What to do if your car insurance has expired? How long can you drive without insurance? Is it possible to drive without insurance? If the policy was left at home

Drivers and vehicle owners sometimes forget that compulsory motor liability insurance has a validity period and may miss the moment when civil liability insurance becomes invalid. And also the obligation to insure liability is sometimes ignored simply because it is considered unimportant or in an attempt to save money. All this is fraught with consequences, and let’s consider which ones in more detail.

How long can you drive without insurance after it ends?

Despite the fact that driving without compulsory motor liability insurance in your own vehicle or a vehicle received is clearly illegal, there are deadlines set by law for the car owner to have time to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

There are a number of cases when it may be necessary to drive a vehicle without a policy. For example, if the policy has expired, and the owner of the car needs to travel to get a new one, if the car has just come into the possession of a person and the policy is not issued to him, etc. In this case You can drive a car without insurance, but no more than 10 days. It is believed that this time is quite enough to settle all possible transactions with the registration of new insurance.

Ten days are counted from last day OSAGO actions, they include holidays and weekends. During these days, the driver, while driving the vehicle, bears financial responsibility to other road users completely independently.

Have you ever driven a car without insurance?

Is it possible to legally drive without MTPL insurance?

You cannot drive without insurance without breaking the law; the obligation to insure liability is enshrined in Article 4 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners vehicles". In some cases, you can drive without compulsory motor insurance for a short time, but all these cases are determined by the situation when a person acquires the right to own a vehicle.

But when, through the fault of the car owner or due to unforeseen circumstances, damage is caused to another car by means of a vehicle, the situation falls under the scope of compulsory motor liability insurance. Having insurance helps reduce financial liability to road users in the event of damage to someone else's property.

A driver driving a vehicle without compulsory motor insurance completely. Also full financial responsibility in in case of an accident lies with the driver during the 10 days allotted for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, so you should not abuse driving without obtaining insurance, even within the time allotted by law.

The MTPL policy is one of the mandatory documents that you must have with you when you are driving. If this policy is not available, then the driver will be subject to insurance. It is used even if, in principle, the document was drawn up, but it was simply left at home.

The name OSAGO received compulsory insurance of civil liability to third parties. The law obliges vehicle owners to purchase this policy.

If the insurance coverage has expired, then you cannot drive for a single day at all. The absence of a policy in this case is equivalent to administrative violations. Depending on the situation, the exact amount of the punishment is determined.

It's better to take advantage public transport to get to the place where you can register and receive a new document if the old one has expired. Not only the driver himself can take out a policy, but also the one who drives the car thanks to a power of attorney.

The insurance policy confirms the presence of a registration certificate card, so there is no need for it.

Expired insurance: about current fines

Any document of this kind is valid for 12 months. The document can indicate the period of time during which the vehicle is used. This is convenient for those who, for example, only use public transport in winter.

  • 800 rubles– the minimum fine for drivers driving if they have
  • 500 rubles those who drive the car for a period not specified in the insurance pay.

How long can you drive without insurance? In what cases is this permitted by law? Answers in this video:

What are the penalties for missing a document?

  • A fine of 800 rubles is imposed on those who generally drive a car without compulsory motor insurance. In this case, two persons will pay the fine if the driver and the owner are different individuals.
    This feature is separately described by the Administrative Code. Inspectors can remove license plates from a car if the driver does not fulfill his insurance obligations. Then the culprits will have only 24 hours to pay the fine. Otherwise, the ban on using the vehicle will be extended.
  • The insurance, which the driver, due to his forgetfulness, left at home, will cost 500 rubles. But in some cases, inspectors limit themselves to warnings.
  • 500 rubles is a fine for having a driver behind the wheel who is not included in the insurance at all. Read more

It is recommended to take out insurance without any restrictions if it is planned that the car will be driven by different people. But such a policy can cost up to 80% more than usual. This option is beneficial for those who transport professionally.

But there are several controversial points in this direction.

For example, you have insurance, but the driver forgot it at home. However, the traffic police officer does not believe this. And he issues a fine as if the document was not available at all. But such issues can also be resolved.

You need to take the receipt and not object specifically at the moment the violation is discovered. After this, you can take the evidence to the traffic police department to challenge the decision. The DVR recording along with valid insurance are the most important materials in this case.

What does the law say about the possibility of driving without a policy? Photo: avto-yslyga.ru

In the absence of insurance and accident situation can develop according to two scenarios:

  • The culprit of the accident is the one who does not have insurance with him. He is required to pay not only a mandatory fine, but also to compensate for all damage caused to the other participants.
  • There is a need to pay an administrative fine. The absence of compulsory motor liability insurance will not affect the receipt of insurance payments. And it cannot become a reason for refusal to take further action.

If the driver is registered with OSAGO, is it necessary to write a power of attorney? What is the penalty for lack of a power of attorney and in what cases? See details at

Is it even possible to travel without a policy, in what situations?

The only time when the absence of insurance is acceptable is immediately after the car has been purchased . But there is no basis in the law on which the right to own a vehicle appears.

Various events can trigger the acquisition:

  1. Entry into the right of inheritance.
  2. Obtaining rights for economic management, operational management, and so on.
  3. Drawing up a purchase and sale agreement.
  4. Drawing up a gift agreement.

After purchasing a car, an MTPL policy must be issued within a maximum of ten days. During this period, the inspector cannot impose fines on drivers.

There are types of vehicles that do not require mandatory insurance:

  • If maximum speed reaches 20 kilometers, but does not exceed this figure.
  • Law of the Russian Federation on admission to participation in traffic does not apply to cars due to any technical characteristics.
  • Registration and insurance were issued on the territory of foreign countries.
  • Transport belongs to members of official military formations in the service of the state.

What fines face those who drive without insurance or with a fake policy? Watch the video:

Insurance policy: the most famous myths

  1. After the expiration date, you have only 30 days to apply for a new one.

This information is outdated. This grace period was valid only until 2008. Currently there are no such provisions.

  1. You don't have to take out insurance if you have a power of attorney.

The owner must have a policy, which simply includes another person who has the right to manage it. And the policy itself is mandatory for everyone.

  1. The document is also issued for the trailer.

Since 2007, a trailer does not require registration if its load capacity does not reach 3,500 tons. But legal entities must have insurance in any case.

  1. A fine of 500 rubles is imposed if there is a typo in the policy.

The law does not provide for any punitive measures just for typos.

  1. Driving without insurance results in the car being taken to a parking lot. And you have to pay extra for her services.

If a violation is detected, inspectors simply issue receipts requiring payment of fines. Registration numbers can only be removed if repeated violations are detected.

  1. A motorcycle does not require an MTPL policy.

Motorcyclists insure their liability in the same way as owners of other vehicles.

If your insurance has expired, how can I renew it?

Extension of MTPL policy

The basis for renewing the current policy is an application written by the driver. A sample application for renewal of a current MTPL policy can be downloaded below for free.

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But you will also need to present additional documents, including:

  1. PTS along with a vehicle registration certificate.
  2. Certificate confirming the technical inspection.
  3. A driver's license from everyone who is planned to be allowed to drive.
  4. Passport.
  5. The policy that was in effect before.

In fact, this package of documents can be easily submitted to any insurance company. It is better to clarify in advance which papers will be needed for this.

It doesn’t matter why the policy is not in the car. This action always remains punishable. The fines are not yet large, but almost every year decisions are made in favor of increasing them.

The main thing is to always remember that the insurance itself is issued only for a certain period. When it ends, the vehicle owner will need to issue a new document. Otherwise, there is a high probability of administrative penalties.

Increased fines are more likely when violation detection statistics increase. It is better to pay for the document once than to constantly pay fines later.

After purchasing a car, no matter whether it’s new or not, the owner is overcome with a certain euphoria. As soon as the feeling of joy subsides slightly, the need to fill out papers and register the car with the relevant authorities comes. One of the most important documents is mandatory insurance, and you need to get it as quickly as possible.

The law strictly defines how long you can drive with impunity without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy after purchasing a car. But even during this permitted period, the owner is not insured against problems, because there is always the possibility of an accident, and it is the driver without a policy who will have to pay for all the damage.


Legal justification for compulsory car insurance and penalties for the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy

Insurance issues are regulated by Federal Law No. 40-FZ dated April 25, 2002 (as amended on December 18, 2018) “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.” It specifies all the basic terms and requirements for all insurance participants.

Part 2 of Article 4 establishes that a policy must be issued before the car is registered with the traffic police, but no later than 10 days after taking ownership.

The same article, but already in part 6, says that if there is no insurance, then in the event of an accident, compensation to other participants in the situation is paid by the owner of the car.

It is important to understand that after the 10-day period has expired, the driver will be penalized for not having insurance. If you have issued an MTPL policy, but did not take the paper policy with you, the inspector will issue a warning or issue a fine in accordance with Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In other cases, any violations are regulated by Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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How long can you drive without insurance after buying a car in 2019?

When buying a car, a car owner must be prepared for the fact that, according to the law, he has only 10 days to issue compulsory motor liability insurance, and they are counted from the moment the purchase and sale agreement is signed. During this period of time, you can use the vehicle for its intended purpose without fear of fines. When contacting traffic police officers in 2019, it is enough to present a contract confirming the fact of purchase, which must be properly executed.

If, when the inspector stops, a person who is not the owner is driving, then you will need another document - a power of attorney to drive the car.

It is not necessary to have it certified by a notary, but such a step will protect you from long arguments with incompetent traffic police officers.

If the purchased car has already had an owner, then before taking out insurance you need to have time to undergo a technical inspection. This procedure is not provided for a new car. In the latter case, compulsory motor liability insurance is issued at the salon where the purchase was made.

How to prove the right to drive to traffic police officers if the driver is not included in the insurance

It happens that the old owner of the car has MTPL and at the time of selling the car the policy is still valid. But naturally, the name of the new owner is missing from it. In addition, such insurance is considered invalid. In this case, if the car was stopped by traffic police officers, then you need to provide them with a purchase and sale agreement, which was drawn up less than 10 days ago.

In order not to purchase insurance, many motorists resort to such tricks as drawing up a contract with an open date, and even renewing it every 10 days. It is clear that in this case the inspector simply does not have the right to issue a fine, but is it worth the constant paperwork?

OSAGO for several persons

When taking out insurance for a car that can be used by different people, you should either include them in the policy or get an option marked “without restrictions.” A driver whose name is not indicated in the policy can prove his right to drive by providing documents for the car (registration certificate, power of attorney), but will be fined by law. The fine is 500 rubles, and it can be imposed an unlimited number of times - as many times as you stop.

Why is it better to hurry up when applying for insurance?

You can drive without compulsory motor insurance for a third of a month from the date of execution of the purchase agreement. But you shouldn’t put off applying for a policy until the last day for the following reasons:

Is it possible to register a car without a policy?

Registration of a car with the MREO is a mandatory procedure, and it must be done within the same 10 days after purchase. To do this, you need to provide documents, the list of which is presented in clause 2 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them.”

The MTPL policy is also included in this list, which means that without it there will be no way to register a car. At the same time, you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance without numbers. After receiving them, the data will be entered into the contract by the agent.

Penalty for lack of insurance

If 10 days have passed since the purchase of the vehicle, and the driver cannot provide compulsory motor insurance, he will be punished. Possible penalties depend on the situation:

  1. If there is an agreement, but the driver for some reason does not carry the policy with him, he faces a fine of 500 rubles.

    Note! A warning is possible if someone can urgently deliver a document.

  2. If there is a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement, but the driver’s name is not included in it, the fine is 500 rubles.
  3. Driving a car with an invalid policy or in the complete absence of compulsory motor liability insurance – 800 rubles.

Common Questions

If, upon purchase, the previous owner still has unexpired insurance, is it still valid?

The agreement of the previous owner is not valid for the new owner. When transferring a car by proxy, you can reissue insurance with the consent of both parties. To do this, it is necessary that both participants come to the insurance company with a policy, a purchase and sale agreement, and passports. The exact list of documents must be clarified with the agent.

Can my license be revoked for driving without insurance after 10 days?

Driving a car without compulsory motor liability insurance in this case provides only administrative liability - a fine.

The law allows you to use a car for 10 days after purchasing it without insurance. However, if the driver becomes involved in an accident, he will have to pay both his own and others’ expenses for repairs from own funds. If the previous owner had MTPL, then it is better to simply agree on re-registration. Driving without insurance entails unnecessary risk.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for car owners to issue an insurance policy in a timely manner, and therefore many motorists are faced with the logical question of how long they can drive without insurance and whether this can be done at all, because all motorists should have MTPL insurance.

Answering the question “how many days can you drive a car without insurance?” Most citizens will answer that this cannot be done for a single day, however, this is not entirely true. The legislation provides for cases when driving a car without compulsory motor liability insurance is possible.

Driving without compulsory motor liability insurance

In accordance with Federal Law No. 40, it is possible to travel without a policy, but only in one case when a citizen has acquired the right to a vehicle - for example, after purchasing, receiving a car as an inheritance, or as a gift (you will need to confirm this fact with documents - by attaching supporting documents – , etc.). But how long is it possible to drive a car?

For car owners, in this case, the period during which they need to obtain insurance is clearly established - 10 days.

It is important to take into account that we are not talking about working days, but about calendar days. The 10-day countdown begins at 0 o'clock on the day following the day on which the person acquired the right to the vehicle. This time is provided to the new owner so that he has time to undergo a technical inspection of the car and receive a in its absence insurance company will refuse. If during this period citizens do not issue insurance policies, they will be held accountable by State Traffic Inspectorate officers.

The legislation also provided for cases in which driving without a policy was allowed, regardless of when the car was purchased:

  • If the vehicle cannot move at a maximum possible speed of more than 20 km/h. (for example, a citizen asks a question - I ride a moped, which has a maximum speed of no more than 20 km/h, can I not get insurance? The answer will be positive);
  • If the car is under the jurisdiction of the RF Armed Forces and, accordingly, under the control of the military;
  • If the vehicle is not wheeled;
  • If the vehicle was insured by an international insurance company outside the Russian Federation.

If we talk about whether it is possible to drive without insurance for people who did not renew it on time, then the answer will be unequivocal - no. That is why, if a driver’s insurance policy expires, he must immediately contact the insurance company.

Otherwise, he will also be held accountable, but from the first day of delay.

Responsibility for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance

This year, just like last year, a person will be fined 800 rubles for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance. In addition, do not forget that if a citizen commits a traffic accident, he will need to compensate for the damage to the injured party from his own pocket, and losses, even after minor accident, can be significant.

What to do if there is no money for renewal?

A situation often occurs when a car owner does not have the required amount of money to carry out an extension because... insurance is not cheap - and in 2015, the premium was increased. In this case, a citizen can contact the company and extend it not for 1 year, but for a shorter period of time - for example, 6 months. Each insurance company offers its own conditions - they must be clarified individually.

What to do if there is no time for an extension?

It was already explained above that you can ride without insurance only in certain situations and for no more than 10 days. But how can a person travel if his work day is scheduled and he cannot find time to travel to the insurer? Now there is the possibility of remote registration - but there is a high chance of encountering scammers - which is why it is necessary to contact only trusted companies. This year an innovation is planned, according to which insurers will be responsible for the policy issued on their behalf, but at at the moment The amendments have not yet entered into force.

This assumes that you have an MTPL policy (it is valid and you are included in it), but for some reason you forgot to insure your home.

The punishment for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.3, Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Until 2019, you will be punished in the same way if you do not print electronic policy OSAGO.

Now this is becoming a thing of the past and it is enough to show the E-OSAGO inspector on your smartphone or call his number, and they independently check the policy using the OSAGO database.

To be honest, I myself did not immediately understand what the point was. But it turns out everything is as simple as always.

Let's take an example: you took out a MTPL policy for 1 year, with the period of using the vehicle from April to October, during the so-called summer season.

But it turned out that you had to get behind the wheel in December. This is what driving will be like outside the period of use.

In fact, it turns out that you have a policy (valid for 1 year), but the period of use is from April to October.

Driving a car outside the period of use threatens you with a fine of 500 rubles. (Article 12. 37. Part 1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For organizations as well as for individuals the fine is the same. That's why:

  • fine for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance for legal entities- 800 rubles;
  • The fine for driving without insurance for an organization is 500 rubles.

Let us remind you that driving without insurance is when you have a policy, but you forgot it at home (at work), and the absence of compulsory motor insurance is when the policy was not issued AT ALL!

The nuance of insurance for legal entities is that MTPL is issued for corporate cars without restrictions, so that if the driver is fired, the policy does not have to be reissued each time.

But if an organization wants to receive a discount for accident-free operation, i.e. In order for the insurance company to take the CBM into account, then it is necessary to include each driver in it when applying for an MTPL policy.

In this case, when the driver is fired, you will need to go to the office of the insurance company and add a new driver to the policy. Or you can add the driver to the MTPL electronic policy on the insurer’s website.

We are often asked how many times a traffic police inspector has the right to fine you within 24 hours for lack of insurance.

Legal norms exclude the possibility of issuing 2 or more decisions on the imposition of administrative punishment in the same case.

Those. If you were stopped by a traffic police inspector and issued a fine for lack of insurance, then this is a completed offense and you cannot be fined for it a second time.

But if you continued driving after 10 km. You are stopped by a traffic police inspector and issues a fine again for lack of insurance, then this is a new offense (different time, different place of the offense, etc.) and this can continue repeatedly!

Since, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 19.2 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, operating a vehicle without insurance is prohibited!

“It is prohibited to operate vehicles whose owners have not fulfilled the established federal law obligation to insure your civil liability."

Based on the above, the actions of the traffic police officer in this situation are legal. And you urgently need to purchase an MTPL policy!

The name OSAGO received compulsory insurance of civil liability to third parties. The law obliges vehicle owners to purchase this policy.

It is better to use public transport to get to the place where you can register and receive a new document if the old one has expired. Not only the driver himself can take out a policy, but also the one who drives the car thanks to a power of attorney.

READ ALSO: Is it possible to register a car without insurance?

The insurance policy confirms the presence of a registration certificate card, so there is no need for it.

Any document of this kind is valid for 12 months. The document can indicate the period of time during which the vehicle is used. This is convenient for those who, for example, only use public transport in winter.

  • 800 rubles is the minimum fine for drivers driving if they have expired document.
  • 500 rubles are paid by those who drive the car for a period not specified in the insurance.

The obligatory nature of motor vehicle liability insurance is established at the federal level in Law No. 40, the latest edition of which dates back to April 28, 2017. The same document contains a list of vehicles for which it is not necessary to issue a policy. According to Article 4, this category includes:

  • TS, design features which are not allowed to reach speeds exceeding 20 km/h.
  • Vehicles that are not authorized to participate in road traffic in accordance with the relevant law.
  • Vehicles owned by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Cars with foreign registration if the owner has an international insurance policy.
  • A vehicle on a sleigh, caterpillar, half-track or any other non-wheeled vehicle.

Owner does not equal owner

Cars registered in grandma's name are not uncommon. In this case, the owner of the car does not have driver's license, does not drive and is not required to buy a policy. The owner of the car is everyone who has the right to drive, and for them compulsory motor liability insurance is a mandatory procedure.

The list is small, and ordinary motorists are not included in it, so they will have to worry about purchasing a policy within the time limits established by law.

Completing documents as quickly as possible is not always possible due to a person’s busy schedule or long weekends, and the law provides a time gap for such cases. It is also important to know how many days and whether you can drive a car without insurance if, after purchasing, you need to drive it to another city. It is allowed to drive a vehicle without an MTPL policy in the following cases:

  • After receiving the right to drive. When applying for a job as a driver, as well as in the case where the owner has issued a power of attorney in your name, you can immediately get behind the wheel. In the next 10 days, you will not be afraid of the attention of traffic police inspectors.
  • After receiving the car into ownership. When it comes to the question of whether you can drive without insurance, it doesn’t matter how exactly you became the owner: under a gift agreement, a contract of trust, or the right of inheritance - you have 10 days to visit the insurance company.

One important point must be taken into account: within 10 calendar days after registration of ownership, you are required to register the car with the State Traffic Inspectorate. Since registration requires the provision of a motor vehicle license, the policy must already be issued by this time.

How to check and pay a fine

You can pay the fine in 2 ways:

  1. At the nearest bank or post office.
  2. Via the Internet:

These methods have nuances.

  1. Not all banks accept payments for traffic police fines.
  2. There is a commission, it is small, 40-60 rubles, but obligatory.
  3. You will receive a check in your hands, which will be confirmation of payment of the fine.

Based on the same law, driving a car without a vehicle license is prohibited, and the responsibility for monitoring the availability of an insurance policy is assigned to traffic police or customs officers. You can check whether you are operating a car without insurance in the following cases:

  • when crossing the border of the Russian Federation;
  • when stopped by a traffic police officer;
  • when drawing up a European protocol.

There is a lot of controversy about the dual interpretation of cases in which an inspector may require you to present a policy. This requires a thorough knowledge of the laws:

  • The driver is required to have a motor vehicle liability policy with him and present it to State Traffic Inspectorate employees when checking documents.
  • The inspector does not have the right to stop you just to check your documents anywhere outside the stationary post.
  • In this case, the stop for traffic violations can be carried out outside the post, and then the driver is required to present all documents, including the driver’s license.
  • During any special events (counter-terrorism and other operations), they can stop and check documents anywhere.

READ ALSO: OSAGO policy online at VSK, buy OSAGO policy online at VSK, calculate OSAGO policy online at VSK

Thus, the statement that insurance must be presented only upon the occurrence of an insured event is not supported by anything. In fact, the most careful driver can be checked, so it’s better not to tempt fate and get insured within the legal time frame.

Automatic registration: will they detect you without insurance?

The experiment on automatically fixing a car without insurance was considered unsuccessful, since it could not take into account the owners of newly purchased cars driving legally without compulsory motor insurance. Considering the financial interest of insurance companies in implementing such a project, it is worth thinking that attempts at implementation will continue.

Punishment: what will happen to driving a car without a license?

This is an administrative offense for which only a monetary fine is issued, issued by a traffic police officer right on the spot. The amount varies slightly depending on the circumstances:

  • For driving without compulsory motor insurance, the fine will be 800 rubles. It is worth making a reservation that the number of fines issued is not limited in any way. Even if you were stopped several times during the day, each inspector has the right to issue his own decision on an administrative violation, and they will have to be paid.
  • If you are insured, but do not have the policy with you, you will be fined 500 rubles. The inspector is unlikely to take your word for it that you simply forgot the document at home, and will write you the maximum amount. The electronic policy shown on your phone can prove the opposite if you took out insurance online. In any case, be sure to write in the comments on the protocol that you have a motor vehicle permit - this will make it easier to appeal the amount.
  • Transferring control of a car to a person without a registered MTPL is also punishable by a fine of 500 rubles. Considering that you can still travel without a policy for the first 10 days, if you want to save money, you should issue a new power of attorney at such intervals.

The rules according to which the inspector, upon identifying such an offense, could remove the license plates and evacuate the car to the impound lot, have been removed from the law. So after drawing up the protocol, you can continue driving, just take into account the connection between posts and the likelihood of being stopped by the next traffic police officer.

Not covered by insurance

“What is the fine if it’s not included in the insurance?” many drivers are surprised, because in fact there is insurance, well, it’s not included, yes, but the car is insured.

Alas, in Russia at the moment it is not the car that is insured, but the driver’s liability to other road users.

And if your car is driven by a driver who is not listed in the insurance, but he has a license, for example, your wife was driving you from friends or a friend was driving, then the fine if not included in the insurance is 500 rubles. (Article 12.37. Part 1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Video lesson: when you can drive without insurance

Now you know exactly how long you can drive without insurance if the owner just bought the car. All legislative changes in this matter will be covered on the pages of the Autoconsultation magazine, so follow new publications to keep abreast of innovations.

How to avoid paying traffic police fines in full

I will say right away that it is possible not to pay traffic police fines in full on legal grounds. True, not all, but insurance fines are among them.

FYI. Fines that can be paid at a discount:
Part 1

Don't be afraid, you are not breaking any law and nothing will happen to you for it.

The state, in order to increase collections to the treasury, gave conscientious payers a 50% discount on fines. Federal Law No. 437.

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