.

Jens saw Jared lying in bed, which was a given. He hesitated at the entrance to the ward and, stretching out the life-saving bouquet in front of him, lowering his eyes to it, forced a smile. He came closer, expecting a disapproving look from Jared. But I only heard an admiring exclamation.
- Hey, old man, what are you doing with the flowers?! Have you finally decided to conquer my stingy male heart? – the laughing notes in his friend’s voice allowed Jens to relax a little and look up at Padalecki. He, despite his bent head, managed to look happy and cheerful.
- Because I’m a ladies’ man, I need all the hearts, have you forgotten?
Jared laughed as he looked at the bouquet. For a moment, something strange flashed in his eyes, which made Dean flinch and mentally have time to curse the flower seller. But then Padalecki smiled again, and Ackles’ obsession subsided.
- You know...You're the only one who brought flowers. And so bright too. They're not even in the hole here at all. Everything is sterile, clean, white. The spot is too bright.
Oh, by the way, Jared was right. The bouquet in Jensen’s hands seemed like a separate world, separate from the disgusting white hospital that surrounded everything around here. Jensen had to mentally apologize to the saleswoman. She seemed to know what she was doing.
Jensen put the flowers in some jar that came to hand first and sat down next to his friend. Surely there should have been some kind of conversation here, but it didn’t go well at all. They were both silent, as if they didn't know what to say. Ackles, next to his friend’s bed, felt even more guilty, and Jared, apparently, simply did not know what he could talk about - that’s what, and he certainly couldn’t have any news within four walls.
- You know... - breaking the silence turned out to be quite difficult. It was as if using scissors to cut a thick iron rope, instead of a tense string hanging in the air. - And I feel much better.
Jensen forced himself to smile.
- I'm glad, buddy. You really scared me. Why are you doing this? How did you end up there?
Padalecki shrugged his shoulders carefreely, saying that he was and was, came out and came out.
- Accidentally. It blew my mind that you were going to film there today.
Ackles rolled his eyes. Jared was his usual self, distracted and inattentive.
- Hmmm... Well, at least next time you should warn me, use your brains! I could have killed you, your damn ass, Jared Tristan Padalecki! Jensen growled slightly.
His friend just smiled. Fun as always.
- Stop it. I can warn you next time, and you will also run over me twice to take revenge for today, right? – he chuckled. - Everything is fine. I'll get out of here soon and get back to work.
Jens smiled, noting with pleasure that Padalecki had learned something from him - to remain carefree. Previously, it could take a long time to load for some little thing.
The topics for conversation have now dried up. Jens sat in silence for a while longer, and then decided that he should better say goodbye. Promising to stop by tomorrow, Eccles returned home. And only at home, he suddenly realized what had alarmed him so much about the bouquet. The saleswoman said about it - the language of flowers. This means that it had some meaning that he, Jensen, did not know.
I had to crawl onto the Internet. Jens was surprised to find many articles about flowers, their quantity and color. And each of them had its own special meaning. Imagine his surprise when he made a transcript of his bouquet:
Lily of the valley - in Ancient Germany was considered a guarantee of love and happiness.
Lotus - happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of family and friendly feelings.
And those bright purple flowers that I had to look for according to the description turned out to be coreopsis - cheerfulness and fun, optimism. "Everything will be fine!"
"Hm…. – Jens smiled. “It’s funny how much was said with just a couple of flowers.” However, he clearly liked it. The language of flowers turned out to be extremely close to him. He even firmly decided to proofread and fill in something special for himself. It will come in handy. But now he simply no longer had the strength. Jens gave up on everything, turned off the computer and went to bed.

The next day, Jens was back at Jared's hospital. But this time his girlfriend was next to him. Ackles made a cute grimace, saying I won’t interfere, but Padalecki stopped him and Jensen had no choice but to stay and try to carry on the conversation. But something definitely irritated him in the current situation. Somewhere in the depths of my soul, an incomprehensible aftertaste tingled. This is despite the fact that Sandy turned out to be extremely nice to him and, it seems, was not even angry, although she would have had every reason. Finally, Jens simply couldn’t stand it anymore and walked out, going to the window and taking a deep breath.
Was he really annoyed that he couldn't be alone with his friend?
He was disturbed by Padalecki's girlfriend, with whom, in fact, they were pretty good friends.
Thoughts...thoughts...strange thoughts...
Ackles snorted. Angry - because he didn’t like what had been popping into his head lately, dumbfounded - because, despite all this craziness, there was something special in every thought that wouldn’t let him go.
His thoughts, as always, were interrupted at the most interesting moment. It’s just that Sandy, who had already left the room, caught his eye and, waving to Jens, left. Looks like she said goodbye.
Jens returned to Padalecki with some strange excitement. He was twirling a lotus flower in his hands, which his girlfriend, apparently, tore for him from Jens’s bouquet.
- What, did you like it? - Jensen smiled, looking at how funny and colorful the picture of a bandaged Padalecki with a delicate flower in his hands was. Jared smiled.
- Yes, great. They have never given me lotuses. And in general, you know, they rarely give me flowers. Your cactus for my birthday doesn’t count, we ate it that same evening anyway.
Jens laughed, remembering how, having drunk too much, he and Padalecki started a bet to eat the cactus that Ackles had jokingly given to Jared that same day. Oh, and for a long time they were surprised the next morning how they managed to do it - devour the entire flower along with the thorns. Did they shave it before using it?
- Yes-ah.. It was great. However, the secret has not been revealed. – Jens sat down on the bed next to Jared. It was very strange, but he seemed to feel some incomprehensible viscous excitement hanging in the air. And the source of this excitement for him was a friend, bandaged from head to toe.
- You know... Sometimes I don’t want to know the secret. I'm afraid the answer to our question will be too shocking, I'm not ready to know the truth yet.
Jens laughed again, catching himself thinking that now without Sandy it was much simpler and easier for him, although at the same time something strange was pulling him in the chest area, down and up.
He listened to these feelings for a couple more hours while he talked to Jared. The same one, it seemed, did not pay attention to his best friend, who was lost in thought, and, as always, joked and suggested that Jens film some episode of Supernatural in a natural, so to speak, stop and with real injuries - after all, artificially created and obtained in reality plaster are two different things .
Eccles went home too late. And if he felt uncomfortable next to Padalecki, then without him his thoughts completely scattered in different directions. He felt like he understood their nature, but it scared the hell out of him.

The morning greeted him again with an alarm clock. Today Eric asked Jens to start filming at least the scenes that Jared wasn't in. The work could not be stopped - everyone urged them on: from time to fans.
The film set stirred up all the memories in Ackles with a new suffocating wave and returned his thoughts to yesterday evening. Something definitely happened. With him. After that accident. It was as if the world had turned upside down.
Jared suddenly became more than just a friend. Jens was surprised to discern some of his individual features. Even his appearance began to have a special meaning for him - for example, yesterday he was simply shocked when he noticed that there were black circles under Padalecki’s eyes. Previously, this maximum would have become the object of a joke for him, something like “you need to drink less.” But now Jens was worried. Definitely worried.
And then a thought came to mind. After a day of shooting, which unexpectedly turned out to be hard labor (this is his favorite job!), Ackles again visited the flower girl he already knew.
She hasn't changed a bit either. It seemed that she lived in this world of flowers like a real fairy.
Jens smiled at her and said thoughtfully:
- You know, I really liked your bouquet. My friend too. Can I ask you one favor? You can make up something that means uncertainty...excitement...expectation...
The girl looked into her eyes again, causing a second wave of suspicion in Eccles, as if he had been taken through a scanner, and disappeared again. She returned with a bouquet that was even brighter than the previous one. Jenson recognized the chrysanthemums immediately - yellow, white, red, they caught the eye with their bright shades. He saw Lily later - she was coquettishly hiding among the irises. The combination of these colors made my heart pound strangely. Jensen didn't know what the bouquet meant, but it made him look lost in it. This time Ackles didn’t even argue or ask. He simply took the bouquet and solemnly handed it to Jared a couple of minutes later, who was extremely surprised that Jens brought him flowers again.
- No, listen, you just surprise me. What is this?
Jensen, who was starting to doubt that this was a good idea, shrugged.
- Don't know. I never liked hospitals. That white guy always scared me. So I decided to dilute it for you. Consider this my apology.
Padalecki chuckled, looking at the bouquet. And again Jens saw something special in his eyes. And unusual. But I couldn’t understand what it was. But this time Jared didn't laugh. He just smiled unexpectedly warmly. So warm that Jens felt chilled from head to toe. He even began to tremble...
And then Sandy came again. And she interrupted this gaze with her noisy chatter. And it was then that Jensen finally understood and accepted that it infuriates him when she touches Padalecki. And her presence infuriates him even more, because the answer turned out to be as simple as two-two: Ackles was jealous. He was just jealous.
And after this realization it somehow became easier. And even every evening that Jens spent with the slowly recovering Padalecki turned into a series of open moments for him in this man. As it turned out, he had an amazing color of eyes - as if mixed chocolate and pistachios. Delicious... This is exactly the definition that came to his mind when looking at them. Also, only Jared could laugh so contagiously. And at the same time be a damn charming boor. He always managed to combine humor and slight sadism.
However, noticing and discovering new details, Jensen did not forget to give flowers. This became his obsession. He forced himself to sit down and learn everything he didn’t even know about before.
The number of colors, for example, each had its own meaning:

1 flower - You are all I have!
3 flowers - I want to go with you to the ends of the world.
5 flowers - I love you!
7 flowers - traditionally given on engagement day.
9 flowers - I respect you as a friend.
10 flowers - I want to do something for you.
11 flowers - You are my friend.
12 flowers - It’s difficult for us, but I think everything will be fine.
13 flowers - I hate and despise you!
14 flowers - You are all I have!
15 flowers - You deserve my gratitude and respect.

But the flowers themselves were simply outrageously varied in their meanings:
Aster is a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also memories. Astra (white) - “I love you more than you love me!”, “Say that you love me again,” “I can’t think about anything but you...”
Cornflower - “I don’t dare express my feelings to you”; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance.
Carnation (regular) – Charm. Carnations were famous in ancient Rome as reward flowers.
Gladiolus - “I am truly sincere”, “Fear nothing”, flower of gladiators.
Jasmine - sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. In India, jasmine is called "moonlight in love."
Calla - admiration, splendor.
Bell - humility, submission, constancy; “I will always be with you,” “Why do you torment me with whims?”
Lavender - admiration, loneliness. “I will never forget you”, “No one can replace you”
Narcissus (white) - attention, annunciation, meekness, humility.
Narcissus (yellow) - attention, "When I'm near you, the sun always shines."
Mistletoe - "Kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties, sacred plant of India, magical flower of the Druids
Snowdrop - hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your naivety."
White and red rose – reunion, symbol of England
Pale-colored rose - friendship
Rose (without thorns) - love at first sight.
White rose - innocence and purity, mystery and silence
Yellow rose - decrease in love, jealousy - infidelity, jealousy, joy
Rose yellow-orange – Passionate thoughts
Rosa Carolina – “Love is dangerous”
Rose coral / orange – desire, enthusiasm
Rose (red) - love, passion. "I love you", "I can't live without you"
Rose (bud, red) - “I think I’ve fallen in love with you”, “I’m glad we met”, “Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger”
Musk rose - capricious beauty
Peach rose - bringing lovers closer together, completing a deal
Christmas rose – calm and peace
Pink rose - perfect happiness or Please believe me! love, grace, tenderness.
Lilac - beauty, falling in love, the first excitement of love
Lilac (white) - first love, “Let's love each other!”
Lilac (purple) - “My heart belongs to you!”
Lilac (purple) - “Do you still love me?”
Lilac (pink) - love and recognition
Plum (flower) - “Keep your promises!”; beauty and longevity
Tulip is a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; harmony. The flower is the emblem of Holland. Tulip (red) - declaration of love, congratulations. "Trust me", "I wish you happiness"
Tulip (variegated) - “Life is beautiful!”, “I’m proud of you!”
Tulip (yellow) - "Your smile is like sunshine"
And many, many different abundances of flowers that Jens didn’t even know about. It was as if a new world had opened up for him. Flowers became his words. He came to Jared, listened to him, was silent and always gave flowers. True, he invariably bought them from a magical fairy, who, it seemed, did not even need questions and advice - she simply always brought what splashed with reciprocal feelings in Jens’s green eyes.
It seems that Sandy even began to suspect something, and in general those around her probably perceived it all strangely. But Jensen didn't care. He was drowning in this man, only a month later firmly realizing and admitting to himself that he had simply fallen in love. I fell in love exactly when I realized that I could lose.
The realization itself came that evening when he and Jared sat on a bench under the night sky. Padalecki had already been discharged from the hospital, and now, at the insistence, of course, of Eccles, he lived with him, since he still walked with crutches. Jared sat with his head raised high and looking at the night stars, which sparkled like a scattering of diamonds in the inky black sky. The moon was practically invisible - it hung like a thin crescent somewhere in the corner, like an orphan, and there was barely any light from it, so Jens could only guess what was happening in the eyes of his friend.
- You know... - and again it was difficult to break the silence. - Those flowers... I really loved flowers as a child. I studied their colors and varieties. I know what each of them means. Jens... I don't know what's going on here, but...
But Padalecki failed to come to an agreement. He was surprised to feel on his lips the tart-sweet taste of Jens’s lips, who bent down and was now simply kissing him. The surprise that was born in Jared's eyes was reflected in the bright confidence of Ackles' light green eyes. The kiss itself didn't last long, no. But the views turned out to be much longer. And there was nothing between them except a slight bit of confidence in Jensen’s soul and Jared’s special timidity. And curious stars, who always care about everything, now suddenly suddenly decided not to meddle in people’s lives. They began to blink especially shyly, as if dimming their light.
How and who was the first to reach out for a kiss again was no longer clear. Either this was done by Padalecki, bewitched by the first kiss, or by Jens himself, who did not have enough of the heady taste of the lips of his loved one. Yes, it wasn't that important. They were just enjoying themselves now, to the sounds of the night and the ghostly light of the stars.
And there was nothing surprising even when Ackles’ hands carefully slid under Padalecki’s clothes. When his lips moved lower to the neck. When the shirt and trousers that suddenly became unnecessary ended up on the ground. Even the cast on my leg didn’t bother me or get in the way. Everything seemed so small and all that was needed were eyes, breathing and eyes again. And then lips and hands...and again lips...and again breathing... Every movement was not something pre-thought out. No, these were spontaneous, crazy outbursts that made Jens and Jared catch their hearts either while rising or falling down from a great height. Ackles reveled. Reveled in how happy he was. And Padalecki simply basked and at the same time went crazy in the arms of the one who became much more than a friend to him when he first brought purple lilacs - a confession that his heart now belongs only to Jared.
The only thing that became impossible that night was trying to hold back the moans. It was completely discarded when Jens, having had time to admire Jared’s body, gently but firmly penetrated his body, forcing his lover to either scream, or wheeze, or moan. Padalecki twitched weakly, still trying to somehow come to his senses, but it was all in vain. Jensen was driving him crazy. And that was it. And those minutes when Padalecki learned to move his hips in time with Ackles’s movements, when his body began to be torn apart by flashes of fire, turned into the sweetest torture for both men.
All this ended only when dawn broke in the east. It ended completely, without respite and new outbreaks of madness. That's when Jensen surprisingly easily managed to carry Jared to the bed they never made it to that night. There was a crazy thought about continuing, but the passion had already subsided, leaving a place for well-fed and contented tenderness. That is why the men simply fell asleep. Both almost immediately. A new day awaited them, perhaps full of surprises and even disappointments. But at least it's new. Which means full of life.

The morning started again with an alarm clock. Damn it! Ackles twitched, out of habit trying to sleepily reach out and throw this creature somewhere far away. But this time he never reached the alarm clock. Hands stumbled upon something warm nearby, and the night flashed in my memory. Crazy night. Jensen's eyes widened as he watched Padalecki sleep comfortably next to him. This sobered him up so much and at the same time plunged him into a cold shower and lava that he was completely sleep-deprived. There was nothing left to do even before the alarm clock. Jesnen simply admired his friend, and now lover, for a few minutes. Perhaps now he understood why all the fans were so crazy about him. He really was damn good.
Ackles didn't stop what he was doing even when Jared opened his eyes. But something immediately alerted Jensen. With some sixth or seventh, or even eighth sense, he understood that something was wrong. His eyes were not the same as always... completely different.
It seems Padalecki was scared by what happened between them last night...
Damn it!
Ackles grimaced and turned away, sitting up in bed and staring thoughtfully at the wall. He didn't turn around even when he heard a rustling sound behind him. He didn’t turn around when Jared started getting dressed. Ringing silence has always been their feature, but today no one could break it.
Jensen clenched his hands into fists, biting his lips angrily as Padalecki, making a noise from behind his bandaged leg, barely left the room and went down the stairs. Judging by the sound of the phone, he called a taxi. Ackles remained silent and motionless, as if he didn’t believe it all. It seemed like a bad dream to him that what was happening now after tonight. But the sound of a car driving away proved him wrong. And only after a couple of minutes Ackles allowed himself an angry growl, full of despair. It seemed to him that the world had collapsed. Collapsed once and for all.
For several minutes Jens simply hysterically hammered the wall with his fists until they hurt. And then tiredly collapsed back onto the bed. Well... Apparently, he was in vain to harbor any illusions. Jared had always loved Sandy. He even talked about marriage. Why hope that he can leave her for a man? How stupid...
Jens finally calmed down completely, falling into a kind of state of apathy. He silently got up, got dressed and didn’t even notice how his feet turned towards the car. Ackles was still afraid to drive, but now he needed it if he wanted a different life, and not the madness of watching Padalecki on set every day.
Why he came to his fairy he did not know. He probably just wanted her silent support. As soon as he crossed the threshold, she immediately took off and returned with a huge bouquet of purple hyacinths, meaning sadness, sadness, melancholy and separation. And also a simple, “I’m sorry.” After thinking a little, Eccles added several sprigs of lavender to the bouquet, meaning loneliness and pain, and one large anemone flower as a sign of farewell and parting.
Jensen paid and said goodbye to the saleswoman. This time it's forever. He knew that he would not return here.
Eccles sent the flowers by messenger. He knew that when they arrived he would be far away. And he doesn’t give a damn about all these filming, TV series and so on. It’s easier to pay a fine and lose your rating than to suffer and go crazy next to Padalecki. He was not even surprised when it turned out that this night was the opposite of the previous one. It was full of that special pain when you realize that you are losing what is most precious to you. In one day, Jensen managed to lose both love and friendship. It made him bite his lips to stop himself from crying. Men don't cry! And they never complain! That is why he will leave this world to Padalecki and his future bride...
Jensen met the dawn, which gilded the sky and the roofs of houses, already on the road...

Jared had been wandering around the house, lost, all day since he got back from Jens's. What happened between them tonight scared him. He wasn't even afraid to just run away from there. But now, as minute after minute and hour after hour passed, Padalecki was stuck in his thoughts like molasses. No, his fear did not disappear. But it grew into something else. Fear that nothing can change. No matter how much he denied what happened between them, he agreed to accept all those talking bouquets that Eccles brought him. He knew their meaning, knew it and accepted it because it fascinated him! Jens became his only bright spot. Even Sandy suddenly became unexpectedly boring to him. She was constantly chatting about something, trying to stir him up, force him to do something. And only Eccles sat silently next to him, and his flowers spoke for him.
Jared hit the table with his fist, as if trying to at least get rid of his pain and the strange, incomprehensible feeling lodged in his heart. Sandy was still sleeping, because dawn reigned and ruled outside, but she heard him and went down to him, hugging him by the neck.
- Hey, little bear, what happened to you?
Jared winced, realizing that even this nickname, which he used to love so much, had become disgusting to him. He politely shook his head, apologizing and asking to be left alone. Sandy looked at him in a particularly sad way. It even distracted Padalecki for a while. She walked away and then returned with a jacket.
- Go. I don’t know what happened between you, but you no longer belong to me. I don't want to hold you by force. I see that you need him more now. Go. I just called a taxi. Just remember that you can always come back here to my house.
Jared looked at his girlfriend in surprise, as if re-understanding why he fell in love with her. But I fell in love precisely in the past tense. Sandy was right - he wanted Jensen. Needed more than ever.
Padalecki had already opened the doors, but did not have time to drive away - a bouquet was floating towards him in the hands of a messenger - a lilac-yellow bouquet. Despair overwhelmed Jared. He already knew who these flowers were from. And even from afar I understood what they meant.
“Damn you, Jessen Ross Ackles! Just try to leave and leave me! Just try it!”
Jared took off as fast as he could on his crutches. He knew what he had to do. He knew how to talk to Ackles.
The taxi took him to that very flower shop without any problems. Jensen never talked about him, only briefly mentioned once where he bought his bouquet. Padalecki walked inside, marveling at the splendor that bloomed and smelled here. Yes, the smell here was simply mind-blowing... But he was even more surprised when he saw the owner, who looked like a fairy. Just as delicate and even transparent.
He was just about to ask her for scarlet roses, but she had already picked up 14 gorgeous crimson-bloody roses from behind the counter. Colors of intense passion. Jared even caught his breath. He remembered from childhood that it was simply impossible to think of anything more beautiful than a red rose for a declaration of love. Taking the bouquet in one hand, having paid in advance, he examined the flowers again. Jared didn't even ask how the saleswoman knew what he needed. She probably read it in her eyes. Or maybe she was a real fairy. It wasn't that important to him. He was in a hurry. He was in a hurry not to be late for his destiny, which, he was sure, was now measuring the distance between them to Texas...

They actually caught up with Eccles' car. Jared urged the taxi driver, who indignantly tried to object to something, but still squeezed everything he could out of the car. Padalecki thanked all the gods that Jens never changes his habits. They traveled with him to his home state a couple of times (since they were both born there), and always along the same road.
Jared gave up on the taxi driver's entreaties a couple of minutes later when he refused to stop Ackles' car and simply pulled forward, turning the steering wheel himself so much that the poor car flew forward a few meters with a squeal of brakes, and then fit neatly into the turn across the road. Two heartbeats and another groan of brakes was heard. This time Jensen, who pressed the brake pedal all the way to avoid crashing into the taxi. But Jared didn't care anymore. He got out of the car, holding a gorgeous bouquet of roses in his hands and looking into the windshield of the car opposite, knowing that Jens could see him now.
Eccles actually saw him. I saw it, but was afraid to believe it. Especially the fact that the bright symbol was burning in Jared’s hands. Jensen slowly opened the door and stepped out of the car, calmly waiting for Jared to get closer.
The driver, who was already blaming Padalecki for what he was doing with the car, now completely lost his grip on the vocabulary, watching as his abnormal passenger, not shying away from anyone or anything, simply took and deeply kissed the guy, who seemed stunned no less than the taxi driver himself.
More than one minute must have passed before this kiss ended, and happy sparkles began to appear in Ackles’ eyes. He looked at the bouquet and realized that he would not receive any words from Padalecki. Yes, this was not necessary. The flowers turned out to be more eloquent now...


This time the morning greeted Jens with warm breath on the cheek of Jared lying next to him. Ackles turned slightly, looking at his lover’s face, full of bliss and calm, with a smile. In his sleep, he was especially vulnerable and looked like a little boy - his eyelashes trembled a little in a funny, childish way, and even the half-smile on his lips was soft and pure. And you can’t say that just a couple of hours ago these same lips made him tremble and blaze as if in flames. Jensen grinned from ear to ear, leaning down and running the tip of his nose along Padalecki's cheek, down to her neck, and biting it slightly, slowly turning the movement into a kiss.
- Hey, sleepyhead, get up, it’s already day.
Jared, who was slowly emerging from sleep even when Jens' lips touched his neck, was now blinking funny, looking with a half-asleep glance at Ackles, who in the kiss went much lower than his neck.
- Hmm... Since when does Mr. Ross Eccles wake me up so late instead of kicking my door at 6 am?
Jens laughed quietly, looking up for a few seconds from the extremely pleasant procedure of kissing Jared’s belly.
- And from such, Mr. Padalecki, when you agreed to become a part of me and my life. And anyway,” Jensen playfully bit him on the pelvic bone, which stood out clearly especially now that Padalecki was lying on his back, “don’t tell me that you prefer to listen to kicks on the door in the morning?”
Jared snorted in amusement, agreeing.
- Persuaded and persuaded. Nice. You can continue, I give you permission.
Eccles's face stretched in surprise, but immediately turned into a sort of predatory smile of a March cat on the hunt.
- Well, look, you yourself allowed me everything... Do you know what happens when I have complete power in my hands?
Padalecki rolled his eyes, already imagining what awaited him now. Although I have to admit in all honesty that he already really liked this idea...
And on the window, shimmering in the rays of the midday sun with all shades from bloody to crimson, stood a gorgeous bouquet of scarlet roses. There are 14 pieces in quantity.

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