Alternative tinting methods. We are looking for an alternative to standard car tinting. Complete visual isolation of the interior. How to install Laitovo

As you know, in Russia, full tinting of the interior is strictly prohibited. This rule has been in effect for quite a long time and many cars have encountered a situation where the servants of the law forced them to remove the tinting from the windows right on the spot.

On the one hand, the desire to ban tinting is understandable, since it helps ensure transparency of the interior and improve visibility, especially at night. On the other hand, for law-abiding drivers, tinting had many advantages, which helped keep the interior in good condition and provide protection from prying eyes.

A logical question arises - what can be done as an alternative to tinting in order to get all the same advantages and at the same time not conflict with current legislation? The Laitovo company has products that become just such an alternative to tinting.

Protective screens and curtains - the choice of attentive drivers

If you walk around a major city and see how drivers protect their cars from sunlight and prying eyes, you will quickly realize that they use special screens. These product options are designed to give you the freedom to install them yourself.

They consist of a rigid frame in which a special mesh is stretched or a screen is installed. This alternative to tinting has been tested over years of use and shows itself as a means that can create comfortable conditions inside the interior space.

Depending on the specific model, the dimensions, level of transparency, color and many other parameters change. Accordingly, the product is selected specifically for a specific car brand, taking into account all the structural features and shape of the glass.

Why does this alternative work?

Now let's pay attention to what advantages an alternative to tinting from Laitovo in the form of special meshes and screens can bring you. As practice shows, there are many of them:

  1. The best sun protection. Tinting once served as an excellent barrier to the penetration of the sun into the interior. This helped to create a natural shadow, so that the heating of the seats and equipment on the dashboard was significantly less. Now Laitovo production successfully copes with this task.
  2. Increasing the efficiency of the car air conditioner. This advantage follows directly from the previous one. Just imagine how much energy you have to spend on cooling a cabin that is constantly heated by the sun. Research shows that the use of protective screens increases salon efficiency by at least 50%.
  3. Protecting the car interior from prying eyes. Another very significant plus. If a person does not see an expensive radio or a briefcase forgotten in the cabin, he will have much less incentive to get inside. Given the ban on classic tinting, frame models become an excellent defense in such a situation.

All that remains to add here is the ease of installation, the absence of potential harm to the car, both to the interior and to the glass and body covering; you can handle the installation of alternative frame tinting yourself. And the appropriate option for your car model is selected in a few minutes. Today, many car enthusiasts fully trust Laitovo products and you can also verify its quality from your own experience.

In accordance with the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles:

"3.5.2. The light transmission of the windshield, front side windows and front door windows (if equipped) must be at least 70 percent.”

In essence, this means that front and windshield windows should not be tinted at all, since the light transmittance of glass without any coating is 80-85%. Therefore, when using even the lightest tint with a light transmittance of 25-30%, the driver is already violating the Traffic Rules. Violation of this paragraph of the Rules is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles, as well as removal of license plates and a ban on operating the car if the driver for some reason does not want to remove the tint on the spot.

The measures are quite unpleasant, so all fans of tinted cars began to look for alternative methods, either to do everything according to the law, or to outwit the authorities.

By gluing film on the windows of their vehicle, drivers pursue various goals: for some, it is necessary for the car to heat up as little as possible in the heat and maintain a more comfortable temperature in the cabin; for others, it is necessary to protect their personal space from prying eyes; for others, they try to way to reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and someone provides additional safety measures - when tinted glass breaks, the fragments remain on the film.

Athermal thermal deflection films

An athermal film, which has many advantages and is completely legal, can be a good alternative to the usual tinting. does not interfere with the light transmission of glass. It is completely transparent and only gives the glass a slight tint - blue or green. Athermal film can be very useful for those who want to protect the interior of their car from overheating and fading. It is especially relevant in the hot summer season, when the temperature inside a car with a black interior standing in the sun can reach up to 110 degrees Celsius. In addition, such a film creates effective protection against ultraviolet radiation, which easily penetrates through ordinary glass.

Another advantage of athermal film is that in the event of glass breaking, it prevents glass fragments from scattering in different directions and thereby protects the driver and passengers from additional injuries.

Thus, athermal film can successfully replace conventional tinting for those who do not intend to hide the car’s interior from others. If darkening properties are needed, then it is worth considering others alternative ways toning.

Removable tint

A fairly common way to circumvent the law has become removable tinting. The fact is that, as mentioned above, for driving a car with less light transmittance glass than required by GOST, there is a penalty - a fine and removal of license plates. But if you dismantle the coating on site, then no one will rent the rooms. This is the basis for the use of removable tinting. Essentially, you are breaking the law by driving a car with tinted front windows, but... You immediately, in front of the inspector, correct the violation, punishment no longer applies to you.

Removable tint comes in several types. The most common is silicone static. It is very similar in appearance to regular tinting, but differs from it in the material of manufacture and method of attachment. Silicone film is attached to the glass due to its static properties, while regular film is held in place with a thin layer of transparent adhesive. Due to this, it can be used many times - remove and stick again. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that it still has slight distortion and film installation is quite labor-intensive. It is difficult to stick it on without leaving any bubbles, debris or creases - this requires special skills.

Another variety is removable tinting on plastic. Very thin flexible plastic is taken and cut to the shape of the main glass. Next, this blank is installed in place using double-sided tape. Can be installed and dismantled at any time. But this type of removable tinting is considered the least successful. Firstly, the plastic gives a very strong distortion, secondly, when removed it is very easy to damage and wrinkle, thirdly, it is impossible to achieve a tight fit of the plastic to the glass, and this leads to debris getting between the layers, which leaves Scratches on both glass and tinting.

The cost of installing removable tinting is approximately 2500 - 3000 rubles. per set for front windows.

Double glazing

Another way to tint a car was patented in Togliatti - installing double windows. An additional glass with a separate drive is installed in the car door; therefore, depending on the situation, you can raise either glass with tinting or glass without it. This method also has quite a few disadvantages - the need to intervene in the car’s design, and the possibility of breakdown at the most unexpected moment. In addition, dirt can accumulate between the glasses, leading to scratches on the glass.

The cost of such a design varies for different cars and varies between 10-18 thousand rubles.

Car curtains

Partially, special car curtains can be called an alternative to window tinting. Previously, this accessory was not particularly popular among car enthusiasts, but with the tightening of measures for the use of tinting, drivers turned to this method of “hiding” from prying eyes. The choice of car curtains is simply huge. They differ in color, cut, style, material - to suit every taste and budget. The price range is also quite wide; the simplest ones can be bought from 500 rubles.

In addition, there are frame curtains. They consist of a mesh stretched over a base of a certain shape - different for each car model. They are installed directly on the glass and from a distance do not differ in appearance from regular tinting. In addition to the usual ones, there are also sets of curtains for smokers - they have special cut-out holes.

Electronic (electrochromic) tinting

Innovative technology that allows you to control the light transmission of glass by pressing a button on the remote control. There are several varieties of this technology: in one case, a special film is glued to the standard glass of the car, in another case, the glass is simply replaced with special ones, which are installed instead of the “original” ones.

The point of this tinting method is that when you press a button, the windows of your car can almost instantly change from untinted to tinted and vice versa.

Inside the glass or film there are special crystals that look transparent when at rest. But as soon as you press the button and apply a pulsed current to the crystals, they immediately turn and the glass becomes opaque.

The technology is very convenient and has virtually no disadvantages, except high cost. It will cost approximately 55-80 thousand rubles to apply electronic tinting to standard glass, and to replace the glass with special ones will cost 395-450 thousand rubles.

Today we will talk about how, with what and with what materials you can replace window tinting on a car so that you don’t get fined. Let's find out what a tinting grid is, hard removable tinting, frame car curtains, electronic tinting, retractable tinting with double glass, as an alternative to car window tinting

Car window tinting with mesh

Today, the use of special curtain nets in cars is becoming increasingly popular among car enthusiasts. Using this type of tinting, you can tint your windows very well. This alternative to standard tinting has been in great demand lately. Fans of this option say that the nets can be easily removed, provide reliable protection of the interior from solar radiation, and traffic police officers do not regard it as a violation of existing legislation.

Curtains instead of tinting

Tinting car windows with a mesh is, by and large, installing special screens on the windows. They consist of a special synthetic material with a fine-grained structure. Previously, this material was not intended for similar manipulations. There are currently no car nets that have been officially approved by car manufacturers. A modern alternative to tinting is the use of silicone material, which provides complete protection of the car from ultraviolet rays. Removable window tinting is becoming increasingly popular among car owners, as it has an affordable cost, and its qualities are practically no different from regular ones.

Also, for alternative protection of the car from sunlight and to create a comfortable atmosphere inside the cabin, special curtains from Japanese company Newing. They are perforated sheets made of modern material, rolled into a small roll, which are conveniently attached to suction cups or to special 3M adhesive tape on the door trim. Unlike classic tinting, they can be easily installed independently and, if necessary, removed.

Curtain tinting

But all this is not so important, because there are some more serious problems. There are several main ones among them.

· The mesh cannot provide protection against overheating because it is unable to absorb solar radiation. Here's the film

· is able to do this while maintaining relatively comfortable conditions inside the cabin, even in hot weather.

· The mesh can make it more difficult for the driver to see. After installation, in the first couple of days a person will hardly be able to park the car normally. Due to the unusual structure of the mesh, ripples and some strain may appear in the eyes. There is no need to install the net all around, because you will have to forget about the help from the rear view mirror.

· While the car is moving with the windows open, the mesh will collect a huge amount of dirt and dust. Cleaning can take a lot of time and effort. Not every master is able to make a mesh for a specific car window.

During precipitation, the windows in the car will fog up. At low temperatures, they will thaw more slowly after cold weather, because some non-natural fibers simply cannot absorb moisture properly. Advantages of alternative car tinting products

The advantages of the alternative car tinting products listed above are as follows:

alternative car tinting is of high quality;

the removable design of the curtains allows for their reusable use;

the price of this product is affordable to every car owner;

a wide selection of alternatives will allow you to purchase the optimal model of car blinds;

Curtains and silicone tinting are easy to fix and just as easy to remove.

Some people still dare to install a mesh, which they later regret. After a while, many refuse to use it, lamenting the wasted time and financial resources. Therefore, you need to immediately think about everything carefully and draw intelligent conclusions. It is better to tint the windows using a special film.

Any restrictions lead to a natural desire to find ways to circumvent the prohibitions. Attempts to tint the interior of a car, knowing that this is a violation of the requirements of the Regulations, look very improvident. If you want to darken the interior, you can use a few tips.

The simplest recommendation is to use tinting materials that meet the standards and carry out tuning in a certified service, where they will not only cover the glass with films, but also carry out the necessary measurements of light transmittance and issue a certificate.

In addition, there are the following options:

· installation of electrical tinting, which has the ability to regulate light transmittance;

· installation of a second glass with tinting;

· use of curtains.

Removable tinting is becoming increasingly popular. These can be protective screens on suction cups (clips) or tinting with special films that can be quickly installed and removed. The answer to the question whether removable tinting is allowed is not directly stated in the Regulations, however, it is obvious that these are items that limit visibility. The advantage of such materials is the ability to quickly remove them when a state traffic police post appears in the visibility zone and avoid punishment in this way.


This method of glass tinting has one advantage over the traditional one - you can optionally adjust the darkening level or make the glass completely transparent. This technology has long been used in the West, and in expensive cars is a basic option.

Electric tinting of car windows allows you to avoid many of the problems that accompany conventional tinting. For example, if you are driving at dusk and visibility is difficult, you can make the windows lighter. Or, if you are not a fan of dark windows, but in the summer you have to leave your car in the sun, then you can turn on the tinting only when you leave the car. Also, tinting will prevent strangers from looking inside the car and thereby protect against theft of things from the interior. In general, compared to conventional tinting, electronic tinting has undeniable advantages.

The main characteristics of smart glass are:

· light transmission properties – 77% and do not depend on the transparency of the glass;

· the degree of protection of the interior from UF radiation is 85% and it does not matter whether the glass is tinted or not;

· during operation, minor mechanical damage does not in any way affect the properties of smart glass, since the liquid crystal layer is located in the middle;

· glass functions are controlled using the remote control;

· 1 sq.m. smart glass consumes no more than 7 W of electricity.

Like regular glass tinting, electronic tinting is done using a special film. It consists of three layers. The outer and inner ones are protective, they are completely transparent. The middle layer is the working layer; it is the one that changes its light transmission depending on the wishes of the driver.

How does he do this? Everyone is familiar with the old calculators, the display of which displays information using liquid crystals. When current is applied to a certain area of ​​the display, the crystals in it rotate in such a way that it becomes opaque and we see the number that appears.

The middle layer of tint film works on the same principle. It is completely filled with a certain substance consisting of liquid crystals. If current is applied to it the required strength, the film darkens. Moreover, depending on the power of the supplied current, the level of dimming can be adjusted. The electricity consumed by such a tint film is negligible, so its use has virtually no effect on fuel consumption and battery charge.

In addition to the usual procedure for gluing the tint film, electronic tint must be connected to electrical system car. This is where the difficulty lies. If ordinary glass tinting work can be done independently, then only a specialist can handle the connection.

In addition, during the installation process you have to embed new switch buttons and controls, which requires working with plastic, which is also not something everyone can do. In addition, depending on the wishes of the client and the qualifications of the technician, non-standard connection options can be made, which can provide more comfort when using such tinting.

Let's give a clear example. If you decide to completely tint the car, the standard connection option will only allow you to adjust the overall darkening level of the film. If desired, electronic tinting of car windows can be done in such a way that you can separately adjust the level of darkening of one or more windows separately from the rest, which in itself is very convenient.

For example, you are driving at dusk and visibility through the side windows is reduced. You can lower their darkening level without compromising the others. This is especially useful for country trips, when the headlights of oncoming cars blind you, and a tinted windshield helps to avoid this effect. Another option is when you have to drive towards the rising or setting sun - then you can only turn on the tint windshield.

Many people consider electronic tinting a fad, but as can be seen from the above, this is not the case. Indeed, its cost, as well as the cost of installation, is higher than gluing conventional film, but the effect is completely different. In the case of electric tinting, the costs are quite justified - its installation significantly increases the comfort of using the car.

Before you make a removable tint, you first go to the store car accessories. Manufacturers quickly adapted to the needs of car enthusiasts and produced a small but acceptable range of polymer materials that are used as removable shading.

Considering that this attribute is not in very wide demand, manufacturing plants do not strive to provide sellers with films already cut to the shape of glass. Most likely you will have to buy blanks - fragments of polymer tinted material in sheets up to 1 mm thick, which still have to be cut out.

The question of how to cut out removable tint is resolved by each car enthusiast at his own discretion. The options are:

· apply the film to the glass and trace the outline;

Prepare a cardboard template in advance;

· remove the glass or use another glass as a template.

Of course, you will have to remove the door trim, remove the rubber seals and “velvet seals”. For the first time, you should not be lazy and remove the glass. It is much more convenient to perform all manipulations on the desktop.

Removable tint is applied if the auto mechanic has:

· glass cleaner (“Mr. Muscle” or similar);

· foam-forming detergent (for example, “Fairy”);

· clean rags;

· an elastic rubber spatula or a piece of flexible plastic wrapped in cloth.

Direct installation of tint film on glass is carried out using proven technology:

· using detergent, wash the inner surface of the glass and wipe it dry;

· prepare a soapy water solution with plenty of foam (Fairy is used);

· the planes of glass and film are abundantly wetted with soap solution;

· the film is applied to the glass and aligned along the edges;

· using an elastic spatula, excess water with foam and air bubbles are dispersed from the center to the edges;

· Wipe off excess moisture with a dry cloth.

The glass dries for about a day and is used further, as with a regular tint film. The advantage of this material is that it can be removed from the glass very quickly, leaving no marks. You can stick it back as many times as you like. Considering that this polymer is much thicker than ordinary film, the edges do not lift up and the surface is not scratched.


Those who want to get mobile tinting may be intimidated by the prices for high-quality material. Indeed, the technology for producing such polymers is not very widespread, and not everyone can afford such a luxury. On the Internet you can find another way to glue removable tint. It is much cheaper, but more troublesome. For this option you will need:

· transparent thin film (polyester, PVC, PET or plexiglass) 0.5-1 mm thick;

· ordinary tinting film for car windows;

· double-sided tape.

First you need to make tinted linings according to the shape of the glass. To do this, the tint film is glued to transparent plastic. Next, follow the above recommendations to cut out the removable panels. Before installation, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the inner surface of the glass.

A strip of double-sided tape about 1 cm wide should be glued along the perimeter of the glass. Then you need to attach and glue the prepared tint to the tape. It’s absolutely not difficult to find a video on the Internet about how to properly perform removable tinting with your own hands. Perhaps a master class from professionals will become more intelligible and will help you find answers to questions that arise along the way.


The described two methods of obtaining removable tinting have their own advantages and disadvantages. When deciding for yourself how to install removable tint, you must take them into account.

The positive qualities of gluing expensive film are as follows: it does not differ in appearance from ordinary film; does not create glare or distortion; durable, reusable. The only negative is the high cost, which cannot be said about the second option.

The second method of completely homemade tinting has worse performance: the shade and color of the film is very different from the rear door glass; the presence of an air gap causes image distortion and glare; Over time, dust and moisture enter the cavity, which leads to the need for re-gluing. Due to overheating in summer, the film peels off.

It should be remembered that this whole procedure boils down to providing the opportunity to urgently remove the film if there is a threat of falling out of favor with traffic inspectors. You can quickly get rid of tint if the tint is installed using the first method. If necessary, tear off the film glued with tape, this will take some time. In this case, traces of glue and remnants of adhesive tape will definitely remain on the glass.

According to the current legislation in Russia, the light transmission of the windshield of a car should not be lower than 75%, the front side windows should not be lower than 70%. In fact, this means no tinting on these windows. The fact is that some glasses have a light transmission level of 75%, even without being tinted. Although, if the light transmission of your car is close to 100%, light tinting may not lead to a reduction in this parameter below the state standards. However, tinted glass, even if it meets the described requirements, will always be a subject of curiosity for traffic police officers. When they see the darkened glass, they will stop your car. Once they are satisfied that your window tinting meets the requirements, they will begin a thorough inspection of your vehicle to look for other reasons to issue you a ticket. Even if they fail, your time will be wasted and your mood ruined.

Therefore, it seems that it is impossible to drive with tinted windows on the roads of our vast homeland. However, this only seems so. Immediately after the appearance of this ban, small enterprises and individual craftsmen (of which we have countless) throughout the country began to work on resolving the current situation. And they have already achieved significant success. We can say that today this problem has at least been partially resolved. We are talking about the possibility of driving on roads with tinted glass on the side doors. After all, no one forbade darkening the rear side windows, but darkening the windows of the front side doors requires the car owner to resort to a little cunning.

It consists in the fact that additional glass is inserted into the side windows, which, just like the main ones, can rise and fall. They are inserted from the inside relative to the main glass. At the same time, additional glasses, unlike factory ones, can be completely hidden in the door body. This additional window is controlled by a separate electric drive not connected to the main glass. Window control buttons can usually be located anywhere in the cabin that the customer indicates. It is these additional glasses that you can tint to a level of light transmission that is comfortable for you.

Double tinting requires some technical preparation for its installation, so it is better to entrust this process to a good workshop, where you will be offered based on patented technology. At the same time, you will be confident that the additional light-transmitting part will be made of glass, and not plastic, plexiglass or any other amenitelya. In addition, when the described procedure is carried out properly, a special transparent “velvet coating” is applied to the external sides of the additional glass, preventing direct contact of glass with each other, thus preventing the appearance of scratches. There is no distortion of the view from the window when the additional glass is raised.

An important point is that this technology is patented as a “means of protecting the interior while parked.” That is, the installation of additional glass is completely legal. Another thing is that no one is stopping you from raising the tinted inner glass while driving. True, in this situation caution will not hurt. On the one hand, double tinting can protect you from the gaze of street onlookers when you are inside the car, on the other - if it catches the eye of an observer traffic police officer while your car is moving, you may have some problems...

Please note that this procedure will increase the weight of each door by about 5 - 6 kg. If you already have noise or thermal insulation installed, then such an increase in weight can become significant and require the installation of additional loops. However, this does not bother lovers of darkened windows, which is why the described technology is gaining popularity. It is quite likely that high beams on Russian highways will soon become a sign for drivers not only to slow down and fasten their seat belts, but also to remove their tinted flowed.

The cost of a pair of glasses is 19,000 rubles, and for now they are available for domestic cars. Soon the manufacturer promises to expand its line with lifts for foreign cars. Among the disadvantages noted by the owners during operation are fogging of the space between the windows and the appearance of glare on the side glass.

What sanctions can an inspector apply to the owner of a car with any type of “adjustable” tint?

If the owner “corrected” the problem prior to instrumental inspection, for example by lowering a pair of tinted windows, no punishment will follow, although it is likely that inspectors will interpret the rules in their own way and force the owner to raise the tinted windows to check light transmission. However, from the point of view of common sense, this is wrong, because double windows solve the main problem of tinting: they allow you to quickly “untone” the car when visibility deteriorates.

Quick-removable tinting will also save you from a fine if the owner dismantled it before measuring light transmission with a taumeter. In any case, removing the tint will save you from removing license plates.

Is there quick-release tint?

Yes, there is: for example, the film in photographs is held on glass without an adhesive layer due to molecular attraction. When dismantling, it peels off easily and leaves no traces. To install, you need to moisten the film and glass, align their edges and smooth the film with a special scraper or a suitable object (for more details, see the video above). The film is not afraid of creasing, and upon subsequent application it takes the form of glass. According to the installers, it allows for repeated dismantling and installation.

The manufacturer positions it as protective curtains, which are supposed to be used in parking lots, so the film does not have the “special effects” of real tinting, for example, it does not improve image contrast and does not fight glare. The copy of the film shown to us had a blue tint, distorting the real color palette. There is a choice of film with light transmission of 5% and 15%. The price of such a film for a pair of side windows is 2,700 rubles. However, craftsmen do not recommend gluing it to the windshield: self installation may be too tedious.

There are other types of removable tinting, made of a tougher film that is attached to the glass, including the windshield, supposedly in a few seconds. The experts we interviewed said that in any case, when installing/dismantling the film multiple times, it will be applied with bubbles, so it is advisable to wet the glass before installation and then smooth it out.

Are there chameleon glasses?

Vario Plus glasses from the American company AGP change light transmission under the influence of electric current. Thus, Vario Plus Sky glass provides a range of changes in light transmission from 1 to 50%, the lighter Vario Plus Polar - from 10 to 75%. However, even the lightest Vario Plus film, when applied to clean glass with a light transmittance of 84-85%, will not meet the requirements of the regulations, which makes it pointless. But the main problem with such glasses is the price: they are made using complex technology for a specific car, so a set of two side windows will cost from 7,500 USD. e.

Under what weather conditions is it permissible to check the light transmission of glass?

Depends on the type of device: all information is contained in the instructions. For example, the “Blik” and “Tonic” taumeters operate at air temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius, but the more modern “Svet” has a range of -40...+40 degrees, thus can be used year-round. The error of the devices is within 2% (indicated in the instructions).

How to ensure the most accurate light transmittance measurement?

The glass should be clean and dry - it is in your best interest to wipe it down. Before taking a measurement, the inspector must calibrate the instrument: this is done by aligning the light source and photodetector directly or through a calibration glass. In this case, a value corresponding to the instructions should appear on the indicator (for example, for the “Tonic” device it is equal to 100% ± 0.2%). The measurement result also depends on the alignment of the illuminator and the photodetector, therefore, in a borderline situation, the inspector must shift them relative to each other several times and select the maximum from the obtained values.

How difficult is it to remove tint yourself?

In theory it’s not difficult: we pry the film by the edge with a sharp object and tear it off. However, the cheaper the tint and the longer it has been on the car, the more problematic it can be to remove. The film can tear into narrow strips, delaminate and leave traces of glue on the glass, to which dirt quickly sticks. There is also a risk of scratching the glass with improvised objects that you use to try to scrape off the film.

How do car repair shops remove tint?

Actually the same, but using simple special tools: for example, scrapers with steel blades. In some cases, the film is heated with a hairdryer, and a special solution and scraper are used to remove residual adhesive. Often, glass seals are removed before work. The procedure takes from 15 minutes for a good film to more than an hour if it breaks into shreds.

From the point of view of the attitude of drivers and inspectors, none - these GOSTs are intended for glass manufacturers, and for us the primary document is the technical regulation “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.

Thus, it is a common misconception that an inspector can check light transmission only at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius and a certain humidity (requirements of GOST 27902-88). “When measuring light transmittance, the traffic police inspector must comply with the requirements of the instructions for the device, including the temperature ranges of measurements. In any case, based on judicial practice, it is pointless to appeal to the non-compliance of weather conditions with any requirements: based on experience with breathalyzers, the courts do not take this into account,” says practicing auto lawyer Lev Voropaev.

Will the punishment be lighter if the tint is removed on site?

In this case, the license plates will not be removed, but a fine of 500 rubles will be issued in any case, since Article 12.5 Part 3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses punishes for “driving a vehicle with glass installed (including those covered with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not correspond to requirements of technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles." The only way to avoid it is to remove the tint before measuring the degree of light transmission, which is possible with a quick-release film (see below).

What should I do if my rooms have been rented?

The vehicle may be used during the day. If during this time the malfunction is eliminated, the numbers can be obtained back from the traffic police department that made the seizure (Appendix 6 to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 187 of March 19, 2004). We emphasize that when stopping on a suburban highway, these may be units that belong not to the regional center, but to a small locality nearby. If the driver does not meet the deadline within 24 hours, operation of the car is prohibited, and if stopped by an inspector, the driver faces a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 1–3 months (Article 12.2, Part 2 of the Administrative Code).

Does the traffic police inspector have the right to check the light transmission of glass? Can he perform the procedure outside of stationary posts?

“Yes, it does. Several years ago, the “Administrative Regulations” prescribed this possibility for traffic police officers, but the technical supervision inspector can only carry out inspections at stationary posts.”

“You don’t even have to delve into the nuances of regulatory documents, because in practice, traffic police inspectors check the degree of light transmission everywhere, and the courts agree with this, so I would not give motorists hope that this practice can actually be challenged, although there have been attempts.”

What will the inspector do if the number is firmly attached, for example, using rivets?

“According to paragraph 144 of the Administrative Regulations, “The person against whom this measure has been applied to ensure proceedings in an administrative offense case is asked to remove state registration plates, and in case of refusal, the removal is ensured by the employee.”

According to GOST R 50577-93 (and technical regulations - Author's note) bolts or screws are used to secure the number. The use of frames is allowed. Another way to attach a number is a violation of the requirements of clause 7.15 of the “Basic Provisions for Admission”, and, as a result, a fine of 500 rubles. according to Part 1 of Art. 12.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

Since such a “malfunction” clearly did not occur on the way, clause 2. 3.1 of the traffic rules does not apply and moving to the parking or repair site is only allowed on a tow truck. For each attempt to start driving with the license plates tightly screwed on, the inspector has the right to impose a new fine.

Alternatively, you can tear off the “meat” numbers and give them to the inspector.

And thirdly, with the right approach, the inspector will say that the driver is obliged to know and comply with the requirements of the “Basic Provisions for Admission”, which follows from the text of the traffic rules, therefore, there was a deliberate screwing of the number in such a way that it could not be removed. And in combination with the deliberate offense of “tinting” and video footage filmed on the spot, where the driver behaves impudently and mocks the inspector who is trying to remove the license plates, there is obstruction of the activities of law enforcement agencies. And if the case is sent to court under Part 1 of Art. 19.3 of the Administrative Code, I cannot guarantee that the driver will spend the next 15 days free.”

Technical issues

What light transmission do ordinary glasses have?

We used the "Light" device. Clean untinted glass of a new foreign car gave a result of 84%, athermal glass - 74%. Thus, installing even a film with a light transmission of 80% will make the glass “illegal”.

Can a traffic police inspector determine the presence of tint “by eye”?

A visual inspection can only be a reason to stop, but light transmission must be measured by one of the devices (taumeters) used by the traffic police - “Blik”, “Tonic” or “Light”, ISS-1, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

The car itself is valuable in itself, already when it comes off the assembly line. This is how designers see it, this is how designers see it, and this is how consumers buy it. A new car cannot fail to comply with any norms and standards; it contains everything that is needed for normal and comfortable operation. In its price category, of course.

Car tinting - prerequisites and reasons

Many people are not satisfied with the level of comfort in cars, especially from previous years, and then tuning begins. Amateur tuning does not always bring decent results. Both from an aesthetics and safety point of view. That is why the authorities began to fight against the tinting of car windows - the public simply did not know the limits, and tinted cars until the light transmittance of the windows was completely lost. In some regions you can still find remnants of such military tuning, when they managed to tint even a quarter of the windshield.

How car owners motivated their craving for privacy is quite simple to understand:

  • It's very beautiful. It is a controversial statement to whom the mare is the bride. Rather, it’s not so much beautiful, but status-bearing. If they hide something, it means there is something to hide. This is exactly how they motivated the dull tint on fives and kopecks. The car has hardly become more beautiful than it was. He became more mysterious. Talk about how tinting made it unique is simply ridiculous, because cars without tinting were less common.

Video about alternative window tinting

  • Reliable protection. No matter how expensive the film, it will always remain a plastic film that smells unpleasant when it heats up, scratches and cracks in the cold, and claims that the film protected the instruments and interior panels from fading do not stand up to criticism.
  • The film increases safety several times. Complete nonsense. If we talk about glare from oncoming traffic, then the film created additional glare even in good condition, and if the film was stale, then when light hit it it became almost opaque. Film sellers actively discussed the issue that when glass breaks, it simply crumbles and mortally injures passengers, while the film holds the fragments together. Let them tell the owners of the Cossacks about this.

Perhaps these are all the main motives that justified the installation of tinting on car windows. Good or bad, but in the end, the traffic police closed this shop, leaving it for rear windows a certain light transmission threshold, but with such darkness it was pointless to tint the car.

Not always a reasonable alternative

The double glazing method is a strange and unreliable tinting method.

Then the question arose about alternative methods of glass tinting. It came to absolutely absurd decisions, but the most amazing thing is that there were people who went to these methods in order to maintain the confidentiality of their eight or five. The double glass method showed itself very clearly. It was expensive, unreliable, ineffective, and smelt of a complete lack of logic, and even symptoms of some kind of pathology. The essence of the method was as follows: the car door was completely unpacked, and another glass exactly the same as the standard one, only tinted, was installed in it.

An additional window regulator, additional wiring and buttons were installed. The result was amazing - the owner is driving a heavily tinted car, and in front of the traffic police post, he deftly lowers the second, tinted window, passes the post, and then proceeds with full tinting on his secret business. The impracticality of this method did not even lie in the discrepancy between the work done and the costs and the result, but in the fact that the door became 10 kg heavier with all the ensuing consequences - broken hinges, locks, and other amenities.

Alternative to tinting

He who seeks will always find, and sometimes even more than he was looking for. Some time ago, car curtains became very popular. They rolled up very quickly, deployed quickly, had a huge range of shading fabrics, and were a practical and cost-effective alternative solution for shading/shading the interior. There was only one drawback - the bulky structure was not hidden anywhere and had to either hang near the top edge of the glass all the time, or be constantly dismantled, which introduced certain inconveniences.

As a way out, the German company Laitovo from Hamburg began to offer a seemingly simple alternative to tinting. Its essence was that protective screens made of light-transmitting fabric were installed on car windows, with the exception of the windshield. The fabric can be any color - from dark to light. It is stretched onto a metal frame made of elastic wire.

The frame is attached with special clamps to the car skin without any intervention in the structure. The screen can be easily installed and removed with your own hands, and can be equipped with a sliding curtain to completely isolate the interior from prying eyes. The curtain is attached to the main screen with strong neodymium magnets, and can be installed and removed easily and simply.

The screen itself does not cause any complaints from the traffic police, since it meets all standards, and the screens for the front windows can have cutouts for mirrors or for smoking, at the request of the buyer. The structure of the fine-mesh fabric is such that it does not reduce visibility, but prevents the penetration of sunlight that is reflected from the screen without heating it or the interior.

The cost of such tinting is quite low, and the company’s methods of attracting customers are worthy of respect. They don’t say a word about their superiority in the market, their entire slogan is an alternative to tinting 440044. The atmosphere of mystery is supported by a club system of discounts and a method of attracting dealers. Well, an alternative is always good, especially one that brings comfort.

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