Road sign yellow diamond. Main road direction sign. Designation coverage area

In today’s article we will discuss the “Main Road” sign (2.1), which raises many questions for both beginners and motorists with decent driving experience. As a rule, the most difficult thing for them is to figure out exactly how a given sign works in places where the road changes its direction, and also to determine where its coverage area ends. We will consider these and some other topics related to the mentioned sign in more detail.

Which section of the road is indicated by sign 2.1

The "Main Road" sign is one of those that indicate priority. It is installed on the road that has an advantage over the one crossing it roadway. And they do this, as a rule, in places where the intersection is not regulated, or there is an entrance from such a section of the road to the intersection.

In other words, the sign described determines the order of crossing (by the way, the traffic light and the traffic controller cancel the effect of this sign). An additional sign (8.13) can be installed underneath it, indicating in which direction the main road goes, and the driver must take this into account when setting the order of crossing the intersection.

What does a sign indicating a main road look like?

The road on which you must yield to traffic is indicated by a sign in the form of a yellow diamond in a white frame. The “Main Road” sign has this shape for a reason; it has no analogue, so the sign is easy to spot at any section of the intersection, even from the rear. And this will help the driver correctly determine the order of passage through a difficult section of the road.

For greater safety, experienced drivers are advised to slow down when approaching an intersection and carefully look at its right corner. If there is no sign, look at the left corner, which is located closer to the person driving, and then at the one that is further away. This will help you accurately navigate and understand whether you should give way.

How can you determine which road is the main one if the sign is not installed?

In every locality, the “Main Road” sign, a photo of which you can see in this article, is installed in front of intersections. But let's also clarify how you can determine the main road if this sign is not there?

In such cases, both the road surface and the location of adjacent roads will help you out. Only the one with a hard surface in relation to the unpaved ones, or the one that is adjacent to exits from nearby territories, will receive main status.

By the way, keep in mind that even if there is a pavement on the secondary road in the area adjacent to the intersection, it still does not become equal in importance to the one that crosses it.

Sign installation location

Road sign The “main road” is placed taking into account the distance to the place where its action begins. That is, this sign can be installed immediately before the intersection, which will be subject to this restriction.

The description is repeated before all intersections. This precaution is necessary due to the peculiarities of the operation of the signs “Give way” (2.4), “Intersection ...” (2.3.1) or “Adjacent to a secondary road” (2.3.2 - 2.3.7), installed before leaving adjacent side streets. All of the listed signs do not inform that the road being crossed is the main one, but only require you to give way with or without a mandatory stop. In order to supplement the information, sign 2.1 is duplicated.

By the way, instead of the once again repeated “Main Road” sign, one of the varieties of the “Adjacent to the Main Road” sign is sometimes used. But taking into account the fact that it is installed not directly in front of the intersection, but at a distance from it, this is quite difficult to do in urban conditions. Therefore, this combination is used more often not in populated areas, but behind them.

Area of ​​operation of the "Main Road" sign

In populated areas, by the way, duplication of this sign is required before each intersection also because in fact it does not have any coverage area other than the installation site, because it suggests priorities only at the intersection where it is located.

If the sign is installed at the beginning of the road (namely behind the intersection), then its effect is extended to the entire section of the road. And where the road ceases to be the main one, sign 2.2 is installed indicating this. By the way, remember that this sign does not immediately turn the road into a secondary one, it makes it clear that in front of you there is an intersection of equivalent roads.

How does the “Main Road Changes Direction” sign work?

If there is no sign under the sign, it means the priority road is going straight ahead. In cases where its direction changes, an additional sign is installed.

As experienced drivers confirm, it is most difficult to plan your actions at those intersections where main road direction changes. This section of roads combines problems of two types: the intersection of equivalent and unequal intersections. And the main mistake of motorists in such cases is that they take into account only those signs that they see, without thinking about other corners of a given intersection (we have already discussed this above).

Imagine the situation when you are at an intersection with a changing direction of the priority road. Both you and the driver standing, for example, on the right before the intersection, see the same “Main Road” sign, which gives you priority in traffic! And this is usually discovered only later, after the accident! So what is the right way to act in such conditions?

Algorithm for driver action in case of changes in the direction of the priority road at an intersection

  • When at such an intersection, do not forget to think about all its sides and be sure to take into account sign 8.13, which will show the direction of the main road.
  • You can mentally place this sign in the center of the intersection, and then a wide line will show the main road, and two narrow lines will show the secondary ones.
  • Having temporarily erased the secondary ones from your consciousness, you must remember the main area. Then both you and the driver on the other half of the main road must act according to the “Interference on the right” rule.
  • Naturally, the one who does not have such an obstacle will move first.
  • And only after the cars leave the main area, the vehicles on the secondary roads begin to move in the same pattern.

Please note that in this way a difficult intersection can be divided into two symmetrical and easy-to-traverse halves.

Sign violation

Remember also that if the driver violates the requirements of a road sign, namely, by failing to give priority to a car at an intersection, such actions are qualified in accordance with Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and are punishable by a fine of 1000 rubles. And in case of driving where it was prohibited without stopping, the driver is punished under Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a warning, or he will be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

Get yourself a table of traffic police fines, which will give you the opportunity to navigate the degree of punishment for any violations of the rules.

Advice for those who enter an intersection on what is considered the main road

And finally, I would like to impress upon those who approached the intersection after passing the “Main Road” sign: please note that drivers who are on the secondary road at that moment do not remember the rules traffic!

Don't forget this for a minute and don't try to cross the intersection right away. First, stop and make sure that they are giving way to you, and only after understanding this, continue moving. Only such an attitude towards the road will make your journey safe, and you will successfully and without incident get to where you were in a hurry.

The number of cars in our country is growing from year to year, which leads to an increase in the concentration of vehicles on the road. This reduces maneuvering space, forcing each individual driver to be extremely careful, especially when driving through intersections. Here, priority signs and often accompanying “Main Road Direction” signs play a special role. Considering the situation in the urban area and outside it, this may have different semantic (visual) content, which should be considered in more detail.

Form and general provisions

Such a sign is not self-sufficient (warning, priority, prohibiting, etc.). In accordance with the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (serial number 8.13), it belongs to the signs additional information or, more simply put, signs. Only used in conjunction with signs such as “Main Road” (2.1), “Give Way” (2.4) and “STOP” (2.5).

The main function is to inform road users about the direction of the main road at a particular intersection. Obviously, this is possible in the following cases:

  • the trajectory deviates from a straight line (for example, when turning at a regular cruciform intersection);
  • the shape of the intersection is not conventionally correct (crossing the road not at a right angle, the presence of branches, etc.);
  • exit to the junction from the side of the secondary section.

The shape of the plate is a square with rounded corners. On a field of white or yellow (temporary) color, a schematic image of the interchange is drawn, and the main direction is marked with a thick line, and secondary roads with a thin line.

Turn the road to the right

In this case, when approaching, the driver will see the following combination (to save space, they are located horizontally, but in real life road conditions The information plate is located under the main sign):

If a conventional car on the road approaches an intersection from below, along the main road, then its actions depend on the direction in which it is going to cross this section:

  • turning right occurs without problems (cars on the left and above are required to let it pass);
  • when moving straight, to the left, or turning around, you will have to give way to traffic that is approaching from the right, no matter if it is moving off the road, turning left, or turning around. Priority still applies to cars in secondary areas.

Turn the road to the left

In this case the combination will be as follows:

This situation is most favorable to the driver who approaches the intersection from below. He can freely drive along the road to the right, straight or left. Only when turning around will you have to miss vehicles, moving towards on the main road.

Approaching from a secondary path

The situations discussed above concern those traffic participants who enter the intersection along the main road. Anyone approaching along secondary sections must follow the “interference from the right” rule. In such a situation, the driver will see slightly different combinations of signs (the direction of entry is conditionally from below):


If the intersection has the shape of a ring (a circular direction of movement is organized), then along with the main signs (2.1, 2.4) you will see signs with the following content.

On the roads while driving, you can often encounter situations where, at intersections without traffic lights, drivers on adjacent roads cannot decide who is driving on the main road. As practice shows, not all car owners know all the features of installed signs. One of these signs is “main road”.

In order to understand, we will consider all the features and combinations of its installation.

The “main road” sign can be found both within the city and on highways. It shows which driver has the right of way and can move first, which is why it is often installed at intersections. Moreover, this can be both regulated and non-regulated.

When driving along the main road, you need to keep in mind that drivers in adjacent areas may not know or understand the situation. In this case, it is necessary to drive through such a section of the road by first slowing down and making sure that other participants are giving priority. It should be remembered that some drivers are not entirely literate and do not know all the traffic rules well. By being extra safe, you can avoid a possible accident.

This road sign "Main Road" is designated in traffic rules as 2.1. Manufactured and installed in accordance with the requirements and GOST.

It has the shape of a diamond in yellow, all edges of the same width are painted white. This sign is one of the most common and can often be found in the city, so it is familiar to most people.

When setting “main road” before an intersection, it should be understood that the right of way will only apply at this intersection. Very often it is repeated and placed at all subsequent road intersections. That is why there is also a sign to limit its coverage area - a crossed out main road. The end of the main road is designated in the traffic rules number 2.2. Anyone who drives a car probably knows that this is not always the case, and the 2.2 sign is not always placed.

If an intersection follows after the established sign 2.2, then it will be clearly equivalent and the advantage will be determined according to the right-hand rule. Or priority will be determined by the type of road surface.

  • If the road is asphalted and wide, then it will be the main one, but if it is dirt, then the driver on it will have to give way.

If indicator 2.2 is combined with “give way”, then this combination will mean that the driver needs to give priority to other cars.

Installation locations

The “Main Road” priority road sign is installed in front of intersections, showing the priority of traffic in one direction or another. As already mentioned, this sign can be installed at all types of intersections. If it is installed on an adjustable one, at the same time as a traffic light, then when driving you should focus primarily on the action of the traffic lights. If they don’t work, as a rule, this happens very often at night, then you need to focus on the signs.

In addition to the installation of road sign 2.1, information signs 8.13 are often placed, which indicate the direction for the main road. It is the presence of additional signs that most often creates difficulties for drivers.

In order to figure out who should pass first and who should let us pass, let’s look at a few examples:

1. Very often, “main road” signs are accompanied by the installation of 8.13 signs indicating the route of movement. If the trajectory indicates a main road with some kind of turn, for example to the right, then the advantage will be on it. When the driver enters this intersection, you should carefully look at the adjacent sections of roads and make sure that drivers stop and give way, allowing the one driving on the main road to pass.

In this case, it should also be borne in mind that if the driver needs to drive in the forward direction, he will also have priority over other participants.

2. If simultaneously with installed signs traffic lights are working, then you need to focus on them, and not on the signs.

3. For road intersections where there are no priority signs, the main road is determined by its surface or the right-hand rule.

Installation of a sign outside a populated area

Sign 2.1 is often used on roads between populated areas and cities. The main road sign can be installed either immediately after leaving the city or in any other place on the highway. In this case, it will mean that it will not be possible to stop on the road.

Sign 2.1 out settlement prohibits all vehicles from stopping along the road and on the side of the road.

It should be borne in mind that if you need to stop to take a smoke break and rest a little, walk and get some fresh air, then this is prohibited along the road. As a rule, if this traffic regulation sign is installed, then somewhere there will definitely be a place for parking and rest - a special parking pocket that provides an equipped and marked exit from the road. In some of these parking areas, overpasses have been installed for car repairs, and container bins have been installed for collecting waste.

Fine for violating a sign

Drivers must remember that for each traffic violation punishment or warning is provided. So, for those who violate the operation of the “main road” and do not provide the advantage of travel, in this case, on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 1000 rubles is provided. It should be remembered that violation of traffic rules can lead to the creation of dangerous situations that may result in an accident.

Always when passing through intersections, driving along the main road, you should make sure whether other traffic participants from adjacent directions are yielding or not. Only in these cases is unimpeded movement possible and thus it will be possible to avoid accidents.

The sign is installed at the beginning of a section of the road with priority right of passage at uncontrolled intersections. In populated areas, the sign is installed before each intersection on the main road. Before unregulated intersections, where the main road runs in a straight direction and the intersecting road has no more than four lanes, it is allowed to install a sign measuring 350x350 mm. In populated areas, the sign may not be installed on the side opposite to the junction before the junction of the secondary road with the main one.

Sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed before intersections where the main road changes direction, as well as before intersections with a complex layout. In populated areas, sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed in front of the intersection, and outside populated areas - first at a distance of 150-300 m before the intersection and in front of the intersection (Figure B.4a). At intersections of roads with several carriageways, the sign is installed in front of the intersections of carriageways where there may be an ambiguous determination of the primacy of the roads.

Signs are made of galvanized metal 0.8-1 mm thick, with double flanging, which provides additional rigidity to the sign body. Each sign has two attachment points in the form of “tongues”. The fastening elements are attached to the body using the pinching method, which does not distort the image of the sign and ensures much higher reliability than spot welding or rivets.

Determining priority when passing road intersections is an important factor in traffic safety. For this purpose, road signs have been developed and such a concept as the main road - traffic rules clearly and unambiguously reflect these tools for interaction between drivers.

Main road - definition of traffic rules, denoting signs

The definition of traffic rules for a main road is as follows: The main road, first of all, is the road on which signs 2.1, 2.3.1–2.3.7 or 5.1 are placed. Any adjacent or crossing roads will be of secondary importance and drivers on them will be required to yield to traffic traveling in the direction indicated by the above signs.

Priority is also determined by the availability of coverage. With a hard road surface (materials made of stone, cement, asphalt concrete), in relation to the ground, it is also the main one. But the secondary one, which has a certain segment with coverage only in front of the intersection, is not equal in importance to the one being crossed. You can also distinguish the secondary one by its location. Any road is considered the main road for exits from adjacent territories. Let's look at the signs indicating the main one and how they are used.

  • 2.1 is placed at the beginning of the segment with priority right of movement through unregulated intersections, as well as immediately before intersections.
  • If at the intersection the main road changes direction, then in addition to 2.1, a sign 8.13 is installed.
  • The end of the section where the driver was driving along the main road is indicated by sign 2.2.
  • 2.3.1 informs about the approach to the intersection with directions of secondary importance simultaneously from the left and right.
  • 2.3.2–2.3.7 – about approaching the junction on the right or left of a secondary road.
  • The sign “Motorway” (5.1) indicates the main road to which the rules for traveling on motorways apply. 5.1 is placed at the beginning of the highway.

Signs on minor roads

To warn drivers that they are driving on a secondary road and are approaching an intersection with the main road, they put up a “Give way” sign (2.4). Place it before exiting the main road at the beginning of the junction, before an intersection or exit onto a highway. Additionally, with 2.4, plate 8.13 can be used, informing about the direction of the main road in the section being crossed.

Before the intersection with the main road, sign 2.5 may be placed, which prohibits passing without stopping. 2.5 obliges you to yield to vehicles traveling on the roadway you are crossing. Drivers must stop at the stop line, and when there is none, at the border of the intersection. Only after making sure that further movement is safe and does not interfere with transport in the direction being crossed can you move off.

Traffic regulations on the actions of drivers at road intersections

For drivers who move in the direction designated as the main road, traffic rules require priority (primary) movement through uncontrolled intersections and intersections with secondary directions. Drivers traveling in a secondary direction are required to yield to traffic moving in the main direction. At signalized intersections, you should be guided by the signals that are given.

The "Main Road" sign is usually located at the beginning of the street, which makes it difficult to determine which roadway is the priority. In order to avoid misinterpretation in the absence of the required signs, you should know the requirements of the traffic rules. When approaching an intersection, you need to study its near right corner. In the absence of the above signs, inspect the near and then the far left corner. This is necessary to identify the “Give Way” sign. When it is covered with snow or turned to the other side, they look at the location of the triangle - in 2.4 the apex is directed downwards.

Then they determine which direction of travel this sign refers to and determine the priority of travel. The primacy of the road can also be judged by the presence of the 2.5 sign.

If it is difficult to determine the priority direction, then they are guided by the rule “Interference on the right” - they allow traffic moving on the right to pass. When you are in the first direction, you can drive straight or turn right. If you need to make a U-turn or turn left, then yield to oncoming traffic. When determining primacy, it is necessary to take into account the location of the road - for example, leaving a yard or a populated area is of secondary importance. Whenever there are no signs and it is impossible to determine the type of coverage, the direction of movement should be considered secondary - this will reduce the risk of creating.

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