Lease agreement with an individual personal income tax. Renting premises from an individual for tax purposes. Renting premises from an individual: personal income tax

A citizen who is not an entrepreneur can rent out his real estate to both individuals and business entities (organizations and individual entrepreneurs). We will explain in this article how to pay personal income tax on such income.

Renting premises from an individual: personal income tax

Income received from leasing property is subject to income tax (Article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). On the income of Russian resident landlords, tax is withheld at a rate of 13%, and on the income of non-residents - at a rate of 30%.

It is mandatory to withhold and pay tax on rental income, but who should do this depends on whether the tenant has tax agent status.

When the tax is transferred by the individual landlord himself

The tax is calculated and paid by the lessor himself in the following cases (clause 1, clause 1, article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

    When the tenant is also an ordinary individual, this most often happens when renting out housing. In this situation, personal income tax on renting an apartment from an individual must be paid to the budget by the landlord himself.

    When the tenant (individual entrepreneur or organization) is not a tax agent (for example, foreign companies).

In this case, at the end of the year in which the income was received, the lessor must calculate personal income tax on his rental income and submit a 3-NDFL declaration to the Federal Tax Service (the deadline for filing it is April 30). The tax is transferred to the budget no later than July 15 of the following reporting year (clause 4 of article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When should the tenant pay the tax?

If the premises are leased to a tax agent (organizations, individual entrepreneurs, private notaries, lawyers, separate structures foreign companies in the Russian Federation), then the calculation, withholding and payment of personal income tax must be made by the tenant (Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is important to take into account that the obligation to withhold personal income tax from the rent remains with the tax agent (tenant), even if the lease agreement contains a condition on the payment of tax by the lessor himself - the provisions of the Tax Code in this case take precedence, and the individual’s consent is not required.

The tenant (as a tax agent) is obliged to calculate and withhold personal income tax from the amount of rent paid under the contract when settling with the individual landlord. That is, the landlord receives payment for renting the premises minus tax. Pay tax from own funds The tenant has no right - this is directly prohibited by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 9 of Article 226). The tax must be transferred to the budget (at the agent’s place of registration) no later than the day following the day of payment to the lessor (clauses 4, 6 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When the tenant withholds and pays personal income tax, the individual lessor does not submit a 3-NDFL declaration.

Renting from an individual: personal income tax from a communal apartment

If, according to the terms of the contract, the tenant reimburses the cost utilities, the size of which is based on recorded meter readings, i.e. depends on actual consumption (electricity, water supply, etc.), the lessor has no economic benefit. The amount of such compensation is not subject to personal income tax.

At the same time, it is necessary to withhold personal income tax from the amounts that the tenant pays for services that do not depend on their actual use (heating, etc. constant payments) (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated March 23, 2018 No. 03-04-05/18556).

Personal income tax reporting from the tax agent-tenant

There are no special features when filling out personal income tax reports for landlords. A tax register is opened for the lessor, as for all individuals who receive income, on the basis of which the reporting is then filled out: Calculation 6-NDFL, certificate 2-NDFL for the corresponding period.

6-NDFL when renting from an individual

Tax agents report on payments to individuals, withheld and transferred tax in the quarterly Calculation 6-NDFL. It is submitted to the Federal Tax Service before the end of the month following the reporting period.

When reflecting in the calculation of personal income tax amounts from renting premises from an individual, the following must be taken into account:

    “Date of actual receipt of income” (line 100) - the day the rent is transferred to the landlord’s bank account, or “cash” is issued to him from the tenant’s cash desk (clause 1, clause 1, article 223 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    “Tax withholding date” (line 110) coincides with the date on line 100, since tax is withheld upon actual payment of income to an individual (clause 4 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    “Tax payment deadline” (line 120) – date no later than the next working day after the day of payment (clause 6 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

2-NDFL when renting from an individual

At the end of the reporting year, no later than April 1, the tax agent must reflect the landlord’s income in Certificate 2-NDFL (with sign “1”) and submit it to the inspectorate. If it was not possible to withhold the tax (or was not fully possible), the tax authorities and the individual are sent a Certificate 2-NDFL with attribute “2” no later than March 1.

The rent amounts paid are reflected in the Certificate in the month of actual receipt of income, i.e. when they were paid to the individual. This also applies to rent advances paid.

The income code indicated in Certificate 2-NDFL when renting premises from an individual is 1400.

There is no need to indicate in the contract that the citizen pays personal income tax himself.
In a car rental agreement with a crew, it is better to split the remuneration.
In what cases is it safer for a citizen to obtain individual entrepreneur status?

An organization can enter into a lease agreement with either an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, and with a person who does not have this status. The main thing is that the citizen leasing the property is its owner or has the right to dispose of it (Article 608 and paragraph 2 of Article 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Entrepreneurs independently calculate and pay taxes (clause 1, clause 1 and clause 2, article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Let's figure out what tax obligations an organization has if it rented property from an individual who does not have individual entrepreneur status. Let's also see how to reflect this transaction in accounting.

When paying rent to an individual, it is safer for an organization to withhold personal income tax and transfer it to the budget

The Russian Ministry of Finance believes that Russian company paying rent to a citizen - not an entrepreneur, is a tax agent for personal income tax (Letters dated 02.10.2014 N 03-04-05/49525, dated 18.09.2013 N 03-04-06/38698, dated 16.08.2013 N 03-04 -06/33598 and dated 02/27/2013 N 03-04-06/5601). That is, she is obliged to calculate personal income tax on rent, withhold tax when paying it and transfer it to the budget (clauses 1, 4 and 6 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Tax authorities hold a similar opinion (Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07/05/2012 N AS-4-3/11083@, dated 04/09/2012 N ED-4-3/5894@ and dated 01/11/2010 N ШС-37-3/14584@, Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated June 18, 2012 N 20-14/053155@ and dated December 16, 2011 N 20-14/3/122006).
If an organization pays rent in cash, it has the opportunity to withhold personal income tax. This means that the company does not have the right to refer to the fact that it was unable to withhold tax from an individual (clause 5 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The Ministry of Finance of Russia also points to this (Letters dated 02/27/2013 N 03-04-06/5601 and dated 12/06/2010 N 03-04-06/3-290).
However, there is an opinion that the tenant organization may not withhold personal income tax from the rent if the lease agreement stipulates that the citizen pays the tax on his own. This is a misconception. The tax agent does not have the right to shift his responsibilities to the recipient of the income (Clause 5, Article 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
The inclusion of such a condition in the lease agreement is contrary to the provisions of the Tax Code. This condition will be considered void (clause 2 of Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The same point of view is shared by the Ministry of Finance of Russia (Letters dated 04/29/2011 N 03-04-05/3-314 and dated 07/15/2010 N 03-04-06/3-148), and the courts (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated 07.03 .2012 N A40-40718/11140-184).
Thus, it is risky not to withhold personal income tax from rent paid to an individual - not an entrepreneur (read more on p. 45). If inspectors discover this violation, they will fine the organization for failure to fulfill the duties of a tax agent. The fine is 20% of the tax amount subject to withholding and transfer to the budget (Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Pay attention! Personal income tax is transferred to the budget even when an advance is paid to the landlord
For each payment of rent or part thereof, the organization is obliged to withhold personal income tax. It doesn’t matter how the company pays the landlord - in advance, in installments, or at the end of the month or other period.
The organization transfers personal income tax withheld from the rent to the budget within the following terms (clause 6 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
- if she withdraws money from a bank account to pay the landlord - on the day she receives cash from the bank;
- if you pay the landlord by bank transfer - on the day the rent is transferred from the organization's account to the citizen's bank account or, on his behalf, to the accounts of third parties.

There is a risk that tax authorities will recognize a citizen’s activities as entrepreneurial and will require him to register as an individual entrepreneur

If an individual rents out several premises (no matter residential or non-residential) or different types property, inspectors may recognize its activities as entrepreneurial. This is dangerous because the tax authorities will most likely demand that the citizen register as an entrepreneur and pay taxes as an individual entrepreneur (read more on page 46).

Note. In terms of VAT, it is not profitable for companies to rent property from individuals
Individuals who do not have the status of an individual entrepreneur are not VAT payers (clause 1 of Article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This means that when they provide property rental services, there is no “input” VAT, which the tenant can deduct.
But when calculating income tax, the organization will be able to include the entire amount of rent in expenses (clause 10, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It does not need to be reduced by the amount of VAT, as is done when renting property from a VAT payer.

For the tenant organization, this may entail additional income tax. After all, if an entrepreneur is a VAT payer, the company will be able to include not the entire amount of rent in tax expenses (clause 10, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). She has the right to take into account only the amount minus VAT.
However Tax code does not contain clear criteria by which one could determine whether a citizen leasing property needs to obtain the status of an entrepreneur. The Federal Tax Service of Russia believes that the following facts may indicate the presence of signs of entrepreneurial activity in a citizen’s actions (Letter dated 02/08/2013 N ED-3-3/412@):
- an individual acquired or manufactured property with the aim of making a profit from its use or sale;
- the citizen keeps records of his transactions and transactions;
- all transactions concluded by an individual during a certain period of time are interrelated;
- the citizen has stable connections with sellers, buyers or other counterparties.
The same criteria are given by the capital's tax authorities (Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated June 15, 2009 N 20-14/060015@, dated December 29, 2008 N 18-14/121487@ and dated January 25, 2008 N 18-12/3/005988 ). In their opinion, if the listed signs are present, an individual leasing property is required to register as an entrepreneur.
At the same time, tax authorities admit that in some cases it is difficult to correctly qualify the activities of a citizen (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 02/08/2013 N ED-3-3/412@).
If a citizen is sure that his activities do not contain signs of entrepreneurial activity, he may not register as an individual entrepreneur. This means that on income received from renting out property, he has the right to pay only personal income tax. But it is possible that he will have to prove his case in court.

For the amount of rent insurance premiums extra-budgetary funds are not credited

Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

Payments to individuals under civil contracts related to the transfer of property for use are not subject to insurance contributions to funds (Part 3 of Article 7 Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund", hereinafter referred to as Law N 212-FZ). A lease agreement is a type of such agreement.
This means that when paying rent to a citizen, the organization does not charge insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds. The same explanations are provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Letter dated March 12, 2010 N 550-19).
The only exception is remuneration under a rental agreement for a vehicle with a crew. Under this agreement, the lessor not only provides the lessee with a car or other transport for use, but also provides him with management and technical operation(Article 632 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Payments under civil contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work or the provision of services, are subject to insurance contributions to the funds (Part 1, Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ). Consequently, for that part of the remuneration, which represents a fee for driving services, it is necessary to accrue contributions to the funds.
But we are talking only about contributions to the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which are provided for by Law N 212-FZ, still do not need to be calculated. After all, any remuneration paid to individuals under civil contracts is exempt from insurance contributions to this fund (Clause 2, Part 3, Article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ).
So that the organization does not have difficulties with calculating contributions, it is advisable to divide the remuneration in the lease agreement for a vehicle with a crew into a rental fee and a fee for the provision of management services. That is, indicate it in two separate amounts. If there is no such division in the contract, insurance premiums will have to be charged on the entire amount of remuneration.

Note. Part of the remuneration under a car rental agreement with a crew is subject to contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Insurance premiums for injuries

Payments under a property rental agreement are exempt from insurance premiums for injuries. After all, these contributions are accrued only if the civil contract provides for the obligation to pay them (Clause 1, Article 20.1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ “On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases”). Lease agreements usually do not include such a clause.

From June 1, 2014, companies do not have the right to spend cash proceeds received at the cash desk on payments under real estate lease agreements (clause 4 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013 “On making cash payments”). This rule applies to settlements with any lessors - both individuals and legal entities.
This means that you can pay a citizen rent for an office, apartment or other real estate in two ways:
- transfer it to the bank account of an individual or, on his instructions, to the accounts of third parties;
- withdraw cash from the organization’s current account to pay rent, enter it into the cash register and then give it to the citizen.
If tax authorities discover that cash proceeds are being spent to pay for the rental of real estate, they have the right to fine both the organization itself and its general director. Fine for official ranges from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles, for a company - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. (Part 1 of Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). But inspectors can fine for this violation only if less than two months have passed since the proceeds were spent on unauthorized purposes (Part 1 of Article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
You can still pay for the rental of other property (cars, computers, production equipment, etc.) from cash proceeds.
The amount of cash settlements between an organization and an individual who is not registered as an entrepreneur is not limited (clause 5 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013). That is, a company renting movable or immovable property from a citizen can pay him under the lease agreement an amount exceeding 100,000 rubles.

In accounting, leased fixed assets are reflected in an off-balance sheet account

Accounting for transactions involving the rental of property from individuals differs from the reflection of similar transactions with organizations or entrepreneurs in only three nuances:
- absence of VAT postings;
- availability of records on the withholding of personal income tax from rent and on the transfer of tax to the budget;
- availability of entries for the accrual and payment of insurance premiums to the funds (only under rental agreements for a vehicle with a crew).
If the property received under a lease agreement is a fixed asset, the organization reflects it off the balance sheet - in account 001 “Leased fixed assets”. Accounting for off-balance sheet accounts is carried out using a simple system, that is, without using the double entry method.
Leased assets are shown off-balance sheet at the cost specified in the lease agreement. On the date of receipt of property from an individual, the organization makes an accounting entry:
Debit 001 - leased fixed assets have been accepted for off-balance sheet accounting.
Every month during the term of the lease agreement, the company generates the following transactions:
Debit 20 (26 or 44) Credit 76 - included in expenses rental payments per month;
Debit 76 Credit 68 - personal income tax is withheld from the rental amount.
If an organization pays the lessor by bank transfer, on the date of payment it makes an entry:
Debit 76 Credit 51 - rent transferred (minus withheld personal income tax).
When paying in cash, you need to make two entries in accounting:
Debit 50 Credit 51 - cash received from the bank and accepted at the cash desk for settlements under the lease agreement;
Debit 76 Credit 50 - rent paid (minus withheld personal income tax).
Depending on the form of settlements with the landlord, the organization is obliged to transfer personal income tax to the budget no later than the day the rent is transferred to the citizen’s bank account or the day the cash is received from the bank for its payment. On the date of payment of personal income tax to the budget, she makes the following entry:
Debit 68 Credit 51 - transferred to the personal income tax budget, withheld from the rent.
If the company rented from an individual vehicle with the crew, for the amount of remuneration for the provision of management services, she needs to accrue insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. This is reflected by the postings:
Debit 20 (26 or 44) Credit 69-2 - contributions to the Pension Fund have been accrued;
Debit 20 (26 or 44) Credit 69-3 - contributions to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund have been accrued.
On the date of payment of contributions to the funds, the organization makes entries:
Debit 69-2 Credit 51 - contributions to the Pension Fund were transferred;
Debit 69-3 Credit 51 - contributions to the FFOMS are transferred.
At the end of the lease relationship, the leased fixed asset must be written off off-balance sheet accounting. On the date the asset is returned to the lessor, the company records:
Credit 001 - fixed asset written off off-balance sheet.

Let's consider what obligations a tax agent has for personal income tax when renting from an individual, as well as which tax office to pay personal income tax for an individual. the person leasing the premises.

Obligations of the tenant as a tax agent for personal income tax

Using the leased property to conduct its business, the tenant makes rental payments and incurs cash costs. Since the cash outflow results in a decrease in the tenant's wealth, he incurs rental costs. By virtue of the law, the organization has obligations to the state to record expenses in the tax and tax registers. accounting according to tax and accounting legislation, respectively.

In addition, the tenant, when paying income in the form of rent to an individual who is not an entrepreneur, has obligations as a tax agent for personal income tax in relation to this individual - the lessor. That is, the tenant needs to calculate personal income tax on income in the form of rent, withhold tax when paying income to an individual and transfer it to the budget (clause 2 of article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How to understand this? Tax obligations arise from an individual, but will the enterprise be responsible for paying the tax?

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The fact is that a feature of paying personal income tax is paying tax through intermediaries (tax agents) on the majority of your income. The state by certain provisions of ch. 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation entrusts enterprises with calculating and transferring personal income tax to the budget for another taxpayer - an individual. In the terminology of tax legislation, this means that the enterprise is recognized as a tax agent for personal income tax.

It is the organization recognized as the agent that will deal with all issues regarding tax calculation, withholding when paying income, and payment to the budget. It is impossible to transfer the payment of personal income tax from rental income to an individual, even if this is stated in the lease agreement. For clarification, you can refer to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03/09/2016 No. 03-04-05/12891.

The need for an organization to fulfill the duties of a tax agent arises due to the provisions of clauses 1 and 2 of Art. 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as a result of payment to an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur of income in the form of rent payments under a lease agreement.

Since the Russian organization was the source of payment of income to an individual, it must act as a kind of intermediary between the taxpayer - the individual who received the income and the state represented by the tax authorities, in order to ensure that personal income tax flows into the budget in the correct amount and on time from the income paid.

But the functions of a tax agent are not limited to this.

The entire list of obligations that the state imposes on the tax agent is contained in Art. 230 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Here are all the obligations of the tenant organization to the state when paying income in the form of rent:

Insurance premiums when renting from an individual

According to the lease agreement, the tenant bears expenses in the form of rent, and by virtue of Law No. 402-FZ and Ch. 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has an obligation to the state to reflect expenses in the accounting and tax registers. The tenant is also recognized as a tax agent in relation to personal income tax and is called upon to fulfill the duties of a tax agent for personal income tax listed in Article 230 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (see table above).

It should be said that rent paid to an individual under a property lease agreement does not entail the obligation to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and Social Insurance Fund for injuries (Clause 4, Article 420 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 24 .1998 No. 125-FZ). You can learn more about this from.

General conclusion. An accountant needs to understand the economic consequences of a transaction in order to correctly reflect income, expenses and obligations to the partner and the budget system in accounting. To do this, we offer a graphic illustration of what has been said:

In some cases, it becomes necessary to show data on payments to certain people in income tax reporting. One of the most common situations is rent from individuals faces. 6-NDFL- a mandatory document. This will be discussed in our article.

Agreement with a private person

In the event that companies or individual entrepreneurs rent property from individuals (for example, premises or a car), concluding a lease agreement with them and paying the amount specified in it as compensation, the law recognizes such persons as tax agents for income tax in relation to these payments . Therefore, when renting from individuals. 6-NDFL person becomes an inevitable report in which this operation must be shown.

According to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 226, as well as paragraph 1 of Art. 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in such cases personal income tax must be taken from rental payments and transferred to the treasury.

When rent is received

In law Personal income tax the agent must count on the day the person received payment under the rental agreement. Paragraph 1 of Article 223 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation specifies that such a day is the one when an individual:

  1. personally received money from the organization’s cash register;
  2. funds have been credited to the recipient's account.

Thus, on line 100 (“Date of actual receipt of income”) in 6-NDFL rent from individuals. faces must be shown on the day the payment was made.

Nuances 6 Personal income tax: car rental

When should income tax be withheld in this case? If a company or individual entrepreneur enters into a lease agreement with a person for a car he owns (in cases with real estate and other property, this is also true), personal income tax must be taken at the time of payment monetary compensation, due to an individual under the contract.

It turns out that the date of receipt of rent and the date of tax withholding will coincide.

Let's consider economic consequences concluding a lease agreement with an individual from the point of view of personal income tax and who pays the tax in this case.

As a rule, the rent contains two components of the calculation: basic and additional.

The main part means only payments for the amount of rented space. And the additional part usually means utility bills. Various combinations of these two components are called the procedure for establishing rent. The economic consequences for the parties to the transaction depend on the order of the established rent.

There are usually 3 situations:

  • The rent under the contract contains only payments for the space provided for use, and the tenant pays payments to utility services for utilities independently upon consumption.
  • the rent contains only payments for the space provided for use, and payments to utility services for the cost of utilities consumed by the tenant: cold and hot water supply, heating, sanitation, energy supply, etc., are made by the lessor - an individual, with subsequent compensation for all these expenses by the tenant.
  • the rent includes utilities.

Let's consider these 3 situations in more detail from the personal income tax point of view.

Are payments in the form of rent subject to personal income tax?

Let's look at the first option, when the rent contains only payments for the area of ​​premises provided for rent, without utility payments.

An individual receives rent for the premises provided: money to his current account. This money provides an economic benefit to the landlord. Consequently, an individual receives income as a result of the transaction. In the economic sphere, the income received from a transaction always has an interest in its share either on the part of the partner or on the part of the state.

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According to tax legislation, the recipient of the income may have obligations to the budget in the form of personal income tax. And the accountant, taking into account the norms of Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, must answer the question: “Are payments in the form of rent subject to personal income tax?”

Principles of personal income tax taxation

The vast majority of income received by an individual from a Russian organization is subject to personal income tax. However, to make the right decision on a particular payment, an accountant must understand the principles of personal income tax.

We suggest considering a step-by-step algorithm of work.

Step 1. Determine the object of taxation

To establish whether it is generally possible to recognize payments in favor of an individual as income according to the general norm set out in paragraph 1 of Art. 41 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The key word in the phrase “personal income tax” is the word “income”. This tax is calculated and withheld specifically from the income of individuals. If there is income, there is an object of taxation, and if there is an object of taxation, obligations arise to the state to pay tax.

Let's look at the terms. Under general concept“income” in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is understood as economic benefit in monetary or in-kind form, which can be assessed and determined. Thus, income is an economic benefit that can be measured. Consequently, if there is no economic benefit, then the individual will not have any income.

However, the category of economic benefit contained in paragraph 1 of Art. 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is not regulated by legislation on taxes and fees. Therefore, to decipher this concept, we are forced to turn to other sources. According to explanatory dictionary Dahl “profitable” means beneficial, profitable. That is, within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Art. 41 NK benefit means an increase in well-being.

An individual, in connection with the amount of rent received, experiences an increase in his well-being, and there is an economic benefit. There is an economic benefit - there is income. Hence:

The rent received is the income of an individual, and therefore is subject to taxation for personal income tax.

Step 2. Specify the object of taxation

We look at Article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in which the fact of receiving income is linked to the state of its origin and the status of an individual: resident/non-resident. If the income is on the list, then there will be obligations to pay personal income tax.

If the income received is included in the list, it is subject to taxation as income received from sources in the Russian Federation for an individual who is a tax resident of the Russian Federation in accordance with clause 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 3. Decide on the type of income on which you need to pay personal income tax

We turn to Art. 208 clause 1.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The presented list is open and formally everything that fits general definition income must be taxed. If there is no exact match of the name of the payments in the list of taxable income, and also they are not included in the non-taxable income according to the list of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, then a decision is made that these payments will be included in income called “other income”.

In our case, income is in the list and is called “income received from renting or other use of property”, paragraphs. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 208 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 4. Check whether the income received is on the list of income not subject to taxation

We look at Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This list is closed, that is, if the type of income is on the list, no tax is charged.

Step 5. Decide on the tax rate

For this we turn to Art. 224 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In our case, clause 1 of Art. applies. 224 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The rate is 13%.

Having applied the specified algorithm, we can formulate the following conclusion:

Payments in the form of rent are recognized as income. The obligation to pay tax arises on the object of taxation called “income received from sources in the Russian Federation” for an individual who is a tax resident, on the type of income called “income received from leasing or other use of property” and taxed at the rate of 13 %. The same thing can be expressed more briefly.

Income of an individual from leasing property from a source in the Russian Federation is subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13%.

To obtain the conclusion indicated above, we have shown the path that will lead to the correct solution in independent work.

Personal income tax and other payments in the form of rent

Let's consider the situation regarding income and obligations arising under other options for setting rent:

  • Payments to an individual in the form of compensation for the actual consumption of utilities by the tenant are not subject to personal income tax (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 17, 2013 N 03-04-06/12985);
  • Rent received by an individual (not an individual entrepreneur), including payment of utility bills, is considered as income in general and is subject to personal income tax (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2017 No. 03-04-05/1528).

Who pays personal income tax under a lease agreement with an individual

According to the lease agreement, the lessor, an individual, receives income in the form of rent payments , and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter. 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation bears OBLIGATIONS to the state to pay personal income tax to the budget as a taxpayer.

However, an individual will not pay tax to the state treasury on his own due to the presence of a tax agent for the payment of personal income tax represented by an organization. Typically, this tax is withheld and remitted by the organization. Thus, the personal income tax must be transferred by the tenant - the enterprise.

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