What is the marketing department? Formation of relationships with clients. Key functions of the marketing department

There are a number of issues that need to be taken into account when creating and managing a marketing department, defining.

  1. There is no understanding of what marketers do. Therefore, it is difficult to set up a reward system for them, as opposed to a more or less transparent one.
  2. The functions of the department are not identified and formulated,
  3. There is no systematic education in the field of Internet marketing,
  4. There is no idea about target audience and food niches,
  5. There is a gap in communication between and marketing.

1. Owner/management lacks understanding of the marketing process

Often owners/management have no idea about marketing tools at all. They have no answer to the questions - what does the marketing department do and how does it do it?

Moreover, in the minds of most business owners there is an image of one marketer - a multi-armed multi-legged one. He, in their opinion, will be able to fully service the entire business process of the company, which consists of at least 8-10 areas.

2. No understanding of basic functionality

And if it is not there, then the effectiveness of the execution of the main components of the department is not monitored.

  • Lead generation
  • Qualification of incoming leads
  • Planning lead generation indicators

Well-known marketer and shareholder of the Oy-li company Igor Mann identifies 4 main functions of the marketing department.

  • Attraction
  • Development
  • Hold
  • Involvement

This is a fairly general qualification, a similar explanation of which we give at Oy-li trainings.

3. Lack of professional education in the field of modern marketing technologies, Internet and

Internet marketers are largely self-taught. There is an explanation for this phenomenon. This is a dynamically changing and developing area. Therefore, you need to be constantly involved in the learning process and use new tools in practice immediately.

Taking into account the slowness of classic educational institutions– institutes and universities – specialists for the marketing department with a specialization in Internet / content marketing would come out with outdated tools. Moreover, it is five years out of date.

4. The marketer does not understand who the company’s target audience is

Sounds like a business owner's nightmare. But this happens. In fact, the department may not know or not fully understand who the reference buyer is.

To prevent this from happening you need to:

  • carry out
  • describe a client portrait based on ABC XYZ analysis
  • carry out regular testing of the product marketer.

5. There is no communication between the marketing department and the sales department

The consequences of such a gap between the company's divisions will negatively affect revenue. If salespeople don't provide feedback on leads, then the marketing department may well be misled about audiences and product niches.

As a result, untargeted traffic enters the funnel. But the bottom line is that there is a problem: many applications - no deals.

Why is the Marketing Department Doing Unclear Work? Where is the Efficiency?

Marketing is no longer just a buzzword. Managers believe that marketing should be present in the structure and therefore hire a marketer. But after several months, they see no results, no improvement or deterioration. What's the matter?

There are many opinions on this matter. Many marketers argue that management does not know what marketing is, its tasks and functions. Therefore, they cannot set specific goals and form a department.

In part, this is true. Marketing is a new concept and few people fully understand it. Yes, business owners hire marketers and cannot set goals for them. But here’s the question: “Why don’t marketers themselves do anything, but wait for goals and objectives from management?” The answer is simple: in Russia there are very few truly qualified marketing specialists. Marketing is taught relatively recently, which means there are not many marketing specialists with experience. Most likely, these are not specialized specialists.

But today, marketing is taught in full force, and applicants believe that this is a fashionable field, like advertising, where a creative approach is needed. This is where all the ensuing problems come from. If a student graduated from an institute with a degree in marketing, then he is far from an expert, because he studied only theory (if he studied it at all). Moreover, an outdated theory that means nothing in practice.

Teachers sometimes themselves do not understand why marketing is needed and who a marketer is. The specialist can only say: “Segmentation… Positioning…. 4P…. SWOT analysis." This is where the problems with marketing in Russia arise. Students study theory (we will assume that they study hard), but due to lack of experience, they do not know what it really is. Experts in the field of marketing with experience are not specialized (I have met marketers with a philological education). So what should businessmen do in a situation where no one can really say what marketing is and what it is responsible for? Take everything into your own hands! How? This is what this digest is dedicated to.

Let's make some amendments to our general knowledge about marketing. What do we know about it and what do marketers say? As for the theory (Kotler, Blis), the definitions of marketing are very unclear and complex. In general, these definitions are clean water, the theory is not applicable to a real company or business. But what do marketers themselves who have read these books do? As a result, we have a marketing department that talks a lot and does very little.

And in particular, the marketing department today is engaged in advertising, surveys, positioning, segmentation, meeting customer needs, and branding. Are you familiar with these words? Marketers love to say them, they are fashionable (no offense to marketers). Why is the department that deals with advertising and research called marketing? Why does management think that marketing is creative?

Nobody remembers that marketing is the science of the market. Science! And when we create a marketing department, we accordingly create a department that deals with market research. But for what? Is this why you are creating this department? Well, maybe he does a little advertising in our company...

Marketing is, first of all, the science of the market. And it appeared because many competitors began to appear in the markets. In the days of Henry Ford, marketing was not needed at all, because there was no competition as such. But for the time being, for the time being. The market becomes open and attracts other participants - competitors begin to divide the market. This is where marketing begins to emerge as a science, 80 years ago. In order to study the moves and activities of companies, in order to use them and improve them. This science tried to answer the question: “Why do some companies achieve success while others do not?”

And today, marketing is a science that studies the market activities of organizations (no matter which ones - commercial or non-commercial. For example, the actions of a deputy to attract votes are the same as marketing. Turkey, as a resort area, is also involved in marketing). Everything related to the organization outside (on the market) is marketing.

For recent years, marketing, as a science, has accumulated a lot of knowledge, developed many methods and techniques for organizations, absorbed several other sciences, such as economics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and thereby formed a set of methods and stages of marketing. Therefore, in order to apply the knowledge of this science in practice, a marketing process is necessary. And it exists, logical, consistent and effective.

Today, marketing covers all market activities of any organization. There is much more to it than just research and advertising. Marketing, today, is the concept of managing an organization or business. Why so big? Let's make sure of this, read on.

It is impossible to explain in detail how marketing works in one article, but still, in brief, I will try to outline the theoretical foundations and their application in real business.

As a student, I was always touched by how logistics and advertising professors argued about what was more important in business. Advertising or logistics? Who would have thought that these are complementary marketing tools?

Not much theory...

Marketing studies the market activities of your company. Therefore, I suggest taking a schematic look at your company on the market. Any organization does not exist in a vacuum. The market is not just you and your customers. These include competitors, suppliers, possibly intermediaries, consumers, economic changes, political unrest, ecology, technological growth, culture. All of this has an impact on your organization. We won't go into great detail about how culture directly impacts your company, but we will look at how the major market players work with you.

Like any organism on this planet, an organization must adapt to environmental conditions. The world evolves along with changes in nature. A living organism uses sense organs to receive information about the external environment, such as eyes, lungs, skin, and smell. Our senses receive information and adapt the body to the environment. Also the organization. But the senses are completely different. Let's consider how and why an organization should adapt to the market (external environment).

In order to ensure success in the market, you need to find a place in it. Your organization must have regular customers and differentiate itself from competitors. Differentiating your competitors doesn't mean being flashier, or just having a great slogan or logo, or dressing your service staff in branded clothing. This is necessary, but we are talking about something else. Each company in your market should ideally be different from its competitors. That is, to target a certain segment of buyers.

That's why there are companies that offer expensive, medium and cheap products, beautiful, technologically advanced or simple. Depending on the selected (prospective) segment of consumers (buyers or intermediaries), preferences, tastes, needs, and requirements of buyers are different. So there are people who need sports car, jeep, inexpensive, subcompact, premium sedan, or hybrid with an electric engine. All people are different and their preferences vary, but they can still be divided into groups according to preferences and requests.

By dividing buyers into groups, we can see segments. But this is not enough to adapt the organization. After all, there are competitors and suppliers. For example, if you have chosen the segment of the most inexpensive shoes for yourself (i.e., you have gathered or are already offering inexpensive shoes to the market), then there is probably a competitor in your segment, or maybe none. A competitor who also offers inexpensive shoes to the same customers as you. How does your organization compare to competitors in your segment?

To do this, it is necessary to study the buyer segment in more detail. Perhaps they are not satisfied with the design or reliability? As for suppliers, there are also many nuances to consider. After all, basically the basis of difference from competitors lies in the product - and your supplier, as we know, can very easily be found by your competitor and then again you will not be any different and buyers may not pay attention to your brand, unless, of course, you have an exclusive .

It is not necessary to enter one segment; there are many companies whose product line contains both expensive and cheap items. And it is market analysis that allows you to determine what place an organization should occupy in the market and how it should differ in order to ensure a prosperous future. Having identified the segment, the requirements of buyers in this segment, the offerings of competitors and the availability of various suppliers of products suitable for this type of buyer, marketing tools can be considered.

Let me remind you that we now consider marketing as a theory. More on the organization a little later.

Knowing the group of people who will buy products from you with certain characteristics (by the way, the better you know the buyer, the more likely you are to find the difference between your company). And also, knowing the competitors of other segments and your segment, suppliers and possibly intermediaries. It is necessary to understand how it can take its place in the market.

There are 5 marketing tools for this. These tools are the result of the preparatory work of the organization's marketing.

  • Products
  • Service
  • Promotion
  • Sales channels
  • It is for the selected market segment, taking into account competitive offers and suppliers, that marketing prepares: products, services, prices, advertising, points and methods of sales. These 5 tools are called the marketing mix. Mix, then, by managing, selecting, changing, replacing with these tools, your organization adapts to the conditions of the segment, while differing from its competitors.

    Global manufacturers are making the most of this. They not only take into account competitors, suppliers and customers, but also technological progress, thereby offering something that we could not even think about. It is a detailed and painstaking analysis of consumers that can provide information about them, prepare a new product, and create demand for a completely unique, new product.

    We can imagine how much time and effort is required to prepare a new assortment, make purchases and organize a warehouse, determine future costs and set prices, train sellers and establish service, develop advertising campaigns and printed materials. And in order to prepare a marketing policy (advertising policy, pricing, product policy, sales policy), it is necessary to conduct an extensive market analysis and then prepare a marketing strategy.

    Can your marketer or marketing department do all this? And this is exactly what should be done, because this is how marketing works 100%. Sales can't work without promotion, promotion can't work without pricing, pricing can't work without sales. Everything is interconnected. Imagine that you are selling premium bags. The pricing specialist has set the price too low, the advertiser is promoting bags for schoolgirls, and the logistics buyer is purchasing plastic bags.

    Yes, this is a primitive example, but it clearly shows what happens when marketing management is missing.

    How does marketing work?

  • Developing a vision.
  • Market analysis.
  • Setting goals.
  • Positioning of products, companies.
  • Development of product policy (service is included here).
  • Development pricing policy.
  • Development of sales policy.
  • Development of advertising policy.
  • Preparation of the budget and payback period of the plan.
  • This is a strategic marketing plan. In simple words, we answer the following questions:

  • Where do we go?
  • Where will we go?
  • How do we get there?
  • And now we can be convinced that one person cannot cope with this work. So who prepares this plan and how?

    Your organization should have people responsible for:

  • Marketing planning
  • Market Research
  • Logistics/purchasing and/or product development
  • Pricing
  • Sales and service
  • Advertising
  • Budgeting
  • Depending on the size of the company, the marketing structure will be different. If the company is small, then one person may be responsible for several areas of activity. In large companies, there may be several people, for example in advertising, as the volume of work increases.

    What you need to do is hire a marketing planning manager (in large companies, this could be the CEO of the company itself, or the director of the marketing department). If you yourself, regardless of the size of the company, find it difficult to plan marketing on your own, then the ideal option is to hire a manager or director. By the way, in Russia a marketer is a commercial director.

    Don't rush to hire all the other marketing staff, try to find a planning manager with experience. This is important. And remember, such a person must have broad official powers - this is your right hand and more than a deputy. Further, with this person, you will definitely be able to determine the required amount of work and the marketing structure. In an average business, ideal marketing looks like this:

  • Marketing Director - responsible for planning and execution.
  • Marketing Research Specialist - responsible for market research.
  • Advertising Manager - responsible for promotion.
  • Director of Logistics and/or Production - responsible for purchasing, warehouse logistics, and production.
  • Pricing specialist (economist) - responsible for pricing.
  • Budgeting specialist (economist or financier) - responsible for finances.
  • Sales management manager (head of the sales department, director of the sales department) - is responsible for sales planning, customer service, and training of salespeople.
  • This is exactly what will be highly organized marketing, because, look: you have a person responsible for promotion, a person responsible for sales and service, a person responsible for prices, a person responsible for the range and production of products, a person responsible for market research for that would correctly direct the work of all these people in the right direction and the person who monitors and controls all this.

    With this structure in place, your marketing planner can now move on to developing a strategic plan. The strategic plan is prepared for 1, 3, 5, 7 or more years, but we know what planning is in Russia, so the most best option- This is the preparation of a strategic plan every year.

    Where it all begins.

    And this good question). Because it all starts with developing a vision, which no one knows how to do today. Yes, yes. Have you ever heard of a mission? Nobody believes in it, and no one wants to do it. I won’t convince you of this, but there will definitely be a digest. If the hired marketing planning manager also doubts his ability to prepare a vision, then skip this moment. Negative aspects lack of vision - also in the new digest.

    Next, the marketing research specialist must conduct a full-scale marketing research, both in-house and with the help of third-party companies. Next, the planning manager prepares the marketing strategy (segmentation and positioning). After which, goals in the area of ​​target sales volumes are formulated by the planning manager and all policies are prepared together with a specialist in advertising, logistics, production, sales (what products are needed to achieve the target sales volumes, what prices to form, what to train sellers, how many retail outlets discover how much to produce, how to advertise a new product or service). Then, the budget specialist must determine how much money is needed and when to implement the plan.

    After agreeing on the plan, it is implemented within a year and a new one is prepared in the new year. This is a complete and ongoing cycle of analysis, planning, implementation. Despite the fact that no article will show all the importance and all the specific work of marketing, I still decided to write why marketing does not work in many companies. This introduced you to marketing integration very briefly, but in reality everything is much more complex. But, all the same, I hope that I helped someone and showed them in what direction they need to move.

    If you have any questions, you can contact me by email, I am always happy to provide professional advice. I promise an individual approach.

    Receive the most to your email:

    The main task of the marketing service is to determine the company’s place in the market and find opportunities to take the most advantageous position in relation to competitors. This unit acts as a buffer between external environment-- the market and internal environment -- the company. The result of the work of marketers is an increase in sales, which is considered the main indicator when assessing the work of the marketing department.

    In order for the marketing department to successfully implement its tasks, it is necessary to determine its place and powers in the existing organizational structure. The most effective structure is one in which the marketing department coordinates the work of the sales and advertising departments. In this case, marketers set tasks for advertisers and determine the direction of their activities, and with their activities they help sales managers sell goods (services).

    Let's take a closer look at the main functions that the marketing department in an enterprise should perform.

    1. Planning of marketing activities.

    When drawing up a marketing plan, the company's development strategy is first formulated. As part of this strategy, the marketing department is given the main task (for example, entering the regions). The time frame within which the company needs to implement it, as well as the amount of financing, are determined. After this, the marketing department breaks down the main task into smaller ones, develops measures for their implementation and draws up a general plan, which must be approved by the head of the company. The usual planning period is a year. Then quarterly plans are outlined in more detail, and marketers promptly prepare each marketing event within the framework of approved plans and budgets.

    The overall marketing plan and the description of each departmental task should indicate the expected outcome of future activities. For example, if the goal is to increase sales, it must be determined what volume of sales in monetary terms is planned to be achieved as a result of the marketing campaign.

    2. Market research

    In order to see your opportunities in the market, you need to have an idea of ​​its main components. The market can be studied in two ways: collecting and analyzing information about customers and researching competitors.

    Collection and analysis of information about clients. The most effective way to study the consumer is through the joint efforts of the marketing and sales departments. The burden of collecting information falls on sales managers. For example, marketers develop questionnaires, and sales managers use them to collect information throughout their work with clients. Based on the questionnaires, the marketing department then adjusts both the company’s actions in the market and work with clients within the company.

    Collection and analysis of information about competitors. In addition to the marketing department, this task is carried out by the sales department, the security service, and sometimes other departments are also involved (depending on the specifics of the business). The task of the marketing department is not so much to collect data about competitors as to organize the flow of information. Relevant information can be found both on the market and within the company (for example, divisions that can provide necessary information). The marketing department should be able (after agreement with management) to set goals for other departments of the company and motivate the employees involved.

    As for external information, our marketing department regularly reviews printed publications, websites of companies operating in our market segment, and visits competitors. If something noticeable happens to someone, then marketers definitely take it into account and sometimes use it in their work. Competitors' prices are monitored continuously. Price information is provided by the sales department; marketers analyze it and issue a weekly report in the form of charts and graphs in a specially developed program.

    3. Pricing.

    The marketing department must participate in the formation of pricing policy. Close interaction between the financial service and marketers is very important here. Economists offer a price based on cost, and marketers - taking into account market prices, the competitor’s pricing policy and the chosen company concept. The task of the marketing department is to find a price at which competitors will not be able to force the company out of the market and at the same time the customer’s perception of the quality of the product will not change for the worse.

    4. Positioning.

    Positioning of a company (product) is carried out based on a compiled portrait of the consumer and analysis of competitors. The task of the marketing department is to develop a set of measures thanks to which the company (product) will take its own place in the market, different from its competitors and advantageous for itself. Marketers must find, see (or come up with) a unique feature of a company (product). The marketing department needs to clearly understand how its company differs from other market players, which will force the client to choose it. Thus, with the same prices for the same product, the decisive role will be played by service or payment terms (for example, deferred payment).

    5. Assortment policy.

    The product range is formed depending on the needs of the market, the financial condition of the enterprise and its strategic goals. The task of the marketing department is to identify (as a result of customer differentiation) which products and in what period of time are in greatest demand.

    6. Development of new ideas.

    The marketing department, which studies market trends and understands its needs, should be a generator of ideas that help develop new products. The task of marketers is to convey to the company what qualities the created product should have. Together with the technology department, sales, development departments, etc., marketers need to hold round tables on new products. Long before a product appears, marketers need to develop its design (for example, packaging), a distribution system, and think through an advertising campaign.

    7. Increase in sales level.

    To increase sales, the marketing department must:

    • - organize and manage advertising activities;
    • - carry out activities to promote goods;
    • - maintain customer loyalty.

    Organization and management of advertising activities. Sometimes the marketing department and the advertising department are different departments with different heads. Sometimes this is one department, and its employees are divided into advertisers and marketers; this division may not exist - much depends on the specifics of the business and the size of the company. In any case, advertising without marketing does not work. The task of the marketing department is to set a goal and set the direction of advertising activities.

    After an advertising campaign has been carried out, the marketing department needs to analyze it. The analysis can be provided by the advertising department, or marketers can do it themselves, but in any case, the report on advertising activity must go through the marketing department.

    Product promotion activities. Promotion can include everything that is not included in advertising, but helps promote the company (product) on the market and, ultimately, increase sales. This includes the so-called BTL technologies. . There is a legend about the origin of the term BTL (from English, below the line). Around the middle of the last century, one of the leaders large company compiled an estimate of upcoming marketing expenses. Having included standard elements in it (advertising in the press, on television and radio, the development of new packaging, etc.), he calculated the costs, drew a line and suddenly remembered that he had not taken into account the distribution of free samples of goods and the costs of organizing a city festival, on in which people will try the products produced by his company. I had to add these numbers below, that is, below the line. Since then, traditional or direct advertising began to be called ATL (from English, above the line - above the line), and other methods of sales promotion - BTL.

    Promotion methods also include organizing seminars, conferences, round tables, marketing campaigns, organizing and holding exhibitions, sales, etc.

    The task of marketers is to choose the tool that is most suitable for of this business, and determine how it can be used to implement the task. The basis of the department’s work is the search for interesting (sometimes unconventional) moves that allow not only to increase sales, but also to establish itself as a company that is not like others.

    Supporting customer loyalty. The task of the marketing service is not only to attract a client, but also to retain him: no matter how effective advertising and promotion are, they are meaningless without organizing work with clients. To achieve this, the marketing department develops loyalty programs. A loyal client is a client who recommends your company to his friends and acquaintances, and, if necessary, contacts you again.

    Organizing work in this area (customer retention) also requires training the company’s personnel and creating an environment within the enterprise that is as client-oriented as possible. Marketers must work with all services that come into contact with customers. First of all, this is the sales department; service department (technical support), delivery service.

    In our company, the marketing department evaluates the work of all client departments on a five-point scale. Competence, efficiency of service, politeness, appearance, punctuality of employees. If the score is lower than “five,” the marketing service contacts the appropriate department and finds out the reasons for the deterioration in the quality of work.

    8. Analysis of marketing activities.

    A marketing event can be considered completed when the marketing department submits a report on its implementation. This document should contain the results (how many new customers were attracted, how much sales volume increased, how much income increased), as well as the tools with which the results were achieved (advertising campaigns, promotions, other marketing activities). For long-term events General Director It is advisable to receive interim reports showing the dynamics of development. If order growth is falling or slowing, the marketing department must determine at what point the company is losing customers: for example, the number of initial calls has decreased or the number of repeat calls to order a product has decreased. If, for example, the number of orders decreases, the marketing department should analyze the work with customers within the company. This could be due to a shortage of managers or staff not being qualified enough to handle a higher-than-usual volume of calls.

    Typically, the performance of a marketing department is measured by the number of customer inquiries, the number of repeat orders for orders, and ultimately the amount of revenue generated as a result of increased sales. Depending on the specifics of the business, other indicators may be key. In each case, it is necessary to evaluate the extent to which the marketing plan and the tasks set in it have been completed. To evaluate the activities of the marketing department, you need a marketing plan, which was discussed at the beginning of the chapter.

    In today's world, it is difficult to imagine even a medium-sized company without a marketing department or at least one or two specialists in this field. Market realities do not allow us to do without integrated approach to the process of creating a product or service and its further distribution. In the variety of brands and brands, it is very difficult to find a place for your product on a store shelf. Without knowledge and practical skills in this area, it will be very difficult to continue your activities.

    Market activity

    Marketing is considered to be any activity of a company or firm with the aim of creating products and their further sale. The main tasks can be considered the collection and analysis of the necessary information to draw up a portrait of the target audience, search for USP, study the commitment and expectations of potential buyers. In addition, marketing helps to understand what place the company occupies among other companies in the industry.

    Market activity begins with product development and ends only after a person has purchased a product or service, tried it and was able to form an opinion. If the final product does not meet customer expectations in some way, the task of specialists is to understand the reason and find ways to eliminate it.

    To answer the question of what the marketing department does, you need to define its functions. The tasks that specialists solve can be both tactical and strategic, the correct formulation of which can affect the achievement or failure to achieve the set goals. Any one must have a result that can be assessed in units of measurement (company profit, quantity of goods sold, percentage growth of customers, etc.).

    Operating principles

    To organize a competent functioning process, several rules must be followed.

    First, the structure of the marketing department should be simple. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary links from it that affect the speed of finding the necessary solutions.

    Secondly, each employee must be responsible for a limited number of functions. It is absolutely forbidden for a large number of people to be responsible for the same area of ​​work. This will complicate and prolong the process of solving the assigned tasks.

    Third, all employees must be flexible and adaptable. In rapidly changing market conditions, the main success factor will be the ability to quickly find new ways to solve problems than a competitor can do.

    The specifics of organizing the work of the marketing department also depend on the type of activity of the company, production volumes, number of employees, the presence of subsidiaries and branches, industry focus, the presence of competitors and their number, distance from end consumers and points of sale.

    Structural device

    The number of specialists working in one marketing department may vary. It depends on the size of the company and its goals. As mentioned above, each marketer must focus on his own area of ​​market activity. Some will research competitors, some will draw up a portrait of the buyer, some will look for new ways and means of selling finished products.

    Many modern companies sell their goods not only offline, that is, through physical stores, but also online. The methods for promoting services through these channels differ significantly, so it is advisable to entrust these tasks to different specialists. In addition, marketers are required who are responsible for current projects and SEO promotion of the company itself on the Internet.

    The marketing department also includes logisticians, designers, content editors, copywriters, photographers, and videographers. It is often necessary to supplement the existing team with promoters and workers for one-time projects. Each of these specialists has a number of unique tasks that ultimately make up a full-scale marketing activity. In most cases, departments have either a boss or a general manager who controls the work process and directs it in the right direction.

    Functions of the Marketing Department

    To achieve all of the company's goals, it needs clear tactics and strategy. The person responsible for this type of work is the marketing manager, or marketer. The positive dynamics depend on his professional efforts. This could be an increase in sales or awareness, conquering new target groups, entering a new market segment, or the success of a promotion to launch a new product or service.

    The responsibilities of marketers, or marketing managers, include the following activities:

    • Analysis of the market situation and future trends.
    • Analysis of the behavior of potential buyers and consumers.
    • Defining the target market.
    • Identification of competitive advantages.
    • Drawing up programs to introduce benefits into the company’s activities.
    • Development of strategy and tactics for product promotion.
    • Tactical management of the company's product line.
    • Increasing customer loyalty.
    • Analysis, control and calculation of the results of the work carried out.

    Studying market needs and trends

    A marketing manager should begin his activities with a complete analysis of the market: from its trends and competitors to the expectations of buyers and intermediaries (for a B2B company). Often, specialized analytical and statistical agencies are involved for higher-quality research. Small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets generally do not need this.

    Upon completion of marketing research, the specialist draws up relevant reports and draws conclusions regarding a particular strategy for the development and promotion of the product. If he receives third-party data, he will still have to adapt the information received taking into account his goals and objectives.

    After a full and thorough study of market niches and segments, assessing the attractiveness of each segment and the potential viability of the company in the chosen category, the marketer can determine the prospects for business development and the direction in which to move.

    Studying the target audience

    A marketing manager must have the necessary knowledge to identify the desires and expectations of the end consumer. It is they who will ultimately help create a product that is in demand on the market, correctly determine its price and methods of distribution.

    This complex chain of processes begins with a detailed analysis of the potential buyer. Marketers conduct surveys, work with representative groups, and collect research conducted before them. Based on this data, it is already possible to determine the needs and prejudices of the audience. A marketing manager must not only know everything positive aspects, which customers would like to find in the proposed product, but also all their concerns regarding it.

    The main task of a product is to solve a specific problem for the buyer. At the same time, it must meet his expectations. There are also certain motivational incentives behind the act of purchasing. The marketer’s task is to identify them, then the consumer will buy the product more often and with greater willingness. For example, cellulite cream can be sold on the basis that being attractive and slim will help women maintain family relationships or simply attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    The mood of the audience can change due to various external reasons (the appearance of cheaper competitive analogues, cooling of interest, etc.), so the marketer must always monitor the behavior and attitude of buyers towards the product in order to determine the moment when the product or service needs to be modified.

    Target Market Selection

    There are two ways to develop a product or service:

    1. Conduct research on the target audience and identify their expectations, on the basis of which the product is subsequently created.
    2. Conduct an analysis of the company’s technical and resource capabilities and create a product based on them, and then look for the audience that will be interested in the existing product.

    A thorough market study allows marketers to identify the most promising group of buyers that will bring maximum profit and be loyal. It also helps determine the target market and segment in which the company would benefit most from being present. Knowing consumer preferences helps identify the weaknesses of competitors and the shortcomings of their products.

    Creating a Competitive Advantage

    An attractive appearance can be considered one of the keys to the success of a product. The task of marketers in this case is to give the product the necessary external characteristics and distinguish it from a number of similar products. In addition to this, you can create a unique selling proposition (USP), which will make the product even more attractive in the eyes of potential buyers.

    The competitiveness of a product is considered one of its key characteristics. If the functionality of two products, for example, pots, is the same, the client will choose the one that he liked best or that suited the price. For some categories of goods, price is no longer a determining factor (essential goods, luxury products). In this case, everything depends only on appearance and the availability of additional services that come with the product. Knowing the weaknesses of a competitor's products allows you to take a more advantageous position in the market.

    Development of a long-term strategy

    Without the participation of the marketing department at the enterprise, long-term planning is impossible. Firstly, its employees are familiar with all market trends and customer expectations. Secondly, they will quickly find a profitable segment to place the product. Thirdly, they will not only be able to develop a strategy aimed at emphasizing the strengths of the advertised product, but will also take into account potential hazards, reduce the risks of losses and develop a plan for marketing research and activities that will help you achieve your goals faster.

    Company product management

    The marketing department manager always knows the product in every detail. He will be able to highlight strengths and hide the less attractive ones. In addition, the marketing manager will always be able to talk about the product and stimulate both the buyer’s interest and motivate him to take the final action.

    Skillful product management is as important as developing a competent strategy and media plan for an advertising campaign. Without understanding consumer expectations for a specific product, it will be impossible to correctly determine the price, size, and number of units in a package.

    Forming relationships with clients

    Since the marketing and advertising department is responsible for growing the customer base and establishing feedback with consumers, their responsibilities also include the development and implementation of measures to attract more attention to a product, service or organization. Specialists must attract new ones, maintain relationships with existing ones and try to win back lost clients.

    In the realities of the modern market, expanding the customer base and establishing relationships with them becomes the key task of marketers. This is primarily due to the simplification of other processes thanks to the Internet. In addition, it has been proven that loyal customers can provide more stable income in the long term.

    Control and analysis

    Typically, the chief marketing officer sets short-term and long-term goals for the entire team. In the future, he also has to control the process of achieving them. He will need to develop “corrective measures” if any of the assigned tasks cannot be successfully implemented. Management and control of resources is also included in the list of his direct responsibilities.

    From idea to sale

    The marketer himself is both a manager and a coordinator, and often a performer. The future fate of not only one product taken, but also the entire organization as a whole depends on his knowledge and actions. When answering the question of what the marketing department does, it is important to remember its multifunctionality. He not only manages existing products and services and conducts research, but also develops and implements new ones, helping the company move forward, increasing client base and annual turnover. Therefore, having a competent marketer turns out to be important for maintaining the life of the company in the long term.

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