25 thousand from mat capital. Monthly payments from maternity capital. Amount of lump sum payment from maternity capital: Latest news

One-time cash payments from maternity capital, which exceptionally took place in 2015 and 2016, helped many Russian families. Nothing like this happened in 2017, but this does not mean that the payment practice cannot be repeated in 2018. Will there be one-time payments from maternity capital in 2018 of 25,000 rubles or some other amount, is it possible to somehow cash out maternity capital in 2018.

Is it possible to cash out maternity capital in principle?

The rules of the maternity capital program do not provide for the payment of maternity capital funds (and in 2018 this is 453,026 rubles) in cash to the child’s parents. The essence of the program is not for the family to simply eat up this money, but for the children or their mother to have something more significant for the future from maternal capital. Best conditions accommodation, high-quality paid education or an increased pension for the mother (which is beneficial for the children themselves - they will have less to help their old mother in the future), etc.

The practice of 2015-2016 was indeed an exception to this rule. Let us recall that in 2015 families could withdraw 20,000 rubles from maternity capital funds, and in 2016 - 25,000 rubles in cash. Provided that the remaining capital was equal to or greater than this amount. If the balance was smaller, you could simply take it and say goodbye to the maternity capital as such.

This money was not given automatically; those wishing to receive these payments had to write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, after which the payment was issued.

Those payments were a way to support families in the difficult economic situation in which the country found itself in 2013-2014. Quite difficult times have come for Russians; it has been especially difficult for pensioners and families with small children. Payments of 20-25 thousand rubles then helped families at least slightly pay off possible debts, prepare children for school, etc. It’s clear that you can’t go wild with such sums, but still.

In 2017, there was no such payment, including because the situation in the economy became more prosperous, and at least inflation slowed down, which means that prices for food and non-food products did not rise so actively. In addition, the state has prepared some surprises for maternity capital holders on the eve of the new year, 2018.

Monthly payments from maternity capital funds for new certificate recipients since 2018

In 2018, a rather unprecedented event occurred - maternity capital was allowed to be cashed out quite officially, withdrawing small amounts from it (on average about 10 thousand rubles) every month. True, not all holders of a maternity capital certificate can do this.

In order to take advantage of this option, the family must meet two main requirements:

  • the second child must be born after January 1, 2018,
  • Each family member, including this child, should have an income of no more than 1.5 units living wage for the region in which the family lives.

As for the second point, you need to focus on the cost of living for an able-bodied resident of your region, and for the second quarter of the previous year.

What does this income limit mean in practice? The cost of living varies in different regions, but on average in Russia in the second quarter of 2017, this value for an able-bodied resident was 11,163 rubles. One and a half of these values ​​is 16,744 rubles. Considering that when calculating a family's right to monthly cash payments, children, including a newly born child, are taken from maternity capital funds, it turns out that parents should earn on average no more than 66,976 rubles per month for two. Then they will be entitled to payments. The amount of this payment is the cost of living per child in your region for the same second quarter of the previous year. In 2018, this is 10,160 rubles on average across the country. Somewhere less, and somewhere more.

67 thousand rubles for two - not all Russians earn that much, especially officially, so the new payment will be affordable for many families in the country.

A certain injustice that is outraged by those whose second child was born before 2018 and who do not know what to do with a certificate for maternity capital is precisely the restriction that the new measure applies only to parents of children born today. There is nothing you can do about it - the measure was introduced as a way to encourage families to have new children, and those who had children a little earlier were left out of the program.

Will there be a one-time payment from maternity capital funds in 2018 for those who are not included in the new program?

Of course, such a decision would be relatively fair. If people cannot receive monthly payments from maternity capital in cash just because their second child was born before 2018 (this is especially offensive for those whose children were born in the last weeks and even days of 2017), then they could be given at least a one-time payment payment, preferably more than 25,000 rubles, 2016 model.

However, for now we can only guess about the likelihood of such a payment.

As always happens in Russia, the authorities do not particularly consult with the people about their decisions, especially publicly. The maximum that the Kremlin and the government can rely on is closed opinion polls. What public discussion of government decisions is, in Russia, if they once knew it, they have completely forgotten it. Decisions come down as a fait accompli; only those who participate in their development know about them in advance.

Thus, you can wait for anything, but it’s better not to rely on one-time payments, especially not to plan such an income in 2018. If the payment happens, the more pleasant you will always find something to spend it on.

One-time payments from maternity capital have been practiced in Russia over the past couple of years and have become a real salvation for many families in the difficult times that all of us are experiencing due to the economic crisis. Of course, many holders of a maternity capital certificate are concerned about the question of whether there will be a one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 - let’s find out what the latest news is on this matter and whether there is any at all.

What is a lump sum payment from maternity capital?

Let us remind you what lump sum payments from maternity capital are.

The fact is that according to the law on maternity capital, it cannot be obtained in money. That relatively large amount - 453,026 rubles - which is equal to maternity capital today, initially lies somewhere in state accounts, and parents who have a second child have the right only to a certificate that allows them to manage this amount of money strictly stipulated in the law goals:

  • improvement of living conditions,
  • funded pension of the mother of the child,
  • education for children,
  • purchasing special goods for a disabled child’s adaptation to society.

In practice, it turns out that parents either choose to expand their housing and use the capital as a mortgage contribution, or the certificate lies as a dead weight “just in case.” For those who did not manage their maternity capital funds, the state allowed them to withdraw a small amount in cash in 2015 and 2016.

The one-time payment from maternity capital in 2015 amounted to 20 thousand rubles, in 2016 – 25 thousand rubles.

Money was not automatically given to everyone who had a sufficient balance on the certificate; in order to receive a one-time payment from maternity capital, they had to write an application.

Will there be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017: latest news

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to answer the question whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 and what its amount will be if the payment does take place.

According to the practice of how this happened in previous years, lump sum payments are always an exceptional and one-time thing. It was produced based on the real possibilities of the budget in at the moment, as well as out of a certain necessity that officials from the social block of the government still needed to defend before the supreme power.

Two things speak in favor of the fact that there will still be one-time payments from maternity capital in 2017. Firstly, the price of oil on world markets, and secondly, political expediency.

Russia's budget for 2017 is set at an oil price of $40 per barrel. As you know, in practice, throughout the first half of the year the price remains stable at about $50 per barrel, and at the beginning of the year the price was even higher. Thus, the budget receives unplanned surpluses, which the government can use, among other things, to implement additional social programs.

It is also important for the authorities to remember their own rating on the eve of important elections. Thus, in the fall of 2017, many regions Russian Federation Governors will be elected, and in March 2018 the most important elections for the current political regime will take place - presidential elections. There is obviously an increase in discontent in the country, protest rallies are taking place in an increasing number of cities, and it is important for the authorities to specifically extinguish discontent where it could potentially ripen. The category of young parents who do not know what to feed their children is a very important electorate in this sense.

As for what the specific amount will be if there is a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, then one can only guess about this for now. There is a tendency for the amount to increase year by year, but you probably shouldn’t count on those 50 thousand rubles that are rumored and about which many people dream. The amount of 25-30 thousand rubles looks more realistic.

We will follow this topic, and as soon as anything becomes known about whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017, we will immediately report all the latest news on this matter.

The one-time payment from maternity capital, which was made last year, as well as a year earlier, in 2015, became a good help to many families and helped them with solving at least part of their material problems. Taking into account the fact that even the state recognizes the fact that there is a problem when holders of a certificate for maternal capital do not always know what to do with it, one can understand those families who are waiting to see whether such a payment will be made in 2017. When it will be possible to withdraw 25,000 rubles from maternity capital in 2017, is there a chance that the lump sum payment will be even larger?

When will it be possible to withdraw 25,000 rubles from maternity capital in 2017?

Initially, the maternity capital program does not imply the possibility of withdrawing money in cash. The state provides a certificate for a certain amount (in the last couple of years the amount has been frozen and amounts to 453,026 rubles), and this amount can only be spent on those purposes that are clearly stated in the law. However, in most cases, this can only be done when the second or third child (depending on which child the certificate was received for) turns three years old. An exception is the use of maternal capital for a mortgage and the purchase of funds for the adaptation of a disabled child.

The ban on cashing out maternity capital is due to the fact that the program is conceived as a long-term investment in the future of the child and mother, and not as a solution to momentary problems and the banal “eating” of these funds.

However, investments are investments, but you really want to eat every day, especially now, when an economic crisis has reigned in the country, and in terms of living standards we have rolled back several years. Taking into account the situation of families who, after the fall in living standards in 2014, sometimes barely make ends meet, the state took an unprecedented step in 2015 and allowed those who had this or a larger amount to withdraw 20 thousand rubles from maternity capital funds. Those who had a balance of less than 20 thousand were allowed to withdraw the entire balance.

This exceptional measure was repeated a year later - in 2016, when families were allowed to withdraw more than 25,000 rubles. In both cases, in order to take advantage of this payment, holders of a certificate for maternal capital had to submit an application to the Pension Fund of Russia. It is he who manages the funds of maternity capital.

Of course, based on the experience of past years, many families are already interested in when it will be possible to withdraw 25,000 rubles from maternity capital in 2017. And some are even confident that the amount of the lump sum payment will be increased and will amount to 50,000 rubles.

Is there any news

In fact, on present moment It is not clear whether there will be a lump sum payment from maternity capital in 2017 at all. In the previous two years, this payment was made as an exception, and it is not a fact that the practice has become the rule. Of course, such payments help families solve at least part of their problems, and this is good, but in the social sector, governments remember the original meaning of the maternity capital program and are even opposed to the adoption of a law on the purchase of a car using maternity capital funds, since this is not what is for what he intended.

Another problem may be a simple lack of money. Yes, budget revenues in 2017 exceed the plan due to relatively high cost barrels of oil in the world. If you budget for $40 per barrel on average for the year, the actual price rarely drops below $50. But, in addition to one-time payments from maternity capital, the government has a headache about other things - such as indexing pensions for working pensioners. which Prime Minister Medvedev promised them.

Political expediency speaks in favor of the fact that it will still be possible to withdraw 25,000 rubles from maternity capital in 2017. If the Kremlin’s political strategists decide that young families are the electorate that is important to them on the eve of the important election cycle of 2017-2018, money will definitely be found.

Thus, at the moment, nothing can be said for sure; we can only wait for news from the government. According to the practice of previous years, if they follow, it will happen closer to autumn. However, we do not advise families to plan their budget based on what the payment will be. It's better if it becomes a pleasant surprise.

As of the first half of 2019, the government continued the program of payments from maternity capital. At the beginning of 2018, funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles were already paid; re-issuance began on July 1 and will last until October 30. Moreover, this time the amount of cash benefits from maternity capital will already be 25,000 rubles.

But not all parents have the right to take advantage of the benefit; this applies only to those who have had a second and subsequent child. The same amendment applies to adoptive parents. Those who have fully used the money from the maternity capital specified in the personal certificate cannot apply for payment.

Repeated payment is issued in accordance with the rules:

  1. The parent must come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and leave an application as an applicant to receive cash. If there are just 25,000 rubles left on the certificate account, by law the account is reset to zero in record time.
  2. Repeated payments are provided to Russian citizens who are registered and live on the territory of the Russian Federation. This government decision is explained by the targeted nature of the financial assistance.

Repeated payment from maternity capital solves the following important problems:

  1. By improving the financial condition of the family, it ensures stability and protects those citizens who have become parents of 2 or more children, despite the sharp fluctuations in the Russian economy.
  2. The aid is designed as a lever to regulate the number of poor families living on the edge of poverty, helps cope with the depreciation of the national currency and reduces unemployment rates at the state level.

Latest news on payments from maternity capital

It was not so easy for officials to decide to support the population in conditions of the economic crisis and pressure from Europe by introducing new sanctions. However, the Russian government is trying not to forget about vulnerable categories and those in need, for whom it has become even more difficult to get out of the situation and continue to live at a decent level.

Repeated payment from maternity capital was very difficult for legislators in 2018; disputes over the implementation of the program are still raging:

  1. On March 1, 2019, an anti-crisis plan was signed, valid throughout 2016. Its first sections provide recommendations on who will be the first to receive cash from maternity capital - officials came to a compromise and gave priority to low-income families, who in 2016 are barely making ends meet.
  2. At the end of March 2019, it was announced that a repeat payment to families was expected, and its size would be increased compared to the previous tranche. Preliminary meetings regarding a one-time payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles and 5,000 rubles issued monthly for 1 year, previously offered for those who provide strong evidence for receiving assistance, were put aside.
  3. By April 19, it was precisely determined what format maternity capital benefits would take in 2019. 25,000 rubles will be given to all families eligible under the law, regardless of the income of each family member.
  4. In April, the bill went through numerous review sessions and was eventually submitted to the Duma for a vote. On May 3, this fact was published on the official website.
  5. At the beginning of June, the law was approved by State Duma deputies, making 2 amendments; later it was agreed upon with the upper house of parliament and went to the president for signing. According to the amendments, the bill begins to take effect after official publication, as soon as the decisive signature of the President of Russia appears. The exact time frame within which the Pension Fund will complete preparatory work before implementing the program in real life, have not yet been named.

Repeated payment: how and in what format you can receive it

In 2019, whoever quickly realized the possibility of receiving money from maternity capital will take their 25,000 rubles. The deadline for submitting an application in 2019 has been reduced to the maximum:

  • Pension Fund employees began accepting applications to receive money from the state on July 1;
  • repeated payment may be scheduled until November 30 of the current year.

Employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population have calculated how many Russian citizens can receive repeated payments from maternity capital in 2019 - no less than 3 million families. However, despite the simple conditions for processing documents, according to official statistics, only 70% applied for cash last year, which is 2 million families, which is equal to the total number of applications accepted in 2019.

Procedure for issuing re-payments in 2019

In 2019, it is planned to simultaneously submit an application for a maternity capital certificate and draw up an application for a lump sum payment.

  1. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation determines how justified the application for obtaining a certificate from the state is.
  2. In record time, a decision is made whether to pay 25,000 rubles or not.

If the certificate has already been issued to the family, discussion and re-payment in 2019 are carried out within 1 month after submitting all the necessary documents:

  1. Parents of 2 children submit a written application to the Pension Fund branch at their place of residence or to the MFC.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the format of submitting your application, you can use the remote option. For example, send a letter by mail, just be sure to pay for a registered letter in order to be sure that the courier will deliver the envelope to the right employee, who will sign in the journal that the application has been received. You can also send an application to the Pension Fund's email account or the State Services online service, but in this case you will need to supplement the application with an electronic signature.

How it was in 2018

The anti-crisis program initially saw the world in 2015. As in 2018, the goal pursued by the government was to improve the well-being of families raising two or more children. You could also receive 20,000 rubles in cash or withdrawn from a bank card.

Families in respect of which several important conditions are met can apply for payment from maternity capital:

  1. Parents are raising 2 small, minor children at once.
  2. Design state aid and it was allowed to receive it until January 1, 2018.
  3. Adults, like children, must be registered in the country and be citizens of Russia.
  4. If before this time the family has chosen the entire amount indicated in the maternity capital certificate, it can no longer apply for additional benefits.

Reviewing the program, officials made some clarifications:

  • in accordance with the order of the Russian government, in order to receive money, it is not necessary to wait until the second child turns 3 years old;
  • if in 2018 there is an amount on the certificate balance that is less than 20,000 rubles, it can be transferred to a bank account as a balance;
  • money is not issued if all maternity capital has already been spent.

How did you receive payment at the beginning of 2019?

The procedure for drawing up and submitting an application for the allocation of money from the state budget has not changed significantly. Parents were asked to come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund and write a statement by hand; a sample was provided by government employees. Of course, one application is not enough; the right to money had to be supported by the appropriate package of documents:

  • passport confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate giving the right to receive maternity capital if there are 2 or more children in the family;
  • a certificate indicating the details and information about a bank account previously opened an individual in one of the banking institutions.

Please pay attention to filling out a certificate with account details; in some financial institutions this service costs money by default. But still, in most cases, it costs nothing, but the form that bank employees offer is very different from the format for drawing up paper for the Pension Fund.

To avoid having to turn to bank employees for help again, discuss in advance what details must be indicated on the reporting form:

  • full name of the bank where the bank account is opened;
  • legal address, location of the organization;
  • finally, the personal account itself.

It is not permitted to use an open account at any time; an account for the transfer of maternity capital in 2019 is opened separately and serves only for this purpose. After transferring funds to your account, you can use the money as you wish - leave it on the card for a while or withdraw it completely. There is also the option of cashing directly at a bank branch.

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