What do psychics say about the future of Ukraine? Edgar Cayce's Predictions

Several years have passed since Natalya Razumovskaya predicted that Ukraine would be torn apart by its closest neighboring countries. At that time, these words were considered something of a fantasy. However, let's look at the current situation, which has not changed for a year now. Makes you think. In this regard, we decided to look into the future of the country by asking Natalia to conduct another session.


In the scenario, Ukraine was given the role of Woman. After shuffling the deck, the images were laid out on the table surface.

— The cards predict a very difficult financial year. But there will be honestly earned money. Theft and corruption at the state level will become weaker. Unforeseen expenses are possible, these are the words of Natalya Razumovskaya. “But we will pay all the bills, although with great difficulty.”

Ukraine will also establish friendly ties with the state under male leadership, thereby providing itself with reliance on this ally. With the help of this partner, many issues will be resolved on all points of a worthy and authoritative country.

- You can expect free gifts. The image of the House speaks about the construction of Ukraine. But deception cannot be ruled out: the state to which our hopes are directed may change the decision to provide us with assistance,” continues Natalya.


A financial crisis will make you nervous. The circumstances are comparable to the budget of a family barely living from paycheck to paycheck.

Ukraine will follow a new path, no one will block the road. This is evidenced by the Stork card.

“After all the difficulties of next year, we will finally be able to breathe and begin to develop. However, before this, the division of the blanket by the political forces elected to parliament will lead to new unrest. But soon everyone will be united by a common national idea. We will remember who we are, where our roots come from; Let's feel joy and happiness again.

— A good sign is the presence of a Starry Sky map near Ukraine. This best card seems to say: “God is with us.”


The cards promise peace. This makes me happy, since all the deaths are behind me. It is also possible for Ukraine to defend the east of the state.

— Donetsk and Lugansk have been and will remain part of the country, as evidenced by the image of Yakor on the map. Next - the Snake and the Fox. Maps-images of forces seeking to seize power over eastern Ukraine. The country will do its best to prevent the region from separating, showing its readiness to serve for the benefit of its people,” explains Natalya Razumovskaya. “However, calm will not come soon, and some refugees will not want to return to their homeland.

Heroes of the ATO

Money and glory await soldiers who fought in the anti-terrorist operation zone.

“But the Cloud map insists that amid the crisis, soldiers will believe that they have been shortchanged.” However, fighters will be given access to treatment and rehabilitation abroad.


Alas, maps cannot bring to our attention the distant future due to a large number of unresolved problems. Prospects can only be expected by understanding them.

— Over Ukraine we see a Bouquet, which speaks of glory. You can read it like this: “Glory to Ukraine!” The Fox card may be alarming - a symbol of cunning coming from our closest neighbors. But you don’t have to worry, because if there is any harm, it will be absolutely insignificant,” says the soothsayer.

“It should be added to everything that strengthening military naval power is part of the neighbor’s plans.

At the same time, it is better not to count on strengthening the border between our countries.

“The construction of the “Wall” will cause unrest, which, if it gains momentum, will certainly interfere with the project,” explains Natalya Razumovskaya.

The world has been closely monitoring the fate of Ukraine for more than 10 years. All this time, the country was choosing its own path - from a peaceful revolution to real wars, in which Russia was indirectly mixed up. No one can accurately predict the outcome of events, but psychics are quite willing to talk about what awaits Ukraine in 2017. They do not insist on the unconditional accuracy of their prophecies, but argue that it is worth listening to them.

Who will come to power

Many people see in images. They cannot accurately describe the man on whom the future of the country depends, but they argue that he will be radically different from all the famous politicians who tried to remake the country. A creator and a diplomat, an honest, open person who wants to remove all thieves and traitors from power - this is how people endowed with the gift of prediction describe the future leader of Ukraine. It is impossible to say exactly how he will get into power, whether he will be able to quickly achieve his goal, because a person with a burning desire to “do everything right” will find it difficult to settle down in a country that has actually declared war on its neighbors.

Every fifth 2017 hints at a truce with Russia. A collapsed country suffering from war wounds will not be able to quickly recover without asking for help from those who can provide it almost selflessly. There is a powerful spiritual connection between Ukraine and Russia, which is why it is so difficult for people who take one or another position on a controversial issue to admit their mistakes.

Which side will the people take?

Ukrainians hungry for change in 2017 will understand that many of the leaders who asked for their support actually had other goals. Even those who worked with them will be disappointed in their idols. Gradually, people will be overwhelmed by a feeling of resentment and regret, they will want to sincerely ask for forgiveness from those who suffered in this senseless war. Now the video prediction of what awaits Ukraine in 2017 is extremely popular because not a single expert undertakes to say exactly what will happen next.

Honest people with open hearts will also feel tension and constant stress, because not everyone can live in conditions of constant dissatisfaction. Psychics say that the country was cursed, but what it had to endure will in the future make it possible to beware of loud statements and decisions made without a sober assessment.


The position of the state will directly affect the well-being of the country's residents. Forecasters do not see a completely happy crowd and predict that Ukraine, like most countries, will not be able to get rid of the classic division into three layers: the poor, the middle class and the rich. In the near future, the country will not be able to provide jobs for everyone and will spend a lot of money on the issue of resolving relations with Donbass. There, irreconcilable opponents of the Ukrainian government will reconsider their views and understand that calling their country an “enemy” is fundamentally wrong. They will try to negotiate peacefully and solve the problem in a way that benefits everyone.

Under certain circumstances, this part of Ukraine may rejoin official Kyiv and even agree with the authorities on cooperation. Psychics claim that the country has known too much grief over the past few years; it simply cannot withstand more stress. The situation can be changed by a hitherto unknown player - a guest from another country, who, with force and logic, will convince the local authorities to begin work towards restoration, unification and development. There is a chance that in a few years the country will become one of the main Russian partners.


At the moment, everyone can see that what awaits Ukraine and Russia in 2017 has come true. The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that two brothers would fight each other until they bled, and they would be guided by dark thoughts driven by people with special power. The healer always said that after the collapse of the USSR, countries would not be able to agree with each other on cooperation and enlist support; invisible barriers would always be built between them.

However, the healer repeated that she could not talk about future events accurately. If she had seen a specific image, she would have been able to describe it, but the surviving documents cannot clarify whether those same “brothers” will make peace or continue to mock each other until one of them dies. The healer did not like to talk about political topics, realizing that her forecasts could be used for harm. However, Vanga spoke willingly about the fate of people, acutely feeling everyone’s pain.

Vanga’s prediction says: Ukraine will face a period of choice in 2017. Their future will depend on which path Ukrainians want to take. If powerful people in government positions want to turn history in a way that allows them to benefit, Ukrainians may take another wrong turn. If they are led by an honest person, he will try to choose the best path for those who are lost and passionately want to find a way out.

Based on many predictions, it can be noted that ordinary people no longer want to fight. The suffering that has befallen Ukrainians will end, and people will look at the world with different eyes and realize what they considered “normal.” Today, the residents of the country themselves must answer the question of what awaits Ukraine in 2017, but for now they can evaluate the opinion of people endowed with unique power.

Clairvoyants say that they no longer see revolutionary bonfires, large crowds of people or war. They associate Ukraine in 2017 with the desert - a kind of deserted place in which sometimes people come across slowly walking without a goal. If they try to look around and accept help, they will have a chance to transform everything around them. Refusal of support in such a situation cannot be called anything other than stupidity, because everyone has long understood that war is an option that does not allow one to prove anything, but takes away many lives and causes complete chaos.

Each of us knows that clairvoyants and prophets have always enjoyed incredible popularity. Even the most inveterate skeptics sometimes allowed themselves to turn to these amazing and mysterious personalities for help. Humanity still cannot unravel the mystery of such a phenomenon as “clairvoyance,” but the fact that it exists cannot be refuted.

In especially difficult periods of life, people try to resort to the help of soothsayers in order to understand what to expect in the future, which is not revealed to mere mortals. It is necessary to have an incredible gift given from above in order to be able to interpret the signs sent by secret matter. If you would like to know predictions for Ukraine for 2018, then our article will probably be useful to you. It contains prophecies of famous clairvoyants of past years, as well as several thoughts of contemporaries.

For several years now, the country's multi-million population has been following the news every day in the hope of hearing some good news about an improvement in the situation in Donbass. Yes, what about Ukrainians, the whole world is constantly monitoring news reports that relate to this topic. Everyone wants to finally hear about the advent of peace and harmony in this troubled region.

Predictions for Ukraine

Even during her long life, the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga more than once did things to this state. She noted that 2018 will bring many bright events for Ukraine, which will affect all spheres of life of its residents.

In connection with the upcoming presidential elections in Russia, the country's economy will experience both ups and downs. From time to time, the masses will begin to receive various information releases regarding the future president of the Russian Federation. Vanga signaled the arrival of some Sagittarius - a person capable of reconciling warring countries and introducing his own laws, which would subsequently help the two states flourish economically.

It cannot be said that everything will be smooth in Ukraine throughout 2018. At the beginning of the year, many residents will feel an urgent need to leave their native lands and go to other countries in search of a better life and high earnings. True, towards the end of 2018 the situation will change and Ukrainians, on the contrary, will begin to return to their native abode and to their families.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions

The famous American soothsayer Edgar Cayce is one of the most powerful and influential people in the New World. He is popularly known as the Sleeping Prophet, because he made all his assumptions about the future while in a hypnotic sleep. Surprisingly, most of his dreams came true, such as the collapse of communism in the early 90s.

No specific data regarding Ukraine was found in his notes, but while in a trance, the clairvoyant clearly saw a rift in relations between the West and Russia. Back during the Second World War, Casey said that there would be a clash of interests between two civilizations and this confrontation would affect Ukraine.

The future of Ukraine from Kaede Uber

A twelve-year-old girl from France has an incredible gift of providence. She sees many things that are going to happen in the future. The fate of Ukraine did not escape her gaze. Many people compare the girl to Vanga, because she is gradually losing her sight and makes quite realistic predictions.

The young talent predicts another change of power in the country, which will radically affect its internal structure. The current president, according to the clairvoyant, faces an unenviable future, and after his departure, power will pass to the people. We can say that this year will not be easy for Ukrainians and will allow them to destroy everything that prevented them from moving towards well-being and prosperity.

Predictions of Vera Lyon

The Kazakh clairvoyant is not so optimistic about the future of the Ukrainian state. She claims that sad events await the country in 2018, although she did not specify which ones exactly. In addition, Vera Lyon is confident that the newly elected US President Donald Trump will sever all relations with Ukraine and its rulers will not receive a penny from him. As for the conflict in Donbass, unfortunately, it will not end in 2018,” Vera Lyon said.

What awaits the world in 2018: Vanga’s prophecy

As you know, Ukraine is dependent on many developed countries of the world. To find out the future of this country, it is advisable to inquire. As you know, the Bulgarian clairvoyant saw many interesting moments in the fate of the entire planet, namely:

  • Invention of the “Elixir of Youth.” However, no clear comments were found in Vanga’s notes. But she has repeatedly argued that scientists will be able to invent a substance that will help prolong youth.
  • A new type of transport. Next year, interesting discoveries will occur in the world every now and then that will make the lives of modern people easier. First of all, Vanga hints at the invention of a new type of transport, which will become much more economical and safer, both for people and for the planet as a whole.
  • Natural disasters. Unfortunately, the Bulgarian clairvoyant saw in 2018 the wrath of nature, which could significantly change the appearance of modern cities. Most likely, this applies to impending tsunamis, hurricanes and floods that destroy everything in their path. It is already clear that the climate is rapidly changing and some parts of the planet suffer from natural disasters more often than they did several decades ago.

Will the world end in 2018?

Despite all the prophecies put forward, scientists never cease to insist that no environmental troubles threaten us. But still, the visions of famous predictors and astrologers cannot be written off. In particular, you should listen to these:

  • There will be a major flood that will affect the US and East Asia.
  • Infections and viruses previously unknown to medicine will appear on the planet. Scientists will not be able to find the required vaccine for a long time, so most of humanity will die out.
  • A large meteorite will fall to Earth and cause a man-made and environmental disaster.
  • A severe economic crisis that will cover Europe and America, as a result of which only one fundamental currency will remain - the euro.
  • Constant volcanic eruptions and fires will lead to a person’s value system being turned upside down.

So, the future of Ukraine still remains vague. Although most forecasters are confident that the situation in this country will improve, one cannot completely rely on their visions. Each of us must do some kind of feat, come up with a brilliant plan that will help the state cope with difficulties. Only together can we come to a bright future, where it is not scary to live and raise children.

The difficult period in the life of the country certainly contributes to greater interest in the forecasts of analysts and diplomats. At the same time, clairvoyant predictions about Ukraine for 2018 are also very popular, because they provide information about what to beware of and what to hope for.

All the predictions of the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller stood out for their metaphorical nature. The seer never reported anything about Ukraine separately, but she predicted it in the aggregate of Eastern European countries. For 2018, Vanga foresaw the emergence of a new type of energy in the region. This should spark rapid economic growth.

In addition, the soothsayer predicted great progress in science. Humanity will be able to invent a specific type of transport that will be the safest for humans and the environment. At the same time, medical scientists will not lag behind. The youth so desired by every person can be extended thanks to the elixir of youth. Its development will likely begin in 2018.

The events that Vanga believes should be feared in 2018 are natural disasters. They will be associated with a destructive large-scale force. Most likely, we are talking about a tsunami or flood.

Pavel Globa learned about the beginning of revolutionary and military actions from a star map more than 8 years before the start of these events. Like some other clairvoyants, Globa does not give any comforting messages about the future of Ukraine in 2018. The only positive aspect may be a slight improvement in the economic condition of the country.

As for the political situation, it, as the astrologer points out, will be the most critical for the entire existence of Ukraine. The war will begin to subside at the end of 2018, but the eastern part of Ukraine will defend separatization and by the end of 2020 will finally separate and then become part of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, Ukraine, in a new territorial format, will gradually begin to abandon European integration and begin to improve relations with Russia. It is likely, according to the astrologer, that starting from 2018-2020, Ukraine will begin to join the new Eastern European Union.

A completely opposite opinion regarding territorial integrity is expressed by Odessa clairvoyants about Ukraine in 2018. Vlad Ross, for example, argues that hostilities should end before the end of 2018. The result will be favorable for the country. Both the Donetsk region and Lugansk, as well as the Crimeans themselves, according to the astrologer’s conviction, will ask to be part of a united Ukraine. Interethnic strife and linguistic contradictions will gradually subside, and the fight against the crisis and the restoration of the areas most damaged as a result of hostilities will come first.

A political crisis is inevitable in 2018, because it is during this period that Ukraine will be under the influence of aggressive Mars. Most likely, the existing political forces will not be able to find a common language to ensure fruitful work. There is a high probability, Rosi points out, that 2018 will be the year of re-elections.

What is Valery Moskovchenko talking about?

Ukrainians are encouraged by Valeriy Moskovchenko’s predictions. As he assures and some other forecasts for Ukraine from clairvoyants make clear, 2018 will be a year of political change. Heavenly bodies predict activity. What it will be like directly depends on the people themselves. Most likely, young and active people will come to power to replace the oligarchic clan in 2018. However, you should not hope for an easy change. There is a high probability of another Maidan.

A big advantage for all Ukrainians in 2018 will be the recovery and stabilization of the economy. As Moskovenko points out, there will definitely be no talk of default or delay in payments. A good harvest and new trade agreements will help fill the budget.

As for the return of the peninsula to Ukraine, this, according to the astrologer, will definitely happen, but not sooner than 2023. In 2018, the situation in Crimea will escalate and contradictions between supporters of the Russian Federation and Ukraine will increase. One can only hope for a favorable solution to the situation after a change of government in Russia.

Predictions of Khayal Alekperov

The predictions of the winner of the Ukrainian version of the “Battle of Psychics” have come true more than once. Trying to look behind the curtains of the future, the clairvoyant also points to the dominant role of Mars. Armed conflicts, confrontations among the masses and in the political arena are the realities of 2018. Given this, neither the authorities nor the citizens should hesitate. Any conflict must be resolved as quickly as possible in order to prevent larger scale clashes.

In 2018, Ukrainian citizens will learn many long-standing secrets and intrigues. However, additional, sometimes shocking, information will not become a problem, but will enable the public to monitor their chosen ones more closely.

Meanwhile, the stars make it clear that the country will still be able to get out of even a protracted political and economic crisis. Ukraine will not be left without the help of the powers that be.

Ukrainians have learned to listen especially carefully to the advice of the Carpathian molfars - local sorcerers. The fate of the country directly depends on the behavior of diplomats, they say. Thus, Orest Stafiychuk (a famous healer) is convinced that in order to get out of the crisis, Ukrainians must begin a long and thorough dialogue with Russia. If this does not happen in 2018, then the crisis and war will continue for another 5 years.

Magdalena predicts a continuation of the military conflict in 2018. At the same time, the woman claims that Crimea will return to Ukraine. This will happen no earlier than in 15 years.

As can be seen from the above, the clairvoyant forecast for 2018 for Ukraine is very different. It remains obvious that things will not be easy for all Ukrainians over the next year, but by enduring challenges and actively influencing your life, you can achieve good results in the future.

Despite all the achievements of science and progress in general, there are people who believe in the influence of stars on the fate of humanity and individual states. In times of trial and beyond, they try to lift the veil of mystery and therefore turn to those who understand the influence of stars most - clairvoyants. We offer a forecast for the future of Ukraine from the strongest psychics in the world.

Now the people of Ukraine are in the most difficult conditions of transformation of society, so they, more than ever, need to know what will happen next. We hope that we will at least help you understand this issue a little. It is clear that each soothsayer sees his own picture of the future, so it is in vain to think that all predictions will be similar to each other. But, perhaps, this is the value of different points of view, that each person can choose exactly what he lacks or what is closer.

What Vanga predicted for Ukraine

If we talk about the forecasts of this soothsayer, it is worth noting that she never mentioned Ukraine separately. Speaking about the future, she, first of all, meant humanity or a separate part of it, in this case, Eastern Europe. It should be noted that all her forecasts were allegorical and symbolic in nature. The woman was illiterate and could hardly operate with modern concepts. Nevertheless, from its forecasts one can discern the general trend in the development of a particular region. Speaking about the future, she more than once mentioned that the Slavic peoples would go through unprecedented trials. It may happen that brother will go against brother and a lot of blood will be shed. Analyzing these words, we can assume that she meant exactly what is happening in Ukraine now.

Indeed, one part of Ukrainian society decided to dictate its terms to another part of the country. It is clear that this did not lead to anything good - a military confrontation occurred, as a result of which about ten thousand people have already died. At the same time, Vanga noted that just during this period Sagittarius will appear, who will be able to eliminate the existing contradiction and end the war. It is now difficult to say what and whom exactly the psychic had in mind. But this is not so important, the main thing for all of us is that the military conflict will finally end and the long-awaited peace will come. Many researchers of Vanga’s legacy are confident that the soothsayer spoke about the 2018 elections in Russia, as a result of which the person who will change Russia and its attitude towards its former territories, namely Ukraine, will win.

Although there are people who interpret these words of Vanga in their own way. They believe that, on the contrary, a new person will appear in Ukraine, supported by the people, who will radically change the situation and better times will come for Donbass.

How Pavel Globa and Tamara Globa see this situation

As the astrologer noted, he saw the crisis in Ukraine eight years ago. The difficult situation in this country could lead to an armed conflict on the border with Russia. This forecast has now been confirmed. A revolution actually took place on the territory of Ukraine, as a result of which political forces came to power that opposed good neighborly relations with Russia. At some point, such actions of the new government became unacceptable for Donbass and Crimea. They advocated secession from Ukraine. The population of these regions held a referendum on sovereignty. However, if Crimea managed to become part of Russia, then a real war began in the east of the country.

Predicting further events, Pavel Globa is confident that in the near future Ukraine will split into several autonomous entities. The east of this country will join the Russian Federation, and other parts will be part of Ukraine on the basis of autonomy. In a few years, when attempts to join the EU are unsuccessful, the rest of this country will completely change the vector of its development and again begin to be friends with Russia. A Union of Slavic states is being formed, which will begin to flourish in the post-Soviet space and become an example for other states. It should be noted that Pavel Globa did not always predict correctly. For example, just recently he said that Yulia Tymoshenko will become the future president of Ukraine. However, this never happened.

Former wife Tamara Globa completely agrees with her husband. The only thing she also noted was that Ukraine would break up into five sovereign states and that there would be a military confrontation between it and Russia. In addition, the soothsayer noted that the EU will collapse, and NATO will weaken so much that it will not pose a threat to Russia.

It should be noted that Tamara Globa was right when she predicted:

  • the beginning of the Chechen war;
  • World Cup 2018;
  • fires near Moscow in 2010.

Therefore, decide for yourself whether to believe her at the moment or not.

What does Alexander Lytvyn predict for Ukraine?

This psychic also cannot say anything good for Donbass and Ukraine yet. He notes that the confrontation between these regions will continue for several years. The new authorities of Ukraine will redistribute property, and the people of this country will become one of the poorest in the world. For now, the country's leadership benefits from this situation in the country. Alexander Lytvyn is confident that the salvation of Ukraine lies in the unification of all Slavic states. However, in this country the moment has not yet come for the population to protest against the existing government. As soon as such a time comes, the citizens of Ukraine will choose a worthy leader who will lead this country along the path of positive development.

Forecast for Donbass and Ukraine from Molfarka Magdalena

The famous sorceress believes that Ukraine will remain a single state. The conflict in the east of the country will subside after the people force the ruling circles to conduct a dialogue with both representatives of Donbass and Russia. This will happen most quickly after the victory of a new political force in the country.

Mogdalena is confident that Crimea will also return to the fold of Ukraine, but this will not happen in 2018, but in fifteen years. By this period, there will be a change in political elites, both in Ukraine and in Russia. It may happen that the Crimeans themselves will ask to return to their “stepmother”.

The clairvoyant also believes that the events of 2014 could not be avoided, as it was destined by the stars. She believes that thanks to past events, the self-awareness of the masses has grown. Now nothing can stop the people. People are filled with patriotism and are ready to change anything and everything for the prosperity of their Motherland. All this will yield results in the coming years. Ukraine will be on a par with the leading countries of the world.

Speaking about the new leader of this country, the psychic emphasized that he will be a person who has unquestioned authority among the people. He will lead the country along a new path, similar to the Baltic one.

Prophecies from the ancient elders

As experts say, God himself speaks to us through the mouths of the elders, so it is interesting to know what these respected people think about Ukraine:

Ion Ignatenko The elder accurately predicted the events on the Maidan, as well as the war in Donbass. There is a possibility that opposition in the East of Ukraine could escalate into the Third World War. At the same time, he predicts the creation of a single Orthodox state led by Moscow.
Athonite Elder Macarius This monk believes that Ukraine can win in two cases:
  • if all the men of the country come to the defense of the state;
  • when the Ukrainian government repents and starts making reforms in the country.

According to many ancient Athonite elders, Ukraine will soon rise again, for the spirit of Kievan Rus has been awakened. Having experienced enormous upheavals, the Ukrainian people will create a state that will be akin to China in its successes. The renewed country will take the former name Kievan Rus, with its capital in the city of Kyiv. Crimea will return to Ukraine, but as the land of the Tatars. This will happen before 2025.

As can be seen from the article, predictions from the strongest psychics differ from each other. Everyone can choose what they see fit.

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