What is dpf on a diesel engine. Particulate filter on a diesel engine. How does a particulate filter work?

In this article we will talk about what a diesel particulate filter is. And what to do if it gets clogged.

Concern for the environment, which has actively developed over the past few decades, has become a real challenge for automotive engineers.

Every year, standards for emissions of harmful substances are becoming stricter, which means that we need to come up with new cleaning methods. exhaust gases.

Let's look at the particulate filter, what it is, whether it is possible to do without it and what to do if it becomes unusable.

The first serial attempts to install a diesel particulate filter date back to the early 2000s, and already a decade later, in 2011, these devices became mandatory for all cars with a diesel engine.

Thanks for the appearance of the particulate filter included in the system, we need environmental standards Euro 4 and Euro 5.

The function that this filter performs is clear from its name and without unnecessary explanation - it must remove from the exhaust gases the smallest particles of soot formed as a result of incomplete combustion diesel fuel.

The filter is located as close as possible to the exhaust manifold, where the temperature of the gases is still quite high, which helps to burn out harmful substances directly in it.

Sometimes a particulate filter is structurally combined with a catalytic converter.

The design of our today's hero is quite simple. Inside the device there is a special matrix made of silicon carbide and having a cellular structure.

This structure allows you to trap small particles. In addition, it also contains various sensors that are connected to the engine control unit.

They're in right moment They signal to the computer that the filter is already clogged and it’s time to take measures to clean it or so-called regeneration.

There are no problems with the second; regeneration, as a rule, occurs in automatic mode, but owners of cars with simpler and cheaper components can expect the particulate filter to be washed by specialists at a service station.

The older the filter, the more often it requires one of these procedures, and sooner or later the question of replacing it arises. And then the owners diesel cars, which can boast of compliance with Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards, an unpleasant surprise awaits, and more on that later...

Replace or remove?

Why is replacing the particulate filter so unpleasant? The main problem with this procedure is the impressive price of a new unit, sometimes reaching 1000 euros or more.


It’s clear that not many car owners want to spend that kind of money on a device that is essentially a whim of environmentalists. What to do? Is it possible to remove the particulate filter completely?

Yes, you can do this, but you need to remember:

When removing of this device the car will begin to comply only with Euro 3 standards.

In our country, this fact is acceptable, but if you suddenly want to travel in your car to Europe, then, when checked, you may be forced to immediately go to a local car service to install a filter.


How the particulate filter is removed, because in reality, this process also has its own nuances.

Unfortunately, simply removing it from the exhaust system will not work. The fact is that it is programmatically linked to the car’s computer, and the system, upon detecting the absence of this device, can even block the engine.

Therefore, craftsmen have come up with several options for how to easily remove the particulate filter on a diesel engine. The methods are:

  • upgrading the firmware of the engine electronic control unit - using a special programmer, an updated version of the software is uploaded into the “brains” of the car, which does not contain a filter as such. The problem with this method is that introducing it into the car’s programs can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, so if you decide to carry out this particular procedure, find out from other car owners with the same car about the quality of work in a particular service station;
  • installation of a particulate filter decoy - essentially, in this case, a new small unit will appear in the car, connected to its electronics and simulating all filter signals. This option is more preferable than the previous one, since no harmful interventions occur in the car’s electronics.

The question is quite logical: removing the particulate filter, what are the consequences of this procedure on a diesel engine? You will get something like this:

  • due to the reduction of obstacles in the exhaust system for gases, engine power will increase slightly;
  • savings on exhaust system maintenance;
  • no annoying errors in on-board computer from the filter.

So, dear colleagues, we have looked at the nuances that a diesel particulate filter provides.

Until new publications and meetings on the blog pages!


Consequences of improper functioning of diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration on a Nissan Qashqai

This article will be a logical continuation of the conversation about malfunctions associated with the “sazhevik” (colloquial).

The full and correct name of this device is: diesel particulate filter (abbreviated DPF) -( filter for cleaning from solid macroparticles in diesel exhaust gases); or " diesel filter particulates", or "diesel particulate filter", or "diesel particulate filter".

“What is a particulate filter, and what is it for?”

I will not repeat myself and therefore refer the reader to my article published on the Legion-Avtodata website:
« Particulate filter » ,

Clients sometimes ask, are there cars without soot? The question is logical, because the cost of replacing a particulate filter with a new one is high, several hundred dollars. Yes, there are such cars without a particulate filter. And I can’t give any hope: the vast majority of diesel cars are and will be produced with a particulate filter. It won’t be better, customers will have to take this as a “given” and get used to the fact that in order to operate such cars they will have to read and follow the included instructions( below in the text ). If you follow it, the car will serve “happily ever after” - within the limits allocated to it by the Manufacturer.

However, drivers who have a car with a soot, live in big cities and use their car in the “left for work - traffic jam - traffic jam - traffic jam - arrived” mode must keep in mind that such operating conditions are not provided for by the car manufacturer. Of course, on-board electronics free a person from worries as much as possible, and the necessary procedure called “regeneration” occurs automatically. But regeneration requires certain conditions. And constant trips in the “traffic jam - traffic jam - traffic jam” mode lead to conditions where regeneration is poor or even interrupted.

This is exactly the car that came to us for diagnostics and repairs. First we heard a sound, it was getting closer and closer, and then the car itself appeared from around the bend. A completely new and modern car, Nissan Qashqai (Nissan Qashqai).

“It’s better to turn it off,” we asked the client, because the sound of the running engine was too scary. A tank or tractor engine can work this way, but not an engine passenger car. And here is the car in the box: recent years release, according to appearance not “killed” at all. But what a sound! What is the reason for this sound?

Before you do anything, you need to comprehend the situation. What kind of motor? Viewed:

How was the machine used? They asked. Everything is standard, everything is usual, there are no starting points:
“Everything happened suddenly, the car was used as standard - parents and elderly people drove. The soot light came on several times, they drove out onto the highway, drove the car with high speed and the light went out. And at some point it caught fire and never went out.”

“Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Malfunction Indicator Light

This warning lamp lights up after turning the ignition key to the ON position. After the engine starts, the warning light should go out. This indicates that the system is working properly.

If the DPF fault lamp comes on while the engine is running, this means that the amount of soot accumulated in the filter has reached a certain limit. If this happens, then as soon as possible, start driving at a speed of approximately 80 km/h until the control lamp goes out. In doing so, the legal speed limits must be observed. The soot particles accumulated in the DPF filter cannot be burned off when driving at lower speeds. Once the soot particles have been completely burned, the DPF malfunction indicator lamp will go out.”

Well, we continue to study the malfunction: “What are our errors?” Now the electronics are so advanced that the engine is just about to sneeze, and the diagnostic system is ready to throw out a fault code. What's here?

Yes, it’s clear. Even some thoughts appeared. Well, it’s not worth asking the client about seedlings and regeneration; most people don’t delve into all these subtleties and only come to their senses when the “rooster bites.”

We will remember:

· In the phase of exhaust gas release from the engine cylinder, an additional portion of diesel fuel is injected into the cylinders, which no longer takes part in pushing the piston - part of this fuel manages to leak past piston rings into the engine sump

· Owners of cars with a particulate filter living in megacities, with constant traffic congestion, are rarely able to provide their car with such a condition, as a result of which regeneration can start much less frequently than necessary; It should also be taken into account that under no circumstances should you interrupt the regeneration process by turning off the engine

· Interrupted regenerations lead to accelerated overfilling of the particulate filter; it is already clogged so seriously that the regeneration process is not able to completely clean the particulate filter,-

The key words here are: “an additional portion of diesel fuel is injected into the cylinders, which no longer takes part in pushing the piston - part of this fuel manages to leak past the piston rings into the engine sump.”

Well, let's see what's in the sump of this engine? And you'll excuse me for having to show something so dirty, but that's our job - it's an ordinary rag onto which they've dropped what's left on the dipstick:

Yes, it is clear that we are not a laboratory and did not send “this” there for analysis, but even without sniffing much, it became clear that there was “naked diesel fuel” in the pan.

And now it’s simple and accessible: “Due to violation of regeneration conditions, a lot of motor fuel and the engine actually ran on diesel fuel".

You can listen to how he worked and the sound of his work on the audio recording:

But this is already the work of the motor after it has been done complete replacement oil, and that “tractor” sound that I spoke about earlier was much stronger and louder.

Clients ask: “How often should regeneration occur? How to understand whether it is happening correctly or not?

Here you can say this: “if regeneration occurs in normal mode, and this is 2-3 times during the replacement period motor oil, then that's normal. And the amount of diesel fuel that gets into the pan is small, non-critical and taken into account by the Manufacturer. But when regeneration begins every 100-300 kilometers due to a clogged particulate filter, diesel fuel gets into the oil often and then the amount of motor fuel in the sump increases significantly. An example is this car. Regeneration on it occurred so often that the amount of diesel fuel exceeded all reasonable limits - the motor “knocked” (the sound of this motor:http://yadi.sk/d/XdQCL8w0BywuP ). This is what long-term operation with a faulty particulate filter leads to.”

The struggle for clean car emissions is in earnest, it is understandable that there are more and more cars and they pollute our atmosphere more and more. Therefore, various devices are being developed that are designed to reduce harmful substances in the exhaust. U gasoline engine This . But a diesel engine has a completely different structure, and the exhaust needs to be cleaned differently, because there is a lot of soot, so a particulate filter was created. I want to talk about him in detail in this article...

The principle of fuel ignition in a diesel engine is very different from a gasoline engine; there are no spark plugs (in the same sense as gasoline), and the fuel ignites due to high pressure and rapid heating. Therefore, it is clear that another filter must clean the exhaust gases from such a cycle. But first, a definition.


- a device that cleans exhaust diesel engine from soot emissions into the atmosphere. When used, the amount of soot is reduced by 80 - 90%.

Such devices have been used since 2001, at first they were installed on heavy trucks. However, since 2009, the EURO5 standard was introduced and the use of this filter became mandatory on all cars using diesel fuel.

How it works

The main task is to capture soot from the vehicle exhaust. In fact, it is also the part of the muffler that cleans the exhaust. Only this is not a catalyst at all, it fights soot, and not exhaust harmful gases.

The work consists of two stages:

1) – as it becomes clear, at this stage soot particles are captured. The inside of the filter looks like a cellular material, on the walls of which particles settle. However, it should be noted that they are very small and cannot be captured - their size can be only 0.1 - 0.5 microns, but they constitute only 5 - 10% in the exhaust. After capture, the filter gradually begins to clog, which leads to a decrease in engine power. Therefore, from time to time it needs to be cleaned or regenerated.

2) Regeneration — this process is quite complex, and each manufacturer implements it differently. However, it has only one effect: cleaning the cells from soot. Now a little more detail.

"Soot" and catalyst

Many people have probably now begun to wonder: why is it that the soot is captured, but the exhaust gases are not, because there is no catalyst? This is not entirely true. Some companies (for example Volkswagen) are developing combined options. Both cleanses are combined in one device.

The point here is this: - inside, as usual, there are cells with small cross-section channels (made from silicon carbide), they fight against “particles”. But the sidewalls of the cell body are made of catalytic material (usually titanium), which promotes the combustion and oxidation of harmful carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide.

Thus, two filters are combined in one device.

Passive regeneration

I told you about the combination for a reason. WE already understood that sooner or later regeneration is needed, and it is the catalyst that contributes to this process.

The thing is that the neutralizer is capable of heating the particulate filter to high temperatures, about 300 - 500 degrees. In this case, soot particles oxidize and burn.

If we describe the process chemically, we get:

— Nitrogen compounds react with oxygen in the catalyst - nitrogen dioxide is formed

— Nitrogen dioxide reacts with soot to form nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide

— Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide react with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide.

Thus, the particulate filter is cleared of soot. Here's a small diagram.

However, if you do not drive enough, frequent short trips, then the particles may not burn, they simply do not have enough temperature. Then the car may require forced regeneration - there is a special function on diesel engines.

This procedure occurs when high speed and the filter heats up to 600 - 650 degrees Celsius. Everything goes through it chemical reactions, which I described above, and the cells are cleared.

The system is fully automatic and does not require human presence. The car reads information from sensors (air, exhaust gas temperature before the filter, after the filter and, most importantly, the pressure of the particulate filter). When (during cleaning) the pressure is restored, the system automatically ends - this indicates that regeneration is complete.

Particulate filter without catalyst and automatic regeneration

There are other types, they do not have a catalyst in their structure. If you notice exactly, then you can say that it is there, but it is installed in front of the “soot” and does not come into contact with it in any way (two individual element). These types are used by manufacturers of the Peuqeot - Citroen concerns, as well as FORD, TOYOTA and some others.

Here the cleaning is done completely differently. Every few hundred kilometers, the car automatically injects a special additive into the fuel (usually it is based on a substance such as Cerium).

When the filter is filled with soot, the diesel injection system pumps this additive into the cylinders. Moreover, during the exhaust, a very high temperature of approximately + 650, +750 degrees is created inside the filter. The soot itself is heating up.

Cerium does not disintegrate in the fuel, it is delivered with gases to the filter, after it hits the hot “mesh” element, it begins to burn, raising the temperature to 900 - 1000 degrees. The soot oxidizes and burns. At this temperature, the filter is regenerated, that is, it is cleaned. The exhaust system materials are strong enough, so destruction of the exhaust tract does not occur.

Watch the educational video, everything is spelled out there.

The fuel additive is stored in a separate container, and it lasts quite a long time, as manufacturers assure it should be enough for 90 - 100,000 kilometers, however, if you use a low-quality diesel engine, the mileage can be significantly reduced.

A particulate filter is another device that is designed to make our air cleaner for the sake of the environment. If you remove it, the car will work a little better - because there are no obstacles in the exhaust tract.

In European countries they are considered one of the most popular. But in diesel internal combustion engines, as in gasoline ones, the fuel does not burn completely. As a result, various toxic gases are formed in the exhaust gases. In addition, they also contain soot, because hydrocarbons do not burn completely. In Europe, in the 2000s, environmental activists developed a standard for the level of harmful emissions into the environment. Car manufacturers, in order for their products to comply with these standards, began to install particulate filters on diesel engines. Those who drive diesel engines need to know what it is and how it works. Today we will try to answer all these questions.

Main functions

In order to better understand the purpose of these devices, it is necessary to touch upon the topic of exhaust gases. Car exhaust contains a lot of particularly toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Thus, carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, aldehydes, sulfur oxides, and tetraethyl lead have a very harmful effect on the environment. In addition, the exhaust gases of a diesel vehicle, in particular heavy-duty trucks, contain large amounts of soot.

In order to reduce the concentration of this component, the design modern car mobile A diesel particulate filter has been introduced. What is this detail? This is something similar to a catalyst in a gasoline engine.

What does the element look like?

So, this device is designed to neutralize soot - a product formed during the combustion of diesel fuel. There are two types - closed (DPF) and closed with the possibility of regeneration (FAP).

For all their simplicity, in fact, these auto parts for foreign cars have a rather complex structure. Regardless of the design, the filter is a metal cylinder. There are pipes on it - inlet and outlet. The output is connected to the exhaust gas purification system.

The main element of the filter is a special matrix, which is made of silicon carbide.

It is enclosed in a metal cylinder. The structure of this matrix is ​​cellular. As for the cross-section of the cells, this cross-section is often square. But cells with an octagonal shape are more effective.

In addition, the diesel filter has several sensors in its design. This is a sensor that records the pressure difference, and an inlet and outlet temperature sensor.

Operating principle

The size of one soot particle is approximately 0.05 microns. By chemical composition this product is nothing more than ordinary carbon. It is very difficult to retain these particles using conventional means due to the size of the element. To capture soot, it is necessary to use the principle of diffusion. To understand what a typical diesel particulate filter is and what kind of device it is, you need to look inside it.

So, the filter inside is a ceramic matrix. This is a whole series of tubes, while the ends of the neighboring ones are closed. The exhaust gases come inside this matrix from the engine side, however, when the gases enter the tubes, they simply cannot move further. Then, through the walls of the tubes, they enter adjacent open cavities and can then exit the matrix. During the diffusion process, even the smallest particles remain inside the filter, which means it fulfills its task.

Where is the particulate filter located?

Finding this part will not be difficult. The filter is often installed in the exhaust system of a car.

Due to the design features, the part can be found between the muffler and the catalyst. In some cases, the device may be combined with the catalyst and located directly behind the exhaust manifold. There the maximum temperature of the gases, and such a filter has a catalytic coating.

Operating techniques

To effectively use a diesel engine, the price of which is quite high (about 900 euros), it is necessary to operate the car correctly. The thing is that in the process of cleaning exhaust gases, the cells and tubes become clogged with soot. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the diesel engine.

The throughput of the filter decreases and the resistance to the exit of exhaust gases increases. Many manufacturers, in order to increase the service life of this stock without the need frequent replacement, applied a special filter operation algorithm when the filling level is controlled. If the filter is so full that engine power is lost, filter regeneration is triggered.

Reasons for decreased efficiency

There are several reasons why filters become clogged. The main reason is quality. When refueling a car with low-quality fuel, a large amount of soot is formed - the filter quickly becomes clogged, which reduces its service life.

Another reason is insufficient temperature. So, the soot does not burn completely.

The whole point is what a diesel particulate filter is. What is this? It not only traps particles, but also maintains the temperature to burn them. However, it should be said that this happens when the heating of the exhaust gases is high and is no less than 600 degrees Celsius. At lower values, the soot will not burn.

There are also several reasons for the decrease in gas temperature. These are traffic patterns, traffic jams, disruption of the fuel combustion process. Thus, the temperature in the system will not rise if the speed of movement is low, and the movement is accompanied by frequent stops.

Condition monitoring

In order to be able to monitor the condition of the diesel engine tract, it is equipped with control and measuring equipment. It includes temperature and pressure sensors. These elements generate signals for the electronic control unit, which determines whether the filter is full or not. When the element is very full, the cleaning process begins.

How to clean

In order to restore engine efficiency with a full particulate filter, it is enough to use a few simple methods that will help start self-cleaning. Regeneration can be of either passive or active type.

In any case, the process occurs through the combustion of soot and the release of tubes and channels.

For the regeneration process, increasing the heating level of the exhaust gases, additives, or washing the particulate filter can be used. Additives will help reduce the temperature at which soot will burn. And washing with special substances will help clean the filter.

Passive regeneration method

This cleaning can be carried out directly by the car enthusiast. The corresponding indicator will indicate the need for regeneration. It is also necessary to start this process if the dynamics or power of the engine decreases.

The most important thing is to ensure an increase in temperature for the exhaust gases. This is done by driving a car with full load. It is enough to drive 30-40 km for the filter to be completely cleaned and all the soot to burn out. The second option is the use of special fuel additives.

Active regeneration

This mode can be started automatically by the ECU controller. To do this, the electronics analyzes information from the temperature sensor and pressure sensor. He informs electronic unit control that the filter is clogged, and the sensor reports the temperature. If it is not enough for the soot to burn completely, the ECU can additionally inject fuel during the exhaust gas release process. This will burn off the soot in the exhaust. This also allows you to raise the temperature to the desired level.

If there is other equipment in the exhaust tract that also increases heating, the ECU can use them too.


This procedure requires special liquids.

The procedure itself as a whole depends only on the type of product.

So, the filter is removed and its holes are closed. Then the cleaning liquid is poured inside so as to fill the entire volume of the filter. Next, the product must be left alone for ten hours, while shaking the filter from time to time. After this, the part is washed with warm water and installed back on the car. There are several types of liquids, and each has its own method of washing. This should be kept in mind before performing these procedures.

Washing and cleaning will help prolong the operation of the element, because replacing a particulate filter is a very expensive pleasure.

But sooner or later the time will come. It is recommended to change filters after 180 thousand kilometers.

The wear of this structure is primarily affected by driving conditions, fuel quality, and driving style. If the machine experiences significant loads, replacement of this element may be required earlier.

So, we found out what this part serves in a car. The particulate filter, like other auto parts for foreign cars, - important detail modern car. This element improves the environmental situation in the world, and this improves human health. High-quality ecology means a healthy society and happy children.

In EURO 6c exhaust gas legislation, the limit values ​​for particle mass (PM) and particle number (PN) are even more strictly limited. The basis for this is the fact that modern internal combustion engines With direct injection the same homogeneous fuel-air mixture is not created as with injection into the intake manifold.

Therefore, more particles are produced when fuel burns. To meet the limit values, among other things, a particulate filter is installed for the gasoline engine.

Example: B48 engine in F22/F23

Functional description

Installation position of the diesel particulate filter for petrol engines

The particulate filter for a gasoline engine is installed in place of the middle muffler behind the catalyst. In the future, the diesel particulate filter for a gasoline engine will be installed closer to the engine in a common housing with the catalyst.

For unambiguous identification, check the installation position of the boost pressure sensor.

If the exhaust pressure sensor is located at the outlet of the catalyst, then the particulate filter for a gasoline engine is located further from the engine in the bottom of the vehicle instead of the middle muffler. If the exhaust pressure sensor is located centrally on the catalytic converter housing, the particulate filter for a gasoline engine is installed closer to the engine.

The mounting position of the diesel particulate filter for a gasoline engine closer to the engine facilitates regeneration (soot burning), since the required exhaust temperatures are easier to achieve.

Design and operation of a diesel particulate filter for a gasoline engine

A particulate filter for a gasoline engine is penetrated by many channels through which exhaust gases pass. The walls of the particulate filter for a gasoline engine are porous for the passage of exhaust gas. Particles (soot and ash) settle in the channels.

The diesel particulate filter channels for petrol engines are closed at the edges. Each inlet port is surrounded by 4 outlet ports. Particles settle in the coating of the inlet ports. Particles remain there, which burn when the temperature of the exhaust gases rises and the required amount of oxygen is required. The purified exhaust gas penetrates through the porous wall-coated exhaust ducts.

Soot deposits clog the diesel particulate filter over time. Therefore they should be burned. This occurs when the exhaust gas temperature exceeds the soot ignition temperature. This process is called regeneration. In this process, carbon particles are converted into carbon dioxide gas (CO2) through oxidation.

Soot deposits begin to burn at temperatures above 600 °C. Fast and efficient regeneration is achieved only from a temperature of 700 °C. Since this temperature is achieved only at a correspondingly high load, along with natural regeneration (burning of soot with excess air in forced mode idle speed) particulate filter for gasoline engines, additional measures are applied. Thus, the temperature of the exhaust gases is artificially increased by adjusting the ignition angle. As a rule, the driver does not feel these processes.

Exhaust pressure sensor

In a gasoline engine, compared to a diesel engine, the pressure difference is not measured before and after the particulate filter. Instead, the exhaust pressure sensor in a petrol engine measures the exhaust pressure in front of the diesel particulate filter for a petrol engine and the pressure environment.

Digital electronic system The engine management system (DME) calculates the exhaust gas flow based on signals from the boost pressure sensor and other signals (for example, air mass).

Based on the exhaust gas flow in combination with the measured ambient pressure, the exhaust pressure value after the particulate filter for a gasoline engine is calculated. The calculated pressure difference before and after the particulate filter for a gasoline engine indicates the loading level of the particulate filter for a gasoline engine. The digital engine electronics (DME) activates regeneration when the load level is exceeded.

System functions


Depending on driving style and vehicle maintenance status, the particulate filter for a gasoline engine is designed for a mileage of about 240,000 km. Upon reaching this mileage, the particulate filter for a gasoline engine should be replaced together with the housing. To do this, the exhaust system is removed and a new particulate filter for the gasoline engine is installed.

Information about the load level is provided by the diagnostic system. Once the maximum mileage is reached, a fault memory is registered and read by the diagnostic system. In the vehicle, after reaching the maximum mileage, service information is not displayed.

To maintain exhaust pressure within acceptable limits, the number of regeneration cycles increases as the degree of loading of the particulate filter for a gasoline engine with ash increases. At the maximum degree of ash loading of a particulate filter for a gasoline engine, it is not able to burn out freely. As a result, there is a gradual decrease in engine power. When power reduction exceeds 30%, the digital engine electronics (DME) activates the emission warning light. The engine control system goes into emergency mode.

Designation Explanation Designation Explanation
A Soot B Ash
C New condition (no deposits)
km Mileage in kilometers kW Power in kW
millibar Exhaust pressure in millibars
1 Load cycles with regeneration 2 High load particulate filter for gasoline engines
3 Average mileage reached 4 Power reduction and emergency program

Regeneration capabilities

  • Normal regeneration: carried out depending on the nature of the movement. Soot burning is possible only with excess air in forced idling mode in forced idling mode and with appropriate high temperature exhaust gases.
  • Calculated Regeneration: Cyclic regeneration based on movement patterns.
  • Regeneration every 10,000 km: set regeneration cycle.


To improve the emissions of harmful substances (particles) for the EURO 6c, new injectors have been installed. The injectors have a new injection geometry. The graph below shows the change:

Instructions for service

General instructions

Diagnostic guidelines

The particulate filter for a gasoline engine is diagnosed using a diagnostic system. For this purpose, test modules are provided for the exhaust pressure sensor and the diesel particulate filter for the petrol engine.

For the service function, the replacement of the diesel particulate filter for a petrol engine must be registered.

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