What to do if you have a bad memory and absent-mindedness? What to do if a bad memory If memory fails

If you ask yourself the question, what will be considered the norm for memory deterioration and loss, then you will never answer it, because for each person there is a threshold. By the way, there is no limit to memory. There is such a thing as super memory, when a person is able to remember even the smallest details of what they saw or heard, everything they had ever dealt with.

In serious publications and official reference books, memory is called, first of all, not only a physiological phenomenon, but also a cultural one, the ability to store and accumulate life experience. It is divided into two categories: short-term and long-term, and their ratio varies significantly for each person. For example, if you are the owner of a long-term memory, then, most likely, remembering the material will not be easy for you, however, after years you will easily reproduce it. If the opposite is true, then you will remember everything you need, literally instantly, but after a week you won’t even remember what you once knew.

Causes of memory impairment

To make them easier to understand, the causes of memory impairment were divided into several components:

  1. Those associated with brain damage, such as traumatic brain injury, its oncological diseases and;
  2. Associated with the deterioration of the performance of other equally important organs;
  3. Other adverse factors, such as sleep disturbance, constant stress, a sudden transition to a different lifestyle, increased stress on the brain, especially on memory.
  4. Chronic abuse of alcohol, tobacco smoking, sedative drugs and hard drugs.
  5. Changes associated with age.
Treatment of memory impairment in adults.

A person lives and does not even think about memory until he encounters a deterioration in memory, for example, forgetfulness and poor perception of information, a decrease in the volume of perception. Any minor process can put a bullet in your memory.

There are a lot of types of our memory: there are visual, motor, auditory and others. Someone remembers well if he hears the material, and someone if he sees it. It is easier for someone to write and remember, and for someone to imagine. This is how our memory is different.

Our brain is divided into zones, each of which is responsible for some function. For example, for hearing and speech - temporal regions, for vision and spatial perception - occipito-parietal, for movements of the hands and speech apparatus - lower parietal. There is such a disease - astereognosia, which occurs when the lower parietal region is damaged. With its development, a person ceases to feel objects.

It is now scientifically established that hormones play an important role in the processes of our thinking and memory. Estrogen, testosterone and other components improve learning, assimilation of new material, memory development, while oxytocin acts the other way around.

Diseases leading to memory impairment

Memory problems arise on the basis of various diseases. For example, most often the culprits are traumatic brain injuries, because of which there are constantly complaints of memory impairment, and this depends on the severity of the injury. Also, with craniocerebral injuries, various kinds occur: retrograde and anterograde. At the same time, the victim does not remember how he received this injury, nor what happened before. It happens that all this is accompanied by hallucinations and confabulations, that is, false memories that have settled in the human brain and were invented by him. That is, for example, when asked what he did the day before yesterday, the patient will say that he was at the opera, walked the dog, but in fact he was in the hospital all this time, because he was very sick. Hallucinations are images of something that does not exist.

One of the most common causes of impaired memory functionality is impaired blood circulation in the brain. With vessels, there is a decrease in blood flow to all parts of the brain, which is the main provocateur of the development of acute cerebrovascular accident. Any of the species develops in the areas of the brain, and therefore the blood flow to it completely stops, which greatly disrupts their functioning.

Similar symptoms of memory impairment also appear with one of the complications of which is vascular damage, their thickening and closure. All these factors further lead to damage not only to the brain, but also to other important organs.

Such well-known diseases as inflammation of the meninges- and inflammation of the substance of the brain - are reflected in the entire work of this organ. And they arise due to the defeat of various viruses and bacteria. It is good that these diseases are curable with timely treatment to the hospital.

True, this cannot be said about diseases that are inherited, one of which is Alzheimer's disease. Most often, it occurs in elderly people aged 70-80 years and is characterized by a decrease in intelligence and memory loss up to a loss of orientation in the area. It begins imperceptibly, but as soon as you notice that memory is deteriorating and attention has begun to decline, consult a doctor, because it may be just her. A person does not remember recent events, begins to dream of the past, becomes a difficult and selfish person, apathy reigns over him. If he is not provided with the necessary treatment, then he will completely lose his bearings, will not recognize his family, and will not even be able to pronounce what date it is today. According to medical research, it has been established that Alzheimer's is mainly inherited. It is not curable, but if the patient is provided with the necessary treatment and care, then its process will proceed without consequences and complications, quietly and smoothly.

Memory can also deteriorate due to thyroid disease, that is, due to a lack of iodine in the body. A person will have a tendency to be overweight, apathy, depression, irritability and muscle swelling. To avoid this, you need to eat right, eat more iodine-containing foods, seafood, persimmon, seaweed, hard cheese and, of course, dairy products and nuts.

But forgetfulness should not always be equated with memory diseases, because sometimes a person consciously wants and tries to forget the difficult moments of his life, unpleasant and tragic events. This is a kind of human protection, and this should not be scared.

When a person displaces unpleasant facts from his memory, this is repression, when he believes that nothing happened, this is denial, and when he takes out his negative emotions on another object, this is substitution, and all these are the main mechanisms for protecting the human mind. For example, after troubles at work, the husband comes home and takes out his irritability and anger on his beloved wife. To consider such cases as memory problems is possible only when it happens constantly, day after day. In addition, the forgotten negative emotions that you did not express, but suppressed in yourself, will eventually turn into a long one.

Before we start treat memory impairment, you must first understand what disease caused this process. It is advisable to use drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, but no matter how independently.

Physiotherapeutic methods can be used, for example, electrophoresis with the introduction of a glutamic acid preparation through the nose.

For patients with memory impairment, psychological and pedagogical treatment is also successfully used. The teacher helps and teaches the patient to memorize again, while only healthy areas of the brain are involved in the process. For example, if the patient cannot remember the phrases spoken aloud, then if he mentally imagines this image, he will be able to remember at least the whole text. True, this is a very long and laborious process, work on oneself, which involves not only memorizing with the help of other possibilities, but also bringing this technique to automatism, when the patient will no longer think about how to do it.

Severe memory loss- this is not a disease at all, but a warning symptom that indicates that you have another, more serious disease that should be identified and treated. Moreover, it prevents a person from living a full life and separates him from society, worsens adaptive properties and functions.

If you have been diagnosed with memory impairment, then doctors will most likely prescribe you nootropic drugs that you will take. For example, a drug from a new series of drugs belonging to the group of nootropics - Noopept. It contains the most important amino acids for the human body - dipeptides, which, by acting on the neurons of the cerebral cortex, help restore memory and improve concentration. This drug acts on all stages of memory recovery and improvement: on the initial processing of information, its generalization and extraction. It also increases the resistance of the human body to such damaging factors as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, head injuries and various injuries.

After more serious injuries (traumatic brain injury, stroke, coma, etc.), which can cause partial or complete memory loss, doctors completely prefer the original nootropic drug Gliatilin. The fact is that, unlike other drugs, due to its phosphate form, Gliatilin penetrates the brain faster, is better absorbed and does not cause serious side effects. Gliatilin also contains choline alfoscerate, which improves the state of the central nervous system: it ensures the normal transmission of nerve impulses, positively affects the plasticity of neuronal membranes, as well as the functions of receptors. In addition, choline alfoscerate has a neuroprotective effect and accelerates the process of recovery of brain cells after damage caused naturally or as a result of mechanical influences inside or outside the body. The cost of Gliatilin in pharmacies (14 capsules of 400 mg each) is from 700 rubles.

On the video: Improving memory and attention. How to restore and improve memory?

Which doctor to contact with memory impairment

If you notice in yourself or your loved ones memory loss symptoms similar to those described above, then you should contact a neuropsychologist or therapist who will conduct special examinations. If you do not want to wait for a doctor's verdict, then you can start acting on your own. It has long been known that the main cause of complaints is not a violation of memory, but the usual lack of due attention, when the information conveyed is remembered fleetingly and is not taken seriously. Such manifestations of inattention are usually characteristic of already elderly people, although, of course, they also occur in young people. To overcome this syndrome, you need to constantly work on yourself and train, focusing your attention on important details, writing down events, keeping a diary and learning how to do mental calculations.

This method is very popular and is described verbatim in the book of an American professor Lawrence Katz. According to him, these techniques activate the work of all parts of the brain, develop memory, attention and creativity.

Here are some of the memory-improving exercises described in the book:

  1. Habitual things should be done with closed eyes, not with open ones;
  2. If you are left-handed, then do everything with your right hand, if you are right-handed, then vice versa, for example, if you wrote, brushed your teeth, stroked, drew with your left hand, then start doing it with your right hand, we assure you, you will immediately feel the result;
  3. Learn Braille, that is, a reading system for the blind, or learn the basics of sign language - this will come in handy;
  4. Type on the keyboard with all fingers of both hands;
  5. Learn some kind of needlework, such as knitting or embroidery;
  6. Speak in unknown languages ​​and learn them as much as possible;
  7. Distinguish coins by touch and determine their value;
  8. Read about things you've never been interested in.
  9. Go to new places, institutions, theaters, parks, meet new people, communicate more.

That's basically all you need to know about the insidious memory impairment, treatment and symptoms of this disease. Follow these rules, know how to improve memory and be healthy!

Presentation on the topic “Disorders of memory and intelligence”

This article is posted solely for the general educational purposes of visitors and is not scientific material, universal instructions or professional medical advice, and does not replace a doctor's appointment. For diagnosis and treatment, contact only qualified doctors.

You go to the kitchen, but in the end you have no idea why you were there, or you met someone and soon forgot the person's name.

Bad memory is the scourge of modern society. Memory problems can occur at any age. You go to the kitchen, but in the end you have no idea why you were there, or you met someone and soon forgot the person's name. Surely many have experienced this. Such lapses are usually due to information overload, but from time to time, other factors interfere with our ability to remember.

13 most common causes of memory lapses

1. Vitamin B12 deficiency

Similar to iron, B12 helps in making red blood cells, reduces lethargy and the risk of anemia, and improves memory processes. A recent study showed that vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to memory problems.

The study showed that B12 works as a protective layer for myelin, the substance that coats nerves. When there is not enough B12 in our system, the layer is not thick enough and gets damaged. This damage slows down nerve impulses, which can also lead to memory lapses.

Vitamin deficiency can be caused by old age: As we get older, our stomach produces less and less acid, making it harder for our organs to absorb nutrients from food.

Other causes may be unhealthy diet choices, anemia, and Crohn's disease. B12 is most found in fish, meat, and dairy products. However, before making any changes to your diet, check with your doctor.

2. High blood pressure

If you are over the age of 45 and often experience memory problems, it makes sense to check your blood pressure.

A study conducted at the University of Alabama found that people who have high blood pressure tend to suffer from memetic omission as well as cognitive decline compared to people with normal blood pressure.

The good news is that a healthy diet, exercise, and weight loss can help reduce your risk of this problem.

3. Hypothyroidism

If you are often tired, gain weight, feel overwhelmed, and constantly experience memory problems, you may be suffering from hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism often occurs slowly and gradually, reducing the levels of the hormone thyroxine (T4), which plays an important role in our body's energy production. Low T4 causes slow metabolism and slow cognitive function, resulting in memory lapses.

A common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's where the body attacks itself. In addition, viral infections and even antibiotic overuse can also cause hypothyroidism.

4. Menopause

The general theory is that there is a link between forgetfulness and menopause in women, was recently confirmed. A study from the University of California confirms that as estrogen levels drop, memory lapses tend to set in. Estrogen protects neurotransmitters, and without sufficient levels of this hormone, they become less effective.

5. Migraine

If you suffer from migraines, you may be at risk of suffering from transient global amnesia (TGA) after the age of 50. TGA is a state, got there, still aware of who he himself is and who surrounds him.

This type of amnesia is usually thought to be caused by a genetic defect that causes nerve impulses to spread in the brain.TGA can temporarily paralyze memory, and migraines can be triggered by sudden immersion in hot or cold water, extreme emotional stress, or even sexual intercourse. Fortunately, TGA is an uncommon condition and is easily treated.

6. Long flights

Long flights lead to severe fatigue. This symptom is usually caused by poor sleep, as well as jet lag.

A study conducted at the University of California showed that feelings of drowsiness, memory lapses, and difficulty in processing information can last for some time after a flight, and even after a person's biorhythm has returned to normal. When we sleep, our brain processes memories, so sleep deprivation can cause memory lapses.

7. Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often stigmatized which are memory impairments, but in a recent study in Australia, researchers compared the performance of pregnant women versus non-pregnant women. The results were compelling: the first group had a much harder time performing memory-related tasks. The researchers suggested that the reasons for this are lifestyle and diet.

8. Chemotherapy

A common unpleasant side effect of chemotherapy is memory loss. After all, it is not just that often such therapies are called brainwashing of patients.

Chemotherapy can affect the function of brain cells, according to a Stanford University study that found that women who undergo chemotherapy to treat breast cancer had memory lapses.

This is usually a reversible situation and memory function will return to normal when chemotherapy is stopped, but in some cases improvement takes years.

9. Anesthesia

When complex operations are performed, anesthesia is often the only way for the patient to endure them. The disadvantage is that there may be memory loss and cognitive decline after surgery. The University of Florida found that about 38% of patients over the age of 55 suffered from memory loss after surgery, and 12.7% had severe recognition problems over the next 3 months.

10. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a type of "short circuit" in the brain, causing seizures and affecting more than 50 million people worldwide. During a seizure, electrical impulses are sent to the brain, leading to problems such as temporary loss of motor skills, loss of cognitive function, and memory impairment.

11. Arthritis and Asthma Medicines

Corticosteroids are steroids that the body produces and can be taken to treat asthma and arthritis. Taking high doses for six months or more can lead to memory problems.

Even though it is quite rare, corticosteroids can actually kill brain cells and lead to brain atrophy. Changing the dosage may help, but your doctor should advise you about other possible side effects.

12. Depression

Depression is associated with low levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine. These chemicals can interfere with memory-related processes in the brain. Antidepressants and psychological treatments can help with memory problems in this case.

13. Excessive drinking

The more alcohol you consume, the less your brain is able to store short-term memories. Alcohol affects the hippocampus, reducing its functions, including the formation of new memories, so we sometimes forget what we did during a party.

Long term alcohol abuse can lead to Korsakoff's syndrome - the ability to form short-term memories is lost, making it difficult to recall recent information.

Slow, controlled rehabilitation can reverse memory loss in at least 25% of patients.published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

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Nowadays, many complain about the bad. And this is by no means only older people, but also teenagers and young people, who sometimes find it difficult to remember even the most elementary things. There are a large number of explanations and reasons for this, which we will discuss in the article. It will also be about absent-mindedness and, of course, correcting the situation. In most cases (we do not take into account the disease), a bad memory is not a sentence. With the right lifestyle and training, you can develop the ability to remember, even if you do not complain about it now.

Causes of bad memory

The complexity of making a diagnosis is not only that it is extremely difficult to find the cause, but also that there are usually several of them. However, in any case, you need to get rid of them, because they, as a rule, negatively affect the body as a whole.

The main causes of poor memory:

Lack of sleep

Both quantity and quality of sleep are important for memory. Too little sleep or staying awake at night can all lead to fatigue, making it difficult to process and assimilate information.

depression and stress

Depression, stress, and can hamper your ability to concentrate, which, of course, negatively affects memory.


Smoking damages memory by reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. Studies have shown that people who smoke have a harder time remembering faces and names than non-smokers. The same is done with the brain and any drugs.


Excessive alcohol consumption has long been recognized as a cause of memory loss.

Improper nutrition

Good nutrition, including high quality proteins and fats, is essential for proper brain function. Lack of B1 and B12 negatively affects memory.

Lack of memory training exercises

Some people even without exercise have excellent memory. Why? They have a phenomenal curiosity, or apply some principles of memory consciously and unconsciously - for them every day is a workout.

However, for others, the problem is very acute. It could start in childhood, and worsened in adulthood. Therefore, you should go through and practice as often as possible in the future. Good memory is a skill and can be mastered.


The quality of memory largely depends on the intensity and duration of concentration. But this becomes completely impossible if you use your phone and laptop all the time. Probably the most telling test is the number of minutes you can be focused while reading an interesting book. Many people claim that it takes a minute for them to feel sleepy or start thinking about something else.

Head injury

A severe blow to the head, such as from a fall or a car accident, can damage the brain and cause both short-term and long-term memory loss. Memory can gradually improve over time and with appropriate treatment.


A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off due to a blockage in a blood vessel. It often causes short-term memory loss. A person who has had a stroke may have vivid memories of childhood events, but may not remember what they ate for lunch.


Dementia is the name for progressive memory loss and a decrease in other mental operations. There are many causes of dementia, including blood vessel disease, drug or alcohol abuse, or brain damage. The most common is Alzheimer's disease, which is characterized by progressive loss of brain cells and other disorders.

Other possible causes of memory loss include thyroid disease, as well as a number of other diseases that affect brain activity.

What to do if a child has a bad memory

If your child has a bad memory and it’s not a disease, then there are several reasons, although they are serious:

  • Workload and fatigue
  • Sugar abuse
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Lack of interest and curiosity

If parents can exclude the first three reasons, then everything is much more complicated with the last point. Relatively speaking, the quality of memory largely depends on attention and concentration. And they arise and grow stronger if the child has interest and curiosity.

Curiosity and interest are caused only by games or activities that the child perceives as a game. Therefore, by resolving problems with fatigue, workload, and nutrition, you should create a child's enthusiasm for learning.

Memorizing poetry is a great way to train memory, but it should also be done in a game format so as not to discourage the child's interest in poetry and memorization. Therefore, first of all, make sure that the child occupies all his free time with educational games: chess, Lego, assembling robots, board games.

Bad memory: what to do?

First of all, it is worth saying that you must approach the problem in a comprehensive manner and listen to several tips at once. There can be several reasons for poor memory, so this must be taken into account.

Long-term concentration

Perhaps this is one of the most important tips. We know that it is difficult to put the phone aside, but it is impossible otherwise. Try not to change activities more than once every 10 minutes. If you are reading a book, focus completely on it for half an hour. After that, you can pause.

The word "long" in our case is conditional and individual. First, figure out your limits. Most likely, you can concentrate from 1 to 3 minutes: then there is a desire to do something else, and even if you managed to avoid the temptation, thoughts are still distracting.

Vitamins, proper nutrition, sports

If you want to experience an improvement in memory, you need to take it very seriously. Take on physiology from all sides.

It is believed that your brain needs the following vitamins: B1, B6, B9, B12, beta-carotene, C, D, K, Omega-3.

A systematic and healthy lifestyle improves health, increases muscle strength and endurance of a person. But not only: over time, in the course of research, it turned out that this effect of the development of neural networks extends to other areas of the brain, including those responsible for learning, thinking and memory.

Thus, moderate, non-destructive physical activity leads to the stimulation of many organs and tissues of the body, including the stimulation of the brain nerve cells, as well as to the acceleration of the development and branching of neuronal processes (dendrites).

In this case, of course, you need to forget about alcohol and smoking. If you listen to these two tips, the result will already be excellent after a month.

Get rid of chronic stress

The Yerkes-Dodson Law, also known as the Inverted U Theory, states:

  • Under mild to moderate stress, our memory improves up to a certain point, after which an increase in anxiety and stress levels leads to a weakening of memory.

A small level of stress helps to become attentive and focused, but then things get worse. When we are overly anxious or irrationally afraid, even when we are obsessed with something, the process of gathering, storing and retrieving information (memory) can be disrupted.

Brief summary:

  • Improved concentration means cognitive realm.
  • Vitamins, nutrition and sports mean the physiological realm.
  • Releasing stress means the psychic realm.

Only directed work in all 3 areas will contribute to the development of a good memory.


Distracted attention is a violation of the ability to concentrate. This is one of the most common symptoms of bad memory. It has three main reasons:

  • Low level of attention.
  • Close attention to one object (hyperfocus), which makes a person not pay attention to other events around him.
  • Unreasonable distraction of attention from the object of concentration to unnecessary thoughts or the environment.

Absent-mindedness is a mental condition in which a person experiences a low level of attention and is often distracted. Many scientists believe that this is not a diagnosis (not a physical problem), but rather a symptom, as well as a state of mind, a state in which a person introduces himself, believing that he is bored.

There are several types of distraction:

  1. Imaginary absent-mindedness: occurs when it is difficult for a person to distribute attention - there are too many objects. Such a person is too concentrated on what is happening inside him and does not pay attention to what is happening around him at all. In fact, any person who is completely absorbed in something becomes inattentive. For example, a poet, professor, pilot.
  2. True scattering: This condition is often referred to as prostration. During it, a person is disconnected from the external and internal environment, his feelings and thoughts are vague, he cannot show interest in anything and is unable to concentrate.
  3. Senile distraction: a person poorly switches from one object to another and, moreover, does not concentrate actively enough. The level of attention is low.
  4. Student distraction: the person is too mobile and often distracted. His attention involuntarily moves from one object to another, without dwelling on any of them for a long time.
  5. Motivation-driven inattention: in this case, a person consciously and unconsciously avoids concentrating on certain things that seem unpleasant to him.
  6. cognitive inattention: in a familiar environment, for example, a heartbeat, pictures on the walls. Occurs in most people.

There is an opinion that absent-mindedness is a trick that a person resorts to in order not to do what he does not want. The brain understands this command and goes forward.

At the same time, absent-mindedness can occur due to headache, insomnia, fatigue, monotonous and monotonous activity.

We talked about the fact that many psychologists and scientists do not consider distraction to be a physical problem, but some still insist that it is. They believe that it may occur as a result of an organic brain lesion. There is also an opinion that absent-mindedness is associated with depression, but it is not always clear where the cause is and where the effect is.

If we talk about treatment, then first of all you need to contact specialists. In case of brain damage, nootropic drugs are prescribed; due to depression, antidepressants are prescribed. Some psychiatrists believe that rest, the right amount of sleep, and practice to relieve stress is enough.

To improve memory, you need to approach the problem in a complex way. It is unlikely that, for example, improving nutrition will help significantly (although this is a mandatory element) - you need to pull your body out of the abyss, focusing on many areas of life. For starters, just stop clogging it with alcohol, cigarettes and junk food. Add to this at least small, but regular targeted workouts and the results will not keep you waiting.

We wish you good luck!

The causes of memory impairment can be divided into five groups.

1. Brain damage

Everyone knows that memory lives in the brain. But where exactly?
It depends what we are looking for. If long-term memory, then the cortex is responsible for it. But in the hippocampus, located deep in the temporal regions, the mechanisms for transferring information from short-term to long-term memory “sit”. In general, there are a lot of memory centers in the brain, so any damage to this organ can lead to memory impairment. Therefore, the most common causative agents in this group are:
a) traumatic brain injury. Everything is simple here: wherever the blow falls, the probability of its negative impact on any of the memory centers is very high.
b) stroke (cerebrovascular accident). Blood does not flow, the memory centers cease to function fully. What's more, a study by Dutch scientists at St Radboud Medical Center showed that memory can deteriorate even if it's part of the memory - usually the temporal lobe - has not been damaged.
c) oncology. A formed neoplasm (even a benign one) puts pressure on adjacent areas of the brain. In addition, cases of metastasis to other parts of the body are not uncommon.
d) infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis). Inflammatory processes occurring in the brain adversely affect both individual memory centers and the entire brain as a whole.

2. Diseases of other organs

Memory can also deteriorate as a result of diseases of other organs:
a) Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system in general (even if it is "just" an increase in blood pressure). The blood supply to the brain deteriorates, consequently, it ceases to perform its functions fully.
b) Diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.) We will not dwell on all the organs, we will only talk about the kidneys. US scientists have found that kidney disease is the cause of cognitive decline, incl. deterioration in verbal memory.
The study was based on the measurement of glomerular filtration rate ( GFR - determines the cleansing capacity of the kidneys) and creatinine level ( end product of protein metabolism) in blood. After five years of observation, a pattern was noted: the memory of volunteers deteriorated in direct proportion to the increase in the level of creatinine in the blood and the decrease in the glomerular filtration rate, i.e. with the progression of renal disease.
c) Metabolic disorders. For good brain function, it is necessary that it receives all the necessary substances. As soon as the metabolism of the whole organism is disturbed, the brain begins to experience a shortage in them and redistribute its "resources", and the memory centers are far from the beginning of the "queue".

3. Adverse environmental factors

These factors include:
a) information overload. Each person has his own “limit”, and as soon as the brain receives more information than it can process, it “freezes”. Moreover, information may not be purposefully received, but “chaotically bombing”: the environment is now thoroughly permeated with information flows.
b) lack of vitamins. Of course, many vitamins are important for excellent brain function, but group B occupies the primacy. These vitamins:
support the work of the central nervous system;
protect brain cells from stress, overload and premature aging;
participate in oxygen metabolism;
reduce blood clotting;
participate in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters that trigger nerve impulses between neurons.
And if all this ensures the functioning of the brain as a whole, then the latter is directly related to memory: there is no impulse, there is no brain function, there is no memory.
c) stressful situations. The Universities of Calgary and Exeter proved that stress ( but not easy, namely the ultimate) blocks the physiological processes associated with memory. Despite the fact that the study was conducted on Lymnaea stagnalis snails, the result is quite revealing: having endured a huge amount of irritating factors, the test subjects forgot absolutely everything that they had been taught earlier. In addition, if one stressful moment only lowers the quality of memory, then a “massive” stress attack creates a cumulative effect, and information generally ceases to linger in memory.
d) lack, inferiority of sleep. In a dream, the body, incl. the brain is restored: instead of the dead, new cells grow. Accordingly, the better and longer the sleep, the longer and more effective the recovery is. Otherwise, the brain does not have time to "rest", loses the ability to both remember and recall.
d) junk food. Many food products are stored and prepared in aluminum utensils. Food coloring also contains aluminum. As a result, by consuming products of the "aluminized" industry, a person provides his body with an excess of aluminum, which, by the way, is extremely slowly and difficult to remove. As a result, headaches appear, thinking becomes lethargic, and memory deteriorates.
“Stimulants” like energy and tonic drinks also contribute. Stimulation, of course, gives a short-term effect, but with regular use, the brain becomes “lazy”.

4. Chronic intoxication

Reasons for this group include:
a) smoking. It practically “decomposes” the brain, disrupts the ability to reason, learn, impairs memory. Moreover, not only active, but also passive smoking has a detrimental effect. Scientists from Northumbria University, who conducted a study on three groups of volunteers ( smokers who constantly breathe smoke, rarely come into contact with smoke), proved that normal memory characteristics were observed only in the healthiest group, while in smokers this indicator was reduced by 30% and for passive smokers 25% .
b) alcohol abuse or total refusal from it. University College London experts have proven that drinking more than 36 g of pure alcohol per day leads to early memory deterioration, but drinking up to 20 g of alcohol per day does not provoke such changes. It is also curious that a complete rejection of alcohol is harmful to memory. Thus, the optimal "schedule" of drinking is 2-4 glasses of wine per week.
c) drug addiction. Even with a single dose, drugs can cause irreparable damage to the brain. For example, after a single use of "harmless" ecstasy - the most neurotoxic synthetic drug - the brain's serotonin system is damaged so much that it can never fully recover. Some drugs work even after you stop using them. In any case, these substances disrupt the very system of impulse transmission, interfere with the order of receiving, sending and processing information by nerve cells.
d) heavy metal intoxication (lead, mercury, thallium, copper, manganese).
Lead occupies a leading position among the causes of industrial poisoning, because there are a lot of places for its use: lead smelters, battery production, printing houses, the production of lead paints, leaded gasoline, ceramic products, crystal glass, etc. In addition, there is a threat of lead damage nearby. major highways.

Mercury has three main sources:
Amalgam ( in dental fillings). A medium-sized filling contains 750,000 micrograms of mercury, of which 10 micrograms are released daily. Plus, mercury is released faster if the amalgam is heated to the temperature of hot tea.
Vaccines. Merthiolate - an organic compound of mercury - is present in vaccines against influenza, hepatitis B, DTP and is more dangerous than its vapors.
Fish. The mercury contained in it has already reacted with protective molecules, and does not pose a significant health hazard. But still, you should not overeat tuna.
In addition, potential sources of mercury in the home are thermometers, thermostats, mercury switches, and barometers.
e) drug abuse. Memory impairment is a side effect of many drugs. If these drugs are abused, a cumulative effect will be created, which is especially pronounced after taking tranquilizers and sedatives.
The list of such pharmaceutical groups also includes antipsychotics, anticholinergics, "heart" drops, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antidepressants, antihistamines.

5. Age-related changes in the body

The main changes that affect the deterioration of memory in old age are sclerotic: the walls of the vessels of the brain, other tissues and organs gradually lose their elasticity and become rigid. In addition, the lumen of the vessel narrows, microstrokes develop (hemorrhages, albeit small, in different parts of the brain). An additional reason is a change in the brain that disrupts the quality of sleep: the prefrontal cortex loses its volume. If you add to this a lot of brain diseases called "senile" ( Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease), memory deterioration becomes apparent with age.

To stop or slow down the course of sclerotic changes, doctors often prescribe nootropic medications. The original nootropic drug of central action is Gliatilin. It is produced on the basis of choline alfoscerate, which improves the condition of the central nervous system (CNS), thanks to the phosphate form, it penetrates the brain faster and is better absorbed. Gliatilin improves the transmission of nerve impulses, positively affects the plasticity of neuronal membranes, as well as the functions of receptors. It helps to slow down the aging and degradation of the brain, which are the cause of all kinds of disorders and memory disorders. Also, choline alfoscerate has a neuroprotective effect and accelerates the process of memory recovery after damage caused naturally, as a result of mechanical influences inside or outside the body. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Distracted attention is a rather serious disorder of the nervous system that any person can face. Sometimes distraction goes away on its own, and sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes even bigger problems.

Violation of attention and its accompanying symptoms can cause severe discomfort and interfere with normal life. So what is distraction and inattention from a medical point of view, how does this condition manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What is attention in terms of psychology

Attention is a concept of cognitive psychology, which represents the degree of processing of specific information that our brain receives from the environment.

Thanks to mindfulness, successful orientation of the subject in the surrounding space is ensured, and also due to it, a complete and distinct reflection in the psyche is ensured. The object of attention falls into the center of our consciousness, the other elements are perceived weakly, not clearly, but the direction of our attention may change.

Attention is of several types:

  1. random type. During the work of this type of attention, a person does not make an effort of will to concentrate, he does not even set a goal for himself.
  2. Arbitrary type. During this variety, a person makes an effort of will to focus on a specific object.
  3. Post-arbitrary type. During this type of attention, there is a decrease in volitional effort, but the goal of being attentive is maintained.

What is distraction

First of all, absent-mindedness is a state of inattention, constant forgetfulness, which constantly accompanies a person. It is worth remembering that a person is not born with absent-mindedness, he acquires it during his life.

The presence of this disorder in everyday life can lead to various problems, and sometimes quite serious ones. Communication with such people is quite troublesome, they cannot build normal relationships and they have a very hard time at work. Therefore, this condition must be treated so that it does not lead to more serious consequences.

Varieties of violation

Scattered attention can be of different types:

  • functional view;
  • poetic kind;
  • minimal kind.

functional attention disorder

Inattention of this kind can manifest itself in almost any person as a result of a monotonous and monotonous work process.

This type of failure can manifest itself due to permanent ones, as well as if a person has any illnesses.

Minimum distraction

Minimal inattention and forgetfulness is caused by the inability to focus one's attention on important objects, due to deep immersion in one's personal problems.

This type of violation occurs due to the fact that a person cannot be distracted from internal experiences. Personal experiences distract him from everything he does.

Poetic nature flies high...

With this violation of attention, a person is constantly in a state of daydreaming and fantasies. This species has no age restrictions. It refers mainly to people who have a creative nature, it is normal for them to be constantly in thought, search, reflection.

Varieties of manifestations

Distracted Attention Syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, namely:

Distracted attention - is it a disease, the psychotherapist answers:

Eh, I should be absent-minded and inattentive to live ...

Lack of attention can be caused by various reasons. To begin with, it is worth highlighting the factors of a physiological, non-pathological type that provoke inattention, exhaustion, jumps and inertia of attention:

  1. Against the background of physical and mental fatigue.
  2. With chronic lack of sleep, insomnia.
  3. In a profession that requires performing the same monotonous actions or focusing on the same object. Often the disorder of volume and weakening of attention is caused by work behind the conveyor, behind the wheel.
  4. Sometimes people of certain professions, in the course of their work, develop a habit in which they focus on the subject of their scientific research, which entails ignoring everything around them, this is the so-called inertia of attention (switchability disorder). At the same time, memory does not suffer, on the contrary, it improves, it’s just that people working in the scientific field or another field discard everything that is not necessary and try to keep their attention on the most important.
  5. Age changes. With age, especially in old people over 70, the functions of concentrating attention weaken and its disorder occurs.
  6. Sometimes strong excitement prevents you from focusing your attention, which entails a state of absent-mindedness.

Neurological and other disorders

Distractedness, forgetfulness and inattention can occur due to various diseases and disorders in the body:

Distractedness and forgetfulness in children are the main symptom of ADHD

Often absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in children and very young people is characterized by the inability to control oneself. Attention in a child depends on many psychological processes that occur in the body. At the very beginning of his journey, he needs motivation and control from his parents.

Distractedness and inability to self-control is often one of the main signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (). If a child has this disorder, then he has absent-mindedness such as “fluttering” attention. The main features of this condition are a low level of concentration and a quick involuntary switching of attention.

Causes and symptoms

Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in young children can be provoked by seemingly harmless factors and causes:

  • various preservatives, flavors, other food additives, which are found in large quantities in modern delicacies;
  • medicines that are derivatives of salicylic acid;
  • if there is an increased craving for sweets;
  • problems with carbohydrate metabolism;
  • the occurrence of allergic manifestations to food;
  • if there is a shortage of the necessary chemical components for the child's body, especially iron and magnesium;
  • if there is an increased content in the blood of a heavy metal - lead. Its excess can lead to severe pathologies of the central nervous system and to the occurrence of mental retardation.

If a child develops ADHD, the following symptoms may appear:

  • a state of hyperexcitability, restlessness, constant fuss;
  • often switches from one occupation to another, while the previous business is not completed to the end;
  • the child cannot concentrate on one specific task;
  • he has a bad memory, jerky movements, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.

In addition to these symptoms, you should pay attention to other signs:

Goals and methods of diagnosis

The initial stage of diagnosing in violation of attention and absent-mindedness includes the following examinations:

  1. . During the examination, the doctor should assess the state of fine motor skills, as well as identify neuralgic symptoms.
  2. Conducting a survey with the completion of the diagnostic card.
  3. Conducting neuropsychological testing. During this examination, the level of attention, intellectual abilities, performance in relation to a long task, and other conditions are assessed.

In addition, instrumental examinations are carried out and laboratory tests are given:

  • blood chemistry, at which the level of sugar, trace elements - iron, magnesium and lead is determined, the exchange of dopamine is studied;
  • genetic analyzes;
  • conducting with doppler;
  • (EEG, video-EEG) using methods (EP);
  • holding .

Package of measures

Treatment of ADHD and associated disorders should be comprehensive and should consist of the following steps:

  • behavior correction techniques;
  • psychotherapeutic methods;
  • neuropsychological correction.

Correction of absent-mindedness in a child can be carried out with the help of activities that are aimed at improving concentration. During these classes, various puzzles and logical tasks are solved. All classes must be clearly distributed over the day, while the main time must be allocated for physical activity and rest. However, if this treatment fails, other types of treatment can be used.

The main medicines that allow you to deal with absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and inattention in a child are psychostimulants that should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor:

All drugs have contraindications and side effects, so be sure to read the instructions for use before use.

During physiotherapy treatment, the following procedures are carried out:

  • laser therapy, the full course consists of 7-10 procedures, during each of which 3-5 zones of the body are irradiated;
  • UHF therapy, it consists of 8-10 procedures;
  • inhalation procedures 5-10;
  • UVI of the nasopharynx, the full course consists of 3-5 procedures;
  • a course of magnetotherapy, which consists of 8-10 procedures.

How to develop mindfulness - it will be useful for both children and adults:

What should parents of an inattentive child do?

An important role in the problems of their child with attentiveness and perseverance is played by parents. They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • be sure to adapt to the regimen of your child and constantly observe it;
  • to control that during the day the child feels calm, so that he does not have overwork, it is also not desirable that he spends a long time in front of the TV or computer screen;
  • try to interest the child in some sports games, you can sign him up in the pool, and also walk with him constantly for a walk in the fresh air;
  • it is advisable to refuse to visit places with a large crowd of people, not to invite a large number of guests.

Attention in a child must be trained from childhood, so that in the future he does not have a state of restlessness, loss and absent-mindedness. It is desirable to interest him in various educational games. Even in infancy, you need to show different toys and name them so that he can already focus on them.

If suddenly you have already noticed signs of an attention disorder in your child, then it is necessary at the initial stage to begin to develop attentiveness and purposefulness on your own.

Buy educational games, constructor, mosaic. The child must develop perseverance, and each lesson must be completed to the end, and to facilitate this process, parents must help him in this.

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